#jst full of anger and stress
highoncatfood · 3 months
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@pixelatedraindrops hiii im late but happy bday pixel!!! now i know u dont like him much but.. figured maybe ud enjoy seeing him suffer... lol
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kpopisking · 5 years
NGT48's Maho Yamaguchi assaulted by two men:
 Translation of all Tweets from Maho and transcripts of live broadcast. PLEASE SPREAD for international coverage.
Maho Yamaguchi apologizing at the third anniversary event of NGT48, Jan. 10. 2019
Scroll down for updates! (Last updated Jan 11th, 2:40am JST)
NGT48 just finished their third anniversary event a few hours ago. Maho was forced to perform on stage as if nothing ever happened, then apologized for "causing trouble and confusing for everyone"... Please look at how worn out she is and the bags under her eyes. She has lost 4 kilograms in two weeks due to stress.
Please help this story get international coverage. Don't let AKS and the NGT management get away with this... They are a powerful company with major influence and they are trying to cover everything up in Japan with lightening speed while releasing no statements whatsoever. I tried to send this to CNN, but I'm not sure if I was able to submit it correctly.
Below is a detailed outline of how the entire story unfolded, and a direct translation of everything that Maho has put out on her social media accounts (although some have already been deleted on her account). I translated everything myself over the last few hours, I'm sorry if there are mistakes but I am pretty sure everything has been translated accurately.
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Maho Yamaguchi is a 23-year-old woman in Japan who is working as an idol. She was assaulted at the doorstep of her own dorm room by two men who claimed to be fans, but this news did not come to light until Maho took it upon herself to share her story in protest on Twitter and on a live broadcast application called SHOWROOM, in which she confessed that her assault was planned by some of her own teammates, and that her agency who once promised to take action on this matter has now betrayed her, as after a month of waiting they have decided to conclude the matter by telling her that she is being paranoid.
Maho is part of the group NGT48 which is a sister group of AKB48, the biggest idol group in the world and one of the top-selling groups in Japan. I know CNN has picked up AKB48 in the past for their music videos in which they were accused of exploiting young women by making them dance and pose in their underwear.
First, she started a live broadcast on her SHOWROOM account on the night of January 8th. The broadcast was forcefully interrupted before it reached 4 minutes. Here is a translation of the transcript of the broadcast.:
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Written Transcript in Japanese (Twitter)
Video clips from the actual broadcast in 2 parts:
Part 1 (Twitter)
Part 2 (Twitter)
"I've been trying to send Mobame (mobile mail service to the fans) ... but it's not going through since my account has been stopped.
I wish I could confess the truth and everything that happened, because nothing will get solved if I don't tell the truth, and people may go through the same thing that I went through, but I've waited for an entire month, and they haven't done anything to solve the problem...
Even though Mr. Imamura (the manager of the group) told me that he would "Make NGT a clean group"... that "NGT will become a completely new group"... that he would "fire those who are behind all the bad things happening"... he hasn't done any of these things...
Since all of the members' personal information has been leaked, I can't stand the possibility of myself or my team members who have been so honest and hardworking go through the same horrifying experience that I went through..
Fortunately I was lucky enough to get out of it alive, but if I had been killed, what would they have done? Then there would be no going back... everything would be too late...
I don't understand why things that are not allowed in other groups are allowed in NGT... I don't feel alive anymore...
Even in the recent Aikabu elections (elections in which idols receive votes from fans and compete for a higher stock value...), I was having so much fun trying our best with everyone in Team G, ever since I got assigned to Team G it's been so fun everyday, I've been so full of energy, laughing with everyone, I was so happy just to be with everyone... But now... I don't understand why things are turning out to be this way...
Is it bad to be hardworking and serious? Is it righteous to be dating? (Referring to the group's no-dating policy)
I don't understand such nonsense. I don't get it anymore.
