#whos on first about it] and went LOOK its DYING u should PUT IT OUT OF ITS MISERY instead of LETTING IT SUFFER and when i finally
joelletwo · 11 months
guh i didnt get to complain abt this at work but while i was in reptiles rearranging stuff someone walked over talking on their phone goofin off and offhandedly said 'oh that geckos dead, how sad.' like not sad at all just like. lackadaisical. while i am two feet away staring at them bc i know the gecko is not dead bc i Just saw it and they dont make eye contact so i cant even like. try to say anything. and they clearly didnt say anything to any other employee when i brought it up after they left they just thought they saw a dead animal in a pet store and like. didnt care? and im so sjdfg irritated and baffled.
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pxtched · 8 months
ok so this head has been rotting in my head and i think its time to let it free.
so pirate!miguel stumbles on siren!reader's territory by accident bc his ship got wrecked and he was sorta the only left of his crew (u can change that if u want ofc) and siren!reader saves him cus she wants to know if any other man is gonna come so she can prepare herself for a future attack. he wakes up by mouth to mouth but he doesnt realise until siren!reader herself says something about it. the rest you can decide.
i love ur fics sm! stay hydrated!<33
𝐬𝐨𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐯𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞
╰ Pirate!miguel x Fem!siren!reader.
╰ angst, death, slowly gaining trust then immediate betrayal, (not really…)
AN: this is so short I’m SO SORRY, thank you for letting it free!! Thank you for requesting and hope this is to your liking!
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Miguel ohara.
That was a name that was well known, feared, and one of the strongest captains and have one of the most strongest crew in the sea. Get attacked by him? You’re dead, you aren’t making it out alive.
He’s listening to his crew mate talks about sirens, saying how they are worth a lot and they should go hunting for one! Miguel instantly rejected the idea, saying it’s a waste of time.
Miguel never really believed in sirens, he thought it was some tale to scare kids and to make pirates like him search endlessly for them.
“Awh c’mon!” “No Peter, It’s just a waste of time and resources.” “You are like probably the only captain that dosent believe in sirens” “Because I’m not stupid.”
He remembers helping another crew hunt a siren but never even saw it, nor heard it. Miguel scoffed at the fact he wasted his time helping someone hunt for something that probably wasn’t even real.
But now? He believes, he saw one. He even looked at one. Talked to one.
Miguel felt like he had a fever dream, he doesn’t know how to put it into words that what happened in that day was real and not some random dream.
He’s not even on his ship anymore, not his crew, just some random people. He dosent know what happened to his crew mates but just assumed the worst.
It happened so suddenly, He was sailing on the ocean on his ship with his crew mates. Laughing and just having fun. When he least expected it, the tides got rough, the waves got higher and it was stormy too.
The last thing he saw before passing out was a massive wave, All he remembers is feeling the impact and then black.
His ship wrecked god knows where, His crew mates most likely dead sinking down in the same ocean but different area than Miguel. Miguel was drowning alone.
Until you saw him, You noticed him sinking down. Your first thought was free food but then you realized who he is. He’s a pirate. The same ones who try’s to hunt your kind. You scowl at this discovery but you soon realized he’s alone, his ship is gone too.
You could get information if there’s any attacks coming, their weaknesses and then kill him.
So, you save him. Grabbing his body, stopping him from dying and throwing him on the shore. you look at his body, you recognize that symbol that’s on his chest...your eyes widened, you grit your teeth as the grip on him tightened.
This was the Captain that helped that crew hunt your kind. Yeah, you are going to kill this man afterwards.
You give him CPR, isn’t working. So you give him mouth to mouth. Soon enough he’s awake sitting up immediately, coughing up some water. He looks at you, looks around. He’s at some random island as some lady saved him.
“What do you want from me? Is there anyone else coming? Is there going to be future attacks I don’t know about?” You immediately question him.
He looks at you once again in confusion and opens his mouth to answer but his mouth closed then his jaw went slack as his eyes widened in horror as he realizes that you aren’t a human but a siren.
He frantically searches for his cutlass but you hold it in front of him “looking for this?” You say as you toss it in the water. He looks at it sink I the water then looks back at you in fear but regain his composure.
