#dumpster diving challenge
fizzytoo · 6 months
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look out earthlings! starling (and justin 🦆) are globetrotting
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minamill · 1 year
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Rhea and Lane had a dinner date at a restaurant that ended up not serving any dinner. Some compatibility issues arose when they almost starved, but Rhea saved the night with dumpster diving for spoiled fruit
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madegeeky · 11 months
Me, opening up Sims 4: Hmmm, perhaps 7th times the charm and I'll like it this time.
Me, after four hours of nonconsecutive gameplay: Huh, I'm finding this game boring. For no reason at all, I thought it'd be different this time.
(Will I learn and never try again? No, no I won't.)
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yappacadaver · 11 months
He’s so yuckily I love him so much
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yestrday · 5 months
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: ̗̀➛ ALL OR NOTHING. yan! aventurine / gn! reader
it's a nice feeling to finally be on the winning side, feigning fairness when all the winning cards are in his hand. but it's not like you can fault him for cheating. after all, you who has nothing chose to challenge him, the one who will gain everything.
( overarching theme of sl4very, anim4l cruelty, anim4l death, bl00d, graphic description of violence, hinted obsessive behavior, im unoriginal and stole kafkas spirit whisper for reader ) + 7.5k words
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"It's just a bet," he suggests, as if this gamble won't cost you your everything. "Juuust a bet. Exactly what are you so scared of?"
He sits laid back in his plush velvet chair, twirling a cocktail as he enjoys the finest luxuries in life. He is clad head to toe in the finest clothing, dressed like a peacock waiting to impress. You, on the other hand, feel more like the peahen— dreadfully drab in your rags and no choice but to watch as the peacock flaunts his feathers. You are knelt on the ground, but your eyes show no submission.
"I'm not crazy, gambler," you bite. "I know the IPC. They are full of shit. And you, Aventurine." Your eyes set on him with hatred. "You're the smelliest of the lot."
Aventurine, the gem of lies and luck, sighs dramatically. "Pup, you know I don't like it when you're so vulgar, y'know? I'm giving you a chance at freedom, so you ought to at least treat me at least a little bit nicer. I'm not the one who shackled you, so I don't understand what the aggression is all about."
"You're the reason why I'm here in the first place!"
"No, Jade was." He presses a finger to your lip and you'd bite it if it weren't for the annoying bind you were under. "Jade came across you and thought you and your talent would make for a nice gift. You were a gift and I'm just the receiver. So don't go barking up the wrong tree, pup."
"So." He leans back into his couch and shoots you a sly grin. "Up for round one?"
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You are lost.
The meaning of Paths and their symbolisms are lost on you. You don't care for Aeons— no one on your home planet was. You were busy diving in dumpsters for a scrape of food, tricking your 'friends' into sacrificing themselves for you, and killing whatever was left of your humanity just to make it to another day. You walk on no Path but yours.
You don't even know which way you're going. So you are lost.
You think Aventurine is lost too.
He has every detail of his facade practiced. His gait is relaxed enough to not be intimidating, but not sloppy enough to be called out as bad posture. He talks in a smooth voice that eases fools and makes enemies wary, his smile is charming to sway the opponent into another gamble, his hair is fixed to frame his pretty face, and he chooses words that cannot be turned into loopholes. He is Aventurine. But he is not himself.
He does not care for the Preservation, but he rejects the Elation. He is on his own Path too, but he knows the destination he must reach— his 'End'. In that way, he is different from you, because you know not your journey or your ending. Still, he is just as lost as you.
But he makes a darn good show of not seeming that way. Right now, you watch as he throws the dice on the table, and the whole table watches with bated breath as they turn. A six and one— he lost the bet to the other's six and five. They cackle gleefully as they collect their earnings from Aventurine. They have chips upon chips on their side of the table while Aventurine's winnings are cut in half.
"I think I'll call it a day, pretty boy," the gambler cackles, greedily eyeing his earnings and possibly dreaming about the cash he's made tonight. "Even a gambler knows when to call quits, right?"
Aventurine pouts. "Aww, so soon? C'mon, the night's only begun! Who knows, play another round and you might just end up with more money than you have right now~"
The man laughs again, obviously not fooled by his pity act. "Boy, I'm not as addicted as you are. I know when to stop instead of letting you bleed me out dry." But Aventurine isn't fazed; rather, he snaps his fingers and you lower your head as you step to his side.
"Well, we can't have that, can we? [Y. Name], be a dear and persuade this gentleman into another round with me."
A glow of your eyes. Then you fix the man with an eerie gaze as you say, bright and clear, "Hey, you: Play another round with my master."
As if in a daze, the man's eyes cloud over and sit right back. Another round later Aventurine wins all his losses back and more, leaving the other gambler's side naked and bare of chips. The man is barely out of his stupor when he realizes what just happened— that he's fallen for a trick and now he's ended up with no money to even cover his lodgings— but you and Aventurine have sauntered out of the casino doors by the time he's begun cussing you out.
"Ha! That was fun." Aventurine shrugs off his jacket now that you're in the car and raises an empty champagne glass to you. "You're a good partner, [Y. Name]. Honestly, that Spirit Whisper of yours is such a nice trick. Just like that Stellaron Hunter, right?"
"... Kafka?"
"Yes, her. Enigmatic woman, isn't she? A bit ironic how those with such a powerful ability ended up as slaves. Her as Destiny's, and you as... mine." He gives your collar a little tug and you growl in warning, but you inch closer to him anyway. "So. Gambling. You up for that round?"
You scoff and grin at him with all teeth and no mirth. "You really think that a Cornerstone would bet on their slave's freedom?" Aventurine's own grin grows wider. "C'mon. Even Pteruges-V has better lies than you."
"Ah, right, your homeworld. No wonder you're so brazen all the time, even to your superiors. I forget that fear is a foreign concept to you people. Still," he raises your chin with a finger. "If you're so fearless, why not bet on a gamble? It's not like you're scared."
"There may be fools from my planet that you can trick with that taunt, peacock, but I'm not one of them. I'm fearless, not stupid. And with the way you're so eager to involve me in this bet, I'm beginning to suspect that you need this more than I do." You push him away. "So, no, master, I won't indulge you. I'll bide my time and look for an escape. Just like I've always had."
"And what?" He looks at you from behind his sunglasses. "Will you kill me to gain that freedom?"
You flash him a sharp grin, now amused. "Of course you'd think that, master."
The smile on his face is wiped clean. You really are a brazen thing, you.
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Jade has always mentioned how soft Aventurine is on you. A dog of your attitude should merit a little more disciplinary action and even the good Doctor has told him this once or twice after seeing your arrogance despite the collar around your neck. "Your dog bites more than it deserves," Ratio scoffed while you made an action of biting him behind Aventurine. He frowned in displeasure. "You ought to make it learn a lesson or two."
"Now, now, doctor," Aventurine had laughed. "Not everyone shares the same sadistic tendencies as you." An image of you collared and shaking on your knees flashes through his mind, and he finds himself gulping. Ratio looks at him like he doesn't believe him.
It's not like he hasn't thought of it, of chaining you to the wall and starving you so that you learn that your attitude has its consequences. You shouldn't bite the hand that feeds you, not when he's been so good to you. But that... that was exactly the line of thought his old master had. That wicked man who put a brand on him and sullied his hands with his wretched man... he couldn't risk turning into a monster like... that.
Aventurine is weak. Unable to let go of past sentiments and memories, he makes it up with his grand display of bravado and high-stakes gambles. He gambles even as he spoils you, laughing at your audacity and even rewarding you for it sometimes, not knowing whether you'll leave him or if you'll stay with him. It is a gamble indeed, but you were worth every risk.
"What do you think of me, [Y. Name]?" The cityscape beyond the window is glowing with Pier Point's nightlife, and his suite provides him a good view of the world beneath him. He glances back at you, stirring his coffee for him. "Your dear master Aventurine. What do you think of me?"
"Annoying, stupid, a fool, an addict, and pathetic." You don't hesitate to badmouth your master. "You lie too well, you think that luck of yours will never run out, and you try to be someone that you can't."
"And who is that someone?"
Your eyes flash. "Someone strong. Someone confident. Someone who isn't afraid to admit his weaknesses and hope that things get better."
"I didn't peg you for an optimist, dear pet."
"Hmph. That's not optimism. I may not know what exactly fear is, but I know that what is holding you back isn't it. You do not fear things, gambler. You stake it all and bet on something so intangible as luck. That can't be fear."
"Then what is it?"
The stare you give him sets his heart off, looking straight into his eyes and giving a grin so devilish and knowing like that facade of his never mattered in the first place.
"You're a coward. A plain, old coward. Nothing more, nothing less."
That conversation had always popped up in his head in the most inconvenient of moments, especially when he was about to get some sleep. His heart beat faster every time he recalled that knowing gaze of yours, invading where he didn't want the world to see and baring his soul right before your very eyes. His facade doesn't work on you.
He could care less. You were the one person he didn't want it to work on, though he'd never admit that out loud.
This meeting with the other Ten Cornerstones could not interest him any less, and it seemed to be that way for the others too. Jade is saying something on behalf of Diamond, again, and everyone is busy doing their own thing. Only Topaz seems to be the one paying at least some attention, and even then she gets distracted by Numby from time to time. Aventurine glances at the clock.
He wonders how his pup is faring while he's away. Ecstatic, perhaps.
"— All evidence leads to an underground network that is scattered among numerous planets, though thankfully all of them are within the same galaxy. I'll be forwarding an email to you all with a detailed report on each of these. Just know that most of us will be likely deported to these countries to break up the—" In the middle of Jade's tiresome monologue, the security alarms start to blare and two officers slam through the doors with looks of urgency. One of them scans the room until his eyes land on Aventurine, and they quickly approach him.
"Sir!" They say, desperate and alarmed. "Your do— I mean, slave! They've– They've escaped!"
Surprise streaks across the faces of the Ten Cornerstones, even Aventurine's. He collects himself when he catches Jade's knowing smile and chuckles to himself.
"Well, I guess this is the master's consequence for not disciplining their pet."
Did he really think you were fucking stupid? Taking on a bet for your freedom... what a bunch of bullshit. He can proclaim about how much he loves a fair gamble, but you know that's only reserved for the people around the table. You are his slave, the one he demeaningly calls 'pet'— you don't have the chance to make your own dealings.
"Halt! In the name of Qlipoth, you better stop while we're giving you a chance." These IPC henchmen were slowpokes, the lot of them. You weave in and between salary workers, crashing trolleys full of wares and coffees and hopping between levels just to shake them off their tracks. By golly, they might be incompetent but Aeons damned they were nothing but persistent.
"Ha, the Devil Hunters were more annoying than them," you mutter to yourself, skidding around the corner only to come face-to-face with two IPC henchmen. They raise their polearms to strike, but with a chilling grin stretched across your face, you say: "Hey, you: Jump."
You don't look back to see whether they made the seven-floor drop.
This reminds you of the nights you spent back in Pteruges-V: making fools out of the prissy rich, jumping across buildings to shake of the Hunters, and using whatever you had to make things go your way. Not everyone had Spirit Whisper, but those who had made good use of it and you sure as hell wouldn't miss a single chance to use it.
Your mind runs with plans as you continue to run away. Maybe you'll find a nice ship to stow away on, hopefully, one that leads to a nice planet that isn't so stuffy and rigid. Maybe like Homberto-σ, out of sight from the IPC and where everyone minded their own business.
For what felt like forever trying to shake your followers off, you finally came to a stop when you realized that only the sound of your footsteps could be heard in this labyrinth of hallways and corridors. Finally having shaken them off, you sigh as you climb up the stairs to the rooftop. 'Just jump down and sneak off to the nearest hiding place you can find.' You tug at your collar and scowl. 'When I escape, not even this collar will matter anymore. Not when I'm somewhere they won't reach me.'
You've escaped so many life-or-death situations before. Escaping slavery is no different.
"Slave [Y.Name], subordinate of Cornerstone Aventurine, you are surrounded!" A voice blares through a megaphone the moment you step onto the roof deck. You hiss as multiple glaring lights settle on you, shielding your face from them and the helicopters' onslaught of wind. "Surrender now before we are forced to take extreme measures."
Through the gaps of your fingers, you can barely make out the men in black pointing their guns at your head, the red hot of the laser making you a point-blank target. You click your tongue. Those bastards tricked you into thinking you were safe. Fuck. You couldn't even be mad. This was all on you.
"Oh, little pup. I guess I really should have listened to them when they told me to discipline you." Aventurine's seedy voice sighs behind you, smirking as he nonchalantly strides up to you. "Did you really have to do all this instead of taking the bet? Do you really hate the thought of playing with me, hm?"
"Fuck off."
"No can do, little one, you know how much I'm obsessed with you, right?" He chuckles, catching your chin between his thumb and index and forcing you to look into his eyes. Those Sigonian eyes are covered by the cloudy purple of his glasses, but even you can tell just how much he's enjoying this mess you've put yourself in. "You know I don't have a need for your skill. I could easily persuade anyone without trying, but I still let you stick around. Pup, I can't just back away from you when you know how much I want you."
