365hops · 8 months
Exploring the Uncharted: 5 Adventurous Escapes in India
India, a land of diverse landscapes, beckons adventurers from around the globe. From the snow-covered peaks of the Himalayas to the untamed jungles of the south, this subcontinent offers a plethora of thrilling experiences. Let's embark on a virtual journey to five enchanting destinations that promise unforgettable adventures.
1) Valley of Flowers Trek: A Walk Through Heaven
Nestled in the Garhwal Himalayas, the Valley of Flowers is a floral symphony that unfolds during the monsoon season. Trekking to this UNESCO World Heritage Site takes you through vibrant alpine meadows where nature displays its artistic prowess. The air is filled with the fragrance of wildflowers, and each step unveils a new shade of nature's palette.
Beyond the breathtaking blooms, the Valley of Flowers is also a biodiversity hotspot. Spot rare Himalayan species and vibrant butterflies as you traverse this botanical wonderland. The trek typically commences from Govindghat, leading to the base camp of Ghangaria. From there, a moderate trek brings you to the valley. The best time to visit is during July and August when the valley is in full bloom.
2) Kuari Pass Trek: Winter's Embrace
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Kuari Pass, often referred to as the "Curzon Trail," offers a winter wonderland adventure in the Garhwal Himalayas. This trek is an ode to the snow-cloaked mountains, with panoramic views of peaks like Nanda Devi, Dronagiri, and Kamet. The trail is adorned with rhododendron forests and picturesque villages.
Starting from Joshimath, the trek takes you to Auli, renowned for its skiing slopes. The best time for the Kuari Pass trek is during the winter months, from December to March, when the landscape is blanketed in pristine white. It's an opportunity to experience the Himalayas in their serene and tranquil glory.
3) Jungle Safari in Jim Corbett: A Wild Odyssey
Jim Corbett National Park, the oldest national park in India, is a realm of raw wilderness. Located in the state of Uttarakhand, it's a sanctuary for the majestic Bengal tiger and a multitude of other wildlife species. A jungle safari here is a chance to witness these creatures in their natural habitat.
Whether you opt for an open jeep safari or an elephant safari, jim corbett safari booking offers a thrilling adventure. Traverse dense Sal forests, grasslands, and riverbanks as you seek encounters with tigers, leopards, elephants, and more. The park is also a haven for birdwatchers, with over 600 avian species.
4) Paragliding in Bir: Riding the Wind
Bir Billing in Himachal Pradesh is a paraglider's paradise and one of the best paragliding destinations in India. The thrill of soaring high above the lush landscapes of the Kangra Valley is an experience like no other. The take-off site at Billing and the landing site at Bir offer spectacular views of the Dhauladhar Range.
Whether you're a seasoned paraglider or a beginner, Bir has options for all. The favorable wind conditions and professional guidance make it a safe and exhilarating experience. The best time for paragliding Bir Billing is from March to June and then from September to November.
5) Tadoba Safari: Tracking Tigers in the Wild
TadobaAndhari Tiger Reserve, located in Maharashtra, is a haven for wildlife enthusiasts. This reserve is known for its high tiger population, making it one of the top places to spot these magnificent predators in India. A safari here promises heart-pounding encounters with the big cats.
Tadoba offers a range of safari options, including jeep safaris and canter safaris. Traverse the diverse landscape, from dense forests to serene water bodies, as you seek glimpses of tigers, leopards, sloth bears, and a rich array of birdlife. The best time for Tadoba safaris is from October to June, with the winter months being ideal for tiger sightings.
In Conclusion: Exploring India's Wilderness
India's natural beauty is an open invitation to adventurers. From trekking through floral paradises to paragliding in the sky, and from tracking tigers in the wild to embracing winter's embrace in the Himalayas, the subcontinent offers a spectrum of exhilarating experiences. Each of these destinations promises not just adventure but a profound connection with nature's wonders, leaving indelible imprints on the adventurous soul.
