#just introduced some very valid points but dropped them in favour of giving buck his 1938348th storyline
captain-hen · 8 months
i know the whole thing with eddie attempting to date in 6x17 was played for laughs but it makes me so terribly sad, actually. like. he didn't have much of a childhood because of how his parents were. he and shannon were barely adults when they had chris. eddie lost shannon, the one person he loved since they were fourteen. he nearly died 3 times before he even turned 30. he lost an entire year to his mental health completely breaking down. he's spent his entire life in survival mode, that when he's finally in a better place, and his kid is growing up and doesn't depend on him as much, it's still an issue because he feels stuck. he doesn't know how to date. how could he? he feels terribly lonely and desperate, at this point. how could he not? he's still so young but he never expected to make it this far and now he doesn't know what to do with the life he's been given. idk it just makes me feel so, so sad for him
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