#just found out that Pepsi comes in usually tuesdays/wednesdays
permanentreverie · 2 years
why is my heart breaking over a boy I met ONCE like for pls can we be serious rn
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Throw back to food diary 2012
I was looking back this morning to my very first journal entries, from soon after I started seeing T. I found a food diary from September 2012. I’d been in therapy for about 3 months by then, so bearing in mind this is an improvement on what my eating was like before I started therapy, I was.... well I’d like to say I was completely mad, but probably I should say I was quite unwell.
I’ll put it under a read more if I can, but if you do read it, be warned that eating like this will not make you skinny. It will just make you feel awful, tired, miserable, obsessing over food and grumpy.
Recovery is a hundred zillion times better than an eating disorder 👍
Not feeling good today, my stomach is churning and I've got heartburn. I don't feel remotely hungry. Maybe eating doesn't agree with me. Or maybe I'm just a bit ill. My insides are feeling fragile.
4pm - Thinking about soup. Looking at soup. Can't face it. Why force it down when I could just wait and might feel hungry later then I would have something to eat that would feel ok. Very busy baking a ridiculously complex cake.
7pm - handful of pretzels
9.45pm - soup at last with chilli sauce. Finally felt like eating. Have had a g&t and a glass of wine and can only just walk in a straight line though.
10.30pm - raspberries, yoghurt and leftover raspberry syrup from cake baking.
10.45pm - I don't know what it was about the raspberries, maybe it was the syrup, sudden panic.....sat it out for 15 minutes but then I couldn't tolerate it any longer and threw up. Yesterday I ate a whole lot more in the evening and quite rationally managed not to throw up, today I couldn't seem to get past the aaaaagh it's awful I'm awful panic panic thoughts.
1.30pm - half carton of soup & chilli sauce, 1/4 slice of bread, few graze box nibbles
5.30pm - salad, broccoli and 5 pasta shapes. I allowed the pasta because I'm going swimming this evening. (even though 5....5!....hardly counts! How ridiculous, there is more to life than counting pasta shapes)
*sigh* I wish there was a way to stop obsessing over food and all the rest, without actually having to eat any more.
1pm - half carton of soup
5pm - salad, 1 slice chicken, 1 roast pepper out of a jar (everyone else had a gnocchi bolognese bake which I enjoyed making while knowing there was no way on earth I was going to eat it....)
6pm - salad
7pm - salad then a tiny piece of chocolate
5.15pm - half a carton of soup. How can a soup that has only 110 calories in half a pot still have 3g of fat in it??
All the usual excuses for not eating earlier......was baking (coconut macaroons - yuk!) then cooking tea for later (cauliflower&broccoli macaroni cheese) then wasn't hungry, then forgot, then went out, then blah blah....
And now I left it so late to eat, it makes it harder to eat the next thing. The paradox of wanting to eat but at the same time feeling so terrified of eating. Sticking with the Empty feeling I know versus the Not-empty feeling of the dangerous unknown.
12.15pm - half a carton of soup, 3 little pieces of chicken, 3 spicy pepperdew peppers
1pm - 2 bites of a cereal bar
where is my Graze box?? It should have come yesterday. It's messing up my Graze box eating rules!
5pm - salad then yoghurt and maple syrup
8pm - little square of bakewell tart at school event
10pm - really hungry but cannot think of anything that feels ok to eat. That leaves the options of alcohol, coffee or Pepsi max. Or just going to bed.
12.15pm - half a carton of soup, chicken, handful of pretzels
I need to eat more. Feeling rubbish.
6pm - tiny portion of chicken and fennel gratin. Without the chicken. Or the gratin. I just picked the fennel pieces out and scraped the sauce off them. So, that should probably read:
6pm - few pieces of fennel
9pm - raspberries and yoghurt, square of chocolate
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zyibo-blog · 7 years
                 Media journal of ‘Media detox’
 Day 1
   ‘media detox day’
On Wednesday 17th of May, I did something that I never try before. It was my first day to quit social media for the whole day which means in that day, I don't use phone, laptop or any other electronic equipment. In the early of day, it was just interesting and curious for me by stop using any electronic equipment. because I posted a message on Facebook and told all my friends on Tuesday, so I wouldn't worry about any unread messages. I shuted down my phone in the morning. Around 7:00 AM, I cooked my breakfast, first time ate breakfast without watch phone, and went to gym with my flatmates. Talked with my flatmates a lot on the way to the gym, it was the first time we talked so many topics, he also looked very energetic. Because there is no phone. The weird thing is I found sometimes I would be watching phone not for the sake of entertainment but just to kill the time.