“I don’t mean any harm, I didn’t even know—“ you scoffed, not believing his words “Oh cut the bullshit, answer my questions now.” You demanded him.
You get closer to him narrowing your eyes at him as he backs up “Is there going to be any men attacking me? Is there going to be people trying to hunt me down?” You questioned him once again.
“I’m being truthful, I don’t know. I didn’t hear anything about people looking for you. I don’t mean harm, You can see that my crew mates are not here most likely dead. My ship is wrecked. So please trust me.” He pleads, you glare at him and backed off.
“Why would i ever believe a pirate Like you?” You sneered at him, and he sighed “Please, I’m alone. You have my word.” He pleads once again. You look at him trying to see if he’s trying to trick you but you don’t see any malice in his eyes.
You decided to trust him, you felt bad for him. And you especially know how it is to be alone so, you just nodded and point your head to the island “There’s some food there, You Can stay” you tell him and you swam away in the water.
He smiled and began to explore the island, trying to see what he can work with for the time being. He can deal with this, He is a bit shaken up that he just talked to a siren.
As time went by, you guys respected your guys space. Staying away from eachother…which was actually you avoiding him because you still hated him.
But after a couple of days, you talked to him more. Making short and awkward small talks but it’s something!
Now Miguel sits at the shore, looking at the water as he searches for you. He notices your eyes staring at him back and he’s a bit startled but he offers his hand to you, you swim up to him and take his hand.
“Yes?” You say, tilting your head. He smiled at you and puts an apple in your hand “Here, I don’t really know what you eat and i don’t want you to still hate me” you eyes widened at his kindness.
You couldn’t help but chuckle a bit “you don’t do your research?” You say as you take a bite of the apple, usually you’ll just eat whatever is in the sea or sailors but sometimes an apple wouldn’t hurt.
He shakes his head “No, I don’t focus on stuff like that. I just focus on where I’m going, why, and the safety.” He admits honestly, you raise and eyebrow at him being a bit skeptical of him.
“You were there helping another pirate hunt my kind” you pointed out and he sighed “you think I wanted too? It was a waste of my time and my resources. Even after that I didn’t believe”
You smile. Maybe he isn’t half bad “Realized I never got your name, What is your name?” You asked him.
He smiles, knowing he’s getting on good terms with you “Miguel, Miguel ohara” and he offered you a handshake, you give him a handshake.
“you aren’t that bad Miguel, I thought you were going to kill me or send men my way” you joked and he shakes his head.
“I wouldn’t either way, why would i crash my ship risk my teammates life and my own! just for a chance to get you?” He asks and you thought about it. Huh, he was right. “Dunno, people are desperate.” You shrugged and he laughed.
“True, true. I see pirates fight all the time and I don’t get why!” He says while eating some berrys, You didn’t even notice but he was halfway in the water. “So, how’s the pirate life been?” You asked him.
“It’s…Something alright, it’s always shocking something. Everyday is an adventure and I…had my crew mates with me, it was fun and I miss it. I miss their laughter, and…everything.” he tells you. His shoulders dropped as he has a frown on his face.
You feel bad for him, you understand how that feels to be left alone. To miss home, to miss everyone and everything.
You put a hand on his shoulder and then loved it up to his cheek for him to look at you.
“Hey, It’s okay. I understand where your coming from. Trust me, I know how it feels to be alone. I didn’t live here always, I was with my family, my friends but then…they came. I seen all of my family die in front of my eyes.” You looked away, You didn’t like going back to this memory but you told him anyways.
“I tried to stop them but 3 ships was there. I couldn’t do anything, so I swam away as fast as I can. And that’s how I got here” you confessed to him.
It was silence for a few moments but then he apologized “I’m sorry that happened, but hey! You got me now” he says with a smile, picking the mood back up. you laughed, You Can Finally trust him.
But that thought quickly goes away, you hear the familiar sounds of a pirate ship. Your smile dropped. There was multiple, he lied to you.
His eyes widened in horror as your widened as well. You back away from him, looking at him with disgust and betrayal. You turn around to the ships and you noticed that they are aiming their pistols at you, their cannons as well.
