#juniper versus the maker
GlucoFort Ireland {#Pills Info 24x7} Supports Immune Function & Bone Structure.
What is Glucofort Ireland?
As well as being normal, GlucoFort Ireland additionally contains no fake fixings. Along these lines, your body isn't influenced in any adverse way by it. The medicine Glucofort is utilized to treat diabetes and its indications (hypertension, liver infection, and blood clusters) in the body. By holding such results under control, you can carry on with a sound life. Glucose control not just directs the glucose levels in your body, yet additionally attempts to recognize what caused the unexpected irregularity in your glucose levels.
Muscle versus fat decrease happens because of its consequences for insulin creation, which effects glucose levels in the body.
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Who Created The Glucofort Ireland?
Glucofort was ready in what way? The enhancement was brought by who? Andrew Freeman merits recognition for that.
Glucofort pills were developed by 50-year-old Andrew Freeman, as indicated by their site. Andrew is an authorized clinical clinician with more than 20 years of involvement. When he was determined to have diabetes type 2, he needed to manage it. His quick revelation of the unfriendly impacts of most prescriptions utilized for treating this condition disillusioned him.
In this manner Glucofort was created, a treatment that can possibly be viable just as protected. These pills were sourced from Tibet subsequent to talking with a Tibetan master named Dr. Jun.
How Does Glucofort Ireland Work?
Glucofort is a healthful enhancement that battles the amassing of fat particles in the body by focusing on a particular synthetic. As well as harming a few essential organs, like the heart, pancreas, and liver, which have been related with diabetes, this fat likewise focuses on a few different organs.
There is an atom called ceramide that makes fat cells assemble in the circulation system, and it works by causing fat cells to increment in size. A lot of fat then, at that point, moves to numerous organs, the pancreas being one of them.
A significant piece of glucose the executives is the pancreas. This chemical helps the body in utilizing sugar atoms in its circulatory system by discharging insulin. Having this organ down and out debilitates insulin creation.
The outcome is that the glucose atom stops to be used and aggregates in the blood. The aftereffect of this is a more noteworthy probability of creating type 2 diabetes.
As per the maker's site, the Glucofort nutrient's "diabetes-switching component" works in such circumstances. All ceramide atoms are designated by these pills, and they are dispensed with from the body.
A diminished degree of ceramide is related with a diminished development of fat around significant organs, showing that the pancreas can more readily deal with the approaching glucose atoms.
Step By Step Instructions To Assess Glucofort Ireland Fixings:
The normal parts that make up GlucoFort Ireland contain a wide reach. An organization proclamation expresses that Glucofort items contain bark, roots, plants, berries, and trees. In Tibetan culture, these parts are consolidated as tea and drank together. Abroad customers might think that it is hard to get these fixings all alone however thinking that they are in Glucofort can make it significantly simpler for them.
The Parts Of GlucoFort Ireland Are as Per The Following.
This normally happening substance starts from India, where it is some of the time called Mukul myrrh. It is accepted that its strong properties originate from gum, which has been displayed to bring down blood cholesterol and fatty oils. Analysts have discovered that guggul assumes a critical part in controlling glucose levels.
By doing this, the danger of creating diabetes or prediabetes is limited. Moreover, clients taking Glucofort diabetes pills may encounter less stomach related issues than when taking this compound alone.
Severe Melon
Indian and African meds have both since a long time ago utilized unpleasant melon to treat different illnesses. It was remembered for the Glucofort cases because of its glucose-controlling abilities. It can diminish glucose levels on the grounds that it resembles a cucumber.
Gymnema Sylvestre
Glucofort contains this component, which is one of its most significant parts. Conventional Ayurvedic medication has utilized it to treat diabetes for quite a while. Subsequently, diabetes may be forestalled. By taking these pills consistently, individuals can diminish their danger of creating diabetes-related inconveniences and work on their personal satisfaction.
Licorice Root
Dietary enhancements normally contain plants with roots, like licorice. Diabetes can be controlled with licorice root, a characteristic sugar that can check the impacts of licorice root. The organic product contains normally happening cell reinforcements that help assimilation, increment fat misfortune, and further develop insulin affectability.
An assortment of food varieties and drinks contain cinnamon because of its smell and flavor. It was remembered for the Glucofort diabetes supplement since it has been displayed to assist lower with blooding sugar levels while additionally bringing down fatty oils. Cinnamon can likewise help diabetic patients increment their insulin affectability.
Yarrow Extract
Due to its capacity to expand insulin creation, this synthetic is remembered for the Glucofort containers. This cycle guarantees the body has sufficient insulin to process all the sugar atom available for use. Furthermore, yarrow furnishes the client with prebiotics that can improve invulnerability and digestion.
Juniper Berries
Juniper berries look basically the same as blueberries with regards to their appearance. In any case, it surpasses some other normally happening organic product as far as medical advantages. Juniper berries, which are among Glucofort's fixings, are known to bring down glucose and cholesterol levels, upgrading cardiovascular wellbeing.
Cayenne Pepper
Its mixtures, including capsaicin, are incredible calming specialists. Long haul amassing of fat in the body is particularly viable at softening this substance. Liquefied fat opens up to the body, and it tends to be changed over into energy. As well as helping with the control of corpulence and diabetes, this component in the Glucofort glucose supplement may likewise revive shoppers.
Normal amino acids, for example, taurine are displayed to work with fat and fat-solvent nutrient ingestion. Thus, the body is better ready to utilize the showing up fat atoms promptly away because of the improved absorbability, instead of aggregating them around the pancreas and disturbing insulin creation.
Mulberry trees
Diabetes-related inner harm can be dealt with white mulberry. In proof based exploration, these leaves have been found to advance weight reduction and further develop glucose resilience. Additionally, white mulberry assists control with blooding sugar levels by directing insulin levels.
Elements of different sorts
There are likewise different fixings that can upgrade the impact of individual fixings
GlucoFort Ireland Ingredient Content:
Biotin (300mcg)
Nutrient E (15mg)
Nutrient C (50mg)
Magnesium (125mg)
Chromium (76mcg)
Zinc (7.5mg)
Manganese (1mg)
These pills contain just normal fixings, as indicated by the Glucofort site. There is no pharmacological expansion to these medications that works on their belongings. Because of its remarkable detailing, GlucoFort Ireland clients are probably not going to encounter any bad incidental effects. Glucofort was planned in a GMP-confirmed office utilizing FDA-supported fixings.
This implies that they are probably going to be both protected and viable. Despite the business, clients may accomplish various outcomes.
Glucofort – How To Use?
Glucofort is helpful and simple to use, as indicated by the firm. The main thing you need to do is take two of them every day with a glass of plain water, actually like you would with a standard multivitamin. This medicine is best when taken around evening time.
Take one Glucofort container every day, then, at that point, steadily increment the portion in case you're worried about taking two pills on the double. Glucofort glucose supplements are intended for all kinds of people,
Notwithstanding, it could be more powerful for moderately aged grown-ups who have a high danger of creating type 2 diabetes and sugar lopsidedness. In case Glucofort is taken by the authority rules, most internet based Glucofort audits view it as a protected pill that may not bring on any incidental effects. Normal items gave by trusted merchants are the most probable explanation.
Besides, Glucofort pills are purportedly liberated from any synthetics, fillers, or energizers, making them more helpful. The utilization of Glucofort tablets is restricted in spite of the way that they are regular nutrients. The enhancement may not be suitable for everybody.
The accompanying areas talk about each gathering more meticulously.
People younger than 18
This enhancement has been unmistakably recognized as just being appropriate for grown-ups by the creators of Glucofort. It is subsequently fitting to try not to take these pills by anybody younger than 18 because of their possibly hurtful impacts.
Also, these tablets contain just synthetic substances intended to address the issues of an adult. Consequently, taking this enhancement isn't suggested in case you are a youngster with diabetes.
Breastfeeding and pregnancy
Pregnant or breastfeeding ladies ought not utilize the Glucofort diabetes supplement. Prior to taking these prescriptions all alone, request exhortation from a clinical expert regardless of whether there are sugar changes. A mother and her baby are at an especially touchy time, and each activity taken during this time could make hurt them both.
Illnesses that exist together in individuals
Prior to adding it to day to day existence, a client ought to address their doctor on the off chance that they as of now have an analyzed clinical issue. Thus, people with such illnesses ought not take Glucofort day by day.
At whatever point Other Medicine Is Used
Glucofort tablets ought to just be taken by individuals who are not taking any solution or nonprescription drug. Taking any of these medications at the same time might cause abundance hurt because of them associating with different drugs.
Individuals With Allergies
Sensitivity victims ought to try not to utilize Glucofort in case they are hypersensitive to any of its fixings. An individual experiencing hypersensitivities could have serious responses to it on the off chance that they use it in any case. The business alerts all buyers not to surpass the recommended measure of Glucofort despite the fact that it is a characteristic fixing. Extra pills will not give speedier outcomes, however rather could cause hurt.
At long last, these pills ought to just be taken with non-cocktails, as indicated by the maker.
GlucoFort Ireland Price: Where To Buy?
This present time is the ideal opportunity to submit your request for Glucofort on the authority site. You need to act rapidly before these offers terminate, as this organization is offering extraordinary group costs on this item. Extra data about the Glucofort estimating and bundles can be found beneath:
Every essential Glucofort box costs $69 and incorporates one jug of GlucoFort Ireland. There is plausible that you will save $107 by utilizing this arrangement.
