fascinationex · 28 days
I like the idea of June making one (1) joke about getting dressed up for Optimus Prime and then she's like... fixated on the idea. Because she realises she did, in fact, wear heels and makeup because she was going to see Optimus Prime.
June: ...huh.
June: would you look at that.
Optimus Prime is just such a good crush, and I think he only gets to be a better crush the older you get (and the more divorced you get).
Like, say what ever else you want about tfp Optimus Prime, and I probably will, but that's a guy who does not take his interpersonal bonds lightly.
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I am surprised at how little people consider june/op it's so funny
I want this funny little flirty human woman (with EXCELLENT taste) to awkwardly try to win her giant tall beautiful alien robot goddess love's heart
I can imagine her trying all ways and everyone cheering for her and Optimus being the only one who awkwardly misses everything
I’ve always loved June. She was always a character who I’ve loved so much but wasn’t really given much attention
Justice for June. Also I agree. She cute and deserves a new hubby
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alcorian · 10 months
simply not enough june x optimus content outthere. im fucking starving, guys. the drought is forever
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writing-ro · 2 years
TF Rarepairing Fest Day 4: Live Performance
This is an AU I’ve been playing with for my OC/Smokescreen ship, but I’ve not been able to get the words for that one yet. But when I saw today’s prompt, I knew it’d be the perfect AU for JuneOP. So, enjoy!
Ship: June Darby/Optimus Prime
Also on: [AO3] [FFN]
Nightingale invented deeply as she watched the crowd entering the Amphitheater. It was just another Chorus, nothing to fuss over. Except for the fact the Prime himself would be performing his Call, and at least half of this crowd was hoping to be his Response. 
“I haven’t seen you this nervous since your first surgery,” Lifeline said, smiling at her. “It’s not that bad, you know.”
“Easy for you to say. You’ve never even been to a Chorus before,” Nightingale said, which was true. Lifeline was a Call, and had found her Response while singing their Song in the ER on a slow night. Nightingale was a Response and this would be her fourth Chorus. 
“You’ll be fine!” Lifeline gave her a small push into the crowd. “Go find your Song!”
Nightingale stumbled a bit, then sighed and waved as she shuffled into the queue. At the gate, she gave her information, and in turn was given a participant number and a seat number. As a later arrival, plus her seeker wings, she was at the back of the amphitheater. Still a clear view of the stage, but far enough she’d have to strain her optical zoom to see the Caller’s faces. She got a cube of energon from the dispenser, and settled in for a long day of listening to Songs that were not hers. 
A Chorus was really a simple event, held in Amphitheaters specifically built for it. The mecha who carried the first part of a Sparksong would get on stage and sing it to the gathered Responses. If their sparkmate was present, they would approach the stage while singing the Response, and the two would duet the Song to its end, before being hustled somewhere they could get to know each other properly. If there was no Response, the Caller would leave the stage, and often the amphitheater entirely, and try again another day. 
The Amphitheater was a special, almost holy ground some would say. Natural dips in the base metal of Cybertron, surrounded by spires and with small rises in the center where the Caller stood, and the spires and sometimes very ground itself would play accompaniment to the Sparksongs. All the Guild of Songs really did was erect walls around the sites, and add seating, lights and dispensers for the comfort of the mecha inside. 
Mecha were encouraged to attend as many Choruses as they could, for a number of reasons, and they were often all day affairs with hundreds of Callers and thousands of Responses. And when one of the Callers was the Prime, plus an entourage of other mecha from outside Kalis, the amphitheater was packed tighter than a miner’s energon hold. 
Shortly after Nightingale sat down, the gates of the Amphitheater closed, and a spotlight focused on the stage as a silver bot stepped up. 
“Welcome, everyone, to the Kalis Amphitheater’s Seventy-Fourth Chorus of the vorn,” he said, his voice echoing easily around the room. “Regular listeners might realize I am not your usual MC, which I’m not. The name’s Jazz, and I was asked to lead the proceedings for this special Chorus. How is this one different than others? Because tonight, our one and only Optimus Prime will be performing his Call, to see if any of you luckily Responses have the rest of his melody!”
He gestured offstage, and from behind a curtain came the mech of the hour, to a chorus of cheers. Nightingale sat up, craning around the green femme in front of her who decided to stand to cheer, trying to get a decent look at the Prime. He was tall, she could tell, red and blue plating with broad shoulders. She couldn’t see much else, and she’d be honest, she’d never actually seen him before, having been too busy with her work in the hospital to really pay attention to the news broadcasts when he’d been annointed last vorn. She’d honestly been surprised he was taking his Chorus Tour so soon, but she guessed the Senate wanted a proper Primal Lineage instead of having to hunt for a candidate again. And while she couldn’t see him sell, he seemed to be a fine candidate indeed.
