#just irritating just to be irritating I’d tie him up and me and yuuji will beat him like a piñata
ohimsummer · 3 months
Smash or pass
Choso and Mahito
Smash Choso this wasn’t even a real competition
I’ll smash mahito(‘s face into the curb with the heel of my demonia boots)
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itbeajen · 7 years
Omorfos Kosmo | HQ!! x Reader | Game!AU
Chapter 11 - Disbelief and Fools, but Mostly Fools
"No way," the blonde has finally stopped jumping about and was finally listening. Almost immediately the bowman sighed, "Yuuji, I told you already it's from [L/N]."
ID: Pierce Main: Elemental Mage Level: 71 Guild: Simplicity Fun Fact: Despite being captain of the volleyball team in real life, he's only the figurehead of the guild. The true leader is actually Hana.
"But Misaki-chan," Terushima leaned back on the couch in their guild hall, "There's no way she'd contact me. She thinks I'm annoying." He pauses and Misaki can't help but slightly agree with your opinion on that. Sometimes Terushima was a bit too much, but the cocky smirk on his face makes her want to roll her eyes, and he continued, "But maybe she's just playing hard to get-"
"Stop that," Misaki sighed, "Don't talk about her like that, she's a reknown mercenary you know?"
ID: Flower Main: Bandit Level: 68 Guild: Simplicity Fun Fact: Although she's not guild leader, she has a good handle on the Johzenji boys. Despite the mess they make, she's always there to help them clean it up.
"Is it really though? From her I mean." Terushima waved the letter in his hand, and he pouted, "If this thing explodes on me-"
"Do you really think I'd do that to you?"
"Well, no, but," Terushima smiled, "A man can't help but be cautious!"
"You're such a handful sometimes," she shook her head and the next thing she knew it, Terushima was already finished with the letter, his fingers flying across the screen visible only to him as he pulled himself together to message or contact someone. Misaki looked at him slightly confused and he sends her a bright smile, "Don't worry! I got this! I'm Johzenji's captain after all!"
"So, what do you want to do, Daishou?"
"Well, if it's coming from [L/N] like this note says it is, I can't ignore it. Despite this being a game, she has quite a reputation, that sly woman," Daishou responded with a sly grin.
ID: Akuyo Main: Dark Mage Level: 66 Guild: Serpentine Fun Fact: Daishou's guild has been focused solely on raids, and his cares for anything outside of that is almost nonexistent.
"So we'll be attending then?" Hiroo asked.
ID: Attun Main: Dark Sniper Level: 68 Guild: Serpentine Fun Fact: Him and Daishou are always the "last line of defense," the two of them have ridiculous long range artillery; especially since Daishou's dark magic can actually boost up Hiroo's damage.
"Yup, gotta see what has [L/N] so riled up that she's sending these out to all the guild leaders," Daishou snickered, "Plus it'd be cute to see her all pissed off again."
"Mika-san won't be happy to hear this," Hiroo casually mentioned and Daishou froze before snapping, "Mika's still number one! Always!"