You smile darkly. "That's cuz you're a sicko who likes tugging on the chain instead of being in it."
Those pretty eyes of his darken for a moment, embittered by the snarky comment at his past, before his hands trail down to your collar, hooking it with a finger and pulling on it. "Dear, while I usually have the patience for your tirades, I'd rather not do it today. You've humiliated me enough in front of the entire Corporation. So—" Pulling once again on your collar, he starts to lead you to the door. "— Let us depart without much hassle, okay?"
Humiliation sears your nerves like a hot metal, a warning growl eliciting from your mouth as he continues to tug you away from the rooftop. Close, you were so fucking close. Here you are breathing in the fresh night wind, a jump away from freedom, but then these IPC idiots all had you fooled. You don't care how many bullets will embed themselves into your skin, all you just needed to do was get away from this grip Aventurine has on you.
You grab the wrist pulling on you, yanking him towards you. His eyes widen before narrowing again, as if not believing that you still had the energy to fight like you don't have red laser points on your forehead. "[Y. Na—"
"Hey, you: S—"
You couldn't even get another syllable out. Your collar beats a few pulses before it starts squeezing your neck, crushing your windpipes and forcing you down on your knees as you choke on your blood. It sears hot around your neck and you collapse writhing on the ground as you sob and gurgle on your screams and congealed blood.
'WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY ME—' You can only curse and scream inside your head as you painfully thrash on the cement. '— A BILLION BASTARDS IN THE WORLD AND IT HAD TO BE FUCKING ME.'
Darkness is pushing in on you and the pain is making it too hard to go on, but you've always been a fighter. Even if you think that your squirming is pathetic and futile to the onlookers, you continue to tug and pull on the collar like you have a chance. Your ears are ringing and your eyes are too fucking blurry to see with, but the fight doesn't die down.
Aventurine places a soft palm on your hair. Even through the tears stinging your eyes, you can barely make out the faint expression on his face. Damned fucking bastard, damned Signonian, hypocrite and the fucking devil—!
He even has the audacity to look sad for you, as the light slips away from your eyes.
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The first round is simple. Play a round of poker with him.
Aventurine hums delightedly as he shuffles the cards with clean and practised movements, looking right at home at the dealer's table he has sitting in his suite. You blankly look at the cards, not even an inch of a reaction from your side. He chuckles as he deals your cards.
"C'mon, look alive, dear." It's almost like he genuinely wants you to cheer up. "Look, I even poured out alcohol for you. It's not everyday that you get to taste Pier Point's most exquisite wine!"
You continue to stare blankly. You haven't given up yet, of course not, but... you can barely bring yourself to move.
When Aventurine is done dealing all the cards, he leans back on his chair and studies his opponent, just like he always has in the past. If you were acting normally, this would have been an easy win. After all, you always wore your heart on your sleeve and abhorred being told to control your emotions. You acted the way you felt— you curse when you anger, you boast when you're feeling smug, and you press your lips together and blush as he praises you for another job well done.
But now. Well. Bandaids cover the seared marks on your neck as well as your head after you've slammed it against the pavement during your delirious fit on the rooftop. Your arms are littered with purples and blues, the aftermath of a disciplinary session that went on throughout the night. Despite the abuse that Aventurine has (rightfully, in his mind) dealt to you, he had made sure to tend to you afterwards.
Settling your head on his lap, combing through the strands as he placed an icepack on your bruises. He hummed you an old children's rhyme from his home planet as you lay limp across the couch. You could barely move, mind unable to process the pain and despair of having an inch of freedom being ripped away from you. He had wiped away the tear that would fall from your eyes.
You couldn't feel comforted at all.
"This will be the first round out of four. Today, we'll make this a bit simple. Five quick rounds of Indian poker. If you're confident that your card is higher than mine, you can bet as much as you like. Not confident? Fold, and that won't count as a round. Loser has the lower card." He raises his glasses to his hair and smiles at you. "Understood?"
"Understood," you grunt. "I'm not a fuckin' idiot."
Aventurine only smirks. It irritates you, but you don't have much fire in you to snap at him.
The room is silent save for the clinking of chips against each other. The two of you cast a chip to the middle of the table. You raise your card to your forehead.
You cast two more chips. Aventurine casts three. You stare at the printed picture on his card and throw in another chip. He throws in another five. You frown.
"Ah~ You should've been more confident in yourself!" Aventurine chuckles as he begins to shuffle the deck to deal another round. You scowl at the Ace of Clubs in your hand, mocking you at your relinquished defeat. "Is a little intimidation all that's needed to make you submit? You weren't this docile before."
"Shut the fuck up and let's play again." He decides to stifle his laugh for the sake of your nerves.
"Raise." Your win, six of hearts to three of spades.
"Raise." Your win, queen of spades to jack of hearts.
"Fold." Could've been Aventurine's, ace of spades to king of spades.
"Raise." Aventurine's win, eight of clubs to six of hearts.
"Fold." Could've been yours, queen of hearts to 10 of clubs.
"Raise." Aventurine's win, nine of clubs to seven of spades.
Aventurine's practiced hands thumb through the cards as he begins to rearrange them again. His glass wine is almost empty, while yours is untouched. The man knows that you don't drink, so why would he...?
"Last round before one of us wins," Aventurine's voice lilts as he throws you your card. "How about we make it exciting? No one is allowed to fold this round." You frown at him but don't say anything. You cast another chip to the table, and he follows suit.
He has a 10 of spades pressed to his forehead, and your fingers dig deep into your skin.
'Oh please, there's other cards higher than a 10.' You remind yourself, but you gulp down your dry throat as your vision zeroes into his card. 'Jack, Queen, King, Ace. Anything. Please.' Aventurine notices your hurried breathing and smiles knowingly. You gulp whatever cowardice is rising in your throat and throw another chip.
"Raise." Fuck it. If this is the last round, then let's just ball.
He cocks his head, finding the motion unnecessary in this last round. But he sighs with a smile and plays along, casting his chips into the fray, "Then I'll raise too."
"This is the last round," you say, more so to remind yourself.
"Yep." He leans forward on the table and the fluorescent lights cast a shadow over those alluring eyes. "Nervous?"
'How could you say that? How could you taunt me like that? When you were just like me?'
You strengthen your resolve and glare up at him, the fire lighting back up in those blank eyes. "I hope you go to hell."
You throw your card to the middle, with the rest of the chips.
Jack of Clubs.
Aventurine cocks his head at you, smiling as usual.
"Congratulations, pet."
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One would expect that Pier Point was the peak embodiment of wealth and luxury, being the base of the Interastral Peace Corporation. But the brightly something shone the darker its shadows.
Aventurine just so happened to like those shadows, even shrugging off those fancy clothes of his just so that he could find solace in those sleazy bars and play rounds of poker with dead-eyed salarymen and recently fired hopefuls.
The surroundings didn't fare any better. Amongst the dying neon lights, Pier Point's worst neighborhoods featured a just as nasty environment. Drunkards lying beside dumpsters with shattered beer bottles around them, cats hissing at each other in a fight for survival, and abandoned children peeking at them around the corner as they lay in wait for an opening.
Aventurine has shedded his elaborate peacock coat in favor of a simple white button-down and slacks. Despite the simplicity, he still looked out of place amongst the rags, though it made people think of him as a fearless idiot rather than run away at the sight of the IPC's elite.
"Mmm, that robin is indeed very plump," the blonde idiot remarks out of nowhere. "Quite out of place for this kind of area."
You pay him very little attention, mindlessly kicking the broken half of a bottle with your heel. It bumps into a smelly bastard who shoots you an irritated look, but quickly cowers when you return it tenfold. "Maybe it's been feeding on the leftovers of you prissy IPC folk," you spat, taking a look at the fat robin for yourself.
He takes no notice of the slight towards his kind and instead cocks his head at the cat slinking around the corner. "Well. Its health has attracted a rather unwelcome predator." He turns to you, with a mischievous smile. "How about we make this round two? Who will die first, the cat or the robin?"
Seriously? You were betting your freedom on something as stupid as this? You consider the cat— snarling, insipid thing, balding and thin as a stick— then the robin, tweeting fearfully at its perch on the graffitied wall. "Am betting on the cat. Could eat the fat thing while you go on another gamble."
He laughs, sliding on his shades as he walks into the seedy bar. "Then I have no choice but to bet on the poor robin. Let's have some fun before we see the results of our bet."
The cat is lying on the ground, heaving its last few breaths. Its yellow eyes are barely peeking out from its eyelids, probably delirious and starving in its last moments. You poke it slightly with your foot.
It meows pitifully. You instantly feel bad.
It might just be the ugliest thing you've laid your eyes on, but even the ugliest creatures deserve some sort of companionship in their last moments. It hisses weakly when you draw your hand close, but it can't do anything but relent as you stroke its hairless head. It purrs a bit, ragged and breathy, but the heaving of its ribbed chest slows as it relaxes.
"Don't do that," you murmur. "Just... just be quiet. It's okay."
The quiet steps of leather shoes stop beside you, and Aventurine watches on in silence as you comfort the dying thing. His gaze moves from the cat to the robin, still perched on top of the wall with his fat little chest and beady eyes. It hasn't moved from its position at all, just... staring and staring.
"I know," you murmur, focus still on the poor thing. "I know, okay?"
The fat robin chirps again, tittering with its mocking chirp, before it flies away into the sky.
Your cat closes its eyes shut, and its skinny chest finally slows to a stop.
Aventurine stays with you for a while as you find a nice spot of earth to bury it.
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No matter how much you want to believe your preconceived image of the blonde gambler— irresponsible, materialistic, money-wasting— you can't just make up lies about him in your head when all of his missions end on a win for him. Right now, he's heading for another mission in a galaxy far away again. And like always, he's dragged you along whether you like it or not.
"Come on, you like sightseeing other planets!" He laughs on the space warp going there. "Makes your blood pumping, scouting out the possible planets you can run away to."
"If I can run away," you grumble, not wanting to acknowledge him as you stare out the window and into the starry expanse of galaxies and space. This sight has always unnerved you— a reminder of how small and insignificant you are. How small and insignificant this collar hand on your life.
"It's not like you to be such a downer," he huffs. He pats the empty seat beside him. "Come, come. Drink with me. Ah, but no alcohol though. Don't want you trying to bite my entourage as soon as we get off." He's referring to the time that you had two sips of the lightest alcohol the ship had in stock before you absolutely wasted and decided that running away to the next planet was a good idea.
You grunt but sit on the floor next to his feet. He doesn't dare to correct you but only regards you with amusement before handing you a glass of sparkling water. You've always had this weird insistence of maintaining your master-slave status quo, despite abhorring your status as a slave. You followed his commands to the tee no matter how dangerous but refused to budge whenever he insisted on treating you like an equal.
"Don't get me wrong," you had snapped at him angrily one time. "As long as I'm in this stupid collar, I am not your fucking equal. So don't go around treatin' me like one, got it?!"
"You got the briefing, right? I'll be dismantling an underground operation on our next planet, so I'll be making good use of your Spirit Whisper." You sip your drink and make no reaction. "I'm sure you have no complaints about that, right?"
"Like I have a fuckin' choice."
He laughs into his cocktail. "Right. How could I forget?" Your eyes narrow into slits when he threads his thin fingers through your hair, but you don't make any move to remove them. "Unfortunately, this isn't an operation that I can just charm and gamble my way through, so you'll be doing a lot of heavy lifting. But so long as I have you, my dearest pet, I'm sure we'll be done before we know it."
You fight the urge to give into his tender touch, massaging your scalp as he combs your strands, though your eyelids are drooping now. He chuckles fondly when you rest your chin on the sofa, right next to his thigh. Adorable, how easily you succumb to the smallest of physical affection.
"Just take a nap," he hums. "We'll be there before you know it."
Aventurine's lavish outfit is a stark contrast against the nitty and gritty environment of the gambling den the two of you are staking out right now. Some of the men leer at him when he passes by, their faces painted by sweat and malice, and the promiscuous women bat their eyes at him with painted-on sweet smiles. No one bats an eye at the collared servant trailing behind him.
You try not to wince as you accidentally make eye contact with another slave, them kneeling on the ground with only rags to cover them and you have the luxury to look away as you grip the sleeves of your ironed button-down. You decide to just fix your eyes on Aventurine's back for the rest of the journey.
The next room you enter— less room to be honest, and more... coliseum-y— features a fighting ring where the crowd cheers on two dogs circling each other under the fluorescent spotlights. The other one, bigger and scarred, is baring his teeth while bearing a deep red gash across his body. The smaller one is shivering but giving the same energy back, snarling in intimidation while also sporting a noticeable limp. Despite the darkness of the room, you don't miss the way Aventurine's face contorts into disgust as he looks at the fight and surveys the crowd of spectators.
