#just an endless cavern of need and then so disgusted with my need lol
itspileofgoodthings · 2 years
i want to get to a place where I can rest easily in my choices and my knowledge and my skin and I feel so close but I am 100% not there yet
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letaliabane · 7 years
Tipping Point (Care For Series)
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Pair: Thorin Oakenshield x Healer!Reader (a pretty short one too lol)
Genre: Arguing, Angst (still lots), Fluff (eventually)
Warning: This is a long ass chapter
Prompts: You remind me of starlight … Your lonely. Doesn’t that bother you? +  I didn’t realise I meant so much to you + You could have told me you felt like this.
A/N: Once again Thorin has screwed up! With the ounce of friendship that flourished within Beorn’s cottage now withered, will Thorin grow to appreciate Y/N? Will Lake Town act as a catalyst on their relationship or will the Dragon Sickness consume the King under the mountain and destroy everything they’ve worked for?
After that night, I did not pursue Thorin. I knew that I would never be up to his standards and that if we did have some sort of fling, it never would’ve lasted. 
I kept my distance as much as possible, mostly through ignoring him or communicating with him at all, which was mostly easy due to the fact there were bars between us, but also beneficial on his part. If they weren’t there, I would’ve strangled him by now.
Every once in a while the elf guards would allow Balin to treat the after affects of the spell that Thranduil had cast over me, giving him a porcelain bowl of warm water to cool the fevers that gripped my body at random times.
I knew there could’ve been worse side affects from the elf King’s spells, and though he was a dear friend, Thranduil still could be a royal pain in the back side. Literally.
As Balin wiped at my neck gently, I couldn’t help but whimper, his fingertips running gently through my hair in a comforting manner, ‘I’m sorry dear, but this will help.’
‘I know Balin, I just feel so sleepy, yet it hurts so much,’ I mumbled under my breath, fighting to keep my eyes open. At this, he continued his ministrations, massaging my head, ‘Rest young one, you deserve it more than anyone.’ 
At his words, I couldn’t help but allow my eyes to fall shut, feeling the swipe of the silk across my forehead and neck once more before I entered a cavern of endless dreams.
Thorin watched from his cell helplessly as the young girl whimpered, pulling away from the elder dwarf’s helping hand, and he couldn’t help but feel even guiltier than ever before. 
‘Balin?’ The dwarf turned towards Thorin silently at this. ‘How is she?’
‘She’ll live, but I doubt she’ll want to come within ten feet of you now.’
‘Thats not what I-’
‘I know Thorin, but you need to know that your behaviour was disgraceful. You should be ashamed of yourself.’ Thorin’s stomached dropped at the words that left Balin, never had he thought that his elder would talk to him in such away. Before he could even respond, Balin turned his back on the leader of the company, leaving Y/N’s cell and trotting towards his own with an elf guard at his heel.
Thorin slumped against the wall, sliding down slowly as his eyes came to stare down at his hands that he realised were shaking uncontrollaly as he became lost in thought, his heart beat speratic. 
Secretly throughout the journey, Thorin had watched Y/N when she was occupied by the other dwarves, how she opened her heart to these strangers, the way she smiled at Dwalin’s exaggerated tales, captivated by her spirit. 
By observing her, her entire being illustrated a story of sorts. One of a broken girl stitched back together, who built herself on a crumpled foundation only to be renewed as a strong, brave woman that was nothing but a shadow of the original.
She had given so much up for his people, caring for his men, even to a further extent that he himself did. He treated them like soldiers, thundering orders into them one by one.
But he realised now, from watching her, that that was not all there was to being a leader. It meant about giving up the good things given to an individual and making sure that those around you were the first in to get best pick.
In other words, he needed to pay more attention to the little things, especially the emotions of his company. They weren’t going to be his perfect ideal soldiers, but even so, he knows now that he has to treat them as equals.
As he leant his head against the cell wall, his eyes moving to the young woman now sleeping soundlessly, he realised how idiotic he had been for trying to maintain his pride over the fact that there was a woman in amongst his company and keep her in the role that society saw fit best for all women.
He could only hope, once out of the cell, he would be able to hopefully create that bridge between them again.
