#just because it was known that she wanted more kids BUT she literally suggested Fuyumi and was not so keen on the idea of Natsuo and Shouto
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logicalbookthief · 3 years
Things Left Unsaid -- An Analysis of Rei & Touya
Apparently Rei has been getting a lot of flack lately, all of it undeserved, and since I had a post analyzing her relationship with Touya in the works already, I figured no time like the present.
Disclaimer #1: There are a lot of issues with the writing for Rei’s character that have nothing to do with her and everything to do with how the storyline is using her, which I will address and examine.
Disclaimer #2: I’m someone who, while always curious as to what kind of relationship Rei had with her oldest son before he died, never thought it would be revealed that Touya was close to his mom. I don’t think you get the Dabi we see in Chapters 290-295 without him being so warped by his relationship with his father yet so dependent on his attention that he was willing to kill his brother and himself simply for his father’s acknowledgement.
But that’s what I find so interesting about Rei and Touya -- it’s a relationship that mainly consists of regrets and things left unsaid. There isn’t the anger or resentment Dabi feels for Endeavor, because that intense level of emotion sprung from the loss of the father who used to be his whole world. His feelings toward his mother seem more amicable, but also more distant.
And while she could’ve done some things differently in regards to her oldest, I want to make it clear that the distance between them was very much by design.
After all, Touya was the end goal of their marriage. It was never any secret as to why Enji wanted to marry her and to some extent Rei must’ve realized that this child was not meant to be hers: the child was the transaction, the thing she was needed to create, to give to her husband. Of course she loved Touya and was likely his primary caregiver for most of his life, but there was no doubt that once his quirk manifested and he could begin his hero training, his life would be dominated by his father. Which is what happened.
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Here, I would like to point out something I noticed in the flashback chapters. We never see any panels of Enji alone with any of his children during their infancy -- even with Shouto, the perfect child he longed for, we see Rei holding Shouto, sitting by him as he sleeps. Enji is there tangentially. Once Shouto begins his training, that is when we see him with his father.
So to see Enji with Touya when he was a baby, prior to his quirk manifesting, strikes me as a big deal. But it makes sense if you remember that he’d placed all his hopes, dreams and expectations on his firstborn. Initially, it doesn’t look like he even considered the possibility that Touya wouldn’t be his successor or that his little eugenics experiment would fail; this was his first, most optimistic attempt at a masterpiece. So I don’t believe it’s far-fetched to see him spend more time with Touya right off the bat (it’s what will make the eventual abandonment all the more crushing).
However, Rei isn’t seen at all in the snippet of Touya’s infancy, despite us knowing she was relegated to the caregiver role. Rei is literally out of the picture. Compare this to how she features prominently in Shouto’s infancy or how we see her holding a baby Natsuo. You could argue that, hey, we don’t see her holding a baby Fuyumi either, but there’s other scenes where Fuyumi’s attached to her mother’s hip or crying over her being hurt. Things that suggest a closeness, when the only scene we get of just her and Touya is one where they’re at odds. 
As we move further into Touya’s childhood, though, Rei becomes the only voice we hear advocate for him against his father. I’m referencing two specific instances:
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When Enji coerces her into having more children to replace Touya now that his father has deemed him a failure, something she knows will hurt their son deeply.
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And after Touya lashes out at Shouto, which Rei doesn’t blame on Touya, but rather on his father. She delivers such a satisfying condemnation of his actions, probably the most cutting one Endvr’s received to date, and it so accurately sums up one of his major character flaws.
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How can you call yourself a hero when you can’t even face your own son?
The tragedy of it all is that Rei never said any of this in front of Touya -- it was always said in private, just to her husband. That alone took courage, yes, but it would’ve meant everything to Touya to hear her condemn his father aloud. Instead when she does speak to him, she says this:
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It’s why I can’t wrap my head around that scene in Ch 302, where after Enji admits he didn’t know what to say to Touya, Rei replies, “Neither did I.” 
When we’re shown in flashbacks during that same chapter that she did understand her son. “He just wants to be acknowledged by you” is quite the indication that she, at the very least, understood the cause of Touya’s turmoil even if she couldn’t fully relate to it herself. So why can’t she say any of this to him?
The answer is in the way she addresses Touya, as it is nearly identical to how Nao addresses Tenko in this scene:
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Both Touya and Tenko grew up in similar households: the father had all the power, physical and financial, so the mothers were left to try and comfort their children in a way that didn’t go against their husbands’ desires -- and so, to use Tenko’s own words, they would “reject them with kindness.”
So it’s no wonder that Touya lashes out at his mother after she suggests he pursue other things. He isn’t five like Tenko was, he’s thirteen and has a much clearer understanding of why she says this and why it’s a bit hypocritical, since he’s aware of her situation, too.
Just as she was bound by her family, who wanted her to marry Endvr for the money and status, he’s bound by the expectations of his family. I’m not sure if I’ve seen anyone else touch on this detail, but when Touya states that he knows his grandparents sold his mom into marriage so his dad could have a child, we could infer that Touya knows enough to realize that his mother might not have necessarily wanted him.
Not him specifically, but any child — the story has neglected to flesh her out beyond her marriage and motherhood, so we have no idea if Rei wanted to become a mother prior to this arrangement, despite how much she loves her kids now — although it is possible that he might’ve internalized it this way.
So you have Touya, who at least knows with certainty that his father wanted him to exist, yet he comes to understand that his father only wants him if he can meet a specific set of expectations, and if he cannot, he’ll be discarded. If he can’t surpass All Might, he can’t fulfill his reason for existing and his father will have to replace him. So to have his mother urge him to follow a path other than becoming a hero would mean, to Touya, accepting that he is the mistake he fears he is. Of course he isn’t going to respond well to that.
I don’t like when people try to compare Touya’s reaction in this moment to Shouto’s when Rei tells him he isn’t bound by his father’s blood, using that to paint Shouto as the “good” child and Touya as the “bad” one. They didn’t react differently because of any innate sense of goodness or lack thereof -- they reacted differently because the situations are different.
Telling Shouto that he didn’t have to be like his father comforted Shouto, who only knew his father as the bully who hurt his mom. He associated his father, and his father’s fire, with all of that fear and pain -- and thus, he associated the part of himself that took after his father with those feelings. She wasn’t denying his dream of becoming a hero, only assuring him that when he became a hero it could be whatever kind of hero he chose to be, that he wasn’t doomed to be like his father.
Whereas what she tells Touya sounds a lot like what his father told him, which was to give up on being a hero and pursue other aspirations.
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Encouraging Shouto to become his own version of a hero still falls in line with what Endvr ultimately wants, which is for Shouto to be a hero capable of surpassing All Might. Whereas this is what happens when Touya continues to train to do that against his father’s wishes:
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This is where the framing begins to bother me and where Rei’s characterization becomes inconsistent. 
So in this scene from Ch 302, we see Enji abusing his wife for “letting” Touya continue to train, punishing her for her “failure” to stop him. Obviously, none of that is Rei’s fault. If anything, Enji would be more responsible for preventing Touya from hurting himself since he’s the reason his son is hurting himself in the first place.
Moreover, the fact that he hits Rei over this sort of muddies the water of an previously-established narrative. Since the Sports Festival arc, we’ve known that Endvr abused his wife because she tried to interfere with Shouto’s training. It got to the point where she was terrified of her husband and it drove her to a breakdown. Why introduce this new aspect to the abuse, when it was already established that a) he was physically abusive and b) his motivations for abusing her were explicit to the audience? 
I’m not saying it doesn’t make sense that a man who hits his wife for one reason could find another reason to do it and justify his actions to himself. And while the scene does portray Endvr in a bad light to show how wrong his actions are, literally draping his figure in shadow, why does it even dare to suggest the idea that Rei was remiss in her duties as a mother? Again, the scene isn’t even necessary, since the narrative has long-since showed the audience that Enji abused his wife. 
By itself, the scene would read as further exploration of how Rei was victimized and how it affected her children. When you look at it with the chapter as a whole, though? Remember, this is the chapter where Rei claims that all of the family shares the blame in what happened to Touya, displacing some of the blame that rightfully rests on Enji. 