He desperately pleads that he didn’t do this, that he didn’t know but you glared at him. You’re in disbelief that you actually gave him the benefit of the doubt and trust him.
As much as you want to attack him, You safety matters first. So you swim away deep in the water as Miguel watches, as he hears his name being called from the people above.
A/N2: im so sorry this took so long
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sarilolla · 7 months
So ghost anon got me thinking…
What would happen if Floyd was the only one who couldn’t get to branch in time? I mean he was the only brother to say goodbye and promise to return, but ironically he is also the only one to not meet branch before he passes. I have a feeling that the guilt of never being able to fulfil his promise would tear him apart :3
Hopefully I won’t regret giving u a weapon to rip my heart out (who am I kidding, do as u please with this)
OW? OUCH? I got this ask while I was writing the fight and just oof, it hurt- Thank you for giving me this weapon >:)
Going to turn this into a ficlet, haven't done one of those in a while
Branch knew it was unlikely that all four of his brothers would get there on time. The world was big and who knew where four small Trolls could have ended up after twenty years. Laying in bed, he blinked in and out of consciousness, his chest heavy and barely any air managed to get to his lungs. Poppy was by his side, holding his paw tightly, not wanting to let go.
To his surprise, John Dory was the first to arrive. The oldest almost looked grey as he looked at his baby brother, who was resting on death's doorstep. With a push from Delta, he walked into the room, sitting down on a chair on his side. He opened his mouth, but no words came out, not until Barb had pulled Poppy out of the room. The two brothers needed a moment.
"I'm so sorry, Bittie, I… I'm sorry. I should have been there for you, but I wasn't, and…"
Branch took his paw, the younger being so weak, but he needed JD to listen.
"Love you."
His voice was broken and small, but to his surprise, JD started tearing up.
"I love you too. So much. You're my baby brother, and I'm sorry…"
This went on for a while, as Branch's lungs cleared just a bit, and he asked if JD could tell him about the Neverglades, which he did, drying his tears. He hadn't felt this vulnerable in a long time, but for Branch? He would probably beg the Muses themselves for his life to be spared.
Then came Clay. He came inside on his own, Synth and Dante pointing him to the right room. He was shocked, to say the least, that JD was there, and for a moment, all he felt was anger and grief. After a small spat, he calmed down as Branch's tail brushed his own. Right, Branch. They were there for Branch. Their little brother, who was dying.
After a few exchanged words filled with love, both the Iris and Dahlia were cleared from his system, and he breathed just a tiny bit easier, enough that if he had just a bit more energy, he would have been able to hold a conversation. But he didn't, so the two older held it for him, despite their awkwardness and grievances, they were there and they were talking.
Finally, Spruce came. Except it was now Bruce, and he had changed a lot, but he was their brother nevertheless, and while Branch could tell the tension swung a bit in the room, happiness, anger, and grief hanging heavy in the air, he was happy to see another of his loved ones. Just a few hours ago he had almost accepted death, not believing they would come on time, but here three of them were.
JD gave up his spot for Bruce, letting him take Branch's paw, the purple-haired Troll speaking so softly with the youngest, who hummed an "I love you too" in reply. The Zinnia lost its grip, and now… they only had the Queen Anne's Lace left.
But would Floyd get there on time?
Floyd had already left Mount Rageous days before, having heard the news on his small traveling radio, and narrowly avoiding being kidnapped, he set out to find his baby brother.
He had made a promise. It was maybe twenty years too late, but Floyd was not one to break a promise. Not now, not ever.
Then he learned that the promise had been put on a timer. Friends of Branch, bounty hunters, had found him, telling him what was going on.
Branch was dying. Branch could be dead already.
They didn't need to tell him twice that he was needed. He just sat silently in the back of their critter bus, eyes distant as memories played on a loop.
Seeing that little bluebell egg hatching. Holding that little baby boy that had been filled with so much joy, love, and music.
Branch was singing before he was talking, he danced before he could walk. He was the sunshine breaking through the grey clouds of grief and horror in that period of their lives.