I look around at all the cells, watching all the dwarves, dressed in only their tunics, looking in disdain and hopelessness as Ori whimpered softly, ‘Were never going reach the mountain now …’
I sigh at this, only to turn at the joyous sound of jingling keys, ‘Not stuck in here you’re not!’ I smile broadly at the sight of Bilbo, Balin crying out in relief, tears evident in his eyes, the others who also cheering on only to be hushed by the hobbit, ‘Do you all want to be caught again?! Hush up!’
Once unlocking Thorin’s cell, he turned to me sending him a small smile as he entered my own, hugging me tightly as I sighed in relief, ‘I knew you would come back, I just knew it!’
‘I couldn’t leave my best friend behind now could I? We will continue this later-’ He cried heartily before running off to see to unlocking the other cells.
The rest of it all was a blur, only to end up barreling down Mirkwood’s great ravines as the Elves pursued us, tumbling and fighting all at once when suddenly, Orcs troops ambushed the elven soldiers. While halting the elves pursuit and taking them out, they broke out into smaller groups that also continued their pursuit of us. You could say that many wanted to us dead.
I hung onto Nori’s barrel tightly, screaming out as the Orcs attacked, shooting arrows and tossing their weapons which some of the dwarfs caught, attacking back, many of the others having to duck in their barrels.
I looked upwards to see that there was a dip of water coming up in the river as well as a rock, and instantly I knew that it wouldn’t be possible to avoid  and could possibly send not only myself, but Nori to his death.
Placing my feet firmly into the rocky bed of the lake and with a great heave, I pushed off the barrel, sending Nori safely into the others as I was dragged under the current with a scream.
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I flailed, losing my footing from the lake floor as I was dragged into deeper waters, my eyes widening as I fought towards the surface, gasping as I broke through once more, struggling to keep afloat.
Kili looked around at the sound of my screaming, his eyes widened as he cried out to me, many also turning as I was dragged back deep into the murky depths.
It was almost as if I was in some kind of void, the water wrapping me in its arms, the silence drumming against my ears like a soothing lullaby. I allowed my eyes to open slowly and watch as the lights twinkled above me a million dazzling stars. And suddenly, I found myself smiling almost, my sight becoming dazed and almost dream like as I stared up into the bright lights. 
I began to feel my body become heavier and heavier as time went by, my sight rippling and the light blinding me more than ever. And I knew that my body was giving into the fight that I knew I could never win.
The only solution would lead to the only possible option, death. I was so consumed in my deafening thoughts that I didn’t take in the crying out of my name or the splashing of water.
Faintly I felt a strong arm wrap around my waist strongly and firmly, dragging me like a rag doll through the waters before we broke through the surface yet again.
I gasped as I was hit with precious fresh air, coughing and spluttering as I felt someone rubbing my back. I looked up in shock to find Fili, his eyes widened in horror. ‘Are you all right?’ He said under his breath as I gasped softly for breath, nodding to him as he let out a great sigh of relief.
The young dwarf brought me into his chest, holding me tightly to him as he rubbed my back. I couldn’t help my cling to him, hiding my face in the crook of his neck as I whimpered softly, allowing him to hum against my ear, ‘Shh, its okay your safe now.’
The echo of our names against the wind caught my attention, looking up to see the other dwarves along the riverbank, drenched and watching fearfully at the sight of me, almost lifelessly in Fili’s arms.
He held me steadily as he brought us to the shore, gripping me tightly as we finally dragged ourselves up the rocky path, my legs feeling like sacks of flour by this point.
However both of us were almost knocked off of our feet as Thorin came crashing through the company, pushing Fili aside and placing his hands on my shoulders firmly. As I looked up into his eyes, all I could witness was distress as he looked across my body for injuries, ‘Are you all right? Are you hurt?’
And then it all came back. The hatred, the anger, the disgust. 
‘I’m fine Thorin,’ I spat, shoving his hands off of me. I pushed past him roughly, settling myself down on an abandoned boulder where Oin ran to my side almost instantaneously, examining me carefully.
I allowed him to do so, my breathing becoming steady as the dwarfs looked between each other while I sat in utter silence. I could feel Thorin’s gaze glued to me, the undeniable sound of his boots crunching against the earth as he made his way over, but again I ignored him.
Oin sighed, patting my shoulders gently, ‘You must be careful Y/N. You could’ve gotten a concussion or worse! And we wouldn’t want that happening now would we?’