This famous Glucofort box incorporates three containers of the item, which sells for $59 each. Investment funds of $351 are conceivable with this deal
At the cost of $49 per bottle, Glucofort's best worth group incorporates six jugs. This proposition could assist you with saving $762.
From the value break displayed above, you can set aside to $762 on Glucofort when you buy it in mass. Purchasing in mass is strongly suggested since you set aside cash and abstain from rehashing orders every month by having a continuous stockpile.
Right now, orders put through the authority site will be conveyed for nothing inside the United States. Get Glucofort conveyed directly to your home by submitting your request at the present time.
At the point when you have never utilized Glucofort and are unsure whether to get it, it is prescribed to get one jug from the start in case you are reluctant. You can utilize it for a month to check whether it significantly impacts you.
Because of Glucofort's normal nature, it should act gradually, which is the reason the maker recommends buying in mass. Note that you can just buy this enhancement through its authority site. Walmart, Amazon, and GNC are some of them. You ought to try not to think that it is on the web or in one more store since it very well may be a Glucofort trick. Questions or concerns can be coordinated to the Glucofort client care line or followed.
Address: 3052 Joe's Road, Westerlo, NY 12193, United States
Telephone: +1 (804) 322 9083
Official Website: Click Here To Buy
NCBI: Read About Blood Sugar
GlucoFort Ireland Refund Policy
Online tricks are so normal nowadays that individuals are encouraged to be mindful prior to putting their well deserved cash in something that steers clear of the web. Along these lines, the quantity of deceitful enhancements continues to increment, and nobody needs to squander their cash on them.
A discount strategy is set up at Glucofort tablets on the grounds that the organization comprehends its clients' interests. Guidelines don't matter to orders set on the organization's true site.
In case clients are not happy with their request, they can return it inside 60 days of procurement. The organization should give you the discount demand structure. When the organization accepts your request demand, it will require a couple of days for them to affirm it. It will discount everything after affirmation. There are a few pleasant viewpoints to this entire cycle. One is that clients will not need to give a justification behind mentioning a discount.
Regardless of the number of containers a request incorporates, this merchandise exchange applies. Make sure to buy Glucofort cases through the authority site and to remain inside the cutoff time.
GlucoFort Ireland: Final Verdict
An enhancement like GlucoFort Ireland can assist with revising sugar awkward nature. Normal parts found in its formula can help clients without causing incidental effects, surprisingly unadulterated sources. The organization has contracted with a FDA-endorsed office and kept GMP guidelines to guarantee that the enhancement is produced under the best conditions, guaranteeing that the most gainful outcomes will be acquired quickly.
Besides, the pills can be handily consolidated into day to day existence, as they are easy to utilize. Quickly acting, intense, and compelling. Enhancements are reasonable for everybody. The program has helped people 80 years of age and more youthful. The end-product relies upon the client's capacity to utilize the enhancement as the maker planned. Clients should remember this while thinking about the result.
In the current circumstance, Glucofort is being provided at exceptional rates for all clients, making it simpler to manage the cost of it for a more extended timeframe. The deal might end soon, so request now while it is as yet accessible. To study Glucofort or to buy it at a limited cost, if it's not too much trouble, visit the authority site.
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
7 Sure Fire Jar Spells That You Need Now
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SL Bear
I used to like jar spells because of their aesthetic value. Pop one on your desk, in your car, on the altar, and bam a space is instantly more witchy. Not to mention, it was great finally finding a use for all those bottles I’d splurged on at the craft store. Spell jars were vaguely reminiscent of the sand bottle art I used to get at amusement parks (which I would inevitably uncork, dump out, and ruin), but beyond that, because they don’t do anything except sit there, I didn’t give them much thought. After all, what was different about having stones or powders in a jar versus just leaving them on my altar? In my opinion, a spell involves a lot of working parts and time, so a little jar filled with flowers and oil wasn’t going to do much.
That’s when it hit me. A jar spell isn’t just a trifle of unfocused ingredients, it’s a bottled spell. You can absolutely put the same effort into making a jar spell as a more traditional spell, and the best part? You can carry it with you anywhere. The spell transforms from something you do once, into a talisman or charm you can keep close for as long as you like. How fantastic is that!
Luck Jar
Like a lot of witches, I’ve been asked by people to do spells for them. Even the most cynical people eventually come around and ask me to whip up some magic for them “just in case.” Although I’m happy to do so, when I do spells I like to be alone. So when I tell someone, yep, it’s done, there’s no experience for them. They haven’t been through the spell with me, so it’s even harder for them to get behind the magic. For some, this isn’t a problem. For others, they need to see with their own eyes to believe it will work.
Enter the jar spell. I can still perform the spell alone, then give them this small token of the spell that they can keep with them. Since luck spells are a specialty of mine, this is the most requested jar spell and the first one I’ll share today with you!
Ideally, this spell should be performed on a Sunday while burning dragon’s blood incense.
What you will need:
A jar. I prefer smaller jars as they travel better, but size doesn’t particularly matter.
Aventurine chips
Amethyst chips
Jasper chips
Star anise seeds
Lemongrass oil
Bay leaf
Green candle and a fireproof work area
Lucky Duck powder, or luck-drawing powder of your choosing
So, in my life’s quest to purchase all the crystals and stones, I’ve come across stone chips. At first, these held no interest for me and I figured they must be for jewelry makers. I like big, beautiful stones I can find something new about every time I look at them. But then I started making jar spells and stone chips became very exciting. They are the perfect size for this task and you can usually find a huge lot for a reasonable price. Needless to say, I’ve overindulged.
On your bay leaf, simply write the words “I’m lucky,” or any version of that you’d like. Bay leaves are pretty waxy, so it’s not easy to write on them — keep it short and sweet. Then with your incense going, light the green candle and anoint with a little lemongrass oil. Hold the bay leaf with some tweezers and use the candle’s flame to ignite the bay leaf and send this message out into the universe. Save the ashes, and don’t blow out the candle yet!
Now it's time to layer. Start with the aventurine, then the sugar, then the chamomile, jasper, cinnamon, amethyst, the star anise seeds, the luck-drawing powder, and the ash from the bay leaf. Carefully add a few drops of the green candle’s wax, and seal the jar. Fill the jar to the top so there’s no room for anything to mix and lose the effect. If you like, you can draw a sigil or rune on the outside of the jar, but I like to leave them plain. When everything is assembled, blow out the candle.
Money Jar
For obvious reasons, having a money jar around is a good idea. This jar spell, unlike my other money spells, requires the use of an actual bill. Like attracts like, so they say, and the money in the jar will be the lure for more money in your life!
What you will need:
Pyrite chips
Moolah powder
A green candle
A dollar bill
Light your green candle (on a Thursday) and lay your bill out flat. Dress it with the Moolah powder, then roll it up as tightly as possible and stick it in the jar with the honey. Add your pyrite chips to the jar.
Holding the jar, repeat these words, and imagine what you’d do if you had the money you need:
"A magnet pulls and pushes
But throw a lure where fishes swim
Cast a line in golden waters
And reel some greenbacks in!"
Seal the jar and you’re done! You can keep the jar with you depending on size, or keep on your altar or window ledge.
Protection Jar
This is a house protection spell and can be hung by any door. I made one on a whim, and let me say, this thing works in mysterious ways. The day after I hung it up, I noticed that 3 fire alarms in my house needed new batteries and there was a frayed cord in the corner of my garage I’d never even knew existed — I was instantly more aware of little things about my home that needed immediate attention. Now there’s a jar at every door!
What you will need:
Sea salt
Cascarilla powder
Labradorite chips
A gold ribbon, wire, or chain — anything gold that can be wrapped around the jar
Mix your cascarilla powder and sea salt together, then drop your labradorite chips into the jar. Add your cascarilla powder and salt mixture, and top the jar off with more labradorite chips and seal. Wrap the gold ribbon around the jar and you’re done. If you’re using a golden chain, I suggest using a piece that once belonged to your mother if available. Mothers are the embodiment of protection and having that little extra something to represent her, and protect your home, will make this jar that much more potent. However, any form of gold you choose will still be effective. When using gold of any kind, it’s best to leave it somewhere the sun can touch it at least once a day to charge.
Attract Witches Jar
This is a fun one. Most witches don’t walk around in big black hats ] or announce themselves when out in public. This handy little jar is meant to draw good witches to you organically so you can widen your circle a little.
What you will need:
A white candle
Angelica root
Juniper berries
Your favourite stone chips (to send your energy back to them)
If you wish, you can mix these herbs together or layer them, adding your stones first. While assembling the jar, light a white candle and think positive thoughts. There aren’t any words to recite, but in your mind imagine yourself as glowing slightly, radiating good vibes that other witches will be able to sense. Carry with you when you travel and be on the lookout for new acquaintances that suddenly come into your life!
Break Bad Habits Jar
Humans are creatures of routine, which makes breaking bad habits particularly difficult for us. Some habits are relatively harmless, while others can negatively impact our lives and changing them is a must. This jar will provide both motivation and a daily reminder that you’re tough enough to kick the thing holding you back from living a better life! This jar can be placed in your home where you will see it regularly, or carried with you.
What you will need:
Dragon’s blood incense
Dried onion flakes
Purple ribbon
Light your incense while assembling this jar and focus very hard on how your life will be improved once you’ve made this positive change. Place the herbs into the jar, then tie the purple ribbon around it. When you’re feeling particularly unmotivated, drop a little of the mixture in the flame of a purple candle and perform your favourite grounding exercise.