But my major gripe with this scene is how it reframes the sole moment we get of Rei and Touya alone. Because we know that Rei understands Touya, based on her confrontations with her husband in Ch 301 & 302. Rather than encourage him to be what he wants or acknowledge that his father is in the wrong, however, her advice falls in line with what Enji wants -- to stop Touya from training. And this comes after a scene where we see Enji beat his wife when she doesn’t stop Touya from training.
With all that in mind, it could potentially be read as Rei trying stop Touya for the sake of protecting herself and the family -- I don’t think it’s coincidence that in the scene where he hits her that we see Shouto, Fuyumi & Natsuo all as witnesses who are very distressed by what’s happening to their mother -- at the cost of Touya’s need to be validated. And if executed well or at least better than it has here, that wouldn’t be a bad choice of narrative per se, and it would fit into the pattern where the households the villains were raised in -- notably Shigaraki, Dabi & Toga -- mimic the society they live in, just on a smaller scale.
Except. Does that sort of narrative make sense based on what we already know about Rei?
Certainly, it is natural to want to protect yourself under physical and/or emotional duress by appeasing your abuser. This sort of complicated dynamic appears in the Shimura family, too. Just like in the house that Kotaro built, the Todoroki family revolves around the desires of the abuser and is dictated by his whims.
I would argue that Nao does give us a well-written example of this narrative. From the beginning, it’s established that she loves Tenko dearly. But in the house her husband built, there’s no room to love her son as he deserves. She prioritizes the feelings of Tenko’s father for the sake of maintaining peace in the household and this is established quickly and plainly.
Early on in the flashback, Kotaro exerts his control over the house, while Nao + her parents look uncomfortable. Despite this, we watch as they comply with his rules, all at the expense of Tenko’s feelings. When she stands up to Kotaro at last, it is not where Tenko can see and already too late. It’s a painful story, full of regret and sadness, but it is consistent from start to end. Nobody feels out-of-character or there to prop up anybody else.
So why doesn’t Rei feel as consistent in this narrative?
Because it doesn’t fit with everything we knew about Rei prior to her abuser’s subpar redemption arc.
The way she interacts with Touya would make sense, if this was how she was portrayed from the start. However, her behavior in Shouto’s flashback -- where she was first introduced -- contrasts what we get in the later Todoroki flashbacks.
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Let’s compare this to the scenes in Ch 302. Here, Rei interferes on Shouto’s behalf. She advocates for her son in front of Shouto where he can hear. She stands up to his bully/villain and tries to protect him, while also validating his feelings in the process. Directly after this, Enji hits her, not for failing to comply with his demands, but for defying him. 
It is difficult to reconcile this Rei with the Rei we get in Ch 302. And if you try to find an in-story reason for the inconsistency, the options either do a disservice to Rei or make things even more painful for Touya. But I’m sure most of you have realized that I’m going to suggest a reason for this inconsistency that goes beyond the canon.
Because when Rei was first introduced in the story, Endvr was unequivocally the villain in the Todoroki family, not some misguided patriarch trying to atone for his “past” mistakes. Years later and in the midst of his redemption arc, the narrative seems to be intent on making this man more palatable to readers, and it’s used Rei at every opportunity to prop up his efforts to be better. Often, though, it takes some of the heat off Enji by displacing it onto other family members, most significantly Rei & Touya.
Like, you can literally see the difference in the frame from early in the manga to now:
Ch 39: Endvr trains his five-year-old to the point where he’s throwing up due overextension and being punched by a fully grown adult who is also his father. Rei tries to protect her son and gets slapped by Endvr. All the blames rests squarely on Endvr, who is clearly the aggressor and painted as the villain here.
Ch 302: Endvr hits Rei for not preventing Touya from sneaking out to train, knocking her to the ground. Again, Endvr is clearly the aggressor, but oh this time it’s not driven solely by his selfish desires it’s also cocnern for his son; Rei is the victim but oh she also should have been watching him more closely, and oh well why was Touya going out in the first place, when everyone has told him to stop and he knows his mom will get punished for it?
Honestly, I can understand where some people have mixed feelings over Rei’s character, particularly since the writing has done her such a disservice recently. With that being said, however, it takes a minimum amount of critical thinking to recognize that while you can criticize some choices she made, you cannot hold her to the same standard of accountability as Enji, it’s absurd. The power imbalance was obviously tipped in Endvr’s favor, always.
It is a shame, too, that we can’t have more discussions that don’t turn into some readers (a lot of whom are attempting to make Endvr sound less horrible than he actually was) trying to demonize her. It’s doubly a shame the story itself doesn’t bother to flesh her out as a person, instead using her as a prop, because the complex relationships she has with Touya -- with all her children, really -- has plenty of room for exploration. 
Like, there was no reason to add this new dimension of resentment due to her spouting Enji’s words back at Touya, when there was already a source of tension supported by previous canon -- the neglect the Todoroki kids suffered because Rei couldn’t be the parent they needed, due to her declining mental health and eventual breakdown.
Or, if you want to complicate their dynamic further, why not add something that focuses on Rei and has nothing to do with Enji? We learn in the flashbacks that Rei agreed to the marriage more-or-less to please her family, lamenting that she “intended to smile through it to the end,” essentially admitting that her hope was she could grin and bear it. It is telling that she had this attitude before entering her marriage; evidently, she was raised with the idea that she should be acquiescent to her parents’ whims and not express herself if she was only going to be contrary. Maybe she didn’t know how to deal with Touya’s very expressive, very emotional outbursts as a result. And her inability to respond would be the exact opposite of what Touya was seeking.
Not to mention that Touya died, and for the last decade, Rei was under the impression she had lost her son forever. He died while she was hospitalized, torn up with guilt over what she did to Shouto, only to find out that her other son died in a frankly horrific manner, and she could do nothing. By the time she would’ve found out, it was too late to even try to do anything. I can’t imagine what she must’ve felt in terms of regret alone, plus her grief. And I’m still mad we were robbed of her reaction to Touya being alive, because now suddenly there is a chance to do something, to change what was once written in stone.
Or what about Touya’s feelings for his mother, that have yet to be given much depth? As the oldest and most aware of his existence, it seems like he was the first to truly understand his mother’s situation and I can’t help but wonder: If Touya knew he vessel for his father’s ambition, and his mother was sold into role of creating/caring for him, did he question her love for him? Once he found out one parent’s love was conditional, it wouldn’t be a leap for him to consider it for the other. And yet if that’s true, Dabi doesn’t appear to hold any ill-will towards her for that. He was angry at her hypocrisy, because he knows she should understand, but her words to him didn’t reflect that.
All of that is fascinating and so much better than what we got in canon, so far at least. I’m hoping for them interact in the present at least once before the end of the series, and I think they will, but as to how satisfying a reconciliation it’ll be, I guess we’ll have to wait to see how the Todoroki plotline progresses from here on out.
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hopes4gf · 4 years
Wings of Fire (A MHA Fanfic): The Charge
After my date with Katsuki, we meet several times afterwards in the classroom at lunch. To joke, to kiss, to cuddle, to listen to music, we pretty much do everything now. Until, the internships start.
"Kid, you good?" Hawks asks as I space out while we walk down the streets.
"Yeah, just thinking. I'm kinda nervous if you ask me. I've never seen a hero have so many fans besides All Might," I admit.
"Me too. I've never had someone takes so many pictures of me, it's odd," Tokoyami, my interning partner says shyly.
"Aw come on, you two were so confident fighting each other at the sports festival, I wanna see that fire in you again. In Aki's case, more literally," Hawks says.
I roll my eyes at his reference to my quirk.
"I know a good place we can stop by to make you loosen up," Hawks says.
Hawks flies ahead of us, heading towards our destination. Me and Tokoyami share a glance and follow him.
We end up on the rooftop of a restaurant blasting bachata.
"Of course you'd pick a latin restaurant," I say, rolling my eyes.
"What? Did you forget that you're Puerto Rican too?" Hawks suggests.