"Disgusting," he murmurs. You don't say anything back, though you doubt he could hear you amidst all this cheering. You used to bet on dogs too, back in the day. It was quick and easy money, and you had better things to worry about than the fate of some mutt.
While you're focused on the pathetic dog show in front of you, he steps to your side and nudges you with his elbow. "Willing to bet?" He asks, eyes focused on the show. "As our third round."
"From the look on your face, I thought you hated this kind of thing."
"I do, but I'm not putting money in the pot like the rest of them. This is strictly between you and me with no money involved." He turns his gaze to you. "So, what about it?"
You study the dogs. They've been circling each other for a while now, and the crowd's been growing more and more agitated by the lack of fighting. You think of the dogs you've bet on before, how the smaller ones had just an equal chance of success at winning as the bigger ones. Unconsciously, you tug at your collar. It matches perfectly with the stupid dogs down below.
"Bet," you huff. "I'm taking the smaller one."
You don't know why. It'd make sense to just bet on the bigger and badder, but maybe it's that ferocity in his eyes even if it's overshadowed by the growling menace that has you feeling for it. It's stupid, you know, betting your freedom on a hunch and emotions. But...
If it could have a chance at winning... then why can't you?
... Are you destined to die, just like it?
... Are you destined to die as a slave for another IPC slave?
... Will your death be just as morbid and pathetic as the mongrel, his innards spilling onto the pavement while the winner is pulled away by the collar, with no prize but another day of freedom?
This is round three out of four. You've only won one so far.
The very next round could kill you. Could completely sign away your freedom.
Shit shit shit shit shit. Why'd you have to go feeling sorry for the stupid shit? Why'd you have to empathize with its futile fight? Why'd you have to go see yourself in it? Now you could very much share its fate, dying pathetically serving for people who never cared about you in the first place.
Shit shit shit shit shit. The pressure of the bet has always been at the back of your mind, niggling at your brain. But now you can feel its heavy weight squeezing around your heart, in perfect rhythm with the phantom choking of your collar. If you don't win the next, you could very much—
Something light touches your shoulder and you lurch back like you had been stricken there. It disgusts and scares you, sending both repulsion and fear through your body like maggots wriggling into your system.
With a faltering outstretched palm, Aventurine's eyes widen behind his glasses. He sees something on your face, enough to make him bite down whatever cocky shit he has to say, and turns his back towards you.
"Let's go," he says, just barely audible above the crowd. "We still have a mission to complete.
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"This is some silly joke of yours, isn't it?" Aventurine maintains his cool facade, but even then there is disgust in his tone as he speaks to Jade. "Giving a slave to another... you must think this is hilarious."
"Amusing, maybe, but this little one is too precious to let loose in the wild." Jade strokes your head, and while you curse in warning, you don't move to attack. "A user of Spirit Whisper, a rarity even among those in Pteruges-V. Don't you think it'd be better if they served the Amber Lord rather than going back to their pretty crimes?"
"Then give them to someone else." Aventurine turns his back on you and Jade. "Since when did I need help closing a deal?"
"Well, I just thought that you were lonely."
"And you think gifting me a slave of all things would help me?"
"Oh, just give them a chance. I'm sure you'll like this one. Look." Jade raises your chin with a finger, lifting your bruised face to the light. You shoot her a glare, plotting murder in your head, but you don't try to fight back. You might have tried once, probably, and learned your lesson. "Don't you love the fire in their eyes, even after being collared and brutally beaten?"
It is sick. It is sick how Jade can just easily muse about your past abuse to his face. To him. It is sick how the IPC thinks that Aventurine would even be happy about this... gift, let alone accept it.
"I appreciate the... thought." Jade smiles at the barely held back distaste in his voice. "But I'd really rather not."
"Oh, I see..." Jade hums, tilting her head to scrutinize you. "But no one else will accept you since you're too feisty for their liking. So I guess..."
"We'll just have to kill you."
Your face pales. Aventurine has never been quick to turn around.
"Fine. I'll accept," he says with gritted teeth and narrowed eyes. "I'll accept your gift, so just..." He sighs, massaging his temples and waving Jade off. "Go away and let us be."
"Is this some sort of savior complex you have going on?" Despite being a slave, you haven't really learned how to hold that spiteful tongue of yours. Half of the fault lies with Aventurine, seeing how he's never bothered to scold you for it. He looks away from the reports in his hand and smiles at you.
"Oh, whatever do you mean, my dear pup?" Your bitter scowl is pushed down even further at his sweet tone and you scoff.
"I mean," you say, gesturing all around you. "You never scold me, you give me good food, you do all these nice things for me. You don't beat and lash at me like others do. Are you feeling sorry? As one slave to another?"
"Personally, I've never heard of a slave complain about treating this well."
"It's weird." You frown. "It's weird and creepy. All these niceties yet I can tell that you don't even mean half of 'em. Your heart isn't in it. You're just doing it for the sake of being nice. So I don't get it." You cross your arms and lean on the couch, deep in thought. "If you don't even mean it, why even bother?"
Aventurine hums, studying your silent and pondering figure before returning to his papers. You don't follow up your complaints with anything else, and the two of you are left to stew in the silence.
... Why even bother indeed?
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"Last round and you only have one win, pup." His sickly sweet voice croons, tapping his perfect nails on the table as he watches your expression. "Are you excited?"
Normally you'd bite back, but today you thickly swallow. The looming sense of doom continues to hammer into the back of your skull, spiking your nerves with every beat and shaking your senses. You can barely feel your fingers. You can barely feel except for the fear coiling around your heart.
"... Yes." You can't even barely say a syllable.
Through the rushing blood of your ears, you can barely make out the sound of your master rummaging through something. Something metallic clicks into place and he slides it to the center of the table. You will yourself to look up—
A shiny revolver lies on the table.
A surprised cry elicits from your mouth and you jolt back. The sight of a weapon is enough to startle your poor nerves now and even more so the expectant look glinting in Aventurine's eyes. He smirks and leans forward.
"How about I make an offer you can't refuse?" Not that you were in a position to do so. "Since this is the fourth round, how about we go all in?"
"Russian Roulette. Whoever wins stays alive—"
—And the other lays dead in a puddle of their own blood.
It goes unsaid, but the moment you locked eyes with Aventurine, it was clear that the both of you were thinking of the same thing. You could ponder upon why the Aventurine would stake his own life over something so trivial as your freedom, but you aren't thinking anymore. All you want is your freedom. All you want is to get away.
You don't think further as you wrap your fingers around the handle of the gun and press it to your temple. You pull the trigger. Only a clean click follows, the chamber changing cases. You slide the gun over to him.
He calmly picks it up and slots it to his temple too. "Why are you so desperate to get away from me, pup?" He cocks his head. "I would give you everything you ask for, should you just ask. I treat you with care and as a friend. Is being with me so bad you'd put your life on the line for your freedom?"
He pulls the trigger. Nothing happens. He slides it over to you.
"Even if you go back to your old life, what would be the point? You'll go back to stealing whatever you can off nobles, treating your fellow street rats like fools and pawns before dashing off to your next victim. Would that give you happiness? Fulfillment? Is that the life you prefer instead of being next to me?"
"Sh... Shut up." You sound drained, but he presses on.
"You can have it all, in the price of a collar. Does it not sound good enough to you?"
'Why... Why of all people is he...'
"Do you really hate being owned by me?"
"Why are you..." You choke on your words, grip around the handle trembling. "Why are you saying those things?"
Aventurine has never seen you cry. Not once. Not even when he had to punish you for running away. You could be weak and beaten, but you never willingly cried. But now...
He raises a hand to cover his smile.
"I thought... I thought you of all people would understand." Tears drop to your lap and your hand lowers the gun from your temple. "The pain, the humiliation of being a slave, of being owned. It doesn't matter how nice you are to me. I just want to be free. Shouldn't that be enough?"
Silence overtakes the room as Aventurine takes in the unfamiliar sight before him. Here you were, his greatest treasure, the most vulnerable than you ever were. Sobbing and weeping with a gun in hand, the pressure of the bet finally getting to you.
He moves. "... So this is it? For your pride?"
You wince, looking at him in betrayal. "You... I thought you of all people would at least understand..." You stay silent, the words forming on your tongue but too afraid to sound them out. Then your expression twists into anger, then resolute determination, before you wipe away your tears and glare at him like you always did. "I was wrong. You're scum. Just like the rest of 'em."
The moment the head of the gun points at his head, the collar clamps down and chokes you till your throat cracks and bleeds. The current of electricity crackling your nerves is just as painful and torturous as last time, but you grit your bloodied teeth and press the gun further.
Aventurine looks dazed, staring up into your bloodied face. If you weren't in such agonizing pain you would have laughed at how stupid he looks.
"[Y. Name]..."
"I hope you go to hell," you hiss through the bloody pain. "And I hope that when I get there, I'll never have to fucking see you again."
You pull the trigger to that beautiful face of his, but nothing happens once again. Fuck. It falls to the ground as the pain overwhelms you and you finally stagger. It lays among the specks of blood on the carpet, along with its empty... case...
Your eyes flick to Aventurine, still caught off guard and staring at you with wide eyes. Hesitantly, he reaches out to your convulsing body and cradles your head. "[Y. Name]..." He says, still sounding dazed. "Why would you..."
"Fuckin'... coward..." You grit out. "I was right... from the very start..."
Aventurine watches as you succumb to the pain and collapse in his arms. Despite being unconscious, the collar continues to shock and choke you, and more and more blood spouts from the side of your mouth and into the carpet. He tries to wipe it, despite it continuing like a fountain, before giving up and stroking your hair as the pain continues to intrude on you in your sleep.
"I know," he whispers, pressing a kiss to your eyelid. "You know it as well as me." He presses a kiss onto the other.
"You were never a bet I was willing to wager."
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soldat-buck · 5 months
i had a vision while making coffee this morning
bg3 culinary headcanons: Companion Edition
- Shadowheart: absolute zero regard for contamination while cooking. kitchen habits of a permanent bachelor. licks the tasting spoon clean and keeps using it to cook. eats hot cocoa straight out of the container with a spoon. thinks pouring ranch over an entire head of lettuce and eating it like feral animal while holding it over the kitchen sink counts as "salad". if you can get past the contamination thing, the food she makes actually tastes pretty good, even if it's sometimes odd (she cooks like a stoner, despite being perfectly sober. she is just Like That).
- Astarion: perfectly capable of cooking, and actually can cook quite well. food may not taste the same after becoming a vampire, but his enhanced sense of smell tells him nearly everything he needs to know about how to season and cook food properly. he doesn't cook because he doesn't like to (washing dishes? by hand? no fucking thank you, being undead is harsh enough on the nails and skin. finding a good lotion for normal undead dryness is already impossible)
- Lae'zel: in the modern world, if her life took her in a chef direction, she'd be in a Michelin star restaurant as the world's best and most terrifying sous chef. she absolutely would throw a knife at you for fucking up her plating (she'd intentionally miss. the first time). no nonsense is ever tolerated in her kitchen, but that doesn't necessarily mean she's got temper issues (her coldness and lack of tantrums is what makes her terrifying). she'd put Gordon Ramsay in his place for his rage theatrics and then make him weep with joy after serving him the most competent omelet he's ever had in his life. if she likes you, you may address her as "Yes, Chef!" outside of the kitchen.
- Karlach: uses 4 pots to make ramen. not because she's doing anything fancy or elaborate with it, the first pot was too small and started boiling over (whoops). the second one was, oh hold on, that's a cast iron pan, maybe you're not supposed to use that for boiling liquids, huh? wait shit, can't use this one either, i'm not supposed to use metal spoons on nonstick, don't want to scratch it. There we go! this one is the right size! and if i scratch this one, it's fine! wait, where the fuck did the flavor packet go (you should definitely be concerned about leaving her alone for the weekend)
- Wyll: very resourceful cook due to his Blade of the Frontier days. can improvise a meal out of damn near anything. can identify every edible plant and mushroom and tell you how to use it in a dish. would carry an herb garden in his adventure pack if he could. would absolutely thrive on the show Chopped (he's actually banned from auditioning again because it's not fair to the other competitors to have him on). he could make you a dessert featuring rattlesnake and fresh picked clover, and you don't know how or why, but you actually like it
- Gale: approaches the kitchen the same way he approaches most things in his life - academically. knows the proper safe temperature to cook meats/etc to, knows how to brown an onion, knows what seasonings are typically used together for certain flavor profiles and how to match seasonings to proteins. knife work sucks because he uses mage hand for mise en place and his mage hand has shitty DEX, but he's scared of his chef knife from the one time he sliced his thumb open (he was cutting an onion with improper hand placement and the knife slipped)
- Minsc: would exclusively eat by dumpster diving if it weren't for Boo's disapproval. eats like a human garbage disposal. he will eat a n y t h i n g that fits in his mouth, he is the least picky eater you will ever meet. does not understand how food challenges in the show Fear Factor are supposed to be challenges
- Halsin: world class forager. very competent hunter. prefers to eat everything as raw as possible. understands but doesn't believe in strict food safety because obviously stomach acid kills germs (and anyway, a little dirt here and there never killed anyone; exposure to germs is good for your immune system). open-mouthed kissing him is gambling with your health. makes the best vegetarian salads but do not trust any chicken he has "cooked". people with weak CON might want to consider avoiding his food
- Jaheira: uses Talk to Animals to Cinderella/Ratatouille rodents in the kitchen. she commands them like she's in perilous battle and the entire world is at stake (also rodents are worse to direct than cats, they do not know the difference between left and right. there's a lot of "No! Not that cupboard, the other one! NO, the OTHER other one! Flank him, he's off balance!"). making a cup of tea is a convoluted, stressful process that takes 10 times longer than just boiling the damn water yourself
if you want more bg3 culinary headcanons, there's also: the Absolute Edition
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queenie-avenue · 6 months
How do yanderes react to receiving a scarf knitted by a reader?
