#tarali bhujel
mimicry-if · 2 years
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The Co-Worker, Elise/Elijah/Eli Mergersa (El-eeze/Eh-lie-jah/El-ee Mer-ger-sa) (all versions nicknamed Ellie) [F/M/NB]: They’re your closest co-worker, and live in the same company-provided apartment as you. You probably wouldn’t call them your friend, but their presence at the office does provide a familiar comfort. Ellie is naturally calm, but not indifferent. Their logical persona is what probably got them hired. Order matters to them, but only because it benefits everyone live peacefully, and definitely not because they're scared of authority figures such as, let's say, Orenic.
If on the romantic route: Friends to Lovers (theme: trust, reliance)
Appearance: Ellie is 187 cm/6 ft 2 in tall. They are of Ethiopian descent (Oromo people). Their eyes are a dark brown. They have a rich, earthy brown skin tone. Their hair is often worn naturally; Elise’s afro scrapes her neck while Elijah and Eli’s afro is just above their ears. They have a solid body with a little bit of a chubby tummy, and despite being tall, they're light on their feet.
The Scientist, Tarali Bhujel (Ta-ra-lee Bu-jyal) [F]: She’s one of the few that knew about your existence. All Tarali's ever known is Orenic—after all, her parents worked for them, and that's what prompted her to become a scientist. Although not ignorantly stubborn, Tarali has firm beliefs she lives by, and truly thinks that her work is important. You heard her walk into your office, and you'll never forget the determined clicks of her shoes.
If on the romantic route: Strangers to Lovers, slight Enemies to Lovers (tensions ooh)
Appearance: Tarali is 173 cm/5 ft 8 in tall. She is of Nepali descent. Her eyes are a dark brown. She has a warm, russet-brown skin tone. When she smiles, Tarali has deep dimples. Her hair is a wavy black, reaching down to the waist. She often wears it up (in a bun/claw clip). Tarali has pierced ears; a simple earlobe piercing. She has a soft body type, and legs that make her look taller than she actually is. She has a faint, thin healed scar on her right hand from a bicycle accident when she was 9.
The Other, ??? [F/M/NB] (B2): They’re like you, in the sense that they are literally made by the same company. Not much is known about them.
If on romantic route: Strangers to Friends to Lovers (theme: kinship, first love)
Appearance: B2 is 178 cm/5 ft 10 in tall. They look of Turkish descent. Their eyes are a light brown. They have a tanned, cool beige skin tone. B2's caramel brown hair is slightly wavy, and in a time of bad judgement, cut it into a mullet-type style that reaches down to their collarbones. They have straight, toned body type. Orenic wasn't very creative with their android models before you.
The Spy, Haesoo Shin (Hae-soo Shin) [M]: He’s also working for Orenic, but he’s got a secret. Haesoo is part of an organization that seeks to stop whatever scheme Orenic has planned before the whole company goes downhill. His demeanor toward you is cold, but he seems to get along with the other employees just fine. You saw him once, leaving work, and he was chatting lively with some girl, too. What's his problem?
If on the romantic route: Enemies to Lovers (read: lots of regret tm)
Appearance: Haesoo is 183 cm/6 ft tall. He is of Korean descent. His eyes are dark, dark brown (appears black). He has a warm ivory/beige skin tone. Haesoo keeps his straight, black hair short, and its fluffyness is often kept back with gel (although most of the time, it doesn't work). He has a lean muscular body.
The Haywire, Ángel Valletta (Ahn-hel Val-le-tah) [NB] (A1): They’re also an android, but they’ve gone rogue. As the very first prototype of the project, Angel's seen a lot more and knows a lot more than they should, and they plan to use it to their advantage. In fact, you probably wouldn't know Angel was robotic if you happened to pass by them in the street. Have fun trying to figure them out.
If on romantic route: Strangers to Lovers (idiots in love psssst)
Appearance: Ángel is 170 cm/5 ft 7 in tall. They look of Colombian-Italian descent. Their eyes are a dark hazel color, although sometimes it looks green, depending on the light. They have tanned, olive skin with slight freckles. Their curly hair is cut to their shoulders, and layered. Angel has a tattoo of the name “Maria” beneath their left collarbone. Their body is rectangular, much to their dismay, and is very average.
All characters above are set to be in their late 20's (Ellie, Tarali: 28, Haesoo: 29) to their early 30's (Angel: 31, B2: 30).
All romance routes have elements of Forbidden Love.
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top, left to right: Haesoo, Tarali, Angel, B2 (for all versions)
bottom, left to right: Elijah, Elise, Eli
Please keep in mind that these are not accurate representations of their faces, and many details (scars, hair, etc) are left out (Artbreeder is limited and tedious to use). These portraits are just vague pictures of what they may look like + to provide skin tones. In addition to these portraits, please also use the text descriptions above to help visualize the characters' appearances.
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mimicry-if · 2 years
What sort of fashion senses do the characters have?
sorry this took so long to answer anon I had to find the perfect reference images and I also got lost looking at pretty clothes
I will say that since most of them work in a corporate setting, a lot of the time they wear business casual/semi-formal clothes (and totally not because I'm a sucker for a good blazer/shirt/wide dress pants combo).