‘Why not Oin? Its not like many of you would’ve cared anyway,’ I mumbled carelessly as I stared at the river, many of the dwarves heads turning at this in horror. Thorin’s eyes widened in surprise at my words, while Oin just sighed, squeezing my hand gently. 
Just as he went to speak, I gasped as I sighted a bowman, pointing a large arrow straight at Ori’s head who now sat as still as a statue in fear, ‘Move, and your dead.’
‘WAIT!’ I call out, raising my arms up as I slowly step towards the man, any sign of drowsiness or fatigue gone. At the sight of me, the bowman faltered his grip on his bow slackening, only to firmly pull at it once more, making me freeze as he aimed at me, but I continued, ‘We mean no harm to you, as you see, we have no weapons.’
At this, he finally poised his bow down and away from us, allowing me to finally sigh in relief as he climbed down the rocks and made his way towards me, ‘Who are you? And why are you all in this region of the forest?’
‘My name is Y/N Y/L/N, and this is the company of Thorin Oakenshield, and-’
‘We are simple merchants from the Blue Mountains journeying to see our kin in the Iron Hills,’ Balin cut across from me, standing before me as he addressed the bowman. I rolled my eyes, running a hand across my face. 
This will go down well.
‘Simple merchants, you say?’ The man said as he started away from us towards his barge not too far away. The rest of us hobbled behind, Balin still addressing him, ‘Yes! And I can indeed tell that you will be needing the money from the look of those boots and coat! No doubt you have some hungry mouths to feed. How many bairns?’
‘A boy and two girls.’
‘And your wife, I’d imagine she’s a beauty.’
The bowman looked up at this, freezing his actions of pushing the now empty barrels onto his barge, ‘Aye. She was.’ 
At this Balin’s smile fades and I can’t help but facepalm myself, groaning internally. ‘I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-’
‘Oh, come on, come on, enough with the niceties,’ I turn, rather in an annoyed mood, towards Dwalin who drawled on into Thorin’s ear, but instantly drew back at my expression, watching as I shook my head in disgust at him. 
The bowman looked up at this, ‘What’s your hurry?’
‘We need food, supplies, weapons urgently. Can you help us?’
I turn back to witness the man as he inspects the barrels carefully, muttering under his breath, ‘I know for a fact where these barrels came from, and that you aren’t what you say you are.’ 
We all stiffened at this. 
‘I don’t know what business you had with the elves, but I don’t think it ended well. No one enters but by leave of the Master of Lake town will see you in irons before risking the wrath of King Thranduil.’
At this I see the dwarves become uneasy and I stepped forward, ‘Sir please, we only ask this as it is the utmost of importance. I’ll wager there are ways to enter that town unseen.’ 
The man turns to me at this, ‘Yes indeed.’
‘Then take us, take us and show us the way-’ Suddenly he grabs my wrist, the dwarves stepping forward at this, but I ignored them, allowing the bowman to do so, pulling me close to him. 
He muttered dangerously in a low voice, his words for my ears alone, ‘Why do you ask me of such a thing. You who are human and know the costs of how our lives mean so little to these other races! Do you know what could happen to my family? To me? They have no one BUT me!’ 
I sigh at this, looking into his eyes that showed only trepidation and fear. In that moment I grabbed his hand, squeezing it. He froze at my touch, looking towards our hands before looking up at me as I spoke to him gently. 
‘I know, I know the risks your taking and the fear that dwells at your heart everyday. I lost my family to the same fear. But I ask you for this one favour, the dwarves need this chance. All I can say is that if you do this, they will be able revert their troubles and build anew, that is all. And I am sure, you would ask the same, if you were given another chance at life, to have your family whole again.’
He stares down at me, and with a sigh, pulls away, ‘Fine. Hurry all of you.’ 
At this I nod towards him with a smile, turning back to help Fili assist Kili who now mewled in pain as he limped over, lifting his arm over my shoulder quickly to also help him onto the barge. I swiftly ignored Thorin as he followed on behind me.
With Bard promising our safe passage into Lake Town, meant a step closer to Erebor.
I looked out to the open waters, ignoring the soft bickering of the other dwarfs who continued to question the loyalty of the bowman. I had never felt at peace like this moment, it was the best feeling, nothing but pure serenity. So similiar to that in the pinnacle of life and death, where I had felt the calmest I had ever felt in my life-
‘How did you end up with a crowd like them?’