Knitted with love.
—> your gifts are only for them.
⤻ reader is gender neutral, typical yandere behaviour, possessive behaviour, obsessive behaviour, soft yandere, mentions of kidnapping (mafia boss), mentions of stealing (the baseball player)
note: i was too lazy to link all of the yanderes, especially since i have so many now, so i will just link my archives when i do joint posts.
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— He would absolutely be ecstatic but also torn about it. He wants to keep the sweater all to himself, but he also wants to show it off to the world and demand that the scarf be mass-produced and sold in stores. It's a very challenging decision to make, but he eventually decides to keep the scarf all to himself. He is — as he calls himself — a selfish bastard, after all.
— However, despite his internal struggle, he would keep a cool expression and thank you sincerely and compliment your hard work.
— Would gift something as a thank you, probably something designer. Or would just look at the shopping history on your laptop and buy something from there. Or buy all, black cards exist for a reason!
— Would gush about it loudly about the fact you were so sweet to present them with a gift! Aw, sweet little you! Katie would hug, kiss and gab all over your form.
— Extremely territorial over the scarf, will not let anyone touch it.
— Sets a trend in the University you're at, where partners gift each other scarves.
— Oddly enough, he would sniff it first. Then he would utterly melt into it, thanking you profusely by holding you so tight it felt like he might choke you to death.
— Will wear it regardless of the weather. Even if it's sweltering hot and he is sweating bullets. You'll probably have to make something more summer-themed to get him to take off the bloody thing.
— Will beg for more handmade goods from you and will “borrow” the things you made for other people.
— Will not accept it at first. Will try to accuse you of trying to get close to him because of his family and wealth. If you persist, he will throw it into the bin in front of everyone just to humiliate you further.
— While patrolling the rounds of the school, he will go back to where he threw it and dumpster dive just to get it back. Look at how obsessed you made him, you have to take responsibility for that.
— The next day, an anonymous person has given you expensive chocolates. You realise that Min-Jun is carefully staring to see your reaction to it.
— Is shocked when you do so but immediately accepts and tells you you shouldn't work so hard next time.
— Offers you a cup of coffee as a thank you.
— Very reserved about it but from that moment on, he's always wearing the scarf. But not in ways you would expect. Sometimes it's hooked onto his waist, somethings around his neck — like how it's supposed to be worn — and sometimes just displayed in the coffee shop like some kind of trophy.
— Would convince you into only giving these sort of gifts to him.
— Your habit of knitting started when you were bored and Valerio gave you something to play with. A knitting set, fitting for someone like you. He made sure to give you those blunt materials though, wouldn't want you escaping!
— Was shocked when you gave it to him. Probably sent it to get it checked for poison.
— Even after making sure it's not poisonous, he doesn't wear it. He simply leaves it with you.
— He isn't exactly obsessed (in this part yet), but he certainly is intrigued by you, would wear the scarf just to see your reaction.
— Utterly ecstatic at the prospect of you doing such a thing for her. It means you're slowly forgiving her, right?
— Will keep the scarf and use it as inspiration for her next collection of dresses, all using yarn. Will make a special dress just for you to wear out of yarn, just like you've done for her.
— You'll probably get more time without your restraints after this, she trusts you a bit more now and will give you a bit more freedom.
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Hey!! I really loved your writing of some of the proxies with a child! Spoiled reader (can’t remember exactly what it was called, but the reader was bratty and princessy) and I’d like to ask for something similar!
Could you possibly write jeff, toby, ej and anyone else you’d want to add with a child! Reader that’s a lot like young Ellie Williams from tlou 1?
So swears a lot, a bit rude/blunt, quite tomboyish, but overall just a funny and badass kid?
(Extra points if you make them good with weapons, like guns, knives, bows, etc.)
If you can’t do it, no worries! I really love ur writing and thought I’d leave a request <33
Ooooh! I've been wanting to play tlou for so long!
Thank you so much for requesting!!
Creeps with a Child!Ellie Williams!Reader
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You are Jeff's favorite
You are often his "sidekick" on missions
He gets in trouble for teaching you new swear words
If one thing doesn't go your way, you are screaming "MOTHER FUCKING BITCH"
Everyone in the room gives Jeff the stink eye
Jeff just laughs his ass off
You are also his personal fashion advisor
"Should we go clothes shopping at Hot topic or Claires"
"They're both overpriced we're better off dumpster diving"
"sniFF...im so proud 🥹"
Hes a big brother to you
If you're on a mission with him, you will be the designated weapon carrier
And the sneak attack
You run up his arm, jump off his back and ATTACK!
He dresses you up in his mcr merch and you absolutely go to concerts together
You get to ride on his shoulders, and he buys you anything you could want from the venue
Even Smile dog has taken a liking to you
He wil lick your face, and protects you like you are his own child
Mind you, this is the dog that hates everyone
You make him nervous/pos
With you being so reckless, and clearly lacking a positive adult influence, it makes him worry
But he does enjoy your wild side
For instance, when being introduced to his raccoon children, you were the only one that actually cared about them
The raccoons like you too, knowing that whenever you're around, they get treats
He is one of the few creeps who helps you set up your room when you first arrive at the mansion
He buys you your first set of toys and new clothes, as well as getting you your own pocket knife
"For protection" he says
He knows good and well youre gonna use it to dig out your toenails lmao
He also pays you to do his work for him
"Heeey y/n! You want some candy?"
"Hell yeah!!"
"Thats greeaaaat! All you have to do is wrangle smile dog for me and bring him back inside!"
Challenge accepted
And hey, you when he took you to the gas station, he even let you get a slushie!
Eyeless Jack
When you heard of all the nasty stuff jack keeps in his medical wing, you immediately wanted to check it out
You found all sorts of things
Liver, intestines, blood bags...
Lots of gross stuff to fuel your interest
For about 30 minutes
Then jack came back into the medical wing
He picks you up by the collar of your shirt and glares at you
You giggle innocently "um...oopsies?"
"Don't try that with me. What were you doing in here"
"I just wanted to look..." you mumble in a whiny tone
He sighs and rubs his face, before placing you back down on the ground
"Well, you've had your fun. Now get out."
You pout "awww come on! Can't I stay just a little longer?"
Good lord how your whining hurts his head
He massages his temples before handing you a scalpel
"Here. Now run along and go find something dead to poke at"
You gasp and observe the shiny metal for a moment, before running off and doing just that
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steddieunderdogfics · 4 months
Hi, I hope this is the right way to submit for the challenge?
This is actually a self recommendation so please feel free to ignore it. I saw a post saying that you're still looking for recommendations and it was the only fic I could find with ~300 hits that's still steddie, and I wanted to help out.
I'm submitting anonymously because irl folks know my main blog and I don't want to tie that one to my writings.
With Shiny Rocks by Dame_zoom_a_latte
Rating: General Audiences
6,753 words, 1/1 chapters
Archive Warning: No Warnings
Tags: Gay Eddie Munson, Eddie Munson Lives, Eddie Munson Has a Crush on Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington Has a Crush on Eddie Munson, Protective Robin Buckley, Eddie Gifts Rocks to Steve, Pre-Relationship, Recreational Drug Use, Robin gets a bit weird and controlling but they talk about it
The point wasn't that the flashcards were flashcards were they? The point was that Nancy made the flashcards thinking of him. Flashcards are paper. Scissors beat paper. Rock beats scissors. And paper beats rocks, but that's not important. The point is, by the transitive properties of the ship of Theseus or whatever, rock beats paper. And Eddie has paint, and knows dumpsters where he could dive for more paint. And he knows where to find cool rocks. And he knows that Steve misses Lover's Lake, where he can't really go to or relax anymore thanks to Vecna, may he rot in super hell. But Eddie doesn't mind as much. He can go get some rocks from Lover's Lake, and paint the lake onto them. Maybe he shouldn't paint the lake itself, Steve's wounds are still a bit fresh. But Eddie's pretty sure that with the right rock and paint, he can get something to show the shimmer of the water. -- Or, Eddie has feelings that he pours into gifts for Steve
Thanks for the rec!
This rec is a part of Challenge Monday. The challenge this week was Fics with ~300 hits.
Know a fic that deserves extra love? Submit through our asks or the submission box!
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Something I find really exhausting is the ongoing insistence in fandom that you give up on something if it's problematic. Yes, canon is problematic. A lot of good fanwork can come out of asking, "what if we change X, Y and Z?" or "what if we actually really explored how fucked up X, Y and Z are?" or "what if we write about what comeuppance in retaliation to X, Y or Z would look like?" Saying that if something is problematic, we should just give up on it as a piece of media and not engage doesn't do anything in terms of activism, but it also doesn't let me as a person sit back and really think, brainstorm ideas, look into how similar shit impacts people IRL, etc. I learned a lot from my problematic faves because it made me research shit in order to write fic accurately or fic written to fix the worst and most egregious aspects of something taught me something.
Consumption as moral action and refusal to engage in something as the only option are really pointless, but also they don't let people get the catharsis of screaming about the problem in question for a while. I like that catharsis. That catharsis is useful for me as a trans biracial person. "Think critically!!!" I did, that's why the fic is fun, because I'm slinging mud back at canon. "Think about your faves!!!" I did, I just also think that writing people struggling with shit is cathartic because I too am dealing with shit. "Why don't pro-shippers/anti-antis/other fanfic term about shipping that I'm applying to you despite you not shipping anything be critical of their shows' canons?" I do. My thesis statement is that this canon is a dumpster, it's just a dumpster I'd like to dive in for a bit to see hat I can build out of the trash piles.
I hate that so much of fandom has become "cast everything impure aside". That's my emotional support impure thing. I use it to get into and work through shit. But also, casting aside every impure thing doesn't challenge anyone intellectually. "Your fave is problematic" cool but like, saying that and setting something aside doesn't do anything for my mind. It doesn't get gears turning. I don't think or feel in response to refusing to engage with things. So what's the point to giving up a problematic thing instead of delving into it and really looking at the nuts and bolts? What's the benefit? What am I gaining from abandoning everything that has issues?
And the response is always just a repetition of, "your fave is problematic", as if that's the answer to the question. Having one less problematic thing in your life is both an act of activism and a reward for your activism, I guess? It's an accomplishment of some kind, hence why you should do it, and failure to do so must mean you don't think at all.
I wish "think critically" wasn't used to mean "never engage with". I like critical thinking. I just don't find any critical thinking, or really any thinking at all, to be present in "thing bad, discard, the end".
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catindabag · 10 months
TBOSAS on Crack short take (48)
*When Felix was outed as a Ravinstill* Read [this] first.
Felix: Hi, Dill.
Dill: Hey, Philip.
Felix: How are you holding up?
Dill: Fine. Those ✨Miracle Pills✨ you gave me earlier worked wonders!
Hy: True. They even cured my f*ckin’ Asthma.
Dill: Stop swearing in front of me, Hy.🙄
Felix: So you two are not coughing blood anymore?
Hy: Yup! My lungs are good as new!
Dill: I can even sing better than Baird-
Lucy Gray: Are you challenging me to a sing-off, child?!
Jessup: Lucy Gray, stop being mean-
Lucy Gray: Fight me, Dill! Fight me! C’mon now! Let’s have a sing-off battle!
Jessup: Lucy Gray, no-
Lucy Gray: Lucy Gray, yes!
Felix: By the way, I brought you guys some homemade pizzas and lemonade from my place to enjoy-
Mizzen: Thanks. But can we order takeouts again?
Dill: I want takeouts too. That green bean casserole was so good-
Brandy: I need another whole ass chicken, boy! A whole ass chicken!
Lamina: Can we order that famous pink peppermint ice cream from that boring Capitol commercial?
Felix: But I have pizza-
Lamina: Pretty please?🥺🙏
Felix: Um-
Lamina: I never tasted ice cream before!😭
Velvereen: I’m starting to think that those are just fake tears.😒
Lamina: My tears are real!😭
Velvereen: Then why aren’t you dying from dehydration?
