#jung kyungho icons
ninha-kdramas · 3 years
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drama-icons · 4 years
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— hospital playlist 💉
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onlykdramas · 4 years
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hospital playlist (kim jun-wan & yang seok-hyeong)
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residenteshp · 3 years
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heoldramaicons · 4 years
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gongchanida · 4 years
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hospital playlist (final episode)
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iconskdramas · 5 years
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- When the devil calls your name
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bvbblegumheart · 4 years
kyungho gif icons
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By clicking here you will find 100+ gif icons of actor jung kyungho.
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tyaudahlah · 4 years
Prison Playbook (2017)
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Kalo lo kangen sama Reply 1988 tapi pengen nonton drama lain yang “mirip”, Prison Playbook jawabannya.
Drama ini tuh kek déjà vu gue sama Reply 1988, dari berbagai sisi. Pertama, gue udah denger dari lama judulnya, udah banyak yang bilang bagus, tapi akhirnya gue nontonnya telaaaattt banget, dan gue nyesel. Reply 1988 gue tunda-tunda karena latarnya yang di jaman baehula, Prison Playbook karena latarnya di penjara, yang dua-duanya bikin gue shu’uzon kalo gue ga bakal bisa relate. Gue ulangi, gue nyesel. banget. Kedua, setelah nonton, gue dibawa ketawa, nangis, kesel, tapi akhirnya hati gue selalu menghangat. Ketiga, beberapa aktor-aktrisnya sama wkwkwk katanya sutradaranya sama ya? Gue selalu bahagia sih tiap nonton drama trus aktor/aktris yang mainin side characternya dah pernah gue tonton di drama lain. Selalu yang, “WAH LO MAIN DISINI JUGA?” gitu, kek ketemu temen lama wkwkwkkwk
Mari ngobrol soal beberapa (dari sekian banyak) scene favorit gue (yang masih gue inget). Maap aq akan spoiler T_T
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Ini waktu Jehyuk dah bilang berkali-kali kalo dia pensiun main baseball tapi malah masih disemangatin sama orang-orang dan abis itu bahkan dibikinin area latihan pribadi sama kepala penjara dan dia akhirnya meledak. Gue sudah memprediksi tapi tetep kaget pas dia marah. Selama ini karakternya kan lamban, ga banyak omong. Emang ya, orang yang keliatan sabar, sekalinya marah, dah lah.
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Scene ini membuat gue bertepuk tangan wkwkwk Gue pikir si kepala penjara ini mendewakan publikasi sampe ga tegas dan bisa nurutin anak buahnya, eh ternyata bisa juga nolak. Mampus u, Na gwajang, makanya jangan nyebelin.
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Setelah gue amati dari The Heirs, Bride of Habaek dan Search, Krystal tuh salah satu idol yang aktingnya cukup handal. She is sooo into her character. Di scene ini, gue bisa ngerasain betapa dia sebenernya ga pengen egois tapi juga udah capek banget. Ah, gue jadi seneng dia pindah dari SM dan fokus ngebangun acting career nya dengan masuk ke agensi khusus aktor-aktris. Good luck for your future projects, Mba Cantik!
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Bagian ini gue suka dari kalimatnya, karena gue adalah orang yang pernah menyerah. “It takes courage to give up too.” Couldn’t agree more.
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THE MOST ICONIC SCENE GOES TO THIS ONE. Gue nyaris teriak dan tepuk tangan keras-keras. Ah keren banget Jehyuk bisa ngubah si botak jadi bawahannya, dan temen-temen selnya se-solid itu. Squad goals sekali, bukan?! Scene ini diiringin sama OST yang selalu diplay setiap intro dramanya, dan gue suka lagunya. Intro drama yang nampilin transisi stadion baseball ke pagar penjara juga sangat sangat ikonik, probably the best K-Drama intro I’ve ever seen.
Selain OST opening, OST favorit gue dari drama ini adalah “Bravo, My Life!” yang dinyanyiin mas Eric Nam. Menenangkan banget lagunya :”)
Btw selain beberapa scene di atas, secara umum, gue suka banget sama si karakter utama aka Jehyuk yang unik dan digambarkan punya banyak kekurangan. Terutama lemotnya. Di awal gue kesel, tapi lama-lama gue bisa liat bahwa dia punya kelebihan lain. Gue juga suka banget sama bromancenya Jehyuk sama Joonho ya ampunnn. Sangat heart-warming dan relatable. Best bromance everrrrr.
Oh, fun fact: dari drama inilah gue baru tau kalo Joonho itu adalah Jung Kyungho, pacarnya mba Sooyoung SNSD :”) Selama ini gue dah tau kalo mereka pacaran, tapi gue ga tau mas Jung Kyungho ini yang manaaa. Eh pas nonton Prison Playbook dan liat cast nya di google, gue langsung, “OMO BERUNTUNG SEKALI MBA SOOYOUNG, AYO CEPAT MENIKAH KALIAN.” Abisnya masnya ganteng banget woyyyy ga kuad gue.
