#just don't drink the rat poison tho
posting wip on main because i'm cooking real good with this one I fear
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leorawright · 2 years
Hellooo, I had a funny thought.
You ever seen Ratatouille?
You know that one chef that's been to prison, but everytime they ask for what he changes his story into a crazy bizarre thing, never keeping his story straight.
Ok that, but with s/o and the tf2 mercs.
The mercs found out that their s/o has been to prison and they're all like "Oh what for?"
And s/o just responds with some crazy story, and everytime someone asks, they change it into something even crazier.
"I stole nuclear bombs from area 51"
"I trained an army of squirrels to steal every single nut based product in 7 different states"
"I killed 20,573,341 genetically mutated zombie rats and used their corpses to poison the drinking water in the rich areas of the entirety of the U.S"
Clearly, I have too much of an imagination :)
Bro that's perfect also I love Ratatouille (the food and the movie)
Mercs with s/o who has been to prison but they never tell the same story
OK hear me out
He'll act like he wants the real story and keep asking you why BUT
He's really just writing down all your reasons because they're genius and he's gonna use em later
I think it's a funny concept and so something he would do
You cannot tell me this man hasn't done something like this before
Yet for some reason he's determined to find the real reason you went to prison
He tries to bribe Mrs. Pauling but she's not having it
He won't admit how creative your reasons are
His favorite activity is listening to the different reasons you provide for your arrest
He finds it funny and he always wonders how you come up with so many different reasons
He doesn't really mind that he doesn't know the real reason he likes listening to the random ones you have
They take all your reasons as fact and just assume you got arrested for all of the reasons
Which makes for an interesting conversation where Pyro says you've been to prison and when the other person asks what for Pyro responds "Everything"
Honestly don't worry about correcting them it's hilarious
He'll basically update your reasons you got arrested with your new reason every day
He'll ask in the morning why you got arrested and then just use that as the reason for that day
He doesn't really care why you got arrested but he wants a reason in case anyone asks him
He acts like it's a secret and has all your reasons on a corkboard with red string like a psychopath trying to solve a cold case
He always listens intently to all yours reasons and will later add them to his board
It's concerning but he might be in too deep at this point
He stops asking after the first 7 reasons you provide
If anyone asks him why you went to jail he'll just shrug and walk off
Whenever he hears you telling anyone else a strange reasons he'll chuckle to himself tho
Honestly it you actually did any of the reasons you provided he's impressed
They're all so creative and strange and if you actually pulled them off you've doubled his respect
If you do ever actually tell him the truth though he'll never breath a word of it to anyone
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jeongvision · 2 years
my favourite virgo uwu congrats on your 1k milestone! it honestly felt like yesterday when you asked me if you should post a short drabble and i'm glad you did :') i'm going to make a request 👉🏼👈🏼 jaehyun + teacher or roommates!au (you pick! it doesn't matter to me ily) + “Quick, my ex just walked in! Pretend that we’re dating.” I LOVE YOU AND AGAIN CONGRATS ON 1K 💗
pairing. roommate! jeong jaehyun ✗ fem! reader
genre. fluff, idiots to lovers au
warnings. profanities, bantering, mentions of food & food poisoning, semi proofread
author's note. lmao i know i'm like.. super late perhaps a year late but better late than never, amirite? (; but heads up tho ya girl is more rusted than the statue of liberty so bare with me here ahhh
be sure to read the notes at the end of this! it’s a mini surprise hehe
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“I don’t like you.”
Jaehyun paused scrolling through his phone, shifting his attention to you seated across from him, a smug look decorated on your face.
He pocketed his phone away. “As I’ve been told," he said unfazed.
“Your face pisses me off.”
“Funny, people usually tell me the opposite.”
"I don't give a rat's ass on what other people think," you spat. Grabbing your iced beverage, you took an obnoxious sip, purposely of irritating the man in front of you.
His left eye just barely twitches...
.. and there goes a sigh.
"What do you want?" he groaned.
