#just kjsdfg i support the sentiment but can u 1st have a little faith that we do in fact not want our animals to die or suffer b4 u
joelletwo · 8 months
guh i didnt get to complain abt this at work but while i was in reptiles rearranging stuff someone walked over talking on their phone goofin off and offhandedly said 'oh that geckos dead, how sad.' like not sad at all just like. lackadaisical. while i am two feet away staring at them bc i know the gecko is not dead bc i Just saw it and they dont make eye contact so i cant even like. try to say anything. and they clearly didnt say anything to any other employee when i brought it up after they left they just thought they saw a dead animal in a pet store and like. didnt care? and im so sjdfg irritated and baffled.
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