#haesoo shin
queenoftsage · 3 months
I always see these ToP 10 KoReAn AcToRs ThAt ArE sO GrEAt [OmG] on... Fail Tube...
And to be honest, they always fail me. Come the F on peoples. Where are my faves?
Yeah yeah I know. I'm not general audiences. So.... Let's make my own.
Behind this read on, you will find my TOP 10 South Korean Actors of .... Well all time. Including NEWBIES, and Honorable Mentions.
P.S. this list is based on ACTING talent. Yes, most of these men or male presenting peoples I'm about to name may be good looking, but they have the TALENT to keep me entertained. ME, who is very picky for... pretty much anything, especially a whole ass show or movie I'm gonna give hours upon hours of my time to watch. If you can't act, your looks to me are gonna go down the drain. You can't be a bad actor and be good looking, because then I'll be like... yeah... that mofo is on that screen just cause of looks. They have no freakin' talent. GET ME OUTTA HERE. lol.
Ready to hate me cause I didn't include your faves? lol. READ ON, or forever hold your peas and carrots,. and MOVE ON. [aka- don't click 'keep reading'] [Warning: LONG ASS post.]
Park Hae Soo
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Listen.... It took 'Narco Saints' for me to realize that... I do love watching him on screen. I have also seen him in other things, and I honestly have loved his performances.
He manages to hold my attention long enough to acknowledge that... Yeah, I like this guy, he is very good at his craft. Let's go see more stuff with him in it! So that's how I decided he's a fave. lol.
My nickname for him: Mr. Narco Saint.
Kim Jae Wook
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I have seen him in SO MANY series/dramas, and every single time, every SINGLE time, he makes me root for his characters. Yes, even when he's playing evil AF characters. I think high key, he fits the villain characters a little more. I don't know, it's something about his elegant looks that make it easy for him to play villains. His most memorable being in 'VOICE', and in 'DEATH'S GAME'.
ALSO, he has a very special place in my heart. Way back when, Tumblr used to be a fun place for online RP. I had an amazing RP partner that used his beautiful face as an FC for a very fun character. I don't remember his name too much. If I remember it, I'll come back and edit it in, but... still... That particular character was villain-ous. lol
My Nickname For Him: 'That Character's Name!' ... I'll find it...
Park Hyung Sik
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This man is just adorable AF. He's fun to watch in most of the series/dramas he's in, and my favorite performance of his was in the series 'Happiness'. Despite him being a favorite, a lot of the stuff he's in is ... not really a personal favorite, [save for 'Happiness' which I really liked.] but his acting is always a breath of fresh air. Like I said, he's fun to watch on screen, even when the writing is bad. lol
My Nicknames For Him: The Cute One
Yoo Seung Ho
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Just like Park Hyung Sik, this man is adorable and very fun to watch, but sometimes the stuff he's in is... not so great. However, he is great, and I have yet to watch him in Warrior Baek Dong Soo. I hear that was a great performance of his. Honestly, all his performances are great. Also, his eyes are a thing that keeps me glued to the screen. He's just beautiful.
Anyway... Favorite. I always enjoy watching him on screen, even if the stuff he's in has insanely terrible writing.
My Nickname's For Him: Jingoo's Older Brother [yeah Yeo Jin Goo, no they're not related... but still.], Yesung part 2, Orange Blossom.
Yoo Ah In
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Another top performer, and reason why I'll stay and watch something. Despite all that bullshit controversy going on about drugs and this man [I would go off tangent and explain why I don't give a fuck when actresses or actors end up being junkies. That's their choice and their body. It's something they have to fight with.] , I still find it very fulfilling to watch him on screen. He's very very good at what he does, and well... You know he's also very easy on MY EYES. lol
Whatever the case, I thank that lady Song Hye Kyo, for being his friend and sticking with him through thick and thin and helping him out as the friend that she is. I hope he gets the help he needs and is able to come back to acting. I know it won't be unscathed, because South Korean audiences are very harsh on drug accusations [in which they should be harsher on GRAPE accusations, but go figure. They're very ass backwards. I won't get into it. That's all I'm saying.] , but me personally, I'll be waiting patiently for him to return.
Hope to see him in more new performances. In the meantime, I'll continue to watch what he's been in.
My Nicknames For Him: Hottie, Mr. Chicago Typewriter
Steven Yeun
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GLENNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... you know... Because yes. Also, he's great, overall. He's got a charm that just keeps me watching every time he's in anything. He's one of the reasons I continued to watch 'The Walking Dead' for as long as I did. Him and Michone, but that's another story for another time.
Why is he in this list, if he's mostly in Western productions? Actually, no. He was in a few South Korean productions as well, and he was great in them. Hell, he even did a variety show in South Korea and was adorable in it. So... THERE. lol.
My Nicknames For Him: The only reason I liked 'The Walking Dead', lol... Well that's not a nickname, but that's what always comes to my mind when I see him. Him and Michone were EVERYTHING to me. Aka- GLENN.
Lee Do Hyun
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The first time I saw this dude was in 'Hotel Del Luna'. And I thought he was great, not gonna lie. Unfortunately, at that time, someone else had grabbed my attention. However, fastforward to a lot of performances later, including 'Exhuma' where he was superb! and I realized that this man is AMAZINg. Also, he played Shin Ha Kyun's younger self in 'Beyond Evil'. So technically he's Lee DongSik Too! How much better can we get?
That aside he's super talented. And of the new boys that are usually in Top 10s, he's the only one that made it on mine. Also, he will forever be Baby! Shin Ha Kyun to me, because I believe he can achieve such heights as an actor.
My Nicknames For Him: Baby!HaKyun [yeah... Shin Ha Kyun]
Shin Ha Kyun
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........... I don't think I need to explain WHY, this man is in this list? Or do I? If I do, just know this, he's nicknamed 'The GOD of Acting' by his fellow South Koreans. So.......... Yeah. Either way, and God of acting nickname aside, he lives up to that expectation all the time. No matter what character he's playing, he always puts his soul into it. I love that about him.
My Nicknames For Him: My Husband, The MOOD, My Twin [Gemini Twin]
Doh Kyung Soo
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.... Listen... Idol actors get a lot of shit when they decide to go into acting, because they're often accused of being BAD at acting. Kyungsoo, is one of those that has surprised audiences with his acting. And honestly, I feel it. I have seen most of everything he's been in [save for that one series with Zo In Sung], and I gotta say, I loved the performances through and through. Whether he was playing a high school kid with problems, and or a crazy prosecutor, and or an astronaut stranded on the moon. The feeling has been there the whole time, as well as the SOUL. This man, knows how to act, he was born for it. And of the many many MANY idol actors out there doing their thing, he's in my opinion, THE BEST of the BEST.
Also helps that he's one of my top favorites, but that's another story for another time.
My Nicknames For Him: Baby Boy, el Ojon ['big eyes' this one from my mom too, cause that's what she calls him, and that's how she knows we're gonna see him on screen.] , Crayon Shin Chan, Baby! Ranier, itty bitty KyungSoo, [too many to be honest... I come up with nicknames every other Friday. Stay Tuned... lol.]