You smirked. "I’m not paying next month’s rent.”
He scoffs, “Careful, (name). You sound like you're falling in love with me."
You couldn't help but roll your eyes, slamming your drink back on the table. Both of you are currently at a quaint café, situated at a table next to their window wall. The sun beamed against your skin, warming you from the cool air blasting from their central AC system. It gave you both a clear view of passerby’s as you both indulged in your beverages, but it’s hard to enjoy your drink when your roommate refuses to sympathize with your financial situation.
"Come on," you whined. "I haven't been working the past few weeks because of finals, and I barely have enough money in my account to last me a week.”
Jaehyun shrugged his shoulders. "Not my problem. We had an agreement to split the rent, so you have to uphold your end of the agreement."
You could feel a vein on your forehead throbbing. "Jae, you're literally swimming in money, what the fuck. Just cut me some slack for this month and I'll pay next month's."
“Nope,” he remarked, pulling his phone out.
“I’ll pay it in full.”
“What do you want for dinner?”
"Don't ignore me!"
"I think I’m in the mood for some Thai food.”
You see him scrolling on your phone, most likely looking for nearby Thai restaurants to order takeout from. You rolled your eyes. “Doesn’t matter to me,” you shrugged. “Just don’t order from that pizza place again. I got food poisoning from there.”
He rolled his eyes, “Listen, it was Mingyu’s idea to try that place out.”
“Well, tell your friend Mingyu that he has shitty tastes in pizzas.”
“Noted,” he chuckled.
The memory of it sent chills down your spine. You remembered when he came home one day, a warm box of pizza in hand, freshly made as you could tell from its divine smell wafting in the room. You were chastised to steal the box away from your roommate and swallow it all up in the confines on your bedroom, only to be blocked by Jaehyun when he held a hand out to stop you, already seeing the cogs turn in your head as you eyed on the box.
It was odd to see the restaurant’s name not imprinted on the box of the cardboard box, only a generic clipart of an Italian street with the word ‘PIZZA’ enlarged across it. But you didn’t pay much attention to it then, your starving self was more focused on eating your delectable dinner and satiating your tastebuds.
However, that night ended with you and Jaehyun deteriorating in your respective bathrooms, begging to any living deity out there to grant you mercy from the horrendous suffering you both went through as a result of that pizza.
Needless to say, it took you three months to get over your pizza-phobia.
The bell at the café’s entrance rang, bringing your attention back to reality. You looked past Jaehyun to catch a glimpse of the customer that just walked in, only for you to drop your jaw.
"Oh my god.." you murmured.
Your roommate stopped what he was doing, aware of the dreadful tone behind your words. He looked at you with concern.
"What’s wrong?" he asked.
The customer lets out a sigh, a rush of cool air brushing against his flushed skin before scanning the interior.
"He... He's here.”
He raised an eyebrow, “Who’s here?”
What a lucky day it is for you because that same customer managed to catch your eyes directed on him, sending your body into a state of panic. Fuck, he wasn’t supposed to see you! He slowly starts to stride over to your table, prompting your fight or flight to kick in at full force.
“Quick, my ex just walked in! Pretend that we’re dating.”
“What the hell is goi–”
“(Name)! Is that you, I see?”
You gulped, fruitlessly easing your nerves, your mind running a mile a minute. You could feel your hands feeling clammy and internally curse yourself. You can feel bile forming in the back of your throat as you mustered up the courage to look up at your ex
You feigned a smile. “N-Nice to see you, too, Seokmin. Didn’t know that you were in the area.”
Jaehyun raised an eyebrow at you at the mention of your ex’s name.
“Yeah, my girlfriend asked me to pick up some coffee for her and saw this place in passing.”
You felt yourself quiver for a second at the mention of girlfriend, but rebounded when he looked back at your roommate, as his back was faced to the entrance.
“Oh, my apologies! You had company here, it seems. Your name?”