"You're Puerto Rican too?" I ask.
"Duh, you think your father would tolerate my ass if I didn't speak Spanish? Quien tu crees que soy? (who do you think i am?)" He says cooly.
"Whatever, bird brain," I say rolling my eyes.
"I've never had latin food before," Tokoyami says.
Me and Hawk's eyes widen.
"I know exactly what to get then," Hawks says with a soft smile.
"Arroz con pollo and tostones? (chicken and rice with tostones?)" I ask.
"With a couple pasteles," Hawks says.
"Mmm, sounds like Christmas," I say.
"I haven't had a Puerto Rican Christmas dinner in years. I usually get KFC," Hawks says.
"Of course you do, chicken is your favorite food," I scoff.
"Looks like you're learning a bit more about me. Makes sense since you're my assistant intern- mesera! (waitress!) " Hawks says, before calling our waitress.
The three of us chat about our culture, detailing it to Tokoyami.
"Anyways, the first day of training starts after this dinner. We have a modeling gig at 5 and an interview at 6:30," Hawks says.
"Modeling?" Me and Tokoyami ask.
"I'm a model, you chickens. Hero work isn't my only job, and with looks like mine, breaking your face open is something I'd like for you both to avoid. You both are hot shit for first years," Hawks explains.
Me and Tokoyami both blush as he compliments us.
"What are we modeling exactly?" I ask.
"It's gonna be a major magazine issue shoot. You two are both hot shot quirk users, so we're gonna be everywhere," Hawks says.
"But we're interns," Tokoyami says.
"Yeah, but you're my interns. And the world is thirsty for a scoop on my hot agency since I'm quite selective with who I choose," Hawks adds.
I raise and brow and chuckle to myself.
"I'm just your sister's sibling, what makes me so special?" I ask.
"You're Endeavor's daughter, you're powerful, you're rich, your name is well-known because of the sports festival, you have two quirks, and you're hot," Hawks details.
"I don't think you should be calling your girlfriend's sister hot," I chuckle.
"I'm being honest," Hawks says.
"What about me?" Tokoyami asks.
"On the other hand, you are more mysterious and agile, private and closed off. You only open up on the battlefield. Mystery is a powerful to reel in people. You have unlimited power on top of your quirk that way. And you're also hot," Hawks says.
"It makes sense. It's a balance between two people, one who is more known in one certain way, and the other known who is less known but known in another way," Tokoyami says.
"Exactly. My job is to show you how to open up not only to how much power you possess by having one side of the story but how to open up to your quirks. and how to manipulate them with what people know about you. To expect the unexpected," Hawks explains.
Before he can continue, a bunch of food is set in our table, it's delicious scents coating the air in gusto.
"Damn, that smells delicious," I say.
"You're both gonna eat all this food?" Tokoyami asks.
"We're latinos," We both say.
Me and Hawks both dig in to the food in front of us. We all eat a little of everything until more than half of it is gone.
"You sure didn't lie when you said it was good," Tokoyami says.
"I haven't been this full in ages," I say.
"What do they do at your house, make you starve?" Hawks asks.
"Honestly, I wish Fuyumi would cook more foods from our culture. I mean I would if she'd let me," I comment.
"Maybe when you invite your boyfriend over," Hawks suggests.
I put down my fork and blush softly. I grit my teeth and smack his arm. he winces, his wings curling behind him.
"Shut up about my boyfriend," I say.
"Oh? So he's your boyfriend now?" Hawks asks with wide eyes.
"You have a boyfriend at UA?" Tokoyami asks.
I immediately feel my face turn even hotter.
"Y-yes?" I say shyly.
"Damn, pop off then," Hawks says, taking a sip of his drink.
"I'm assuming it's Bakugo," Tokoyami thinks.
I turn to him with wide eyes.
"What? How the hell do you know?" I ask.
"You're always flirting with him in class through your little arguments," Tokoyami says.
My jaw drops to the floor and Hawks starts laughing.
"Calmate (calm down), we were just joking. Besides, you're clearly a new couple so we won't be too much into your business. Well, while at work at least," Hawks says.
I slap his arm again at what he's suggesting and huff. For the relationship we have, it's still kinda odd that he's so protective of me.
Later, we head out and head towards Hawks agency. We are familiarly greeted by our co-workers as we walk through. We head towards one of the studio spaces and see people with a bunch of cameras and lighting, as well as a rack of clothing.
"You're late, bird boy," A familiar hero says.
In front of us stands the current number 6, Miruko, another hero that works closely with my father.
"I just flew in, Miruko. Cut me some slack, will you," Hawks says, striding towards the rabbit hero.
Miruko turns to see us and she recognizes me.
"Aki, right? Loved your performance at the Sports Festival, your dad must be proud," Miruko says.
"I wouldn't say he's too proud," I add.
"Oh please, I would be proud even after you survived that crazy explosion kid, baby carrot," Miruko says, patting my head.
"Who happens to be her boyfriend," Hawks blurts out.
I turn to Hawks with wide eyes, recalling what we just talked about.
"Want me to kick him for you?" Miruko asks.
"Please," I say through gritted teeth.
Miruko kicks him hardly with her famous legs in his side. Hawks grits his teeth to hide the pain.
"And who do we have here?" Miruko asks, noticing Tokoyami.
"This is Tokoyami, my partner and classmate," I say.
"Hello," Tokoyami says shyly.
"Thank god you're the opposite of what the other bird brain is. Don't worry about anything today, all you have to do is wear a suit and look hot for the camera," Miruko says.
"What do you mean by the opposite of-" Hawks starts.
Miruko kicks him again.
"Anyways, Aki can come with me since she has a lot more options to go through," Miruko says, taking my hand.
I follow her to a dressing room, where there is a rack full of different black gowns.
"Alright, I want you to go through all of these and see what you like, and then we'll go from there," Miruko says.
Immediately, my body gravitates towards the rack, I toss the distasteful designer dresses behind me. I pull three dresses.
"You like?" I ask, flaunting the three options.
"Damn, you know what you want, don't you? I like that," Miruko compliments.
I smile softly and Miruko leaves me alone to strip and try on the first dress. I walk out and Miruko smiles as she sees me.
"You look cute," Miruko says.
"I don't want to look cute. I wanna look older," I say sternly.
"Okay, I'm assuming the dress is a little too lose then," Miruko says.
"I'm trying to piss off my dad, since I already have by joining this damn agency. You know, just to stir the pot a little," I say with a smirk.
I walk back into the room and change into the second dress.
The dress is tight but not very flattering due to the way it flares out. I pop my head out of the door.
"This ones a no," I tell her.
"Damn, okay," Miruko says.
I go back in and change into the last dress.
I walk out of the room looking like a goddess.
"Damn, you look like a girl who just killed her own husband," Miruko says, admiring my figure.
"Alright, what's next?" I ask.
"Hair and makeup," Miruko says, leading me towards the department.
Miruko walks me over and sits me down in the chair. A team of people start to touch my face and hair, applying different kinds of product. I hum along to the music playing in the background that consists of a lot of 2000's RnB.
"So, baby carrot, how'd you get hooked up with Hawks?" Miruko asks.
"He's my sister's boyfriend," I say.
"Damn, he has a girlfriend already? He only broke up with me a month ago," Miruko says.
My eyes widen. This is Hawks' ex? And they're friends?
"Now, that's a shocker. Thanks for the info," I say with a smirk.
"You gonna blackmail him or something?" Miruko asks.
"Nah, just in case," I say.
"Well, if you need any help, I've got the details," Miruko adds.
I chuckle softly at her sudden interest in me blackmailing Hawks.
"He cares about you a lot already, I can tell," Miruko says.
"As an intern?" I ask.
"No, as someone he trusts. Frankly, your sister hasn't been spoken of much in this agency, all we've heard from the Todoroki's is about you and your father," Miruko says.
I raise a brow. Me?
"What are you implying?" I ask.
"This might be a stretch since you already have a boyfriend but, be careful around him. On the surface, he seems like a total womanizer who can snatch every woman in your family, but that's only because he has lots of secrets," Miruko says.
