#jungkook solar return chart
uyuforu · 6 months
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Jungkook' Solar Return Chart 2023 - 2024 Analysis
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What is a Solar Return Chart?
A solar return chart is a chart that literally describes your year from your birthday of a year until the day before next year. For example, Jungkook's 2023-2024 Solar Return will starts on September 1st 2023 until August 31th 2024. It describes the year for you, what will mostly happens. It said as a solar return chart because your sun returns in its home sign (your natal sun).
How to check your Solar Return Chart?
Go to astro.com > Free Horoscopes > Horoscope Drawings and Data > Extended Chart Selection
Enter your birth day, month, year, time and location
Where it's written chart selection with "natal chart", scroll to Solar Return Chart
On the box down there you can add asteroids to see more details ("additional objects")
-> This post will be featuring a dear anon, we talked a lot about this, I will be talking about his solar Return Chart and I will add what she told me as her opinion of it. Hope you enjoy!
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✌️ anon's predictions
‧₊˚✩彡 So a spoiler: He'll be doing a shit ton of shadow work and healing in 23-24 and you'll know why.
‧₊˚✩彡 Also even though there IS a 5H stelium I don't think any relationship would occur because homeboi will be focused on himself AND himself only.
‧₊˚✩彡 So he has Jupiter, Uranus, North Node and Chiron in 12h.
‧₊˚✩彡 Chiron at 19 degrees in Aries: He'll stop people pleasing, wanting to be who HE is, would show individuality, start confronting, healing his inner child, stepping into his power, becoming independent, creating boundaries for himself and others. Self love will be a big theme too as it's in Libra degree.
‧₊˚✩彡 Its ruler is Mars in libra at 3 degrees in 5h: Again healing his inner child and falling in love with himself, accepting himself, etc.
‧₊˚✩彡 North Node in Aries at 25 degree: Becoming a leader, creating his own path, being himself, focusing on himself, wanting freedom, becoming self reliant. It's at an Aries degree so it intensifies these themes.
‧₊˚✩彡 Its ruler in 5h Mars in libra at 3 degree: Again about self love, innerchild healing, wanting creative freedom, re-evaluating shit from school years. (The reason for me talking about self love and not relationships is because we have Aries here and Aries are very much about me, myself and I. He moves on VERY FAST from relationships so he doesn't have any baggage about it)
‧₊˚✩彡 There is a conjunction in Jupiter, Uranus and Ascendant too!
‧₊˚✩彡 Jupiter in Taurus at 15 degrees: extreme luck, business tactics and GROUNDING in money matters because he NEEDS it. It's at a Gemini degree and you know what it is.
‧₊˚✩彡 Its ruler in 4h in Leo at 12 degrees: He'll learn the value of family and homeland. He'll be admired in his homeland(overseas too because its in Pisces degree and it is about foreign affairs as well)
‧₊˚✩彡 Uranus in Taurus at 23 degrees: His views on money and possessions will change, he'll learn to be independent in those cases too. It's at an Aquarius degree so it could also be that he'd join people for business purposes(which he already did by collabing).
‧₊˚✩彡 The Uranus and Jupiter conjunction tells me about him learning to be smart (he applied for trademark on his logo <being smart and not letting others take advantage of him anymore> {very much Aries} and being successful in doing it) in business and money game, also needing independence.
‧₊˚✩彡 Uranus conjuncting Asc: He'll also "upset" those that admired him by being rebellious and not playing by their rules. ☆Jupiter conjunct Asc: Personal growth, beneficial relationships and HUGE luck in material/money matters.
‧₊˚✩彡 Now the 5h because it's the most aspected house with 12h. He has sun, mercury and mars in 5h.
‧₊˚✩彡 Sun in virgo at 8 degrees in 5h conjunct Mercury at 18 degrees: Identifying his innerchild by focusing on it, changing his views on love and relationships. Waking his delulu self up and realizing what actual love is and also realizing that he really hasn't been in love because of his delulu expectations (but he'll know that it exists when he meets his wife)
‧₊˚✩彡 Mars in libra at 3 degrees: It has been aspected to Aries so its more about "me" again so self love but also realizing that his intense thoughts about love and relationships are very delulu since the time he started dating (again would also realize that no relationship was actual love and they were just delusions too).
‧₊˚✩彡 It's ruler Venus in Leo at 12 degrees in 4h: He'll be loved/admired/adored in his family/homeland (overseas too) and gain more fame too. I see him starting to invest more in lands,etc. Due to Uranus and Jupiter's ruler being in 4h too and he'll be lucky in it!!!
‧₊˚✩彡 Capricorn Pluto in 9h at 28 degrees: So what I've noticed is that half of the things this year will be focused on his homeland/family. He'll reform/change his beliefs/views on life,spirituality,etc. That will be different and foreign to his homeland/family. Its ruler Saturn in Pisces at 3 degrees in 10h: He'll start diving deeper into spirituality. His views on career will change,after this year he may spiritually start making decisions in his career.
‧₊˚✩彡 Moon in Pisces at 29 degree: He'll be highly sensitive and emotional,it will be a completion of his spiritual lessons. Will imagine and think more about his wife,fall in love more deeply with her. Would also make emotional connections with big communities. Its ruler is in the same house so it's gonna double up.
‧₊˚✩彡 Neptune in Pisces in 11h at 26 degrees: Will open himself to learning more about spirituality and focus on his future become more dreamy and imaginative. Would also think about stepping up the future business game. Sort people from his circle that don't have a good influence on him.
‧₊˚✩彡 Moon and Neptune conjunction: Will have vivid dreams and exciting imaginations about his wife(i could've talked about other things but its Pisces we're talking about so its romance for sure and I'm certain about it being his wife because we have late Taurus degree in Neptune and late Leo degree moon, these both tell us that its his endgame we're talking about). Will imagine his life with his future wife too!! (That's cute)
Summary: He'll be getting big fat bags, will be himself and say fuck you to those that don't want him to be that way, be independent, big on self love and healing, being creative/imaginative about his future (especially his wife) have vivid dreams, transform his views, dive deep into spirituality and be open to learning it. It's a shadow work and self love/embracing, new views on money and beliefs, healing his self created wounds, being independent, becoming more spiritual and falling in love more with his future wife.
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Uyu's Predictions
‧₊˚✩彡 Scorpio DSC: To me it's a year of being single, it's not a year of being in a relationship, it gives me the hermit kind if vibe. 7H is empty meaning nothing serious is over there this year.
‧₊˚✩彡 Sun in 5H conjunct Mercury: Focused on this year is creativity, fame, being under the light for our ideas, conducting mercury (voice) so focused on singing and singer ideas. His album went out after his birthday so I'm not shocked it happened during this solar return. Sun in 5H could make him dating or enjoying flings, flirting, but not searching for a serious relationship.
‧₊˚✩彡 Mars 5H Libra 3°: Mars shows one's drive and ambition during that year. In 5H it means all ambition are focused on creative ideas, he will have many ideas for this year and it's all about art and so his career. The 3° (gemini) means to me the ideas are really focused on his voice, and so singing. So technically the focused this year is his career.
‧₊˚✩彡 MC Aquarius: Career is more important and focused on social medias, and in foreign lands. This also shows because how much JK has been present on social medias already? He ain't stopping. 5° (Leo)= creativity, art, etc.
‧₊˚✩彡 Venus Leo 4H 12°: Def more focused on family life. There could be a changment in his home life, how he feels loved and secured. 12° is pisces and there could be some hidden stuff coming out, and it may change a lot.
‧₊˚✩彡 Taurus Rising: Rising means how you appear this year. Jk will appear as very stable, harmonious and expensive person. A bit secretive or just looking cold or introvert, but more like shy and distant, looks like he enjoys to be on his own, and he enjoys his sh*t basically. Uranus conjuncts the rising meaning he may look different or just unique this year. He could look very weird or just people don't recognize him in a way. He may change suddenly? (could be bald hair for military lol)
‧₊˚✩彡 Capricorn over 9H: Traveling and foreign land are part of his job much
‧₊˚✩彡 Saturn in 10H: Limitied in career, mostly I think caused by military service that is happening quite quick and early in this solar return chart
‧₊˚✩彡 Moon conjunct Neptune in 11H: People will have delusions about him this year, mostly on social medias. It could be people creating rumors about him, or just gossips. Or it could be people building a fantasy about him on social medias. There is for sure an illusions that people create about him on social medias. And hear me out on this one, you will understand after why I said that. I said in my BTS Tarot Reading about military that people expect JK to have the time of his life during military while he will not enjoy it so much in reality (based on cards), and it actually make sense to me in this src. The illusions people create about him could be related to that, people expecting him to haver a good time and actually ignoring the reality about him. It conjuncts moon, his emotions, which means people will not see it or notice the reality of him. It's also in Pisces, that represents the hidden things. Like bro, everything is connected. Why do I think it's related to military? Keep reading....