Safe Travel Jar
Another great jar to give as a gift. My cousin is in the military and my aunt always has me make her one of these before deployments!
What you will need:
Garnet chips
Tiger’s eye chips
Yellow candle
Layer the jar in any order you’d like, but make sure it’s herb, stone, herb, stone. Light your yellow candle and recite these words while holding the jar:
"Wind, rain, fog, and snow
Will never my travel slow
Safely will I ever arrive
Wherever I choose to go!"
Seal the jar with a few drops of the yellow candle wax, and keep in your car.  
Altar Box “Jar”
Not technically a jar spell, but it works in the same way. You’ll need a small metal tin with a slidable top. These can be found online or at places that sell empty bottles (I got mine at Natural Grocers). This isn’t a travelling altar because it’s not to be used for spellwork per se. Its purpose is to carry the “spirit” of your altar with you wherever you go. I can’t give you a list of ingredients because I don’t know what you have on your altar or what you use it for, but what I did was take elements from my altar and miniaturise them, then sealed them in the tin. This way, you can feel connected to your altar, not to mention its power, whenever you’re away.
Note: Not everyone will see the purpose of this, but I know a lot of witches adore their altars — myself included. Turning it into a talisman of sorts and carrying it with me has been a great comfort.
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All my favourite components from my altar: Stone chips, powders, runes, bay leaves, star anise seeds, and more.
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Find the best configuration.
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I sealed mine with a paint and sealant because I added powder and didn’t want it spilling everywhere. You can decorate your altar box in any way you wish and carry with you (in the left pocket is best)!
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juniperpublishersoa · 5 years
Juniper Publishers|Appendicectomies at a tertiary hospital: disease profile and surgical practices at Grey’s Hospital, Pietermaritzburg
Journal of Surgery-JuniperPublishers
Appendicitis is one of the commonest causes of abdominal pain in both genders, occurring more often younger people [1], with the gender predominance varying across regions [1,2]. The causes of this disease are not clear, with several pathophysiological hypotheses having been proposed. The dietary fiber hypothesis suggests that the disease may be caused by the consumption of a low fiber diet. The hygiene theory suggests that improvements in water supply and sewerage disposal lead to an increase in appendicitis cases in Britain in the late 19th century by reducing children’s exposure to enteric organisms, leading to an altered immune response to viral infections [1,3,4].The presentation of a temporal progression of acute central abdominal pain shifting to the right lower quadrant, associated with vomiting, subsequent mild fever and signs of peritoneal irritation, is diagnostic of appendicitis [3]. Laboratory inflammation makers complement the diagnostic tools, with reliance on clinical indicators alone resulting in a negative appendicectomy rate of 15% or higher, especially in women. The differential diagnosis includes various non-surgical and gynecological conditions, requiring careful consideration, with delay in diagnosis results in increased morbidity, such as perforation, and mortality.In an attempt to improve diagnostic accuracy, the Alvarado scoring system, which uses six clinical and two laboratory features, was developed. A score of 0 to 4, 5 to 6, 7 to 8, and 9 to 10 suggests that the diagnosis of appendicitis is unlikely, possible, probable and definite, respectively [5]. Ultrasound and Computed Tomography (CT) scanning play a key role in reducing the higher rate of negative appendicectomy. CT scan is the most sensitive and accurate diagnostic method, but its specificity is similar to that of the ultrasound [6]. In cases of diagnostic uncertainty with a low suspicion index of appendicitis, conservative management, which includes hospitalisation and active clinical and laboratory observation, is an acceptable approach [3,7].Kong et al. [8,9] validated the Alvarado score and in separate study, they evaluated the cost of managing appendicitis cases in Eden dale Hospital, a regional public sector hospital in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. However, the profile of appendicitis patients, and the surgical procedures they underwent in Grey’s Hospital have not been fully studied. Current trends support an increased use of minimally invasive surgery for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes, especially for women. The patients’ profile and clinical features influence the surgical management practices and the outcome. The surgical approaches utilized in Grey’s Hospital are also largely unknown. This information will help in improving patients’ care and benchmarking the institution against best practices and current trends; hence the relevance of undertaking this study.Go to
The study aimed to determine the demographic and clinical profile of patients treated for appendicitis, the commonest surgical approaches used for appendicectomy, the prevalence of post-operative complications, the prevalence of inaccurate diagnosis as demonstrated by the rate of histologically normal appendices, and the association between perforated appendix and, the age and gender of patients presenting with diagnosed acute appendicitis in Grey’s Hospital.Go to
In a retrospective cross-sectional survey, we reviewed medical records of 196 patients who were operated for appendicitis between January 2011 and June 2012 in Grey’s Hospital, a tertiary hospital situated in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. Theatre and laboratory registers were also reviewed to ensure completeness and accuracy of data. Variables collected included demographic data, surgical access, surgical procedure performed, complications, histology results and admission to intensive care unit (ICU). In this hospital, the diagnosis of appendicitis made by junior doctors is confirmed by a more experienced doctor before the patients are subjected to surgery.Appendicectomy is carried out by a surgeon, registrar or an experienced Medical Officer, while postoperative management and follow up is done according to predetermined clinical guidelines, individualized according to each patient’s clinical presentation. Data was collected using a structured data collection sheet and analyzed using IBM-SPSS version 21 software. Frequency tables, Chi-square test of independence and logistic regression were computed to determine the prevalence of certain characteristics and establish association between the variables. Ethical approval for the study, and permission to use hospital records were obtained from relevant bodies of Pietermaritzburg Hospitals Complex. The imperative to obtain informed consent from individual patients was waved as this was a retrospective medical records review. At the time of data collection, all patients were either discharged or had died.Go to
Hundred and ninety six patients’ records were reviewed, of which 53.1% were for male patients. The mean age of participants was 21.1 years (SD: 12.6), the range was 2-67years, and the majority (57.7%) of patients were <20 years. (Figure 1) shows that the gender distribution varied among the age groups, with more males in the younger age group (<20 years) but more females in the age group 20-29 years.
With respect to the prevalence of the clinical variables, the majority of patients had histology results that confirmed the diagnosis of acute appendicitis. The commonest surgical approach was the lower midline incision. Although most patients were discharged alive, one died, 19 were admitted to ICU, and three required bowel resection. Of the 15 patients who had a normal appendix on their histology report, 11 (73.3%) were females. Other clinical characteristics of the participants are presented in (Table 1). A univariate analysis of dependency showed no statistically significant association between ‘gender’ and all clinical variables. However, there were statistically significant associations 2, 10, 12-10-13, 2, 8, 9 between ‘age category’ and ‘complications’, ‘ICU admission’ and ‘initial surgical procedure performed’ (Table 2).
*ICU: Intensive Care UnitA logistic regression performed to ascertain the effects of age and gender on the likelihood of a participant having a perforated appendicitis showed no statistical significance, χ2 (2) = 11.7, p = 0.16. The model explained only 2.5% (Nagelkerke R2) of the variance in perforated appendicitis and correctly classified 57.1% of cases. Males were 0.57 times (meaning a protective factor) more likely to have perforated appendicitis than females (p = 0.054, marginally not significant). Increasing age was not associated with an increased likelihood of perforated appendicitis (Table 3).