Honorable Mentions:
Ji Sung
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This man came into my radar, thanks to 'The Devil Judge'. I have yet to sit down and see him in more things. The only other series I have seen him in is 'Adamas', and I gotta say, it was very fun time. I'm not gonna lie that I chose to watch him because I don't mind watching him on screen. He's absolute eye candy in every sense of the damn word.
However... I hope that as I keep trying to watch stuff he's been in or is in 'currently', I can appreciate his acting more.
My Nicknames For Him: Kang YoHan [I know that's a character he played, but that's all I see when I see him... I KNOW, I need to see more.]
Seo Ji Hoon
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I'm not gonna lie... I had seen this kid in other series, and he did kind of grabbed my attention. However, the stories were so good, I was actually invested in the stories [ie. 'Revenge of Others', 'Meow The Secret Boy']. However, enter 'Flower Crew: Joseon Marriage Agency' and... That was it. I immediately remembered his face from the previous stories/series and how in those series, he was the one that had caught my attention. Then here in this series Marriage Agency... I was SOLD.
This beautiful man is up and coming, true. So I'm waiting patiently for him to get more 'STARRING' roles. He's only gotten a few. He has yet to have that one HIT that catapults him to getting even more attention. However, with what he's done, he's done enough for me to pay attention. He's good, and he was so good, that in Marriage Agency, he managed to get my attention, when that series features some of the most beautiful men South Korea has to offer. Shout out to the other Jihoon, he's beautiful too.
Either way... This kid is on my radar. I can't wait to see more of him and determine WHERE in this list he fits. Will he be Top 10? or Top 20? We'll see.
My Nicknames For Him: Baby King! [he's a little itty bitty king... no of course he's not... he's way taller than probably most of the dudes I have here on this list. lol. But still... He's so baby faced. That's all I think about when I see him.]
Park Ji Hoon
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Ok, so the same thing that happened with Seo Jihoon, happened to me with this Jihoon. He's Park Jihoon. So the first time I saw him was in 'Flower Crew: Joseon Marriage Agency'. I did take notice at how pretty and cute he was. I mean, this freakin series had some very beautiful people in it and I did notice. However, the Jihoon that caught my attention there was Seo Jihoon. Fastforward to a few months later and me watching 'Weak Hero Class 1' and I lost it. I remembered who this kid was, and I remembered where I had seen him. He is amazing in this series, so now I'm a little lost in the rabbit hole. I am currently going through his list of works. It's not that big, so I feel like I'm almost over. Currently and at the time I'm about to post this, I have started 'At a Distance Spring is Green', and I gotta say, he's adorable and he's entertaining to watch.
We'll see in the future, where he ends up in the list. Will he be Top 10? or Top 20? I will figure it out eventually. In the meantime, I also love watching him in variety shows and doing that cute gesture with his hands. You know the one....
My Nicknames For Him: THE EYES [no yeah for real. That's what comes to mind when I see him. lol.] , Tiny Boy [it fits him cause I believe he's the youngest in this list.] , Baby Tiger, My Son, and lately I realized he's 'LITTLE RED' my OC. Like seriously, fits like a glove.
KAI [Kim Jong In]
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Just like the photo above, I've been sleeping on Kim JongIn as an actor. And I not only blame myself, but also blame my love for watching him as a performer/singer better than an actor. I have never given him a chance as an actor. I am aware that he has done a few series, and the bits and pieces I have seen I have liked a lot.
I feel I need to give myself the time to watch him in these and then figure out where in the list he will end up. Either way, he's an honorable mention because even when I'm not watching him in acting action, I am always watching him in dancing and performing action, so.... yeh...
My Nicknames For Him: Art In Motion, Baby Nini, Tedi Bear, El Sexy Boy, Bolita de Algodon [little ball of fluff], The CAT Boy[alternately 'Omi in RL']
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You saw this coming, right? Either you did or didn't, but you should know by now. This man took me by the horns and hasn't let me go yet. Listen....Might as well be the devil here and say, yes this man makes me feel things every time I see him acting. Whether he's playing a robot, a hotel manager, a disgruntled king, it doesn't matter. He puts so much soul into whatever he does, that it makes me feel like I am there experiencing what the character is experiencing.
He has a long history, which has been amazing to look through. And honestly, up to this day, I still haven't watched everything he's ever been in. He has an extensive list of works that he's been part of, and his participation in each project has, honestly, always stood out to me. At least in the projects/series/dramas I've been able to see.
Thank you, Yeo Jin Goo, for sharing your insane acting talent with all of us. I consider myself lucky to be alive in this era, and to be able to witness this. Greatly appreciated. Hope to be able to live long enough to see you thrive for many many years.
His Best Characters [Top 5]:
Gu Chan Seong [Hotel Del Luna]
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King YiHeon & Ha Sun [The Man Who Became King]
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Han JooWon [Beyond Evil]
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Hwayi [Hwayi: A Monster Boy]
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King Gwanghae [Warriors of The Dawn]
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My Nicknames For Him: Baby Child, Peach, and KaiSoo Love Child.
And that's it... Are any of your faves in this Top 10, or are they honorable mentions? Either way, these are MINE. If I made a video about it, these are the men it would feature.
Maybe later on I'll make the Female actress version. That one would be really hard, because I absolutely LOVE the female actresses more than I do the male actors. And I have tons of faves.
However... I'll try to make the effort to do it eventually. Don't know when.
Anyway... Hope you enjoyed this post, if you read it all.
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mimicry-if · 2 years
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The Co-Worker, Elise/Elijah/Eli Mergersa (El-eeze/Eh-lie-jah/El-ee Mer-ger-sa) (all versions nicknamed Ellie) [F/M/NB]: They’re your closest co-worker, and live in the same company-provided apartment as you. You probably wouldn’t call them your friend, but their presence at the office does provide a familiar comfort. Ellie is naturally calm, but not indifferent. Their logical persona is what probably got them hired. Order matters to them, but only because it benefits everyone live peacefully, and definitely not because they're scared of authority figures such as, let's say, Orenic.
If on the romantic route: Friends to Lovers (theme: trust, reliance)
Appearance: Ellie is 187 cm/6 ft 2 in tall. They are of Ethiopian descent (Oromo people). Their eyes are a dark brown. They have a rich, earthy brown skin tone. Their hair is often worn naturally; Elise’s afro scrapes her neck while Elijah and Eli’s afro is just above their ears. They have a solid body with a little bit of a chubby tummy, and despite being tall, they're light on their feet.
The Scientist, Tarali Bhujel (Ta-ra-lee Bu-jyal) [F]: She’s one of the few that knew about your existence. All Tarali's ever known is Orenic—after all, her parents worked for them, and that's what prompted her to become a scientist. Although not ignorantly stubborn, Tarali has firm beliefs she lives by, and truly thinks that her work is important. You heard her walk into your office, and you'll never forget the determined clicks of her shoes.