‧₊˚✩彡 Aries 12H: So 12H is all about the spiritual stuff and hidden things, like the hidden worlds, etc. If we focused on this part, and remember what Aries is about, you can then remember that sign is about anything that involves physical body, the war and so military. Fighting too. In the 12H it means it's part of the spiritual world, but such a sign in it would make me feel like it's more a shadow work, because it's about fighting. So this military service was just right there, in that year.
‧₊˚✩彡 Aries Chiron conjunct Aries North Node in 12H: Chiron is about traumas and the wounds, whatever it is and where it is, it is never pleasant to experience. Man this is literally in Aries in the 12H. Do you still think he will enjoy it????? Yep. Literally to me it means that he will not like military and will mostly see it as a painful experience than anything. It's also in libra degree which means it's also unbalanced time for him. There are no harmony and he hates that. He will experience such a shadow work to do, for real. But, don't worry too much for two different reasons. The first reason is that it conjuncts North Node, which represents your purpose this year, and it's also in Aries 12H with an Aries degree. THIS was his destiny this year, okay? He needs to go to military, because it's his Korean duty but also for shadow works. Shadow works are supposed to make you work on yourself, and any triggers you have or red flag (in a sense) for you to grow up (in a sense). So he needs to go through it.
‧₊˚✩彡 Jupiter in 12H: This is the second reason you don't need to worry. Jupiter shows where you will be more lucky in/at. It's also in the 12H, now not conjucting Chiron and NN, but in the same house. So despite the rough year spiritually, we know it has to happen. But it will also bring him a lot of luck and abundance afterwards. And here's the thing about shadow works: it's literally "blue sky after the storm". Or the rainbow after the storm, I don't remember. But you see what I mean, it's literally realizing how lucky you are and how the universe blessed you to go through a shadow work. He will realize how lucky and bless he is that it happened, and how much he grew spiritually. He will grow spiritually for sure.
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trolagygirl2022 · 1 year
My Masterlist
Last Updated: 28/10/2023
Readings I do
Jungkook's fs potential foreigner?
V's ideal Type
Guessing RM, Jimin and Suga's rising signs
Jungkook's future spouse
Jungkook's Birth Chart
RM future spouse potential foreigner?
Jungkook future spouse apperance
"Beyond the Story" reading
Bang Chan's Birth Chart
Bang Chan's future spouse
Seungmin's ideal type
Bang Chan's future spouse (tarot)
Bang Chan's future spouse's appearance
Felix future spouse
Seungmin's future spouse
Hyunjin's future spouse
NCT (All sub-units)
Johnny's future spouse
Jaehyun's future spouse
Jaehyun's ideal type
Jay Chang's Birth Chart
Zerobaseone's Debut Chart
Ricky Shen Birth Chart
Zhang Hao's Birth Chart
How do 4th gen boy groups and companies view Zb1?
Kai's ideal type
Reading on RUNEXT
Which RUNEXT contestants will debut? (16/06/2023)
How likely will Jiwoo debut from RUNEXT (26/06/2023)
RUNEXT trainee in Baby Monster?
RUNEXT lineup by I and Knetz
Possible RUNEXT scandal?
Huening Bahiyyih's Birth Chart
Danielle Birth Chart
Haerin's Birth Chart
NewJeans birth chart analysis
Guessing Hanni's Rising Sign
Danielle's ideal type
NMIXX Birth Chart
Yeonjun Ideal type
Beomgyu's future spouse
Soobin's future spouse
2023 Solar Return Chart
How successful will TXT's (ft. the Jonas Brother's) single be?
What do TXT think of fanwars
Aespa Birth Chart reading
Jay's Ideal Type
Guessing Niki's rising sign
Jay's future spouse
Group Dynamic
Jake future spouse
Jeongyeon's future spouse
Wonyoung's futures spouse
Wonyoung and Sunghoon's dynamic
Male and Female idol's perception of Wonyoung
Seonghwa's Birth Chart
San's ideal type
Yoona's future spouse
Is Jessica Jung in any contanct with SNSD members?
Why did Jessica Jung leave SNSD?
Yuqi's future spouse
Yena's thoughts on "Hate Rodrigo"
Olivia's thoughts on "Hate Rodrigo"
Olivia's thoughts on the song "Hate Rodrigo"
Ador new boy group reading
Who will debut first? ADORNBG or ADORNGG?
Will Ador new girl group's concept be similar to NewJeans?
Possible female trainee joining?
Age of the possible trainee joining Baby Monster
Possible Baby Monster scandal?
Baby Monster debut when?
YG delaying BM debut?
Possible trainee joining Baby Monster?
Will the potential new BM trainee be an ace?
BM's reputation: before and after debut
General Taemin reading
Will Lisa leave YG?
Jisoo and Anh Bo-hyun synastry
Rose's view on the "Rose curse"
What's going on with Fifty Fifty?
2NE1 reading
SM new gg reading
Fame indicators in birth chart
Your Venus sign and what looks good on you Pt.1
Your Venus sign and what looks good on you Pt. 2
Appearance observations
Asteroid "Child" in the signs
Classroom and Astrology
Fame indicators in Kpop idols
Who will be more succesful: NEWJEANS, RUNEXT GG, or LE SSERAFIM
Will 2023 be the year of the boy groups?
How will Twitter's mismanagement affect kpop?
189 notes · View notes
neotan-astrology · 4 years
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cupidastrology · 2 years
the birthday read 2021: jungkook!!
this is a post I created in august 2021, for more of my jk chart analysis series, you may subscribe to my post+ content!
Since it's Jungkook's birthday, I decided to go into the Solar Return chart to see how he will be doing in the year ahead. I have a strong feeling that  mixtape will be involved and a big learning towards creating an individual space for himself will become even stronger. 
You may click the link above to access the google document in order to check out my interpretations on this year ahead for him.
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gg-astrology · 6 years
Note: you can always search the artist (for desktop:  “tagged/-artist-”  to find posts about them💕
Sun-Moon Catalogue (Masterlist) ☀️ 🌙
Astrology Masterlist  PT 1🔮 | (<2018) Astrology Masterlist PT 2 🔮| (2019)
Disclaimers : Probably a post explaining why I don’t answer some asks (concerning topics/subjects like privacy or what could be harmful to others) + what goes through my mind when I try to talk about it to myself (working outs/technicalties, clarification, etc.) 
Black Pink
*scroll down to the bottom of page for answered asks about Black Pink! 💕
Sun-Moon Signs
Kim Jisoo
Inner Planet Natal Reading
Kim Jennie
Inner Planet Natal Reading
Lalisa Manoban (Lisa)
Inner Planet Natal Reading
Park Chaeyoung (Rosé)
Inner Planet Natal Reading
BlackPink Rosé: Explaining Pisces/Libra Rising Predictions/Clarifications |  
BlackPink Jennie: Why She’s Intimidating/Bitchiness: Placement/Aspects |
BlackPink Rosé: Ideal Placements + Attributes |
Jungkook - Rosé: Brief Synastry Overview (aspects + placements) |
Jungkook-Lisa: Shipping pt 1 | Jungkook-Lisa: Compatibility pt. 2 | 
BlackPink Lisa: Sexuality and Relationships | 
BlackPink Lisa’s T-Square: Escapism - Driving Force | 
Yoongi and Jennie - How Are They Similar?  | *Not synastry/compatibility 
Astrology Snippets
Sun-Moon Signs
Jung Yerin 
Inner Planet Natal Reading 
Red Velvet
Sun-Moon Signs
Kim Yerim (Yeri)
Bae Joohyun (Irene)
Irene ASKS: Appreciating her Love Style | 
Park Sooyoung (Joy)
Park Jihyo
Brief on confirmed birthtime 
Im Nayeon
Yoo Jeongyeon
Minatozaki Sana
Myoui Mina
Hirai Momo
Kim Dahyun
Pristin V
Sun-Moon Signs
Sun-Moon Signs
Team Dynamic/All Member Overviews
**ANSWERED ASKS: Wheein - Conjunct with Public/Relationships  | Mamamoo 2019 Solar Return | 
Natal chart for group + Solar Return for 2019/2020
Ariana Grande 
Natal Outlook 
*maybe later
Brief Overview
Amber Liu
Brief Overview 
Brief Overview
Christian Yu 
Brief Look 
Inner Natal Planet Reading
ASKS: Venus-Square-Mars (Synastry w/ Another person: Will it Resolve?) 
