#just a heads up this does get into slightly venty territory so. yeah.
snow-lavender · 4 months
now that we're a week out from the finale, i'm feeling settled enough to make my sappy post. TL;DR is: fable has been incredibly important to me, and i think it's a story that's important to have out there. to the community and cast, you've made something beautiful and helped me more than you could know.
so here we go-
i started watching fable in the summer of 2022, to kill time in between summer courses (and thank fuck for that, cause my brain desperately needed to have some fun after 5 hours a day of doing psych stats by hand.) i was originally pulled in by vo'lete, as dissecting a conlang is really fun to me. it became basically the only media i consumed, as 2022/2023 was the fourth year of my BA and i was crazy busy. and then the characters pulled me in further with their earnestness and their devotion to redemption and compassion.
i think one of the theses of fable is "people always deserve happiness. doing awful things doesn't erase your ability to change." and i think the simplicity and love of that take hit really close to home. in the era of modern fandom where bad actors try to make everything black and white, it's an important point to make.
i started making shitposts on tumblr, started enaging with stories from an analysis standpoint again, and found a lot of joy in the community here. i don't have the words for what that means to me, so i'll just default to you guys are great <3
then mid-august happened
those of you who frequent rin's streams might have caught bits and pieces of this, but basically, i had a fall and my knee became royally fucked beyond belief. it can only be fixed with a surgery that's not very common. the pain was (and still is) debilitating to the point that i had to drop out of my second degree, and couldn't walk more than like, a block every few days. my life, my dreams, my future all got put on hold. i was in a new city with no supports, no friends, and no way to leave my apartment. fable went from the only media i consumed to the only thing i did, period.
the fandom became the only people i talked to regularly, other than my family, as online relationships were the only ones possible to maintain. in fableblr and in rin's chat i've found people who i really click with, people whose company i enjoy and who enjoy mine. when i was lying in bed, feeling so alone and less than human, having people on the internet go "i know who you are and you are making an impact," quite frankly, kept me sane. i know i don't talk to people super often, but know that seeing you in my notifs brings me so much joy, and i'd love to talk to you more.
to assuage any worries- i'm doing a bit better now. i've moved back in with my parents so i have human contact and people who can make up for the things i can't do. i have a new doctor who is taking the severity of my condition very seriously and is fighting to get me treated asap. i'll be okay.
so yeah. fable has been super important to me, and will remain so! for me it's a story with so much joy and deep feelings and rediscovery of passions and just. fun. it's been so much fun. and i'm not letting go of that fun any time soon. i'm gonna keep making and watching and enjoying.
to sage, corn, and cob- you guys are great, i cherish every time we get to talk. i hope that it's okay that i count you among my friends
to my other mutuals and people who are here frequently- recognizing you in my notes is such a joy and i hope to get to know you better. y'all are cool and i'm glad you think i'm funny
to rin- thank you for nurturing your little community and creating a space where i have so much fun. also thank you for putting up with my constant setting off of automod
to beck- thank you for making a story that explores sisterhood in all its ugliness and beauty, that shows how even families full of love can fuck up, that holds space for loneliness and loss and joy and fear and new beginnings
to the rest of the cast- thank you for making a story with so many varied and yet connected points, characters and world. with so much love in it. you've truly done something special here and its impact will not be forgotten
to all of you- thank you for knowing my name. thank you for breathing life and joy into these stories. i can't wait to see what else we make. <3
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voidpomf · 3 years
get in the teapot
i spoiled myself and read the leaked convos that have been floating around for venti if you have him in your teapot home. And since this has been living rent free...only about two hours lol
venti x reader
it’s silly and slightly suggestive, and i’ll probably not edit it
You’ve been really nervous lately, not know exactly how you want to go about asking him. You could be totally over analyzing this though, it’s not like you’re asking him to marry you...Or-
NO. It’s just like inviting someone into your home! That happens to be in your bag, and contain five pets, and have it’s own sky.. Okay maybe it’s a bit different than a normal home but the CONCEPT is still the same. Either way, this wasn’t the issue you were dealing with. The more pressing question was how do bring it up. You could go casual with a quick “Hey wanna see something cool?” or “Madam Ping gave me one of those teapot worlds want to see?”, but it didn’t feel right. To you, it felt like the initiation had to mean more. Though you didn’t know why..because you like him, like like-like him and still haven’t said anything and this is about as intimate as inviting him into your bedroom, which you’re definitely not thinking about at all, nope.
So you argue with yourself, continue your tasks till the next inevitable time you find yourself in Mondstat, hoping that by that time you’ve figured something out.
You don’t have anything.
Celestia shines down on you though, the bard is quick to attach himself to you as you enter the city. Chirping away as he does about the various on goings and you reply with slightly better versions of what actually happened while doing commissions. A success is a success thought and is a good excuse for him to pressure you into buying him a drink to celebrate. And while you do buckle, his cuteness too strong, it’s with the caveat that the two of you enjoy it outside of the city (as far away from more bottles as possible).
Which is how you now find yourself at -big shocker- Windrise. Soft arpeggios float with the winds as both of you relax against the large tree. The bottle of wine tossed to the side and very much empty, yes he did complain. However you were more distracted by the realization that by sharing the bottle you just indirectly kissed him, which makes you think about the teapot invitation and you and him in your bed, that you brain might as well be flying above with the anemo slimes in the distance. This was perfect, just you and him and no one to interrupt. You just had to say it, doesn’t need to be this big stressed thing. C’mon, do it! You’ll feel better after, seriously! Just do it. FOR FUCK SAKE, SAY SOMETHING.
You must of been making quite the face while trying to psych yourself up, because somewhere during your inner beat down Venti notices.
“Hey... are you alright?” There might of been a small crack with how fast your head whips up to see him looking concerned. To be fair, your eyes were wide and at various intervals would your mouth open and then close again. Somehow after a few seconds you finally spoke.
“Would you come in my teapot?” While you immediately turn away, Ventis’ eyes go wide as something akin to a choke spews out turning away to go have a mini crisis of his own. You on the other hand also turned away awaiting the worst and of course start to ramble.
“Oh jeez, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable. I just thought it would be fun, a change of scenery you know?”
Honestly Ventis’ face couldn’t get redder, head straight into the gutter, wondering how this happened and what the ever loving fuck was he going to do. Was this how the kids did it now? Is he really that out of touch?
“I know you have your duty and all that but it’s not like we would be technically going outside the territory! I mean I think so, I’ve only been in mine a few times and the other times it was Madam Pings’, but it seems safe!”
...what? Finally coming down from one of the most emotional wind tunnels of his long life, he realizes that you might actually NOT be talking about him going inside ‘your teapot’.
“ Ah, I knew this was a bad idea and now I’ve ruined everything, oh jeez, maybe I should go..” Nope, nu-uh, no way was he going to let that happen, let alone simply watch you cry. Quickly he moved in front of you, removing your hands that were previously either pulling at hair or rubbing an eye.
“No, no, nonnono. Hey it’s okay! Hey, hun let’s take a moment and breath, yeah?” Both of you benefit from it and finally you’re able to look at him again.
“Ah, I’m sorry..” You couldn’t help but feel bad, but he scoffs and raises a hand to boop your forehead.
“Psh! Nope, none of that” Which releases a tiny giggle and wavy smile from you. Ventis’ face going from a waytoocute pout to a smile, give your hands a squeeze.
“Now then!” He pulls a hand of yours forward, straightening your posture as it had fallen in your despair. A full grin spread on the bards face, his whole body just about ready to spring into action.
“Now that you are no long distraught,
Shall you grace me with passage to your precious teapot?”
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