I don't understand why the one who has been taking the job seriously all along has to go through such a thing. Is it because I have been too serious? Why do I have to go through such a fearful experience?
I really wanted to say it out loud, but because they said they would take care of the matter, I waited this whole month even through I was scared. But in the end they didn't do anything. The wrongdoers are still at large.
...I just don't understand.
What would they do if something happened to someone and there was no turning back? I really want to tell the truth but it would cause trouble to the people who are taking care of me... but I can't anymore..."
Then she posted the following account of the incident on Twitter. Some of Maho's posts have since been deleted, but here is a direct translation of what she posted on Twitter on January 9th in order.
"I wish everything was a lie but it isn't. I called a member I could trust for help when I was assaulted. She stayed with me and listened to the assaulter's testimony until the police came, and the staff were there as well. She couldn't help but cry hearing the names of the members coming out of the assaulter's mouth. I can't stand this current situation where those who are taking their jobs so seriously are not able to work without worrying in a safe environment."
"The police has already been informed. It is true that some of the members from my group were involved in this case. The assaulters were arrested for assault and battery, but they have already been released."
“You can choose not to believe me if you want. The reason why this is not out in the press is because I asked for the fact that I am an idol, a member of NGT to be hidden. The fans are full of kind people, and I didn’t want the public to think badly of them just because of a few bad people, and despite the fact that I am a victim, I didn’t think that this would not end up giving the group a negative image. So I asked my for identity to be announced as a 23 year old freelancer.“
“I’m so sorry. Everyone. It was not in my intention to destroy everyone’s dreams. But if I don’t speak up, nothing is going to change. I don’t want the other members to go through what I’ve gone through. Because these things must be prevented before they happen. I’m so sorry. I had no choice but to say it. I’m sorry. I wish I could go back to a month ago where I was just a normal idol.”
“I wish I didn’t have to say such a thing. I don’t want to cause trouble To the people who are looking after me. I don’t want you all to hate NGT so I stayed silent for the past month even though it was so hard for me. I even told the press not to release the information that I was a member of NGT. All because this group was so important to me. And because I believed that everything will be taken care of, and that those responsible would be punished accordingly.”
"But now a month has passed after entrusting this case with the agency, trying to protect the group. It was decided that nothing would be done. Mr. Imamura (manager) heard everything there is to hear about the members from the police and promised to punish them, and yet, here he is now, trying to pretend nothing ever happened by telling me that I am being paranoid. An incident like this happened and I stayed silent for the group just to be betrayed."
“I don’t want you to hate NGT. There a lot of girls who take their jobs very seriously and are working hard. But I can’t stand to see them go through the same thing that I went through. I don't want those who are important to me to feel the same agony that I am feeling. Even though I would be just fine to be the only one crying, I can't stand seeing everyone else cry out of fear and anger. So I am going to tell the truth."
"I was assaulted at the end of last month by two men. One member from my group informed the assaulter the time that I would be coming home after the showcase, another had given the assaulter the location of my house and my room, and another member was guilty of instigating the assaulter to go to my house. Must those who choose not to connect with their fans privately have their personal information exposed to the public and be assaulted?"
“Is it my fault for not dating and falling in love, and for taking my job as an idol seriously? Is it my fault for not agreeing to connect privately with the fans? Why is it that abiding by the rules in this group results in someone going through such a horrifying experience, why is it that those who take the job seriously and work hard are not protected in this group, is it the person who is betraying so many fans by connecting with a selected few privately that is righteous? I don’t understand how this can be forgiven.”