I couldn’t help but chuckle at Bard’s question, thanking him for the thick blanket he had placed around shoulders with a gentle smile. When I realised he was leaning on the rail beside me, waiting for an answer, I chuckled.
‘I ask myself that almost everyday since I met them,’ I say in return, pulling the blanket closer around me, ‘I guess since Gandalf the Grey requested me to come along, I couldn’t help but feel like it was something I had to do. Especially after what happened to my own family …’
My voice trailed off as I thought of them, the people who I had dedicated my life to looking after for so long, only to lose them before my very eyes. It felt like that the old me was someone from another lifetime, someone who even if I strived my entire life to be again, will never happen again. 
‘And yet you look lonely and almost outcasted amongst these dwarves …’
I couldn’t stop myself from sighing at Bard’s words. Yes, I couldn’t feel more grateful to be in the company of another human being. Since Gandalf left, I felt like I had been reduced to a minority within the company once again.
‘You remind me of starlight … Your lonely. Doesn’t that bother you?’ At this I couldn’t help but look away towards the rippling waters that followed on behind the barge, curling up further into myself. 
He couldn’t be more right. Because it downright did bother me.
‘I guess so. For so long I have never fit in, everywhere I’ve gone I’ve never been able to find my place, and I guess I never will, which is something that I have accepted,’ I explained softly, trying to hide the waver in my voice as I turned back to him, ‘What about you?’ 
‘Well I have three children. They are my life.’ I smiled at this, remembering his words about being a single father since his wife had died. I could only pray for blessings upon his family.
‘That’s wonderful thing! Not many men these days are loyal to their families, let alone their wives,’ He chuckled at my words, looking back up at me as I spoke once, ‘They are blessed to have a father like you in their lives, so strong to continue fighting for what you want most. Keep doing that, that is the best job, no matter what others will say.’
Bard grabbed my hand at this, ‘Thank you for that, it really it means a lot. Having someone else who can understand me in my situation is not a situation I come by very often in Lake Town.’
‘Well what do you expect from the race of men?’ At this he cackled with laughter, and I couldn’t help but join in. This caught the attention of a particular dwarf, who gripped the edge of a barrel, turning away with splinters in his palms.
I smiled as Bard’s children embraced their father lovingly, holding them close to him with a small smile of relief of his own. They looked up at the sight of me and the some of the dwarves, the two girls gasping at the sight of us, the eldest flabbergasted as she sighted the rest of the dwarves arising from the toilet below deck, ‘Da…why are there dwarves climbing out of our toilet?’
‘Will they bring us luck?’ The youngest giggles and I couldn’t help but laugh, especially when Nori appeared with leaves sticking to his beard. 
Soon, the dwarves, Bilbo and I were wrapped in thick blankets, the eldest daughter, Sigrid, boiling broth and handing it out to us with the help of the youngest, Tilda, who ran over to each dwarf with a smile and a bowl of the hot broth. 
I walk over to the eldest who stands at the sink, ready to make more broth and turns to me at this, ‘Is there anything I could assist with?’ 
She smiles at this, but shakes her head, ‘No miss, if you like you could take a seat by the fire and get warm.’ I nod at this, but stay by her side, watching as she worked. 
I looked around and watched as Bard’s son, Bain, assisted with handing out blankets, speaking with his father, and Tilda running about making sure all the dwarves had broth and were all warming up by the fire. I smiled at this, ‘You and your family seem very close.’ 
‘Oh yes, ever since Mother died we’ve become closer. Tilda doesn’t remember what happened, but the bond between my brother, father and I has really strengthened,’ I nod at Sigrid’s words as she turned to me, ‘What about your family? Are you close?’
I gave her a sad smile, ‘My family were killed a long time ago. But it was also the same as your family, just my parents, my two younger siblings, my brother and sister, and just me, the eldest,’ She froze in her actions. ‘I’m so sorry-’
‘Oh please don’t be. They live on within me, as I know your Mother does too inside of you, watching over you and your family.’ The girl however sighed at this sadly, ‘How do you know that?’
I chuckle, ‘I said the same thing to a wise man, however he said to me that the ones we love never really leave us. But instead they’ll remain by our side until it is our time to fall asleep, and when that time comes, then we will be reunited.’ Sigrid smiled at this, nodding at my words when suddenly there was an outburst from the dwarves as Bard reveals a couple of hand-made weapons. 