"You're stupid," Kenma admonished you immediately after the meeting. You flinched and he sighed, "Do you have any idea what kind of trouble you're getting yourself into?" "I think I'll be fine though," you meekly responded. Whatever fight and flame you had ignited earlier was doused so quickly, if Kenma hadn't known you for as long as he did, he'd think you were having mood swings like Bokuto. But although this was similar, it was more of your innate personality/nature rather than mood swings. He sighs, his gaze narrowing on you before he sighs again. "Kenma," your voice was soft and he waited for your question, but it never came. Instead you shook your head with a soft smile, and simply apologized for causing him to worry or freak out. You had excused yourself and Kenma sighed before turning around, only to see Kuroo with Bokuto and Akaashi. "What." "Are you sure you don't like her?" Kuroo teased, and the look of pure disgust and anger that flickered across Kenma's face was more than an answer for them. But Kuroo's teasing lilt disappears and he asked, "So, as someone who's close to [L/N], I'm sure you want to be a part of the alliance right?" "You guys don't?" Kenma asked, not surprised at all. He had known that there were going to be difficulties, not everyone would accept it, the idea of an alliance that is. On paper, an alliance was an amazing idea. Not only does it allow various different guilds of various trades and specifics to unite under one name, but it could also bring order and a just system to the currently lawless lands of Omorfos Kosmo. Although the Terra's were civil and polite, not all players were. As seen within the first night of the update, there were some that had attempted to use the confusion and chaos to exploit others. Kenma frowns at the memory of it. He still remembers the accounts that Kiyoko had told them about; of those unfortunate enough to have fallen victim. But even with an alliance, what was the likelihood that people would actually follow the alliance? Would it be out of oppression simply because all the big name guilds and powerhouses were being gathered together? Or would people willingly listen? [L/N] is already worried about simply being accepted into the alliance, but would they all agree to her ideals? She's aiming for a lot and- "It's not like I don't," Kuroo admitted with a sheepish look on his face. He sighed, "But I just... I do understand what she wants to do, but Kenma." Kenma was patient, his warm gaze never faltering from Kuroo, but unknown to Kenma, in his eyes held defiance and stubbornness. There was an undeniable loyalty that Kenma had for you, and if Kenma had perhaps met you before Kuroo, the captain was certain that Kenma would stand by your side. "What is it Kuroo?" "I just don't know if all the guilds can see eye-to-eye," Kuroo sighed, "I know this isn't my place to be worried, but I am. Sure, with Bokuto and Akaashi here to boost our reputation in game, it makes it a bit easier for us to, but-" "Kuroo," Kenma cut him off, and the pudding haired priest continued, "Things will be fine." Kuroo's lips tilted into a frown, and he heaved an exasperated sigh and he muttered, "But if things-" "[L/N] won't let anyone else take the blame, if that's what you're worried about," Kenma reassured him as the pudding haired boy stared off towards where you walked away. He glanced back at Kuroo, "After all, she'd rather bear it all herself than ask others to shoulder it with her." Kuroo sighed, "I guess you're right, but I'm also worried about her... she's so-" "Kenma," Tendou peeked his head into the hallway. The red head clearly knows he interrupted something important with the look of irritation on the cats and owls, but he dismisses it. A lazy grin was on his face, "Can I talk to you about something for a sec or two?" The assassin glances at the other guild members of Nekoma that all stared him intently, and Tendou's smirk drops, a more serious air taking the place of it, "It's about our dear [L/N], I'm sure you'd be more than willing to talk about this."
"Hello Miss [L/N], how may we help you today?" the Terra kindly asked. You snuck a quick glance at her name tag. Airune. "I was just wondering if I could get more information about the alliance and guild systems..." your voice trailed off as you saw a certain person you never expected to see again. And when their gaze met yours, you momentarily froze before quickly tearing your gaze away. You shot Airune a soft smile, "Sorry about that, I was momentarily distracted." "It's okay!" Airune giggled, her hair was a short bob with the ends curling inwards adorably. She was dressed in the typical black and purple striped blouse with a simple black bow tie and pencil skirt to match the outfit. "Would you like to come into my office for a more private conversation?" "Yes please, that'd be great," you nodded eagerly. You were dressed in casual attire, just a simple black tank top and khaki gym shorts. Despite this game being a fantasy world, modern day clothes did exist outside of the fancy oriental or medieval battle attires. Airune lead you to her office room located near the back of the building and she handed you a brochure. As much as you would have loved to call it simple, you could not. The amount of detail and information that was held in its contents were sure to make your head swim. Whether those thoughts reflected on the expression of your face, Airune lets out a soft laugh and asked, "So, what can I help you with?" "Can I just... ask you a slew of questions?" "Yes, of course," Airune nodded and she asked, "Would you like me to type these out so you can have a physical copy for reference?" "C-Can you? Oh Gods," you sighed in relief, "That'd be so helpful." "Of course!" she nodded as you see her click across her screen, "Now, shall we begin?" "Yes, well you see, I was wondering if..."