And he had left him behind. He had given the toddler his vest. The vest had belonged to all their brothers once, and if there was someone who deserved the comfort that the vest provided, it was Branch.
When he came to Pop Village, the place was… sad. Too sad to be filled with Pop Trolls. He saw a grey Troll with a crown on her head sit amongst a group of other dully colored Trolls, her grief so strong it nearly drowned everyone seeing her.
No one noticed him as he walked through the village, and when he asked someone where Branch was, they just shook their head, a sad look in their eyes. Another Troll pointed him to the outskirts of the village.
Floyd had heard from the youngest friends that he had built a bunker, and with a small spark of hope, he looked in the direction they pointed, hoping to see that large rock, but no… There was a field of flowers there.
A Pop Troll graveyard.
And by the freshest mound, holding onto each other, sat three Trolls who were painfully familiar. His brothers. Just not all four of them. Only the three oldest.
A pained scream filled the air.
Floyd's scream.
He had broken his promise.
Yeah, ow, this hurt- Hope everyone enjoys the misery as always :,D
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heavyhitterheaux · 2 years
It was around 11 pm when you had finally finished doing your hair with the help of Jack. He had seen you earlier starting to take out your knotless braids and asked how he could help the process go by faster. If he don’t help take down my hair, I DONT WANT HIM 🥹
Jack had then slipped your bonnet over top of your braids and the two of you were now laying down in a comfortable silence until you broke it. He helped TAKE IT DOWN, WASH & CONDITION ANDDDDD PUT HER BONNET ON FOR HER. WHEN THE FAWK IS IT MY TURNNNN 😭
"Shiiiit." Jack knew that your hair was probably sore and as bad as he wanted to grab it to pull you closer to him, he decided not to. He’s so coinciderete 🤭🫶🏽
"I am knee deep in my girl's pussy so why the fuck do our phones keep going off when I'm trying to make her cum?! Somebody better be dying with the amount of times you called us." I FORGOT ABT THIS 😭 imagine if it was his mom!! I know he ain’t check caller ID
"Jack, they found out she used to be an exotic dancer and they are tearing her to shreds. I wanted to warn the two of you before either of you saw it. Tell her to call Allison when she gets a chance." I CANNOT FUCKING STAND PEOPLE ON SOCIAL MEDIA!! Why the fuck it y’all business what she used to do? 🤨
"Nothing can break you or us. We've made it this far, right?" HES just so ughhhh 🥹
theshaderoom: Our beloved first black principal dancer of The American Ballet Theater, Y/N Y/L/N Harlow apparently used to be an exotic dancer at Blue Flame in Atlanta before getting her big break! Flip through for more pictures and the post by one of her former co-workers who used to dance with her! The shaderoom is so fucking messy!! MIND YO DAMN FUCKING BUSINESS 🖕🏽
balletislife: this is absolutely disgusting and makes the entire ballet world look like a joke. no one with that type of past should ever be in a position such at the principal dancer I’m sorry, what uh- WHO. THE. FUCK. ARE. YOU?? Bitch bye. Go get a fucking life.
msmelanie: just reminiscing about old times at Blue Flame. still remember how it took us days to practice this and get it right and how no matter how much we tried to give up, Y/N wouldn't let us. and that's probably why she's principal dancer now. so so incredibly proud of her and I knew from the beginning that she was going to make something of herself. it was always me, her, and Alyssa against the world when we stepped through those doors. she went to Julliard, got married to her celebrity crush and is now one of the most sought out dancers in the world. still can't get over it! I miss dancing with all my girls! This whole thing just sounds condescending as fuck! Even is she don’t mean any harm by it. Like bitch why would u put this on social media, if you really missed her why not try & reach out?! You knew what u were doin wit yo hatin ass 😐
Mom- I raised you better than that I- are you serious?? SHE TOOK OF YALL, nearly sacrificed her dream for you & that what u wanna say 🤨 besides IT WAS IN THE PAST, ITS BEEN DONE & OVER WITH, get over it 🙄 also SHES A GROWN ASS WOMAN)
"So, Jack tell me. Is the rumor going around about your wife Y/N true?" IS THIS BITCH FR?? Who tf do they think they are?? Askin outta pocket shit like that. This interview is abt JACK NOT YN! Dipshit
"Your last name is Harlow and I'm going to need for you to act like it. We only have winners in this family and that isn't changing any time soon. Now, you ready to go?" AHHHHH I LOVE THIS MAN WIT MY WHOLE HEART & COOCHIE 🤭
AHHHHHH this was everything and I LIVE for your reactions lol
And yessss gimme a man like this. When is it my turn!?!?
