#june wasn't beaten up or anything but he was put into a box and forgotten about for the majority of time
maegalkarven · 7 months
June was locked in a vault for a century?? 👀 now you got to give some June lore pls!
Aww yis!
Don't mind if I do!
Technically June is not exactly a cambion, but more of an alu-fiend, because his mother was a deviless and his father - a god. But everyone mentioning that will get murdered, so don't. He can be called cambion, so let's stick to that.
June was born sometime before the 1358 DR, being one of the last bhaalspawn of to be conceived by his father before the Time of Troubles. His mother was a lesser deviless and younger daughter of Mephistopheles Gabriel, who conspired with (in some version tricked by) Bhaal to create a perfect child (a mix-breed of a god and a devil).
It awfully backfired on her when June was born the same way gnolles are born: by tearing though his mother's flesh on his way out. He then ate her entire body.
That event immediately brought Mephistopheles' attention, who came to collect his unexpected grandson. Mephisto was aware of the Bhaal's blood within the child and the dangers it possessed, and so the child was put into a vault to be raised in confinement.
Thus June missed out almost everything; his father's death, the bhaalspawn crisis, etc, etc. He mostly grew up alone, with several servants attending him and rare visits of his grandfather. As he grew up, he was allowed out on some occasions, especially after it was revealed he possessed the keen natural talent in magic. For a while Mephistopheles even trained June himself, before he got bored and moved to another one of his projects.
Bhaal tried to claim him countless amount of times through the years, making June have murder fits and being locked back into the vault and closely monitored.
Due to the fact of living most of his time in a magically sealed vault, he aged slower than as if he lived outside, so by the 1460s DR he looked like a teen while being over a century old.
Somewhere around 1460s June attended the party thrown by Raphael in the House of Hope (he had to beg, bargain and manipulate his way into being allowed to attend it) where he met young Enver Gortash.
Soon after that, somewhere in 1470s DR June had one of his recurring attempts of breaking free from the vault. This time the attempt was successful and landed him somewhere close to Elturel. The key aspect of that attempt being successful was Sceleritas managing to reach him in Hell and helping him escape. June then proceeded to cut his wings off and perform a ritual trying to send his possible pursuers the wrong way. The remaining of the wings were later sold to Helsik.
By the end of 1470s June and Sceleritas reached Baldur's Gate and entered the Temple of Bhaal, thus beginning the reign of the new Chosen.
June agreed to steal a Crown of Karsus mostly out of spite and to prove to himself he isn't afraid to go back to Cania (he was VERY afraid to go back to Cania)
When he entered the HOH to steal the orphic hammer, Mephisto was immediately informed of that and came in uninvited. He allowed June to finish playing around, ordering him to 'fix his messes' and bring the Crown of Karsus and himself back to Mephistar. If he disobeyed, he would be brought back by force.
He is brought back by force after the final battle because he, a fool he is and a prideful one, decided to defy his father and thus was stripped of any essence but the diabolical one, making himself an easy target for his grandfather.
At the end of the game he is dragged back to his vault and in a dire need of a rescue party because he will not sit still for another century as the time passes by, no, thank you.
June's timeline is the only one where Raphael survives because the entire HOH questline just turns into family members pointing fingers at each other. Also because neither June nor Raphael are happy to see Mephisto just appearing out of the thin air in the hall of HOH.
Random facts:
June is one of the very few fiends understanding the majority of Mephistopheles' works and projects. He is one of the most magically-talented descendants the archduke has. It pisses Raphael off immensely.
Pre-amnesia June considered Gortash to be the only mortal worthy of his attention. Post-amnesia June is a little less a prick about that, but still has an undertone of superiority about him.
June is very conscious about his relationship with Mephisto and his place in the hierarchy in Hells (which is inexistent tbh). As a child he craved his grandfather's attention and approval more than anything. He never truly grew out of that.
June acts overly cynical over his mother's death, but secretly feels guilty over killing and eating her. He will never admit that.
As a teen he saw the Blood War from above of Raphael's house and desperately wanted to join the fight. He secretly sympathized with the demons and not the devils.
June is chaotic neutral. He fits very badly into Hells because of that.
Before the events of BG3 the closest to a friend June had was Sceleritas. Yes, tragic, I know. The closest to an equal he had was Gortash (obv)
June treated The Cult of Bhaal like a hobby, which pissed Orin off SO MUCH. He never took her seriously and it bit him in the ass later.
June is a weird mix of a wild/storm sorcerer. He is booksmart, but not streetsmart.
June has all of his memories returned as a punishment from Mephisto. He doesn't like it one bit.
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