#jurassic bark ship au
monty-glasses-roxy · 10 months
Was thinking about that old Jurassic Bark AU I barely spoke about set in like... Medieval fantasy kinda land and Roxy, Monty and Chica are all the highest (or close to) commanders of their respective kingdom's armies. Roxy being King Bonnie's adopted sister (as she normally is in my AUs lmao), Chica being Queen Freddy's childhood best friend, and Monty being King/Captain Foxy's best comrade in arms.
The three of the kingdoms are at war over a treasure that's said to belong to the kingdom that truly belongs or whatever I don't remember and none of them knows where or what it is. The idea was that once one of them got the treasure, they would be the ones powerful enough to bring peace to the land however they see fit. None of them have actually thought about what they're gonna do, but they know they can't let the other guys have it, because they don't know what they'll do either.
The story was that the three of them got separated from everyone else and are forced to work together. Surprise! The treasure is the friends we made along the way! And in their efforts to stop this bullshit, that friendship shifts into oh fuck they're in love whadda hell
So I was thinking about this again, and aside from some cool story scenes, it'd actually be really funny if Monty and Chica didn't know that this Roxy is Prince Roxanne. Because she's obviously not a rabbit. She mentions it and they straight up don't believe her lmao
Chica and Monty have managed to get to common ground. They've started talking more casually and enjoying eachother's company, which is strange, but it's making the situation more tolerable. Roxy has been mostly keeping out of it, but they finally get her talking when they're bitching about their respective leaders. They push her into saying literally anything about King Bonnie and start making some wild assumptions and she just.
Roxy: I miss him...
Chica: You... You what?
Roxy: .... We just... We're not normally apart this long... It's weird...
Chica: You're no-
Roxy: What?!
Like!! Can you imagine that conversation??? Lmao they thought they were all just lucky to land their positions or worked really hard for it and then Roxy's just there in the royal family living the fucking high life. They don't believe her for ages and she proves it when they have to cross into a village she's familiar with and they greet her with so much excitement. Monty and Chica like what do you MEAN she's next in line cause Bonnie doesn't have a child??? What do you MEAN she was adopted by royals????? What do you MEAN she's been thrown into battle a million times when she's so important to the survival of her kingdom????
They're having a time of it! Roxy doesn't see the big deal honestly. So she's next in line, so what? Do they honestly think she'd let her brother die first?? Tch idiots. She also has to keep reminding them that she does NOT have royal blood, or lord blood, or anything like that. She's got lower class blood than both of them and neither of them can wrap their heads around this.
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monty-glasses-roxy · 1 year
I need a scene in Jurassic Bark: Heist Edition where Chica goes in of her own accord to play the femme fatale card and the guard or whatever just pulls a gun on her like "I'm gay." and Monty immediately steps in and saves her ass.
Chica: Aw the gay ones are such a pain sometimes :/ Do you know how many times I've been shot at cause of that? Monty: Oh ya think that's bad?? Do ya have any idea how hard the lesbian guards are??? Chica: Oh psh they're easy! Monty: Yeah for you!! Chica: OH AND THE STRAIGHT GIRLS Monty: OH GOD THE STRAIGHT MEN Ace Roxy who wouldn't know how to do any of this intentionally but still wants to be in on it: Hahaaa yeeeahhh... they're the uh... the worst??
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monty-glasses-roxy · 1 year
Throwback to my favourite stupid joke in Jurassic Bark AU but in a new Jurassic Bark AU...
In this one Roxy left town in her teens and they lose touch with her until she and her brother (Bonnie) randomly move back into town. Chica and Monty have maybe been able to stop being idiots and get together by this point, maybe not I'm undecided. Anyway, they bump into eachother a lot and start hanging out again. Chica and Monty are introduced to Roxy's pup Cassie (and also learn about her for the first time despite Roxy mentioning her at least twice) at a barbeque or something Bonnie's hosting. At some point, they're both left alone with Cassie and she... Well...
"So which one of you is fucking my mom?"
Completely straight faced. Goes right back to her drink as if she hasn't just slaughtered both of them in broad daylight. She knows what she did.
Meanwhile, Monty and Chica are fucking dying. Sputtering and choking on their drinks they did not expect that lmao
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monty-glasses-roxy · 1 year
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Made them!! My graphics tablet died like... just after I had that version of Monty so I couldn’t really do much other than click and drag since I’m on a trackpad and don’t have the energy to draw with that again so this is what we get. Anyway, enjoy my lil Jurassic Bark OT3 thingos!