The way he goes hard for her and protects her is top tier 🥺
Yeah and her momma was wrong. Dead wrong. But we shall see how this plays out.
Remember when she was little she was a daddy's girl and not really close to her mom. She really did it for her brothers. It's not that the two of them didn't get along. The relationship was just different.
And whew that interview was outta pocket.
Jack was like
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You better not disrespect her in front of him 😤
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sashi-ya · 3 years
Hello sashi! This is my first time applying. Can I apply for Law x female reader? Female with sexual frustration but who hides it from her partner, because she doesn't want to bother him and wants her partner to the point of riding him one night while he sleeps and when he wakes up Law gives him what he wants. Please and thank you so much, I love your stories, they are great. 💕
Hi darling!! Of course!! I hope you enjoy! And thank u so much! 💖💖
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😈💜Sashi's Dark Corner💜😈
NSFW ~ Trafalgar Law x F! Reader ~ Skin Vs Silicone
tw: NSFW. OK HEAR ME OUT: even if it is stated that Law was conscious and awaken the whole time, she didn't ask for permission so KEEP THAT IN MIND if you are gonna read it. It's NOT a 100% non con, BUT she didn't act right and she says so. So please keep that in mind. Law is not mad, he teased her, but still.
wc: 2.4K
Like this event? masterlist ~
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Law’s rotations are intense. He is about to become a cardiothoracic surgeon so he is usually on call for more than 48 hours. He wants to become the best so he pushes himself to the max and spends most of his time at the hospital so he could have as many surgeries as possible. In fact, you admire how dedicated and passionate he is. Law will become the next best surgeon in the world, after his dad, Dr. Trafalgar. But you miss him at home, your bed misses him next to you on cold nights…and your body, your body misses his.
The soon to be surgeon arrives at home after Dr. Marco had to order him to leave the hospital. Law’s eyebags are darker than usual, and he has a very tired expression on his constant frown. “Hi…” he mumbles, dragging himself inside, still wearing some smelly dark blue scrubs. “Hi, sweetheart… Come in, it’s cold. I’ve prepared you a hot meal” you tell him, taking his bag and helping him take his mask off.
Law is not a really sweet nor a touchy lover on a daily basis, but today he flops into your arms right away. His head rests on the crook of your neck, and his arms hang loose at each side of his body. You comfort him, on arm tracing circles on his back, the other patting his head. “You look so tired, baby…”
“Mhhh..” he hums, with his nose pressed into your neck. Thing that always makes you shiver, and in other conditions maybe could end into a rough sexual session. But today’s not the case. Law is so tired; he couldn’t be asking for sex in any way. The only thing he wants to do in bed is to sleep for at least a whole day -or even more-.
“Did Dr. Marco send you home again?” you ask, sure the man was trying to prevent a resident from dying in the middle of the operation room. “Yes… he said I’ve done more hours than I should and that I might commit mistakes when operating so tired. He also forced me to take some days off” he says, now passing his arms around your waist.
You smile, he is gonna rest at least. Plus, you are gonna have him home, all for you.
After he ate, sometimes almost falling asleep over the plate, both went to bed. He went first, actually, since you stood a little to do the dishes. Law wanted to help, but you refused.
“Go and have a shower, relax. Go to sleep after. I’ll take you some tea” you mumble, as he walks upstairs scratching his dishevelled black hair. “yeah…come too, I wanna be with you” he utters, making you feel butterflies in your stomach. Though, you killed them. The poor man has just enough energy to breathe, how can you make him endure through a sexual situation… you can’t, right?
