#just a shame bones is the one who absolutely doesnt believe in curses etc
buddieboos · 2 years
I'm rewatching bones for the nostalgia but I'm also subscribed to the castle buddie au fic by @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (which, im so impressed with how you married the two stories while still making it its own thing) and im trying to figure out if a similar route would be possible so heres what I've got so far:
older brother who vanished
Older sibling who they lost touch with at a young age but become close to once they return again later in life
neglected by parents
Visited lots of different places on a journey of self discovery
built a found family around themselves
extremely open about sexual history
Generally takes scenarios at face value
Knows a lot of cool facts and will share them at inopportune moments
afraid of being left behind
Cool nickname bc their given name is extremely boring
Catholic upbringing
Shares a son with a woman who separated from him
War vet
Unhealthy coping mechanism developed as response to war-related trauma (gambling / fight club)
Toxic masculinity upbringing (eddie has been way more successful at deconstructing this)
needs to take the first step in bringing romance into the relationship (this is a headcanon of mine to be fair)
Invoking the others given name in situations of high emotions
Knows how to read a room and will guide the other on when not to ramble or spout facts
They've got each others backs for real for real utter trust and connection
Including digging the other out of the ground like oh my god
Obvi Bobby is the director but WHAT IF athena is Camille and instead of being his replacement she becomes head of security
Hen as Angela who is most in tune with everyone's emotions. Dr by proxy through her wife the rocket scientist. Comedy potential if Karen is the person she married in a wack semi legal ceremony while drunk on her holidays. This could make for a v cool subplot where they need to divorce for whatever reason but that means she needs to find Karen first and then maybe the judge pulls a what happens in Vegas move (took me a while to realise i watched that film more for cameron diaz than ashton kutcher oh well) to force them to work it out and stay married. THINKING THOUGHTS
Chimney as Hodgins for the comedic relief and absolute conspiracy nut
Maddie as Russell I guess???? We'll need to take some license, she can just be maddie tbh
Ravi, Lucy, and jonah as the rotating interns
PS @clusterbuck thought this might be of interest to you as well
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