Balik lagi ke drama, ada beberapa kekurangan yang syukurnya ga bikin gatel-gatel amat, tapi tetep ter-notice sama gue. Go baksa (Dr. Go), Kaist, Hanyang, Yoo daewi (Kapten Yoo yang dimainkan oleh mas Jung Haein yang tampan sekali), dan Ddolmani (si botak). They deserve a fair and happy ending too. Gue sedih banget pas Go baksa pindah, dan ga dikasih tau gimana kelanjutan dia sama perusahannya yang ga tau malu itu. Kaist juga pindahnya tiba-tiba banget, padahal dia mood booster di sel. Hanyang paling kasian, abis keluar penjara tapi malah ketangkep make lagi, padahal ortu sama pacarnya dah nunggu di resto. Gue juga pengen liat Yoo daewi pake seragam tentara lagi. Ddolmani juga sedih ditinggal sendirian di sel, gue pengen liat dia jadi bos tahanan lain yang bisa menuntun mereka ke kebaikan gitu, atau keluar penjara dan kerja yang bener.
Satu sisi yang bikin Prison Playbook lebih sedikit unggul dari Reply 1988 di mata gue adalah: drama ini ngasih perspektif baru ke gue soal menilai manusia. Ada yang bilang, kalo mau tau sifat asli orang lain, liat sendiri pake mata, jangan denger dari omongan si A atau si B. Well, it’s only half true. Ternyata gue ga bisa percaya 100% sama apa yang gue liat maupun apa yang gue dengar tentang seseorang. Bahkan meskipun mata dan telinga gue bekerja di waktu yang sama, gue ga akan pernah tau apa yang sebenernya terjadi. We never truly know what happens behind the closed doors.
Overall, it’s a fun and enjoyable drama. Gue sangat senang akhirnya nonton ini. 100000% recommended!
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lhpxawol-amalgam · 5 years
Popular AWOl Ships in a Nutshell
Long post ahead.
Won x Soomi
Queen of all ships
Intellectual meets philosopher
Funniest couple you will ever meet
Agdjkfdgdaf there’s just so much chemistry
Stans have like written full-length thought-out analyses on this shit
When they dance together it’s the best cause Won can dance like no one’s business and Soomi is just trying her best but they still look awesome together
Gyuri x Jinju
Both have two siblings
Both play guitar
Both are the two tallest in their group
Both do modern dance
At this point no one knows if the only reason this ship is so popular is cause they just have so much in common
But they do kinda balance each other out
Gyuri’s the drill sergeant and Jinju’s the cheerleader
Hyerin x Jinju
Leader/maknae stuff, ya know
They’re actually pretty cute together
“Oh my god, they were roommates”
These shippers will never get over the one time Hyerin made Jinju ramen when she was super stressed and helped her to take a break from working
WonderMod stans be like “I ship Hyeju” and LOONA stans be like “but with who tho”
Hanbyeol x Areum
Hanbyeol can cook and Areum loves to eat so
Also lots of dad energy for some reason 
This one’s only as big as it is from that one fanfic “I’m Trapped in a Hareum Anime”
Sangwoo x Jaegeun
It’s a duo group
Of course it’s a ship
Generates lots of enemies-to-lovers fanfiction for some reason
Sangwoo’s the flirty one and Jaegeun’s the dapper one so you get all the cute shipping dynamics
K.O. (Kiwoo) x Woori
“Oh my God, they were roommates”
Scary but weak meets buff but softie 
Honestly could become real
I mean K.O.’s bi so
The fans feel vaguely justified
Lites Out:
K.O. x Lite
Ah yes, the ultimate ship war: 2Woo vs. Lites Out
K.O’s stage persona is almost aggressive enough for Lite’s actual personality
Jk she’s soft for like one person and it’s him
Need to host a variety show stat
Lite x Luxe
Ah yes, the ultimate ship war: Lites Out vs DeLite
Fashion king and queen
They got that yin/yang thing going
Watch them like actually get away with murder tho
Miro x Luxe 
Ah yes, the ultimate ship war: DeLite vs Labyrinth
The thinking man’s ship
They’re always the ones to sit back and lovingly shake their heads while everyone else does something fun but stupid
No one really sees this ship going anywhere sexual but it’s got all the good memes so
Hanbin x Joohwan
That name tho
Absolute softies for each other
If this were a fanfic it’d be a slow burn cause they’re so goddamn oblivious
Hanbin’s a sex-demon on the outside and a cinnamon roll on the inside
Let’s just say people suspect the opposite of Joohwan
Kim Woo:
Kim Gyeong x Siwoo
More leader/maknae
Try and make this one sexy and watch yourself get kicked out of the fandom by angry stans
This is why Forget-Me-Not doesn’t have ship wars
Shinyoung x Minchul
We don’t know how anyone let this happen
They’re cousins
Like not even distant cousins
I know the internet sucks
Ah yes, the ultimate ship war: Shincest or Mincest
Lots of pining jokes cause gEDDIT they’re in pINEAPPLE
But yeah this one gets all the shame it deserves
Gayoung x Tokki (Jangmi)
Their MV characters have a sorta abusive dynamic so
This one gets a lot of eyebrows raised
But IRL they’re both just trying to out-care for each other
So the fics are either hardcore angst or total fluff 
I would say “oh my God, they were roommates” but they’re all roommates so like
Gayoung x Sungmi
The Unpopular Ship™
Oh look it’s another enemies-to-lovers Sungyoung fic
Half the time they’re both j chilling and the other half they’re the literal definition of sexual tension
Tokki (Jangmi) x Sungmi
Technically leader/maknae but like
It feels different
It’s just really cute man what can I say
They’ve got that tsundere/genki girl dynamic going
*insert meme man* Show ALL the affection!