You hear the sound of the shower tap opening and while you dry your hands and put back the plates, you wish you were there under the warm water raining over both of you… like the old times. “Ah… If only you weren’t so perfect… even with that zombie like face you look fuckable, my sweet Law”.
You go upstairs and change into your pyjamas. You aren’t as tired as him, but you really wanna cuddle with him in bed, so you wait there for him to get out of the shower.
His naked torso, still a little wet, flashes its perfection and inked lines to you. Law is only wearing a white towel tucked around his hips and nothing more. Perfect caramel skin, hearts garnishing in black lines his whole body.
“BED” he says, smiling more to the mattress than to you. He comes closer and does not even attempt to get into his pyjamas’ shorts. He doesn’t care, he just needs the bed. He flops right next to you, without giving a damn about his towel opening at all. “Sowwy, I just need this” he says, enjoying the soft caress of the sheets over his body.
“Sweetheart, you are gonna get the pillow wet. Let me bring you a towel, your hair is still wet” you mumble. You desperately need to get away from there, or else you will pounce on him. “huh… ok” he moans, smiling with his eyes closed. “But come here, I wanna be with you”.
Those words… they say you should be careful with what you wish… and Law should be so.
You bring a little towel, and after getting in bed next to him, you help him to put it in between his head and the pillow. Though, you are sure he never noticed, as he was probably already falling asleep. “My baby…” you purr, kissing his forehead and definitely noticing how he had drifted into the oneiric world.
But you were wrong. Law might be sleeping, but he is still touchy. His arms reach for your body, still with his eyes closed, and pull you against his chest. “Come’ere” he whispers, as your cheek gets pressed against him. “Y-yeah” you whine because you can’t deny how warm his flesh feels against yours. “Cuddle with me”.
You do as he tells and getting comfortable you hug him too. Your hand rests over his belly, that goes up and down slowly each time, and your lips barely kiss his skin. “Sleep well, my sweet doctor”.
A few minutes pass, in which you relax, trying to think away those impure thoughts. But Law’s scent is so damn delicious, a perfect mix of subtle soap and his natural body smell… ambrosial. You rest there, imagining what you will do once he recovers, after he sleeps off all of the exhaustion… but suddenly, he turns you around.
You end up being spooned by him, his hand pressing your belly so you get closer, oh so close to his body. His chin rests on your shoulder, and his goatee grazes your neck. The warm feeling of his slow breathing tickles your skin, and it makes you instantly aroused. Whether he is doing this on purpose or not, it’s beginning to have its effect.
“Weren’t you tired?” you ask, giggling. You need to check if he is indeed up to play. “Uhmmgh” he utters, clearly he is trying to be awake when his own body refuses to do so. Poor man. “Shhh... go back to sleep, sweetheart”
Yet, Law, who minutes after snores softly in your ear, seems to move his own hips really subtly against your ass cheeks. “Why do you keep doing this, lord…” you ask yourself, in complete pain. You can sense he is hard, but he is asleep… how does he manage to do so?.
His inked hand rests atonic over your belly, yet the graze of his soft palm it’s enough to make you shiver. You ponder the idea of getting out of bed, just until you cool off, but the truth is that you can’t. You don’t want to wake him up, and you don’t want him to stop touching you so innocently, yet so sexily.
Your body reacts at every little sound he emits. “Law must be dreaming” you think, judging by the way he sometimes moans and babbles incompressible words. Your back feels warm, and it is probably because the towel he had around his hips has fully untucked and he is now completely naked against you.
Moving a little just to roll over your side, you end up in front of him. The soft light of the emergency light you usually have on the hall of your upper floor filters through the door and illuminates his profile. He is hard, hard, and sweaty. But he is asleep, so deeply asleep.
You get lost in the repetitive motion of his chest going up and down, slowly, calmly, breathing the air around you, leaving you without oxygen left… or perhaps it’s just how sexy he looks to your eyes.
Your hand rests, barely grazing his skin, over his belly. Lower it goes, ignoring every red flag your mind could put in the middle. “He is asleep” “Leave him rest” “You should ask him first”. You notice how his member twitches now, “why… Why, Law?”. Even a pearl of iridescent fluid sprouts from it, and you gloat… “Is this for real, doc?” you whisper, making him smirk. A smirk you didn’t see, because you were absolutely focused on stopping yourself from not pouncing into him.