If on the romantic route: Strangers to Lovers, slight Enemies to Lovers (tensions ooh)
Appearance: Tarali is 173 cm/5 ft 8 in tall. She is of Nepali descent. Her eyes are a dark brown. She has a warm, russet-brown skin tone. When she smiles, Tarali has deep dimples. Her hair is a wavy black, reaching down to the waist. She often wears it up (in a bun/claw clip). Tarali has pierced ears; a simple earlobe piercing. She has a soft body type, and legs that make her look taller than she actually is. She has a faint, thin healed scar on her right hand from a bicycle accident when she was 9.
The Other, ??? [F/M/NB] (B2): They’re like you, in the sense that they are literally made by the same company. Not much is known about them.
If on romantic route: Strangers to Friends to Lovers (theme: kinship, first love)
Appearance: B2 is 178 cm/5 ft 10 in tall. They look of Turkish descent. Their eyes are a light brown. They have a tanned, cool beige skin tone. B2's caramel brown hair is slightly wavy, and in a time of bad judgement, cut it into a mullet-type style that reaches down to their collarbones. They have straight, toned body type. Orenic wasn't very creative with their android models before you.
The Spy, Haesoo Shin (Hae-soo Shin) [M]: He’s also working for Orenic, but he’s got a secret. Haesoo is part of an organization that seeks to stop whatever scheme Orenic has planned before the whole company goes downhill. His demeanor toward you is cold, but he seems to get along with the other employees just fine. You saw him once, leaving work, and he was chatting lively with some girl, too. What's his problem?
If on the romantic route: Enemies to Lovers (read: lots of regret tm)
Appearance: Haesoo is 183 cm/6 ft tall. He is of Korean descent. His eyes are dark, dark brown (appears black). He has a warm ivory/beige skin tone. Haesoo keeps his straight, black hair short, and its fluffyness is often kept back with gel (although most of the time, it doesn't work). He has a lean muscular body.
The Haywire, Ángel Valletta (Ahn-hel Val-le-tah) [NB] (A1): They’re also an android, but they’ve gone rogue. As the very first prototype of the project, Angel's seen a lot more and knows a lot more than they should, and they plan to use it to their advantage. In fact, you probably wouldn't know Angel was robotic if you happened to pass by them in the street. Have fun trying to figure them out.
If on romantic route: Strangers to Lovers (idiots in love psssst)
Appearance: Ángel is 170 cm/5 ft 7 in tall. They look of Colombian-Italian descent. Their eyes are a dark hazel color, although sometimes it looks green, depending on the light. They have tanned, olive skin with slight freckles. Their curly hair is cut to their shoulders, and layered. Angel has a tattoo of the name “Maria” beneath their left collarbone. Their body is rectangular, much to their dismay, and is very average.
All characters above are set to be in their late 20's (Ellie, Tarali: 28, Haesoo: 29) to their early 30's (Angel: 31, B2: 30).
All romance routes have elements of Forbidden Love.
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top, left to right: Haesoo, Tarali, Angel, B2 (for all versions)
bottom, left to right: Elijah, Elise, Eli
Please keep in mind that these are not accurate representations of their faces, and many details (scars, hair, etc) are left out (Artbreeder is limited and tedious to use). These portraits are just vague pictures of what they may look like + to provide skin tones. In addition to these portraits, please also use the text descriptions above to help visualize the characters' appearances.
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wangmiao · 2 years
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Chimera (2021) vs. Doctor Lawyer (2022): the farewell “one day” // “let’s say goodbye one last time”
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coffeetraces · 3 years
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sooyaaa___: ✨오픈 하우스 날✨ (✨ open house day✨)
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highflyerwings · 2 years
please explain what does it mean when a man is a babygirl
genuinely want to know
Oooo, much like being a dilf, being a babygirl is a vibe.
A man can be a babygirl for lots of reasons. He’s submissive, soft, and bashful, and cute, and soft, did I mention soft? Long hair helps but isn’t necessary. If he looks like he’d bite his lip and blush if you called him babygirl to his face, he’s babygirl.
Here are my current babygirls💕
Shin Hakyun. Entering his babygirl era late in life. We love to see it.
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Park Haesoo. The mysterious dilf/himbo/babyboy/babygirl combo. How he does it? I’ll never know. That’s babygirl though. Witness him.
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Now my ultimate babygirl. My one and only. The definition of babygirl. Lim Jaebeom.
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I always think of JUS2. The best example of babyboy (Yugyeom) and babygirl (Jaebeom) I can think of. They really were doing it all.
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I hope this helps!
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zaruba-needslove · 3 years
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My favourite type of scenes: People hugging (Yoo Seungho’s) Main Character who came back alive after they got hurt/almost died/escaped from danger 🤣🤣🤣  
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waltz-in-code · 3 years
Ok i just started Prison Playbook. It's interesting so far. Also Park Haesoo looks so different!!!
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aquacloud · 4 years
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     ⋆   —   𝐨𝐢 𝐩𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐚𝐥 !  faz um tempinho que venho querendo voltar a jogar 1x1 e não tomo coragem ou não arrumo tempo pra organizar minhas ideias... de qualquer forma, resolvi me esforçar e tentar mais um vez, dando um recomeço em tudo!  ( ᵘ ᵕ ᵘ ) procuro players interessades em plots m/m inspirados em k-dramas e webtoons, principalmente slice of life contendo angst, fluffy e smut. listei alguns muses e plots abaixo do read more, caso tenha interesse basta me chamar no chat ou deixar um ♡ nesse post que eu vou até você.
  ! ah, e não se esqueça de dar uma olhada na minha guideline (linkada no source desse post) antes de tudo! ◝( ᵔᵕᵔ )◜
     ⋆   —   𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐬 :
gong jooha, o príncipe em perigo. ( 21yo / pisces / infp / fc: choi bomin ) filho do corrupto ex-presidente da coreia do sul conhecido por seu envolvimento com a máfia, jooha foi obrigado a deixar a família e viver sob os cuidados de um guarda costas para que não corresse perigo enquanto cumpre sua formação na universidade. —  desenvolvimento: a ideia gira em torno do relacionamento do jooha com o guarda costas que seria alguém que regula idade com ele, fazendo com que jooha desconfie da capacidade do opposite de protegê-lo. um exemplo de ship seria a relação entre a rapunzel e flynn rider no filme tangled. o opposite pode inclusive ter envolvimento com a máfia que está atrás do jooha, pra dar aquele sabor extra na história!
choi sehee, o sugar baby.  ( 23yo / aquarius / esfp / fc: moonbin ) nascido e crescido em uma família rica e ausente, sehee esteve sempre acostumado a suprir a falta de afeto com bens materiais, porém as coisas tomaram um rumo diferente quando os negócios da família começaram a beirar falência, agora sehee é “patrocinado” por um milionário que está frustrado com seu casamento. —  desenvolvimento: meu objetivo é fazer com que ambos se tornem próximos a partir da identificação pelas frustrações e problemas que cada um tem, saindo do sexo casual e troca de favores para um relacionamento de verdade. para esse plot funcionar, o opposite precisa ter no mínimo 28 anos, então se não curte age-gap esse plot não é pra você.