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natures-sprout · 2 years
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365hops · 8 months
Discover Jim Corbett's Legacy at Jim Corbett National Park
From 365hops, hello! We are ecstatic to know that you are interested in the magnificent jim corbett safari booking National Park and the amazing heritage of the man who founded it. Your enthusiasm for exploring the outdoors and learning about this park's unique history is incredibly motivating.
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Overview of the destination:
As a monument to the greatness of a man who dedicated his life to preserving the forests and defending the populace from the threat of man-eating tigers, jungle safari jim Corbett stands today. It has a particular place in the hearts of both nature lovers and conservationists because it is India's first and oldest national park.
Highlights of the Park include the following:
• Diverse Elevation: The park's elevation spans from 1,300 to 4,000 feet, providing a varied scenery that includes hills, river belts, marshy depressions, grasslands, and a gorgeous lake.
• Abundant Biodiversity: With 110 tree species, 50 mammal species, 580 bird species, and 25 reptile species, Jim Corbett National Park is a refuge for nature lovers.
• The Man Behind the Legend: Sir Jim Corbett, born in Nainital, was not only an avid hunter but also a great hero for the villagers. He risked everything to save the neighborhood from man-eating tigers, so sparing numerous lives.
Imagine the excitement of chasing a powerful predator through dense underbrush, keeping track of its every move until the crucial encounter. That's Jim Corbett's legacy. This is how the fabled hunts of Sir Jim Corbett went. His acts were always motivated by a strong sense of duty to the individuals who were in danger, never by personal enjoyment.
The evocative depiction of Corbett's exploits and adventures in his book, "Man-Eaters of Kumaon, Jungle Lore," brought him both critical praise and financial success. Later, he changed careers and became a conservationist and wildlife photographer who promoted the preservation of India's biodiversity.
The creation of Jim Corbett National Park was made possible by Sir Jim Corbett's relentless efforts, which resulted in the creation of the 'Hailey National Park,' which was afterwards renamed the renowned Jim Corbett National Park. Today, it draws more than 70,000 visitors each year, giving them a chance to see the elusive Bengal tigers, which are noted for being shy.
Your Particular Knowledge: It is possible to follow in the footsteps of a legend, discover the lush landscapes he preserved, and see the species that calls Jim Corbett National Park home by going there. Even if it might be difficult to see Bengal tigers, you can still expect to see elephants, deer, a wide variety of forest vegetation, and the intriguing pug prints of the shy animals.
Your willingness to visit Jim Corbett National Park and honor its illustrious past is very admirable. We are eager to assist you in organizing a vacation that will enable you to fully experience the world of Sir Jim Corbett, experience the magic of the jungle, and create lasting memories.
Adventure Paragliding: A Suggestion for a Memorable Moment
Here is a thorough proposal that meets all of your needs and goals:
Overview and location: As the second-best location in the world for aero-sport activities, paragliding bir billing is a haven for fans of the activity. Billing and Bir are separated by about 14 kilometers, and it is conveniently situated just 70 km from Dharamshala. This area offers breathtaking views of the Himalayan Dhauladhar Mountain Range and the captivating Kangra Valley.
Options for paragliding:
1.One-on-one paragliding If you would prefer to fly alone, our highly qualified pilots will lead you through a thorough training session before to your trip. We put safety first, and you'll be ready to fly when the time comes.
2. Tandem Paragliding: Tandem paragliding is the ideal option for people who wish to enjoy this amazing experience with a friend or loved one. An skilled pilot will fly alongside you to ensure your safety as you unwind and take in the view.
Flight Experience: You will have about 20 to 30 minutes of sheer thrill throughout your paragliding excursion, which will take off from Billing and land in Bir. You will be treated to panoramic views of the surrounding natural beauties beginning at a height of 8000 feet above sea level in Billing and dropping to 4500 feet in Bir Billing.
Assurance of Safety: We are aware that safety is of utmost importance. All of our pilots are highly skilled professionals who are knowledgeable with wind speed, precise instructions, takeoffs, and landings. The breathtaking views will be your sole focus during the flight.