Lamina: Velvet is bullying me again!😭
Velvereen: 🎶Fake tears~, fake tears~. Lamina has fake ass tears~.🎶
Lamina: I’ll f*ckin’ axe you and your ugly braids, 1!😭
Treech: 🎶Oh, Velvereen, you better watch out~. You better watch out~.🎶
Felix: Why am I even here again?
Coral: Oi, Philip, where’s my red headed idiot? He still owes me a whole ass cheesecake!
Felix: Red headed idio- Oh, you mean Festus?
Coral: Duh~. Who else?
Felix: He’s in juvenile jail right now. But don’t worry about it. We’re bailing him out later.
Coral: What did that idiot do now?
Felix: Creed was caught trespassing and dumpster diving on private property.
Coral: Whose property?
Felix: The President’s.😩
Coral: Nice one, Festus! F*ck those sh*tty Ravinstills!
Marcus: Yeah! F*ck the Ravinstills!
Mizzen: And their ugly Bichon puppies!
Felix: I feel so attacked right now.🥲
Treech: How about that pretty blondie and his rich annoying boyfriend?
Lucy Gray: FYI, Sejanus is Coryo’s ✨fiancé✨, Treech.
Tanner: More like his sugar daddy.
Wovey: What’s a sugar daddy?
Tanner: That’s when-
Marcus: Shut it, Tanner! Think of the children!
Felix: Well, Coryo and Sejanus are actually busy-
Treech: Making out in a gold encrusted broom closet?
Felix: Huh?
Sheaf: Planning for their upcoming royal wedding?
Felix: Um-
Sol: Booking their first honeymoon!
Felix: That’s-
Lucy Gray: Can you call them right now? I really need those lovebirds to buy me some makeup and hair curlers for our upcoming late night interview with the funny man.
Reaper: Yo, shorty, where’s my Mentor? She gave me the wrong flavored energy drink again-
Felix: First of all, I am only here to help Dill! So if you guys have problems that you want to cry about, then complain about them to your Mentors!
Facet: Oh, you look kinda cute when you’re angry, Philip~.😏
Coral: Lol. Look at Philip fuming like a baby.😂
Mizzen: Are you gonna cry, Philip?
Felix: You guys are so mean! I’m going home-
Androcles: Yo, Felix! My man, what are you doing here?
Felix: Andie?!
Coryo: Hi, Felix. How’s it going?
Felix: Coryo, please don’t use that name-
Dill: Who’s Felix, Philip?
Sejanus: Felix, my Coryo just kissed me earlier! I’m so happy!😍
Dill: Who’s Felix?!
Dennis: Yo, Ravinstill, can I borrow 50 bucks from the President again?
Felix: I- Um- I’m not-
Clemensia: Hey, Ravinstill, Monty wants to talk to you about her “kitchen rights” again.
Felix: I’m so dead-
Dill: Ravinstill?! You’re a nasty Ravinstill?!
Reaper: F*ckin’ Felix Ravinstill!!
Felix: Yup. I’m dead.
Dill: You lying traitor!
Mizzen: You monster!
Velvereen: Capitol scum!
Reaper: F*ck off and die!
Coral: Fight me, you coward!
Androcles: Yo, why are you bullying Felix?! My bromantic brother did nothing wrong!
Dennis: Yeah! Quit swearing at our poor Class President!
Reaper: He’s an evil Ravinstill!
Sejanus: He’s our baby!
Brandy: He gave me no chicken!
Clemensia: F*ck your chicken!
Dill: He lied to me!
Androcles: He’s just sensitive! Look at him!
Felix: *is not responding*
Coryo: Call the medics, Babe. Felix just fainted.
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seeminglydark · 3 months
good news! i finally got a job after being unemployed for a few years. it’ll be at least a year or two before i’m able to move out due to trying to pay off my credit card debt but i’m excited that i’ll be able to leave town and get away from unsupportive family. i’m trying to spend as little money as possible on entertainment stuff and i have a massive book collection that i’m excited to read and sell some of it i don’t feel like i need them anymore. you’re comics have been very helpful for me to be able to understand and express myself. it has given me a lot of joy since finding it especially after the loss of my cat a month ago.
any tips for a queer punk trying to escape and start over with no support system?
happy pride month! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
ANON! I'm so proud of you, thats incredible! i am wishing you all the best on your journey forward and out. it sounds to me like you already have a good handle on things, paying down your debt is a great place to start. depending on how much debt you have, (most of my advice is US based I'm afraid, since thats where i grew up as a poor lonely punk so hopefully it can help you, or someone else) you may be able to find a financial counselor or coach, (not adviser!) to help you get rid of some of it immediately. there are ways to 'challenge' things on your credit that have been there for a while, and many times the creditors will either drop it cuz they dont want to deal with paperwork, or reduce it to a much smaller payable sum because to them something is better than nothing. a lot of cities has free nonprofit programs to help with this, and other non profit organizations offer them as well depending on your community. This will also help improve and build your credit score cuz even a punk might need to buy a home or rent an apartment one day.
i know there is an allure to big name cities when you move, i lived in one myself while poor as dirt and it kinda sucked (Austin tx specifically) because it was so expensive. look into where you want to go before moving there, look at cost of living, and public transit, things like that. it looks like youre waiting a while before going, look into job transfers so you might not have to start completely fresh from the bottom.
thrift stores are great but they are getting more expensive by the year, but when youre a poor guy in a new place, dumpster diving might be an option. please dont ever get a mattress from a dumpster ok? bedbugs are a thing and often why those are thrown out, but other things like tables, chairs, shelves etc. check your local papers and neighborhood boards, sometimes hotels and such renovate and when they do they auction furniture off dirt cheap. Thanks Mr Marriott for furnishing my house for like 40 bucks in 2005!
When you move out, if you are still struggling financially, you can look into fixed rent apartments, you usually have to get on a list, but there are places out there to help you get on your feet. a REALLY good resource for many things if going to be your local library. librarians are like gods and they know SO MUCH that can help you.
speaking of libraries. you do deserve a little joy, i would think about perhaps getting a electronic reader, did you know that you can rent books and audio books from libraries with one? plus it reduces the bulk of books you may have to move later. i know the vibe is different from getting to touch the pages, but the pleasure of reading is still there. The library is also going to be a great place to meet people and find a circle of support and new friends. many of them have clubs and community activities ranging from book clubs to everything in between, you can even suggest a club yourself that they might consider hosting. don't deprive yourself of happiness, itll be helpful on the days when it gets hard to move forward.
its been a hot minute since i was alone and starting over, and things have changed a lot so im not completely sure all of this is still relevant, library is ALWAYS a good place to start. if my followers have any advice, please feel free to chime in the comments as well! im so proud of you anon, and keep us updated as life goes on. <3
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kawaii-sim · 10 months
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Raven my legacy sim for @misslollypopsims legacy challenge
Hair || @daylifesims
Skin || @poyopoyosim
Outfits are a mix of @babyetears @charonlee @madlensims
As a teenager -
Trait - Kleptomaniac, Hot-Headed
❥ Earn money dumpster diving and stealing from people.
❥ Create a shack using the items and furniture you collect from dumpster diving.
❥ Don’t go to school. Have the Public Enemy Aspiration
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ititledit · 2 years
YouTube swaps for @radblrthemeweeks
I watch YouTube when I want to have some downtime... And I like my YouTube to be fun.
I thought I would share some female YouTubers I've been enjoying recently, I'd love to hear other people's recommendations!
If you like Nick DiRamio or Mike's Mic, TV and film review/comedy videos try -
Jamie French
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She reviews bad and nostalgic films, including skits where she green screens herself into scenes from the films. She points out production errors, lazy tropes and is pretty fun. The series started out being "movies and make up" but the make up is easy to ignore and as she's done more movie review videos she seems to be doing the on-screen make up less and less.
Recommended videos -
Sleepover is a dumpster fire
I think I found the worst dance movie of all time
Kierra loves TV
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Kierra summarises and discusses characters and tropes in her favourite TV shows. Her channel is pretty new, only 7 months old, and while i don't watch her videos on family guy, in her other videos she has a great voice and interesting perspectives on early 2000s TV - I enjoy her videos on Gilmore girls and Sex and the City
Recommended videos
Why everybody hates Carrie Bradshaw
The manipulation of Emily Gilmore
If you like Todd in the Shadows or other deep dives into musicians, one hit wonders, artists who didn't make it, try -
Naomi Cannibal
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Naomi talks about a range of topics including celebrity culture and TV shows, but I particularly enjoy her videos about musicians careers and history.
Recommended videos -
One album wonders : label conflicts and the rise of streaming
Teairra Mari - the girl who was almost Rihanna
If you like Stuart Hicks or Architecture related videos try -
Belinda Carr
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Belinda makes videos about architecture and modern building techniques and trends. I find her videos to be very informative, even if you're not that into architecture I recommend giving her a try!Recommended videos -
Bamboo Vs cork flooring - everything you need to know
How to build straw bale houses - pros and cons
If you like day in the life, spending challenges and solo travel try -
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I love Taz's videos, she is silly, very honest and quite naïve. Her friendship with her childhood friend Moon is really lovely, but most of her videos are just Taz trying new things. She has talked a lot about her mental health and has published and performed her poetry.
Recommended videos -
I tried to bake a cake with no recipe
Living in a treehouse for 48 hours
If you like furniture restoration or carpentry like Blacktail Studio try
Transcend Furniture Gallery
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Angie repairs, restores and up cycles furniture. The videos are informative but also very calm and satisfying and I really like her work!
Restoring table tops - stripping, sanding, staining, sealing
Do you like videos of model and miniature making like Thalasso Hobbyer? Try -
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Karen makes a lot of animals, mythical and real, and her methods and techniques are really interesting to watch.
Recommended videos -
I made a realistic mooshroom from Minecraft
207 notes · View notes
rainmustfallts4 · 1 month
♢ DovahSims Legacy Challenge ♢ (Gens 1-50)
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♢ Introduction
Hello and welcome to my Skyrim Legacy Challenge! I’ve really wanted to make a legacy challenge lately and Skyrim was on that list because it’s one of my all time favorite games. It’s actually one of the top five games I’ve logged the most hours into – thousands of hours. But fear not, you do not have to be a fan of the game or have even played it to tackle this legacy challenge. All are welcome! c:
I did my best to keep this challenge in line with Skyrim while also exploring nearly everything there is to do in the Sims 4. With that said, I’ve used pretty much every pack, excluding most kits. If you don’t own that pack, you can simply skip that generation or change it to fit the packs you DO have. I spent 5 days working on this challenge and managed to reach 100 generations. The reason it’s so long is because I wanted to make this for the Legendary Legacy Achievement.
I’m currently testing out this challenge myself so, if you get farther than me and run into any problems or find something extremely difficult/impossible to complete, feel free to skip it. Please let me know, though, so I can edit this challenge as needed. If you have any questions, concerns or comments, feel free to leave a comment on WordPress, message me on Tumblr, or DM me on Discord (AnnoyingTiger888.) I’m most likely to respond on Discord, though.
Most importantly, have fun! There’s no point to doing a challenge if you’re not having fun, ya know? 🙂
Oh, I almost forgot to mention that I have a google document if you’d prefer to use that instead! I hope you’re ready because, once you hit that read more button, you’re in for a LONG read and a LOT of scrolling haha
NOTE: I had to break this into two parts because it was too long for Tumblr lol You can find gens 51-100 here.
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♢ Generation 1: the escaped criminal
Your luck has finally run out and you’ve finally been caught after years of successfully evading the guards. You’re sure your life is about to come to an end but it seems you had one last bit of luck tucked away in your pocket. Managing to escape with both your head and your freedom, you decide to finally give up on your criminal ways. Life is hard, however, and you have nothing to your name but the rags on your back.
Traits: Maker, freegan, perfectionist
Aspiration: Master Maker
Skills: Handiness, fabrication
Career: Freelance crafter
Make at least 15,000 simoleons via woodworking & fabrication.
Live in Oasis Springs your whole life.
Build a house with at least one bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and living room.
Have only one child.
Never marry and never have another sim move in with you.
Max handiness.
Max fabrication.
Complete aspiration.
Build your own furniture or dumpster dive for them.
Learn all woodworking schematics and unlock them.
Visit Forgotten Grotto.
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♢ Generation 2: the traveling merchant
You grew up watching your parent struggle to survive in this harsh land. Despite the hardships they faced, your parent worked hard to make money and provide a good life for you. As thanks, you want to help them out by selling their goods across the land!
Traits: Family-oriented, outgoing, glutton
Aspiration: Any
Skills: Charisma, comedy
Career: None
Never stay in one world for more than a week.
Buy and use a tent every time you travel to a new world.
Make at least 500 simoleons using a sales table in each world.
Max charisma.
Reach at least level 4 comedy.
Settle down in the last world you visit before getting married.
Have a child before settling down.
Have a child after settling down.
Unlock the frequent traveler lifestyle.
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♢ Generation 3: the treasure seeker
Traveling the world with your parent, watching them break their neck trying to make money taught you two things – you didn’t like not having a set home and you certainly didn’t like being broke. Instead of trying to earn an honest living like them, you plan to get rich quick by exploring dangerous locations to take treasure from the dead!