Variable(s) entered on step 1: Age, Gender.Go to
The mean age of our study participants was similar to that observed in other South African studies [2,8,9]. The predominance of males in the sample, although in keeping with findings in other studies [2,10-13], was not statistically significant (p = 0.054). Patients who were <20 years old accounted for 57.7% of the sample, which suggests that appendicitis is more common in younger patients [2,10,12-14]. The high number of younger patients presents a multiple challenges to the clinicians, as children are believed to have thin-walled appendices that are predisposed to perforation, leading to increased morbidity and/ or mortality. Children are also unable to give a reliable history and to cooperate fully during physical examination [15,16]. They commonly suffer from other comorbidities, such as upper respiratory infection, otitis media or gastroenteritis, making their clinical picture complicated, leading to a delay in diagnosis.Similar to children under three years, appendicitis is the cause of severe morbidity and mortality in elderly patients [17,18]. The perforation rate in this study was 54.1% which is in keeping with the findings of Roger et al. [19] in the Eastern Cape. In contrast, 9.7% of our patients required ICU admission postsurgery versus 6.1% of patients in Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital in Durban [12]. The preference of the midline incision in 61.7% of cases is well justified in the light of the high rate of perforated appendicitis (54.1%). Laparoscopic appendicectomy was used selectively in non-perforated appendices and in cases of diagnostic dilemma, as suggested by Ogbonna et al. [20]. The commonest incisions in Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital were: lower midline laparotomy (47.2%), gridiron incision (37.3%), the combination of lower midline and gridiron incisions (5.6%), and laparoscopic surgery or long midline or Lanz incision (5.5%) [12]. These results may suggest a high rate of delayed presentation and/or complicated appendicitis. While these figures are in keeping with those found in this study, a study in the United Kingdom revealed a very low rate of open laparotomy of 10% [21].The histological finding of normal appendix was more common in women; therefore the liberal use of imaging techniques, particularly ultrasound, and laparoscopic exploration should be encouraged in women. In a randomized study, Larsson et al. [22] showed that a negative appendicectomy rate of 34% with open appendicectomy could be reduced to 7% through the prior use of laparoscopy. In those patients who did not have appendicitis, a definitive gynaecologic diagnosis was made in 73% compared with only 17% who had open appendicectomy alone [22]. A study by Blisard et al. [23] showed that after implementing a clinical guideline recommending laparoscopic use prior to open laparotomy, a significant drop, from 31% to 23%, in the rate of negative appendicectomy in women was noted. Increasingly, laparotomy is being replaced by laparoscopic diagnosis and surgery [24].Laparoscopy allows the appendix to be found wherever it may lie. The technique of laparoscopic appendicectomy is similar to the open operation, enabling the appendix to be visualized and an appendicectomy performed if it is abnormal. While a laparoscopic appendicectomy gives a lower wound infection rate and may allow an earlier return to normal activities, it is a more technically demanding operation [24]. In the absence of perforation and laparoscopic equipment, a low skin [12] and 2, 12, 13 crease incision (Lanz incision) rather than the higher and more oblique one centered on McBurney’s point is now favored as it gives a better cosmetic result.Nonetheless, the advantages of laparoscopic versus open appendicectomy are not yet universally accepted. A Cochrane systematic review found that laparoscopic appendicectomy in adults, when compared to open surgery reduces wound infections, postoperative pain, length of hospital stay, and time taken to return to work. In the same review, the number of intraabdominal abscesses was higher after the laparoscopic surgery [25]. A recent review, however, found no significant differences between the two procedures, except higher quality of life scores at two weeks in the laparoscopic group. Kiriakopoulos et al. [26] reviewed post-operative complications on complicated appendicitis that were operated laparoscopically and found no wound sepsis or intra-abdominal abscesses. As the conversion to open surgery rate was only 4.8%, [27] the investigators recommended a laparoscopic approach even for complicated appendicitis.At surgery, three types of appendicitis may be described: normal, simple acute and complicated (perforated and/or gangrenous appendicitis and/or peri-appendicular abscess) [24]. Of the 196 specimens submitted for histopathology, 7.7% were normal, 59.7% showed features of acute appendicitis, 4.1% were gangrenous and 3.6% showed signs of peri-appendicitis. Notwithstanding the fact that there were no histological results for 20.4% of cases, the rate of negative appendicectomy (7.7%) was similar to findings of other studies conducted in Africa [2,12,13]. Of the 15 patients who had normal appendix, 11 (73.3%) were females. This highlights the need for pre-surgical laparoscopic diagnosis in women to exclude gynecological causes of localized or generalized abdominal pains. A Nigerian study found that incorrect diagnoses were more commonly encountered in females [11].The majority of patients (94.9%) had appendicectomy only, while 3.6% and 1.5% of patients had appendicectomy with the abdomen left open and with bowel resection respectively. These figures indicate that in most cases, the inflammation was limited to the appendix, suggesting that most of these cases could have benefited from laparoscopic surgery. Surgeons’ preferences and/or lack of skills may have been a limitation to choosing laparoscopic surgery. Post-operative complications were observed in 26 patients (13.7%), with 21 (10.7%) necessitating a re-laparatomy, four (2%) having wound sepsis, of whom two (1%) required a re-laparotomy, and one (0.5%) dying. Death accounted for 1.2% in Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital [12]. The rate of post-operative infections in this study (2%) was significantly lower than those obtained in a Durban hospital (25.3%) in a Kenyan rural hospital (22%) [28].Although the Chi-square test of association did not reveal any statistically significant association between ‘gender’ and all clinical variables, there was an almost statistical significance between it and ICU admission” and “macroscopic findings”. A statistically significant association between ‘age categories’ and ‘complications’, “ICU admission” and “the initial procedure performed” supports the finding of increased morbidity in extreme ages. Our model predicting the perforation status on the basis of gender and age revealed that being male was a marginally protective factor (OR = 0.57; p = 0.05; 95% CI = 0.324 - 1.009). It is not clear if infections from the gynaecologic tract played a role in this regard.Go to
Limitations Of The Study
As with all retrospective charts review, some medical records had incomplete data which may have affected the findings. For example, the histology results were not available for 20.4% of cases. The study did not include cases that were taken to theatre for gynaecologic diagnosis that turned out to be appendicitis, as such patients might have had a pfannenstiel incision.Go to
The majority of the patients reviewed present late with perforated appendicitis, resulting in midline laparotomy being the preferred surgical access despite the associated risk of additional morbidity. There is a need to develop skills in and encourage surgeons at this tertiary institution to perform minimally invasive surgery in cases of suspected appendicitis. The study has reaffirmed the difficulties in making the correct diagnosis in women, with 73.3% of patients with normal appendix being females. Judicious use of laparoscopy as an investigative and therapeutic tool may reduce the rate of negative laparotomy in women in particular.
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terabitweb · 5 years
Original Post from SC Magazine Author: Doug Olenick
Traditional security solutions were designed to identify threats at the perimeter of the enterprise, which was primarily defined by the network. Whether called firewall, intrusion detection system, or intrusion prevention system, these tools delivered “network-centric” solutions.
Innovation was slow because activity was dictated, in large part, by the capabilities, and limitations, of available technology resources. Much like a sentry guarding the castle, they emphasized identification and were not meant to investigate activity that might have gotten past their surveillance.
Originally, firewalls performed the task of preventing unwanted, and potentially dangerous, traffic. Then security vendors started pitching “next generation firewalls” which was based on a model that targeted applications, users and content. It was a shift that provided visibility and context into the data and assets that organizations were trying to protect.
Modern environments require a new approach
Now, with modern architectures, threats that target public clouds (PaaS or IaaS platforms) demand a new level of insight and action. They operate differently than traditional datacenters: applications come and go instantaneously, network addresses and ports are recycled seemingly at random, and even the fundamental way traffic flows have changed. To operate successfully in modern IT infrastructures, you have to reset how you think about security in cloud.
Surprisingly, many organizations continue to use network-based security and rely on available network traffic data as their security approach. It’s important for decision makers to understand the limitations inherent in this kind of approach so they don’t operate on a false sense of security. A purpose-built cloud solution is the only thing that will provide the type of visibility and protection required.
The limits of “next generation firewall”
Security teams in modern environments must first realize that in the cloud, most traffic is encrypted; that means the network has no ability to inspect it. Even if you could perform a “Man in the Middle” attack to decrypt the data, the scale and elasticity of the cloud would make the current Next-Generation Firewalls useless.
In an IaaS environment, applications are custom-written, which means there are no known signatures that can identify the app. The application becomes identified based on its security profile, and that can change based upon how it’s used. For example, a security profile and behavior of a database app will be different in communication patterns, like for HR or Finance use cases. From a launch perspective however, they are the same application and a next generation firewall cannot distinguish between them to understand the application behavior or required policy. For example, the same user in a production environment versus a development environment, working on the same application, will still have a different security profile.
As environments increasingly make use containers and orchestration systems like Kubernetes, as well as serverless computing, they present even more challenges for outdated security tools. These new types of tools are built with microservices, an innovation that befuddles next generation firewalls because they are blind to how they work.
An approach built for the cloud
One of the greatest cloud security challenges comes from the fact that the cloud delivers its infrastructure components, things like gateways, servers, storage, compute, and all the resources and assets that make up the cloud platform environment, as virtual services. There is no traditional network or infrastructure architecture in the cloud.
Deploying workloads into the cloud can quickly involve complex sets of microservices and serverless instances that function in fluid architectures that change every few minutes or seconds, creating a constantly changing security environment. Here are some of the common security challenges presented by the cloud:
Infrastructure as code
Machine based alerts do not make sense and machines cannot be used to understand apps
The combined effect of all this innovation? Exponential growth in a cloud environment’s attack surface. A busy cloud environment can generate as many as hundreds of millions of connections per hour, which makes threat detection a much more challenging proposition. Of course, attackers are well aware of these vulnerabilities and are working frantically to exploit them.
The only way to secure a continuously changing cloud environment is through continuous approaches to security. These security functions need to include the following capabilities:
Continuous anomaly detection and behavioral analysis that is capable of monitoring all event activity in your cloud environment, correlate activity among containers, applications, and users, and log that activity for analysis after containers and other ephemeral workloads have been recycled. This monitoring and analysis must be able to trigger automatic alerts. Behavioral analytics makes it possible to perform non-rules based event detection and analysis in an environment that is adapting to serve continuously changing operational demands.
Continuous, real-time configuration and compliance auditing across cloud storage and compute instances.
Continuous real time monitoring of access and account activity across APIs as well as developer and user accounts.
Continuous, real time workload and deep container activity monitoring, abstracted from the network. A public cloud environment provides limited visibility into network activity, so this requires having agents on containers or hosts that monitor orchestration tools, file integrity, and access control.
Moving beyond – WAY beyond – next generation firewall
New security tools designed to deeply monitor cloud infrastructure and analyze workload and account activity in real time make it possible to deploy and scale without compromising security. When operating in the cloud, businesses need to know that their infrastructure remains secure as it scales. They need assurance that they can deploy services that are not compromising compliance or introducing new risk. This can only happen with new tools designed specifically for highly dynamic cloud environments, tools that provide continuous, real-time monitoring, analysis, and alerting.
About the author:
Sanjay Kalra is co-founder and CPO at Lacework, leading the company’s product strategy, drawing on more than 20 years of success and innovation in the cloud, networking, analytics, and security industries. Prior to Lacework, Sanjay was GM of the Application Services Group at Guavus, where he guided the company to market leadership and a successful exit. Sanjay also served as Senior Director of Security Product Management for Juniper Networks, and spearheaded continued innovations in the company’s various security markets. Sanjay has also held senior positions at Cisco and ACC. He holds 12 patents in networking and security.