Ideal Season to Visit: Except during the monsoon season (July to September), when there is considerable rain, paragliding is possible all year round. The best months for long rides are October through November and March through June because of the optimum weather. Temperatures in Bir Billing often range from 10 to 25 degrees Celsius, making for a nice climate.
Other Activities: In addition to paragliding, Bir Billing also provides a range of other options for spiritual development. The paths are simple to follow and assure a pleasant journey.
Our Commitment: We are committed to giving you a memorable experience that will make you smile. Our greatest accomplishment is your satisfaction, thus we are eager to have you visit Bir Billing.
We would be happy to help you with the planning of your paragliding excursion. To ask any questions or to further discuss your vacation, don't hesitate to get in touch with us. We look forward to the chance to provide you with our services.
Expedition proposal for the Chadar Trek
A remarkable and difficult journey through the frozen Zanskar River in the centre of Ladakh is the Chadar Trek, often known as the blanket route.
Review of the package:
Travelling to Ladakh, India
Timeframe: 9 days
Difficulty: Very difficult
High Trek is a risk factor.
• Frozen Zanskar River: During the harsh winter, walk on the frozen Zanskar River to experience the bizarre feeling of traversing a sheet of ice.
Majestic Mountain Views: Take in the breathtaking views of the surrounding majestic mountains, their snow-covered peaks lit up by the sun's golden rays. Ultimate Adventure: Push your physical and mental limits as you complete this strenuous trek, which will test your stamina and resolve at every turn.
Our Proposal: We have painstakingly planned a comprehensive Chadar Trek expedition that includes:
1. Expert Guides: Our knowledgeable and certified guides are familiar with the special difficulties of the Chadar Trek. They'll look out for your safety, give you advice, and share insightful information about the geography, culture, and history of the area.
2.  Accommodations: To guarantee that you have a good night's sleep after each demanding day of trekking, comfortable lodgings, such as cosy guesthouses or tents, will be made available.
3.  Meals: Nutrient-rich meals made to keep you warm and energised in the bitter cold. We accommodate dietary choices and needs.
Trekking equipment of the highest calibre to ensure your comfort and safety throughout the journey.
4. Travel: Easy travel to and from Leh, the starting point of your Chadar Trek journey.
5. Permits and Fees: We take care of all required permits and admission fees, freeing you up to concentrate on completing this amazing adventure.
Safety First: We put your safety first. We supply the required safety gear, such as ropes and ice axes, and our guides are certified in wilderness first aid. To ensure a safe voyage, we do detailed risk assessments and closely monitor weather conditions.
Customization: We recognise the individuality of each adventurer. Please let us know if you have any special requests, such as wanting to stay longer or planning more activities while you're in Ladakh. We'll be happy to modify the itinerary to meet your needs.
Booking Procedure: Please let us know your desired travel dates and any specific preferences in order to reserve your spot on this extraordinary Chadar Trek excursion. We'll give you immediate access to a thorough itinerary, pricing details, and booking instructions.
With you, we are looking forward to embarking on this remarkable journey as we push the bounds of what is conceivable and make lifelong memories.
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365hops · 11 months
Adventurescapes: Exploring India's Untamed Beauty
The Himalayas offers incredible escapes for adventure enthusiasts. From paragliding to river rafting, there is so many things which you can explore.
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Among multiple adventure hotspots, below is the list of a few places full of adventure and best for making an unforgettable memories in budget.
Paragliding in Bir Billing: Soar to New Heights in the Himalayas
Located in the breathtaking landscapes of the beautiful Himalayas, Bir Billing has earned recognition as a prime destination for paragliding enthusiasts worldwide.
This picturesque town offers an unforgettable experience for adventure seekers.
Bir Billing is famous for its ideal paragliding conditions, favourable wind patterns, and stunning panoramic views.
The paragliding launch site of Billing is at an altitude of 2400 meters, offering a thrilling take–off point for adrenaline junkies.
While paragliding, you will experience amazing view of quaint villages, verdant valleys and magnificent vistas of snow-capped peaks.