TOP (Choi Seunghyun)
Brief Outlook 
Translated Twitter Thread by HeizeBrasil in Portuguese Here ✨
Brief Overview
Hyolyn (Hyorin)
Inner Planet Natal Reading
IU-GD : Compatibility |
IU’s Ideal Type (in relation to JK) |
Choi Minho (Shinee)
Brief Outlook 
Lee Taemin (Shinee)
Brief Outlook 
Nam Taehyun
Brief Outlook 
Brief Overview
Full Natal Reading (w/birth time) 
Shannon Williams
Brief Overview
ASKS: Who Shannon would go for | 
Duo Dynamics (Series) 💕
Jung Soojung (Krystal) - Jung Sooyeon (Jessica)
Sun-Moon Signs
Summaries: Mars - Destressing 
Summaries : How to Heal with your Chiron 
Summaries: Facing Saturn (Aquarius | Pisces | Aries | Taurus Saturn) 
Rapline Analysis (Strength, Style, Signature) + JK’s Admiration For Them
BTS Answers: Different Gender Bestie | Social Relationships
BTS Answers: Love Language | Affections 
BTS Answers: Family | Future - Family (Fathers)
BTS Answers: Final Dispositions (+ Strictness/Seriousness side-quest) 
Kim Namjoon
Inner Planet Natal Reading 
*ANSWERED ASKS: Namjoon- Yoongi Brief Dynamic | 
Park Jimin
Inner Planet Natal Reading 
*ANSWERED ASK: Capricorn- Libra Suns ( low-key Taehyung-Jimin) Compatibility  | Libra - Virgo Suns (wasn’t thinking about BTS in particular but maybe?? idk??) | Scorpio Mars (Jimin-Jungkook) - Different Shades of Possessive/Protective | Jimin’s Gemini Moon (And Saturn aspect) - does it make him talkative on logs/fancafe? | Yoonmin brief (what I like about them) | Jimin: Shouldn’t he be into horrors since he has Scorpio placements (no?) |
Kim Taehyung
Inner Planets Natal Reading
Members Dynamic (Brief Overview)
*ANSWERED ASKS: Brief Taehyung- Jungkook Dynamic/Capricorn - Virgo |  Taehyung - Yoongi Dynamic (Taegi)  | Capricorn/Aquarius/Aries - Possessive/Jealousy? 
Jeon Jungkook
Inner Planets Natal Reading
Hobi, Jimin, Jk: Gift Givings | *based on the run episode where tae got his winter bear from Jimin 
BTS and Types of Communicator/Understanding (Context of: Upfront and Honest Communicator themselves) | 
*for fun - The most sun/moon moments each member has done | *not serious!
Taehyung + JK - art ‘aesthetic/taste’ | *please don’t ask for every member!! 
Yoongi and his poker face/dead-pan humour | 
Yoongi if he has a Libra Moon : Difference? | 
Possible Charts (different times) for Army | *when the fandom name/official was established
BTS ranking (for fun): 1) lets do it baby i know the law vs. the laws are strict and so am i 2) spontaneousity??
BTS Pettiness (Astrology) | 
BTS Anger (Astrology) | 
BTS - Skin-Ship/Physical Affections from Others | 
BTS in Relationships (Astrology Placements) |
Couple Culture: Brief on BTS - significant other wearing their clothes |
Namjoon’s ‘Ideal’ Type: Placements |  
Namjoon’s ‘Ideal’ Placements: Fire Moons (Aries| Leo Moons) Earth | Water Placements (+ Compatibility/Relationship 101) |
Namjoon’s Ideal Type: Physical Attributes (longer revised/expansion on Ideal placements) |
Namjoon - Jealousy |
Jimin: Why is he so attractive to everyone? | 
Jimin: Naughty Humour? Sense of Humour | 
Jimin’s Compatibility: Attributes + Placements (+ Brief Member x Jimin Relationship Dynamics) |
Jimin Season ASKS: ‘Jealousy | ‘Possessivenes’ | ‘Clingy’ ?
Jimin: Mars-Pluto Intense Hard-working drive? Has it eased up? 
Taehyung’s Ideal Type: Placements |
Taehyung’s Ideal Type: Attributes |
Taehyung’s: Unaspected Venus - Does it make him a cheater? 
Jungkook Have Hella Squares and He Made it Work: So Can You | 
JK’s Ideal Type: Placements |
JK’s Appetite (+ Hoseok) |
JK: Jealousy |
JK: “Glitches” | 
Jikook Relationship (Outline) |
Jimin - Jungkook’s Scorpio Mars - Different Shades of Possessive/Protective | 
JK: why people are saying he likes Taurus |
JK’s: Eyes Smile (Sparkly/Doe) | 
JK’s: Ideal Attractive Physical Attributes (+ placements) |
JK: Why people are saying he likes older partners (younger partners  advantages/explained) |
Jungkook - Yeri: Compatibility Overview |
Jungkook - Rosé: Brief Synastry Overview (aspects + placements) |
Jungkook - Lisa: Compatibility | 
BTS - Black Pink : Most likely to Backstab Someone |
Jin: Sags (and Aqua for Hobi) are extroverted always? |
JK and Namjoon: Differences (brief) 
JK Birthday Project: Virgo Boys (Kim Namjoon- Jeon Jungkook)
Virgo Boys Masterpost
BTS: Virgo Boys - Virgo Notes (JK) 
BTS: Virgo Boys - Sun/Sun 
BTS: Virgo Boys - Moon/Moon (+ Tae/Jin’s Aries Moon) 
BTS: Virgo Boys - Stage Persona/Performance (Moon-Mars)
BTS: Virgo Boys - Social Relationships (Moon-Venus)
BTS: Virgo Boys - Namjoon’s fondness for Jungkook
BTS: Virgo Boys- Jungkook: Habits and Quirks 
BTS: Virgo Boys -Jungkook: Values in Honesty
BTS: VIrgo Boys -Jungkook’s Mercury: Visual Learner/Details 
BTS: Virgo Boys - Jungkook’s Venus: Cinematography (GCF)
BTS: Virgo Boys - Jungkook’s Venus: pt.2 (Libra Venus focused) 
NJ Birthday Project: Virgo Boys (Namjoon Centric) 
NJ ‘Birthday Project’ Masterpost 
BTS: Namjoon’s endearing clumsiness (Moon/Mars/Venus)
BTS: Namjoon’s Intellectualism (Moon/Mercury) 
BTS: Namjoon, Love Yourself (Astrology) 
BTS: Virgo Boys - Namjoon’s Aegyo | Embarrassment (Mars) 
BTS: Virgo Boys - Namjoon’s Fashion Sense (Venus)
BTS: Namjoon’s Koya - Comfort Style (Mars) | Sleeping Cycle (Mercury/Venus)
BTS:  Namjoon’s - Rejected Handshakes | Interviews (Mercury/Mars/Moon)
BTS: Crab Joon | Observational Nature (Sun-Moon Astrology)
BTS: Virgo Boys - Namjoon’s Thankfulness | Leadership (Sun | Moon | Mercury)
BTS: Virgo Boys - Importance of Public | Private Self (JK - NJ | Virgo Sun)
BTS:  Namjoon’s UN Speech (Astrology) |  Bouncy Amplified
BTS: Namjoon Stage Performance pt.2 | Scorpio Venus - Cancer Mars
BTS: Namjoon’s Mischievous Nature | Pt. 1 - Shade (Libra Mercury - Sagittarius Moon) 
BTS: Namjoon’s Mischievous Nature | Pt. 2 - Flirtation (Sagittarius Moon)
*Namjoon Fashion Sense is now also on a twitter thread via virgojooneyes  ✨
Jimin Birthday Project: Jimin Season 
Jimin Season: Masterlist
Jimin Season: Sincerity | Libra - Scorpio
Jimin Season: Nurturing | Scorpio
Jimin Season: Polaroids/Memories |  Libra Mercury
Jimin Season: Teasing Nature | Libra Sun - Gemini Moon
Jimin Season: Fun-Loving | Libra Sun
Jimin Season: Caring | Libra
Jimin Season ASKS: ‘Jealousy | ‘Possessivenes’ | ‘Clingy’ ?