Templates are here and here!
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monty-glasses-roxy · 2 years
Another possible thing to throw into the au: One of the trio just seems very comfortable with physical affection (hugs, snuggles, etc) so that one or both of the others are left wondering "Is this a sign they /like/ like me, or are they just Like That?" Possibly complicated by the fact that since they see someone else getting that level of affection, they assume it's a sign that this is just normal for them (instead of realizing that it's just that *two* are getting special treatment).
Okay so. Modifying this a bit.
In terms of their respective animals wolves are extremely affectionate with each other and chickens are also very physical with each other too. Alligators? Not so much.
Mix that with their personalities and you have Monty who's pretty chill in terms of physical affection. Gives it when he feels like it but not that often, and is super chill about recieving it, especially if he trusts the person giving him it. You then have Roxy who gets gradually more and more physically affectionate the more comfortable she is with someone. And then you have Chica who is affectionate from the get go, but easily flustered when receiving it.
What you get here, is Monty getting super close to both of them and getting absolutely cuddled to death. Roxy staying the night at Chica's when they've been friends for a while, walking around without a shirt on and hugging Chica while half asleep, not thinking anything of it while Chica silently implodes. You have Bonnie gauging how friendly Roxy is with Monty and Chica by how quick she is to invade their personal space and teasing her for how fast that starts to happen. You have Roxy being nervous and confused about Chica acting kinda clingy after a week of knowing her or something before unknowingly turning the tables on her with the cuddles.
And Monty not being as affectionate? Well with these two, it rubs off on him and he gets so much more physically affectionate. Mostly with just those two but it carried over a little bit to his other friends like Foxy and they were very confused at the change.
But then going back to what you said with them wondering what the affection means? You're so right about them getting confused about it because with there being three of them, it's gonna be really hard to tell if they're that affectionate with everyone. And I mean, especially so with Roxy because the one they see her interact with the most outside of the two of them is Bonnie, and they're the kind of people to charge at each other for a hug from across the room. Her only indicator of romantic affection is an actual kiss of sorts, everything else is fair game but figuring that out is probably real fuckin' fun for them lmao
And Chica being so physical from almost the get go? And gradually getting more so when her platonic feelings for them shift into romantic ones? Monty asking Roxy if she thinks it means anything and she's like 'nah probably not'. But now that he mentions it and they've talked about it, neither of them are fucking sure now.
Monty starting to hug them now? Roxy thinks it's weird and it sticks in her mind a little bit but she can convince herself that he might just be like her and slow to warm up to people enough to start hugging them randomly. Chica is having a crisis because what could it mean?? He's not a natural hugger?? Does that mean he likes her?? No it can't... he's hugging Roxy like that now too, it must just be how it is! But what if it's not and she's misreading? Oh she just doesn't know any more these two are so confusing!
I do like the idea of Monty gradually getting more and more affectionate, not because he trusts them or anything but because he's spending so much time with them and they're rubbing off on him. And he might be a teeny bit in love but he's not gonna admit that. Nope. Never.
This is great I love this
And what happens is he gets snuggled to death at a sleepover and he's been craving that same feeling ever since. Whether they love him or not, they got a good thing going with that whole affection thing and it's rubbing off on him.
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monty-glasses-roxy · 1 year
Yet another Jurassic Bark AU where DJ owns and runs a bar and Roxy, Chica and Monty are all music performers there and friends of his. His kids (the Minis) adore the three of them, and though they’ve never seen or spoke to each other, the Minis and DJ have told them bits and pieces about each other. How do they meet? WELL
DJ approaches them individually after their performances in the week and says that it’s the Minis birthdays coming up and they’ve been asking for the three of them to perform together. Or maybe the Minis ask them themselves? Undecided on that one, but obviously, the three of them agree. DJ arranges a meet-up for them to chill out and get to know each other, or maybe one of them comes to one of the shows and introduces themself.
But anyway, AU where they’re racing to build a show together and slowly falling in love over it. Or in Chica’s case, tumbling headfirst into Feelings Town lmao
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monty-glasses-roxy · 1 year
The Jurassic Bark AU where they all meet on a plane while Chica and Monty are terrified of flying and Roxy is horribly flight sick is still a really fun way to start an AU.