She shook her head as the crowd settled down and returned to their seats. She didn’t need to be fantasizing about the Prime at a time like this. 
“Good morning, everyone,” Optimus Prime said, his deep baritone echoing through the chamber and reverbing through her spark chamber. 
Oh, Primus. Maybe she’d fantasize a little. 
Optimus Prime led them through the standard Blessing of Primus on the gathering, and Nightingale gave the responses by rote, too busy trying to focus her optics on him as best she could. She could pick up a couple more details: how his frame was broad at the shoulders but narrow at the waist; his helm was blue, and she thought his optics as well, and his voice was incredible. She would have to find some pictures of him on the holonet, so see if he was just as attractive up close. 
After the Blessing, Optimus retreated to the backstage, and Jazz called up the first Caller. Nightingale settled back in her seat then, and most of the rest of the Chorus passed in much the same way the other three she’d attended did. Callers came up and sang their songs, and for once, most of them actually found their Responses. A silver-blue and gold speedster found his match in a red and white femme, and the two raced each other out of the Amphitheater. An initially nervous purple femme was danced off stage by a blue mech, as they sang about a first meeting. The femme who had stood in front of Nightingale practically bolted for the stage when an orange femme from the Prime’s entourage sang a song about defying expectations to be together. But the whole time, as morning became afternoon, Nightingale’s thoughts would drift back to the Prime and how his voice had made her feel. 
Finally, after a good third of the Amphitheater had been emptied, and the first stars of twilight were starting to shine, Jazz took the stage again. “And now, the moment I know you’ve all been waiting for. Help me welcome to the stage, our one and only, Optimus Prime!”
Optimus Prime took the stage to rousing applause, and stood in the very center of it. Once Jazz had cleared it, a soft melody started playing, high notes balanced by some kind of acoustic, and then he started to sing. “If I never knew you, if I never felt this love, I would have no inkling of how precious life can be.”
Nightingale’s jaw dropped, and almost before she recognized what she was doing, she was on her pedes and heading to the aisle. This was it, it was her Song. Their Song.
“And if I never held you, I would never have a clue how at last I'd find in you the missing part of me. In this world so full of fear, full of rage and lies, I can see the truth so clear, in your eyes. So dry your eyes. And I'm so grateful to you. I'd have lived my whole life through, lost forever, if I never knew you.”
She stepped into the aisle, and the words she’d been waiting her whole life for came at once, and she sang her part as a spotlight turned to her. 
“If I never knew you, I'd be safe but half as real, never knowing I could feel a love so strong and true. I'm so grateful to you. I'd have lived my whole life through, lost forever, if I never knew you.”
She walked towards the stage, and as she got closer, her optics locked with Optimus’s. They were blue, bright blue, like sparkflowers. And they were filled with a wonderment she had almost never seen. Certainly never towards herself before.
“I thought our love would be so beautiful,” he sang to her. 
“Somehow we made the whole world bright,” she sang back. 
“I never knew that fear and hate could be so strong,” they sang together, their voices in perfect harmony. “All they'd leave us where these whispers in the night. But still my heart is singing, we were right.”
She reached the stage, and he met her at the steps, taking her servos and drawing her up them until they were chassis to chassis, EM field so close they were practically one. The next part was counterpoint, but never was it disjointed. 
“Ohhh, if I never knew you-” “There's no moment I regret-” “-if I never knew this love-” “-since the moment that we met-” “-I would have no inkling of-” “-If our time has gone too fast-” “How precious life can be!” “-I've lived at last!”
They joined in duet again. “I thought our love would be so beautiful. Somehow we'd make the whole world bright.”
“I thought our love would be so beautiful,” she sang to him. “We'd turn the darkness into light.”
“And still my heart is singing, we were right!” He joined her, before continuing on. “We were right. And If I never knew you-”
“If I never knew you-”
“I'd have lived my whole life through…” His voice trailed softly, and she picked up the melody. 
“Empty as the sky...” 
“Never knowing why. Lost forever, if I never knew you…”
The music faded away around them, but Nightingale could still feel the melody, flowing through her spark. Optimus looked down at her, a smile on his lips, and she knew a matching one had to be on hers. 