Taehyung’s Birthday Project: Tae-day’s Menu ✨
Tae-Day’s Menu (Masterlist) 
Stage i. SingulariTae + Stigma
Stage ii. DualiTae | SinceriTae + CharismaTae
Stage ii. T(ae)ripple - Threat
Kim Minseok (Xiumin)
Over view 
Byun Baekhyun
Brief Outlook
Park Chanyeol
Brief Outlook
Kim Jongin (Kai)
Brief Outlook
Im Jaebum (JB)
Inner Planet Natal Reading 
Kim Yugyeom
Brief Outline 
Mark Lee
Inner Planets Natal Reading
Lee Donghyuck (Haechan) 
Brief Outlook 
Seventeen Natal (group) and Solar Return for 2019/2020
Choi Seungcheol (S.Coups)
*Add on for Natal Reading w/ Birth time!
Vietnamese Translation (via FB) by lynrin99
Yoon Jeonghan 
Hong Jisoo (Joshua Hong)
Wen Jun Hui
Jeon Wonwoo
Kwon Soonyoung (Hoshi)
Fan-sign birthtime (got at a fansign) *alleged, op hasn’t come back with a source yet so as of now it’s still unconfirmed
Lee Jihoon (Woozi)
Inner Planet Natal Reading
Xu Ming Hao (The8)
Chwe Hansol (Vernon)
Boo Seungkwan
Actors 💕
Park Seo Yoon - Outline |
Nam Joo Hyuk - Outline | 
Astrology Asks 💕
**Please check Astrology Asks Masterlist 🔮 for Full List 
Sun - Moon Catalogue ☀️ 🌙 (Sun signs x Moon signs Descriptions) 
Astrology Help 💕
>> Astrology Asks Masterlist 🔮 << 
*most post are in the link above!! 
Why we use ‘12PM’ for unknown birthtimes |
Opinion on ‘predicting rising signs/birthtimes’ ....sometimes its confirmation bias? |
Friendly Guide to Draconic Charts | 
Astrology - Rising/Ascendant Tables (for writers - character studies) | 
Note: Requests are already put in my draft! 💕 If you want to know who’s already requested, please search their name in the tag!  If nothing comes up, you can definitely send in a request for a reading! 💕 If you want to be tagged when it comes out, you can dm me or reply to the ask with a request to be tagged! 💕
Biasing someone based on the signs (Different type of biases) | 
Idols looking ‘approachable’ (short answer) | 
Scorpios as Leaders of their team? | 
Kpop and Astrology Pt 2 |
Leaders in Groups Pt. 2 | 
FOR FUN - Having fun with thinking about BTS rising sign | 
All 12 Signs Description of Cutesy Factors (relation to Idols) |
Shipping Idols x Idols |
Recommendations on Idols you might want to try reading/practicing with |
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uyuforu · 3 months
Guessing when you will marry with Astrology
જ⁀➴ Jungkook's Example
જ⁀➴ Planets and their Rulers
જ⁀➴ Where to calculate your planets returns
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‧₊˚✩彡 The Descendant
The Descendant is a huge part to guess when one will marry as it is the start of the 7H. Not only the sign but it's Ruler. Looking our Ruler on the Descendant/ 7H will indicate when we marry, but also who we will marry. Take only traditional rulers.
‧₊˚✩彡 Venus Placement
The House where your Venus is usually tells us around the time we start dating, and who we are most likely to date. It is still important to look at that placement as it can indicates around what age we can meet our Future Spouse.
‧₊˚✩彡 Planets and their Returns
Looking at the rulers here are important and I will explain after. First looking at our Chart Ruler is the key point. Look at the ruler on your rising sign. Look also at the ruler on your 7H. Check also the one on your 2H, since it is also a house that can indicate much about our Future Spouse. The 11H can also be quite important. 7H trines 11H, and the 11H also represents our wishes and dreams in some sort, so it could then also represent the ideal partner. Looking at those Houses' rulers will help us, since based on those we will look at those planets' returns. Take only traditional rulers.
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‧₊˚✩彡 Jupiter & Venus
It is a known thing that these two planets are used for marriage indicators, but also Future Spouse. Jupiter is usually used to represent the Husband, while Venus will represent the Wife. Look at the one you are interested in. If you are interested in men, then look at your Jupiter returns. Same with Venus if you are interested in Women.
‧₊˚✩彡 Solar Return Chart
Using Solar Return Charts is a must here. Solar Return Charts are used to know what will happen during every solar return (so every birthday). It will describe to us the most important events of our year. So of course there are marriage aspects.
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‧₊˚✩彡 Examples
ʚɞ My best friend has Virgo DSC, so ruled by Mercury. She also has her Moon in her 7H. She will marry young but not too much (because of Virgo), and she will probably marry her first boyfriend. She will not have much struggles in relationships. Funny thing, she has Libra moon in her 7H, and her bf is a Libra moon. Her Venus is in the 6H, she will maybe starts dating later in life but not too old, maybe in her 20's, but she will be careful bout who she will date. She will also take her time in dating people. That's indeed what happened. Now let's look at the different Rulers in her Natal Chart: her Chart's Ruler is Jupiter, her 7H's Ruler is Mercury, her 2H Ruler is Venus, and her 11H's Ruler is Saturn. So looking at those planets, she could get married during her Mercury, or Venus, Jupiter or Saturn Return. Her Jupiter Return happened in 2023, she was too young to marry but she indeed met her FS that year! They are currently dating. Now to exactly see the year it would happen, we are also gonna check the Solar Returns. She has indicators of marriage in 2026-2027 SRC and in 2027-2028, so that could happen in 2027 mostly. She has a Mercury Return on August 29 2027 and a Venus Return on August 11 2027. She could indeed either get proposed to in August 2027 or get married. But this could also happen in 2028, with the Mercury Return on August 21 2028 and Venus Return on September 22 2028. So for her, it would be either August 2027 or August-September 2028. She indeed has her Saturn return on 2029 but her Solar Return doesn't indicate a marriage that year.
ʚɞ My Brother has Taurus DSC, so ruled by Venus. He has his North Node in his 7H, meaning his purpose in this lifetime is to learn about relationships, and being in Taurus is to know a stable love life. So marrying could be part of this. There aren't indicators of marrying young or late. His Venus is in Sagittarius so it can be in his 20's, but conjuncting Pluto and Mercury, this could be later in his 20's. In the end, it's young, but not "too young". So I guess between his 25 yo to his 30 yo. He started dating when he was a teenager, which makes sense with Mercury in Sagittarius conjuncting Venus. Since his 2H is in Sagittarius, the ruler is Jupiter, and his 11H is in Virgo, ruled by Mercury. So we will look at his Venus, Mercury and Jupiter's return! My brother is a tough one since there are signs over a lot of years, such as 2027 and 2028. Both years could be a potential year to marry for him. On 2027, he has a Mercury and Venus return, but also his Jupiter return. On his Solar Return this year, he has Neptune and Groom on his 7H, and the DSC is in Pisces, so the ruler (non traditional) is in the 7H, which is a good sign. Otherwise, in 2028 his Jupiter returns is ending, he also has a Mercury and a Venus return, and in his SRC this year Uranus 7H indicate a big transformation there, DSC is in Taurus, being ruled by Venus, which conjunct Juno, Part of Fortune and Jupiter. Also the huge stellium in 1H really tells me this year could indicate a huge transformation of identity for him. If it is in 2027, the wedding could happen between October to December 2027. If it is in 2028, it could happen between August and December 2028.
ʚɞ My aunt has Taurus DSC too, so also ruled by Venus. Her 7h is empty too. She has Jupiter Leo in 9H, she started dating in high school, and mostly dates classmates or colleagues. She also has it in Leo, she was quite popular and many people had a crush on her. She has 2H in Sagittarius, so ruled by Jupiter. And her 11H is in Libra, so ruled again by Venus. So we will look at her Venus, Jupiter, and Solar Return Charts mostly. The thing is, she does have indicators of marrying this year, and she has a Venus Return also this year, and she IS getting married this year! She also has indicators in 2025 in her Solar Return Chart though, and also has a Venus Return, and her Solar Return is from August 2025 to August 2026, she also has a Jupiter return in 2026. In the end, she has potential until 2026, so things can happen still! They can marry a second time or something else can happen!
ʚɞ My DSC is in Aries, so ruled by Mars. In my 7H, I have my Saturn and Jupiter there. Because of the mix of those two planets, that makes me marry young yet not too much, so between 25 to 30 yo max. The fact that my DSC is in Aries truly indicates marrying fast, which means once I am with my FS, everything will go fast...🥲 My Jupiter is in my 7H and it is important for me since I am interested in men. It makes me marry quite young in a way, but it also brings me luck in marriage. I started dating indeed when I was around college years. My 2H is in Scorpio, ruled by Mars. My 7H is ruled also by Mars. And my 11H is ruled by Leo so ruled by the Sun. So we will look mostly on the Mars Returns, but also Jupiter, as you have to check it if you are interested in men. But also my Solar Return, which seems to be very important in my cases. Looking at my Mars return, I have a return in 2025 & 2027 for the next years. My Jupiter Return took place in 2023, I indeed met my FS back in 2022, a few month before the Jupiter Return. And during this return I realized I was in love with him. For my Solar Returns, I have potential of marriage in 2025 AND 2027. Since I also have Boda in Gemini, I could actually marry twice with the same person. So my marriage could happen in 2025 & 2027.