“I never missed a hand shaking event, even when I was not feeling well. Because there are fans who look forward to the event. Because there are people I won’t be able to see the next time. Because I don’t take the fans coming to see me for granted. This was a policy that I chose to stick to, one that I promised to keep forever. But they made me break it… I’m scared that the bond that we’ve managed to build together is going to break as well…”
“Even though such an incident has taken place, they’ll make me ‘take a break’, then conceal everything as if nothing ever happened… Maybe Mr. Imamura (manager) doesn’t understand the fear of being assaulted because he’s a man, I can’t even go outside by myself anymore because I’m too scared. Even if I move house, my parents’ home address and phone number has already been leaked, where can I find a place to escape to…”
Then Maho tweeted the following account of the incident as a screenshot.:
"I always take great care to be very cautious, so every time I enter my house and my room, I always pay close attention to my surrounding to make sure I am safe. As usual on that day, I made sure that there was no sign of anyone in the hallway, entered my room and quickly tried to close my door. Then a hand appeared out of nowhere and tried to force the door open. The hand grabbed my face and tried to push me down. I fought frantically to force him out. Because I thought he would kill me if I lost, so I fought with all my might so that I wouldn't die, and I was almost about to suceed in forcing him out. Then another man appeared from the room right across mine. It was the room that one of my members were living in. The second man took over the first man and proceeded to grab my face, and tried to push me down the same way. I tried to scream for help, but my voice wouldn't come out because of fear. After a minute of trying I was finally able to scream ‘Help me help me!’ The man out his hands over my mouth. I thought they were going to lock me inside the house and kill me. Then the elevator rang, and as the man got distracted for a moment, I jumped out the door into the hallway because I thought if they proceeded to enter my house they would lock me inside and do something to me. But my feet wouldn't move and I couldn't escape. I tried to call the police but they took my cellphone."
After this news got out to the public, the management kept their silence for an entire day. Today was the third anniversary of NGT48, and the members held an anniversary showcase to celebrate. Surprisingly, the show started like it usually does with no formal announcements touching on the subject whatsoever, almost as if nothing had ever happened.
Maho Yamaguchi, bowing her head in apology in front of an audience at the NGT48 3rd anniversary event, Jan 10, 2019.
One member even shouted during the show, “Thanks to your support, we were finally able to celebrate our third anniversary show with no problems! Please continue supporting us!"
At the beginning, two of the members were missing from the show; Maho and her closest friend in the group. Then suddenly at the 6th song, Maho appeared and sang a duet with the team leader. After performing the song, Maho and the team leader remained on stage. Maho slowly started talking, although visibly shaken and having lost a considerable amount of weight from stress. Here is a translated transcript of what she said.:
"I am very sorry for confusing everyone with what happened. (Bows) As I told you previously, I chose to present the matter in this way because there was something that I wanted to protect, but I feel terribly sorry that it ended up causing trouble for a lot of people that have been looking after me. I was able to talk to the people at AKS (the company managing the Japanese idol groups AKB48 and its sister groups), and as I hope that this becomes an opportunity for NGT48 to head towards a new direction, I will try my best to assists as the vice-captain of Team G. Please continue to support NGT48 (voice shaking)."
A lot of people are shocked at how the incident has turned out, as the management has not stated a word on this topic, but has instead chosen to make Maho who is the victim throughout this entire incident apologize for what she clearly has no reason to apologize for.
There are clear assumptions to the identity of the perpetuators, as Maho has unfollowed four members from her group and deleted previous celebratory posts about them after implying about the incident in early December.
Many fear for Maho's mental health and are afraid that the management company will hide this incident and pretend that they are at no fault. Please help us make this story get international coverage so that we can get justice for Maho.
Thank you very much.
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UPDATES ( Jan 11th, 2:40am, JST)
The management has released a statement saying that a member was indeed involved in this case, as she "accidentally" told a fan what time Maho will be returning to her dorm... What kind of girl tells a stranger who approaches her on the way back home what time her teammate would be returning to her room, knowing the risks? Such a blatant lie.