jeon haesoo, o artista frustrado. ( 25yo / capricorn / intp / fc: kim wooseok ) acostumado a viver frustrações profissionais e amorosas, haesoo abandona a carreira de designer em uma grande revista após ter seu coração quebrado por um membro da equipe e promete a si mesmo nunca mais amar ninguém. ao ser transferido para trabalhar como secretário em uma galeria de arte, conhece o dono da galeria que parece demonstrar mais do que interesses profissionais em haesoo. —  desenvolvimento: minha vontade para esse plot é que seja bem aquela coisa gay confident vs gay panic, muito flerte e muita negação dos sentimentos também. 
shin yoonso, o coração jovem. ( 31yo / libra / enfj / fc: park bogum ) yoonso viveu o grande amor de sua vida a quinze anos atrás, e desde então não conseguiu se envolver com ninguém verdadeiramente. por acaso ou por destino, yoonso reencontra a única pessoa que amou em toda sua vida, e descobriu que agora ele é casado e pai de família. —  desenvolvimento: a ideia é que yoonso e o opposite revivam esse amor que yoonso se segurou por anos, e que o opposite consiga se libertar das amarras da sociedade e se divorciar do casamento que não lhe faz feliz.
     ⋆   —   𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐭𝐬 / 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬 :
dinâmicas de ship:  rivais que se amam grandão soft x pequeno revoltado amigos de infância que se apaixonaram implicantes que não tem coragem de admitir que se gostam descolado/brincalhão x inexperiente/tímido amor de vidas passadas
filmes / dramas / séries / webtoons: love alarm ( kim jojo x hwang sunoh ) cheese in the trap ( hong seol x yoo jung ) it’s okay that’s love ( ji haesoo x jang jaeyeol ) because this is my first life ( qualquer um dos três casais ) what’s wrong with secretary kim ( kim miso x lee youngjoon ) fools ( choi jeongwoo x kwon eungi ) love or hate ( lee haesoo x choi joowon ) hate mate ( bang subin x nam hyunwoo )
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haesoofm · 4 years
“Focus, you can do better than that!” Haesoo exclaimed, easily dodging from Asher’s jab and grabbing his arm, twisting it behind his back lightly before letting it go. They were practicing  hand-to-hand combat, in hopes to improve the younger male’s self defense skills. “Remember what I told you before, keep your eyes on your opponent the whole time, try to anticipate their next move.” He instruced, before planning his next move. In a quick movement, Haesoo came close and try to hit Asher’s chest in a spot his fellow gang member had left unprotected.  @asher-shin​
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daemunhq · 5 years
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Ah, você já conhece o morador do APARTAMENTO 305? Aquele é JEON HAESOO, tem 23 ANOS e é ASSISTENTE DE REDAÇÃO NA VOGUE KOREA. Dizem que ele é ORGANIZADO E ROMÂNTICO, mas também TÍMIDO E INDIVIDUALISTA, além de ser muito parecido com KIM WOOSEOK, mas sabe como são os fofoqueiros desse prédio, né?
Ah, você já conhece a moradora do APARTAMENTO 509? Aquela é LEE HEEJIN, tem 24 ANOS e é PROFESSORA DE JARDIM DE INFÂNCIA. Dizem que ela é ACOLHEDORA E OTIMISTA, mas também INDECISA E PUSHOVER, além de ser muito parecida com KANG SEULGI, mas sabe como são os fofoqueiros desse prédio, né?
Ah, você já conhece a moradora do APARTAMENTO 510? Aquela é BAE SOWON, tem 23 ANOS e é ATRIZ, ESTUDANTE DE ARTES CÊNICAS E ATENDENTE NA CHOI THRIFT SHOP. Dizem que ela é CARISMÁTICA E CONFIANTE, mas também MIMADA E ENJOADA, além de ser muito parecida com JENNIE KIM, mas sabe como são os fofoqueiros desse prédio, né?
Ah, você já conhece o morador do APARTAMENTO 204? Aquele é PARK GYOCHAN, tem 24 ANOS e é ARTISTA DE EFEITOS VISUAIS. Dizem que ele é ENERGÉTICO E COMUNICATIVO, mas também IMPACIENTE E IRRESPONSÁVEL, além de ser muito parecido com KIM DONGHAN, mas sabe como são os fofoqueiros desse prédio, né?
Ah, você já conhece a moradora do APARTAMENTO 102? Aquela é BANG YEONHEE, tem 21 ANOS e é UNIVERSITÁRIA E FUNCIONÁRIA DA 1+1 CONVENIÊNCIA. Dizem que ela é CRIATIVA E LEAL, mas também IMPACIENTE E AUTORITÁRIA, além de ser muito parecida com JVCKI WAI, mas sabe como são os fofoqueiros desse prédio, né?
Ah, você já conhece o morador do APARTAMENTO 101? Aquele é SONG HANSOL, tem 19 ANOS e é FUNCIONÁRIO DA 1+1 CONVENIÊNCIA. Dizem que ele é ELOQUENTE E ESPERTO, mas também TEIMOSO E ARGUMENTATIVO, além de ser muito parecido com KIM SUNWOO, mas sabe como são os fofoqueiros desse prédio, né?
Ah, você já conhece a moradora do APARTAMENTO 203? Aquela é YOO KYUNGRI tem 26 ANOS e é PROPRIETÁRIA DA CHOI THRIFT SHOP. Dizem que ela é SENSÍVEL E CRIATIVA, mas também RESERVADA E ESQUENTADA, além de ser muito parecida com LEE JIEUN, mas sabe como são os fofoqueiros desse prédio, né?
Ah, você já conhece o morador do APARTAMENTO 204? Aquele é HONG NAMSU tem 26 ANOS e é DESIGNER E PROGRAMADOR DE JOGOS. Dizem que ele é PACIENTE E CALOROSO, mas também BRIGÃO E ESQUECIDO, além de ser muito parecido com JI SOO, mas sabe como são os fofoqueiros desse prédio, né?
Ah, você já conhece o morador do APARTAMENTO 306? Aquele é SHIN SUNGMIN tem 19 ANOS e é ESTUDANTE DE ECONOMIA. Dizem que ele é SORRIDENTE E AMÁVEL, mas também INSEGURO E NERVOSO, além de ser muito parecido com LEE EUIWOONG, mas sabe como são os fofoqueiros desse prédio, né?
Ah, você já conhece o morador do APARTAMENTO 101? Aquele é SONG TAEHYUNG tem 22 ANOS e é ESTUDANTE DE ECONOMIA E ATENDENTE NA CHOI THRIFT SHOP. Dizem que ele é AMBICIOSO E DESTEMIDO, mas também IRREDUTÍVEL E RANCOROSO, além de ser muito parecido com KIM YOUNGKYUN, mas sabe como são os fofoqueiros desse prédio, né? 
-`.  Sejam muito bem vindes! Desejamos a todes uma ótima estadia em nosso prédio. 