ʚɞ My's FS's DSC is in Scorpio so ruled by Mars traditionally. In his 7H, he has his North Node, which indicates he will learn lessons related to relationships in this lifetimes, like my brother. And so one of his purposes in this lifetime is to understand relationships, so marriage could be part of his destiny. Having Scorpio DSC could mean my FS's will marry later in life as he could have been hurt in the past with relationships. It can have created trauma to him, so it can cause delay. His Venus is in the 10H in Pisces. He started dating around the time he was 22-24 years old, mostly classmates in college years, but he was taking things slow and romantic. He is into long term things usually and do not fool around when he is with someone. He dates to marry. His Venus being in Pisces, we will look at his Jupiter returns too. Moving on to his 2H, it is in Gemini so Mercury ruled. We already talked about his 7H. And his 11H is in Pisces so, again, Jupiter ruled traditionally. So for him, we are going to look at his Mars Return, Jupiter Return, Mercury Return and still the Venus return because he is interested in women. He does have potential for Marriage in 2025, he has a huge indicators in his Solar Return chart for this year. He also has a Mercury, Venus and Mars return this year. He has potential too in 2026 but also 2027 all mixed together. So from 2025 to 2027. His Jupiter Return is in 2029, but he has no other indicators for this year.
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uyuforu · 7 months
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Jungkook Astrology Masterlist
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why only jungkook? = jungkook is the only member from bts that confirmed his birth time so only jungkook's astrology readings would be accurate. Until other members confirm theirs, I'll do Jungkook astrology first.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ Basics
Sun • Moon • Mercury • Venus • Mars • Jupiter • Saturn • Uranus • Neptune • Pluto • North Node • South Node • Ascendant
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₊˚⊹ ᰔ Asteroids
Juno • Groom • Briede • Union • Karma • Boda • Lovelock • Destinn • Child • Ceres • Pallas • Lilith • Chiron • Fortune • Vertex • Vesta • Sappho • Psyche • Fama • Harmonia (…)
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₊˚⊹ ᰔ Houses
1H • 2H • 3H • 4H • 5H • 6H • 7H • 8H • 9H • 10H • 11H • 12H
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₊˚⊹ ᰔ Persona Charts
ಇ. Moon Personal Chart
ಇ. Venus Persona Chart
ಇ. Juno Persona Chart
ಇ. Groom Persona Chart
ಇ. Briede Persona Chart
ಇ. Boda Persona Chart
ಇ. DSC Persona Chart
ಇ. Fama Person Chart
ಇ. Union Persona Chart
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₊˚⊹ ᰔ Solar Return Charts
ಇ. 2023-2024
ಇ. 2024-2025
ಇ. 2025-2026
ಇ. 2026-2027
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₊˚⊹ ᰔ Synastry
ಇ. Jungkook & Mingyu (Seventeen) Synastry
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₊˚⊹ ᰔ Composite
ಇ. Jungkook & Mingyu (Seventeen) Composite
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₊˚⊹ ᰔ Astrology Readings
ಇ. Is Jungkook a womanizer?
ಇ. Jungkook's Love Languages
ಇ. JK's FS appearance indicators
ಇ. JK's FS and jealousy/ rumors/ gossips & the public
ಇ. JK's Ideal type (based on DSC Persona Chart)
ಇ. JK's Fama in Natal Chart + Briede Persona Chart
ಇ. When will Jungkook marry?
ಇ. When will Jungkook have children?
ಇ. Does Jungkook's FS has tattoos?
ಇ. Using Asteroid Union to predict Jungkook and his FS meeting
ಇ. Jungkook's In-Laws
ಇ. Jungkook's Fashion Style Evolution
ಇ. Where Jungkook's FS comes from? (in the examples)
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uyuforu · 3 months
hello not my ask but could you do an example with jk chart? its ok if not i dont want to bother
hope you have good day
Jungkook's Style Evolution
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Jungkook's style has been something very interesting to watch over the years. A Fashion style and the way dress always have an importance, at it reflects our personality, our tastes, our self, our mood but also our evolution as a being. And as we all know, JK's Fashion indeed changed over the years too. I thought it would be very interesting to take a look, and someone in the ask box asked me to do so. I wanted then to do a full analysis based on Natal Chart and Solar Returns. You can also check it and apply it to yourself! Please note that I couldn't put more than 30 images in this post, which was inconvenient in a way since I couldn't show more. I tried to take pictures that were a good representation of what JK wore every time. I also chose airport outfits since it is the most popular way to see about JK's fashion style and own fashion choices, other outfits were often chosen by stylists.
Techniques used: Natal Chart + Solar Returns
Placements used: Sun, Rising, Rising's ruler, 1H, MC, Venus, Venus's Ruler, Mars, Stellium for Natal Chart. Rising, Venus, Venus' Ruler, MC sometimes, Mars sometimes for Solar Returns.
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⋅˚₊ Jungkook's Natal Chart Indicators ₊˚ ⋅
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₊˚⊹ Jungkook's Sun is Virgo, and it makes him prefer casual clothing. He also prefers sporty style, clothing you can wear outside and inside, and clothing that are comfortable to move in. Simple, nothing too extravagant. The clothing he often wear are so more comfortable and casual than actually looking luxurious. He often wear jeans too. Colors are also basic ones.
₊˚⊹ Jungkook's Rising sign is Capricorn. JK will look masculine, dominant and a little scary or just distant usually. It makes him so chose clothing that will make him appear older, or he will want to dress a certain way that makes him appear as an actual adult. It makes sense since JK always has been often babied his whole life, he chose a style that is dark, and chose to appear a way to makes sense with his Rising. He wants to tell people through his fashion sense and appearance that he is a grown up, a man, and mostly an adult. He doesn't want people to keep treating him like a baby or a child. He wants people to respect him when they see him. The ruler of the Rising sign is Saturn which is in Aries 3H. Aries here makes sense with his style, his tattoos and mostly that JK wants to have a lot of muscles and wants to look attractive physically, he often takes care of his body shape. The 3H is a Gemini house, rulling the arms and hands, and this is where JK has tattoos. Despite his actual look and desire to appear older, JK will still have that youthful look of his, but his fashion style will so be chosen for him to be treated like a man and not a boy.
₊˚⊹ JK's Venus sign is in Libra, and being its own ruler, JK has indeed a good fashion sense. He cares a lot about how he looks and how the clothings he chooses to wear suit him. He is part of the people who can't go out in clothing they don't like. It doesn't have to be the runway kind of fashion whenever he goes out, but he needs to wear what he likes. Even if his outfits seem most of the time casual and comfortable, it is in fact his style and his fashion sense, and he actually likes this style. It looks like he doesn't care while in fact he does. JK also has a lot of different accessories he wears daily. His Venus is in 9H, he has an appearance that doesn't fit the Korean standards, despite that many other Koreans have tattoos and piercings, it is not considered something well seen in the country. More because JK is an idol. He made a revolutionary move by having so much tattoos, showing them freely. Even with his style.
₊˚⊹ JK's Mars sign is in Scorpio, making a lot of sense with the way he dresses. He looks very good in black and dark clothing. He likes the pull off the "Bad Boy" style and it is actually a good idea since it goes well with his Mars sign. He is very attractive and sexier in this outfits, not because of the style itself, but because it goes well with the placement. Dressing according to its Venus style is important but Mars is also very important since it will make you look good and attractive in the eyes of others. JK before used to dress in a much more casual and comfy style like his Sun sign. It suited him well but ever since he started to dress along his Mars sign, you can see his self confidence is higher. Piercings, showing much more his body shape, dark & black clothing, excellent choices. He owns the mysterious and hot guy style. His Tattoos, despite being his personal choices, actually also goes well with his style.
₊˚⊹ JK's MC is Libra, which represents his reputation. JK has the reputation to have a good fashion sense, he explored different styles, yet he knows how to dress well. He is considered as one of the best members of BTS to dress for airport style for example. He also has a good way to dress usually, and always seems to appear very good looking wherever he goes. Whatever he pulls off will suit him.