And I think the reaction to seeing Roxy for the first time when she's back on her feet would be fucking gold. From sad, little pupper with the pathetic little whines and the shaky paws and the scruffy mane to the cool, deep voiced, sarcastic and witty wolf with the well kept mane and muscle and fluff for days. I dunno I just find the sheer difference between plane Roxy and home Roxy really funny lmao
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monty-glasses-roxy · 1 year
I was thinking the other day how timber wolves survive the hot summers and it turns out they act similar to lions in that they mostly rest and sleep during the day and hunt at night. They then return to day hunting in the colder seasons.
So, Jurassic Bark AU. Roxy going nocturnal for the summer and Chica and Monty trying really hard to stay up through the night so they can still spend time with her and it going about as well as you'd expect. A roadtrip with the three of them? They do in autumn or late winter to make sure they can spend as much time as possible together. They're both super accommodating to it as it's pretty societally accepted but it still means a lot to Roxy that they try so hard, despite really not needing to.
She can ambush them in the mornings and since they're morning people, they get to spend their entire morning with Roxy until she falls asleep for the day. It's really jarring the first time she shows up at their workplace so early in the morning when they know for a fact Roxy hates mornings with a burning passion. Just an immediate "who are you and what have you done with Roxy?!" She doesn't hang out long. She gotta sleep after all, but it's a fun hangout nonetheless.
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monty-glasses-roxy · 1 year
I’ve also had some cool ideas on how to make people suffer in the Meteors AU which I can’t remember if I ever explained the premise of but that’s a fun one. Needs work though
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monty-glasses-roxy · 1 year
Jurassic Bark trio at the beach and Roxy buries Chica in the sand while Monty sculpts it to make her look like either a pretty mermaid or a really buff merman. Possibly one after the other.
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monty-glasses-roxy · 1 year
Listen... Jurassic Bark AU...
Roxy and Monty getting super competitive in an arcade and getting kicked out because they ended up in a playfight on the floor and Chica kept encouraging them. She was on the sidelines like "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT" but also found it hilarious when they were accused of doing something way more inappropriate and teased them both about it forever.
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monty-glasses-roxy · 1 year
Ya know, Jurassic Bark AU where the trio go on a roadtrip would have to take place either through autumn, spring, winter or a combination of two because if the weather gets too warm, Roxy naturally becomes almost entirely nocturnal which is really inconvenient when they're trying to spend as much time together as possible.
But it's still inconvenient because Monty is an alligator and those don't do great in the cold! He feels it real bad! But at least that's an excuse for cuddles and what not. In Roxy's case, she would just be sleeping through the majority or the day or exceedingly tired if not.
Honestly, wolves are pretty adaptable but are primarily nocturnal now that I think about it so she'd probably be fine, having adapted to being awake during the day as a pup, but the hotter it gets, the more that natural instinct to sleep comes out. Just gets so sleepy in the warm weather whereas Monty and Chica thrive in it. So a roadtrip would be best had when Roxy is least likely to struggle to stay awake and Monty won't freeze to death so spring or autumn are probably their best bets.
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monty-glasses-roxy · 1 year
To clarify before I tell you what these all entail... this will probably not effect what I choose too much as my choice will be on what's likely to be the easiest option to get back into writing again. I'm just curious what people would want to read from me, hence the poll.
Tubehell Challange:
This is the thing where I use the exact same amount of words as Andrea Waggener to tell The Storyteller and The Mimic stories from the books, but with less credenzas and hopefully more impact. This option would leave me a little over 14k words to write before I'd officially beat Nano this year, meaning I'd be able to maybe make a good start on one of the other options if I get that far. This is like a combo I guess. If I can get the two short stories done, I can do whatever else afterwards to reach the Nano goal of 50k words. Optimistic? Yeah... but it's two short stories I think I can do that in a month lmao
Ruin Aftermath AU:
This is the AU I have in mind for what comes after the standard Ruin ending. Roxy, Cassie and some Minis would be working together to deal with Mimic, escape the underground, and keep eachother safe. This AU is the basis of Ruin Meteors, and where most of my Ruin compliant AUs stem from, so I for sure want to do this one at some point. I don't know how long it'll be though, but is intended to be much shorter than anything like Meteors would be.
Start Ruin Meteors AU:
Yeah this is the Meteors AU I've been talking about recently. A meteor strikes the planet and does a bunch of cool magic stuff over an extended period of time. This includes turning the animatronics into flesh and blood versions of themselves one by one. This one needs a lot of prep work and is incredibly long, but I really enjoy it and would love to explore some of the ideas I have for it sooner rather than later. It's really long though, so even if I beat Nano with it, I'd probably still have a long way to go to finish it.