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mimicry-if · 2 years
What sort of fashion senses do the characters have?
sorry this took so long to answer anon I had to find the perfect reference images and I also got lost looking at pretty clothes
I will say that since most of them work in a corporate setting, a lot of the time they wear business casual/semi-formal clothes (and totally not because I'm a sucker for a good blazer/shirt/wide dress pants combo).
But casually, they would wear:
Ellie: it's either casual but presentable or vintage (although I guess since Mimicry is set in a future setting, I imagine fashion ideals don't really change much like how some 80's & 90's fashion are coming back into the 2020's). Think Princess Diana's street style/comfy clothes (Ellie loves a good letterman jacket or thick windbreaker). Also think gingham pattern and 50's aesthetic ?? I can definitely see Ellie rock a nice classy outfit or a gingham pant/skirt. fashionability: good, does try new styles but not a heavy clothes shopper. ( exhibit A, exhibit B, exhibit C, Elise also probably would wear this or this ) Tarali: somewhere between 90's mom and bohemian? Lots of collared shirts, and straight pants but Tarali also rocks a flowy long skirt and a knit sweater. oscillates between looking like she's going to a cafe to have a zoom meeting or looking as shapeless as possible. fashionability: knows what she looks good in, sticks with it, generally okay/good at picking out clothes. ( exhibit A and exhibit B and also exhibit C ) Haesoo: Regular Guy Fashion with a hint of being stylish (ex: he wears rings, but also regular pants and shirt, button downs, but a little crop top wouldn't hurt.... ..... .) Almost always straight pants/jeans, he doesn't like shorts. fashionability: medium okay?? cannot pick out for others but he has clothes. you know. that he wears and looks good in. ( exhibit A and exhibit B, exhibit C ) Angel: the most versatile out of these characters, but tends to lean towards wearing a patterned shirt + pants. loves the collared shirts. a maximalist without being too much?? fashionability: good; knows what colors look good on them, can try new styles and look good etc. ( exhibit A, exhibit B, exhibit C, exhibit D ) B2: minimalist, sleek clothing, not so different from what they wear at work. They prefer not to stand out, and clothing tends to be one of the main ways they can blend in. dresses like a model-off-duty but in a way that they're almost always wearing clean, lined clothes. fashionability: surprisingly good; can recommend clothes for others, though not too keen to try themselves. ( exhibit A, exhibit B, exhibit C )
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jieunnie · 5 years
Hi! I'm kinda of new and I just watched persona she is such an amazing actress so I want to watch more stuff she's in but I have no idea what. Could you recommend me some dramas?
Hello!! One way you could watch her dramas is going by order of her works that shes done to see how she’s developed as an actress but I guess that’s good if you have a lot of time 😂
I highly recommend My Mister as it is definitely her best role out of every drama she has done. I could go on all day about it like seriously, you will not regret watching it. It is heavy but it’s also a healing drama and it’ll make you reflect on yourself as well as teach you life lessons. Lee Jian is #1 on my list and she has a soft spot in my heart
Moon Lovers is also a drama that I really enjoyed and Haesoo is a literal cinnamon role that didn’t deserve all the struggles that she went through. There are a few things I didn’t like about it such as the editing/camera work and people were 50/50 about her acting but I didn’t think IU deserved the criticism that she got (maybe I’m biased LOL)
Dream High is a cute and light hearted drama if you want to watch something after My Mister since it can get pretty heavy. It was her debut role as an actress and Pilsuk will make you fall for IU even more 💜 
The Producers was also good, only because IU’s character as Cindy was interesting, complex and closely related to her irl since she played the role of a singer that debuted at an early age. I think her character made the drama interesting and I honestly would’ve dropped it if it wasn’t for Cindy 🙊
Her other dramas are “Youre The Best, Lee Soon Shin” and “Bel Ami” which were also okay (I thought bel ami was cringe but watched it only for iu lmao)