Traits: Self-assured, active, slob
Aspiration: Jungle Explorer, Archaeology Scholar
Skills: Archaeology, Selvadoradian culture
Career: None
Max archaeology.
Max Selvadoradian culture.
Complete the omiscan artifacts and treasures collection.
Become a skeleton at least once.
Have at least one child with a fellow adventurer (someone you meet in Selvadorada.)
Complete jungle explorer.
Complete archaeology scholar.
Gain ability to summon skeleton and befriend him.
Kill a skeleton with jokes.
Collect all stone lotus and dolls from Selvadorada.
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♢ Generation 4: the farmer
Your parent made a decent fortune diving into dangerous tombs and temples, selling every item they found. That life just isn’t for you, though. Just the thought of being stuck inside a dark cave, surrounded by creepy crawlies makes you want to throw up. You yearn for a simple life, surrounded by plants that can’t harm you.
Traits: Neat, squeamish, vegetarian
Aspiration: Freelance Botanist
Skills: Gardening
Career: Gardener, Botanist
Max gardening skill.
Make at least 8,000 simoleons selling crops on a sales table.
Grow at least 20 unique plants.
Eat only food made with stuff you’ve grown.
Your lot should have the simple living trait.
Complete aspiration OR career.
Max friendship with at least two chickens.
Own at least 2 goats.
Max relationship with bees.
Graft a cowplant.
Become a plant sim.
Grow a forbidden fruit tree.
Awaken patchy and wear his outfit until you’ve maxed your relationship.
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♢ Generation 5: the bounty hunter
Tending plants all day is awfully boring and it’s just not the life you want to lead. You learned young that defending people against criminals is the way you want to live. After fighting off thieves who tried to steal from your parents, you decided to start training to become a bounty hunter.
Traits: Good, active, unflirty
Aspiration: Discerning Dweller
Skills: Logic
Career: Detective
Have at least three kids & have triplets.
Finish aspiration.
Max detective career.
Max logic skill.
Successfully arrest at least 5 different criminals (must be convicted via interrogation.)
Marry a coworker.
Complete void critters collection.
Do not befriend anyone with the evil or kleptomaniac trait.
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♢ Generation 6: the companion seeking a cure
You’ve always loved helping others and, having been born quite strong, this tended to be an easy task for you. You became a secret agent to use your skills for good but, when you were sent to Moonwood Mill on a mission, you were turned into a werewolf and everything was taken from you.
Traits: Noncommittal, loner, active
Aspiration: Cure Seeker
Skills: Fitness
Career: Secret Agent
Reach level 4 in your career before going after Greg in Moonwood Mill.
Become a werewolf.
Get fired from your job, get kicked out by your step-parent (whom you hate.)
Move to Moonwood Mill with 0 simoleons.
Learn all moonpetal recipes.
Catch and grill a lunarfish.
Have a child with a werewolf before curing yourself.
Have a child after curing yourself.
Have a pet dog that you are best friends with.
Have the dog have puppies.
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♢ Generation 7: the companion seeking power
In your opinion, your parent is dumb. They had so much power yet they gave it all away without a second thought and now they want to take it away from you, too! Furious, you decide to right their wrong, becoming a werewolf that terrorizes everyone you meet.
Traits: Slob, mean, active
Aspiration: Wildfang Renegade
Skills: Fitness, 2 others
Career: None
Have a negative relationship with parent.
Turn at least 10 sims into werewolves.
Break up a marriage by turning one sim into a werewolf and keeping the other as a prisoner in your basement (your heir will have a child with the hostage, keep this in mind.)
Complete aspiration.
Reach at least level 5 in fitness.
Have at least 5 children with 5 different werewolves.
Find and read Greg’s diary.
Spar with your pack and win 5 times.
Fight non-pack members and win 5 times.
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♢ Generation 8: the companion seeking peace
Your parent has given werewolves a bad reputation, making sims flee in terror at the mere thought of them. You want to right their wrongs and bring peace to both races, making life just a bit more peaceful for everyone.
Traits: Outgoing, family-oriented, good
Aspiration: Emissary of the Collective/Zen Guru
Skills: Wellness
Career: Any
Fight with your parent and win.
Free the hostage and have a child with them.
Move out so you can live closer to the collective (or move in with them but control only your sim.)
Max the wellness skill.
Complete Emissary of the Collective.
Complete Zen Guru.
Marry and give your partner a fertility massage before having kids.
Open a wellness center and give at least one of each massage.
Become best friends with one of the puppies from your grandparent’s dog.
Unlock the scavenge perk and find the moonwood wand (each generation should keep this until you reach gen 12.)
Befriend the leader of both factions.
Find and read every werewolf book.
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♢ Generation 9: the thief
You never had the same sense of peace that your parent has. While they saw the good in the world and wanted to create peace, you saw only the bad. Why should others get to live these great lives when you’re stuck in a dump like Moonwood, just barely scraping by on whatever your parents can get from their wellness business. You know what you want and you’ll take it without fear or regret.
Traits: Kleptomaniac, party animal, self-absorbed
Aspiration: Any
Skills: Dance, mischief
Career: None
As a teen, run away from home and move in with your grandparents.
Steal at least 8,000 simoleons worth of stuff.
Break into 50 different houses and steal something from each one.
Attend 5 different parties or events.
Reach at least level 8 dance.
Reach at least level 8 mischief.
Move to San Myshuno as a young adult.
Have a child and when they become a teen, get “arrested” and disappear.
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♢ Generation 10: the guard
You grew up watching your parent steal from others without an ounce of shame. You witnessed the sadness and frustration of their victims. It never sat right with you and you wanted to do better, to be better, so you decided to join the military in order to stop people like your parent.
Traits: Proper, loyal, active
Aspiration: Neighborhood Confidante
Skills: Bowling, knitting, fitness
Career: Military, Law
Max military career.
Spar with 5 other sims.
Join the law career and become a judge.
Complete aspiration.
Max bowling skill.
Reach at least level 8 in knitting then knit a toddler onesie for your child.
Reach at least level 5 in fitness.
Knit a sweater for each member of your family.
Knit a cozie for your mailbox.
Experience the sweater curse and break up with your partner.
Create and wear the forbidden sweater.
Display all military metals.
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♢ Generation 11: the mage of practical magic
You’ve always had a love for magic, whether because of the neighbor who often practiced late at night or because of the magic books you found at school. Either way, you knew you wanted to learn how to harness the magical arts to make life easier. The problem is that you had no idea how to start! When you finally make it to college, your roommate just so happens to be a spellcaster.
Traits: Practice makes perfect, neat, cheerful
Aspiration: Perfectly Pristine
Skills: Cross-Stitch
Career: Any
Learn all practical magic spells and befriend that sage.
Use only practical magic.
Learn the ultimate practical spell.
Use the moonwood wand.
Befriend a spellcaster while at college (they don’t have to be a student, just be on campus.)
Later marry this spellcaster, have a child, then get divorced but stay friends.
Have a mop for a broom.
Have a Snub-Nosed Leaf Bat familiar.
Find a new partner and have another child.
Complete aspiration.
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♢ Generation 12: the mage of untamed magic
Though you can also use magic, you’re jealous of your sibling’s power. While you can only use one school of magic, your younger sibling can use all three. They seem so perfect, as if they can do no wrong, and it’s clear that they are the favorite child. You’re determined to make your family regret underestimating you!
Traits: Perfectionist, self-absorbed, jealous
Aspiration: Spellcraft & Sorcery
Skills: Flower Arranging
Career: Any
Learn all untamed magic spells and befriend that sage.
Use only untamed magic.
Learn the ultimate untamed spell.
Kill at least 3 sims with inferniate.
Use a classic wooden broom.
Have a hex doll as a familiar.
Do not use a wand (they won’t accept you.)
Reach milestone 3 of your aspiration.
When your parents become elders, kill them with flowers.
Adopt your sibling and become enemies.
Never marry.
Have one child with a sage.
Die from overload while heatedly dueling your sibling (because they found out what you did.)
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♢ Generation 13: the mage of mischief magic
Raised by your aunt/uncle, you always felt as if they were keeping something from you. They didn’t want you to be a spellcaster and tried to raise you as a normal sim, but magic was in your blood and you refused to let them keep you down, so you practiced in secret.
Traits: Creative, slob, lazy
Aspiration: Chief of Mischief
Skills: Mischief, mixology
Career: Any
Learn all mischief spells and befriend that sage.
Use only mischief magic.
Learn the ultimate mischief spell.
Have a raven as your familiar.
Duel for and use a crystal broom.
Duel for and use the wand of the elemental.
Max mischief.
Reach at least level 5 in mixology.
Complete aspiration.
Have one child with a partner who dies before the birth.
When your child is a teen, find a new partner who has a bad relationship with your child.
Be cursed by the night wraith and add him to your family.
Break his curse and bring him back to life then fall in love with him.
Have a child with and break up with your partner to be with him.
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♢ Generation 14: the survivalist hunter
Ever since you were young, you’ve preferred nature over the big city you grew up in. You weren’t fond of other sims, preferring the company of animals instead. And so, when you become of age, you move to the woods where you learn to live off the land, befriending as many animals as possible on the way.
Traits: Loves outdoors, lactose intolerant, animal enthusiast
Aspiration: Angling Ace, Outdoor Enthusiast
Skills: Fishing
Career: Fisherman
Max fishing.
Catch 25 unique fish.
Befriend 10 different animals.
Eat only food you catch or harvest.
Adopt at least two stray animals.
Live off the grid in a tent.
Complete insect collection.
Marry someone you meet in Granite Falls.
Unlock the outdoorsy lifestyle.
Unlock the technophobe lifestyle.
Befriend the hermit and add them to your household.
Handwash all your clothes.
Complete one or both of the chosen aspirations.
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♢ Generation 15: the lady of restoration
You don’t like seeing people in pain and you realized at a young age that you just want to help heal others. Though your parents were sad to see you go, they supported you as you studied hard to attend college.
Traits: Generous, neat, romantically reserved
Aspiration: Self-Care Specialist
Skills: Wellness, herbalism
Career: Doctor
Earn a biology degree.
Move to world of your choice.
Complete aspiration.
Max the doctor career.
Learn and make the soothing skin balm.
Marry a co-worker.
Adopt one child and one teen.
Have a child soon after adopting.
Have a good relationship with all of your children.
Donate at least 5,000 to charity.
The adopted teen should die.
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♢ Generation 16: the necromancer
While your parent was obsessed with preserving life, you became obsessed with the cold embrace of death. What happens when a sim dies? What waits beyond the veil for us all? These questions grew in your mind after witnessing your older sibling die. Now, you’re not only determined but you’re obsessed with finding out the truth.
Traits: Erratic, gloomy, paranoid
Aspiration: Villainous Valentine
Skills: Medium, mischief
Career: Paranormal Investigator
Move into a haunted house.
Max the medium skill and purchase the brave trait.
Have a graveyard out back with at least 10 sims you’ve killed.
Befriend 10 different ghosts (including Guidry.)
Give your soul to a spirit in your home.
Complete 3 beginner, 3 adept and 3 expert paranormal gigs.
Woohoo a ghost.
Give 5 different ghosts a gift.
Max out relationship with the grim reaper.
Have a child with Bonehilda.
When the child is born, send them to live with their grandparents.
Become a ghost when you’re child is a teen and move in with them.
Collect the 3 spector jars.
Using a voodoo doll, toy with death 5 times.
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♢ Generation 17: the jarl
Like your grandparents, you want to help others. Though, you decide to take a different path to doing so. Instead of healing others, you want to lead and guide them. You’re confident that you were born for the job!
Traits: Outgoing, insider, ambitious
Aspiration: Leader of the Pack
Skills: Charisma, research & debate
Career: Politician
Complete aspiration.
Complete career.
Max research & debate.
Have at least three children.
Buy or build your own mansion for your family and your sibling’s family.
Unlock all club perks and items.
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♢ Generation 18: the seeker of knowledge
All of your life, you’ve adored learning new things. You didn’t always stick with those things, but you still enjoyed the experience of getting there. To you, knowledge is the most powerful thing in the world and you want to share everything you learn with the world.
Traits: Ambitious, overachiever, bookworm
Aspiration: Renaissance Sim
Skills: Any
Career: Education, Professor
As a child/teen, join the scout career.
Earn all scout badges.
Get a Psychology degree.
Complete aspiration.
Tutor sims at least 5 times.
Complete career.
Max at least three different skills.
Marry someone who attends the college.
Have at least four children.
Read at least 5 non-skill books.
Befriend both school mascots.
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♢ Generation 19: the bard
To you, music is the essence of life. You can’t stand being forced to read musty old books, something your parent does not approve of. They want you to be more than a bum on the street playing the guitar, but that life sounds like a dream to you. All you want to do is make music and share it with the world, even if that means leaving your home and living on the street.