The dwarves look at them in shock, then pick up the weapons and look at them in disgust, Gloin crying out, ‘We paid you for weapons. Iron-forged swords and axes! It’s a joke!’ 
‘Why not take what’s been offered and go? I’ve made do with less and so have you. I say we leave now,’ Balin said quickly, looking to Thorin. And I couldn’t help but step in and also speak, ‘Balin is right! We must be grateful for is being given to us! Bard and his family have already put their lives on the line enough for us, what else could you want?!’ 
Thorin turned slowly to me at this, the first time he or I had looked into each others eyes thoroughky since I had been thrown in the river, ‘Please understand Thorin! Does more blood need to be spilt?! I know what your fighting for, I really do, and I know you want what you lost back-’
‘And what do you know about loss?!’ Thorin finally yells at me. He was being screamed at from every corner, and he had had enough. I froze at his words before stepping towards him, standing my grown, ‘Do you really want us to go through this again Thorin?!’
‘You lost your family! I understand that! But you can rebuild your life anytime you want instead of being a crybaby like you have been during this whole journey! Why don’t you do that with Bard here I’m sure he’ll be happy to take you as his wife and rebuild his family!’ I was flabbergasted at his words, falling silent as his blows hit me hard, even Bard had come to my side, livid, ‘How dare you!’
Thorin just chuckled darkly at this, ‘What? You don’t think I saw how cosy you two were on the barge?’ 
The dwarves had fallen silent, Balin looking away in shame, even Dwalin tugged on his best friend’s arm firmly, ‘That’s going a little below the belt don’t you think Thorin-’
‘We lost our home all those years ago, our land-’ Thorin cried across Dwalin, getting in my face, even when I stood my ground, almost nose to nose with me, ‘You will never understand how much of a burden that is to carry-’
‘No Thorin! it’s you! You who doesn’t understand!’ I screamed back in his face, the blanket that had been wrapped around me falling to the floor. 
‘You never have! I lost my entire life that night when the orcs came to my village, when they captured me and committed the most degrading sins upon me! You never will understand the pain of wanting to die everyday! To end the miserable life I was living! You lost a kingdom, yes, but YOU could rebuild like you did for that period of time. I COULDN’T AND NEVER WILL BE ABLE TO DO THAT! I can’t have another mother! Another father or the same siblings EVER AGAIN … I thought you of all people would’ve understood that when you lost your father at Moria!’ 
His expression fell at my words, watching as tears sprung within my eyes, even the dwarves’s own faces became crestfallen as they listened to the words that left my mouth as my voice cracked. 
‘And that is why you and I have never seen eye to eye! You misinterpret everything! All because of what?! Your pride?! Your jealousy?!’ 
‘Y/N,’ Thorin went to grab my arm, but I knocked his hand away, ‘Don’t you dare touch me. Until you realise your arrogance is the only weapon holding you back from being the great leader yourr kin need, don’t even come near me.’
I retreated finally, Bilbo at my side instantly as silence fell over the company. I sat by the fire as muttering went about between Dwalin and Balin who faced Thorin now, and when he did, I swiftly wiped the tears that cascaded from my eyes. Bilbo came to my side silently, gripping my hand gently, ‘Are you okay?’
‘No. No I’m not,’ I said pointedly, ‘I never belonged here Bilbo. I knew it from the day I stepped out of my door. I don’t even know why I’ve even bothered staying here for so long!’
‘Your not the only one,’ He muttered, sitting beside me now as I stared into the flickering flames that danced around in the fireplace, ‘But you know what I think every time the dwarves are being idiots?’
I turn at this with a smile, leaning to listen, ‘They don’t have a home to call their own. But we do. Thats what they’re missing, and I know that their arrogance gets in the way of understanding everyone else’s problems,’ I could only smirk at this, ‘That to be honest, without you or me, or the other level headed dwarves, most of them wouldn’t have lasted this long!’ 
I looked up towards the company at this who had begun to converse softly amongst themselves, Bard had disappeared, but in this moment I just looked at all the dwarves each individually, my eyes lingering on one another before finally it hit me. 