Paragliding Bir Billing caters to every skill level, i.e. from beginners to seasoned flyers.
Certified instructors are also available to guide novices through the basics, ensuring an exhilarating and safe flight.
So, whether you are an adventure enthusiast or want to enjoy a memorable experience, paragliding in Bir Billing offers an opportunity to soar above clouds and witness the mesmerizing beauty of the Himalayas like never before.
Jungle Safari in Jim Corbett: A Thrilling Encounter with Wildlife
Jim Corbett is a paradise for wildlife explorers and adventure seekers. Embarking on a jungle safari Jim Corbett provides a mesmerizing experience that allows visitors to witness the wonderful beauty of nature along with this you will explore incredible diversity of flora and fauna.
As you go deep into the dense forest, the thrill of spotting elephants, leopards, majestic Bengal tigers and many other wildlife species will become a reality.
Along with jungle safari, you can also enjoy elephant safari in Corbett.
By Jim Corbett safari booking, you can enjoy the park's diverse landscapes, comprising dense forests, grasslands, and meandering rivers.
Jim Corbett is not merely an adventure but an opportunity to connect with nature and foster a deep appreciation for the importance of conservation.
Conquering the Himalayan Majesty: The Leh Ladakh Bike Trip Adventure
Embarking on the Leh Ladakh road trip bike is a breathtaking experience that promises an awe-inspiring vista and unforgettable memories.
This place offers an exhilarating blend of thrilling challenges, cultural heritage and natural beauty.
As soon as you hit the road, you can enjoy picturesque view of crystal clear lakes, majestic snow-capped peaks and dramatic valleys surrounding you.
From navigating treacherous mountain pass to witnessing the serene grandeur of the monastery's perched cliffs, every moment of the journey is a testament to the raw beauty of nature.
With the Leh Ladakh bike trip, you can experience high altitudes and unpredictable terrain.    
The Leh Ladakh motorcycling in India is a ride and a transformative experience that will allow you to connect with yourself and the world.
At a pocket-friendly cost, you can plan the entire itinerary of this majestic location.
Rafting in Rishikesh: An Unforgettable Adventure on the Ganges
Rafting in Rishikesh has emerged as one of the top destinations for adventure seekers.
With the pristine natural beauty and sacred Ganges flowing through it, the place offers a fantastic experience for those looking to embark on a thrilling adventure.
Rafting Rishikesh is a mesmerizing journey that combines the thrill of navigating rapids with the serenity of the surrounding landscapes.
While rafting, you will witness incredible views of lush forests, towering cliffs and cascading waterfalls.
To get the best experience, you should go rafting in its peak season, and you can also book your trip at a pocket-friendly cost.
Exploring the untamed beauty of India is a beautiful experience as you can witness breathtaking views, snow-capped mountains, crystal clear rivers and much more. So pack your back and start your adventure journey.
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365hops · 1 year
The best safari and trekking spots
1) Tadoba National park safari
Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve is a popular wildlife destination in Maharashtra, India, known for its rich biodiversity and thriving tiger population. If you're planning a visit to Tadoba, it's recommended to book a safari in advance to avoid disappointment.
Tadoba safari booking can be made online through the official website or through various travel agents. Jeep Safari is ideal for small groups of 6 people or less, while Canter Safari is suitable for larger groups of up to 20 people.
The safari timings at Tadoba vary according to the season and are strictly regulated by the forest department. It's important to follow the rules and regulations set by the authorities to ensure a safe and enjoyable safari experience.
2) Jungle safari Jim Corbett
If you're an adventure seeker looking for an adrenaline-pumping experience, then a jungle safari Jim Corbett is a must-do activity. With its rich wildlife and breath-taking landscapes, Jim Corbett promises an unforgettable adventure for thrill-seekers.
During the safari, visitors can spot a variety of wildlife, including tigers, leopards, elephants, deer, and numerous bird species. Jeep safaris are ideal for those who want to explore the rugged terrain of the park, while elephant safaris offer a unique vantage point to observe the wildlife up close.