I smirk at the word "secrets" and she smiles.
"I can tell you're the type to uncover peoples secrets for yourself," Miruko says.
"It's an interest of mine since my family is so vague with their history," I say, rolling my eyes.
"Well guess what, he is too. But he's more on the protective side since he's a hero. He befriends you and then milks information out of you. You're not the type to do that, are you?" Miruko asks.
"No, I go with a practical approach. A slow burn if you will," I say.
"Fitting since you have flame quirk. personally, that's my favorite kind of manipulation. He's gonna be persistent with you when with you at work and when you're at home, trying to ask you about all these different things. What I'm saying is, he needs to calm his feathers, and if you want to protect yourself and give your sister the kind of relationship she deserves, the less he knows, the more he'll turn away from you and switch his sights to her," Miruko says.
"And why is this important?" I ask.
"So he can open up and give you any blackmail you need. Even him asking a single question can be useful if he strays away from her," Miruko says.
"You planning on using that tactic one day?" I ask.
"Sure, when the right girl to target comes around, he is one of my best friends, so I'm always keeping track of his dating life," Miruko says.
The stylists, finish up on me and I stand up from the chair. I walk into the main stage and feel Miruko eyes still on me.
The right target...she's probably talking about me. I'm assuming she wants me to work for her on the DL to collect blackmail to make him pay for their breakup. Ah, jealousy. The killer of all relationships. I brush the thought off immediately, I don't have time for that, I just got a new boyfriend, a new job, and so far I have my eyes peeled on Hawks to see if he does anything out of order that could hurt my sister.
When I step out onto the stage, Hawks and Tokoyami are getting their touch-ups done. They meet my glance and their eyes widen.
"Damn..." They both say at once.
I flip my hair over my shoulder and smile.
"You look so different," Tokoyami says, turning away to blush.
"You look so sexy, I might even say it's a bit too much," Hawks says, walking towards me nervously.
"That's the point, you idiots. I'm trying to piss off my dad by looking older than I am," I say.
"Ah, so you're trying to impress your dad?" Hawks asks.
"He thinks I'm not capable of holding my own ground. So this shoot and interview will prove him wrong," I say with a smirk.
Hawks smiles and pats my shoulder.
The three of us walk onto the main stage and take pictures in various poses. Some solo, some with me and Tokoyami some of me and Hawks and some as the trio. We got too the cameras and flip through the options. I stare at all of them, trying to decide which ones would make Dad and Shoto grit their teeth the hardest.
The three of us agree between the pictures and we head downstairs for our interview.
In mine, I give surface details of what my famous hero family is like and what mark I intend to leave in the agency, which is...to impress.
The next week after our shoot, the magazine is released with the cover we chose. Hawks didn't lie when he said it'd be everywhere. When I get to school, I spot many students with the issue.
"Love the dress, Aki!"
"You look so hot, Aki!" Students shout from across the hall.
"You some sort of celebrity now or something for being in that agency?" Shoto asks.
I pull the magazine out from my bag. I hand it to Shoto and he stares at the cover with wide eyes.
"That's you?" He asks.
"Clear as day. And if you flip to page 24, my interview is there," I say proudly.
"You look like a model," Shoto says.
"Because Hawks is also a model, not just a hero. I found that out yesterday over dinner," I add.
"You had dinner with him too?" Shoto asks.
I nod and take the issue back.
"Do you know how livid Dad is gonna be when he sees that?" Shoto reminds me.
"Yeah," I nod.
"Oh, so this was on purpose?" Shoto asks.
"You and him both agree that I can't be anything without him, but guess whose face is all over the city and whose name is coming out of every households mouth?" I ask.
"Yours," Shoto mutters.
"Right, and all he's doing is drilling you about your fire quirk and how weak you are, meanwhile Hawks is telling me exactly what I needed to hear all these years with Dad. To me, Hawks is more of a man then our father could ever be, and I know Dad would agree himself," I say honestly.
"Have you worked on your quirk at all though?" Shoto asks.
"He's been helping me and Tokoyami strengthen and develop special attacks. For example, my boomerang shards," I say.
Shoto sighs and we both continue to our classroom. As we walk in, I spot several of our classmates with the magazine issue. I walk towards my seat and my classmates acknowledge me.
"You looked really pretty, Aki," Uraraka compliments.
"Thank you," I say.
"I see you're not the only one whose modeling," Momo says.
"I heard about your commercial gig from Sho, congratulations!" I say with a smile.
"Thank you, I hope we can do a joint shoot with Hawks's agency one day," Momo says.
"I'll let him know. I'm his interning assistant, so I manage all of his accounts," I comment.
"That's convenient," Momo says with a giggle.
"She looks so sexy!" Mineta says, drooling over the magazine.
"It's almost like the real thing," Kaminari says beside him.
Me and Momo both roll our eyes.
Bakugo walks over with his own issue and smacks them both over the head.
"Fucking pervs," He growls.
They both scutter back in fright. He peeks a glance towards me and I wink in his direction. He smirks back at me.
"By the way, what's up with you and him? " Momo asks.
I debate in my head whether or not I should tell her about Katsuki. I lower her ear to my mouth and whisper,
"He's my new boyfriend."
Momo 's eyes widen and she smiles widely.
"I knew it! I knew you liked him. When are you gonna tell the others?" Momo asks.
"Not sure," I say.
We both head to our seats as the bell rings. Me and Momo continue our conversation even when Aizawa-sensei enters.
"You went on a date with him?" She whispers lowly.
I nod.
"How did you-"
"Ladies in the back, care to share to the class what you're talking about that seems so important?" Aizawa asks, calling us out.
Momo and I tense up.
"Since midterms are coming up, I was telling her...that I was planning a study session at my house for it. And that I would need her help since she's another student with a high GPA," Momo makes up.
"Thanks, Momo," Sero says with a smile.
"That would help a lot," Tsu says.
"Fine, there's only a week until exams. You're all prepared right?"Aizawa asks.
"yes!" We all say.
"That's all then," Aizawa says, returning to his sleeping bag.
"In that case, I have to tell mother to open up the hall! What kind of tea are you all partial to? Of course you can trust me to help you all study!" Momo says, running along with the idea.
Looks like I'm helping her plan a study party.
"Her bounciness is so cute, I really don't care," Mina says in awe of her excitement.
"I was hoping me and you could study together at my place," Katsuki whispers in my ear.
"With you, I wouldn't get much studying done at all," I scoff.
"I mean we're both already pretty smart, so why not?" Katsuki asks.
"As much as I'd love to help you 'study', she's my best friend, I have to support her," I say.
Katsuki's smile fades and he tsks.
"But maybe at lunch I could...make it up to you," I say seductively.
Katsuki turns back to face me with wide eyes.
"I'm kidding, you nasty bitch," I say in my regular tone.
"Shut up, dumbass," Katsuki says, starting to blush as usual.
I giggle softly at his antics.
Later at lunch, I realize that I'm the first one to show up.
I start to munch on my chips and wait for Katsuki. Soon, he shows up with boxes of pocky in his hand.
"Hey, babe," Katsuki says.
"Hi," I say sweetly, leaving a kiss on his lips.
"I got snacks," Katsuki says, putting down the boxes of pocky.
"Good, I'll save them for Mmo's study party," I say.
"You really going to that?" Katsuki says, staring down at me.
"Of course, you and I both know that being alone in a room together is dangerous," I say.
Katsuki wraps his arm around my waist, pulling my closer to him.
"You cheeky girl," Katsuki nods.
I giggle softly at his remarks.
Katsuki turns and grabs and package of pocky.
"Are you gonna do what I think you are?" I ask him as he opens the package.
"You said you'd make it up to me, and my mom always taught me that food is the best way to a woman's heart," Katsuki says.
"You mean your crazy old mother that you complain on and on about?" I ask jokingly.
"Whatever," Katsuki says, sticking a pocky stick between his teeth.
I stick the other half in my mouth and stare a him.
We both laugh at our eye contact.
"Stop moving," Katsuki says, starting to bite down the stick.