The post Leaving behind old school security tendencies appeared first on SC Media.
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Go to Source Author: Doug Olenick Leaving behind old school security tendencies Original Post from SC Magazine Author: Doug Olenick Traditional security solutions were designed to identify threats at the perimeter of the enterprise, which was primarily defined by the network.
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
Gin Gross sales Are Booming Due to Rising Plant Craze
http://tinyurl.com/yy7xumo5 In 2018, world consumption of gin grew quicker than every other beverage alcohol class. Brandy Rand thinks she is aware of why, and he or she calls it her “plant concept.” “In the event you have a look at consumption developments over the previous few years, there’s a excessive progress charge in individuals consuming extra crops. We’ve been informed it’s higher for the atmosphere and for our diets,” says Rand, chief working officer for the Americas for world alcohol-industry tracker IWSR. The facility of crops is altering consumption habits throughout many meals and beverage classes: There are plant-based burgers, rooster, seafood, and milk merchandise—and even hashish is hovering in recognition. All this discuss of crops could also be giving gin a elevate too. With a botanical base, gin has an herbaceous vibe that matches neatly into the plant craze. Gin makers are experimenting with shocking flavors like basil, rhubarb, orange, and cinnamon, and within the course of they’re bringing new drinkers into the fold. The development towards these pure elements has grow to be so buzzy that vodka model Ketel One final yr launched a botanicals line that’s gin-ish. Whereas technically a vodka, Ketel One Botanical Peach & Orange Blossom leans into gin influences. Ketel One Globally, gross sales of gin jumped 8.3% final yr versus 2017, IWSR data shows, bolstered partly by fashionable pink gins, to elevate the spirit’s gross sales to greater than 72 million nine-liter circumstances. Progress has been explosive in European markets like the UK and Spain, the place a lot of the innovation is happening. IWSR forecasts gin will hit 88 million circumstances by 2023. Bartenders are embracing gin in funky cocktails that shine on—you guessed it—Instagram. And even the tonic facet of the equation is seeing innovation. Stateside, manufacturers like Fever-Tree, Navy Hill, and Fentimans are giving gin drinkers new methods to experiment. “Gin is an fascinating drink,” says Ed Pilkington, liquor large Diageo’s North America chief advertising officer. “The completely different taste sorts that exist in gin align with our meals tradition.” Pilkington says the gin renaissance in Europe has unfolded as a result of it was a drink as soon as most well-liked by people who find themselves older however is now consumed by all authorized age teams and extra evenly by each genders. Diageo has targeted on innovation throughout the class, launching Gordon’s Pink and hitting over 1 million circumstances only a yr after that gin’s debut. In 2018, Diageo launched an orange-flavored variant of Tanqueray known as Flor de Sevilla. It’s bringing the spirit stateside for the primary time with a restricted launch in Florida. And simply final month, Diageo debuted a brand new super-premium Italian gin known as Villa Ascenti, which it is going to promote in 14 European nations. The world’s largest spirits makers are additionally putting bets on gin with acquisitions. Previously few years, Gruppo Campari bought Bulldog London Dry Gin, Pernod Ricard scooped up Italian Malfy and Germany’s Monkey 47, and Corona maker Constellation Brands bought a stake in craft spirits maker Black Button Distilling, which sells lilac- and citrus-forward gins. Gin is so fashionable that even actor Ryan Reynolds bought Pacific Northwest–primarily based craft model Aviation Gin. “Opponents are investing in gin, and that’s good for the class,” says Pilkington. In America, gin hasn’t but emerged as a famous person. Final yr, the spirit’s quantity dipped 1.1% as progress for the priciest gins couldn’t totally offset declines for the most cost effective stuff, in response to information from the Distilled Spirits Council. To place issues additional in perspective: Gin quantity soared 52% within the U.Okay. versus a slim 1.5% acquire in America for the 52-week interval ending February 23, 2019, in response to Nielsen. Malfy Gin is a model of gin bottled in Italy, distilled by Torino Distillati, and distributed by Biggar & Leith. Malfy A part of what has held gin again within the U.S. is the misunderstanding that gin should all the time have a juniper style, and that’s as a result of many London-style gins function that taste profile. And since the preferred cocktail was a gin and tonic, many drinkers discover the floral notes overpowering. Gin isn’t alone in keeping off such misinterpretations. Rum typically will get pegged as being too candy, Scotch as having an excessive amount of peat, and mezcal as too smoky. All of these spirits manufacturers and their makers must work on educating bartenders and customers about their unappreciated versatility. Widespread cocktails just like the Negroni have helped introduce gin to extra Individuals in a extra delicate method. Craft gin manufacturers are amongst these aiming to deliver new flavors to the market. Ohio-based Watershed Distillery is promoting gins with notes like rose petals and citrus, and even a gin that sits in a bourbon barrel for a yr. “Lots of people had a foul expertise with gin in faculty,” says Greg Lehman, Watershed’s founder. “However gin isn’t a one-note class. And there’s a new gin shopper that’s open to new flavors.” Watershed Bourbon Barrel Gin Watershed On the fashionable facet, Beefeater Pink got here to the U.S. final yr, a pink-hued gin that balances juniper with strawberry and citrus. Hendrick’s Gin, in the meantime, will get numerous credit score for elevating the gin expertise within the U.S., although different manufacturers are including pleasure. Monkey 47, for instance, has traditional botanicals like juniper and coriander but additionally lingonberries and spruce. Pernod Ricard says that it has invested behind Monkey 47 within the U.S. and has been rewarded with exponential progress. “In the event you begin from the concept American spirits customers have all the time and can all the time search for flavorful experiences, and also you layer on the development of authenticity, craftsmanship, and well being and wellness—it units the stage for the reemergence of gin,” says Jeff Agdern, senior vp of New Model Ventures at Pernod Ricard. “Gin choices right now are wildly completely different than what was accessible 20 years in the past.” “I’m not certain if we’re able to name gin the subsequent massive class [in the U.S.],” provides Agdern. “However extra manufacturers are coming in, and there’s extra retail and shopper curiosity. We’re betting on it.” Extra must-read tales from Fortune: —Alcohol-free bars caught on within the U.S. and U.Okay. However can they go world? —The wine country tasting room is dead. However lengthy dwell wine nation —Know what to search for to find a great rosé —The 6 most interesting new whiskies try to be consuming proper now —Hearken to our new audio briefing, Fortune 500 Daily Follow Fortune on Flipboard to remain up-to-date on the newest information and evaluation. Source link
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josephkitchen0 · 6 years
Combining the Best Essential Oils for Soap Making
If you make soap, you probably do it for one of two reasons. First, it allows artistic creativity while making something useful. And second, it allows control over all the ingredients.
Many soap makers begin the art because they want to eliminate chemicals, allergens, toxins, perfumes, and detergents from their households. They want a more natural product, but they also want it to smell good. And you don’t get much more natural than essential oils. Some people even learn  how to make essential oils at home.
But finding the best essential oils for soap making isn’t that easy. Each soap making technique throws different factors at you.
Before we get into choosing the right oils, I’ll first answer a question that almost every new soap maker asks: Can you use citrus juice, rose water, etc. to fragrance soap? Yes and no. Yes, you can use it for soap. But no, the fragrance won’t remain in the finished product. It’s not strong enough. Essential oils, and the less-natural fragrance oils, are highly concentrated and able to withstand the process.
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The Best Essential Oils for Soap Making: Melt and Pour
Though melt and pour soap is by far not my favorite, and it’s certainly not natural, it has one huge advantage: It’s safe to craft around children. If your kids are old enough to understand certain precautions, such as using towels to handle hot dishes, they can create soaps as well.
A downside of using essential oils for melt and pour: some oils are not skin-safe and cause contact dermatitis. When diluted in soap, this usually isn’t a problem, but dropping undiluted EO on skin, and allowing it to stay there, can cause rashes, burns, and photosensitivity. Research which oils may cause skin reactions before using them for soap.
With so many essential oils available, be sure you research which is safe for skin.
An upside of using EOs in melt and pour soap: because the soap isn’t alkaline and doesn’t require high temperatures, almost every fragrance will stick. It will last awhile.
Citrus and coconut fragrances are notorious for fading within goat milk soap recipes and other cold process soap because the pH of the soap reacts with these oils. But that’s not a worry with melt and pour.
For a refreshing and energizing melt and pour soap, try lemon, mixed with lemongrass and ginger. Or create a three-citrus combination of grapefruit, lemon, and orange, adding a cedarwood base note to bring the airiness down to earth.
Try pure lavender essential oil in melt and pour soap, without worry of fading. Or mix lavender and eucalyptus.
The Best Essential Oils for Soap Making: Cold Process
Here’s where things get tricky. Cold process soap making can kill a fresh fragrance, and the fragrance itself can complicate soap making.
Fruity and spicy oils can cause seizing, which is when the soap quickly thickens and solidifies just after you add the scent. Some herbals also cause the problem. Using oils which are solid at warmer temperatures, such as in coconut oil soap recipes, can intensify the problem. To avoid seizing, I do two things: First, I avoid the fragrances that can cause it, such as clove oil. But if I want that spicy smell, I will separate a little unscented soap batter and set it aside. Then, if the rest of the batter seizes after I add fragrance, I quickly glop it into molds then pour the liquidy, unscented batter around it to fill in any pockets or gaps. This creates a single, solid bar that can be cut after it completely solidifies and cools.