Traits: Creative, music lover, romantic
Aspiration: Musical Genius
Skills: Singing, guitar/piano/violin
Career: Simfluencer
Play at least once at every bar/club in every world.
Earn at least 2,000 in tips.
Max the singing skill.
Max at least one instrument skill.
Complete aspiration.
Reach fame level 2.
Marry a fan.
Unlock a living statue costume and busk for simoleons on Sundays.
Write and Record at least 10 different songs then publish them.
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♢ Generation 20: the adventurer
Music is cool and all, but you can’t imagine yourself surrounded by people in a stuffy bar as you strum on a guitar. You want to get out and experience the world, searching for thrills and adventure. You just want to have fun!
Traits: Adventurous, loves outdoors, bro
Aspiration: Extreme Sports Enthusiast, Mt. Komorebi Sightseer
Skills: Rock climbing, skiing, snowboarding
Career: Any
Move to Mt. Komorebi.
Max at least two of the given skills.
Unlock the adrenaline seeker lifestyle.
Complete both aspirations.
Get crushed by a vending machine and survive.
Complete simmies collection.
Date and have kids with a local.
Marry at the festival of lights.
When you have kids, hire a butler to care for them.
Have a distant relationship with your kids.
Collect all spirit dolls.
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♢ Generation 21: the shopkeeper
A simple life is the life for you. Your dream has always been to open your own shop, providing wares for the people in your town. Perhaps this dream helped to fill the lonely hole inside of you, left by parents who were never around. Either way, you’re determined to leave Mt. Komorebi and make your dream a reality! You won’t let your dream get in the way of showering your kids with love, though.
Traits: Family oriented, dog/cat lover, lovebug
Aspiration: Super Parent
Skills: Parenting, nectar making
Career: Salaryperson
Collect all voidcritter cards.
Always visit the festival of youth as a kid.
Participate in the voidcritter hunt and find all ten.
Have a dog and go on at least one hike with them.
Complete career.
Max out parenting skill.
Max out relationship with your kids.
Own a 5 star store.
Max nectar making.
Earn at least 1,000 selling nectar at your store.
Fall in love with and marry a customer.
Have at least three kids.
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♢ Generation 22: the alchemist
It all started when a spellcaster showed up at your parent’s store. You were working on your homework when he offered you a potion of nimble mind. It was amazing, making it easier to understand the work before you. You befriended this spellcaster and began to study under them, wanting to become the best alchemist in the land!
Traits: Clumsy, goofball, cringe
Aspiration: Purveyor of Potions
Skills: Mixology
Career: Culinary, Mixologist
Learn alchemy only (no spells unless absolutely necessary.)
Max friendship with 1 sage and 2 spellcasters.
Learn all potions and make each one at least once.
Use each potion at least once.
Be cursed at least once through potion making.
Complete aspiration.
Take over your parent’s store and sell potions.
Earn at least 5,000 selling potions.
Max mixology skill.
Buy the mixology guide when the prompt appears.
Learn and create the Snaggle Fluster.
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♢ Generation 23: the dawnstar museum
With so many amazing items in the world, how could you possibly part with any of them? As a child, you often helped your parent gather materials for their potions, but it broke your heart to part with them. You want to collect everything you find, hoarding them in your basement like a dragon hoarding treasure. Who cares that you’re working 2 dead-end jobs? You refuse to sell even a single one.
Traits: Childish, geek, nosy
Aspiration: The Curator
Skills: Any
Career: Any part-time
Never sell anything you collect, not even duplicates.
Have a room displaying everything you collect.
Own a rental property with two or three apartments.
Rent a room to a vampire and befriend them.
Complete MySims Trophies collection.
Complete Axolotls collection.
Complete Fossil collection.
Complete Frog collection.
Have 2 part-time jobs.
Have a child with a renter.
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♢ Generation 24: the dawnguard
One night, you were awoken by a loud noise. Upon checking, you found your parent being attacked by the vampire staying down the hall! Suddenly, your parent no longer remembers who you are and kicks you out of the house. A few days later, you parent dies suddenly and the vampire takes over the property. Filled with rage and determined to get revenge, you plan to wipe out every single leech you meet.
Traits: Family-oriented, paranoid, hot-headed
Aspiration: Big Happy Family
Skills: Fitness, piano
Career: Any
Move to forgotten hollow and decorate your house with a garlic wreath, braid and garland.
Max vampire lore.
Must become enemies with every vampire you meet.
Win at least 8 fights against vampires.
Win 2 fights against vampires using garlic.
Beat Vlad in a fight (if he’s still alive.)
Kill 2 vampires.
Cure 2 vampires with the vampire cure drink.
Fall in love with a vampire immune to the sun or garlic (you think they are a sim.)
After dating for an entire season, you realize vampires aren’t all bad.
Become a vampire and have children.
Reach at least level 5 fitness.
Reach at least level 5 piano.
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♢ Generation 25: the good vampire
You adored hearing the story of how your parents fell in love and how your sim parent learned that not all vampires are evil. Your vampire parent has always been loving to you and you want to show the world that not all vampires are bad guys. You want to prove them wrong and increase the relationship between sims and vampires!
Traits: Outgoing, good, dance machine
Aspiration: Good Vampire
Skills: Photography, vampire lore, piano
Career: Lifeguard
Always ask before drinking from someone or use plasma packs.
Read at least two vampire tomes.
Create some Sunlight Reversal potions and enter the lifeguard career, night time schedule.
Reach the top of the lifeguard career.
Earn the people person lifestyle.
Max the photography skill.
Complete aspiration.
Be best friends with 2 sims and 2 vampires.
Become best friends with the Vatore siblings (if alive.)
Marry a vampire.
Bake a cake for Vlad (if he’s still alive) as an apology for your parent’s actions.
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♢ Generation 26: the evil vampire
You do not agree with your parents at all. Vampires are clearly superior in every single way to all other lifeforms yet your parents have tried to teach you that all people are equal. It infuriates you so you decide to show the world how powerful vampires can truly be!
Traits: Evil, hot-headed, unflirty
Aspiration: Vampire Family
Skills: Pipe organ, vampire lore, cooking
Career: None
Have a negative relationship with all family members.
Become best friends with Vlad (if he’s alive.)
Turn at least 10 sims into vampires.
Have at least 10 enemies.
Have no friends (except for Vlad.)
Max vampire lore.
Max pipe organ.
Kill at least 4 sims with pufferfish nigiri.
Keep at least two sims in the basement to feed from.
Have at least two children with Vlad (if alive. if not, choose someone else.)
Complete aspiration.
When your heir becomes a teen, die from sunlight.
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♢ Generation 27: the lover
For as long as you can remember, you’ve just wanted to feel loved. Loved by your parents, loved by your friends, loved by your siblings and, most of all, loved by someone who you would spend the rest of your life with. Your only goal in life is to find that person and you’ll do so no matter what it costs!
Traits: Jealous, romantic, lovebug
Aspiration: Romantic Explorer, Soulmate
Skills: Romance, baking
Career: Social Media
Move to Tartosa or Ciudad Enamorada.
Unlock the hungry for love lifestyle.
Complete the romantic explorer aspiration.
Complete the soulmate aspiration.
Max romance skill.
Bake something for each date you go on and gift it to them.
Have 4 kids.
WooHoo in every single location.
Find the Ring Bear and complete his quest.
Add the Ring Bear to your household, marry and have a child.
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♢ Generation 28: the gourmet
While your parent was hungry for love, you were hungry for good food! More specifically, making good food. Cooking was your art and you wanted to share that with the world by becoming a world-famous chef.
Traits: Foodie, perfectionist, creative
Aspiration: Appliance Whiz, Master Chef
Skills: Cooking, gourmet cooking
Career: Culinary
Master the appliance whiz aspiration.
Master the master chef aspiration.
Reach the chef branch of the culinary career.
Unlock the coffee fanatic lifestyle.
Max gourmet cooking.
Feed an excellent quality meal to a celebrity.
Never marry.
Become a 5 star celebrity (by cooking.)
When your child becomes a teen, be “murdered” by pufferfish nigiri.
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♢ Generation 29: the not-so-nord
After the death of your parent, you’re sent to live with your aunt/uncle in Mt. Komorebi. They’re extremely protective of you, not allowing you to go out without them. This mixed with the annoying snow that you’re forced to trudge through everyday forces you to run far away from them.
Traits: Lazy, bro, socially awkward
Aspiration: Beach Life
Skills: Fishing
Career: Salaryperson, Diver
Live with your aunt/uncle in the Kiyomatsu district of Mt. Komorebi.
Sneak out at least 2 times as a teenager.
Reach level 5 of the Salaryperson career then quit.
Run away to Sulani and live off the grid.
Get a job as a diver.
Unlock the heatproof trait.
Unlock the sedentary lifestyle.
Complete aspiration.
Marry a merfolk, have a child.
Become a merfolk, have another child.
Complete underwater photos collection.
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♢ Generation 30: the storm call
Mother nature has been more of a parent to you than your actual parents so you decide to dedicate yourself to her by cleaning up her islands.
Traits: Loves outdoors, child of the islands, child of the ocean
Aspiration: Eco Innovator
Skills: Any
Career: Conservationist
Max mermaid and unlock all perks.
Unlock the storm chaser perk.
Unlock the heat proof perk.
Unlock the cold proof perk.
Complete the sea shell collection.
Complete the buried treasure collection.
Complete career.
Clean up Sulani and unlock the turtle hatching event.
Befriend a regular dolphin and an albino dolphin.
Attend and participate in every single Sulani event at least once.
Max friendship with an island elemental.
Have a child with an island elemental.
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♢ Generation 31: the shout of slow time
Your parent taught you the beauty of the world around you. They taught you to slow down and appreciate what mother nature has to offer instead of being a mindless zombie rushing through life. You want to share this love with others through your art.
Traits: Creative, loves outdoors, art lover
Aspiration: Painter Extraordinaire
Skills: Painting
Career: Painter
Paint every emotional painting.
Max painting skill.
Max painter career.
Paint something from every single category.
Earn fame level 2 from selling paintings.
Use the sketchpad and paint from reference for the scenery around Sulani.
Marry someone you met at the museum/art gallery.
Have at least four kids.
Buy a unicorn after the heir is born (you can buy a regular horse and edit them in CAS if needed.)
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♢ Generation 32: the steed
Without horses, where would the world be? They help with so much within this world, from companionship to transporting the very paintings your parent makes. You dream of being the best horse breeder in the land but, first, you have to make a name for yourself.
Traits: Horse lover, rancher, ambitious
Aspiration: Championship Rider
Skills: Riding
Career: Any
Move to Chestnut Ridge with the family horse.
Never sell the family horse and max out relationship.
Max riding skill.
Complete aspiration.
Own at least four horses with good relationships.
Breed and sell at least 5 horses.
Earn gold on a Ranch Animal Day event.
Max the temperament horse skill.
Max the agility horse skill.
Max the jumping horse skill.
Max the endurance horse skill.
Have the family horse give birth and have your heir befriend one of the foals.
Earn all horse competition and ultimate horse champion trophies.
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♢ Generation 33: the innkeeper
After spending years helping your parent raise and deliver horses, you’re ready to head out and chase your own dreams. With your horse at your side, you find yourself in a new town with a dream of owning your own inn!
Traits: Outgoing, foodie, materialistic
Aspiration: Five-Star Property Owner
Skills: Charisma, cooking, handiness, juice fizzing
Career: Handyperson
Move to a new town.
Max friendship with your horse.
Own a rental property with at least four rooms for rent.
Complete aspiration.
Max juice fizzing.
Repair everything that breaks instead of replacing it.
Complete every maintenance event.
Keep a buffet table stocked inside for guests.
Your lot should have the maintenance troubles lot challenge.
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♢ Generation 34: the librarian
Growing up in an inn, you’ve heard loads of stories from adventurers and travelers. You would always gather around the fire, listening with bated breath as they told tales of different locations, climbing mountains or fighting off vampires. For a time, you could lose yourself in their tales and forget about the boring life you lead. You know you don’t have what it takes to be an adventurer like them, but that doesn’t mean you can’t keep getting lost in those tales!
Traits: Bookworm, kleptomaniac, lazy
Aspiration: Any
Skills: Any
Career: Any
You may only steal books.
Steal at least 10 different books.
Collect every book in the game.
Read every book in the game (until it says reread.)
Your entire house should be filled with bookshelves.
Befriend and ask a werewolf to move in so he can find the Moonwood books for you.
Read every child book to your child.
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♢ Generation 35: the author
You grew up surrounded by books, your parent reading to you almost every night. Though you adored the stories you heard, you yearned for more. The stories were great, but they always lacked something that made them the perfect story. You searched for years until you discovered the writing skill at school. After that, you realized you could write your own stories, filled with everything you love!
Traits: Creative
Aspiration: Bestselling Author
Skills: Writing
Career: Writer
Write a book from every genre.
Write 4 books dedicated to 4 different ancestors in your tree.
Earn 50,000 from published books.