The safari timings at Jim Corbett vary according to the season and are strictly regulated by the forest department. It's important to follow the rules and regulations set by the authorities to ensure a safe and Jim Corbett safari booking.
3) Valley of flower Trek
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The Valley of Flowers trek is a popular hiking trail in Uttarakhand, India, known for its breathtaking beauty and unique flora. The valley is located in the Chamoli district of Uttarakhand, and it is called the "Valley of Flowers" because of the colorful blooms that carpet the valley during the summer months.
The valley is home to over 500 species of plants and flowers, including Himalayan blue poppies, Himalayan bellflowers, and Himalayan cobra lilies. The vibrant colors of the flowers against the backdrop of the snow-capped mountains make for a stunning visual spectacle.
The Valley of Flowers trek takes visitors on a journey through alpine meadows, dense forests, and gushing waterfalls, offering a once-in-a-lifetime experience for nature lovers and hikers alike.
4) Kedarkantha trek
The Kedarkantha trek is one of the most popular hiking trails in India, located in the Uttarkashi district of Uttarakhand. It's considered one of the best treks for several reasons.
Firstly, the Kedarkantha trek offers breathtaking views of the surrounding Himalayan peaks, including the Gangotri and Yamunotri ranges. The trek takes visitors through pine forests, alpine meadows, and snow-covered trails, making it a diverse and scenic journey.
Secondly, the Kedarkantha trek is suitable for both beginners and experienced trekkers, with a moderate level of difficulty. The trek offers an excellent opportunity for first-time trekkers to experience the thrill of hiking in the Himalayas.
Lastly, the trek is accessible throughout the year, making it a popular destination for winter treks. The snow-covered trail offers a unique and picturesque experience, with the added adventure of camping in the snow.
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365hops · 1 year
Enjoy a better vacation with these treks
Travelers from all over the world like exploring convenient locations, especially on the weekends. Adventures being one of the top activities to do while traveling to exciting places, is what many tourists are usually accustomed to. Nonetheless, certain people like to travel on exciting adventures rather than relaxing vacations. Several locations in India enable an exhilarating experience for adventure seekers.
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India is appropriately recognized as a subcontinent because of the wide variety of plants and animals that may be found there. In addition to these, the physiological areas are distinguished by other significant geological and geomorphological characteristics. India's widely dispersed latitudinal and longitudinal extension has allowed the nation to take advantage of a wide range of climatic zones. Badrinath trek, Hamta pass, Amarnath, the valley of flowers, etc., are some of the exciting places for adventures that anyone in India will always go for. Among the most important ones, the following are the A-list places that people must have on their list.
 Chopta trek:
Chopta delights visitors with a broad range of scenic scenery and is delightfully engulfed in lush vegetation in the spring and summer. Everyone would notice the area's amusingly heavy snow cover throughout the winter. The temperature range during the day fluctuates widely, and it occasionally drops below freezing. The cost range of the Chopta trek is affordable and will be convenient for those who enjoy adventures.
 Jim Corbett National Park:
The jungle safari Jim Corbett is one of India's most well-known and expansive national parks. It is distinguished by one of India's most prestigious species, the Royal Bengal Tiger, and has a wide variety of wildlife. On the official websites, one can pick up online safari booking services with ease, along with Offline services for Jim Corbett safari booking. Most significantly, the cost is extremely reasonable and accessible to many because of the variety of packages. Thus, it can be said that the aforementioned areas are the best for those who have a desire for adventure or are eager to have their first drink. One should make their decision right away because these locations provide great diversity in terms of geology and environment and have affordable prices.
 Roopkund trek:
One of India's most well-known treks is the Roopkund Trek. A glacial lake in Uttarakhand'sChamoli area always provides its visitors with the most breathtaking panoramic wonders. Roopkund is the ideal location for nature enthusiasts because of its magnificent camping areas and kilometers of meadows. Together with them, while hiking, one may also marvel at the magnificent vista of Mt. Trishul. The six-day Roopkund Trek will undoubtedly leave adventure seekers from all over the world baffled.