But casually, they would wear:
Ellie: it's either casual but presentable or vintage (although I guess since Mimicry is set in a future setting, I imagine fashion ideals don't really change much like how some 80's & 90's fashion are coming back into the 2020's). Think Princess Diana's street style/comfy clothes (Ellie loves a good letterman jacket or thick windbreaker). Also think gingham pattern and 50's aesthetic ?? I can definitely see Ellie rock a nice classy outfit or a gingham pant/skirt. fashionability: good, does try new styles but not a heavy clothes shopper. ( exhibit A, exhibit B, exhibit C, Elise also probably would wear this or this ) Tarali: somewhere between 90's mom and bohemian? Lots of collared shirts, and straight pants but Tarali also rocks a flowy long skirt and a knit sweater. oscillates between looking like she's going to a cafe to have a zoom meeting or looking as shapeless as possible. fashionability: knows what she looks good in, sticks with it, generally okay/good at picking out clothes. ( exhibit A and exhibit B and also exhibit C ) Haesoo: Regular Guy Fashion with a hint of being stylish (ex: he wears rings, but also regular pants and shirt, button downs, but a little crop top wouldn't hurt.... ..... .) Almost always straight pants/jeans, he doesn't like shorts. fashionability: medium okay?? cannot pick out for others but he has clothes. you know. that he wears and looks good in. ( exhibit A and exhibit B, exhibit C ) Angel: the most versatile out of these characters, but tends to lean towards wearing a patterned shirt + pants. loves the collared shirts. a maximalist without being too much?? fashionability: good; knows what colors look good on them, can try new styles and look good etc. ( exhibit A, exhibit B, exhibit C, exhibit D ) B2: minimalist, sleek clothing, not so different from what they wear at work. They prefer not to stand out, and clothing tends to be one of the main ways they can blend in. dresses like a model-off-duty but in a way that they're almost always wearing clean, lined clothes. fashionability: surprisingly good; can recommend clothes for others, though not too keen to try themselves. ( exhibit A, exhibit B, exhibit C )
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mimicry-if · 2 years
ROs opinions on nicknames?
Ellie: none if they aren't too close with the nickname-giver. Once you get closer, you can definitely call them Ellie (encouraged by them). Romantic context: yes if both parties agree, but will not call you "my sunshine-sweetheart-lovebug-anything mushy in public. maaaaaybe like once when you're alone.)
Tarali: not too keen on them, she usually prefers her name. Romantic context: again, prefers her name bc it's pretty and she deserves to hear all the syllables okay
Haesoo: depends on how close you are with him; (however! his sister sometimes just calls him Soo), if pretty close in friendship then yeah, he'll be okay with whatever fun thing you come up with. Romantic context: yeah?; mostly more comfortable with the generic ones (babe/love), does prefer his name though
Angel: likes nicknames, will nickname you back. If approved, you can pronounce their name like the heavenly people with wings type of angel (english pronunciation). Romantic context: yes;
B2: well you see it gets slightly spoilery here oops but basically let's just say yes, when they approve of them. Romantic context: if it comes naturally and not in an hour-long session contemplating what cute nickname to give.
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mimicry-if · 2 years
What do the ROs voices sound like? Thanks!!
Ellie: clear, sure. I imagine their voice to be the kind of voice you hear and immediately think "woah, they should read an audio book." Articulates their words very well. All Ellies have an alto (?) voice range, not too high but not deep.
Tarali: deep, soft, staccato. soft, but not weak. Has a tendency to speak fast, but you can generally hear everything that Tarali says.
Haesoo: deep, kinda throaty in the sense that it's scratchy? He doesn't put much effort into speaking clearly, and the scratch is just like an aftermath of puberty that didn't exactly go away 100%.
Angel: light, clear. Like a breeze. A very pleasant voice to hear, sort of musical? not very well articulated, slurs words a little.
B2: direct, low. They're soft-spoken, speaks professionally. You may think they speak monotonously sometimes, but it's only because they try to be.
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mimicry-if · 2 years
3, 4, and 5 for everyone from the Nell asks please? Thanks!
3. They’re locked out in the rain. What do they do? 
Ellie: probably would have an umbrella ready tbh. big enough to share with one other person if needed. Tarali: she checks the weather enough to have umbrellas whenever it rains heavy, but sometimes she's too annoyed at having an extra weight in her bag, so she takes her chances. Tarali would probably have one of those thin rain coats though, and just deal with the rain. Haesoo: run if there aren't people around, or do a very brisk fast walk if people are around until he finds somewhere/something to cover the rain. doesn't like getting wet because it messes up his hair Angel: wouldn't mind it too much, but probably would walk to somewhere with a roof bc they're an older model and they don't wanna test the impermeability of their skin B2: doesn't go outside very often, and checks weather every morning, so they would also be ready. Hates to get their shoes wet.