I also start biting down the stick, our lips coming closer and closer as we both taste the chocolate flavor.
Before our lips meet the stick snaps in half and the door opens.
We both turn quickly and see Kirishima at the door with Mina behind him. The four of us stare at each other dumbfoundedly.
"Uh-are we interrupting something?" Kirishima asks.
Me and Katsuki step away from each other and blush softly.
"You idiot, they're obviously making out, look at all these boxes of pocky," Mina scoffs.
"What? No!" Me and Katsuki say at once.
"Um, we saw Bakugo come in here and we wanted to check on him...but I guess he's fine," Kirishima says nervously.
"We're gonna go," Mina says pulling Kirishima back, they close the door and we can hear them laughing in the hallway.
"Damn it," Katsuki scoffs.
I place my hand on his shoulder to cool him down.
"It's okay. You don't have to explain anything, but if you're comfortable, I'll say something to them tonight at Momo's," I suggest.
"Me and Kiri are studying together," Katsuki mutters.
"Then you tell him p[ersonally, he'll understand since you two are close," I suggest.
"Fuck. Why now? Damn idiots," Katsuki growls under his breath.
"Hey, we'll figure it out. Besides, a couple people know already," I blurt out.
My eyes widen I realize what I've said.
"Who knows?" Katsuki asks me in a serious tone.
"My siblings. Momo. Tokoyami. My boss slash sister's boyfriend and now two of our best friends," I say.
"What the hell, Aki? Even your boss knows?" Katsuki asks.
"He walked in our call that one night...well more like flew in," I explain.
"Who've you told?" I ask.
"Just my parents...and All Might," Katsuki says.
"ALL MIGHT? How could you tell him? He knows my father! They're rivals, Katsuki. If my Dad finds out, he'll kill you," I say, panicking.
"Like you said, we'll figure it out! I just can't believe you told so many people about me. It's kinda hot but wrong at the same time," Katsuki says, assuring me.
"I- I wasn't expecting you to say that. I just wanted to-"
"Tell people how good I am to you?" He assumes, finishing my sentence.
"Maybe," I say shyly.
"Then it's fine, just don't lie, dumbass," He says, pecking my cheek as the bell rings.
"Fine," I say, giving in.
"Good luck with the idiots, call me if you need anything," Katsuki says.
"Okay," I say.
We both head out the door and head our separate ways.
I see Mina, Sero, Oijiro, Jiro, Tsu and Kaminari waiting for me at the gate of Momo's manor
"You sure took long," Mina teases.
"Shut up, Mina," I say.
"I knew this girl was rich but I didn't think she was this rich," Sero says.
"yeah," Oijiro agrees.
"You should see my house then," I scoff.
Everyone except Mina stares at me like I have two heads. Mina is about to press the call button before Momo's voice appears.
'I've been waiting for you guys, come on in!"  Momo says, the gate opening slowly.
The group is mesmerized by the gate open and I stride in, not phased by the manor.
"How are you so calm?" Kaminari asks.
"My house is bigger," I say.
"WHAT?" The group says.
"Come on, you idiots," I say.
Momo waits for us at her door and I race up to her.
"Hi, mi amiga (my friend)," I say, kissing her on both cheeks.
"I'm so glad you all came! Come inside, please," Momo says with a smile.
We all head inside and take off our shoes.
"You could eat off the damn floor in this house," Sero says.
"As if your mother would let you pull that shit," I scoff.
"Tienes razon (you have a point)," sero says, continuing to look around.
"Your house is beautiful, Momo," Tsu compliments honestly.
"Thank you! We moved here a couple years ago, before, we used to live near the Todorokis," Momo says.
"You did?" I ask.
"Yeah, now that house goes for 15 million yen," Momo says.
"15 MILLION YEN?!" The group exclaims.
"Did I lie?" I ask them.
They shake their heads 'no' and I chuckle softly.
"Come on, I brewed some tea for you guys in the hall," Momo says.
"How nice, you have a banquet hall. Dad converted ours into his training space, you know, traditional hero fathers," I comment.
"Of course we do! We have important guests over all the time for negotiations, balls, and even my birthday parties," Momo adds.
"You must celebrate one hell of a birthday then," Jiro comments.
"It's usually the same every year," Momo says.
"Then why don't we throw you a birthday party after summer break?" Mina suggests.
Momo's eyes light up at the sound of that.
"Yes! Of course!" Momo says with a smile.
We all sit down at the long table and she brings us our tea. I serve myself a cup and sigh at the taste.
"Oolong, right?" I ask Momo.
"I thought it'd be a good choice," Momo says nervously.
We all start to pull out our books and cover the different topics. English, Algebra, Quirk Studies, Traditional Japanese, everything.
We end at 7 where all of us our wiped out from stressing topics and details.
"You know, Aki, I'm surprised you're even here, since you spend so much time with Kacchan-kun," Kaminari comment.
"Yeah, what's up with you two?" Jiro asks.
"It's obvious they're dating," Mina scoffs.
I blush softly and take a breath.
"We've been seeing each other since the first week of school," I admit.
"You have?" Oijiro asks.
"Yeah, in the abandoned classroom on the second floor," I admit.
"And you just started dating?" Jiro asks.
"Yeah," I say.
"Damn, then you must've held back your emotions for a while, it was so obvious from the first day," Mina admits.
"I agree, it was very obvious," Momo agrees with Mina.
"We tried to keep it on the low before actually committing. At first it was just flirting...but then it got personal. Anyways, I really like him and I don't want this to ruin any of our friendships," I say shyly.
"Aw, of course not! We support you, even if he is a bit brash-" Momo says.
"And rude," Oijiro continues.
"And has a huge ego," Jiro continues.
"And he's really mean," Kaminari finally says.
"Honestly, he's a chill guy," Sero says.
They all stare at him like he's crazy.
"I've hung out with him before. He's got a good music taste, he's smart, he's honest with his opinions, sometimes a little too honest, and he sticks around like any other friends would when your a bit down. He's good in his own way," Sero explains.
"I mean he is the one who invites us over," Kaminari starts to agree.
"Exactly, he's different than what you all think. Just give it time," I say.
"I don't know, his attitude is quite permanent," Tsu reasons.
"Sure, he has that grittiness. It's only because he's protective of his emotions," I explain.
"I can vouch for that," Sero agrees.
"At least with you around, he won't be as...explosive," Mina says, with a pun.
We all laugh at the pun.
"I'm glad you're willing to support me with this," I say with a soft smile.
"Of course, you're one of our best friends. We wouldn't be a group without you," Momo says kindly.
I smile to myself as they continue to converse. I hope Katsuki and Kirishima are doing okay.
Sooner than later, midterms arrive and we take the written exams in class, I remember everything me and Momo studied with the group at her house. At the physical examination, we are paired up with another classmates to face our "villains", which end up being Aizawa and....
"Principal Nezu?!" The class exclaims.
"What's the mole doing here?" I ask.
"I'm one of the examiners for this years exam, considering the circumstances at USJ. We decided to change our tactics instead of the usual robots," Principal Nezu says before we are escorted through the rules.
I'm paired up with Kirishima, another good offensive and defensive user like myself.
Me and Kirishima scour the gym's city-like setting, trying to pick up any sounds or actions from our target.
"You picking up on anything?" Kirishima asks.
"I can hear them through the ground on the other side. So far we don't have anything to fear," I say.
"How can you hear through the ground?" Kirishima asks as I stand upright.
"My dad taught me to subconsciously listen to people's steps. You could hear it's pace, step and direction if you feel and hear the vibrations of the ground. The contact of my ice to the ground helps hear, because ice is made by water, and water contains sound," I explain.
"That's so-"
"Manly?" I ask, finishing his sentence.
"How did you know?" Kirishima asks.
"You say that every two seconds, Kiri. Everytime you do, Katsuki tries to yell at you," I say, explaining my rational.
"You count every time he yells?" Kirishima asks.
"To you, it's about 240. Me it's about 110," I say, recalling the statistics.
"How do you get yelled at less?" Kirishima asks.