“Oh, him,” you gulped. “He’s–”
“Her boyfriend, Jeong Jaehyun,” he responded
Your jaw goes slack from the latter’s quick response, seeing how he stood up from his seat to shake the latter’s hand. Seokmin looks back at him in shock, processing his words.
“O-Oh, you’re her boyfriend?”
Jaehyun nodded in response, his signature dimpled smile plastered on his face as he reached his hand out for a shake. “Indeed, I am, and I’m loving every second of it,” he chuckled. “And you are?”
Your ex returned the handshake, or more like only gripped his hand, seeing as how neither party didn’t move any more than that. The atmosphere surrounding the two men suddenly turned too thick for you to bear, further failing to quell the anxiety surfacing at every corner of your body. You didn’t know what to expect when Jaehyun surprisingly acquiesced to your plan, but the rigid stance in your ex’s posture is more than what you expected in response.
“Didn’t think that (name) would move on so quickly,” he commented.
Jaehyun narrowed his eyebrows. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“We had history, you know.”
“No, I don’t know, because you were never brought up in our conversations.”
“She’s never mentioned me in passing?”
Jaehyun faked pondering for a moment.
“Nope,” he answered, pointedly popping the last syllable, “probably not important enough to talk about.”
“A-Anyways,” you intervened, “i-it was really nice meeting you again, but my boyfriend and I were in the middle of an important discussion before you came over, if you don’t mind.”
Your ex relents, finally letting go of Jaehyun’s hand before facing you again with a forced smile.
“Of course, where are my manners?” he remarked. You noticed how tense his jaw become. “It was nice seeing you again, (name). Hope to see you around.”
“Hope that you don’t,” you heard Jaehyun mumbling under his breath. You sucked in a breath when your ex turned to glare at your ‘boyfriend’, but quickly recomposed himself before waving at you, and only you, goodbye.
You let out a bated breath you didn’t know you were holding in. That whole interaction drained all the energy out of your body, slumping your figure against your seat as Jaehyun sat back down. You couldn’t help but sneak a glance at your ex standing by the counter, waiting for his order you deduced. You should’ve known it was inevitable to meet your ex one day, but that doesn’t mean that you were fully prepared for the moment.
You bit on your lip.
“Thanks… for covering me back there,” you softly spoke.
In your peripheral, you could tell that his face remained impassive, but you can from his eyes that he had question he wanted to ask, prodding you for some answers.
“Yes, it’s that ex from last year,” you grimaced.
“The one you called crying to me while I was on my date?”
You winced at the memory of it. It wasn’t your intention to interrupt his date back then. Your mind was voided of all logic, too distressed to remember that your roommate had made plans that evening. You only thought about that breakup phone call you had minutes prior, and how you needed someone to grieve to.
And the first person to come to mind was Jaehyun.
Short to say, you’ve never seen him go on any more dates after that, stating his reasons that your well being was his first priority. You offered multiple times to set him up with blind dates in repayment of screwing up his date night, but he rejects at every attempt you made. Sorry, but your breakup messed with my dating game, so save yourself the hassle, he said one time.
“Kind of figured, his name sounded familiar” he shrugged, taking a sip of his drink. “Still can’t believe you made me ditch my hot date for your snotty self.”
“You could’ve just said no,” you scowled.
“I find it rather insulting that you’d think I could leave you alone like that. You were sobbing so loud that my date heard you, for god’s sake.”
Nevertheless, you can feel his fingers encapsulating your hand, thumb rubbing against the back of your fingers. It certainly did help calm you down, but your heart starts racing once again for a whole different reason.
“But… you did good,” he murmured.
You looked at him confused.
“Your ex, I mean,” he clarified. “Back then, you couldn’t bear to hear the sound of his name, and yet you were able to face your ex in person even if it was all fake. That’s come to show that you’ve healed from back then, or at least still healing. But still, that’s not an easy thing to do.”
He gives your hand a firm squeeze, and your chest warms at the kind gesture.
“I know I don’t say it often, but I’m proud of you, (name). Always am and always will.”