 Goechala trek:
Goechla is a place nestled in the lesser Himalayan range that offers an exquisite view of the Himalayas' tranquil nature with its wide range of flora and fauna. Goechala trek is about 90kms long that will be covered within a span of 11 days; within this time, one can experience places like Samiti Lake, a refreshing look of Suncrise from Dzongri top, the diversity of Kanchenjungha National Park, and the dense forests of Rhododendrons. All of this will be covered with a tourist's pocket balance in view.
Researchers have pointed out that traveling and going out on adventures are always good for mental and physical health. The tourism industry has been flourishing since, and they have developed their sport and adventurous activities to a new level so they can be able to call off the bulk of tourists within a year.
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365hops · 2 years
Amazing budget-friendly adventurous activities in the laps of the Himalayas
The Himalayan trekking is a beautiful experience close to nature at high altitudes. The Himalayas hosts multiple trekking trails. You should know that every route is adventurous, beautiful, and unique in its way, as every route has beauty to represent and a story to tell.
If you look more into the history of the Himalayas, you can understand that it is more than just mountains. It represents the origin of people, living, and life.  
In ancient times, sages used to visit the Himalayas for meditation and to get peace of mind; similarly, people now go trekking and many adventurous sports to attain peace of mind. 
Here are some of the best treks and adventurous activities to explore in the Himalayas. 
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1.     Roopkund lake Trek
Famous for its mysterious surrounding and astonishing scenic beauty, the Roopkund lake trek is a high-altitude trek at the base of Nanda Ghunti and Trishul Peak with a maximum height of 5029m. 
The astounding trek offers magnificent views of the Himalayas surrounded by rock-strewn glaciers. It is a nine days trek in Chamoli district, which is of moderate to difficult level.
The lake at the Roopkund trek is known as a mystery lake as human and horse skeletons are scattered in the surrounding areas. It is believed that in the 15th to 16th centuries, powerful hailstorms took the lives of these pilgrims. 
The itinerary of the trek is of nine days and starts from Kathgodam and ends at Bedni Bugyal. The entire route is filled with breath taking Himalayan views, landscapes, dense forests, wildlife etc. You will also get multiple locations for perfect campaign. 
You can get a budget friendly booking package of the trek from Uttarakhand package and tourism service, which will be at an affordable cost.
2.                 Jungle safari Jim Corbett
Jungle safari Jim Corbett National Park is the more significant part of Corbett tiger reserve, a project in Nainital district, Uttarakhand. The spellbound landscape of Corbett is famous for its tiger richness. 
Jim Corbett safari spreads over 520 square kilometers; the entire area comprises large lakes, grasslands, riverine belts, marshy depressions, and hills. It is among those reserves which allow overnight stays in the national park. 
You can enjoy Jeep safari Jim Corbett and the elephant safari in Corbett by simply booking it. Here, with the help of Jim Corbett safari booking, you can witness tigers, elephants, and many other animals.    
3.                 Dayara Bugyal trek
The breathtaking alpine meadows of the Dayara Bugyal trek are located against a stunning canvas of patronizing Himalayan neighbors like Gangotri peak, Srikanth peak, Shrikhand Mahadev, Kala Nag, and Bandarpoonch. 
You will discover a rich carpet of wildflowers, oak fenced by misty valleys and a dense maple forest. 
The itinerary of the trek is of six days and starts from Raithal to Nayata. This six days trek will let you experience mesmerizing view of beautiful mountains, flora and fauna, oak tree forests and much more. 
Booking a complete trekking package can be done within a budget, thus saving lots of cost.  
4.                 Paragliding Bir Billing
Experience the lift of wind while paragliding through the clear skies of Bir. It is famous as the paragliding capital of India and attracts adventurers from various ages and cultures. 
Paragliding Bir billing allows you to glide over beautiful water streams, lush green fields, Dhauladhar ranges, and nature’s bounty. 