Bilbo was right. The company of dwarves wouldn’t have lasted this long all the way to Lake town without either of us, and the journey would’ve ended long before this moment. I turned to the hobbit who smiled up at me, taking his hand in mine, ‘Lets not tell them, otherwise it’ll definitely go to their heads.’ 
He chuckled at this, both of us turning at the call of our names from Dwalin who made his way over, ‘Misfits, were leaving. We won’t find better outside the city armory. All iron-forged weapons are held there under lock and key.’ 
I sighed at his words, wishing that the company could be more considerate at the least, Dwalin noticing this instantly, ‘Unless both of you would rather stay here?’ 
I looked up at this once more, but this time with a smirk. ‘Not a chance Dwalin. You’re gonna need some extra hands anyhow,’ He smiled at my words, Bilbo hiding his laughter as I winked at him before following the great dwarf. 
Every time we have peace, it is always ruined by something! This time we found ourselves forced into the central square of Lake Town, having been caught for sneaking into the armoury for weapons to take on the journey to the Mountain. 
I was roughly shoved forward by the head guard, Braga, who held me by the collar of my tunic, fighting against his grip as we were brought forward to the Master of Lake Town, and what a sad sight he was. He almost resembled the Goblin King in a way. ‘What is the meaning of this?’ 
‘We caught ‘em stealing weapons, sire, enemies of the state they are,’ Braga drawled on behind me, pushing me forward, ‘As well as this woman, mostly likely an escort, if you ask me.’ 
At this I elbowed him in the gut, forcing him to the ground as many cried out in the crowd at my actions as I simply pushed away the hair from my face, ‘That warrior and apprentice to Gandalf the Grey to you, idiot.’
I looked up towards the Master as Dwalin cried out, ‘We are the dwarves of Erebor! And this is no common criminal, this is Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror! The King of Erebor!’
The crowd gasped as Thorin stepped forward, recognizing him most probably because many knew his father, as he too spoke to the crowds, ‘We have come to reclaim our homeland. I remember this town and the great days of old of this down. I would see those days returned. I would relight the great forges of the dwarves and send wealth and riches flowing once more from the halls of Erebor!’
The people cheered and clapped enthusiastically, the Master looking on at Thorin’s words, calculating, when suddenly a monobrowed man stepped out from the shadows, all dressed in black, calling out to Thorin, ‘Why should we take you at your word, eh?  We know nothing about you. Who here can vouch for your character?’ 
I look to the other dwarves at this, knowing that the people will still not take their word, so I stepped forward, ‘Me. I’ll vouch for him.’ 
This time it's the dwarves' turn to mutter amongst themselves, the chatter amongst the people also buzzing at the sight of a human talking on behalf of a dwarf. Thorin turned at this, his eyes wide with shock as he took in my form as I stood beside him, staring up at the ugly man and Master, ‘You?!’ 
‘Yes, me! I have traveled far with these dwarves through great danger for many months now. Against trolls, goblins and many other dangerous creatures, but most importantly I know, that if Thorin Oakenshield gives his word, then he will keep it.’
‘I didn’t ask you wench,’ He cried, gripping my wrist, only to be grabbed by the neck by Thorin who snarled in his face, ‘You will not lay a finger on her!’ The little man whimpered at this, crying out, ‘Okay, okay! Just let me go!’ 
Thorin tossed him away almost lazily, and I couldn’t help but smirk as he crawled up the stair in fear away from the dwarf, as he spoke once more, ‘I speak to the Master of the men of the Lake. Will you see the prophecy fulfilled? Will you share in the great wealth of our people?’
With a dark smirk, the man chuckled, ‘I say unto you…welcome! Welcome and thrice welcome, King under the Mountain!’
I smiled as I watched the dwarves crowd around the table with Bard’s children, eating the small foods the daughters had put together, chattering away to one another, excitement unable to be hidden as they knew they would return to their mountain in just a couple of hours. 
I turn back to the landscape, making my way down the stairs of Bard’s house towards the pier, two blankets wrapped around me as I finally reached the overlook of the great lake that stretched as far as the eye could see, staring up at the mountain of Erebor, overshadowed by the moonlight.
‘Beautiful isn’t it?’ I turned at this to find Thorin, he too wrapped in two thick blankets, smiling up at his home, and I couldn’t help doing the same, ‘It is quite a spectacle, no wonder its a beauty.’