If you two weren’t in a public place, you could cry right then and there–curse the heavens for putting you at an unfavorable setting. You swore you felt somersaults in your chest, endorphins coursing through your veins. You squeezed his hand back in response, a smile gracing your features to mask the turmoil in your heart and mind.
“Thank you, Jaehyun. That means a lot to me.”
He smiles back, and the Gods whispered to you at that moment that no one could compare to the man before you. Nodding his head towards the exit, he gets up from his seat.
“How about we go get dinner and rewatch some High School Musical at home? Sounds good to you?”
You’re already up and out of you seat, thrilled to spend any waking moment with your favorite moment by yourself.
“Does that mean I’m not paying next month’s rent?”
“Absolutely not.”
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author’s note. if you haven’t noticed from the way i ended the fic, this story is set place in the same universe as my can i borrow? series! this is actually the beginning of their budding relationship which you can see that actually blooms into an established one further into my works.
hope you enjoyed it! let me know what you guys think and be sure to reblog it too <3
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slowerpusssycat · 2 years
𝑨𝒓𝒎𝒊𝒏 𝑨𝒓𝒍𝒆𝒓𝒕 𝒙 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
⦃𝑴𝒐𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒏 𝑨𝒍𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝑼𝒏𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒆⦄
⇢𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: Pr@!se, ty!ng, mentions of alc0h0l, slight ch0king and f!nger!ng, b0dy w0rship, d3gradation, dumb!f!cat!on, unpr0t3ct3d s3x
⇢𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚: Your best friend and you go out for coffee on a Sunday afternoon, so you can spill tea on what happened with your close friend Armin last night.
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"Let me set the scene for you."
"It's a Saturday night. On Saturdays, only two rules exist - we have to drink until we forget what happened last Saturday and kiss as many people as possible."
"Now, scratch that second rule for me, I only wanted to kiss one boy that night. I was getting all dolled up in my room, my favourite going out playlist was on.
"I was gonna be a little late to the party - you know I hate awkward situations, besides Armin notified me that he is going to be late. "
"I put on my little coat, took a selfie and left the dorms. I finally arrived at the party. Walked there in my six-inch heels wdym?? Everybody is already drunk, and I couldn't see you anywhere.
"Why didn't you text me, I would have picked you up?" - asked my best friend.
"I was thinking of texting you to go with me, but I figured I would see you there - I realized that was a mistake then because there was so many people and no one familiar."
"Anyways, I decided to search for the table with alcohol, say hi to everyone and find you. However, there was so much people, it took me a while to break through the crowd. I got some tequila, but I didn't see anyone from school. I knew I arrived before Armin and that he wasn't going to be here for at least half an hour. I was getting worried I was at a wrong party. That's when I spotted Sasha who grabbed a bowl of chips. I decided to follow her, knowing yelling won't be useful."
"I managed to catch up to her and ask about you. She told me you were on the terrace with Jean, Connie and Eren. Since she was going out to play strip poker with you guys, I simply followed."
"However, I wasn't really a fan since I felt I wasn't drunk enough for it and Armin just texted me he arrived. I got up, trying to get to the door before someone managed so crush me."
"Of course he hugged me like we haven't seen each other since middle school, even tho we had breakfast together lol."
"Don't act like you didn't like it" - they giggled. Honestly, they were completely right, I did like that.
"Anyways, we decided to go and find the nearest couch to the alcohol. That was a struggle because of the crowd but our regular spot was free nonetheless. "
"It was cozy and we had the view of the whole room. That wasn't very amusing, because Armin was talking about a book he finished after we met up and I was looking at his plump lips. He was obviously playing with me. Within the next ten minutes I was seated on his lap, while he was jumping from topic to topic. Talking about how scientists used a dragonfly to sketch a first helicopter now, and thirty seconds later how rat poison wouldn't be able to kill us because we would only throw it up. He was aware of the fact I wasn't able to follow him. "
"Are you okay doll? You look disoriented? God, how could I be ORIENTED when motherfucker looked like that. The only rational decision was to shut him up with a kiss tbh."