Many citrus oils are notorious for being fleeting in cold process soap.
Perhaps the most tragic loss is that of a scent you had your hopes on. But there are some tricks to making fragrance last:
Identify which scents won’t withstand the pH and heat. Citrus are the main culprits. If you truly want lemon soap, made with pure lemon essential oil, try melt and pour for the best results.
Use alternatives, such as lemongrass or lemon verbena essential oils instead of lemon.
Increase the amount of oil, using a fragrance calculator to identify how much to use. Some oils, such as 10x orange, are already more concentrated.
Add kaolin clay to your soap recipe. This gives essential oil something to adhere to while creating a nicer lather and soothing skin.
Anchor scents with deeper “base” notes. This means blending the lighter fragrances with something that has better retention, such as lavender with rosewood or grapefruit with ylang ylang.
Store finished soap in a cool, dry environment that is away from direct sunlight. I like to stack it (with a little space between bars), with paper separating layers, in a cardboard box. Then I place the box in a bedroom closet, not a bathroom or kitchen cupboard.
If you want a relaxing, therapeutic fragrance combination, but want to extend the scent’s life in cold process soap, try mixing lavender oil with chamomile and patchouli or oakmoss.
For a refreshing, fruity-woodsy scent with excellent staying power, combine 10x orange oil, juniper, and Peru balsam.
Or make a therapeutic breathe-easy spa bar with eucalyptus, rosemary, and cedarwood.
  Top, Middle, and Base Notes
When crafting fragrance combinations for either melt and pour or cold process soaps, you can improve the scent’s staying power by pairing top notes with an earthy base “anchor.” Top notes are the first fragrances noted by the nose, usually the light, citrusy, floral tones. The nose then identifies middle notes, which are a bit deeper, spicier, or woodsy. Base notes tend to be very earthy, such as patchouli, sandalwood, and myrrh. Pure orange oil may not “stick” long in cold process soap, but combining a 10x orange oil with patchouli and a little cardamom creates a spicy, citrusy combination, which will last a long time.
Existing recipes may call for “three parts lime EO, one part pine, two parts ginger.” This means, if you’re using a few drops, use three drops lime, one of drop pine, two drops ginger. Or three ounces lime, one ounce of pine, etc.
To create the best recipes, it can take trial and error to discover how much of each creates the scent you desire. Recipes are found online but you may want more of one oil and less of another. It’s ok to experiment as long as you avoid oils which cause unpleasant reactions and you use a fragrance calculator to determine how much to add to soap.
Using a Fragrance Calculator
Many soap making suppliers include fragrance calculators on their websites. Why use a fragrance calculator? For soap making with blended fragrance oils, the calculator helps determine how much oil to use, per pound of soap, if you want a light fragrance versus a deep, lasting scent. When using even the best essential oils for soap making, the calculator serves a second purpose: it indicates the maximum volume allowed safely. It takes into account the potential for phototoxicity or sensitizing skin, and gives you a maximum threshold, while allowing you to input all other factors and fragrance combinations.
Fragrance calculators also account for the fact that different essential oils have different fragrance strengths, so while a little myrrh oil easily fragrances soap, the same amount of neroli may not.
Of course, if you ask any longtime soap maker for their opinions on the best essential oils for soap making, you will get an assertive answer … that will differ between soap makers. Anyone selling essential oils may also give you different answers. But answering which EO is best for you is something only you can do.
What do you feel are the best essential oils for soap making? Do you have any scent combinations to share? We would love to hear about it.
Identifying Top, Middle, and Base Notes
(Some of these aren’t exclusive. For instance, lemongrass can be the middle note when combined with a top note of pure lemon essential oil.)
Top Notes Middle Notes Base Notes Basil Bay Peru Balsam Bergamot Black Pepper Cassia Cinnamon Cardamom Cedarwood Clary Sage Chamomile Cinnamon Eucalyptus Cypress Clove Grapefruit Fennel Frankincense Lemon Geranium Ginger Lemongrass Hyssop Jasmine Lime Juniper Myrrh Mandarin Lavender Neroli Neroli Majoram Oakmoss Verbena Melissa Patchouli Orange Myrtle Rose Peppermint Nutmeg Rosewood Sage Palma Rosa Sandalwood Spearmint Pine Valerian Tangerin Rosemary Vanilla Tea Tree Spinenard Vetiver Thyme Yarrow Ylang Ylang
Combining the Best Essential Oils for Soap Making was originally posted by All About Chickens
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onlineuni-blog · 7 years
Portable security merchants to Google: we are not con artists Google's open source master Chris DiBona says portable security merchants are.
Smartphones are getting destroyed nowadays from security sellers who appear to discharge another report every week about increments in versatile malware. What's more, out of the significant stages, Android is probably the greatest target, both on account of the open way of its application store and its strong piece of the overall industry.
Be that as it may, on the off chance that you trust Google's Chris DiBona, the organization's open source and open division programs director, it's every one of the a major heap of dung. Neither Android nor its rivals Apple and BlackBerry have security issues sufficiently extreme to legitimacy this level of consideration, DiBona contended in a post on Google+ a week ago.
"Yes, infection organizations are playing on your feelings of trepidation to attempt to offer you bs insurance programming for Android, RIM and IOS," DiBona composed. "They are scoundrels and con artists. On the off chance that you work for an organization offering infection insurance for android, RIM or iOS you ought to be embarrassed about yourself."
DiBona's comments came one day after Juniper Networks revealed a 472 percent expansion in Android malware tests gathered since July. As though accordingly, McAfee Labs issued its second from last quarter investigate Monday, which asserted "this quarter Android was the sole focus of portable malware authors." The malware essayists' items incorporate SMS-sending Trojans, malware intended to record telephone calls, and root abuses that access framework databases, breaking free of the application sandbox Android ordinarily uses to guard touchy information.
In yet another report, yet a gimmicky one, the firm Bit9 made a "Filthy Dozen" rundown of the most powerless cell phones and gave each and every spot to Android. Bit9 raises Android's stage discontinuity issue, taking note of that "Fifty-six percent of Android telephones in the commercial center today are coming up short on date and unreliable variants of the Android working framework programming" and that "makers, for example, Samsung, HTC, Motorola and LG frequently dispatch new telephones with obsolete programming out of the container, and they are ease back to overhaul these telephones to the most recent and most secure adaptations of Android."
Be that as it may, while the hazard is developing, portable security dangers still aren't as modern as the ones intended for PCs, a point DiBona makes in his post.
Telephones don't have infection issues?
"All the significant merchants have application markets, and all the real sellers have applications that do terrible things, are found, and are dropped from the business sectors," DiBona composed. "No real phone has an "infection" issue in the conventional sense that windows and some macintosh machines have seen. There have been some seemingly insignificant details, yet they haven't gotten much of anywhere because of the client sandboxing models and the way of the basic portions."
"Yes, an infection of the customary kind is conceivable, however not plausible," he proceeded. "The boundaries to spreading such a program from telephone to telephone are substantial and sufficiently troublesome to navigate when you have genuine access to the telephone, yet this isn't autonomy day [the movie], an infection that may chip away at one gadget won't mystically spread to the next."
DiBona additionally grumbled about commentators guaranteeing that "Android is decorated with infections … in light of the fact that we don't apply Apple like controls over the application showcase."
To get the point of view of one of DiBona's "con artists," we talked with James Lyne, the chief of innovation methodology at Sophos. Lyne, as it were, concurs with DiBona's point that antivirus programming intended for PCs shouldn't be shoehorned into cell phones, yet says impediments in today's portable security items are expected to a great extent to the telephone creators (especially Apple) being uncooperative with security merchants. "There is some authenticity to the guide he is attempting toward make," Lyne told Ars. "Yet, I think he may have gone to an extraordinary that is unhelpful."
The PC approach of checking records and coordinating them with malware databases isn't right for cell phones, Lyne stated, taking note of cell phones' rich authorization frameworks that keep applications from getting to the majority of the telephone's capacities, and in addition sandboxing and the capacity for merchants to remotely erase malevolent applications from client claimed gadgets. Still, Lyne said there is a requirement for security items to implement watchword and encryption strategies, stay up with the latest, and check the notoriety of uses before they are downloaded. These sorts of items may wind up being called antivirus programming, however they're entirely not quite the same as what the name recommends.
Albeit today's versatile dangers are normally easy to identify, Lyne and other security specialists cautioned that, as cell phones turn out to be more predominant and acquire access to classified information, assaults will develop and turn out to be more refined. Android falls behind the iPhone in a few zones; for instance, Android gadgets reliably neglect to have full circle encryption implicit, he said. The straightforwardness with which applications can be sideloaded onto Android gadgets and the less prohibitive nature of the Android Market versus the Apple App Store additionally makes it an all the more engaging focus to criminal programmers.
Security firms need more collaboration from Apple, Google
In any case, that doesn't mean Apple's security model is immaculate, either. Security specialist Charlie Miller as of late found an imperfection inside the iOS App Store that could conceivably let any application download and run unsigned code. Mill operator made an application equipped for misusing the blemish, and got it endorsed by Apple for incorporation in the App Store. Apple in the end pulled the application and even gave Miller a one-year restriction from its designer program, however his achievement in getting the application onto the store demonstrates Apple's separating procedure likely can't get each noxious bit of programming.
