#just imagine this guy getting giddy in the soap aisle
samrut ยท 1 year
Tolys is the type of man that gets excited when a new scent of dish soap drops.
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katsukikitten ยท 5 years
Hot Sauce
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The bell over head chimes once then twice as you and Kirishima enter behind a determined ash blonde.
The shop is small and filled with all sorts of spices from mild to tear inducing hot. You grimace slightly apprehensive as you stand hesitant in the door way.
"Why the fuck am I here?" You grumble as Kirishima's sharp tooth laugh echoes behind you.
"Because you must want to impress him." He smirks, ruby red eyes fixated on Bakugou's strong back as he stalks down the aisles. You nudge him hard in the ribs and a small oof escapes his lips followed by another untamed chuckled.
You let your eyes wander the shop as your feet guide you to your other bestfriend. You spy peppers from all over the world dried or advertised on bottles. Jalepeno, Bird's eye, Indian Tezpur, ghost pepper and even the Carolina reaper. Their levels of heat indicated by fire embloms or skulls.
All with different types of hot from immediate reaction to the slow burn that is surprisingly good until the whole back of your throat is burning.
Your eyes water just from the smell of some of the oil extract and dried peppers but you push on, running into the toned back of Katsuki.
"Ah sorry." You blush, *tsk* is his only reply as he spies what he wants around the corner.
You give yourself a moment as you damn your body for reacting this way.
Why was your heart racing over acxidnetly touching him? Weren't you straddling him in training just last week?
But no Eji just had to make a comment last weekend.
You and Eji were cuddled on the couch, your cheek resting on his chest, hips tucked as he flipped through the channels.
But it's not like that, you two had always been oddly close to each other and hell, you even tried dating but there was no chemistry between you two.
It was strictly platonic and it baffled you both considering you did such couple things with one another so every now and again you would test your platonic relationship with a kiss.
Just to be sure nether of you were dense and well someone was home when he shouldn't have been the time you tried to test it.
"Eji-kun." You look up at him and try. You try to imagine that electrifying calm that you've read about that seems to never go away no matter how long you stare at them or feel the butterflies that swarm in your stomach but you feel....nothing.
Just his warmth and that you were thankful that he was your friend. So thankful that he let you try to figure out if there was anything for you two depsite him feeling nothing like that as well.
"Can we?" You ask and he gives you a sharp toothed grin.
"I'm staring to think *you* do feel some type of way." When he sees your cool expression and no blush dancing on your cheeks like it has when a certain someone uses his flirty tone with you his smile grows wider, "Guess it has been awhile."
It wasnt that you weren't attractive and it wasnt that Kirishima wasnt attractive it was just when he leaned his head towards yours and you pressed your lips to him no fireworks exploded behind your eyes.
It was more of like kissing a pet on their forehead than anything else. When the two of you pull away you both stare at one another with a slightly awkward almost cringing smile.
"Oi!" You jump ten feet in the air from the sound of a gruff voice behind you. You spy a snarling Katsuki and your palms sweet.
"You two dating now?" He cocks his head towards Kirishima while his crimson eyes are glued to you.
"Ahh..we..." You stammer, one of the few times in your life.
"Nah, we just test the waters now and again." Kiri offers the truth to which your face burns.
From embarrassment or rage you do not know.
"Good cause you both look like you just kissed dog shit." He bites darkly before laughing, "Though I'm sure its Eijirou who's the bad kisser."
The blonde stalks away and Eji has a huge grin on his face. He leans towards you whispering haunty in your ear.
"Oh he must liiiiiike you."
And here you are now standing in a spicy pepper shop all from some bullshit claim that Kiri isn't even sure of himself.
You sigh finally collecting yourself and trying not to stare through the bottles to the sharp blood red orbs that search deftly.
Kiri stands behind you, hands in his black jeans with a mean smirk on his face.
"Dare you to try this hot sauce, Y/N." He says picking up a test bottle with two flames and a skull, waving it in your face.
"No, too hot." Katsuki says flatly still looking for whatever spice brought him here today.
"Go to hell." You snarl softly to Eiji who chuckles, looming behind you much too closely while Katsu is watching. He leans to your ear and you barely hear him say
"Its either that or kiss Bakugou to test your feelings." He emphasizes the syllables in Katsuki's name and you glare at him harshly.
