#julius gripping his sword hilt so hard it almost cracks:
zlobonessa · 7 months
i have a concept for regurein reverse au where regulus is a royal knight (thriving; the type of knight from whom julius neded to protect subaru by beating shit out of him; (rightly) considered a class traitor by felt and humiliated by her mercilessly daily) and reinhard is a witch cultist (utterly miserable; ran away from his home and responsibility and family and mixed up with a wrong crowd; mostly just stands there menacingly; lye correctly identifies him as a boiling pan with a lid welded to it and wants to see what happens). it would be really funny To Me and also would involve 1) julius and felix coping and seething 2) reinhard exuding absolutely rancid toxic positivity vibes completely by accident (he is sirius favourite because of it) and 3) heartbreaking: the worst knight of lugunica is simping for the most dangerous man in the witch cult
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