₊˚⊹ JK has a 1H & 8H stellium, which makes sense since he always stated that his body and appearance mattered much to him. He is often seen working out, and taking care of his appearance. He wants to look good, he also likes to be praised for how he looks, fashion wise but also just also about his body shape. The 8H stellium is clearly a big indicators about how people see him. JK's Neptune 1H first indicate people see him in a way that is not 100% true, they desire him for how he looks, but not actually him as a person. Having a 8H stellium makes JK appear very desirable for most people. He looks hot, sexy, mysterious, just someone people are obsessed with.
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⋅˚₊ Jungkook's Natal Chart Indicators ₊˚ ⋅
જ⁀➴ SRC 2015-2016
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₊˚⊹ This year, JK was Gemini Rising. This made him dressed in many different colors, and style. He wasn't afraid to mix colors, and mostly was dressing in a more colorful and joyful way. It was also a year of self discovery fashion wise, as JK sometimes wore black, and sometimes colorful outfits. With the 20° (Scorpio), we can see how JK was very shy about his appearance, his body language in most pictures that year made it obvious he was shy. He may also dressed in a way that made him look normal, basic, not extra to make him stand out. Despite also being young that year (He was 2017 years old), his Gemini rising also makes him dresses in a "childlike" fashion style, meaning he dresses as people his age, or with clothing that made him appear younger.
₊˚⊹ Fashion this year was indeed very colorful for men, it was also a year with simple clothing: a jacket, a skinny jean, a simple t-shirt. And backpacks seemed to be also pretty popular, something JK was often wearing that year. Cargo pants were also an iconic fashion trend that year, and JK didn't miss it. This style was similar to the Skater Boy, often wearing beanies too, pretty popular for men and boys around that year.
₊˚⊹ This year's Venus was Leo 3H, again a Gemini placement. With Leo Venus, Fashion could have been really important for him this year, he may have cared a lot. Being in the 3H, it must have been a way to express himself, maybe expressed his mood of the day.
₊˚⊹ Venus' Ruler is the Sun, being in 4H. He may have wanted to dress very much like Korean's Fashion this year, following trends and not wanting to stand out in his own style much. The Scorpio degree on the Sun also make sense, JK didn't seem to be very confident in his appearance, he so didn't want people to notice him much in his fashion style. What he wore was very simple.
જ⁀➴ SRC 2016-2017
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₊˚⊹ For this year, JK was Virgo Rising, his fashion style was clear, neat, he was always very well dressed, every accessories making a perfect sense. He started dressing with neutral colors such as Black, dark colors, white, beige, and also often wore Jeans. Very casual fashion style. The 5° on his rising sign makes him have a good fashion style, it's not only casual, you can see that JK has a big interest in Fashion this year. The way he dresses felt like it actually mattered to him. It also makes him in touch with trends and the fashion world, as the way JK dresses was very similar to the trends of that time, despite JK wearing a more "casual" look.
₊˚⊹ JK's 1H Stellium also explains how he got a glow up this year, his appearance really mattered this year to him. Moreover, the Sun is in there, making it really obvious how important it was. His Fashion style was part of his identity.
₊˚⊹ Venus was in Libra 2H this year, with also the ruler being in its home. It was very obvious JK was really into fashion this year, dressing very well. That year, JK wore a lot of skinny jeans, showing his tights and hips very much. He wore casual yet luxurious outfits, which is very logical to me since the venus is in a Taurus House but also with a Taurus degree.
જ⁀➴ SRC 2017-2018
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₊˚⊹ The way I just laugh out loud when I saw his SRC this year. It is just so obvious. This is the year JK started to dress in black mostly, Black and White were his only go to Fashion Style. Even jeans were black. This can be easily explained with his Scorpio Rising this year. JK also often wore a leather Jacker, which is such a Scorpio thing to me. It gives me bad boy style tbh. I don't wanna sound cliché tho. With the Cancer degree on the rising, JK indeed followed fashion Trends from Korea this year, Black was seen often and was a popular color (if I can say color).
₊˚⊹ Venus is once again in Leo this year, in 9H. Fashion style could have been also inspired from foreign lands, where indeed leather jackets was a trend. Having more dark colors on their outfits was something that we could often see. Fashion was also very important this year. JK was indeed popular for his bad boy look he wore. The Libra degree on the Venus made him always have a proper look, always looking very well out and harmonious. Being in 9H makes sense since his Fashion look were often popular when he was at the airport.
₊˚⊹ The Ruler is the Sun in 10H, and the MC being in Leo makes a lot of sense to me. Around those years, JK's fashion sense became very popular and his fashion style was part of his good reputation. He was popular for his fashion sense, the way he wore, but also how his fashion made him appear. People were going crazy and often called JK "hot", "sexy", etc. Coming back to the Scorpio Rising, this can also be explained as to why. That made him indeed appear as sexy, hot, and mysterious. People were obsessed with his look. The MC being in an Aquarius degree makes a lot of sense, JK was very popular for his fashion and his appearance online from this year.
જ⁀➴ SRC 2018-2019
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₊˚⊹ This year, JK was Aquarius rising. It was very interesting since to me having Aquarius rising makes us look very unique, avant-garde and maybe even following our own fashion style without caring much about trends. JK this year continued to wore black often. Most of his outfits were that colors. He was often wearing clothings the he liked, not caring much about fashion itself compared the the previous years. He was more into comfortable clothing this year than fashion itself.
₊˚⊹ Fashion this year was actually pretty colorful on the runways. Despite the clothing were also comfortable for men, fashion was still around skinny jeans, simple t-shirts, etc. So JK actually dressed different from most of the fashion trends this year. He was still into fashion, but maybe detached himself from the fashion trends and started to go on a self-journey. He was finally finding his own style.
₊˚⊹ Venus this year was in Libra 8H. The darker color, even just black makes sense since it is in the 8H. JK was seen more often hiding his face, letting his bangs being long, often wearing hats and caps that were almost hiding his face. Fashion was still part of him, and he dressed well according to his body type and his tastes. Moreover, MC this year was in Scorpio, which makes a lot go sense.
જ⁀➴ SRC 2019-2020
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₊˚⊹ This year was a brand new beginning for JK as he started to get Tattoos, the first ones on his hands. Funny thing since this year, JK was Gemini rising. And Gemini rules also over the hands but also the arms, and JK also had some more tattoos later in 2020, on the arms.
₊˚⊹ This year, JK was so Gemini Rising with a 9°. Despite Black was still being his go to color, he was wearing clothings with different style. He was also known for his iconic hairstyle this year (the curly hair), that people created the Dora meme with. He was wearing a sporty casual style, with big clothing that made him look tiny. He could wear very casual and good outfits and the next time wear a very casual and sporty outfit. It seemed like he cared and other times he was just wanting to wear more comfortable clothing.
₊˚⊹ Venus this year is in Virgo 4H, his style was very casual, and very everyday style. It was a style which was comfortable and you could wear everyday. The Ruler is in the same sign and house, which adds to the fact JK really wanted it to be comfy and without any extra. He was also wearing a lot of oversized clothing this year again, which add more comfort.
જ⁀➴ SRC 2020-2021
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₊˚⊹ For 2020, JK was Leo Rising with Aries degree. JK wasn't wearing much on his heads this year, often wanting to show up with different hairstyles. His Fashion was more "fashionable" than comfortable this year. He often expressed his own style and give more importance to his clothing style. Patterns appeared much more than last year. While JK was always wearing simple clothing before, he showed more patterns from this SRC.
₊˚⊹ The Venus was in Cancer 11H, JK was still wearing comfortable clothings. He was still on finding his own style as the way he was dressing wasn't that seen on the runway. He was using trends in the way he wanted to wear them. For example, the plaid pattern was seen often on runways this year, and JK also wear those, but in a more casual manner, in a more comfortable manner.
₊˚⊹ Since his Venus's ruler is the Moon, it is in Aquarius 6H, comfortable clothing, and preferring to wear his own style. I think it's over these years JK really imposed his own style. He knew he was into comfortable and casual clothing, but I feel like it's around the beginning of 2020's that his fashion style really became his.
જ⁀➴ SRC 2021-2022
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₊˚⊹ This year is really iconic to me, it is the years JK's QG's photoshoot went out and it was viral. An icon. His Rising this year was Scorpio 8°, full Scorpio. If you want to know more about the photoshoot, I advise you to take a look because it's the best representation of this rising. This year JK looked mysterious, often once again wearing black and not much patterns. He sometimes wore some but not much. He was mostly in plain black and mostly showing much more his abs and body shapes with his clothing. He was full on the piercings and tattoos. It was truly the bad boy style this year, it also reminds me of the Hongdae Men lol.