He chuckled, also leaning against the railing and staring up at his home, ‘So close and yet so far away.’
‘But think of how far you’ve come, you’ve battled through so many different creatures now, exchanged greetings to other species, been trapped in a prison for three days, there’s so much to tell when its time to share the legend of the great King Thorin who led his company into battle against the great dragon Smaug and retook his Kingdom!’
Thorin laughed lightly, shaking his head, ‘And I will not forget the Hobbit and human who risked their lives to keep this company alive.’ 
‘Well I wouldn’t say that but-’
‘You have Y/N,’ At this I looked up as Thorin turned his body, his attention only on me, ‘I know that I have been a jerk these last few months-’
‘You’ve once again noticed that a little late,’ I muttered and he chuckled darkly, ‘I know and it was stupid of me. But you … you are something else entirely Y/N Y/L/N.’ 
I turn towards him as well, fear gnawing at me, ‘What are you trying to say Thorin?’
‘What I’m trying to say is that … I-I care for you Y/N,’ My eyes widened at his words, silent as he continued, ‘You have been more of a lifeline to this company than I have been a leader. You as an individual, a warrior, a healer, a friend, have done so much, even Dwalin’s softened up to you.’
I scoffed at this shaking my head, only to look up at him once more, ‘I didn’t realise I meant so much to you-’
‘Of course you do! You always have!’ Thorin cried, grabbing my arms gently, almost hesitantly, but became relaxed when I didn’t shrug him off, ‘I have-admired you so much from the day I found out your story. Maybe even before that-’
‘Why didn’t you tell me Thorin?! You could have told me you felt like this!’ I cried, tears springing to my eyes as I recalled the night we shared together in Beorn’s house, that tiny moment that I had hoped would spark something but was shattered by Thorin’s arrogance in the forest of Mirkwood. I shook my head again, ‘Why did you treat me so badly then-’
‘I was scared Y/N!’ He whimpered, almost like an injured animal, and this forced me to look up at him again, ‘Thats why! I was scared and I didn’t know how to tell you! Every time I saw you with … another man or showing your kindness to others I wanted that to be me! I know its sound stupid but I wanted you all to myself. Your kindness and generosity is endless, something I have never seen from just one person who has gone through so much trauma.’ 
I stared up at him at this, chuckling to myself lightly, ‘And all this time … I thought you despised me.’ At this he shook his head, gripping my arms tighter, ‘No, anything but that.’
I glanced down at our hands as he took them in his own, looking into my eyes deeply as he said, ‘I want you to be mine, once the mountain is reclaimed.’ 
Again, my eyes widen at his words, and he chuckles lightly, ‘I know its a mad question to ask, after all I’ve put you through. But will you stay, at least for a while, to see if what we have can last?’ 
I had never felt this protected since Gandalf had found me in the woods, dying, at death’s door just waiting to be pulled into the everlasting darkness. Tears fell down my cheeks as I pushed myself closer to Thorin’s warmth, tucking my face into his neck. Thorin smiled as he stared down at me, hushing the whimpers that left me, running his hand gently through my hair as he placed a small kiss to my forehead. 
I squeezed his hands, almost speechless at his words, but with a sigh I looked up at him, nodding lightly, ‘Yes, I think I can give that a try.’ And then, to my surprise, the brightest smile bestowed the King’s lips, making me too, smile once more. He pulled me close to him, wrapping his arms around me. I couldn't help but gasp. 
I woke up early next morning in Bard’s house with a braid tucked just behind my ear, hidden behind the rest of my curtain of hair. Perhaps, just maybe, Gandalf had indeed saved me for a better things that life had to offer. 
Will Thorin and Y/N be able to be together? Or will the dragon sickness be the beginning of the end of the relationship everybody has been waiting for? The fate of Y/N and Thorin will be revealed after November 26th
A/N: OMG I’m so sorry for not posting for so long. I’ve had practice exams happening for the past two weeks so I had to put everything on pause and just study. These exams are really important and I hope you all can understand. Real exams are in three weeks so I hope you can wait until November 26th for this story to continue. Thank you for the support so far, love you all and I will see you then.Take care of yourselves x
Or if your so needy for more, read the rest of the original series ——-> NEXT (Care for the Company - the original trilogy) or Care for Series or Masterlist
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