Law acts so incredibly well when he wants, that you can’t see he is actually pretty woken up…
He grunts, sleepy grunts, eyes closed. His hand slides from his chest to his belly, dragging “by accident” your hand towards a dangerous, warm zone of his body. That place he told you is called “Scarpa’s Triangle” and it’s no other than the upper part of the thigh, close, so close to his sex. You can even feel his femoral pulse pumping over your hand, and like a vampire you feel attracted to bite, to kiss, to lick.
“Just a kiss and I’m off to the bathroom. Mr vibrator would do the job” you swear…
And your lips crash right there, centimetres from his glorious shaft. You inhale his scent, clean with a mix of his perfume. Classic, manly, soft, musky. A kiss that lasts longer than it should, a kiss you don’t want to break. And you don’t. Your lips trace a little path from his groin and all around the base of his sex. Sex that keeps twitching and growing stronger.
“Would it be so wrong if I just… lick you clean? you are gonna wet the sheets” you whisper, looking for excuses to taste him. The tip of your tongue comes closer to the little trail that drop of precum left, from his gland through his shaft. Delicious salty treat to spice your night, the licking that makes him even harder.
His hand sloppily gets to your head, and rests there like when you give him oral. Muscle memory is real, you think. “Would it be that bad… If I…” you whisper, lips touching Law’s sex, lips that soon end up around it. And you go, slowly, almost imperceptible, up, and down with your head. You rejoice in the taste of your lover's dick, and you feel a soft pressure over your head to go deep, deep until your throat.
Some tears sprout from the corner of your eyes, and you feel in heaven. How sick and perverted you are now, how badly this is… but how much you needed it… and your free hand plays under your shorts, tracing circles over your clit.
Law can’t stop himself from grunting from time to time, and you notice his mandible and neck muscles tense. His belly spasms, he clenches his teeth, but he is still “asleep”. “Sorry, I need you inside me” you moan, when your fingers are unable to give you what you really want, what you really need.
Taking your pyjama shorts off, and the damped underwear you were wearing, you straddle your hips over his crotch. At first you only rub yourself against him, precum mixing with your arousal products, stings of pleasure hitting your core. His tip looks itself for your entrance, that’s always been like this. Law’s dick has a natural tendency of penetrating you. And you won’t stop it. Surely you won’t.
“I need you” you moan, completely lost, possessed by a lustful demon. You are just like a succubus, attacking his prey during his sleep to steal the seed of a poor young victim. You stand up a little and let his hardness slip inside you… it feels so good. Finally real skin, not the sterile silicone of your toys.
Being on top has always been amazing for you, the slight curve of his dick stimulates so perfectly your special point. Just a little movement could be enough to make you come, but you want more, more, so much more. You drool, like a beast, well aware what you are doing is completely immoral and wrong, and still unable to stop your humping.
“Fuck” you whine, using his body just for you.
“Yes, fuck” he whispers, and carves his fingers on each of your thighs’ sides. You almost go limp seeing his grey eyes fixed on yours, open and full of desire. You stop yourself, terrified and feeling like shit. What you did is not far from being a crime.
“Don’t you dare stop, Name-ya” he giggles. “I wasn’t sleeping, but I knew that you wouldn’t touch me if I didn’t act” he continues, with a sincere smile and not mad at you. “You… Law…” you whisper, lips trembling. A mix of emotions that is about to make you cry.
“I’ve been teasing you all night, silly. Now, let me fuck you as I should have for so long, all right?” he tells you, turning you around and pinning you against bed. “I kinda wanna fuck you from behind tonight. Come on, turn around”.
And just as he commands, you obey. Your belly against your bed, your ass lifted. Not on all fours, just your ass up. He tops you, his dick searches and finds your wet entrance, and inside he goes. His body weight crashes you, but the feeling of being penetrated like this, belly pressed by your own and his weight of the bed, creates the perfect conditions for extreme pleasure.
