#just imagine Fushimi all cold and unfeeling'
ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
Persona users Munakata and Fushimi fighting Shadows and their Shadow selves. What Persona(s) do you think they'd have and what would their Shadow selves be like?
Fushimi’s Shadow self would almost certainly be a lot like Niki I think, like the version of himself that Fushimi’s afraid he’ll become. While his Shadow self looks like Niki though I imagine it would still have glasses and still be definitely Saruhiko, like his Shadow self would probably be very similar to the side of himself he shows while fighting Yata in episode five of S1. Instead of taunting Yata though he taunts Saruhiko himself, repeating all of Fushimi’s insecurities back at him and taunting him for losing his best friend and for daring to care about anything, being the symbol of both what Fushimi fears becoming but also the mask that Fushimi hides behind. 
Munakata’s Shadow self I think might be something like Dark AU Munakata, a rigid and controlling figure who only believes in control. I wonder if this self might also echo the feelings of being ‘different’ that Munakata’s dealt with, like this is the Munakata who’s resigned himself to the fact that no one will ever understand him or emphasize with him and has just become unfeeling and cold, caring only about justice and nothing else. It’s a version of Munakata taken to extremes, where the mask of ‘King’ has taken over completely and he’s ceased to let himself be human.
For their Personas, I could kinda see Fushimi with Loki, befitting his status as something of a wild card. Like this Persona is Fushimi accepting the side of himself that’s more twisted and complicated, but still himself. For Munakata I like the idea of him having some kind of ‘protector’ Persona like Masakado (I’m thinking this more like in SMT IV where he’s protector of Tokyo), someone who Munakata can see as an embodiment of justice or fighting against tyranny but who was also a human as well. I think Fushimi’s Persona would probably use a variety of attacks, like he has every element in order to correspond with Fushimi’s multiple colors. Munakata would definitely have mostly the big Holy spells like Megidoloan but also I think a lot of buffs too, like his focus is both on buffing his allies but also doing big damage when it’s needed.
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ridiasfangirlings · 8 years
AkiHida where Akiyama gets hit by a strain that makes him lose his dom personality and he basically becomes a docile kitten. Oh and misaru where saru loses his "Chase me notice me attitude" and becomes emotionally detatched like his mother.
So maybe Akiyama’s dom side is also the side that makes him a goodsoldier, like when he’s fighting and he’s all calm and commanding,that’s the dom side in action. So when he gets hit by the Strain ittakes away all of that and now it’s not just that he’s not pinninganyone to the bed anymore he can’t even fight or command the rest ofthe squad the way he normally does, like in the middle of the fightwith the Strain Akiyama suddenly drops his sword and jumps behind thenearest tall object (meaning Hidaka) clinging and shaking becausehe’s scared. Everyone’s very worried of course because Akiyama canusually be counted on to be so steady and good in a crisis and nowhe’s just whimpering and sniffling and won’t let go of Hidaka’s hand.Even Fushimi’s a bit worried because he’s used to Akiyama being oneof the few reliable members of the squad and suddenly Akiyama can’teven be left alone to do anything because he’s too docile to evenwield his sword. Benzai has to take over Akiyama’s duties as fourthin command and help gather the alphabet squad to go after the Strainso Hidaka’s placed in charge of Akiyama for the time being. At firstHidaka thinks that maybe this isn’t so bad, Akiyama’s timid now buthe’s pretty gentle and actually kinda cute, like all Hidaka has to dois pat his head and Akiyama just clings to his arm and smiles andlooks perfectly happy. But after a while it gets just weird, likeHidaka messes up some paperwork and he expects Akiyama to scold himbut instead Akiyama just looks at him (and then Fushimi comes in toscold him instead, which is scarier and ends up with Akiyama curledin the corner shaking like a scared rabbit because Fushimi-san isterrifying and Akiyama can’t take it in this condition). And eventhough they’re dating Hidaka suddenly finds that he can’t even reallykiss Akiyama because Akiyama’s just so docile and accommodating thatHidaka kinda feels like he’s taking advantage of the poor guy, plusit’s just not the same if he’s not being slammed into a wall.
Misaru version, Yata would probably be really worried that Fushimi’ssuddenly not paying any attention to him the way he normally does,like Yata doesn’t particularly like asshole traitor Fushimi who’salways taunting him but cold and aloof Fushimi is somehow worse.Say Fushimi gets hit by the Strain and as he’s trying to resume thechase he almost literally runs into Yata. Yata steels himself for afight, like huh funny running into you here monkey but Fushimi justgives him this cold imperious look for a moment before pushing rightpast Yata as if he was a stranger. Yata’s all confused like waitaren’t we going to fight but Fushimi keeps walking, not even lookingback at him. Part of Yata thinks that well maybe he should just letthis be because it’s not like he wants to fight but I think hewouldn’t quite be able to let it go, like for all Yata hates the wayFushimi acts now he also I think almost sees it in the same wayFushimi does, that at least this way Fushimi is in some measure stillpart of his world and Yata can’t quite let that go. He grabs Fushimiby the shoulder and asks him what his fucking problem is and Fushimijust coldly smacks Yata’s hand away and continues walking. Yatastares after him blankly and then maybe he just gets pissed andstarts yelling, like all right well who cares about you stupid Saruand Yata doesn’t even know why his voice sounds suddenly choked andhis face feels hot. Fushimi meanwhile stops for just a moment, almostimperceptible as he touches a hand against his scars before he keepswalking again, this cold emotionless look on his face, and he neverlooks back.
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