"And that's Armin to you, what did you expect?" - my best friend laughed, knowing I was the only person that didn't realize he had me wrapped around his little finger, but they decided they didn't want to be the one to burst my "single ladies run the world" bubble.
"Back to the story, my confidence gave him the right to pull me closer and grip my hips. I already wasn't okay at that point. I placed my hands on his shoulders, trying to indicate that I can't breathe. We were kissing for a minute or so. Bit the only signal that he received was to wrap my legs around his waist and get up."
"He was trying to navigate through the crowd to get to the staircase, while I realized his neck looked lonely, so I decided to upgrade it. He looks way better with blue spots, they compliment his eyes well, don't you think?"
"Besty, sorry to disappoint but when we see his hickeys, I don't think anyone is paying attention to his blue eyes."
"Pffft, sounds like a personal problem."
"Moving on, he finally got to the staircase, but I wasn't done playing, kissing his jaw and ruffling his hair - he loved that but on the other side it would annoy him because he would have to fix it later. He stopped walking, looked down at me and said, I quote: If you don't calm down your pretty horses Doll, my neck won't be the only thing you will be sucking on tonight.
"My jaw was on the floor."
"I just giggled against his chest and let him carry me up, this time he pulled me in for a kiss. Hugging his neck tighter, he pulled the key and unlocked the last room in the hallway. Of course, motherfucker had everything planned out."
"He locked the door, I was still in his arms but not for long because he laid me on the silky duvet. Pulling him closer by his shirt, my fingers found their way to his blonde hair once again. He cracked a smirk, before grabbing my hands and pulling them out of his locks.
"Fuck, you're so adorable. What should I do with you little slut?"
"I've had enough of playing nice, I couldn't let him win like that. I wanted to make a mess."
"Hmm, how about this Armin? - I pulled my hands away from his grip before slowly touching my neck, my fingers made their way down my ribs and stomach, I didn't touch my tits knowing it was his favourite part and I would get punished for sure. I almost got to my navel, almost. He was already agitated, grabbed my hands back and pulled them over my head.
"Precious, you know that there is a limit you are not allowed to cross, but you are damn close to it now. His face was an inch away from mine, and all the control I thought I had evaporated into thin air. He held his finger up, lifting your chin to look at him. Princess, what's my name again?"
"It's Sir."
"Good girl. He looked at me for a moment longer before unzipping me dress and kissing my lips. He realised he needed his both hands to proceed. Unbuckling his belt, he pulled it from loops before tying my hands and placing them back on the bed."
"Don't you dare lift them, Dollface."
"Ye-es, Sir."
"He pulled my dress down, thin material slipped down my torso easily. Underneath, I only had a thong, thigh highs and heels. He decided to leave the rest on. Eyes capturing my body before he decided to seek revenge for marks I left on him before. Slowly kissing my neck, his hands wandering everywhere. He wasn't in a rush unlike me. Slowly moving down to my collarbones, he finally managed to leave small purple hickeys. He was even as polite to make them heart shaped. I was doing my best to keep my hands on the duvet, gripping it if needed."
"He obviously spent the most time on my tits. By the time he was satisfied, I was dripping wet. His teeth grazed the skin of my ribs, while his fingers followed. Kissing his way down my stomach, he stopped between my legs just to look at me. He called my name and demanded I look at him."
"When I finally managed to open my eyes, I was met with Armin's sparkly blue eyes, drool slipping from his bottom lip onto my own skin. Despite everything, he looked angelic."
"Oh lord - was the only thing I managed to say. I was ready to cum right then and there from that view."
"Holding my thighs, he pulled me towards him, placing my body right where he wanted. Easily nesting between my thighs he threw them over his shoulders."
"I didn't have courage nor confidence to ask what was he planning. It didn't take me long to find out."
I took a sip of my cappuccino before continuing.