Awareness slowly started to sink in; the dull roar in her audials turned into cheers, and she turned her helm to find the entire Amphitheater standing and cheering and applauding. Her wings fluttered, but she couldn’t truly find it in herself to be embarrassed, especially when she turned back to Optimus, and all she could see and feel was elation. 
“And there we have it, folks!” Jazz announced, running back on stage. “Our Prime has found his Response. Let’s hear some cheers for Optimus and Nightingale!” 
The cheering crowd grew louder, and Nightingale smiled and slipped one servo free of Optimus’s to wave at the crowd. He lifted her other one to his lips and pressed a kiss to her knuckles, causing her wings to give another flutter. 
“These two certainly have a lot of talk about, so why don’t we let the love-liliths head for some privacy, while we sing the Song of Sparks in celebration?” An agreeable cheer answered Jazz’s question, and the visored mech flashed a grin at Nightingale and Optimus before making a shooing motion with his servos.  
Optimus led Nightingale offstage and backstage, through another cheering crowd consisting of the Caller mecha of his entourage who hadn’t met their Responses. Mixed in the congratulations was teasing calls and even a shout of “Knew it’d be a seeker!” that caused both their faces to flush. Even so, Optimus accepted them with good grace, and led her to one of the introduction rooms. She’d never been in one before, but she knew this one was much better appointed than normal, to account for the mech expected to use it. 
Once the door was closed behind them and the cheers muffled, Optimus turned to her. “Let me make a proper introduction. Optimus Prime, and I am so happy to finally meet you.”
Nightingale smiled. “Nightingale, and so am I.” 
It was the start of one of the happiest bondings Cybertron had ever seen.
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worldofaviras · 5 months
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The floating spires of Yvonda, only easily traveled on the back of a juneop, this area of dangerous and without the proper equipment or a friendly juneop you likely won’t survive this area
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nursejunedarby · 5 years
{ June may or may not have dreamed about Optimus/'s avatar as her husband and Jack's new dad, as well as all the things that come with her and him being togther?~}
(( Send Me A Headcanon Meme (Accepting) ))
And she wore heels and everything...
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leaderofteamprime · 5 years
Have any humans caught your optic in any way?
“There is one, a woman. But I am not certain she would be interested in more than friendship.”
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Okay, can anyone think of a crackier ship than June Darby/Optimus Prime/Starscream? Cause I don't think anyone has ever thought of it, but now I want it.
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adalhied-prime · 6 years
Okay, but the song "He Didn't Have To Be" by Brad Paisley is the perfect JuneOP/Optimus as Jack's (Step)Dad AU song, honestly.
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writing-ro · 2 years
TFRarepair Fest Day 1: Hot Drinks/Leftovers
My first prompt for the @tfrarepairing​ ‘s TFRarepair Fest 2022. My plans for the fest is to write as many JuneOP fics as possible, cause I will paddle this canoe upriver by myself if I have to. This fic is a missing scene from my fic Father of the Spark, so some things won’t make sense unless you read that one. Hope you enjoy!
Also found at: [A3O] [FFN]
 June couldn’t help the sigh of relief as she entered the warm apartment. Despite living most of her life in the state, she’d never quite gotten used to how cold Nevada got after the sun went down, especially in the winter. Oh, she knew it had nothing on the snows her brother Thomas got on his ranch in Montana, but that was why she avoided visiting him in winter (luckily their parents were ever willing to play holiday hosts for the Darby children).
 As she hung her coat on the rack, Orion stuck his head out of the kitchen, his long black hair loose and blue eyes twinkling the way they always did when he looked at her (at least according to Analise, whose opinion June hadn’t asked for). “Welcome back, June. How was your shift?”
 “Mostly quiet, thankfully, though I had to assist in a surgery and skipped my last break,” June said, taking her scarf and gloves off, dropping them into their box before rubbing her hands together. “Christ, it’s cold out there.”
 “Maybe this will help.” Orion walked towards her with a steaming mug. She eagerly took it, and smiled as the aroma of hot chocolate hit her nose.
 “You really don’t need to do this every night, Orion,” she said, even as she raised the mug to take a sip. The perfect temperature, and he’d used the french vanilla creamer instead of milk, her favorite way to make it.
 “It’s no trouble, June,” Orion said. “I’ve also got food warmed in the oven. Just some of our leftovers thrown together, but I think it turned out alright.”
