#just kinda felt like sharing something else since I haven't drawn much in the past couple of days fnsndng
hollowsart · 8 months
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Enjoy some moose 🫎 💖
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Sorry to bring this topic back now, but I'm honestly glad to see you talking about the passport tequila(?) thing. I haven't read your passport post yet because I wanna avoid spoilers for the passport just in case I manage to get it one day (but it'll take a while till that happens, seeing Cheritz still isn't shipping to Finland and I still haven't got the bodypillow I ordered from them in May), but I've seen two pictures of some of its contents already. The second one a photoset of him and MC (which btw was seriously adorable and made me wanna get the passport immediately, man he's so cute) and the first one I saw was the doodle of Saeran being passed out.
My friend messaged me about it, also pretty devastated and disappointed that the artist had drawn something like that in the passport, completely forgetting his past and trauma with alcohol. Honestly, because it was the first ever thing I heard about the passport's contents and the first doodle I saw, I was really disappointed and felt hesitant about ever getting it. I went on a whole rant about it back then and then later started feeling like I overreacted a bit...
But not gonna lie, it kinda upset me too because it just seemed so OOC for him to do? You pretty much already put how I feel about it into words really well. I just don't think he'd drink alcohol, seeing that's pretty much where his trauma came from, and also when I think about the friends and mutuals I have who've had alcoholic parents and swore to never drink themselves thanks to that, and how Saeyoung doesn't wanna drink because of his mum and they share that trauma…
Then after talking about it with a few friends I began to think that hey, maybe he wanted to try it out once and already after ONE sip went "too bitter DX" and didn't want more. He likes sweet stuff anyway, even if he didn't have all the trauma, I doubt his sweet tooth would like the taste of alcohol. The first impression my friend and I got was that he was DRUNK, but nah, now he just looks like he's suffering because it was too bitter lol
But then I saw someone here mention that it might not even be an alcoholic drink (or that he passed out from the heat) and hey, I'm just gonna go ahead and headcanon that now, it was just way too bitter for him
In the end I do think that the artist who worked on that passport wasn't entirely aware of his past, which is a shame. Or just didn't think about it. I think someone told them to "make some cute and funny doodles of him" and they thought "hey drunk Saeran lol that could be funny and cute" without thinking about it more, and that's how the doodle became a thing
You’re still waiting for that? Jesus, I hope that the mail service is able to open up soon for your country and that it’s okay for them to ship things around. It’s been a while now, I would’ve thought that they might have been able to work around to get it to you! Well, precautions are precautions, and those are important when the world is like this but huh. Odd that it’s not working around yet. 
It really unsettled me when I saw it. I thought, “Okay, maybe it’s not actually just straight-up tequila or booze, I can rationalize this away as something else cause it’s really not okay to me.” I know someone said in the post that it’s on the Wiki that Saeran’s not a big fan of soda because it gives him headaches, and I know that feeling, so if one wants to think it’s soda, they can. It’s easy to say, well, it’d be possible that it’s the dry heat of the country and he’s flopped over from that after finally getting something chilled. 
It’s easier for me to rationalize it in that manner instead of saying that it’s alcohol even though it’s clearly intended to be seen as that. I’ve unfortunately got similar trauma and I see myself in the Choi boys. Do you know how rare it can be to find characters that are adults that don’t drink or aren’t invested in drinking culture as a whole? I’m fine with people enjoying their vices and doing things in moderation but—
I just cannot relate to it. I’m nearly 24 and I cannot stand even the smell of that stuff. It’s fine if you enjoy your wine or liquor or whatever, it just feels in such poor taste to draw out someone drinking that has made it very clear that they aren’t comfortable with drinking, and they shouldn’t have to explain out their trauma to have their feelings justified. The whole, “Just one sip, it won’t really hurt you,” is so toxic.
Can’t tell you how many times someone has told me that when I’ve made it very clear that I’m uncomfortable with that and I would rather chug dish soap than be subjected to booze. 
I’m proud of Saeran for how far he’s come in his AE. I sincerely am, emotionally he’s doing so much better and he’s working on himself, but I really don’t see him or his brother ever trying alcohol. There could be a point where maybe they just say, “What the hell did she even see in this? What do people even see in this stuff?” and they try one singular sip, and go: “Yeah, no, this isn’t the thing for me, no thanks.” 
I’m cool with that if that is what they choose to do. It’s their body, their trauma, and their choice. 
Saeyoung and Saeran have very clear trauma from Alcoholism. It’s made very clear from the both of them that they don’t drink. Seven notes that he’s about as straight-laced as they come when it means alcohol or smoking. Unknown can’t really be counted as a smoker, he literally used that as an excuse during the SE to contact Mint Eye. So, I’ve never read him as a smoker, either. It was a good excuse. Neither of them gets involved with addictive vices that are legal for you to use. 