Yang x Sebin
All the chemistry, all the feels, and sadly also all the annoying straight girls fetishizing Asian men
But like seriously when they dance together it’s absolutely golden
Yang’s all flowing and expressive and Sebin’s all sharp and aggressive
Kinda matches their personalities too
It’s just sad that so many stans have to be all sasaeng-y about it
AB Yang:
AB Young x Yang
Who wants to bet it’s just for the name huh
But no it’s low-key cute 
You wouldn’t think they’d have too much chemistry at first
They’re like the “don’t match on paper but perfect irl” kinda couple
More platonic vibes than the Yangbin shipping content
Horang x Kyungho
Literally just Sangeun all over again
Everyone wants to protecc our precious maknae Kyungho from bad boy Horang
But they’re actually both really good for each other and Horang just gets him ya know
You know what it is? It’s Good Omens. That’s the dynamic here.
Moya x Doyeon
Also called Doya by people who are stupid
Should really start their own pranking channel
Who’s ready for h/c fanfiction~~~
No but seriously Moya has helped Doyeon through panic attacks a lot
She’s tall so she can fit all the comfort in her
And Doyeon’s short bc
Ok it’s just cute how much taller Moya is compared to Doyeon lol
Jung-ah x Duanphen
Softies trying to be baddies
Like Yangbin in their dancing styles
So much poking fun at each other it’s not even funny but like it is tho
All the cuddles, all the selcas with cutesy filters
And then BAM new set of teasers comes out and they look sexy as FUCK
JD Fang x Yuyan
No one would’ve shipped it until the behind-the-scenes vid for Midnight Girl came out
And now they’re just weirdos together
They’re like the Sith: One master, one apprentice
Yuyan is the dark mysterious inner core JD wishes she had
And JD is the stability and reasonableness Yuyan has been searching for her whole life
JD Aika:
JD Fang x Aika
It’s 99% because they kissed in a music video
Honestly gorgeous fan art for this couple
Not as much obvious chemistry as some ships but fans are always like “omg thEIR HANDS tOuChEd”
Yifei x Yuyan
There’s something about whenever they have lines or screen time together that just works
Both trying to soften each other up but in different ways
And usually succeeding
They’re just really good close friends ya know
The kind you could see accidentally developing a crush on each other
Yifei x RJ
“Oh my God, they were roommates”
Ultimate good girl/bad girl ship
But secretly they’re both just nervous wrecks
We know Yifei helped comfort RJ a lot after she came out and heard back from her parents so
Get ready for more h/c fic~~~
RJ x Hoa
The actual baddies
*stifles laugh* hoe-j
Remember the “sugakookie with a cup of tae” jokes? Yeah it’s that bad
They’re both just too sexy for the fans to handle so naturally what better ship could you get it’s just basic math
Also need to host a variety show stat
Triple D:
Duanphen x DaO x Doyeon
It’s a joke ship that some people started taking seriously
Don’t ask, no one has an explanation
SET! (Korean soloists)
Jihoon x Zo
Because Jizo is an objectively bad name (ok sure it looks fine but try saying it out loud)
Also occasionally known as Jezus
Lots of uncle energy (?)