Write the book of life and bind it to your child.
Complete aspiration.
Complete career.
Max writing skill.
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♢ Generation 36: the explorer
Growing up reading the tales written by your parent, you learned of a distant land far from your home. To you, the place sounded like a fairytale that you wanted to experience. As a child, you had dreams of what this land might be like and, when you finally grew up, you immediately left home to find and explore this new world.
Traits: Outgoing, child of the village, clumsy
Aspiration: Fount of Tomarani Knowledge
Skills: Singing, photography
Career: Any
As a child, complete the marbles collection.
Move to Tomarang.
Complete aspiration.
Max photography.
Reach at least level 5 singing.
Unlock all Tomarang Lore.
Marry a local.
Have at least two kids.
Camp at the tomarang cove every weekend.
Complete the tassels collection.
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♢ Generation 37: the serpent
The tight-knit community you grew up in was suffocating and made you feel ill. You hated how friendly everyone was and you hated how everyone knew everything about you and your family. Is a little privacy really so much to ask for? Because of this, you spent most of your teen years locked away in your room or hiding in the woods, looking for precious gemstones.
Traits: Geek, socially awkward, loner
Aspiration: Crystal Crafter
Skills: Gemology, video gaming
Career: Any
Reach at least level 5 gemology.
Be a goth/wear a lot of black your entire life.
Have no friends.
Unlock the junk food fiend lifestyle.
Reach at least level 5 video gaming.
Make at least 5,000 selling your jewelry.
Plant and grow 2 gem trees.
While out collecting gems, meet your future spouse (optional: with the outgoing trait.)
Move in with them and have a child. Your relationship should be neutral with them and steadily declining.
When the child ages up to infant, get into a huge fight over your unwillingness to socialize. Break up and be forced to move back in with your parents.
Create and keep charged Jade and charged hematite jewelry.
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♢ Generation 38: the dragon aspect
Like your parent, you gained a love for video games but, unlike your parent, you don’t want to live life as a shut-in. You want to share your passion with the world and be a famous content creator!
Traits: Genius, geek
Aspiration: Computer Whiz, World-Famous Celebrity
Skills: Programing, video gaming, media production
Career: Video Game Streamer
Complete computer whiz.
Complete world-famous celebrity.
Max programming.
Max video gaming.
Max media production.
Create, edit and upload gaming videos.
Create your own game called “Dragon Aspect.”
Own a small pet (rat, hedgehog, bubalus, or hamster.)
Max career.
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♢ Generation 39: the khajiit
You can’t explain it, but there’s just something about cats that makes you genuinely happy. Who needs a well-paying job or dreams for the future when you have cute little furballs in front of you just begging for attention?
Traits: Cat lover, green fiend, cringe
Aspiration: Friend of the Animals, Lord/Lady of the Knits
Skills: Knitting
Career: None
Befriend only cats.
Fill your house with cat-themed items.
Have a room dedicated to the cats filled with toys, cat trees, etc.
Adopt at least 5 cats.
Make at least 5,000 by selling knitted goods on plopsy.
Have the cat hangout lot trait.
Knit a sweater for each of your cats.
Max knitting.
Knit a grim reaper toy and gift it to him to reset your age.
Complete both aspirations.
Marry a fellow cat lover.
Complete feather collection.
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♢ Generation 40: the shout of animal allegiance
Like your parent, you grew up with a deep love for animals. Unlike your parent, though, your love extended far beyond just cats. You adore all of mother nature’s creatures and you want to befriend them and help them thrive.
Traits: Loves outdoors, animal enthusiast, perfectionist
Aspiration: Country Caretaker
Skills: Veterinarian
Career: None or Part Time
Move to Henford-On-Bagley.
Open your own veterinarian clinic.
Max veterinarian skill.
Own one of every animal, including the small animals from Pet Stuff.
Max friendship with all of your animals.
Complete aspiration.
Have the wild foxes, cat hangout and dog hangout lot traits.
Max friendship with the birds.
Max friendship with the rabbits.
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♢ Generation 41: the emperor
Being surrounded by animals, forced to labor away taking care of them was a miserable life for you. You wanted to be famous. You wanted your name to be known far and wide and, more importantly, you wanted to put on a performance that would shock everyone who saw it. Who needs world peace when you have a stage presence this strong? Now if only you could stop falling over…
Traits: Self-absorbed, clumsy, recycle disciple
Aspiration: Master Actor/Actress
Skills: Acting, charisma
Career: Actor
As a child/teen, join the drama club and reach the top.
Move to Del Sol Valley.
Complete aspiration.
Complete career.
Max acting skill.
Max charisma skill.
Befriend a 1 star celebrity.
Befriend a 5 star celebrity.
Have a fling with a fan that doesn’t work out but produces a child.
Marry a fellow actor/actress and have two more children.
Visit Strangerville with your partner and return home infected.
Have one pet that’s friends with your heir.
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♢ Generation 42: the unrelenting force
When your parents return home from their honeymoon, you immediately realize something is off about them. They’re acting strangely, something that seriously worries you and your siblings. Concerned that they may never recover, you decide to head to Strangerville yourself and find out what happened to your parents. Nothing will stop you from curing them! But first, you might as well take a nap. Can’t solve mysteries on an empty tank.
Traits: Genius, freegan, lazy
Aspiration: Strangerville Mystery
Skills: Logic
Career: Scientist
Move to Strangerville with the family pet.
Max relationship with family pet.
Complete scientist career.
Complete microscope prints collection.
Complete aspiration.
Max logic.
Defeat the mother plant to cure your parents.
Marry a local and have a child.
Freezeray at least one Man in Black.
Have twins.
Create the wormhole generator and attend the alien party.
Cheat on your partner and have a child with an alien met at the party.
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♢ Generation 43: the infected
Your parent told you stories of the mother plant and how vicious she was. You heard about the strange things happening in Strangerville and how your parent slayed the mother plant in order to save the town. You’ve always been told that curiosity killed the cat, but you believe cats have 9 lives for a reason. Unable to stop your curiosity, you sneak out. With a bizarre fruit, you’re determined to revive her.
Traits: Ambitious, genius, socially awkward
Aspiration: Any
Skills: Juice Fizzing. gardening
Career: Any
Max juice fizzing.
Make bizarre juice and gift it to at least 10 different sims.
Host a party and serve only bizarre juice.
Infect 10 different sims with the bizarre juice.
Max relationship with the mother plant and ask for a life extension.
Have a basement garden of bizarre fruit, keep the door locked.
Have a child with someone who is infected.
Infect at least one vampire.
One day your parent discovers this garden and the two of you fight.
Your parent destroys the garden before facing the plant alone.
When your parent is killed by the mother plant, you regret your actions and become a shut-in, never leaving your home.
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♢ Generation 44: the killer
You’ve heard the stories handed down through the generations. You’ve heard of all the dumb choices your ancestors have made. You’re sick and tired of this mundane world so you’ve decided it’s time to bring it to its knees. It’s time for you to sharpen your daggers and teach this world a hard lesson!
Traits: Evil, mean, erratic
Aspiration: Public Enemy
Skills: Mischief
Career: Criminal
Kill your parents and take their money/sell their stuff.
Obtain a villainy degree.
Deface one of the statues on campus.
Complete aspiration.
Complete career.
Every sim you meet, you must be mean to.
Have at least 5 enemies.
Kill at least 10 different sims.
Reunite with a college roommate and woohoo (try for baby several times) before killing the roommate.
Convince sims to join your household and kill them off with each death type.
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♢ Generation 45: the clear skies
Your parent has killed off most of the population, leaving the world a dark and lonely place. You want to escape their iron thumb and try to atone for the horrors they’ve inflicted upon the world. In order to do so, you do the only thing you can think of – you’re going to leave this planet behind and find a new world to call home. It’s not something you can do alone, though, so you decide to join the resistance.
Traits: Good, genius, practice makes perfect
Aspiration: Paragon of Hope
Skills: Rocket Science
Career: Astronaut
Max rocket science.
Complete career.
Build a rocket ship and fully upgrade it.
Complete space rock collection.
First, visit sixam and meet an alien whom you woohoo with (try for baby several times.)
The alien baby will be your heir.
Complete the space alien collection.
When you return home and discover you’re pregnant, your parent is pissed. Become enemies.
After you give birth, have a fight with your parent.
Leave again, this time landing on Batuu.
Complete aspiration.
Meet a local and marry before having two kids.
Fight your parent once more and be killed by them.
Befriend both Vi and Rey.
Have a white or purple lightsaber.
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♢ Generation 46: the shadow
Though your parent was more than happy to help out the resistance in exchange for their help against your grandparent, you were less inclined to care. Their battle was of no concern to you, you just wanted to survive and look out for yourself and your siblings. Despite being the middle child, they often looked to you for guidance since the passing of your parents. This was hardly the place to make an honest buck, so you’re more than happy to make a dishonest one.
Traits: Self-assured, kleptomaniac, loner
Aspiration: Galactic Privateer
Skills: Mischief, guitar
Career: None
Complete aspiration.
Max guitar skill.
Reach at least level 5 mischief.
Steal at least 10,000 in items.
Complete lightsaber parts collection.
Have a one-night stand with a local as a young adult.
Complete all scoundrel missions and max your rank with them.
Have a black lightsaber.
Use your alien powers to bring all of the dead space aliens back to life.
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♢ Generation 47: whirlwind sprint
Though you were raised by a single parent who had you too young, you never felt unloved. With your two aunts/uncles there, as well, you felt fulfilled and happy. However, Batuu is not where any of you belonged and, though your parent wouldn’t admit it, you knew they hated it there. So, in order to finally defeat your grandparent, you decide to become an engineer. After all, no one stands a chance against an army of robots!
Traits: Genius, self-absorbed, high maintenance
Aspiration: City Native
Skills: Robotics, flower arranging
Career: Engineer
Move to San Myshuno.
Max robotics skill and build as many servos as possible.
Max friendship with servos.
Complete career.
Max flower arranging and kill your great-grandparent with the death bouquet.
Complete aspiration.
Participate in every single festival.
Unlock all learnable recipes in San Myshuno.
Complete snow globes collection.
Complete city posters collection.
Have a servo be struck by lightning.
Build the computer glasses.
Build the exomech suit and helmet.
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♢ Generation 48: the atronach
Growing up surrounded by servos was creepy and unsettling. You didn’t trust them, especially after watching so many movies where AI takes over the world. You know your parent only made them to stop their grandparent, but it feels like they just traded one evil for another. You often run away to the forest to escape and, one night, you get attacked by a werewolf.
Traits: Gloomy, active, loner
Aspiration: Lone Wolf
Skills: Violin
Career: None
Complete aspiration.
Max violin skill.
Unlock the technophobe lifestyle.
Stay indoors during the full moon.
Hide your affliction from your parent until you have enough money to move out.
Move to a wooded area or to Newcrest.
Complete the space print collection.
Meet your partner (sim) at night while playing violin.
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♢ Generation 49: the aura whisper
You understand why your parent felt the need to hide what they are and you don’t blame them. However, it’s a very lonely life living so far away from others. Being the social butterfly you are, you want to meet as many people as you can! You also have a passion for fashion and decorating, something you can’t do if you remain with your parents.
Traits: Outgoing, good, insider
Aspiration: Friend of the World
Skills: Charisma, bowling
Career: Tech Guru, Start-up Entrepreneur
Complete aspiration.
Make candles and gift them to each of your friends.
Become friends with 3 locals in every world and take a picture with them.
Fill a wall with these photos.
Unlock the people person lifestyle.
Complete postcard collection.
Complete career.
Go bowling with your friends every weekend.
Accept every invite from your friends.
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♢ Generation 50: the lord
Since your parent was always surrounded by others, it was easy to make friends. This got you invited to loads of events and parties, each one more fun than the last. You always feel sad when they come to an end and you can’t wait for the next event to pop up.
Traits: Party animal, dance machine, noncommittal
Aspiration: Party Animal
Skills: DJ Mixing, dancing
Career: Any
Get kicked out of high school.
Fight with your parents before moving to Windenburg.
Accept every invite you get no matter what.
Max DJ mixing.
Bronze at least 15 events.
Silver at least 10 events.
Gold at least 5 events.
Max dancing skill.
Have at least three different kids with three different sims at three different events.
Have a first kiss at 5 different events.
9 notes · View notes
nokkithesloth90 · 4 months
The Kraft Legacy challenge
So it has been a challenge, and some rules have been adapted, not to make it easy, but so you can actually make money and progress.
So Lets begins with the story so far...
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The first few sim day proved hard for Autumn, after getting a part-time job in retail, and earning very little, she decided fishing was the best way to make a little extra money. As dumpster diving and foraging were against the watchers rules.
However making her first friends in town was pretty easy, Knox and Bess proved to be great companions.
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Eventually Autumn earned enough to buy a flower arranging table, and once she gets a selling table, money should be no issue.
Well the watcher only allows a 25% mark up so Autumn really needs to work on her craft.
12 notes · View notes