"He gripped my thighs before biting them. My legs hit his back as a reaction to contact of his teeth with my inner thigh. He realised I won't just calm down, so he slowly placed his free hand over my clothed clit. Easily rolling the bud, I was hopeless. The stain formed on my skimpy panties was getting darker. "
"Sweetheart, you're so nice for me, aren't you?"
"Aaah, yes, I am Sir."
"Now be a good girl and stay still, will you Darling?"
"I simply nodded, immensed in the pleasure, as he finished playing with my thighs."
"Moving his head towards my soaked thong, he knew I was ready for him. But that didn't stop him from running two fingers over my clothed pussy to play with me some more."
"Are you ready for me, Princess? Shall we play?"
"Goddamn I was ready. I was fucking born ready."
"He pulled down my thong, before slapping my naked pussy. He was looking at me while taking of his shirt. After we were both naked except my thigh highs and heels he liked so much he lifted me up and slammed me against nearest wall."
"Without hesitation, he slipped two fingers inside of me to check if I was really ready before slamming his whole length in me. The gasp that left my mouth made me thankful for the loud music downstairs, otherwise half the party would have heard how good of a fucker Armin Arlet really was."
"Are you okay Precious? Do you need a moment?"
"He brushed my cheek, my tied hands holding him tightly. I didn't reply to him, too lost to say anything."
"Awee, is my dumb cumslut tired. Awh Honey, but this is only the beginning, don't lose your spirit so soon."
"That made me look at him, finally waking up from my delirium. Sirrr, can you move-e plea-ase. Whiny words left my mouth."
"Oh my dumb toy is finally working, I see. He established a steady rhythm, slowly picking up the speed."
"Tell me Love, what is your safe word?"
"Good girl. Armin sped up, wrapping his free hand around my neck. He loved being able to feel my pulse, but also being able to stop it whenever he wanted. On the other hand I loved being able to feel him so close to me, it made me feel safe. Come on Pretty, eyes on me."
"And so I obeyed, looking into his eyes, I could feel my orgasm and he could feel it too. Holding me tightly and keeping that rhythm steady, made him look angry and serious, just how I liked it. "
"God, if I wasn't drunk off of him and his thrusts I would be worrying about tearing this wall down."
"Siir, please faster. I aam gonna cuuum."
"Come on Sweetheart, cum for me. Cum like you mean it."
"With a particularly sharp thrust, I came undone, soon after he pulled out to cum all over my skin because we didn't have a condom."
"Kissing my forehead, I relaxed in his arms before he carried me back to the bed. Before I managed to catch my breathing he was on top of me, again."
"Come on, let's get you cleaned up, Princess."
"He asked me to open my legs as he nestled between them just like before, but this time with a wet towel. Gently cleaning up my body and leaving playful kisses here and there."
"Then he laid with me until I came back to me senses. We got dressed before going outside to party some more."
"And y'all are not together??? - My best friend asked."
"Nope, I don't think so, I think we call it fuck buddies."
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louisefandoms · 2 years
Ask The Sides || The Beginning
My name is Logan Matthews, I'm 18 years old. I'm a male, cisgender, he/him.
I currently live with my strict, toxic and crazy father. He is a doctor and scientist named Sebastian Matthews. But things will be different because now that I am legally an adult I'll be moving out of this prison. My brother, Janus Delaney, lives with my mother, Willow Delaney. They left me and my father when I was 4, because of what we call 'the incident'. I still talk to them, I know it wasn't their choice to leave me with this monster. My father paid them to have my custody, mother couldn't do anything. I still see her, she's a teacher in a primary school, and sometimes I go there to talk with her after my classes.
Oh- I forgot! You must be questioning yourselves!
"What is 'the incident'?"
I'll let Janus himself answer that!
It is me, Janus, also known as the snake boy even tho I'm more of a snake man. I'm 21, non-binary, he/them.
I assume you want to know about the incident, as Logan calls it. I suppose you can know about it. Only I, Logan and our parents know about this, but you should probably know about this to understand the story. Oops! 4th wall breaking!