MXES Roxy/Jurassic Bark shorts:
This is what it says on the tin. I could focus on short stories of my own and explore some of the ideas I have for Roxy being a part of the MXES and some unrelated Jurassic Bark ship ideas for the variety. Ideas for MXES Roxy include what she can see with her eyes, being the last one infected, having different security based abilities to the others, etc. Ideas for Jurassic Bark would sometimes overlap with MXES Roxy, but also include shorts on little conflicts they have, comforts, date nights, silly goofs, etc.
And then of course, the last option is for those that have no preference.
I'm only polling for what you guys would be most interested in, I'll be doing whatever I think is best for getting me back into writing again, regardless of the results. I'm just curious!
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monty-glasses-roxy · 1 year
for Jurassic Bark™: describe the trio's first nap date. i bet it's super cozy and nice but also heck because chica is sandwiched in between her two blorbos, someone is laying halfway on top of her, someone is kicking, both are snoring, buy she's like "This Is Fine" and singlehandedly decides she'd die for roxy and mont because she's the bestest wife and the mom friend
Ah, she is one of the best wives! Monty shares the title with her though, neither will accept anything but the other one being the best wife. Roxy preferred being called the husband and expected Monty to be the same but instead he reacted to her like "Wait ya can do that??? Ya can just pick????" and decided he wanted to use wife instead.
Anyway, I like to think Roxy is typically the one in the middle. She's very much the little spoon of the three, though does sometimes switch it up when she feels like it. In AUs like the biological Jurassic Bark one, this is often a double edged sword though. She gets all the cuddles and attention, and feels so safe and cosy being held by the two loves of her life... but god damn is that hard to enjoy in the summer with all her fluff. She is melting but she absolutely refuses move. She's also prone to complaining about it but refusing to let Chica or Monty let go of her cause she's 'comfy' even though there's not a snowball's chance in hell she's comfy when she's three seconds away from combusting into flames. She'd stay there until her physical limits forced her to move unless they intervene, which they do of course.
But anyway, Roxy being the little spoon holds true when they first doze off together. She's in the middle, all comfy cosy, happy as can be. Monty is happy being held or holding someone else pretty equally, so he let the other two settle and get comfy before deciding where he wanted to settle too. The first time they did this, Roxy was practically on top of him until she dozed off and he decided to shift onto his side to get a bit comfier. Chica prefers to hold rather than be held, so she was at Monty and Roxy's side, awkwardly trying to snuggle both of them. It worked for a while, but it wasn't the comfiest so she was more than happy to move when Monty did. When they'd all settled, Roxy was snuggly tucked against Monty's chest with his snout between her ears and her paw lazily draped over him. Chica had her arms around her from behind, and was positioned in such a way so she could rest her head onto Monty's snout. Roxy's tail was resting over Monty's and Chica's legs reached over both of them with how close Roxy had squished herself against Monty.
When they woke up, Monty and Roxy's tails were more entwined, and she'd turned so he was then holding her from behind. Roxy is now half on top of Chica, with her chin on her chest, one arm under Chica's head and her other paw resting over Roxy's nose. Chica has an arm under Monty, and has basically sprawled out underneath both of them. Her other arm is very securely wrapped around Roxy's head, and her beak in a bit of Monty's hair. Monty himself, has a leg over the pair of them, his tail entwined a little with Roxy's, and his face buried in Roxy's mane at the back of her head and neck so Chica's arm and shoulder are very much trapped under both him and Roxy. She couldn't move it if she wanted to. She's buried beneath the loves of her life lmao maybe I'll draw you a visual one day
Honestly, the three of them fall asleep in so many different ways, and then you have just the duos as well that do it too so honestly, there's a lot of cuddles involved with Jurassic Bark as a ship. Once they all kinda get comfortable and learn each other's boundaries and how they like and show their affections, the cuddles piles are pretty common.
I ended up writing a whole thing about them getting comfortable with each other, but I'll save that for another post. In short: they're very sweet and I love them
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monty-glasses-roxy · 2 years
I'm slowly building a Jurassic Bark ship flavour AU where they're all biological furry people but I only like it when the brain is mush from tiredness. That's the only time I can develop it and think about it. Should call it the 'Sleepy Time AU' lmao
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monty-glasses-roxy · 1 year
There’s loads of ways DJ ships could go. Like!!! That set up for the biological Jurassic Bark AU? Where Roxy plays music with him at his bar?
I love this setting man. DJ working at a pub and Roxy doing the entertainment. A slowly building friendship until they’re close as hell. Dating? No! Not them! Never!
........ Maybe a little though...
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