"Because I'm his type of tolerable. You're a little more optimistic than I am, so it only makes sense," I explain.
"I guess you're right," Kirishima says shyly, scratching the back of his neck.
"They say if we pass our midterm, there's a training camp we can go to," I recall.
"Everyone's talking about it," Kirishima comments.
"Wouldn't kind of be like a 'summer retreat'?" I ask.
'I guess, I mean it is is a camp in the mountains," Kirishima says.
I hear rumbling underneath my feet. It's pace is a bit slower than Nezu's from what I've seen.
"Heads up, Kiri," I say.
"What?" Kirishima says.
I watch as he is tied in a familiar gray scarf.
"At least one of you has good senses," Aizawa says, his eyes glowing red from his quirk being used.
"Naturally, Aizawa," I say with a smirk.
"You get 4 points just for that alone, good job," Aizawa says.
"It's whatever," I scoff.
Aizawa lets go of Kirishima and he falls to the ground.
"Damn, his grip is strong," Kirishima says.
"Keep your guard up, idiot, or you'll fail," I scoff, hitting him playfully.
"You're starting to sound a bit like Bakugo," Kirishima comments.
"Oh shut up. Let's move on," I say, moving forward.
Suddenly, I hear screaming from inside one of the buildings and I use my ice to push me towards the window where the sound comes from.
"I didn't know you could fly," Kirishima exclaims.
"In a way, I can. Hawks taught me how," I explain.
Kirishima lands behind me and we spot a small girl in a corner with major wounds.
"We have to bring her down," I say.
"Please, no! It hurts and I'm cold," The girl says.
"It's alright, honey. I have a fire quirk too, I'll be like your personal heater," I say, demonstrating my flames to coo the girl.
"That's so cool!" The girl says with wide eyes.
"I know! When I pick you up, the heat will rush through your body instantly and the pain will subside a little, making it easier for me to bring you down, okay?" I explain.
The girl nods and I lightly activate my fire quirk and she nuzzles up to my chest when I pick her up.
"I need to go down and catch my fall," I say to Kirishima.
"What?" Kirishima asks.
"I got my hands full, you can help me out with this," I say.
Kirishima nods and jumps down. I spot him with his arms out and me and the girl fall. We both land in his arms, unharmed.
I keep the girl in my arms.
"You okay?" I ask.
"25 points for sportsmanship, heroism, confidence, and strategy," The girl says to me.
"Thank you, honey," I say softly.
I put the girl down and she glares at Kirishima. He stares up at me nervously.
"Rescue is very important, strong man. 5 points for helping her out and taking orders," The girl yells.
"You're both done, you can head back to the entrance now," The girl says, starting to walk away.
I laugh at Kirishima's confused expression after being yelled at by a minor.
"That wasn't very manly!" Kirishima exclaims, starting to blush.
Me and Kirishima start to walk back to the entrance and we spot Bakugo and Midoriya together, Bakugo's explosions filling the air.
"That's one manly man, huh?" Kirishima asks me.
"He's my boyfriend, no shit," I scoff.
Kirishima smiles at my response.
"He seems a lot more focused since your date. It's like he's more driven than ever, you know?" Kirishima comments.
"It's because he's got me in his corner," I explain.
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ice-cream-nekogirl · 5 years
Amy Martinez (Character Sheet TV Tropes Style) K-O
Kick The Dog: Several times…
When she and Midoriya fought each other over how he handled the debacle with Overhaul, he attempted to apologize to her and give her an All-Might figure as a gift (Shinsou’s suggestion), but she rejected the gift and crushed it with her telekinesis.
Much like with Midoriya, Aizawa attempts to appease Amy when she’s upset with him for not taking her in after her parents died when he and the other pro-heroes could have, by apologizing and buying her a cat plushie, but Amy tells him it’s too late, denounces it as garbage and incinerates it with her pyrokinesis.
At the Christmas party, after Eri ate her cookie not knowing it was hers, an incensed Amy pretends to call Santa on her to not give her any presents.
Amy also wrote everyone angry letters (not knowing she wasn’t supposed to send them) and she simply wrote for Eri to “Get out.”  
As stated, Amy wrote angry letters to most of her classmates, but ended up accidentally sending them as her classmates end up reading her actual, cruel opinions of them and she later says them word-for-word which made Iida,Yaoyorozu and Ojiro cry:
Calls Uraraka a ‘basic bitch’.
Tells Kirishima that he’s an idiot if he thinks being manly means anything.
Says that Yaoyorozu is ‘really stupid for the smartest girl in the class’ and is a ‘privileged bubblehead’
Similarly she calls Iida an ‘uptight robot’ and a ‘priveleged rich boy with no real meaningful goal’.
Asks Sero what he’s even doing in the Hero Course because he’s a “fucking human tape dispenser”
Calls Ojiro the “worst one in the class” because he’s “boring”, then insults his hero costume on top of it all.
Really just about anything she and Shinsou do to Ojiro as they relentlessly mock his generic personality by calling him ‘boring’ or steal his things for no reason other than amusement.
When she, Midoriya, Todoroki and Bakugo intern with Endeavor and visit his family at his house, she calls Fuyumi an idiot for being so forgiving towards Endeavor.
Kick The Son Of A Bitch: She always punishes Mineta for his perversion usually in the form of groin attacks, tossing him out the window or using him as an expendable decoy in battle.
She also beats the shit out of Tate Langdon with Shinsou before letting the former be dragged to Hell when together them and Madison free the residents in the Murder House from their purgatory and let their souls move into the afterlife.
Kiddie Kid: She’s a high schooler and yet she tends to act MUCH younger than that as it shows through her fondness for toys and My Little Pony, her excitable attitude and her dislike of work. Iida even frequently tells her that she needs to grow up.
Shinsou straight up says that having Amy as a friend is the same as having a child, one that he and Ashlen constantly look after with him being the ‘dad’ and Ashlen being the ‘mom’. 
Kill It With Water: Her second death at the hands of her ex-boyfriend Damien as he drowned her in a bathtub. Much like above, she gets better as Madison this time revives her.  
Killer Rabbit: Small, cute and for the most part sweet, but Amy can and WILL kill you if you cross her, if you’re lucky, she’ll just curse you or hex you. 
Knife Nut: She’s handy with a knife and clearly gets a high out of using them.
Lack of Empathy: While she IS capable of feeling empathy for others, Amy can also easily show a disturbing lack of empathy for others due to her selfish nature and sense of entitlement as she can easily dismiss other people’s problems and feelings.
Amy: Greenie I’m not some urchin you found on the street I matter.
Lady Swears A Lot: She’s VERY foul-mouthed and has an affinity for F-bombs and other vulgar language. Iida has frequently told her to watch her language, denouncing it as unladylike while she just says “Shut the fuck up” in return.
Lame Comeback: Although she and Shinsou are normally very witty and quick to come up with a smart remark, when they are too angry to come up with anything clever, their insults are... less effective.
Large Ham: She’s super dramatic and almost always at 11, not to mention she loves to dramatic sing songs when she hears anything that even remotely sounds like a lyric to a song she knows.
Laughing Mad: Since she’s not very stable to begin with, Amy has a habit of bursting into laughter at inappropriate times. As she laughs during her fight with Midoriya after he punches her, which greatly unsettles him.
La la la la la da…
All the good girls go to hell…
so what if i’m crazy? (the best people are)
Like Brother and Sister: Her and Shinsou have known each other since they were four years old and have a very close friendship built entirely on trust and unfiltered honesty to the point where it’s almost inappropriate but it nonetheless displays that they only love each other like family and have nothing romantic between them whatsoever as they found out during a so-called date and they realized that while they love each other, the thought of being together repulses them.
Light Feminine, Dark Feminine: Although she’s just as wicked as Madison is, Amy’s definitely a Light Feminine compared to Madison’s Dark Feminine.
However, Amy is the Dark Feminine to Ashlen’s Light Feminine, as well as her other female classmates, especially Ashido, Uraraka and Yaoyorozu.