Get a cost effect booking for paragliding in Bir along with camping. The best season for paragliding Bir is from September to October. If you do not know how to paraglide, don’t worry, as you will be accompanied by a professional who will be assisting you.   
5.                 Chopta Tungnath trek
Embark on one of the fantastic weekend treks of the serene Tung Nath and Chopta in the Garhwali Himalayas. Soaring up at the height of 13,000 feet, adorned with snow, coniferous, and mists, this is one of the fantastic treks you must take. 
The best time for the Chopta trek is from April to November when you can experience mesmerizing views of the Himalayas. Chopta Tungnath trek possesses a captivating beauty with the help of many rhododendrons and deodar forests. 
The trek has a diverse collection of pictorial landscapes to bewitch the travelers, marvelously immersed by the massive vegetation in summer and spring.   
During winters, Tungnath Trek would be appealing to everyone since the thick cover of snow will be an amusing part. 
These are some adventurous activities to do in the Himalayas. All these treks are ideal for people who love to explore breath-taking views of the Himalayan mountains and attain peace. In all the treks you are going to experience a different beauty of Himalayan mountain, so every trek is must to do.   
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365hops · 1 year
Experience something thrilling this holiday
India is a country that gives rich experiences of every kind- be it trekking in the Himalayas, para-gliding over the Himalayas, trekking on a frozen glacier and experiencing rich wildlife in a national park. All these elements together create an excellent opportunity for any traveller to get the best experiences of every geography. By enough knowledge of their own likes and dislikes, travellers can choose a laid-back holiday or an adrenaline rush adventure.
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Bir billing-
Have you dreamt of flying high in the sky while enjoying the gorgeous scenery below? Paragliding Bir billing is the sport which gives you this experience.Bir valley is located in the west Joginder Nagar in Himachal Pradesh in India which offers para-gliding. This location gives excellent views of the Dhauladhar mountains while flying.
Bir-billing has the paragliding season from March to June and Oct to December. The average cost of para-gliding here is around Rs. 1800 for 20 minutes of flying.
Jim Corbett:
One of the National parks in India that offer enough scope for excellent tiger sighting is the Jim Corbett safari national park. It is located in Uttarakhand and the best time to visit it is between March- May and September to January. The Jeep, elephant rides in the park are very popular to get a closer experience of the wildlife. The website of this national park allows us to book the rides in advance. It also has limited accommodation facilities inside for the convenience of the tourists.
This holy village with several temples and ashrams besides the majestic Ganga riveralso has enough things for people who seek to do something different and adventurous. The one thing  rafting Rishikesh is most famous for, among travel lovers is River rafting. It is one of the best spots for river rafting in India. Besides this, it also offers several small treks, options for camping, sports like bungee jumping and zipline. The best season to come here is between March to April.
Roopkund Lake:
Roopkund Trek gets its name from the glacial lake located at around 5029 meters above sea level which has ancient skeletons at the edge of the lake from pilgrims from a yatra that took place600 years ago. It lies in the Trishul range. It is one of the popular trekking routes and offers amazing Himalayan scenery. The sight of Mt. Trishul here is beautiful and one of the highlights. Going on this trek means getting an opportunity to camp for five nights with scope for a bon-fire too. It has all the markings of a perfect Himalayan trek, picturesque locations, streams and meadows, beautiful flowers and crossing of forest paths.
Located in Ladakh, Chadar trek is a frozen river trail offering enough thrill and nail-biting adventure. Walking on the glass like river with dramatic mountains on both sides is an experience of a life-time. It is usually a 9 day trek and is conducted in freezing temperatures where at night the temperature falls to      -30 degrees. One highlight is the Nerak river waterfall which is completely frozen and is suspended in the air. There is enough scope to see some wildlife here too.
 With the Pandemic almost gone and the desire to travel back with the average Indian public, this is the perfect time to start planning for the next adventure. No trip is similar to any other and no experience is going to equate to your previous one. Start planning and enjoy a week of excellent sites, culture trips and great memories.
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