ALSO, Hotel Del Luna is her most recent role, which is airing this year on the 13th of July at 9pm KST and her character as Jang Manwol that is as beautiful as the moon and you should definitely watch that to support IU as well as see a new side to her!
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jinkibum-smiles · 8 years
Goblin’s ending was the ending we deserved for moon lovers
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louquis · 7 years
List of Korean Female Names
Under the cut are a list of Korean girls’ names in order of the Korean alphabet. Scroll down for the hangul. Sources are at the bottom
Ka - KaNa KaRam KaRyeon KaRyoon KaBi KaBin KaYeon KaYoung KaOn KaYoon  KaYul KaEun KaEul KaYi KaIn KaHyun KaHee
Kang - KangHye
Kyung - KyungMi KyungMin KyungSeon KyungSook KyungOk KyungJin KyungHee
GoWoon GoEun
Gong - GongJu
Kyo - KyoRyeong KyoRi KyoRin KyoYeon KyoYoung KyoYoon KyoYul KyoHyun KyoHee
Kyu - KyuRyeong KyuRi KyuRin KyuRim KyuMi KyuBi KyuYeon KyuYoung KyuEun KyuHa KyuHyun KyuHee
Kyun - KyunYoung
Geun - GeunAh GeunYoung GeunYe GeunHye
Geum - GeumJu
Gi - GiBbeum
Na - NaKyung NaDam NaRa NaRam NaRae NaRyoon NaRi NaMi NaMin NaYeon NaYoung NaYoon NaEun NaHyun NaHye NaHee
No - NoYeon NoYoung NoYoon NoEun NoHyun NoHoon
Nu - NuRi
Da - DaKyum DaKyung DaKyo DaNa DaDam DaRin DaBin DaSol DaSom DaAh DaAhn * DaAe DaEon DaYeon DaYoung DaYe DaWan DaWoon DaWon DaYoon DaYul DaEun DaIn DaJeong DaHae DaHyun DaHye DaHyo DaHee
Dan - DanHee
Dam - DamBi
Duk - DeokAh
Do - DoKyung DoDam DoRam DoYeon DoYoung DoWon DoYoon DoYul DoEun DoHeon DoHyun DoHoon DoHee
Dong - DongJu DongHee
Doo - DooNa DooRi DooYeon DooYoung DooYe DooYoon DooYul DooHee
Ra - RaHee
Rae - RaeKyo RaeEon RaeYeon RaeWon RaeYoon RaeEun RaeHan RaeHyun
Re - ReMi
Ryeo - RyeoYoung RyeoWon RyeoEun
Ro - RoYeon RoYoung RoYoon RoHyun
Ru - RuRi RuAh RuAhn RuYeon RuYoung RuWan RuWon RuHyun
Ryu - RyuDam RyuAh RyuAhn RyuWon
Ri - RiNa RiAh RiAhn RiYeon RiYoung RiYe RiWon RiHye
Rin - RinAh
Myung - MyungKyo MyungSeo MyungSook MyungJi MyungChae
Mi - MiKyung MiKyo MiNa MiDo MiRa MiRan MiRae MiReu MiRim MiSeo MiSul MiSo MiSol MiSook MiYeon MiYoung MiJeong MiJi MiJin
Min - MinKyung MinKyo MinSeo MinSeon MinSul MinSol MinAh MinJeong MinJu MinJi MinJin MinChae MinHye MinHee
Ban - BanHye
Byu - ByuRi
Byul - ByulHa
Bo - BoNa BoRa BoRam BoMi BoMin BoYe BoEun
Bom - Bom
Bi - BiJu BiHwa
Sa - SaRang SaIn
San - SanHa
Sang - SangMin
Sae - SaeRom SaeBom
Saet - SaetByul
Seo - SeoBin SeoAh SeoAhn SeoAe SeoYeon SeoYoung SeoWoo SeoWon SeoYoon SeoYul SeoEun SeoJu SeoJin SeoHyun SeoHye SeoHee
Seon - SeonMi SeonAh SeonYoung SeonYe SeonWoo SeonYi SeonJeong SeonHye SeonHwa SeonHee
Sul - SulRa SulRin SulMin SulBin SulAh SulAhn SulYeon SulYoung SulYoon SulJi SulHwa SulHee
Seong - SeongMin SeongBin SeongAh SeongYeon SeongEun SeongHee
Se - SeRi SeRin SeMi SeMin SeBi SeBin SeAh SeAhn SeYeon SeYoung SeYoon SeYul SeEun SeYi SeIn SeIm SeJin SeHyun SeHwa Sehyu SeHee
So - SoRa SoRyeong SoRim SoMi SoMin SoBin SoAh SoYeon SoYoung SoWon SoYoon SoYul SoEun SoYi SoJeong SoHyun SoHwi SoHee
Sol - SolMi SolMin SolBi SolBin SolAh SolYoung SolYoon SolEun SolIm SolJi SolHee
Song - SongMin SongBin SongAh SongYeon SongYoon SongYi SongJu SongHyun SongHwa SongHee
Soo - SooMin SooBin SooAh SooAe SooYeon SooYoung SooYoon SooYi SooIn SooJeong SooJi SooJin SooHyun SooHee
Sook - SookYeon
Soon - SoonOk SoonHee
Seul - SeulGi SeulMi SeulMin SeulBi SeulBin SeulAh SeulYoung SeulYe SeulYoon SeulEun SeulJi SeulHee
Seung - SeungBin SeungAh SeungYeon SeungYe SeungYoon SeungEun SeungYi SeungHa SeungHyun SeungHye SeungHwa SeungHee
Shi - ShiBin ShiAh ShiAhn ShiAe ShiYeon ShiYoung ShiOn ShiYoon ShiYul ShiEun ShiHyang ShiHyun
Shin - ShinBi ShinAh ShinAe ShinYoung ShinYe ShinJi ShinHye ShinHwa
Ah - AhDam AhRa AhRan AhRam AhRong AhRu AhReum AhRi AhRin AhRim AhSul AhSeom AhSol AhYeon AhYoung AhWon AhYoon AhIn AhIm AhJeong AhJi AhJin AhHyun AhHye
Ahn - AhnNa AhnSol AhnSeul AhnYoung AhnYi
Ae - AeNa AeNi AeDam AeRa AeRan AeRam AeRyeon AeRyeong AeRi AeRin AeRim AeSul AeSol AeSeul AeJeong
Eon - EonJu
Yeo - YeoKyung YeoRam YeoReum YeoRi YeoRim YeoSul YeoSol YeoSeul YeoWon YeoEun YeoJeong YeoJu YeoJin YeoHye
Yeon - YeonDoo YeonRim YeonSeo YeonSoo YeonAh YeonYoung YeonWoo YeonYi YeonJu YeonJi YeonJin YeonHa YeonHwa YeonHee