the rest are under the cut :)
4. What would their ideal first date be?
Ellie: They wouldn't go on a date with a stranger/someone they'd just met, so under the context that the date mate is someone Ellie knew: They would want to do what the other person liked; it's a way of getting to know the date better. It would be a two day date almost? One day of doing what the other person liked and the next morning texting them, seeing if they offer to do what Ellie liked in change. Tarali: just a nice, cute, short date. Maybe at a cafe or movie? Something they can have a conversation, but not too serious. She wouldn't want to spend too much time with someone she's never seen before, so a date where she can have a little conversation and get a little insight on what they like, their reactions to things, etc. would be ideal. something where there's a set time. Haesoo: I don't think Haesoo would want a labeled first date?? (I guess not in the sense of "hey i just met you/was introduced to you in a romantic context and this is our first time meeting") It's more likely that he would gradually spend more time with the person before he confesses/receives confession. Then he would try to do half of what the other person wants, and half of what he wants (go to botanical garden)
Angel: a walk around the city, preferably in the afternoons/evenings, inching towards night. would go to a bar or two, maybe an arcade or go to areas where there's live music. They enjoy the vibe better at night, and they want to see the other person in an almost fantastical filter.
B2: something more structured, like a dinner date. Similar to Tarali, B2 would want somewhere so they can have a conversation with the other person. Would bring flowers. Would like to be given flowers. Unlike Tarali, would want something less casual. They want confirmation that the person is willing to meet them further. Wants to show off manners, so B2 would walk you home.
5. If they matched with someone on a dating app, what would they use as their opening line? 
(Lore?? but: I'm imagining that dating apps aren't really popular in Mimicry's setting, maybe like a dating consultant would arrange a match if people wanted too?? But if the characters lived in our world it would be:)
Ellie: (like above, I imagine Ellie won't go on a dating app, but if they do, they would thoroughly message the person back and forth for quite a while) "Hey! What does [something on their profile] mean?" Tarali: "How would you describe yourself in three words?" or "Why did you match me?" Haesoo: he would wait for the person who matched him to say something first; if he matched them, then: "When do you want to meet?" Angel: no dating apps just asks for people's numbers off the streets they are a menace (but their pickup line is: you look like someone I'd miss, can I talk to you before it's too late?) B2: wouldn't go on a dating app, under any circumstances.
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mimicry-if · 2 years
ROs opinions on cats? Cats opinions on them?
well first you get my opinion of cats and it's that i love them they're the original meow meows <3 so I might be a little biased idk
Ellie: no strong opinion because they tend to like all pets, regardless of cats, dogs, rabbit, bird, hamster, snake, frog (but surprise surprise they probably wouldn't want an animal companion they're fine living as is). Cats like Ellie, but they don't really tend to go near them. Tarali: likes cats, probably wouldn't be too opposed to living with one if it wasn't for the no-pets policy in her apartment. Cats like her back, because they can chill together (I'm imagining the little cats with sunglasses on and Tarali absolutely loving it) Haesoo: likes cats but cats don't tend to like him back. He tries so hard but shhh it's a secret. The type to get scratches on their hands trying to approach a cat. Angel: adopted a stray cat once; it comes and goes as it pleases, but there's always a space for the tiny cat where Angel lives. Angel likes gray cats better than others, but shhhh that's a secret too. Cats generally tolerate Angel's pspspspsp-ing. B2: (it hurts to type this but) tbh I can't see B2 liking cats, I think they would be indifferent at most. just walks by them when they see cats and doesn't go out of their way to pet them. Cats respect that, they're not hissy at B2 or anything.
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mimicry-if · 2 years
ROs on a scale from nerd to thembo? Thanks!!
From most nerd to thembo:
Tarali > B2 > Ellie = Haesoo >> Angel
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mimicry-if · 2 years
Dumbest thing all of the characters have ever done?
Ellie: Missed the train because they were busy looking at the timetables of when the trains come. This flustered them more than it should've, they learned to be more flexible from then on.
Tarali: The classic drink mixup: she might've accidentally drank a sip of paintwater that looked suspiciously like coffee. Is she a painter? No. Is her roommate? Sadly, yes.
Haesoo: He claims has not done anything dumb since his teen years (he's lying it's when he bleached his eyebrows because his sister dared him, and for the record, he was well into his 20's).
Angel: Forgot they were an android, jumped in the pool (when the waterproof system wasn't quite installed), electrocuted themselves and spent like a month setting fixed and checked up.
B2: Trusting Orenic.
Thanks for the ask!
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mimicry-if · 2 years
Ohohoho this is very interesting 👀 I absolutely love concepts in this realm (androids ftw) and I'm always desperately looking for more sci fi IFs, so this is very very cool
If it's not too much trouble can I ask about the characters MBTI types? Thank you!!
Thank you for the interest!! This actually helped me better characterize them. I feel like some of these definitely will change (character development?? who knows), but as of now I think I'm satisfied with these MBTIs!
Ellie: ENTJ
Haesoo: ESTJ
Angel: ENTP
(and you're right anon androids open so much Potential TM)
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