 “That’s why it’s so warm in here.” She kicked off her shoes and followed him into the kitchen. She sat down while he got their dinner, and noticed the closed binder next to his plate and mug. “More dreams?”
 “Reviewing the ones I’ve had before,” he said, pulling a frying pan from the oven. “A new character appeared this week. A doctor, actually, named Ratchet. He was apparently a semi-famous war hero, and I asked him questions about the work he did. He answered, very grumpily, and smacked me with a wrench when I revealed I’d allowed my injury in the hope to be treated by him.”
 June laughed. “Oh, how I wish I could do that with some of the people who come into ER. I swear, we’ve had at least three men this week who came in just to try and flirt with us.” Analise handled hers with her usual cool “I’m not attracted to men” line, which was true. Erika simply smiled and flashed her engagement ring, and June herself just grinned and bore it, since she had no ready made excuse.
 The pan was set on the table, and June could see it was a mix of the sweet and sour chicken and rice they’d had two nights before, as well as the kale, carrots and onions from the salads she typically took to work. That had been a day or two away from going off, so that was a good choice.
 “That looks delicious, Orion. You sure you weren’t a chef before you showed up here?”
 “Considering the ‘Fried Egg Incident’, it’s probably a safe bet that I was not.” Orion dished some onto both of their plates before sitting himself. They started eating, and Orion told her about the book he’d finished reading, and some of his thoughts on the author’s intent with some elements. In turn, June told him about the surgery she’d assisted with, a simple appendectomy that she was pulled in on cause the nurse who was supposed to assist had to leave early. It hadn’t been bad, though Dr. Phineas had made a pass at her which she’d gently deflected.
 After she finished, Orion was quiet for a moment, then spoke. “Those men at work… Are you certain they aren’t bothering you?”
 “I’m a big girl, Orion. I can handle a bit of inappropriate flirtation,” June reassured him. That was something she enjoyed about Orion, he asked things like that out of genuine concern. He was never patronizing or thinking she couldn’t take care of herself, (and had even mentioned a chill of fear down his back at the very thought), but also never dismissive of when she did have a worry. “Besides, you put up with that at your work too.”
 “True. I’ve caught several women watching me as I restock the books. Even had a high schooler make a pass, though I think it might have been a dare the way her friends giggled about it.” He grimaced at that, and June completely got why.
 “Maybe we need a way to deflect their attentions.” She scooped up a forkful of stir fry, and thought. “Maybe a fake boyfriend for me and fake girlfriend for you. Might throw some of them off.”
 Orion thought a moment, then smiled. “Never hurts to try, at least. But what should we say about them?”
 “Well, what traits would you want in an ideal partner?” June asked. “For me, definitely tall. At least half a head taller than me. And well built, I like a bit of muscle.” She smiled at the mental image.
 Orion thought for a moment, then said “Shorter. Someone I can tuck around and be reassured I can keep them safe. Their body type, I don’t really care about, but I would hope they’d be kind.”
 June’s smile softened, slight lechery replaced with sweetness. “Being kind is definitely a requirement. And smart; no way would I ever date a man dumber than me.”
 Orion snorted. “Oh certainly. And I would hope she would indulge my ramblings about whatever new book I read, and how I think it connects to the authors other works in universe or in meta-contextual sense.”
 “Of course! Just like I’d want mine to let me rant about the unusual patients or when the doctors are being particularly frustrating.”
 “She should enjoy spending quiet moments together.”
 “Walks in the park.”
 “Watching movies.”
 “Dancing in the living room.”
 “Be able to talk about anything.”
 “Makes excellent hot chocolate,” June raised her mug and drank the last of hers.
 “Blue eyes.”
 June almost choked, but swallowed around the lump in her throat and looked at Orion. His blue eyes were still sparkling, but there was an intensity behind it now, completely focused on her.
 She nodded, not breaking eye contact. “Definitely blue eyes. And long hair.”
 “Long black hair.” He reached out and brushed away a strand that had fallen from her ponytail. She leaned into the touch, and he cradled her cheek. “The most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen or met.”
 Her breath hitched, and unconsciously she leaned in. He met her halfway, and when their lips met, there was just sense of right. This was it. What she’d described and dreamed was in front of her.
 The kiss was short, but she was breathless when they separated. She looked up at Orion, and couldn’t help a happy giggle, which Orion echoed with a soft chuckle, resting his forehead against hers.
 “Orion, would you be my ‘fake’ boyfriend?”
 “I will. Will you be my ‘fake’ girlfriend?”