Young - YoungDam YoungRan YoungRam YoungRin YoungRim YoungMi YoungSeo YoungSul YoungSol YoungSoo YoungSook YoungSoon YoungSeul YoungAh YoungAe YoungYeon YoungYe YoungWon YoungYoon YoungEun YoungIm YoungJa YoungJu YoungJi YoungChae YoungHa YoungHyun YoungHye YoungHee
Ye - YeNa YeDa YeDam YeRa YeRan YeRam YeRyeong YeRyeong YeJu YeRi YeRin YeRim YeMi YeBin YeSeo YeSul YeSeom YeSol YeSeul YeYoung YeWon YeYul YeEun YeIn YeIm YeJeong YeJu YeJi YeJin YeHyun
Oh - OhYeon OhYoung OhYoon OhEun
Ok - OkSoon
Yo - YoDam YoRam YoRin YoSol YoYoung YoWon YoEun
Woo - WooKyung WooRi WooAh WooYeon WooYi WooIm WooJu
Won - WonYoung WonYe WonJeong WonHee
Wol - WolYoung
Wi - WiYoung
Yoo - YooKyung YooNa YooDam YooRa YooRan YooRam YooRang YooRye YooRi YooRin YooMi YooMin YooBin YooSul YooSol YooSeul YooAh YooAhn YooYeon YooYoung YooWon YooWol YooEun YooJeong YooJu YooJi YooJin YooChae YooHa YooHyun
Yoon - YoonKyo YoonNa YoonDam YoonRan YoonRam YoonRae YoonRyeon YoonRye YoonRin YoonRim YoonSeo YoonSeon YoonSul YoonSeom YoonSol   YoonSeul YoonAh YoonAe YoonYoung YoonYe YoonOh YoonWoo YoonYul YoonYi YoonIm YoonJeong YoonJu YoonJi YoonChae YoonHa YoonHae YoonHye YoonHoo YoonHee
Yul - YulAh YulYeon YulYoung YulWoo YulWon YulHa YulHyun YulHee
Eun - EunKyung EunKyo EunDam EunRan EunRae EunRye EunRyool EunRi EunRin EunRim EunMi EunBi EunBin EunSae EunSeo EunSeon EunSul EunSeom EunSeong EunSe EunSol EunSong EunSoo EunSeul EunShil EunAh EunYoung EunYe EunOh EunWoo EunYul EunJae EunJeong EunJu EunJi EunJin EunChae Eunchong EunHa EunHan EunHye EunHoo EunHee
Om - OmPa OmPyo
Yi - YiNa YiDam YiRan YiRam YiRyeon YiRyeong YiRye YiReum YiSul YiSol YiSoo YiSeul YiAhn YiYeon YiYoung YiWan YiYoon YiEun YiJeong YiJu YiJi YiJin YiChae YiHan YiHyun YiHwa
In - InSul InSook InAh InAe InYoung InWol InJu InChae InHa InHye
Ja - JaMin JaBin JaYeon JaYoung JaYoon JaEun JaYi JaHyun
Jae - JaeMin JaeBin JaeSol JaeAh JaeYeon JaeYoung JaeYoon JaeYul JaeEun JaeIn JaeIm JaeHyun JaeHee
Jeong - JeongMin JeongBin JeongSook JeongSoon JeongAh JeongAhn JeongYeon JeongWon JeongYoon JeongYul JeongEun JeongIn JeongIm JeongHyun JeongHye JeongHee
Jo - JoAhn JoEun
Jong - JongAh
Ju - JuBi JuBin JuAh JuAhn JuAe JuYeon JuYoung JuYe JuWon JuEun JuYi JuHae JuHyun JuHye JuHee
Joon - JoonYi JoonHee
Ji - JiNa JiRyoon JiMin JiBin JiSeon JiSol JiSoo JiAh JiAhn JiAe JiYeon JiYoung JiYe JiWoo JiWon JiYul JiEun JiHyang JiHyun JiHye JiHyo JiHee
Jin - JinSol JinAh JinYoung JinJu   
Cha - ChaMin ChaBin ChaYeon ChaYoung ChaYoon ChaYul ChaEun ChaIm ChaHyun
Chae - ChaeKyung ChaeRin ChaeMin ChaeBin ChaeSul ChaeSol ChaeSeul ChaeAh * ChaeAhn ChaeYeon ChaeYoung ChaeWoo ChaeWon ChaeYoo ChaeYoon ChaeYul ChaeEun ChaeYi ChaeJeong ChaeHa ChaeHyun ChaeHee
Che - CheRi
Cho - ChoRan ChoRong ChoMin ChoBin ChoAh ChoYeon ChoYoung ChoYoon ChoEun ChoYi ChoHyun ChoHee
Chi - ChiYoung
Tae - TaeKyum TaeKyung TaeRim TaeBin TaeYeon TaeYoung TaeYoon TaeYul TaeEun TaeHyun TaeHee
Pu - PuReum
Pul - PulIp
Ha - HaNa HaNeul HaDam HaRa HaRan HaRam HaRyeon HaRi HaRin HaRim HaSul HaSol HaSeul HaYan HaYeon HaYoung HaWon HaYoon HaYul HaEun HaYi HaIm HaJeong HaHyun
Han - HanKyung HanNa HanDam HanByul HanBin HanSol HanSong HanSeul HanAh HanYoung HanYe HanYoo HanJu HanChae HanHee
Hae - HaeDam HaeRan HaeRam HaeRi HaeRin HaeRim HaeSol HaeSoo HaeSeul HaeAh HaeYeon HaeYoon HaeYul HaeEun HaeIn HaeJeong HaeHyun
He - HeRi
Hyun - HyunDam HyunBi HyunSeo HyunSul HyunSol HyunSook HyunAh HyunYoung HyunYi HyunJeong HyunJu HyunJi HyunJin HyunHee
Hye - HyeDam HyeRan HyeRam HyeRyeon HyeRi HyeRin HyeRim HyeMi HyeBin HyeSeon HyeSol HyeSoo HyeSeul HyeAh HyeYeon HyeYoung HyeYoon HyeYul HyeEun HyeIn HyeIm HyeJeong HyeJu HyeJin
Ho - HoRan HoRim
Hong - HongJu
Hwa - HwaDam HwaRin HwaRim HwaSul HwaSol HwaYeon HwaYoung HwaYoon HwaIn HwaJeong
Hwang - HwangBo
Hyo - HyoKyung HyoDam HyoRam HyoRyeong HyoRi HyoRin HyoRim HyoMi HyoSul HyoSol HyoSeul HyoYeon HyoYoung HyoWon HyoYoon HyoEun HyoIn HyoIm HyoJeong HyoJu HyoJin HyoHyun
Hee - HeeDam HeeRam HeeSul HeeSol HeeSoo HeeSeul HeeAh HeeYeon HeeYoung HeeYe HeeWon HeeYoon HeeJin hangul:
가 - 가나 가람 가련 가륜 가비 가빈 가연 가영 가온 가윤 가율 가은 가을 가이 가인 가현 가희
강 - 강혜
경 - 경미 경민 경선 경숙 경옥 경진 경희
고 - 고운 고은
공 - 공주
교 - 교령 교리 교린 교연 교영 교윤 교율 교현 교희
규 - 규령 규리 규린 규림 규미 규비 규연 규영 규은 규하 규현 규희
균 - 균영
근 - 근아 근영 근예 근혜
금 -금주
기 - 기쁨
나 - 나경 나담 나라 나람 나래 나륜 나리 나미 나민 나연 나영 나윤 나은 나현 나혜 나희
노 - 노연 노영 노윤 노은 노현 노훈
누 - 누리
다 - 다겸 다경 다교 다나 다담 다린 다빈 다솔 다솜 다아 다안 다애 다언 다연 다영 다예 다완 다운 다원 다윤 다율 다은 다인 다정 다해 다현 다혜 다효 다희
단 - 단희
달 - 달님
담 - 담비
덕 - 덕아
도 - 도경 도담 도람 도연 도영 도원 도윤 도율 도은 도헌 도현 도훈 도희