₊˚⊹ His Venus was Libra 12H, and I remember that JK's shoes collection was wild this year, people were often posting and discussing about his shoes. Since Pisces/ 12H rules over the feet, it makes a lot of sense. Coming back, indeed JK's sense of fashion was wild, and he was often seen posing for photoshoots. His Leo MC makes a lot of sense.
₊˚⊹ His rising's rulers were Mars (11H) and Pluto (3H), JK's fashion was very popular online this year too, he was still in his own style and not caring much about most of trends, he was wearing what he wanted, and I almost want to say he was the creator of trends. He was versatile, going to comfy to luxurious style. He could pull everything off!
જ⁀➴ SRC 2022-2023
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Didn't include 2023-2024 since JK is currently in Military.
₊˚⊹ This year JK was Capricorn Rising. His style was def more dominant. The way he appeared was always was very masculine too, showing much more his skin, abs, and body. Even in photoshoots, he wasn't just trying to show his fashion sense, it was also about the vibe he wanted to give to people. During this SRC, Seven went out and I suggest you to look at the photoshoot of the album... :) Saturn being the Rising's ruler, is in the 1H, making it obvious JK wanted to show a strong appearance, proving to people he is not a child anymore.
₊˚⊹ The Venus was in Leo 7H, JK was wearing a good fashion style still. It was still his iconic look but he looked very attractive because of his good style. JK's fashion this year was less sporty and comfy, it was more about the actual fashion. He was wearing jeans and casual attire yet it was similar to the SRC 2016-2017. His clothing and fashion were really well put together and accessories were often seen on him. Not only his piercings, but necklaces and beanies too.
₊˚⊹ Venus ruler is the Sun which is in 8H,JK had a mysterious, sexy and hot aura once again this year. He was showing more his body and even while working he chose a style that looked like that. He also started to do a photoshoot for Calvin Klein this year, which was iconic to me. It was the first time people were actually seeing JK's abs. The photoshoot shows JK's persona, as a dark bad boy (he loves that style). It actually suits the MC, his reputation was someone hot, sexy and mostly a man that was really desired.
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uyuforu · 7 months
Hello. When do you see marriage potential for Jungkook? (astrology)
This is my first question. I enjoy reading your astrology posts. :)
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Time Jungkook will mostly marry based on Astrology
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Hello! Your question is about when jungkook has marriage potential! So to answer this question, I want to look at his Natal chart but also Solar return chart!
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Natal Chart
ʚɞ ⁺˖ Cancer in DSC (moon): meaning at a time he is still young. Since there are no planets in his 7H (only asteroid Briede), it doesn't mean that young so we could say around 30 years old! Between 26-32 max. His asteroid there could just literally say a younger bride. Meant to have a younger bride.
ʚɞ ⁺˖ Venus in 9H: So this placement could make JK start dating around time he was studying (high school: he got his first gf at that time). They dated for two years! And usually Venus in 9H means you start dating around 18-21 yo, and it was indeed at the time. But, this placement also says 24-26 and 30-32. This post is made in November 2023, so at the moment JK is 26! He may still dating but it's more likely he'll be married around 30 yo!
ʚɞ ⁺˖ Aquarius in 2H (ruled by Saturn traditionally) + Cancer in 7H (Moon) + Scorpio in 11H (Mars traditionally): If we look at those planets, they could potentially say when JK will get married. Either a moon return (extremely fast, pretty much happens every month, so every year kinda JK has a change to get married lol, so don't base yourself on it.). It can also happen during mars return or Saturn return! We all know about the Saturn return happening in 2027 for JK, but the mars return happens every two years! SO!
-> Next Saturn return= 2027 (29-30 yo)
-> Next Mars Return= 2023 (just happened!/ 26 yo), September 22th 2025 (28 yo), September 2nd 2027 (30yo)
-> Next Moon Return= Complicated to list them all, but 2027 is def a big year for JK, so I'll focus there! There is a transit in February 20th 2027 in Virgo and August 31th!
ʚɞ ⁺˖ Venus Libra Return: Why can it be a factor? If we look at the future spouse of someone in their chart, Venus is for the men and Jupiter is for the women. So looking exactly when Venus for a man returns during the year can say when they meet their FS or when they get married! It goes back once a year, and usually it's around August-October for JK. For the year 2027, it happens on September 14th! Man be ready for a full ride in September 2027!
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Solar Return
ʚɞ ⁺˖ 2025-2026 Solar Return Chart: There are possibility to meet the future spouse that year! Jupiter is in Cancer (Natal 7H/ DSC) in 9H! And Venus is in Leo 10H, meaning success in relationships? Jupiter is also a planet that represents commitment, success and luck, so it tells where you'll be lucky! It's a possibility, it doesn't necessarily means it'll come true. Chiron is in the 7H, meaning it can be a time of healing in relationships. So I wouldn't be shock if they met that year too.
ʚɞ ⁺˖ 2026-2027 SRC: Jupiter in 7H in Leo!! A big sign of being with fs and also could be a time of getting married! Saturn is also opposite to Venus, a big changement in his love life! Venus is back in his home sign, meaning it can be a real serious time for serious committing! I already say that 2025-2027 would be significant for jk! And DSC is in his natal house too!
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uyuforu · 7 months
Jungkooks fs being famous is quite possible due to him having asteroid fama conjunct his DSC and bride asteroid.
I wanna know what you and ✌️ anon say about this.I'm really looking forward to your and ✌️ anon's post together because you guys work great as a team and you both seem very precise and on point with astrology predictions. I'm learning alot from you both. I'm a new astro boy so please dont judge me for the little guessing that i did.
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Jungkook's Fama Asteroid in his Natal Chart + in his Briede Persona Chart
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(idk about the gif lol)
What is the Asteroid Fama?
Asteroid Fama (408) is an asteroid discovered in 1895 by Max Wolf. It was named after the roman goddess Fama. It's used in astrology to represent fame in general. You can use it to know in what field you could be famous, and in your solar return chart, when you have more chance to blow up. It also represents rumors, lies and gossips.
-> Here, the anon is talking how it may effect on his FS as it conjunct the DSC, so I wanna talk about the Fama in his Natal but also on his BPC!
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Jungkook's Fama in NC
Fama Cancer
-> Cancer Fama to me is like being born in fame. It's like always being part of Fame. JK entered the entertainment industry extremely young (12 yo), it feels a vibe of growing up in the fame. Fame is your home, your house, what you know because he literally grew up in it. It can also mean dreaming of fame since you are a child. His caring side, his nurturing side, him showing jealousy will. help him get fame. We all known how JK can be veryyyy jealous lol and it's part of his popularity, let's not lie. He is a very relatable person and this helped a lot in his fame. He feels like everyone can get along with him, he feels like he is a safe person. This is why people love him so much. He appreciates things naturally. Fama cancer also makes the person being protected more easily. Fans, Army, even other BTS members, he will also be the baby of everyone. If he shows his cute side, fame will be even more easy for him (and it did happen!) This placement may signify JK's mom wanted him to be famous.
Fama in 7H
-> His fame being in the 7H literally means contracts are important for JK. Signing the right contracts will make him blow up (literally what happened). The 7H is connected to Libra, making him famous also for his look, attractiveness, his charm. He will be known for how he looks. Or his look will help him gain fame. People can be very interested and talk a lot about his appearance. Relationships are also a big theme with the 7H. People will spread a lot or rumors about it, and talk about it often. And it can mean JK will often be known for iconic look, outfits, etc. Being married will make JK even more famous. It also means meeting a lot of love interests during fame. It also means that he naturally make people love him. Having good contacts is also a factor here.
Fama 7°
-> Beauty, charm and fashion are important factors. JK will be known for his face, his style, his fashion, his charming appearance and personality. He will give the illusion to be perfect in a sense, this is also why many people thought he was libra rising before. His Fame persona is literally full of libra placements. The 7° is also pulled but music and art. This makes the native good at making art and music and making them famous for it. Not even surprised lmao.
Fama Conjunct DC
-> SO, this placement has something to do with his FS of course. But, it also has something to do with him first. This placement is literally meaning getting married to fame. JK will never escape fame anymore. He got in very young but will always be famous. He can't go back! That's a good thing in a way he has never to be worry about if it will stop one day (and Fama also aspects his sun), but it's also a curse. It means he will never be able to have a full private life.
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Jungkook's Fama in NC about his FS
Fama Conjunct (exactly) DC
-> So, Fama conjunct DC can indicate also having a famous Bride. I always felt like his FS will be famous in the future. Maybe not right now as today, but in the future. She has a lot of placements in JK's BPC that indicates fame. She is meant to be famous one day! It can also mean having a famous marriage, or being a famous married couple.