"You're insane, if you guys barely made it out alive, what makes you think-" "Because [L/N] is there," Tendou firmly repeats. Both males had their lips drawn in a tight line and Kenma shook his head, "You have too much faith in her." "But you do too," Tendou countered, and upon seeing Kenma's eyes widen even slightly, the red-headed male smirked, "I'm absolutely certain you have the same notion about her as I do." The playful lilt in his voice made Kenma's face wrinkle in irritation. He sighed, "Look Guess, if [L/N] is okay with it, then fine. If not, try somewhere else." Kenma is already walking away, but he spares Tendou one last glance, "If anyone else is willing to do something like that anyways." Tendou sighed as Kenma exited the room, and he felt the silencing spell slowly fade away. Shirabu and Ushijima step in and Shirabu asked, "How did it go?" "Just like I expected," Tendou chuckled, "It's all up to [L/N]-chan then." "Do you think she will though?" Shirabu grumbled, "Even I wouldn't." "Yes, I think she will. It's [L/N] after all."
"So we're meeting up. All of the guild leaders, at the end of this week?" Oikawa asked. You nodded, and quickly added, "Well, the ones that accepted the invitation that is... there were quite a few that haven't yet." Iwaizumi sighed. You shifted awkwardly in their guild's reception office and Oikawa sighed in contemplation, "I know I had said we'd be okay with it, but..." His hazel eyes narrowed at you and he firmly explained, "[L/N], I'm not saying this offend you, but in all honesty, many guilds may take to offense that a single person like you is trying to take charge of the entire alliance. Especially as it would be one singular person having authority over every guild and-" "That's why I don't want to be the actual leader," you blurted out in honesty. Oikawa's steely gaze shifted to one of confusion and he asked, "What do you mean by that [L/N]?" You took in a deep breath, and cleared your throat. Your warm orbs met his and you continued, "I was talking to the Terra's that work in the Guild Hall... an alliance is founded by one person, but leadership is often dispersed between all the guild leaders. "Often times, the founder of the alliance isn't even a guild leader," you paused, and Oikawa tilted his head in confusion, "What do you mean?" "On paper, the founder could be me; but in reality, the person who's the actual face and head of the alliance would be someone like say, you," you saw him about to interrupt and you hastily added, "Please let me explain!" He closes his mouth, a pout evident and you sighed in relief, "As weird as it is for me to say this, I know that many of our players respect me. I currently hold the highest rank as a mercenary, and also as a competitor in the monthly PvP tournaments held. Players know me as someone resourceful and helpful, and I will concede to those attributes, but I'm not sure if that's good enough for me to be a leader. To be a leader, we need someone who has charisma, someone with strength and leadership skills that can not only take in one perspective, but many others. I don't think I have it in me to that. After all, I've never joined a guild before, and the only thing close to even resemble leadership skills are-" "That's bullshit," Iwaizumi interrupted with a slight scoff, your eyes widened in surprise and he said, "Many of us have repeatedly asked you to be the leader of the alliance because we know, personally, of your capabilities. You may not realize it yourself, but [L/N]," the way he says your name so clearly almost made you flinch, but you find yourself unable to pull yourself away from his determined gaze, "You are the only one who has willingly made contact with other people outside of your friend group. You will randomly message strangers, help out newbies, and even provide people with resources when they have no where to turn. Do you really think you aren't fit?" "Well, I-" "Iwa-chan has a point," Oikawa laughed, "You almost charmed me into thinking that I could be the figure head of the alliance, but no, if this alliance is created, it should still be you. If you plan to create the alliance [L/N]-chi, you should be our leader as well. Just because you know the information and resources, does that mean you can just work behind the scenes? Of course not. You may not realize it, but you're perfectly fine in that position of leadership as well." Oikawa casually flicks his hair back and out of his face and continued, "I may not have personally ran a raid with you, nor have I personally been directly under your authority, but I know you have it in you. After all, you always manage to control the rowdy group of mercenaries, I'm sure you will be fine." You were biting your lip in doubt, and