I am a shapeshifter, I also have invisibility. I won't tell you the whole story, but the scientist father using his sons as experiments sums pretty much everything. Oh! Did Logan tell you about his powers? Yup, he has some powers too. I think he's our father's favourite because while I can turn into a snake, he has telekinesis and Encyclopedic Knowledge! Encyclopedic Knowledge is the ultimate nerd power, it means that he's very intelligent. I suppose I should pass the turn to speak to my best friend so that he can introduce himself.
HIIIIII My name is Remus King-Duke! The 'king' is from my father Romulus King! He's a famous model! The 'duke' is from my birth mother, Nancy Duke! She's a stripper! She's only my birth mother tho- My current mom is called Ophelia Prince! She's also Roman's birth mother! Roman King-Prince is my half-brother/twin! Same dad, different mothers, same age, same face! Oh! And we have powers! No one knows that! Only we know it. I think it makes us quirky! The first superhumans! We have the ability to create and destroy and super agility and super strength!
Oh- And I'm 20! Cisgender male or something like that.
Pronouns are whatever, I don't care about what you want to address as! You can even call me rat-man if wanted to! I take it as a compliment
Am I supposed to pass this to Roman now, right?
I am the incredible, prince Roman King-Prince! He/him, cisgender male, 20 years old! Remus already explained the family tree so I'll just skip that part. He also talked about the powers thing, he could have explained how we got the powers but that will remain a mystery!
I shall now pass this to my fellow friend and dad of the group, Patton!
Hello there kiddos!
This is Patton! Your local parent and master of dad jokes! My full name is Patton Baker, got the last name from my mom... She's not here with us... But! I still have my amazing dad! His name is Tyler!
Where do I start... Oh! I'm 21 years old! I'm non-binary, he/them. I also have this really cool power that no one knows about, I only told my dad about it. I have this power called visual empathy! I can basically feel what others feel... It's difficult to explain... I can see how they feel, I can feel what others feel. I also have poison immunity, which means that I can drink poison without dying! It still makes me a little dizzy but I don't die! I got my powers from... From my mom... She also had visual empathy, and she had poisonous tears, which kinda explains my poison immunity.
Now, I should pass this to my dark strange son!
Sup, I'm Virgil Sparks
Yes, my name is Sparks, and I kinda hate it. I'm a male, my pronouns are no. Because you don't need to talk to me. You don't need to talk about me. You don't need to know my pronouns.
I'm 22, making me the oldest of our friend group, which is confusing, considering that Patton treats me like I'm his child and Janus thinks that he's more mature than me.
I live with my dad, Blake, and my older brother, Remy. My parents are divorced, but they're still friends, which is good because I lov— CARE for them equally. My mom is an artist, their name's Maddison Bishop. She's very talented! She knows how to draw, paint, sew and many other things. She even made my favourite jacket, it's black with purple patches. My father is a waiter at a 3-star restaurant.
I also... Maybe... Have powers... That no one, I repeat, NO ONE knows about. I didn't tell anyone, they wouldn't understand! I have these cool powers to manipulate shadows and I can teleport using powers! It's like, I hide in the shadows and I can teleport to another shadow, like those villains in cartoons when they disappear in the shadows! I also have night vision, which helps when all your powers involve darkness.
Now, you'll meet the most annoying person I know!
Wow, Virge, that's not very nice.
Hey there, babes, the name's Remy. I'm 26, work as a barista at Starbucks, obviously. I have this sleep power where I can make anyone fall asleep by looking at them in the eyes, that's why I wear sunglasses ALL the time. Sometimes I even make myself accidentally fall asleep, which is a problem. I also have night vision, like Virgil. If he thinks that I don't know about his powers, he is very mistaken. He's so oblivious, lmao. I also have a crush on Emile, he's Virgil's therapist. I met him when Virgil had a panic attack and I was called to the school to pick him up. God, Emile's cute. Moving on, have fun reading this story! Oop- breaking the 4th wall again!
Ask The Sides has officially begun!
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