I struggle with fanon content sometimes because I’ll find stories or imagines where the writer has shown Saeyoung or Saeran drinking, and I just have to nope out of that setting. It’s not cute or cheeky. I personally don’t answer any requests that involve the boys drinking because I’ve made my stance very clear on the subject and how I feel about depicting characters that do not want to drink and have made it known that they do not want to drink as drinking. The rest of the RFA? Sure, some of them drink occasionally, fairly in moderation, which is alright. 
The Passport itself is really cute, no spoilers, but that’s the only thing within its contents that made me uncomfortable. The rest of it was definitely worth what I paid for and it made me smile if that’s any comfort to you. It’s just that one little doodle that just... yeah, I think I would go with your theory on this one, and that being that the artist might not have known specifically about the brothers or what they’ve dealt with in their lives, and just went with a cute idea they had and it’s not really anything huge. 
It’s fine to drink and all, but it’s equally important to respect when someone says that they don’t want to do it. That is a personal choice, and I just wish more folks would consider Saeran and Saeyoung’s feelings on the matter since it’s been stated in the canon plenty, specifically by Saeyoung during his Routes events in the game, and you can infer from Saeran fairly easily given what he was subjected to in his life. 
TLDR; It’s fine to drink when you want to do it, and there’s nothing wrong with it in moderation; but, it’s important to respect that not everyone wants to drink or get involved with that sort of stuff. 
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the-lazy-tallest · 3 years
It's kinda sad, looking back on this.. I had big plans, high hopes... still wanna continue this for her, and.. Kinda did. I wrote it all out, just hadn't drawn it yet.
I figured I'd wait until folks showed some interest again, one last ask, something to push at that piece I spent hours on for the lore, of her staring up at the big testing facility related building on Planet Devastus, hinting at something that hurt, some trigger that happened at that very moment, and just.. Hoping someone would ask. Take a guess, or push me to answer, or.. I dunno, something..
Maybe I shouldn't have been waiting on someone else to push me.. like I kind of have been, with my waiting irl. Waiting for therapy, waiting for the meds to work, waiting for life to stabilize, waiting..
I don't even remember why I decided to wait.
Anxiety? Depression? ..Rejection? Probably some mix of that, I suppose.
But Tai's story still waits to be told, and I should get around to that sometime, I hope. She's one of my dearest ocs, so she'd never disappear.
It's just me that did, heh. ..Sorry.
I hope anyone who was watching for more stuff from me is well, and knows I'll be okay.
I still know the plans for this blog, and could continue at some point.
Tai hints at a sore past, then is pushed by someone to continue, so she does. I even had an animation in mind for that, but I might just share the wip, which is also on my YouTube channel, been there for a while, but... Never shared it here for fear of spoiling too early. But I just might post it on it's own to share here, if I don't feel like finishing it, hah.
She escapes to Urth, gets a job, makes this blog, meets someone (also had a wip animatic relating to that meeting), who y'all would actually get to see being met, and see their relationship develop, even letting y'all push them together or give Tai doubts, talk to Tōhi to see what all he knew (though he only speaks irken, and it's a much more bird-ish sounding version, but still understandable, bit like an accent of Irken rather than a sub-language.)
You'd see more hints of her being watched by those blue eyes, might even have someone point them out to her and have her look back confused, and play that out interestingly
And eventually reveal who that was and what role they played, and then that reveal would play out eventually in a scene, based on how y'all played with that one relationship, where that dream I'd mentioned would come into play some too
And it'd be baaaad news. Very bad. Tai would need a lot of comfort and help thinking and all, and I thought that'd be the best time for interactions to get more influential on her, in her moment of weakness, within reason of course, with you folks acting a bit like voices in her head in that moment, and see how that played out
Eventually she'd cool back down, and any recovery from bad choices could be done, and all that, and..
There was a lot more I had planned, beyond that, but..
That's just a taste, of course. To prove I really do remember, and still am sitting on those plans.
I'm somewhat willing to try and get back to it, if you're all still interested of course. Just a bit in need of motivation, y'know?
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I'm tossing this extra, 3rd rough sketch animation thing, since I doubt it'll get more done on it, and therefore it's not spoiler related.
Apologies, as usual, just.. Someone liked somethin out of the blue, and it reminded me of what could've been, had I just pushed myself more rather than waiting. Felt like venting a little, but then kinda realized I might try again if it was wanted, and if not, I'm willing to let go, and keep all of Tai's story stuff between friends and all.
Sidenote, the silhouette is someone you haven't met, and the gal in the yellow dress is someone new, but that I've shown here before, even named off, if you recall, hehehe.
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