In the beginning, I felt disconnect with internet is not a big deal. I could do anything to kill time. However, I was wrong. I kept thinking about what if I missed some important news or notifications? what if some emergency phone calls coming? I try to give up, I almost couldn't resist the temptation of phone, I always wanted to check unread message, emails and notifications. Fortunately, my friend came to see me and dragged me to take a walk. We chatted a lot face to face and discovered many beautiful places in campus. He also borrowed a basketball, we played for hours. To be honest, I haven't sweated that much since I come to university.
                                 Day 2
Appendix One: Media Journal for date
Media encountered
Wake up
Phone alarm
 Check phone
  Close alarm
  Check unread message
  Check iLancaster timetable
Change clothes and brush teeth
Watch news on phone
Go to gym
One the way to gym
Posters of society in university
Listen to music
Message friend, ask him whether he come or not
Advertisements outside the gym
Buy water
Watch random TV show while running on the treadmill
(there is a small screen on the treadmill)
    Open fitness APP on phone and record running time and Weight lifting weights
    Check message
    Take photo of my weight and record it on the phone.
Take shower
Play music on phone
Use laptop
Log on university website
Log on moodle
Check university email
Check news and activities happened in college
Prepare the course past paper
Check Facebook and twitter message
Watch random video on Youtube
Go to library
Print the past paper or power point slides that needed in class
In the lecture
Use iLancaster to check-in
Use laptop to write notes in lecture
Use phone to check dictionary
(because my first language is not English)
Log on moodle
Check message on phone
Take photos of the content on the big screen in the front
In the seminar
Use iLancaster to check-in
Use labtop to log on moodle to see the power point
Communicate with classmates
Write notes on laptop
Lunch time
Check instagram and message
Check Weixin message and post
Send message to friends
Check bus timetable
Take a bus
Watch news
Message friends
See whether there is a discount or not
Use phone to make a  shopping list
Go to Sainsbury
Use Nectar card
Advertisements in Sainsbury, such as Samsung, Tropicana, Pepsi, etc
Different brands
Discount items information
Sign up membership of Sainsbury
Call taxi number
Use phone to check dictionary
Check university’s email
Log on moodle
Revise with notes taken in the morning on the laptop
Review power points
  Use phone to see BBC news play Snapchat
Use Skype to contact with my family
Also send recent photos to them
Play music
Call my friend or message them by using Weixin
Check Facebook status
Leave comments (my favourite news is about politics and economy)
Laptop thing
Watch interesting video on Youtube
Edit some more information on my own official account in Weixin, write status and post some photos on it.
Others’ interesting essay and photos
Advertisements of movie and anime, novels or TV series,etc
Edit email
Recommend activities and interesting news happened recently
Dinner time
Watch film while eating
Use moodle and online power points, just like above
  Play music
Read electronic novel on phone
See whether are there any more recommend novels or not
Charge online for APP
Advertisement of new books
  Log on Amazon accounts
Check discount information
Many brands’ advertisements
Check account status
  Watch film
Text friends
Set alarm on phone
See timetable for tomorrow classes
Read guitar sheet music by using phone
 Watch one episode of favourite TV series
                           Day 3
  My reflection of the 'media detox day’
  During that day, While doing all these activities, I always wanted to open my phone or laptop to check are there any unread message or did my friend call me? I also wanted to use 'Google'. Usually I always use 'Google' when I met any difficulties. without my phone and internet within couple of hours.I realised we have already become very dependent on internet, because we are member of this society. I can't remember when does the Internet become a secondary storage for our brains, and anything that we think isn’t essential to our survival gets stored on the World Wide Web. for example, sometimes when I want to go shopping, I always Google discount information or compare different stores on internet. Also, when I want to make a cake, I have to Google it even I knew those steps. I became extremely dependent on internet that I do not remember the skills I have learned. I can find satisfactied results on Google in mere seconds. Google become the best answer of any questions that come to our mind. I checked my Google searches history , and I counted the total number of my Google searches of April. I found out that I did an average of 30--40 searches each day in April.
