#jurassic world chaos theory countdown
tio-trile · 4 months
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6 Days Until Jurassic World: Chaos Theory premiere!
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mangosaurus · 4 months
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THE NUBLAR 6 in Jurassic World: Chaos Theory (Coming May 24th)
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spinyspinosaurus · 4 months
Favourite season and episode!
Jwct countdown @campbenji
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(only screenshot I had)
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iffasart · 4 months
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Beanie ben
(I was watching the office the other day)
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loonymooony · 18 days
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st4rrmii · 1 month
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I should not be left alone
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campbenji · 6 months
trailer aside, just the fact that there's no official release date yet is killing me bc i would really love doing some sort of countdown event for jwct but this is keeping me from planning anything
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memyselfandmya · 4 months
Jwct countdown May 16-17 -> post-nublar shenanigans:
So, I had so many ideas for this prompt, and ended up only doing two. I will be writing more of them and maybe I'll put some of them on tumblr but a lot of them are going to go towards my fanfictions. I'm not used to this multiple point of view thing with limited action and so many characters so the 1st part is a little wonky. I really love the 2nd one; it's shorter than I'd like it to be but I'll probably end up lengthening it later on. Enjoy!
“I mostly play with the dinosaur mods,” Darius says. “Can we add—”
The loud chorus of “No!”s is unmistakably noticeable especially with his headphones on. He has to lift them from his ears for a moment while the group settles down.
“No offense, D, but I’ve had enough dinosaurs for a lifetime,” Kenji tells him. “I’m gonna make the server.” 
Brooklynn groans. “Don’t name it anything stupid, Kenji.” 
“I don’t even know why you bother,” Yaz says, propping her bandaged ankle up on her desk chair leg rest.  
“Too late,” comes Kenji’s response. “I just sent you guys the server invite.”
Groans are heard all throughout headphones when they see the server named “trauma-craft.”
“Really, Kenji?” Sammy questions. “That’s not even remotely funny.”
“Yeah, yeah, just join the server.”
“Hey, guys,” Ben says. “How do I join the server?”
Brooklynn sighs. “Oh my God, Ben really?”  
“I’ve never played!”
Darius and Brooklynn give Ben the run-down while the others join the server. 
“What I’m most surprised about is that Yaz, of all people, has already played minecraft,” Kenji teases. He’s loaded into the world but so far it’s just him.
“Shut the hell up, Kenji,” is what Yaz tells him. She’s next to load in and the first thing she does is punch Kenji.
Sammy giggles. “You have to admit, Yaz, you’re not the type of person you'd think plays minecraft.” Her character spawns right next to Yaz.
Yasmina scoffs. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing, Darling. Don’t worry about it.”
“All right, I think I got the hang of it,” Ben says. He, Brooklynn, and Darius finally join the game. 
“The gang’s all here,” Kenji says triumphantly. He makes his avatar run around in circles as he sips from a (non-carob) juice box. 
“Well, I think it’s obvious what we do next,” says Sammy. They all respond at once. 
“Go mining,” Yaz says. 
“Build a house,” comes Darius’ response.
“Make weapons?” Is Ben’s suggestion. 
“Explore the map, obvi,” Brooklynn says.
There’s a moment of silence. Then comes Kenji’s voice. “Guys, guys. I think it’s obvious what we do first: punch a tree.”
“What I was going to say was we should go looking for a cute biome to live in,” Sammy answers. 
Hey guys, Ben texts the group chat one day when he’s visiting Yaz in South Carolina. Yaz and I are going to get our ears pierced together.
It was a completely random decision that they made. Ben’s mom just so happened to have some work in South Carolina to take care of so Ben tagged along to pay one of his closest friends a visit. They had been hanging out at Yasmina’s house all day, just chilling and playing games, when Ben says, “We should get our ears pierced.”
Yasmina looks up from the deck of cards she’s holding. “I already have my ears pierced, Dummy.”
“Okay, well yeah, but I’ve been thinking of getting mine done.”