 “Yes.” And they sealed their agreement with another ‘fake’ kiss.
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nursejunedarby · 5 years
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“Not every attraction clicks, anon. And there’s no need to shout.”
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leaderofteamprime · 5 years
tyrannicc replied to your post: ““ (for the headcanon meme!)
((Ohhh I love that. Optimus finding his own ways to relax and enjoy Earth culture is GOOD.))
tbh I was thinking of stuff that happens in my JuneOP fic, and one thing is a movie date, which reminded me. Also fits, cause not many people would like a semi at a drive-in unless it was in the back row when, in my opinion, the middle is the best place to be.
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leaderofteamprime · 5 years
27 (other than Prime?), 37, 35, 11, 8
(( Transformers Ask Meme (Accepting) ))
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8: Favorite comic series
More Than Meets The Eye! It was the first one I got into (Thanks you, Herzpalter!), and I just love all the characters. Like, I think the reason I wasn’t able to force myself to read Ex-RID the time I tried is cause I was also still catching up on MTMTE and did not want to read about a bunch of assholes dicking around on Earth when I could be reading about a bunch of dumb gays on a space cruise. 
11: Favorite ship(s)
JuneOP is OTP 5ever! That said, my next top 4 OP ships I really like are MegOP (All series), OP/Starscream (G1/Bay/TFP), OP/Soundwave (G1), and OP/Ratchet (also any combination of these as a triad, cause why have a love triangle when you can have polyships!)
Fave non-OP ships include Miko/Megatron, Megastar (All series), Cygate, MegaRod, MegaRung, Starscream/Steve the Vehicon, KOBD, and there’s probably a few I’m forgetting, but this is long enough. 
27: A bot you want to be best friends with
Like, all of Team Rodimus (MTMTE) and Team Prime (TFP), but if I had to pick one bot, probably Bumblebee, cause no matter what verse, we’d have fun (even if Animated I might wanna Gibbs Smack half the time). 
35: Favorite game(s)
I actually haven’t played any of the TF games, though I def want to play War for Cybertron/Fall of Cybertron. If they make a Bumblebee (2018) game, that is definitely one I’m getting.
37: Least favorite TF universe(s)
Kiss Players. *shudders* Okay, so excluding the one everyone wants to forget exists, I guess Animated. I don’t hate it, far from that, but it doesn’t grab me the way the others do (yeah, I rag on Bayverse, but that’s on Bay and his directing/script, not the characters or (most of) the worldbuilding). 
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leaderofteamprime · 5 years
Easy Meme: Name one idea for a plot you’ve had but never gotten around to writing.
(( Easy Meme For A Burnt Out Mun (Accepting) ))
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(( Besides any JuneOp plots cause I have the only active (quote-unquote) June blog?
I did have one idea that’d be more so an event, kinda like the Wages of War or the Knightformers events that have happened in the past. It would be based on one of my AUs, The High and Noble Houses of Cybertron, and is basically the participating rpers would all be either be members of a House or serving one, and it’s everyone interacting over the setting of the Tourney and Festival of the Primes, a 26 day festival in HANHOC in Iacon celebrating the Thirteen. In my fics, a major turning point of the series takes place during it, so it seems fitting that that would be the basis of an RP event. Eh, whoknows, maybe I can make it a Discord RP server, that’d be fun. ))
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nursejunedarby · 6 years
Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? What are your thoughts on crack ships? If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
(( Salty Ask Meme (Accepting) ))
Have you ever someone over a fandom opinion?
Not for Transformers, but on my personal there was a person I followed for Game of Thrones edits, who then started making these ridiculous theories about how Sandor/Sansa was the true Azor Ahai and twisting lines of other characters’ dialogue to fit the two of them, and I’m just like “Calm down, you’re getting a little crzy there. Then I found out they shipped Reylo and it was over for me.
What are your thoughts on crack ships?
I love them, both in the cases where you can make the ship work and where the whole point is that the ship is super cracky. 
If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
Make season 3 of TFP the same length as the first two, give Bulkhead, Breakdown and Knockout backstory episodes, and not let Starscream suffer so much. And make JuneOp canon. 
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leaderofteamprime · 5 years
I ship you with June
(( Anonymously Tell My Muse Who You Ship Them With (Always Accepting) ))
“June is a wonderful woman and I would happily consider a relationship with her.”
(( literally the only reason I don’t already have a JuneOP ship here is because I’m the only June rper who is active. OTP for life! ))
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