"Give me the fucking hot sauce." The red head is beyond giddy, delighted even in what may or may not be your down fall.
You had no tolerance for heat, in fact you called green bell peppers "spicy" but drinking a fourth of this hot sauce had to be far better than embarrassing yourself by kissing the ever so strick on any type of emotion Bakugou Katsuki.
You unscrew the cap with shaking but determined fingers, it was *only* two flames and *one* skull, honestly how bad could it be.
"I'll pour for you." Kiri laughs glancing towards Bakugou to see if he's watching.
Oh is he watching as you huff but close your eyes obediently for the red head.
You hardly ever listen to him when he commands you in training but here you are standing before a guy you had to "test the waters" with not even questioning his obviously dark motives.
You hold open your mouth and your tongue in this certain suggestive way that has Bakugou gripping his forearm tightly to keep from imagining anything more especially when the dark red sauce hits your tongue in spurts.
He growls, hating to see you like this for Kirishima when it should be for him. He turns his back on you both with a scowl to finish grabbing the ingredients for his famous spicy ramen.
The second the sauce hits your tongue you pull it in, cheeks reddening deeper than Eji's eyes that are lined with mischief. You begin to sweat, whine softly even as you grip onto the wooden shelve that groans from your strength. You'll be dammed if three drops of hot sauce has you on the floor.
But Kiri knew what he was looking at considering how many times he's been here with his equally as spicy friend and he picked an instant heat that turns into a slow burn.
Once it hits the back of your throat you fall to your knees, suppressing your coughing as plump tears push past your closed lashes, streaking your sun kissed cheeks.
You let go a slow breath that feels as if you're exhaling fire, sweat accumulating on your brow and hell even your upper lip.
"Ki...Kiri please...." Your voice is all whine as he looks down at you.
This was it, this is how you go huh?
In the middle of an old mom and pop shop in a forgotten traditional district with your maybe not fucking maybe crush standing in the other aisle while your supposed best friend caused and encouraged your pain.
You lived a good life you guess.
That is until Bakugou rounds the corner to see you on your hands and knees moments away from rolling on the weathered wood floor. As if the old elementary saying of stop drop and roll could put out a spice fire.
"Kirishima." His voice comes out so dark you almost forget how fuck all hot your tongue is as your gut clenches. Kiri winces in pain as Bakugou holds his bicep in a vice grip, "Out."
Kiri shuffles past you rubbing at his arm, the bell above the door chimes.
Bakugou pokes his tongue in his lower lip as he looks you over for a moment.
You were wearing a pink crop top that said Kitten in back bleeding letters across the front (he knew that was your favorite top, it was secretly his too) and a very rare black skirt that you wore on your natural waist.
When he catches site of your laced black underwear he blushes, growling as he yanks you to your feet.
"I said it was too hot for you, dumbass." He snarls, voice tight while his hands feather over your skirt to wipe away the dust, "And if you wanted to show Kirishima your laced underwear you could have stayed home."
"Wha..what?" Your face flushed further even with the linger spice, "I...I"
The bell chimes over head and a few other people wander the aisles around you but avoid the ones directly beside you. Katsuki is not done yet and pullss you to him, firmly swiping his hand over your ass to make sure your skirt is down before it finds your ribs squeezing tightly as his lips are pressed to your ear.
"You what? You ignored *me* and obeyed *him*. Opened your mouth wide so he couldn't miss." He growls in your ear, "Then you get on your hands and knees in front of him."
He sucks his teeth but continues, angry.
"If I hadn't watched and known the liquid hitting your tongue was hot sauce I would have thought you were begging him for something else especially with your frustrated tears and blush." His tone darkens and yet your core ignites from his closeness, his scent, his skin and voice. Your breathing hitches as he sends it home, one hand moving to your hip to pull you closer the other moving to the nape of your neck pulling the hair there to tilt your ear towards him better and you let out a small whimper.
"When you should be on your knees begging *me* for relief." He notices the flush that goes down your throat, eyes lingering to your shirt with a devilish smile as he pulls your hair a bit harder. "Isn't that right, kitten?"
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@koala-soap I hope this is kinda what you wanted. I wanted to make this cute and that was my intention but then the story wrote itself like this ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜“๐Ÿ˜ซ
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