#junius and lys carrying this fashion mess
crematedcow · 8 months
What is the fashion in the world like? What kind of things do the ROs wear?
hm 🤔 the fashion in vestria is pretty diverse and some places have a more unique style then others. but for the most part, the clothing ranges from rococo to victorian (steampunkish, yknow?), but there are also medieval/fantasy knights still walking around, so... it's very extensive!!
as to what the ROs specially wear, i answered that a bit already in the ask about their physical appearance, but i dont mind going deeper into their fashion style and what it's kinda leaned in on!
Chulainn: they mostly prefer to wear tunics in either red, black or brown. just something comfortable, because they do like to wear some pieces of protection above it. something like a short chainmail or leather armor, since that is just something they are used to. sure, it's not like the full body armor they once wore, but chulainn doesnt care about protecting themselves that much anymore. it's more just for the familiarity. then they would some tight, dark pants, so they can wear proper and sturdy boots above them 🤔they dont really care about looks that much anymore, so they kinda just wear whatever, but it leans more into the medieval style
Lys: obviously they dress nice. like very nice. more into the style of the victorian or rokoko with more loose shirts/tunics, but tightfitting waistcoats or vests with jabot collars. those collars!! are a must!! its just so fancy. sometimes they wear neckties too, but not often. lys likes to keep their frills :(! also wears a matching coat most of the time, at least when they are outside. sometimes they dress a bit eccentric, but hey, they work for the queen and have to represent her as much. i also mentioned in a the other ask, that they wear heeled shoes with spats, so i think you get what i am going for with their fashion
Holly: she wears what lys gave her, so their style in that sense is very similar. but she likes to leave out long coats that lys often wears, since it's actually quite warm were they are located lol! i can see her however rocking a short jacket, that goes to her waist. it would be giving expensive, but a lot more laid back compared to their partner! perhaps her shirt wouldnt be correctly tucked in or her collar was messy, and she def would never wear jabot collars like lys
Elli: well?? he just wears his armor the entire time. think of any silver armor with a violet surcoat above it and a hood around the head in the same color, plus the black fabric across where his face would be. they do not dress in anything else...
Irydion: irydion tends to dress in lighter armor. she would cover any vital parts but compared to elli, leave enough uncovered to be able to move quicker and make less noise. she also likes to wear things with fur, since she hails from the more colder regions. it isn't practical later on when they join the mc on the journey, but they def would wear a cape with either fur around the neck or at the ends. she keeps her clothes simple enough, as she never really cared for fashion! i would say irydion leans also more into the medieval/fantasy style :)
Junius: CHEST. IS. OUT. always!! he does not try to have the decency and cover up, even in the more colder climates irydion summoned him in. he either wears very lose tunics with a big enough v-cut, or just a coat with nothing underneath, only buttoning it up halfway through. pain is beauty, or something along those lines... having to work with what is given, he usually wears colorful capes or scarfs around his neck and pants that go to his waist. would he wear fashion corsets? absolutely. junius is here to SERVE CVNT
perhaps i could make some pinterest boards for some visualization? i think that would be fun :) if interested tell me in the asks
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