Fama Conjunct Briede Asteroid
-> Literally marriying a famous person. Bride will be famous when they will be married. JK might meet her when she is famous and marry her. It doesn't feel like she will get famous because of him. But fame might get even more significant for both once they are together.
Fama Square Venus
-> Fame might be difficult for JK generally for his love life. His love life is complicated because of his fame. It can also means a lot of gossips and rumors go around because of it. And JK suffers about that placement. It also means, related to his FS, that a lot of rumors and gossips will make his FS be the victim. She will be treated like shit by the public at first. People literally hate any girls that get close to JK, what did you expect?
Fama Semi-sextile Juno
-> A famous love! It means their love story will be famous. This part is 100% my interpretation. Love life of JK is famous, but Juno is the asteroid which represents FS, love of your life. So JK and FS's love story will be known to the public. It's like Kate and William or Brad and Jen's/ Angelina's type of love story. The kind of stories that people talked about a thousand time, everyone knows what happened.
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Jungkook's Fama in his BPC
Fama Leo
-> Sooo, how many times did I tell you she is meant to be famous? A LOT. This is the n°1 indicator of fame. Michael Jackson has this placement. Fame is your destiny girl. And it also means fame will go well with her. Like she will shine even more for being famous. Her personality, her confidence, her talents, her smile, everything like that will make her famous. She might be very charming and charismatic. People talk about her easily, and she has a lot of admirers. Even without being famous, many people can have a crush on her, or people might tell her often how she is an example for them in their life. Success is easy to her, and she might attracts luck easily. You can't compete with her, she will always win! And so this placement also indicates people easily being jealous of you. But because the sun is in Cancer in JK's BPC, it might be that she is too innocent to understand why? She might not get why people are jealous of her because she has a natural carrying nature.
Fama 11H
-> High level status, big popularity among people, People around her might feel like she is popular, or she always has been popular before. She is just famous for being who she is. Friends can play along, the people she hang out with can make her famous, or she can be famous for having friends. Or once she is famous, people will say "ah yes JKFS has a lot of friends", something like that lol. She might be a bit special, unique, or something about her will make her stand out in the crowd. She might be known for being "weird", very different from others and standing to it. She is not trying to fade into the mass, and that could add to her popularity. Because Fama is in Leo, it's just natural for her to be popular wherever she goes. She just attracts people's eyes. She may belong to certain communities that make her famous too. Gaining fame on social medias is big there. She could be known for being very relatable or friendly. Or even stubborn lmao.
Fama 8°
-> Michael Jackson also has this placement lmao byyeee. 8° is connected to scorpio, so death, wealth, manifestation, enemies, secrets, jealousy, sex, etc. Many people will be jealous of her for sure. The public might hate her because she naturally attracts a lot and others might feel like she is "stealing" something from them. She might also be famous for being secretive. People will obsess with her and talk about her a lot. They might be very interested in her, and want to be part of her private life.
Fama Semi-Sextile North Node
-> Literally part of her destiny. I wanna say that fame has to do with her soul purpose in this life. Fame might help her in her duty, or it's just part of it. She won't escape this part.
Mercury Conjunct Fama
-> Speeches or voice is part of the fame. She could be famous for her voice, either it's singing or just taking. Her speeches could be famous, or she will be famous for something she said. Her expressions also. Or it can also be her knowledges in languages. This can also mean people will often talk about her. Many rumors and gossips are on its way. People will just love to gossip about her. And it means whatever she does, it's like it'll be on national news.
Sun Semi-Sextile Fama
-> Shine bright like a diamond. Literally. She'll have lights on her. It's like she was made for fame. She can handle it well. It can also mean she always dreamed to be famous. Since it's also in Leo, it can be very much a desire of hers. Or she always daydreamed about it.
Fama Semi-Sextile ASC
-> Can be famous for her appearance. I already told you before (and many others tarot readers said the same) she will be often talked about her look. People will talk about how she looks, it can be praising her look, her outfits, her make up but also talking sh*t about her. She will be famous for her beauty. Something about her looks so so good. It can also be rumors concerning her appearance (pregnancy, surgeries, etc.)
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Thank you for reading!
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uyuforu · 2 months
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Mingyu Astrology Masterlist
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₊˚⊹ ᰔ Basics
Sun • Moon • Mercury • Venus • Mars • Jupiter • Saturn • Uranus • Neptune • Pluto • North Node • South Node • Ascendant
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₊˚⊹ ᰔ Asteroids
Juno • Groom • Briede • Union • Karma • Boda • Lovelock • Destinn • Child • Ceres • Pallas • Lilith • Chiron • Fortune • Vertex • Vesta • Sappho • Psyche • Fama • Harmonia (…)
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₊˚⊹ ᰔ Houses
1H • 2H • 3H • 4H • 5H • 6H • 7H • 8H • 9H • 10H • 11H • 12H
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₊˚⊹ ᰔ Persona Charts
ಇ. Moon Personal Chart
ಇ. Venus Persona Chart
ಇ. Juno Persona Chart
ಇ. Groom Persona Chart
ಇ. Briede Persona Chart
ಇ. Boda Persona Chart
ಇ. DSC Persona Chart
ಇ. Fama Person Chart
ಇ. Union Persona Chart
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₊˚⊹ ᰔ Solar Return Charts
ಇ. 2023-2024
ಇ. 2024-2025
ಇ. 2025-2026
ಇ. 2026-2027
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₊˚⊹ ᰔ Synastry
ಇ. Mingyu & Jungkook (BTS) Synastry
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₊˚⊹ ᰔ Composite
ಇ. Mingyu & Jungkook (BTS) Composite
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₊˚⊹ ᰔ Astrology Readings
ಇ. Mingyu's Love Languages
ಇ. Mingyu's FS appearance indicators
ಇ. When will Mingyu marry?
ಇ. When will Mingyu have children?
ಇ. Mingyu's In-Laws
ಇ. Mingyu's Fashion Style Evolution
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24 notes · View notes
uyuforu · 6 months
What kind of reading are you working on about Jungkook?
Right now:
-> Jungkook's Solar Return Chart 2023-2024 analysis (ft. ✌️anon)
-> Jungkook's in laws analysis
-> Jungkook's Talent Asteroid in Natal Chart
Pretty much it for now, stay tune :)
- uyu
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uyuforu · 6 months
Adore adore adore 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
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- uyu
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uyuforu · 2 months
Hello! I had a question when reading your jungkook fashion thread, what do you mean by his rising changing? Is that a thing that happens? I’m still very new to astrology 🤍
In your Solar Return Charts, your rising and whole chart change. I am not talking about Natal Charts!
Here is a way for your to understand better about different astro charts: different kind of charts
- uyu
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neotan-astrology · 3 years
Masterlist - NCT
Last updated: 17/03/2022
Soulmates according to Juno
NCT 127
5dream + Shotaro Sungchan
Venus Analysis (what they feel about love)
NCT 127
NCT Dream
Ways of showing affection
NCT Dream
NCT 127
Shotaro + Sungchan
NCT 127 Rising Signs
NCT when Drunk
NCT Eros Sign Analysis(18+)
NCT + WayV Hogwarts House
NCT + WayV Love Language
NCT Group Chart Analysis
How would NCT react when angry/ upset (Mars Analysis)
Pros and Cons of Dating NCT
How he will show interest in someone he likes 
As boyfriends
Placements compatible with 
Synastry Charts
Mark x Taeyong
Mark x Jungwoo
Mark x Jaehyun
Jaehyun x Winwin
Jaehyun x Jungkook (BTS)
Doyoung x Jungwoo
Jaehyun x Jungwoo
Jaehyun x Johnny
Jungwoo x Haechan
Short analysis
Visual analysis
Solar Return Chart
Solar Return Chart 2021 - 2022
As a Father
Solar Return Chart
Visual Analysis
As a Father
Visual analysis
Venus analysis
255 notes · View notes
neotan-astrology · 4 years
Last updated: 13/05/2022
BTS Soulmates According to Juno
Hyung Line
Maknae Line
BTS Jupiter Analysis
Hyung Line
Maknae Line
BTS Venus Analysis
Hyung Line
Maknae Line
BTS when drunk
Ways of showing affection
Pros and Cons of Dating
BTS Dominant Planets
BTS Eros Sign Analysis (18+)
Rising signs that would attract BTS
BTS Love Language
BTS alternative career
BTS when angry ( Mars Sign)
Placements compatible with
How he will show interest in someone he likes
As boyfriends
Prefer introvert/ambivert/extrovert
BTS Hogwarts House
Synastry Charts
Jimin x Taehyung
Jungkook x Jaehyun (NCT)
Solar Return Chart
Visual analysis
Solar Return Chart
Random Astrology Things
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