동 - 동주 동희
두 - 두나 두리 두연 두영 두예 두윤 두율 두희
라 - 라희
래 - 래교 래언 래연 래원 래윤 래은 래한 래현
레 - 레미
려 - 려영 려원 려은
로 - 로연 로영 로윤 로현
루 - 루리 루아 루안 루연 루영 루완 루원 루현
류 - 류담 류아 류안 류원
리 - 리나 리아 리안 리연 리영 리예 리원 리혜
린 - 린아
명 - 명교 명서 명숙 명지 명채
미 - 미경 미교 미나 미도 미라 미란 미래 미르 미림 미서 미설 미소 미솔 미숙 미연 미영 미정 미지 미진
민 - 민경 민교 민서 민선 민설 민솔 민아 민정 민주 민지 민진 민채 민혜 민희
반 - 반혜
벼 - 벼리
별 - 별님 별하
보 - 보나 보라 보람 보미 보민 보예 보은
봄 - 봄
비 - 비주 비화
사 - 사랑 사인
산 - 산하
상 - 상민
새 - 새롬 새봄
샛 - 샛별
서 - 서빈 서아 서안 서애 서연 서영 서우 서원 서윤 서율 서은 서주 서진 서현 서혜 서희
선 - 선미 선아 선영 선예 선우 선이 선정 선혜 선화 선희
설 - 설라 설린 설민 설빈 설아 설안 설연 설영 설윤 설지 설화 설희
성 - 성민 성빈 성아 성연 성은 성희
세 - 세리 세린 세미 세민 세비 세빈 세아 세안 세연 세영 세윤 세율 세은 세이 세인 세임 세진 세현 세화 세휴 세희
소 - 소라 소령 소림 소미 소민 소빈 소아 소연 소영 소원 소윤 소율 소은 소이 소정 소현 소휘 소희
솔 - 솔미 솔민 솔비 솔빈 솔아 솔영 솔윤 솔은 솔임 솔지 솔희
송 - 송민 송빈 송아 송연 송윤 송이 송주 송현 송화 송희
수 - 수민 수빈 수아 수애 수연 수영 수윤 수이 수인 수정 수지 수진 수현 수희
숙 - 숙연
순 - 순옥 순희
슬 - 슬기 슬미 슬민 슬비 슬빈 슬아 슬영 슬예 슬윤 슬은 슬지 슬희
승 - 승빈 승아 승연 승예 승윤 승은 승이 승하 승현 승혜 승화 승희
시 - 시빈 시아 시안 시애 시연 시영 시온 시윤 시율 시은 시향 시현
신 - 신비 신아 신애 신영 신예 신지 신혜 신화
아 - 아담 아라 아란 아람 아롱 아루 아름 아리 아린 아림 아설 아섬 아솔 아연 아영 아원 아윤 아인 아임 아정 아지 아진 아현 아혜
안 - 안나 안솔 안슬 안영 안이
애 - 애나 애니 애담 애라 애란 애람 애련 애령 애리 애린 애림 애설 애솔 애슬 애정
언 - 언주
여 - 여경 여람 여름 여리 여림 여설 여솔 여슬 여원 여은 여정 여주 여진 여혜
연 - 연두 연림 연서 연수 연아 연영 연우 연이 연주 연지 연진 연하 연화 연희
영 - 영담 영란 영람 영린 영림 영미 영서 영설 영솔 영수 영숙 영순 영슬 영아 영애 영연 영예 영원 영윤 영은 영임 영자 영주 영지 영채 영하 영현 영혜 영희
예 - 예나 예다 예담 예라 예란 예람 예령 예령 예주 예리 예린 예림 예미 예빈 예서 예설 예섬 예솔 예슬 예영 예원 예율 예은 예인 예임 예정 예주 예지 예진 예현
오 - 오연 오영 오윤 오은
옥 - 옥순
요 - 요담 요람 요린 요솔 요영 요원 요은
우 - 우경 우리 우아 우연 우이 우임 우주
원 - 원영 원예 원정 원희
월 - 월영
위 - 위영
유 - 유경 유나 유담 유라 유란 유람 유랑 유례 유리 유린 유미 유민 유빈 유설 유솔 유슬 유아 유안 유연 유영 유원 유월 유은 유정 유주 유지 유진 유채 유하 유현
윤 - 윤교 윤나 윤담 윤란 윤람 윤래 윤련 윤례 윤린 윤림 윤서 윤선 윤설 윤섬 윤솔  윤슬 윤아 윤애 윤영 윤예 윤오 윤우 윤율 윤이 윤임 윤정 윤주 윤지 윤채 윤하 윤해 윤혜 윤후 윤희
율 - 율아 율연 율영 율우 율원 율하 율현 율희
은 - 은경 은교 은담 은란 은래 은례 은률 은리 은린 은림 은미 은비 은빈 은새 은서 은선 은설 은섬 은성 은세 은솔 은송 은수 은슬 은실 은아 은영 은예 은오 은우 은율 은재 은정 은주 은지 은진 은채 은총 은하 은한 은혜 은후 은희
음 - 음파 음표
이 - 이나 이담 이란 이람 이련 이령 이례 이름 이설 이솔 이수 이슬 이안 이연 이영 이완 이윤 이은 이정 이주 이지 이진 이채 이한 이현 이화
인 - 인설 인숙 인아 인애 인영 인월 인주 인채 인하 인혜
자 - 자민 자빈 자연 자영 자윤 자은 자이 자현
재 - 재민 재빈 재솔 재아 재연 재영 재윤 재율 재은 재인 재임 재현 재희
정 - 정민 정빈 정숙 정순 정아 정안 정연 정원 정윤 정율 정은 정인 정임 정현 정혜 정희
조 - 조안 조은
종 - 종아
주 - 주비 주빈 주아 주안 주애 주연 주영 주예 주원 주은 주이 주해 주현 주혜 주희
준 - 준이 준희
지 - 지나 지륜 지민 지빈 지선 지솔 지수 지아 지안 지애 지연 지영 지예 지우 지원 지율 지은 지향 지현 지혜 지효 지희
진 - 진솔 진아 진영 진주
차 - 차민 차빈 차연 차영 차윤 차율 차은 차임 차현
채 - 채경 채린 채민 채빈 채설 채솔 채슬 채아 채안 채연 채영 채우 채원 채유 채윤 채율 채은 채이 채정 채하 채현 채희
체 - 체리
초 - 초란 초롱 초민 초빈 초아 초연 초영 초윤 초은 초이 초현 초희
치 - 치영   
태 - 태겸 태경 태림 태빈 태연 태영 태윤 태율 태은 태현 태희
푸 - 푸른
풀 - 풀잎
하 - 하나 하늘 하담 하라 하란 하람 하련 하리 하린 하림 하설 하솔 하슬 하얀 하연 하영 하원 하윤 하율 하은 하이 하임 하정 하현
한 - 한경 한나 한담 한별 한빈 한솔 한송 한슬 한아 한영 한예 한유 한주 한채 한희
해 - 해담 해란 해람 해리 해린 해림 해솔 해수 해슬 해아 해연 해윤 해율 해은 해인 해정 해현  
헤 - 헤리
현 - 현담 현비 현서 현설 현솔 현숙 현아 현영 현이 현정 현주 현지 현진 현희
혜 - 혜담 혜란 혜람 혜련 혜리 혜린 혜림 혜미 혜빈 혜선 혜솔 혜수 혜슬 혜아 혜연 혜영 혜윤 혜율 혜은 혜인 혜임 혜정 혜주 혜진
호 - 호란 호림
홍 - 홍주
화 - 화담 화린 화림 화설 화솔 화연 화영 화윤 화인 화정
황 - 황보
효 - 효경 효담 효람 효령 효리 효린 효림 효미 효설 효솔 효슬 효연 효영 효원 효윤 효은 효인 효임 효정 효주 효진 효현
희 - 희담 희람 희설 희솔 희수 희슬 희아 희연 희영 희예 희원 희윤 희진
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59 notes · View notes
ycngpcl · 7 years
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@kkvm , @paradxze, @herethereismagic, @scrcndipty
Shin Se-Gi, Choi kang-Joo, Perry Park, Lee Haesoo.
12 notes · View notes
Well.. (12)
Monday-Tuesday: Doubtful Victory
Wednesday-Thursday: Smart Prison Living (Wise Prison Life)
Friday-Saturday: Untouchable
Saturday-Sunday: My Golden Life
Nothing brings me more joy than My Golden Life. Park SiHoo and Shin HyeSun are sooo amazing!!! The rest.. Well indeed. I am not that interested in Doubtful Victory but I keep watching. Mostly, because of Yoon KyunSang. Untouchable for me is also.. Something is missing but I guess I will keep watching it too. Jugglers was blah to me. I did not even finished 1st episode. I Am Not A Robot.. It is an interesting concept and I might come back to it but something along the way went wrong and I was not that into it. I realized though who Yoo SeungHo reminds me. BTS JungKoook hehehe Watched 3 episodes of Smart Prison Living (Wise Prison Life) and I liked it a lot for once!!! I have never seen Park HaeSoo’ previous works but I feel like he is perfect for this role. Krystal’s role doesn’t bother me at all. Progress! hehe And of course I am always happy to see Jung KyoungHo. Fun scenario, interesting characters. I wish subs were out faster. It takes forever. 
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