#just between me and person reading the tags pls vote cecilia <3
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Cecilia Pantoja or Cecilia la Incomparable was a Chilean Tango Rock Jewish musician and one of the earliest and pioneer women rockers from the 60s.
Cecilia broke out as a soloist in the full glory of the New Wave, rising towards the mid-1960s as the biggest youth star of the time, although her style and repertoire did not fully respond to the mold of the movement. Cecilia acquired her own personality with a diverse catalog of songs ascribed to the Latin and European musical tradition.
has won one President of the Republic National Music Award in 2019, and has been dubbed "Queen of the gays and ladies of the night". Her most famous songs are "Baño de mar a medianoche", "Pure de papas" and "Aleluya"
-------------------------------------------- Raul Seixas was a Brazilian Baião Rock singer and composer, pioneer of Brazilian rock as he started his rock career in 1963. For this reason he is known in Brazil as the father of Brazilian rock and roll.
He was also a musical producer for CBS, Raul was a massive skeptic, deeply into agnosticism and philosophy (Metaphysics and Ontology) which is found in his a lot in his works
His most famous songs are "Metamorfose Ambulante", "Gita" and "Eu Nasci Há Dez Mil Anos Atrás" propaganda below;
"Este ícone nacional. Um homem de músicas tão marcantes que mudou a sociedade brasileira, não existe um pai que não seja viciado em Raul Seixas. Se o seu pai não gostar de pelo menos uma música do Rauzito ele está errado!!! Vale lembrar de uma anedota de quando Jimmy Page morou alguns anos no interior da Bahia, vivia como um gringo qualquer numa cidade que quase ninguém conhecia ele, ele tocava de vez em quando numas rodas, e chegaram a pedir para ele tocar Raul Seixas, ele sendo gringo não sabia nenhuma, e o pessoal saiu falando que ele não era bom guitarrista (com razão). Raul Seixas foi grande amigo do Paulo Coelho, inspirou e foi inspirado em várias obras. O homem foi um ícone!"
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