Oikawa added, "If it makes you feel any better, you're an inspiration to many players; myself included." "You?!" you squeaked out in surprise and Iwaizumi chuckles at the sight of your astonishment. Your gaze flickers between the two of them and Oikawa nods in affirmation. "Yup," he chirped, "I wasn't going to main my bowman, I made it because our guild needed one, and Iwa-chan and I were both Holy Knights. When I first met you, I had thought you were cool, you made the archer class look so much better than most people had said they were." He paused, a small smile on his face, "But I wasn't planning on choosing it to be my main until I saw a video of one of your raids online." "You mean-" "Yeah," Oikawa softly confirms your thoughts. He notices your shoulders droop slightly, but the soft look of yearning and longing for the past was obvious on your facial features. His eyes close as he leans back in his chair, "I still remember how Iwa-chan and I couldn't stop talking about that raid. It was to the point we were actually showing it to our entire team." "I remember that," Iwaizumi shook his head fondly, "We were pretty obsessed with it... but that was probably what set the stone rolling for the creation of this guild." Your gaze shifted away from them and towards the floor. Iwaizumi gently continued, "You guys were honestly the pioneers of this game. I know you're all separated now, but each and every one of you made a big impact. You guys discovered hidden Easter eggs in the story lines and NPC quests. You plotted out hidden maps and detailed descriptions and analyses of boss AI's and monster spawns. You guys finished raids and your glory was always the first one to be seen on the Stone of Honor that marked the beginning of a raid and the end of a successful raid." You can't tear your eyes away from his once he continues, "I do hope you know that you guys are a great inspiration to everyone.. and even if you're separated and in different guilds or situations, they'll still all be willing to help you." He notices that you were deep in thought again and Oikawa glances out the window and he murmurs, "It's getting late." Iwaizumi nods and Oikawa asks, "Would you like to stay in a guest room, [L/N]-chi? Or-" "I think I'll be fine heading home, thank you King, Iwaizumi," you bowed before making your exit. As soon as you opened the door, another Seijou guild member escorted you back to the entrance. Iwaizumi and Oikawa waited for the door to close and the latter let out a long sigh. "To think even the great [L/N] would have such thoughts plaguing her," Oikawa stretched in his chair. He doesn't know how long he had sat there as he listened to you explain the alliance system in detail and the possibility of him being leader. Iwaizumi stretches as well, finally moving after leaning against the wall for so long and the knight muttered, "She must have been actually considering it." Oikawa nodded and he sighed, "It's barely been 3 days." "Yeah," Iwaizumi glanced at the bulletin board in the room that pinned all the notices and requests from people: Terras and players. His eyes narrowed at the board and he muttered, "Only three days and it's chaos no matter who you hear it from." Oikawa nods, his face solemn, "There are players still going about with their daily routines of the 'normal game play.' Then there are players that have resorted to Player Killing, or PK'ing. Many players have practically given up on the game and their lives and are literally wasting away in the city, not doing anything. But there are a few others that are discovering new things." Iwaizumi nodded, "Right, Karasuno guild... Kiyoko was it? She discovered how to fix the food issue within record time after the update." Oikawa nodded eagerly, "If she didn't. We'd all suffer with tasteless food and..." He trailed off, but both the captain and his ace shuddered. Iwaizumi gruffly mumbled, "No thanks." "But there's that change that Guess mentioned," Oikawa added with a gentle swish of his finger, "He was capable of recreating modern real technology right?" "No, I think that was the Iron Wall guild who figured that out," Iwaizumi corrected, and the knight furrowed his brows, "There's too many changes occurring at once, and there's no order." "Are you implying you want to be a part of the alliance?" "It'd help us fix the chaos in Enarxis," Iwaizumi muttered, and then he shot Oikawa a confident grin, "And come on, didn't you say you were waiting for the day you wanted [L/N] to let you join her ranks?" "IWA-CHAN WHY DO YOU REMEMBER THAT?!" Oikawa flailed around with a pout. Iwaizumi laughs off his best friend's antics and Oikawa calms down, a serene smile on his lips, "Yeah, I did." This alliance... perhaps it'll be a great one.