Lyne approached Apple to grow its security APIs to give a more noteworthy level of put stock in access to the working framework—for instance, an enhanced capacity to check and scramble records opened by Safari. He said Google doesn't give all that is important either, however enough Android code is open that you could compose your own APIs. "Apple is the most headstrong by a wide margin," Lyne told Ars. "Google has really been very strong in the fantastic plan of things. … I think Android will arrive quicker, yet it doesn't have everything today."
Obviously, similarly as DiBona called attention to, security merchants have money related inspiration to persuade cell phone purchasers that they're at hazard. One security item distributed for Windows Phone by AVG was removed the commercial center by Microsoft after it was observed to be by and large pointless and a violator of client protection by sending data to AVG's servers. However, that doesn't mean there isn't a place for versatile security items. Organizations specifically stress over the wellbeing of information when giving access to email and different administrations from cell phones, and are occupied with apparatuses that oversee representative get to. Security items can likewise give reinforcement and reestablish usefulness that customers may be occupied with.
While Google pulled 21 malevolent applications from the Android Market back in March, applications aren't the main potential assault vector. Security reports from Georgia Tech and Syracuse University scientists as of late found that cell phone Web programs are ascending in significance as an assault point.
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kepesh-yakshi · 8 years
Writing Pre-Haven Bairley
A very rough (free) draft of Bairley before going to Haven.  It attempts to establish who he was before it all began.  There is so much to flesh out, but I was just excited to finally have time to write something, I had to share it as it is, right now. I’ll post the edited version on AO3.
----- "Rise and shine, mudface!"  The sweetvoiced woman threw a pillow over her ginger-haired brother's head, who lay face down and was sprawled across the small bed in the family's upstairs guest room.  "Don't make me play big sister again, or I'll drag you out of bed."  She cackled at the thought as she turned back toward the hallway.
The family farmhouse was large and rustic, but not at the cost of modern luxuries; for example, you could pump water through a small spigot directly into a basin in the kitchen, and that was often unheard of, even in the most extravagant buildings.  It even drained out into an irrigation ditch behind the house.  You still had to venture to a small chamber outside to relieve yourself, though.
"You can try..."  The man, somewhere in his early thirties, attempted to roll over onto his back, but instead rolled completely off the bed and onto the floor.  "Umph!!"  He threw the pillow into the hallway behind her, hitting their mother square in the chest as she walked into the room.  "Bairley!"  The portly woman, not in a fat way but strong,  threw the pillow back at him.  "I sent her up here to get you out of bed -- remember, you are all going to Haven, today."  She had her raven dark hair pulled tight in a thick braid that fell to the middle of her back, and a bright blue bandana covered the rest of it, pulling her bangs back out of her eyes.
Lily, also dark-haired and strong like her mother, was formally-attired in chantry scholar robes,the hood still dangling behind her. Her leather cap was thrown onto her head as if she needed a place to put it. Her copper eyes seemed to match the gold and red in the robes.
"I know, I know,"  he sighed.  "I'll be down in a minute."
He began to grab a pair of corded pants and his favorite flannel tunic, but she instead pointed at the huntsman's garb that hung from the coat rack.  "You may need the protection, Bear, so put that on.  And don't forget your bow.  If something happens, you'll need that, too."
I'm not taking my good one, Mother.  I'll just take one of the spares from the smithy."  Bear stood up and threw his shirt off, exposing a hairy chisled frame that went well with the tousled bunch of hair and pork chop, mustachioed face covering he bore.
"Um, Bear, when did you grow muscles?"  Lily laughed out loud at her reaction to his appearance.  She came back to the room to get his travel bag.  "Of course, I saw you last, when, six years ago?  You looked then like the taverns you slept in."
"I've changed a bit, Lily."  Bear finished tieing his pants and adjusting the green semi-armored jacket over his tunic, and threw a scarf around his neck just in case the weather turned cold. "As have you."
"We have things to speak of on the way to the Conclave, then."  
They both made their ways downstairs and outside, where their father, Bann Robert Trevelyan, and the majority of the immediate neighborhood was gathered at a large table -- at least twenty, maybe more -- and a huge smorgasbord of food was just being served to each person.  
"Blood sausage!"  Bairley sat his mother and sister, before sitting down between them.  "And link sausage, and lorne sausage, and oh my!"  He felt like a kid; after all, the last time he'd sat to such a feast was several years ago.  The time he spent training with the huntsmen at the Ostwick templar encampment left him missing home...well, some aspects of home. The politics from his father's work had grown old to Bairley, and he longed for the day that he wasn't tied to the smithy with his mother.  The time at the edge of Ostwick's holdings with the Templars was still not what he craved: the pompousness of some of the knights was almost as bad as the arrogance of some of his father's higher level associates.  
The trip to Haven was going to be yet another escape from home, even if only for a few days.  Plus, he was traveling with his beloved sister, who was older by three years.  He looked up to her.
The carriage took off a little after breakfast, and the two of them decided to nap for the first part of the trip. A couple of hours later, Lily woke with stomach pangs and fished in her grub sack for a chunk of waybread and some dried sausage.  Bairley woke soon after, and he too reached into his pack, but for an apple.
"So, Big Bear, what have I missed?"  She asked, smiling at her little brother.  Little only in years -- the pudgy twenty something was now built like a bronto, and just as rugged.  "You look fit and happy.  There's a glow about you."
"Yes, I suppose there is."  He smiled softly at his sister.  "Six years ago, you left for the Chantry in Val Chevin, and a group of templars came through town, looking to train locals for the Ostwick militia.  I jumped at the chance, as the camp was still here in Ostwick, but at the western edge of the holdings proper.  I was part quartermaster, part huntsman.  It was quite the experience."  
"Wow, that's great!"  She applauded him gleefully.  "Any juicy details you wish to share?"
"Wenches are great stress relief!"
Lilly let out a huge belly laugh, then straightened up. "Oh, you're a man, now?"  
"Well!"  Bairley laughed as well, as their sexploits were a common conversation, especially after he realized they did not share the same father in truth.  When Big Bear met the people he was named after (Beatrice and Brand Bairley), and he saw how strikingly similar he was to the patron of their little clan, he grew distant from the Bann, and confided this to Lily, who at the time was 13, and old enough to be sowing her own wild oats -- old enough to be learning and seeing what the adults were doing behind other adults' backs.  She ended up having to explain what happened.  "I guess I did."
"I'm glad you grew out of that fear, Big Bear.  It's a wonder you didn't snag one for good."
"Yeah, well..."  He looked at her with curiosity.  "So what about you?  You look all...scholarly...do you have any juicy gossip?"
"I have had my own occupations, yes."  She grinned, as did he, and they both erupted with laughter.  "I have missed you, Big Bear -- I had one instance where someone wouldn't leave me alone.  I had to throttle him.  I'd rather have had you do it for me, but I am a big girl, I can handle myself."
"Well, if you had to throttle the guy, he must have really been annoying."
"He was, oh he was."  
After several hours of non stop conversation about sex, cooking, food, Chantry rules, subverting chantry rules (the carriage driver joined in at this point), bards versus minstrels, and watching pickpockets in Val Chevin, they stopped at a small village a few hours north of Haven to feed and water the carriage horses, and they also grabbed a quick bite to eat.
The tavern was called The Monstrous Mongrel, and the crest outside depicted a druffalo with a mouthful of grain in its mouth.  Inside, the decor was mostly a mahogany red, laquered benches and stools and tables, and the floor was a well-worn black oak, just like the structure itself. It was at the forefront of the only communal area in the village, which sat on the shore of a beautiful blue lake that was otherwise surrounded by sweet-scented juniper trees. It smelled cold outside, but there was no snow on the ground, yet.
Bairley ordered a druffalo burger patty on a bed of red leaf lettuce with spiced mustard and a ginger ale, and Lily ordered a ham sandwich and a chammomile and herb hot tea.  The carriage driver ordered three links of boar sausage, two eidar cheese wedges, and sauteed mushrooms. Oh, and a ginger root beer.
They sat off again, continuing their conversation about pickpockets and other vandals, then  went from that to day to day life, to things they'd read, to favorite eateries and brewhouses where they were each staying (the driver was from Kirkwall, and loved the Hanged Man).  The time it took to get to Haven -- 10 hours in a carriage -- seemed like just two or thee.
Upon arrival, the three received a quiet welcome, and the siblings were shown their quarters: a small one room cottage in the corner of a path within the walls of the village, only one bed, big enough for both of them.  They didn't mind at all.  They were not there for luxurious reasons, they were there to represent Ostwick at a Conclave that was broght together by Divine Justinia V in an attempt to bring a resolution between the warring mages and templars. They didn't actually have a say; rather, they were merely representing their holdings.
The carriage driver bade them farewell, and Bairley and Lily both invited him to the tavern for a quick drink and dinner before he left, also getting him a bed in one of the shared cottages so he could at least get some rest. They learned he was not doing well financially, and sent him off with 200 royals on the condition that he keep in touch.  With that, they finally got his name, Cabot Furlin, and the dwarf recently came to the surface after being caught pickpocketing, himself. His home was yet to be declared.  Bairley talked him into staying awhile, and maybe he could help their new friend pick himself up a bit.  One thing was certain, though:  Cabot was not letting his situation bring him down.
As the small welcoming party saw them and their belongings into the cottage, Lily looked at Bairley with grim concern.  "Bear?"  She looked as if she was literally turning green.  She ran out the door and lost her lunch outside. "Oh no..."
