#just can't imagine any of them going all smooth cheesy pickup line
mimicry-if · 2 years
3, 4, and 5 for everyone from the Nell asks please? Thanks!
3. They’re locked out in the rain. What do they do? 
Ellie: probably would have an umbrella ready tbh. big enough to share with one other person if needed. Tarali: she checks the weather enough to have umbrellas whenever it rains heavy, but sometimes she's too annoyed at having an extra weight in her bag, so she takes her chances. Tarali would probably have one of those thin rain coats though, and just deal with the rain. Haesoo: run if there aren't people around, or do a very brisk fast walk if people are around until he finds somewhere/something to cover the rain. doesn't like getting wet because it messes up his hair Angel: wouldn't mind it too much, but probably would walk to somewhere with a roof bc they're an older model and they don't wanna test the impermeability of their skin B2: doesn't go outside very often, and checks weather every morning, so they would also be ready. Hates to get their shoes wet.
the rest are under the cut :)
4. What would their ideal first date be?
Ellie: They wouldn't go on a date with a stranger/someone they'd just met, so under the context that the date mate is someone Ellie knew: They would want to do what the other person liked; it's a way of getting to know the date better. It would be a two day date almost? One day of doing what the other person liked and the next morning texting them, seeing if they offer to do what Ellie liked in change. Tarali: just a nice, cute, short date. Maybe at a cafe or movie? Something they can have a conversation, but not too serious. She wouldn't want to spend too much time with someone she's never seen before, so a date where she can have a little conversation and get a little insight on what they like, their reactions to things, etc. would be ideal. something where there's a set time. Haesoo: I don't think Haesoo would want a labeled first date?? (I guess not in the sense of "hey i just met you/was introduced to you in a romantic context and this is our first time meeting") It's more likely that he would gradually spend more time with the person before he confesses/receives confession. Then he would try to do half of what the other person wants, and half of what he wants (go to botanical garden)
Angel: a walk around the city, preferably in the afternoons/evenings, inching towards night. would go to a bar or two, maybe an arcade or go to areas where there's live music. They enjoy the vibe better at night, and they want to see the other person in an almost fantastical filter.
B2: something more structured, like a dinner date. Similar to Tarali, B2 would want somewhere so they can have a conversation with the other person. Would bring flowers. Would like to be given flowers. Unlike Tarali, would want something less casual. They want confirmation that the person is willing to meet them further. Wants to show off manners, so B2 would walk you home.
5. If they matched with someone on a dating app, what would they use as their opening line? 
(Lore?? but: I'm imagining that dating apps aren't really popular in Mimicry's setting, maybe like a dating consultant would arrange a match if people wanted too?? But if the characters lived in our world it would be:)
Ellie: (like above, I imagine Ellie won't go on a dating app, but if they do, they would thoroughly message the person back and forth for quite a while) "Hey! What does [something on their profile] mean?" Tarali: "How would you describe yourself in three words?" or "Why did you match me?" Haesoo: he would wait for the person who matched him to say something first; if he matched them, then: "When do you want to meet?" Angel: no dating apps just asks for people's numbers off the streets they are a menace (but their pickup line is: you look like someone I'd miss, can I talk to you before it's too late?) B2: wouldn't go on a dating app, under any circumstances.
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