"[L/N], is that you?" The voice was hesitant as they called you out, and you looked back. And your eyes widened, "I thought you quit the game, Indifference."
ID: Indifference Main: Lancer Level: 68 Guild: Serpentine Fun Fact: Naoyasu only joined because he heard about how fun it was, but once he reached the higher levels and basically finished most of the bosses, he lost interest and stopped playing.
"I thought I did too," he responded. His voice as monotone as ever. He glanced around, "But I woke up here and I haven't bothered to find my guild members."
"Ah, Serpentine right?" you responded. He nodded. You internally blanched,
Gods he's as indifferent and static as ever.
He sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, or you think he did, you can't tell with his emotionless demeanor. "Do you think you can lead me to the guild hall? Everything's changed and I'm just really confused."
"Uh, yeah, sure."
The walk was silent, almost awkward, and he asked, "How long has the game been like this?"
"Eh? Like two days."
"Huh.." Silence fills the walk again, but you don't feel as awkward as you did earlier. Upon reaching the guild hall you said, "Well, I'll see you around."
He nods, and then a very rare smile is seen on his face, "I'll see you around, Captain."
"Don't call me that anymore."
He waves off your snappy retort and you feel your shoulders droop.
Captain... That's something I haven't heard in a while.
From: Guess
Hey-yo. Where is you
To: Guess
From: Guess
Come to our guild hall.
Pls and ty
To: Guess
But w a e
From: Guess
i said so
pls fren
To: Guess
If you're going to suddenly be in storyline combat again
I'm going to tear you apart.
Do you hear me Guess?
From: Guess
W a o z e r s
Such violence from a cute tiny thing
To: Guess
Please stop.
I'm omw
Map me.
From: Guess
I thought you knew where all the guilds were located?
s m h
jk jk don't go emo now
I gotchu fren
To: Guess
Why are you typing like that?
It hurts my eyes
From: Guess
I wanted to bother someone
Cause Wakatoshi never gives me a good reaction
But you do
So it's fun.
To: Guess
Lemme in please.
"Yahoo, [L/N]-chan!" Tendou greeted you. Your jaw almost dropped at how fancy the interior of the guild hall was. Karasuno's was impressive, but the Swans were on a league of their own. Tendou smirked, "Like it?"
"Gods, you guys must be rich," you muttered. Tendou laughed, "This probably costs as much as how much you make in 2 months of playing."
"Oh my god."
"Anyways, come, follow me," he laughed as he gently took your hand. Your eyes widened in surprise as you let him drag you through the hallway. The various members of the guild respectfully made way for the red-headed assassin, but their gaze burned into you, and you almost ducked your head until he announced, "Don't make my precious Bard feel unwelcomed! She's my guest, do you hear me?"
They all nodded, and you felt them avert their gaze. Unknowingly you let out a breath of relief and Tendou softly whispered, "You're surprisingly not as strong as people think you are."
"But you already knew that."
"That I did," Tendou laughed, and he glanced back, glad to see you were relaxed now as you let him drag you through the corridor.
"Wakatoshi! We're here!" He opens the office door to the main head quarters. Ushijima looks up, but his eyes widen at the sight of Tendou's hands holding yours and you follow his gaze before mumbling, "Guess, hand."
"You're already holding it," he joked, and immediately your other hand flies to your face as you face palm. Ushijima cracks a small smile at the interaction and his gaze goes to you, "Glad you were able to make it [L/N]."
"Well, I have no reason not to come, I was just wandering around town anyways," you made your way to the chair in front of Ushijima's desk and sat down, "What did you need me for?"
"We would like to request you of your service."
"Please help us find information on the new story line quest boss, Cithaeron."
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