Bairley grabbed one of the empty tankards on the table and filled it with water from a keg in the room (the one marked "WATER," not the one next to it that was marked "FLISSA'S ALE ~ BATCH 163")  and rushed out to her side, handing it to her.  "Here," he said, "swish."  She started to take it, but turned away and lost more.  "Oh, Maker, what was bad that I ate?"  She pleaded for reprieve, and her stomach seemed to grant her request.  She swished and spat, swished and spat, and finally took a few sips before chugging the rest and asking for more.  Bairley refilled the tankard and met her halfway into the house.  He gave it to her and closed the door behind them.  
"Are you alright, Lily?"  
"I feel horrible."  She was sweating, and in the freezing cold temperatures, she shouldn't have been.
He pressed his hand against her reddened cheeks. "You're very hot -- let me get a healer."
"No, I just need to rest."
"Not this time, Lily.  You rest, I'm going up to the chantry for a healer."  He jogged up the hill and through the courtyard to the chantry, where he met with two elder sisters and explained what was going on.  They sent for a healer, Velarie, who followed him to the cottage and assessed Lily's symptoms.  "It's not food poisoning...but something in the food has made you sick.  Are you allergic to anything?"
"Um...only stripweed -- it makes me very ill like this.  But the field we saw was a mile or more away..."  Lily's voice was reduced to a raspy whisper.
"The tea, Lily -- remember?" "But it was chamomile and herb --" "Those fields were not too far from where we stopped.  I bet stripweed was in the tea." Lily wanted to cry, but she was too sick to do it.  She let out a long sad sigh and closed her eyes.  "I am sorry, Bear." "Don't be, it was an accident, maybe the Maker has other plans for you.  Maybe I was meant to go alone."
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And we're covered in paint once more (I thought that we were getting along so well too...). At this rate she's going to don a tin hat and join all the other conspiracy theorists in Strangerville.
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josephkitchen0 · 7 years
Combining the Best Essential Oils for Soap Making
If you make soap, you probably do it for one of two reasons. First, it allows artistic creativity while making something useful. And second, it allows control over all the ingredients.
Many soap makers begin the art because they want to eliminate chemicals, allergens, toxins, perfumes, and detergents from their households. They want a more natural product, but they also want it to smell good. And you don’t get much more natural than essential oils. Some people even learn  how to make essential oils at home.
But finding the best essential oils for soap making isn’t that easy. Each soap making technique throws different factors at you.
Before we get into choosing the right oils, I’ll first answer a question that almost every new soap maker asks: Can you use citrus juice, rose water, etc. to fragrance soap? Yes and no. Yes, you can use it for soap. But no, the fragrance won’t remain in the finished product. It’s not strong enough. Essential oils, and the less-natural fragrance oils, are highly concentrated and able to withstand the process.
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The Best Essential Oils for Soap Making: Melt and Pour
Though melt and pour soap is by far not my favorite, and it’s certainly not natural, it has one huge advantage: It’s safe to craft around children. If your kids are old enough to understand certain precautions, such as using towels to handle hot dishes, they can create soaps as well.
A downside of using essential oils for melt and pour: some oils are not skin-safe and cause contact dermatitis. When diluted in soap, this usually isn’t a problem, but dropping undiluted EO on skin, and allowing it to stay there, can cause rashes, burns, and photosensitivity. Research which oils may cause skin reactions before using them for soap.
With so many essential oils available, be sure you research which is safe for skin.
An upside of using EOs in melt and pour soap: because the soap isn’t alkaline and doesn’t require high temperatures, almost every fragrance will stick. It will last awhile.
Citrus and coconut fragrances are notorious for fading within goat milk soap recipes and other cold process soap because the pH of the soap reacts with these oils. But that’s not a worry with melt and pour.
For a refreshing and energizing melt and pour soap, try lemon, mixed with lemongrass and ginger. Or create a three-citrus combination of grapefruit, lemon, and orange, adding a cedarwood base note to bring the airiness down to earth.
Try pure lavender essential oil in melt and pour soap, without worry of fading. Or mix lavender and eucalyptus.
The Best Essential Oils for Soap Making: Cold Process
Here’s where things get tricky. Cold process soap making can kill a fresh fragrance, and the fragrance itself can complicate soap making.
Fruity and spicy oils can cause seizing, which is when the soap quickly thickens and solidifies just after you add the scent. Some herbals also cause the problem. Using oils which are solid at warmer temperatures, such as in coconut oil soap recipes, can intensify the problem. To avoid seizing, I do two things: First, I avoid the fragrances that can cause it, such as clove oil. But if I want that spicy smell, I will separate a little unscented soap batter and set it aside. Then, if the rest of the batter seizes after I add fragrance, I quickly glop it into molds then pour the liquidy, unscented batter around it to fill in any pockets or gaps. This creates a single, solid bar that can be cut after it completely solidifies and cools.
Many citrus oils are notorious for being fleeting in cold process soap.
Perhaps the most tragic loss is that of a scent you had your hopes on. But there are some tricks to making fragrance last:
Identify which scents won’t withstand the pH and heat. Citrus are the main culprits. If you truly want lemon soap, made with pure lemon essential oil, try melt and pour for the best results.
Use alternatives, such as lemongrass or lemon verbena essential oils instead of lemon.
Increase the amount of oil, using a fragrance calculator to identify how much to use. Some oils, such as 10x orange, are already more concentrated.
Add kaolin clay to your soap recipe. This gives essential oil something to adhere to while creating a nicer lather and soothing skin.
Anchor scents with deeper “base” notes. This means blending the lighter fragrances with something that has better retention, such as lavender with rosewood or grapefruit with ylang ylang.
Store finished soap in a cool, dry environment that is away from direct sunlight. I like to stack it (with a little space between bars), with paper separating layers, in a cardboard box. Then I place the box in a bedroom closet, not a bathroom or kitchen cupboard.
If you want a relaxing, therapeutic fragrance combination, but want to extend the scent’s life in cold process soap, try mixing lavender oil with chamomile and patchouli or oakmoss.
For a refreshing, fruity-woodsy scent with excellent staying power, combine 10x orange oil, juniper, and Peru balsam.
Or make a therapeutic breathe-easy spa bar with eucalyptus, rosemary, and cedarwood.
  Top, Middle, and Base Notes
When crafting fragrance combinations for either melt and pour or cold process soaps, you can improve the scent’s staying power by pairing top notes with an earthy base “anchor.” Top notes are the first fragrances noted by the nose, usually the light, citrusy, floral tones. The nose then identifies middle notes, which are a bit deeper, spicier, or woodsy. Base notes tend to be very earthy, such as patchouli, sandalwood, and myrrh. Pure orange oil may not “stick” long in cold process soap, but combining a 10x orange oil with patchouli and a little cardamom creates a spicy, citrusy combination, which will last a long time.
Existing recipes may call for “three parts lime EO, one part pine, two parts ginger.” This means, if you’re using a few drops, use three drops lime, one of drop pine, two drops ginger. Or three ounces lime, one ounce of pine, etc.
To create the best recipes, it can take trial and error to discover how much of each creates the scent you desire. Recipes are found online but you may want more of one oil and less of another. It’s ok to experiment as long as you avoid oils which cause unpleasant reactions and you use a fragrance calculator to determine how much to add to soap.
Using a Fragrance Calculator
Many soap making suppliers include fragrance calculators on their websites. Why use a fragrance calculator? For soap making with blended fragrance oils, the calculator helps determine how much oil to use, per pound of soap, if you want a light fragrance versus a deep, lasting scent. When using even the best essential oils for soap making, the calculator serves a second purpose: it indicates the maximum volume allowed safely. It takes into account the potential for phototoxicity or sensitizing skin, and gives you a maximum threshold, while allowing you to input all other factors and fragrance combinations.
Fragrance calculators also account for the fact that different essential oils have different fragrance strengths, so while a little myrrh oil easily fragrances soap, the same amount of neroli may not.
Of course, if you ask any longtime soap maker for their opinions on the best essential oils for soap making, you will get an assertive answer … that will differ between soap makers. Anyone selling essential oils may also give you different answers. But answering which EO is best for you is something only you can do.
What do you feel are the best essential oils for soap making? Do you have any scent combinations to share? We would love to hear about it.
Identifying Top, Middle, and Base Notes
(Some of these aren’t exclusive. For instance, lemongrass can be the middle note when combined with a top note of pure lemon essential oil.)
Top Notes Middle Notes Base Notes Basil Bay Peru Balsam Bergamot Black Pepper Cassia Cinnamon Cardamom Cedarwood Clary Sage Chamomile Cinnamon Eucalyptus Cypress Clove Grapefruit Fennel Frankincense Lemon Geranium Ginger Lemongrass Hyssop Jasmine Lime Juniper Myrrh Mandarin Lavender Neroli Neroli Majoram Oakmoss Verbena Melissa Patchouli Orange Myrtle Rose Peppermint Nutmeg Rosewood Sage Palma Rosa Sandalwood Spearmint Pine Valerian Tangerin Rosemary Vanilla Tea Tree Spinenard Vetiver Thyme Yarrow Ylang Ylang
Combining the Best Essential Oils for Soap Making was originally posted by All About Chickens
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Juniper doesn't just have misadventures with kleptomaniac werewolves, but with the Greenberg's maker as well.
What follows is not an edit:
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(At least it gave her the materials back.)
If at first you don't succeed...
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... you dust yourself off and try again, only to go flying once again.
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