#jumblr really is always such a mistake because you have people who are used to being The Only Jew
mockiatoh · 1 year
ONE LAST POST AND I’M DONE especially because I’m going to be a cunt here, but it’s always so funny seeing people who’ve taken a stance try to act like everyone who disagrees with them is clearly a member of the oppressor class instead of like… a disagreeing member of their own community. Like there’s at least six or seven Jews saying ‘actually this is completely normal’, ‘my rabbi says this’, ‘this phrase is literally in a prayer’, ‘my community doesn’t use that alternative phrase at all’…
And the response is to act like it’s some goyische asshole overstepping. It makes it very clear that you’re used to being able to leverage your Jewish identity in lieu of an actual argument. To which I can only say, perhaps spend more time around Jews offline, idk.
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