Moreover, in the past few years, I have been spending too much time on internet and viewing the web page. Sometimes, I felt that overuse Internet has actually chipped away my capacity to concentrate and contemplate. Every time when I met difficulties,the first thing on my mind is use 'Google' to find effective measures. It become part of my life, and it makes me lazy. In 1960, media theorist Marshall McLuhan mentioned that media does not only supply the stuff of thought but also shapes the process of thought (Carr, 2008). Because of Facebook messages, television, email and notifications. we become very hardly to concentrate. Many things around us are distracting our mind.  On that day I quit social media, I always want to give up, I almost couldn't resist the temptation of phone, I always want to check unread message, emails and notifications. As result, I locked my phone and laptop in the drawer at that day. While the Internet has restored reading and writing as central activities in our culture, it has also changed how we read and write completely (Shirky, 2010). I always read novels on my phone, and I also have a electronic book. Sometimes, I also found it is hard to concentrate, When we read online, Wolf says, we tend to become“mere decoders of information.” Our ability to interpret text, and making rich mental connections when we read deeply and without distraction, remains largely disengaged (Carr, 2008). I remember once I was younger, I was so focused on a book, even my mom shouted my name many times for dinner, I wasn't able to hear her. I used to immerse myself in the book for hours. However, nowadays, I couldn't concentrate for one hour.
In 1964, McLuhan also pointed out that media is an extension of our selves (Marshall 1964). Sometimes I would be using phone not for any purpose but just to kill time. I will be relieved if my phone is held by my hand. when I am taking shower, there has to be a music playing. To be honest, if my phone, laptop disappeared someday, or all information on them was stolen, I would basically be losing abilities of spelling, arithmetic, calculation. There is a research has shown that around 68 % of students start panicking and uncomfortable after just a few minutes in a room without their phones or a computer (Konnikova, 2013).
   People on social media have more stressful life (Chore, 2013). because we compare ourselves with others. Social media provides us many ways to compare ourself with others (Chore, 2013), we always compare the number of friends on Facebook, the number of likes we get on Instagram, the number of re-tweets we get on Twitter, etc. more and more comparison make us feel unconfident and jealous. There was once I remembered I went to watch movie with a group of friends, but the next day, I saw one of my friend post many photos, everyone is on photos except me. I felt unhappy and sad. I kept thinking one question ' where did I offend him?'  Another thing that people like me fear about is Being ignored, during the 'media detox day', I felt like withdrawing from real life when disconnect with internet. during that day, I always thinking what if I miss some interesting news or important calls.
In fact, during the 'media detox day', I still found there are something far more interesting than phone, chat with my friends face to face rather than message each other. I start to walk around our campus , discover every corner in university. And I bought some books, it is the first time for me to go to book store this year. If it wasn't 'media detox day', I would never ever realised that I become hardly to concentrate. Social media is causing me more stress than happiness.
    Blog link:
  Carr, Nicholas. 2010. The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains. W. W. Norton.[Accessed 20 May 2017].
    Marshall McLuhan, (2017). Understanding Media The extensions of man  [online] Available at: http://robynbacken.com/text/nw_research.pdf  [Accessed 20 May 2017].
     Carr, N., 2010. Does the Internet Make You Dumber? [Online] Available at: http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052748704025304575284981644790098 [Accessed 2017].
     Konnikova, M., 2013. HOW FACEBOOK MAKES US UNHAPPY. [Online] Available at: http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/elements/2013/09/the-real-reason-facebook-makes-us-unhappy.html [Accessed 2017].
    Shirky, C., 2010. Does the Internet Make You Smarter? [Online] Available at: http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052748704025304575284973472694334 [Accessed 2017].
    Kelner, S., 2013. Is FOMO depriving us of our ability to exist in the present and take pleasure in the here and now? [Online] Available at: http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/is-fomo-depriving-us-of-our-ability-to-exist-in-the-present-and-take-pleasure-in-the-here-and-now-8449677.html [Accessed 2017].
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