Light Is Not Good: While Amy wears black like many of her witch sisters, she also is fond of light clothing such as pink and other pastel colors, but she’s not exactly the most heroic girl in the world.
Limp and Livid: When pissed off beyond belief, Amy slouches even more to signify her very fragile stability and fights even more viciously, letting her rage literally take control in battle. 
Little Miss Badass: Ever since she was 11 years old Amy’s enter a world of bloodshed and action and has gotten VERY good with her powers and magic, and only gets stronger as she gets older.
Living Emotional Crutch: She’s one to Shinsou as he broke down hard when she left for New Orleans and fell into a depression. While he managed to pick himself back up he never stopped thinking about Amy, imagined that she was there with him and made her one of his motivations in his goal to become a pro-hero. And he’s absolutely elated when she returns and gains even more drive to fulfill his dream with his friend back to him. And Amy is one of the few people that Shinsou trusts enough to turn to when he’s at his lowest point and his loneliest and Amy is quick to give him all the support and comfort he needs.
And vice-versa when Amy returns, Shinsou is easily the only living being that keeps her from going insane as she thinks about him whenever she’s having a meltdown as he can reason with her before she acts recklessly while at the same time comforting her and reassuring her. It helps that he’s the last piece she has from her childhood that reminds her of a time where things were easy, innocent and fun for her as she thinks fondly of their happier times where nothing other than having fun mattered.  
She’s one to Ashlen as well, who has expressed of fear of not having her best friend in her life anymore to the point of crying and panicking. She even tearfully begs Amy to not leave her alone, because she can’t be without the person she views as her best friend in the world. And vice-versa, Ashlen becomes one to Amy, as she falls right back into insanity and depression when she thinks she’s hurt her and can’t bear to live with herself with that fact knowing that she harmed her. Amy even says that she doesn’t think she’d be able to live in a world without Ashlen, and confesses that she’d probably have gone on another homicidal rampage she’d never come back from without Ashlen in her life. 
Logical Weakness: Amy might seem like the lucky one with her variety of powers, but in actuality having more powers also forces her to utilize more energy depending on the power she’s using and thus leaves her very vulnerable when using too energy to fuel her powers drains her and renders her weaker with nosebleeds and headaches, and she’s even realized that should she overdo it with her telekinesis that she could suffer brain damage.
Love Makes You Evil: Not quite as bad as Toga, but still very present.
The Mad Hatter: Amy goes insane during her time in New Orleans, is well aware that she’s no longer sane by the time she gets to UA, but embraces her insanity as part of who she is and how she’s grown. While it unnerves her friends at first, they wouldn’t have her any other way.
Amy: (laughs) I wouldn’t be nearly as fun if I were sane. All the best people are crazy~.
Manic Pixie Dream Girl: She can sometimes act like this, especially for Ashlen surprisingly enough, as her wild behavior encourages her to loosen up a little bit and find more confidence in herself. 
Manipulative Bitch: Fiona did raise her for a short-time, but boy did she rub off on her. Amy’s learned how to use her appearance and earn sympathy from others while also bending the truth to get people to do what she wants or fall into her traps. Shown during the end of the Culture Festival where she pretends to be remorseful to Aizawa, only to blind him with a potion and begin her rampage. 
Masculine Girl and Feminine Boy: She has this dynamic whenever she’s with Midoriya. Amy might dress and act femininely, but she’s far more ruthless, vulgar and crude compared to the soft-spoken and gentle Midoriya. Although Midoriya isn’t really effeminate, he’s the one who has to keep Amy from acting too rough and aggressive. 
Likewise, while Todoroki and Iida aren’t anymore feminine and masculine in their own ways, they’re much less crude and shameless than Amy is so she’s also the Masculine Girl to their Feminine Boys. 
Meaningful Name: Amy means “beloved” or “worthy of love” which may have to do with her loving nature as despite all of her flaws, Amy loves VERY strongly and her powers are connected to her strong emotions including her capacity to love others as she even states that she wants to become a hero because she believes in love and wants to fight for it. Also, Amy herself is very beloved by several that she is close to such as Shinsou, Ashlen, Bakugo, Madison, Todoroki, Cordelia, and many more.
Martinez is derived from ‘Mars’ which is the Roman name for Ares, the God of War, which MAY allude to Amy’s love for fighting and affinity for violence and chaos.
Her middle name ‘Ophelia’ also means ‘help’ which ultimately refers to her helpful nature as she becomes an ally to the heroes, women, witches and other groups she wants to fight for and support. Also could refer to the character ‘Ophelia’ in Shakespeare’s Hamlet who slowly lost her sanity after her father’s death and Hamlet’s behavior, much like how Amy herself lost her sanity after her parent’s deaths.
Mood Swinger: Can go from cheerfully happy and sweetly smiling to fuming and screaming angrily to bitterly cold and threatening murder to crying miserably and sulking sadly all within the span of a single hour or day.  
Morality Chain: Shinsou is one of the few people she actually treats with equal respect and genuinely cares about enough to stop during a meltdown. Similarly, her coven and her classmates serve as hers as her friendship with them kept her from going over to the villain’s side or returning to New Orleans. Shinsou, Bakugo, Midoriya and Todoroki in particular are some of the only people that she is willing to reason with, likewise, Kaminari, Hagakure, Kouda, Shouji and Aoyama are the only classmates she consistently treats nicely.
Her new best friend Ashlen is one of the few people aside from Shinsou and Todoroki that she is willing to reason with, is always respectful towards her aside from teasing, and the only person who can get her to behave and be nice to her other classmates. And thus far is the only one who’s inspired Amy to treat people around her better as she reflects on her actions after following Ashlen’s example and has learned to be kinder and more respectful.
Morality Pet: She’s one for Madison, as the older, crueler witch will hold back on her meaner impulses when tormenting her classmates, most of the time, for Amy’s sake and will go out of her way to make sure the younger witch is happy. Likewise, she also served as one for Fiona, the former Supreme who treated her like a granddaughter, it didn’t stop her from attempting to murder Amy, but she feels regret for it and still cares for the young witch and watches over her to ensure she is safe and being treated well. Lastly, she’s one for her Ax-Crazy friend Darcy, who became less violent due to Amy’s influence. 
More Deadly Than The Male: Witches are stronger than warlocks, and it shows in that Amy was always stronger than her ex boyfriend Damien. And when she interns with Endeavor alongside Midoriya, Bakugo and Todoroki, the three strongest males of 1-A. Endeavor reluctantly admits to himself that despite being the only female, Amy’s unpredictable temper, array of powers and tendency to fight from a distance makes her the most dangerous of the group.
The Music Meister: Sort of. When she breaks out into song and dance she can get some of her more outgoing friends to sing and dance along with her. Even Shinsou, especially when she starts singing Panic! At The Disco. 
My God What Have I Done?: As she fights Midoriya and gains the upper hand by trapping and grabbing him with her Sentio Compassios form, she’s ready to maim him in her form’s hands but as soon as she sees him crying and pleading with her to stop, Amy finally pauses when she remembers that she protected him first, only to hurt him and as she lets him go she leaves without a word but it’s clear she felt horrible for intending to maim him. And then she feels even more horrible when she stops to see the damage she’s done to UA and all the heroes she’s harmed. Despite claiming to be sick of UA, Amy mostly withdraws from the school because she felt too guilty to return. 
Never My Fault: Would rather shift the blame onto something or someone else even when it’s clearly her fault. Not only that but Amy generally doesn’t take much responsibility for her actions nor is she willing to own up to her mistakes. 
However, this is ultimately subverted as Amy is well aware when things are her fault and DOES apologize for them, it just takes a while for her to admit it due to shame and guilt.
Nice Hat: Just like her sisters, Amy has an affinity for wearing some very nice black hats in the style of witches.
Nice, Mean, and In-Between: Of The Zombie Trio, she is more the “In-Between” to Ashlen’s “Nice” and Shinsou’s “Mean”.
However at times she and Shinsou either switch roles where he becomes “In-Between” and Amy becomes “Mean”, but then they are also capable of both being the “Mean”. Amy and Shinsou are both only “In-Between” whenever they are joined by Madison or Bakugo.