“Sick,” Yaz says. “Do you think your mom’ll go for it?” 
“I mean, yeah probably.” He flops down on Yaz’s bed and stares at the ceiling. “My mom has been crazy nice to me lately. I think she feels guilty about sending me to Nublar.”
“Sending your kids to their presumed death will do that to you,” Yaz hums. “But yeah, my mom feels guilty about it too but it’s not their fault. We should be blaming Wu and the maniacs who made that place.”
“Oh, believe me. If I ever see Wu’s face again, I’m jumping his ass.”
Yaz smiles. “Perfect, we can tag-team him together.” The two fist bump and Yaz sets down her set of cards. “Now that you mention it… I wouldn’t mind getting a second piercing and Mom would totally let me. Do you think Sammy would like it?”
Ben laughs at the question. “I think Sammy would like anything you do. You could shave all of your hair off and she’d still love you. Have you guys said it yet, anyways? The “L” word? And no, I don’t mean lesbian.”
Yaz clicks her tongue against the roof of her mouth. “Yep, we have.”
“Yaz!” Ben exclaims, gripping Yasmina by the shoulders and shaking her while she fights the smile growing on her face. 
She ducks her head down to hide the blush creeping onto her cheeks. “Anyways, let’s go ask our moms about getting our ears pierced.”
And that’s how Yaz and Ben end up at a tattoo parlor (don’t go to Claire’s, kids) sitting next to each other as they wait to get their ears pierced. 
WHAT!? OMG SEND PICS WHEN YOUR DONE, comes Brooklynn’s reply. 
When Ben sets his phone down he begins tapping his finger against the seat’s armrest. “Is it bad I’m getting kind of scared,” he asks, watching the man prepare the needle.
Yasmina rolls her eyes and laughs. “Man up, Pincus. What happened to the Ben who defeated Toro?”
At that Ben’s face reddens. When he said it back on the island a kajillion times, it was like a badge of honor, but back home on the mainland, whenever he told anyone they looked at him like they would a person who just lost an arm in a war: with pity.  “Yea, yea. You’re right,” he says. 
Their parents are waiting up front so it’s just the two of them until the piercers come up to them, needles primed. “Are you guys ready?”
Ben looks at Yaz for a split second and then nods to them. “Hold my hand,” he says, stretching his arm out towards Yasmina. She groans but holds it anyway. 
Ben takes it like a champ. He hardly even notices when the needle pierces through his skin and the earring he chose is placed in the new hole. The second ear goes just as smoothly.
Yasmina isn’t as lucky. 
She’s gotten her ears pierced before, back when she was younger, so she’s relaxed up until the point the piercer disappears behind her head. She’s right by Yaz’s ear and on the very edge of her sight to the point where Yaz can’t even see her, but her presence is certainly there. 
Deep down, she knows that she’s not on Nublar and the woman right next to her isn’t a dinosaur coming to sink its teeth into her neck but her mind is a sick little thing that loves to seize her with fear. Yasmina closes her eyes but the image of Nublar won’t disappear and she’s certain that Blue is approaching her, hunting her. She has to run—but she can’t.
Ben’s calm until he notices Yasmina’s hand tighten around his and he glances at her to find her eyes shut tight and her knuckles turning white from gripping the armrest. The woman finishes with her just as quickly as Ben had but even when she walks away, Yaz is still hunched over and what hair that’s not in her ponytail shades her face. 
“Yaz,” he says, hesitantly. “You good?”
“Mhm,” she responds, but Ben can tell that she’s not really there. He doesn’t know why he bothered asking when the answer was so plain to see, however he does know that he has to help her in some way. He knows Yaz isn’t one for touch but when he tries to pull away, her grip tightens around his wrist. “It’s over, Yaz,” he says. “You’re okay, I’m here.”
It takes a moment but eventually Yaz’s grip loosens and she sits up a little straighter. She’s still staring at the floor, though, and avoiding his gaze. 
