#just in case ghjfd
at-salvatoraes · 3 years
this  is  just  me  complaining  about  sabrina   (  or  lack  there of    lmao   )  in  RD.  
THATS ALL ???????  I  GET  TEN  MINUTES  OF  SABRINA ???   &  they  didn’t  even  explain  how  she  was  in  riverdale  ???  like  i  watch  a  four  episodes  of  this  weirdo  bullshit  to  see  her  &  they  gave  her  like  ten  minutes  ( maybe  less  )  of  screentime  ??  
they didn’t even tell me how brina came back to life but ok ?????????
“  we  have  mutual  friends ”  what ??  ma’am  what  mutual  friends  of  cheryl  blossom  do  u  have ....  sabrina  never  metioned  a  single  character  from  RD  in  the  whole  show  &  nobody  in  RD  ever  mentioned  her  until  now  ???
so..... if this abigail bitch was a witch and was in cheryls body...... and her and brina did a transference spell to nana rose..... does that mean sabrina came back to life by the same type of spell ???? was her soul transferred back into her body  ?  did her soul leave her body ???  i am so confusion..... 
is nick alive too ? my real question lmao 
roberto sleep with one eye open u bitch
anyway sabrina spellman i love u with my whole entire heart u deserve better thank u goodnight
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