The Nicknamer: Much like Bakugo, but her nicknames are far (most of the time) less insulting as she likes to give everyone nicknames that are usually affectionate and cutesy as she tends to especially use ‘cat’ or ‘bear’ in their
Ashlen: Ash, Ash-bear, Ash-chan
Izuku: Greenie, Zuzu, Deku-bear
Bakugo: Katsu-kitty, Katsu-kun, Kacchan (like Izuku)
Shinsou: Hito, Toshi, Tosh, Toshi-bear, Toshi-cat
Madison: Mads, Maddie
Tsuyu: Tsu, Tsu-tsu, Tsu-kun
Todoroki: Toto, Sho-kun, Sho, Shoto-cake, Shoto-bear
Iida: Ten-ten, Tenya-bear, Four-Eyes
Uraraka: Raka
Hagakure: Toorun, Ruu
Yaoyorozu: Momo-bear
Kaminari: Den-kun, Den-kitty, Denki-bear
Kirishima: Kiri-kat, Kiri
Aoyama: Twinkle-Toes
Ojiro: What’s-Your-Face
Tokoyami: Toko, Toko-bird
Sero: Sero-bear, Han-kun
Ashido: Min-chan, Mina-min
Kouda: Kody, Kouda-bear
Aizawa: ‘Back-hair’
Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant: Due to her love for horror, Amy is more than happy to scare the shit out of her classmates by telling them horrifying stories about death, torture and serial killers. Helps that Amy’s unsettling nature also adds to the horror whenever she makes gestures and adds sound effects to her stories and even shows pictures. 
Nightmare Fetishist: Enjoys horror-based things such as witchcraft, the occult, and also has a fondness for creepy creatures such as tarantulas, snakes and alligators as she coos at how ‘cute’ they are. She’s also ecstatic when she wanders around haunted sites with ghosts and blood-drinkers such as the Murder House, the abandoned Briarcliff Manor and the haunted Hotel Cortez.
No Indoor Voice: Prone to screaming at the top of her lungs when making a point. In fact, she’s the second loudest in the Hero Course behind Bakugo.
No Sense of Personal Space: Amy’s very hands-on and touchy, as she constantly puts her hands on her friends whether it’s on their shoulders, hugging them randomly, holding onto their arms or hands.  
No Social Skills: Downplayed. Amy’s perfectly capable of socializing with people, but doesn’t seem to see an issue with swearing in front of adults and strangers, nor does she see an issue with being overly affectionate and touching, especially shown when she happily greets Inko.
Not Good With Rejection: No... she’s really not. Just ask Midoriya.
The Not Love Interest: She’s one to Shinsou, as his best friend, she is the person he is closest to and serves as one of his motivations, thinks about her every single day, cares and looks after her and is seen with her the most out of anyone. Amy is also quite affectionate to him and Shinsou was her main reason for returning to Japan so she could see him again and rekindle their friendship. They are very comfortable with each other, aren’t against hugging and share almost all of their secrets with each other. Also, Amy is one of the few people who can bring him out of his shell as Shinsou feels very comfortable loosening up around Amy and has no issue looking foolish in front of her. However, Amy and Shinsou have NO romantic interest in each other whatsoever, comically express how disgusted they are by each other and Shinsou’s true love interest in Ashlen, Amy’s best friend who she happily pairs Shinsou with.
Similarly, she’s also one to Madison, as the bitchy witch becomes slowly kinder to Amy’s friends because of her care for the younger witch. Madison also goes out of her way to make sure Amy is happy because she can’t stand to see her sad, even rescues her from All For One and the League of Villains by herself and often consoles her when she is upset. Amy’s overall influence has made Madison something of a better person who has become more considerate of others, but she gets jealous of other people who spend time with her and ‘steal’ her away, despite having no romantic feelings for each other. Helps that they even argue at times like an Old Married Couple.
She can also be one to Ashlen at times, as aside from Shinsou, Amy is one of the most important people in her life, acts as her main emotional support as she allows her to talk about her feelings and vent to about her past whenever she is sad or feeling insecure and Amy becomes one of her newer inspirations as she gradually grows more confident and secure with herself due to her influence. 
Not So Different: She realizes this with the League of Villains, particularly Toga and Twice, who she forms a bond with over feeling outcasted by society and lack of mental stability. She also manages to have a pleasant conversation with Shigaraki when she can relate to him on feeling like one of the ‘losers’ of Hero Society, it’s the reason why he tried to convince her to join his League, while she didn’t reply, she ultimately ends up staying with the heroes because of her friendship with 1-A.
She ends up bonding with Bakugo after they got kidnapped together, where she points out that they’re really not that different from each other because she has a similar goal and mindset which leads them to talking more despite Bakugo trying to claim that they’re ‘night and day’.
Oblivious To Love: Averted. Amy is well aware of who’s crushing on who, or who has feelings for her as she is clearly flattered by Todoroki’s feelings for her and Monoma’s even more obvious crush on her.
Odd Friendship: With many of her classmates but particularly Midoriya,Tsuyu,  Yaoyorozu, Tokoyami and Kouda.
Midoriya was the first friend she made aside from Shinsou, but while he’s a humble and shy nice guy, she’s shameless and arrogant.
Amy took a liking to Tsuyu as they are shown to work together quite well in combat and bond over tastes in aesthetics.
Despite mocking her in the beginning, she grows fond of Yaoyorozu even though they’re starkly different in terms of intelligence, personality and mannerisms.
Amy says that she likes Tokoyami because he’s a ‘boy witch’ and he’s fascinated by witch culture and they seem to get along relatively well despite him being low-key and collected and her being wild and hyper.
Kouda is the quietest student in 1-A while Amy is one of the loudest, but they easily become friends due to their love for animals and cute things.
To Bakugo’s horror, she hits it off with his mother Mitsuki due to their similarly loud, abrasive personalities and annoyance towards him. 
She also becomes quite fond of Natsuo when she’s interning with Endeavor and allows him to open up to her about how much he hates Endeavor while she happily tells him that she hates him too.
When she and Ashlen officially meet, their friendship shows to be quite odd but sweet. Amy’s off the wall with a varying morality, while Ashlen is grounded and is firmly on the side of good. 
Older Than They Look: Amy’s older than classmates such as Midoriya, Iida, Todoroki, Shouji and Ashlen, but acts MUCH younger than they do and certainly looks a bit younger than they do as she frequently gets mistaken for a middle schooler. 
One Woman Army: When Amy is provoked and at her more insane, she becomes too much for even the pro-heroes to handle as she merely pushes them away with very strong telekinesis and keeps them at bay. Even the Big 3, Amajiki, Nejire and Mirio (who was quirkless) are no match for Amy as she effortlessly beats the tar out of them when they try stopping her. However, she’s still clever enough to fight older, experience heroes at a distance but her array of powers and rage (fueling her Sentio Compassios) allows her to overwhelm them and take them by surprise, and with Concilium she’s able to make some of the stronger ones simply go to sleep. 
OOC Is Serious Business: Amy’s almost always upbeat and overzealous while also cracking jokes without a care in the world, but when she’s NOT acting happy-go-lucky or muttering a joke, it becomes clear that something is very wrong with her as her classmates are alarmed when Amy shows any instance of fear or nerves.
Seeing her acting unemotional or stoic is also an indicator that something is wrong with Amy, as Midoriya, Bakugo and Todoroki are each quite shocked upon seeing her so detached and cold during the Internship with Endeavor.
What further contrasts her from Bakugo is that while he drops nicknames and calls people by last name out of respect, Amy instead drops the nicknames whenever she is pissed off beyond reason.
The Ophelia: She was long, wavy dirty blonde hair, often sings at random times while dancing and appears to be out of touch with reality as she puts a positive spin on even the bleakest things. However, it’s played for horror when she goes on a rampage as she lets her hair down, singing all the while she’s causing mayhem.
As a bonus, her middle name is Ophelia, and she was even killed once in a manner very similar to Ophelia as she was drowned by Damien, not unlike how Ophelia died by drowning in a pond. 
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