 “Do you want some water?” Ben asks, before digging through his fanny pack which he still makes a habit of wearing. He takes out a mini water bottle and hands it to Yasmina who accepts it gratefully and downs it all in one gulp. “Thanks,” she whispers once she’s done. 
“Of course,” Ben tells her. 
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tohjwcc · 4 months
Jurassic world chaos theory countdown
Prompt 2: favorite duo
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They lost a bet...
Reference pic:
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upside-downish · 4 months
jwct countdown day three !! [possible part one of two??]
anyway !! favorite ship 👀
lmao I think if you even browse my posts for a second you can see how much I love Ben x Kenji.
also for like a year I've had this one fluff oneshot rattling around in my head. [bad explanation ahead]
so basically while they're staying in the treehouse, [pre-scorpius rex] they appoint like. shifts I guess. to watch the camp and kind of be a lookout I guess. and it's Bens shift. and our dude chose the witching shift, [dead of the night] so whoever's next come to take their spot and Ben is just so very, very tired. heads to the bunks, and just CRASHES. not even looking just bam honk shoo. well someone was already occupying said bunk, namely our friend Kenji. and he's startled but just kind of accepts it and lets him be there. we wake up and they're just hugging. end fic
chat do we write it.
[ @campbenji for prompts!! ]
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gingericywolf · 3 months
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A new brooklynn design
Following this previous one
Kinda wanted to give a first impression of her being a villain
This is both my wishful thinking on her showing up in the next seasons and also just what she will look like in my mind/sequel fic essence of chaos
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tio-trile · 4 months
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2 Gays Days Until Jurassic World: Chaos Theory premiere!
No text version:
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spinyspinosaurus · 4 months
days 10-15
Favourite character
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precious precious island boy
Favourite friendship:
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they so silly :]
Favourite ship:
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"let's commit arson together"
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stormbound58 · 4 months
Jurassic World: Chaos Theroy Countdown! 🦕
Since the last poll, the majority answered (by ranked) that Brookynn's Faked Death is:
Top Answered: Captured and Forced to Work with the Bad Guys.
2nd: A Fakeout and Spying inside the Bad Guy's base of operation.
3rd: Brooklynn is just Captured.
Thou, Throughout all the sneak peaks Dreamworks been teasing us, along with the Trailer, the Nublar 6 Interview-Magz, etc. There are many small details I've found, but I'll skip that fn and put it on my Conspiracy Board. And with the Start of JWCT Countdown, and this time.
What intrigues me the most is the Allosaurus with a Blind Eye.
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I have a theory that Whoever's hunting down the Camp Fam are using the JW:Dominion Atrociraptors, but also Brunette (Becklespinax) and this specific Allosaurus.
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Judging by the upper torso design. This would be a Female Character. My friend Speculates this was Brooklynn commanding the Atrociraptors via whistle, as shown in the trailer. But What'd y'all think?
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loonymooony · 17 days
Hear me out, Geeked Week starts September 16th and ends September 19th, what if, we get the trailer then?
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rxin3akamallory · 1 year
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(I am Taiga Aisaka irl lol)
I finally decided to make an intro on this account because it’s inconsistent as hell even though it’s my main one.
But yeah hello!
I’m Mallory (people call me Mal a lot) I’m a goofy ahh autistic 22 year old
She/Her are my preferred pronouns, but I’m okay with They/Them as well if it’s easier for you to use.
I’m biromantic/asexual
I’m not in college but I’ve been working for a year and a half now! It takes up half of my time but I’m still free decently often.
I like to draw, write, make OCs and self inserts, play video games, sing and listen to music. I sometimes post my art and characters occasionally but not often on here. (I should tho)
This is my main tumblr where I used to post strictly Finding Nemo related posts but my fixation had faded out since 2021 (I still love the movie and it’s sequel but it hasn’t been my main interest anymore)
Here are my other tumblrs if they’re interesting enough to take a look at.