Zo would totally be Jihoon’s real life manic pixie dream girl if she wasn’t, ya know, a strong and badass woman with her own agency who also happens to have quirky hair
May x Hayoon
Ah yes, the ultimate ship war: Do you pronounce it like “May” or like “Hayoon”
Tbh this ship died pretty quickly
Since we’re all pretty sure now that May’s aroace
And like they’re young, we don’t get in the way of their friendship
That iconic answer-your-tweets vid where someone asked “how do you pronounce Mayoon” and Hayoon was just like “you don’t”
But for real they have the BEST FRIENDSHIP HANDS DOWN
Jaegeun x Areum
The thing with Mesmere is that there are canonical “couples” in the MVs
Which were decided based on which members were like “yesss I’m so down for this concept” and which ones were like “this could be fun to try I guess”
Jaegeun and Areum fall into the former category
The shippers tend to be very kinky
So much smut but like most of it’s inspired by Mesmere’s original concept so it shouldn’t be surprising 
Is there real chemistry? Who knows? Does it matter? Not to the fans it doesn’t
Miro x Hanbin
The “this could be fun to try I guess” gang
Everyone stans bc omg that ship name is adorable
If Jaereum is the “sweet on the outside, sexy on the inside” pair, Robin is the “sexy on the outside, sweet on the inside” pair
This one always throws AK6 and Forget-Me-Not fans for a loop because no one expects them to be THAT SEXY
Seori x Teiko
Another tsundere/genki girl ship
Except the genki girl is surprisingly intimidating in that “she’s not scary she’s just hot” way
New fans never expect Seori to be the head-over-heels type
But she is~
Someone make this into an actual book please it would be so cute
Haruna x Mega (Megumi)
1 ball of energy + 1 ball of energy = perfection
No but literally they have so much enthusiasm
They could be a perpetual motion machine where they both just survive off the other’s energy
Opposites attract more like no I love Harumi
Hiroto x Junya
Obligatory main-vocalist ship
Surprisingly pure ship until you realize you just haven’t looked hard enough
Like seriously it’s all fluff or all smut with this one
Irl they’re fairly cute together but mostly because they’re good friends
Good friends who happen to be very sexy
Yoshi x Nico
The one fans actually care about 
Partners in crime except they would suck at any actual crime
All the memes. And when I say all the memes, I mean all. The. Memes.
Wouldn’t surprise anyone to know that Yoshi and Nico made all the memes themselves
They don’t like it when fans box them into a specific romantic relationship but they’re also like “yeah we ship Yoshico too” to be funny and cute about it
Teiko x Nico
The Cute Ones™
Sometimes it seems too perfect and you have to wonder if it’s just an idol personality thing they’re putting on because they’re supposed to
Until you remember this is AWOl we’re talking about
Probably just friends but still
More food puns
Ah yes, the ultimate ship war: Coco vs Ho-J
Ryouga x Yuuna
So #sophisticated
Shipping Ryouna is a wild ride cause like
First of all they’re both hot as hell, especially together
And there’s just something about most Ryouga/Yuuna biases, they tend to be very hardcore stans (let’s just say neither of them are the Jungkook of their group in terms of popularity so if you stan them you STAN them)
And they are well aware of this fact
And love to tease fans with like “pretend” kisses on stage or during variety shows 
There’s just so much Ryouna content like who cares whether or not it’s real
We all know they’re gonna fall in love eventually
K.O. (Kiwoo) x Sangwoo x Siwoo
AWOL’s version of the Dinosaur Triplets
Sangwoo came up with the name himself so you know it’s legit
All flirtatious bad boys on the outside, all surprisingly courteous once you get to know them
On their own they’re genuinely cool people, but for some reason whenever they get together they all become the kind of person to (un?)ironically use the word “swag”
So of course someone’s gotta ship it
Kim Hyerin:
Hyerin x Kim Gyeong
The pure one
Kinda overdone so
You either love this ship or you hate it
And either way it’s because they’re both such caring people that it becomes an unstoppable-force-meets-immovable-object problem
But everyone tends to agree that it’s at least kinda cute 
It’s also funny ‘cause in Korea women don’t take their husband’s names
Hyerin x Sangwoo
Because Sangrin is an objectively bad name
The sexy one
They did ONE performance on e.LIVE together and now no one can get over how hot they are
Ah yes, the ultimate ship war: Kim Hyerin vs Hyesang
No seriously the number of Kim Hyesang love triangle fanfictions is kinda insane at this point
The shippers love to pull the “they’ve known each other longer, of course they’re emotionally closer” card and then make absolutely no content that reflects that
Ah yes, the ultimate ship war: is this referring to Naoko x Taizō or Naoko x Zo
Of course it’s Naoko x Zo they’re so much cuter together
Naoko and Taiz�� kinda go together as the two Japanese soloists but like
Naoko and Zo~~~
The chemistry~~~~~
NaoZo > Naozō
Because it’s gay you fools
Naoko x Teiko x Nico
Ok this is just ridiculous
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ninha-kdramas · 3 years
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ninha-kdramas · 3 years
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ninha-kdramas · 3 years
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ninha-kdramas · 3 years
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ninha-kdramas · 3 years
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ninha-kdramas · 4 years
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