Now what is strange, is that Maho said that she saw the second man come out of the room right across from hers. That means they were able to get into the building by somehow getting through the auto-lock system at the entrance. Sources are unclear at this point, but according to some fans who claim to be acquainted with the assaulters, the assaulters were actually the boyfriends of the alleged members who have had access to the building for a while. Maho and other members had been complaining to the management to stop letting them invite their boyfriends over, but for some reason, the management have been very easy on them and have not punished them. Maybe because a parent of one of the alleged members is the president of one of the sponsors of NGT. The assaulters got away without getting charged for battery in the end because they did NOT break any rules as they were let into the building by their girlfriends, and were just trying to "scare" Maho because they weren't fond of her telling on them. The management did not want to let the public know that this was being allowed to happen, obviously. They asked Maho to stay quiet and in exchange, promised her that the alleged members would be punished. This did not happen, and Maho got angry, naturally.
A Japanese fan started a Change.org petition to fire the current Theatre Manager, and for the staff to apologise to Maho. Please sign and share. We really can’t let a precedence to be set for this. For people to believe that they can just get away with assaulting a girl and blame her for it. 
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og-nactoma-666 · 3 years
Video Games, My Boyfriend, and my Neighbor
There are times of grief that are noticeable, there are times of pain that are noticeable, there are times that ones younger self and an older, mature, self collides with the other. I for one, am the type that this has happened to.   My best friend, is a broken person. Spouse cheated on them, spouse likes to play with prescriptions, spouse like to mess around with their emotions, play with their head. just manipulation shtuff. head shtitt. I try every day to make their life easier, whether is was just me being a good listener ot telling life similarities or even just being there. so they had company.   But i don't know about that anymore. I was once over there every frucking day. We’d hang and chill and smoke and tell stories and be bff's. They had a best friend already and i am not the replacing type, because on the account of my laziness, i just want to stay home half the time, I just wanna Be a kid, while they're 43 years old, wise and broken, experienced, and damaged, loveable and cold hearted. I don't know if i can be friends with someone like that. I WAS just about to put a very healthy boundary between me and them because they are stressed out and depressed and I am somewhat of an empath, so i jst need days to replenish my mental strength so i can be a better friend, you cant just lay all your problems on a person and then expect them to be perfectly fine. i am never fine, i am always at a constant range between anger and violence and hate to forgiveness and love, and care. 
 But, go figure, I don't know how to say ‘NO’ to someone anymore, No means not at all, no means never again, no mean alot of things that mean nothing, nadda, just No. I cant say no to someone who is lonely, who wants a friend.  But heres where im confused my friend thinks because i haven't been over in a few days, the fact that my BOYFRIEND wants to hang out with me, that he misses me, that im angry or i have a resentment towards her. I do not. My boyfriend and i, We’ve been together for 5 years, we've been at each other's backside for the ENTIRE TIME. AND last month, ish, could've been january, but he expressed to me that he want to play this game with me, expressed that when we are hanging out and I just leave for my friend kind of hurts because we were watching or shows. I can see how just leaving to go chill with someone else can be hurtful, but like i said, backside, for FIVE years... consecutively. So i tell this to my friend and they go on a speel on how my boyfriend doesn't like them and they knew in the beginning that my boyfriend didn't want me hanging out so much and all that. Uhhhh, might i say a few things about MY BOYFRIEND, someone i know everything about. some one who has given themselves to me heart head and soul. as have i. my boyfriend is just me, a part of me that works and makes moolah, and i am a part of him that stays home and chiiillllllls. its a very 100% reciprocated relationship. I love him. and if my “best friend” is gonna stand here and tell me shit that isn't true about my boyfriend then they haven't been listening this entire time. 
The man in my life DOES NOT CARE about where i go or who i hang out with and for how long. HE HAS NEVER BEEN CONTROLLING. CO INDEPENDENCY, we understand that to be truly happy and complete, both of us must be true to ourselves and true in nature while supporting each other to do the same, showing full respect of one another, having appreciation, and love and understanding. paraphrased from the meaning of Co-independency.
I love you T but you're being a dumby, if i have to choose between the love of my life and my friend... you're gonna fall last. 
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