Second tumblr: @rxin3srandomthoughts
Meme tumblr: @rxin3smemes
Aesthetic tumblr (kinda defunct now): @rxin3saesthetics
Stim tumblr (the one I use most often besides my main): @rxin3stims
I have a large DNI list on my stim tumblr, but I’ll put a general one here too. It’s also in my bio:
DNI if:
A nsfw/k!nk blog
And a personal one, if you romanticize serial k!ll3rs or sh00t3rs. Big on the latter because of personal trauma and because that monster has been romanticized here before and on other platforms on the internet and I find it not only disturbing and horrifying but also disrespectful to the victims, their families, and the survivors.
If you fit under any of this criteria, you will immediately be blocked.
A lot of my content is OC related, so here is a list of ‘em!!
Self Inserts (1)
Self Inserts (2)
Self Inserts (3)
Moodboards: 1, 2, 3
Self Insertmas 2023: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6, Day 7, Day 8, Day 9, Day 10, Day 11, Day 12, Day 13, Day 14, Day 15, Day 16, Day 17, Day 18, Day 19, Day 20, Day 21, Day 22, Day 23
Self Insert Birthday Countdown 2024: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6, Day 7, Day 8, Day 9, Day 10, Day 11, Day 12, Day 13, Day 14, Day 15, Day 16, Day 17, Day 18, Day 19, Day 20, Day 21, Day 22, Day 23, Day 24
I also have a lot of special interests and fixations! Here’s a “small” list of a majority of them to get to know me:
Non film/tv:
Tennessee (Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge specifically!) Literally my comfort place. I love when I get to visit sm!!)
OneRepublic (My favorite band!)
Littlest Pet Shop
Wreck-It Ralph (only the first film)
Frozen (mainly only the first film)
Big Hero 6 (also the manga and the tv series)
Finding Nemo/Finding Dory
Cars (1-3)
Guardians of the Galaxy (and the tv series and the 2021 game)
Jurassic Park/Jurassic World
The Florida Project
Madagascar (1-3)
Rise of the Guardians
Ice Age (1-4)
Rio (mainly the first film)
Sing (mainly Sing 2 only)
The Mario Movie (2023)
The Muppets (specifically modern, 2011-2015)
The Fairly Oddparents (Seasons 1-5)
Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous and Chaos Theory
The Powerpuff Girls (1998 only)
The Office (US only)
My Little Pony (I haven’t finished it Friendship is Magic, I mainly fixate on the 2017 movie and the 2021 film from Gen 5)
Fish Hooks
Green Eggs & Ham (Netflix)
Smiling Friends
Thomas and Friends (before CGI era)
The Peanuts (I didn’t know where to put it so it’s here lmao)
Video Games:
Animal Crossing (Mainly New Leaf and New Horizons)
Mario Kart (Mainly 7 and 8)
Mario Party (Mainly Superstars and Island Tour)
Animal Jam
Detroit: Become Human (My favorite!)
Cuphead (I never finished the show but I should)
BlazBlue (Mainly Chronophantasma and Crosstag Battle. And the anime Alter Memory)
Arcana Heart (Mainly 3 Love Max!!!)
Five Nights at Freddy’s (I don’t think it counts because I never played the actual games but I’ve watched so many play throughs)
Studio Ghibli in general (I’ve not seen every film though)
Cardcaptor Sakura
Tokyo Mew Mew (I need to watch the reboot!)
Lucky Star
Toradora (my favorite!)
Madoka Magica (I need to finish Record! And I can’t wait for the next movie!)
Smile Precure (watched it because Glitter Force sucked)
Himouto! Umaru-Chan
The Quintessential Quintuplets
Rent-A Girlfriend
BNA: Brand New Animal
Fruits Basket
My Love Story
Ouran Highschool Hostclub
Love Chunibyo and Other Delusions
True Tears
Wotakoi: Love is hard for Otaku
Maid Sama
(There’s more but this is all I got in in my head rn)
Ask Answers!!
Well that’s pretty much it!
I hope you like my account where I occasionally post actual stuff and mainly reblog things from my interests lol
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