And Law fucks you rough, moaning, groaning in your ear, biting even your shoulders, kissing you from the side, leaving your cheek shiny by playful tongues looking for the other in a hot, erotic, lustful dance.
“My little dark Name-ya… I didn’t know you were so needy, huh? Fucking me even while I’m sleeping… How much do you like my dick, huh? you wanted my dick inside you so desperately, didn't you?” he asks, while he fucks you mercilessly. “Yes, Y-es Law. I’m sorry, I was so--- needy” you moan, as his hand goes around your neck for a better grip. “Sorry? for being a needy slut for my dick? Please, don’t be sorry. I want that every night from now on”
Not once but twice you come under his unstoppable, insatiable, precise thrusts. Even a third time, while Law gets to his own climax, biting your neck, leaving the imprint of his sexual needs. Because Law also needs you, also desires you, also wants your body and also misses fucking you.
“I’m sorry for making you wait. I love you” he moans once he comes right inside you.
“It’s all worth it, babe…” you whine, feeling your throbbing core get full of him… ~
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fortuositywritings · 3 years
The Great Animal Rescue
Summary: You should have minded your own business, but try saying no to a little girl who was crying for her cat. Now you are stuck in a tree trying not to embarrass yourself in front of the attractive individual who comes to your rescue.
A/N: This is a Skye/Daisy x reader short that is meant to give some background for them in I Said No
Y/N where r u??
You are stuck in a tree with no way down is where you are. You should really learn to say no to people. It’s what got you into this mess in the first place. You were on your way to meet your friends at the movies after stopping at an ice cream shop for a cone. You thought, why not walk the way there? It is only a few blocks away and it’s nice outside. 
So you began walking, licking your ice cream happily. It’s nothing compared to the ice cream shop in the small town where your cousin lives, but this one is still pretty damn good. Not two minutes into your stroll, the sound of someone sniffling made you pause. You hesitated to investigate where the noise was coming from, seeing that your cousin’s husband has given you plenty of lectures about stranger danger. You ignored the voice in your head saying he might have a point. He spends a lot of his time in New York; there are a lot of weirdos there. This is LA in broad daylight. The worst thing that could happen where you were at the moment would have been getting run over by an electric scooter. 
Clearly you were wrong.
It turned out to be some kid crying because her cat wouldn’t come down from the tree. You asked her where her parents were. She said they were inside the house and wouldn’t come outside because if the cat could climb up, it would eventually come back down. You told her they were probably right and were about to leave her there on the sidewalk but that was before she gave you some of the most adorable puppy dog eyes and a “please”. 
You asked the girl to hold your cone while you spotted the cat. It didn’t seem to be too far up into the tree. You started climbing up, grabbing a branch and hoisting yourself up. One branch made a on your green sweater, making you mumble in displeasure the rest of the way up to the cat. You should have listened to her parents as well. As soon as you had reached the cat, the damn thing ran past you and ran down the tree like a squirrel. You nearly lost your balance.
The girl thanked you even though you didn’t really do anything and ran inside her house after her cat, taking your ice cream with her. After mumbling to yourself on never falling for some puppy eyes again, you realized how far up you actually were. Your face blanched and your grip tightened around the tree branch keeping you balanced. 
You felt your phone vibrate and it took you 5 minutes to actually take it out to read the message. That’s where you are at right now. Trying to message your friend Ola back, typing with one shaky thumb.
Stuck intr ee two block sway help
Before pressing send, you think it over. Should you message her back? You know if you tell her to come rescue you, she would come with the rest of the gang and they would never let you live it down. Is it worth it? Better that than dying up here, you think.
Going to press send, your sweaty hand loses its grip on your phone and it falls onto the grass below. “Fuck!”
“Fuck!” Someone echoes from below, startling you in return. “Shit!”
You’re practically hugging the tree at this point. The person below you speaks to you, “You scared the shit out of me. What are you doing up there?”
You hesitate to look down but brave the fear of looking down to see the woman talking to you. And what a spectacular view you have. Had you not already been weak in the knees from being so terrified, you would have some now from looking at this gorgeous person. She’s clearly waiting for your reply, so you clear your throat and say, “Rescuing a cat. What are you doing?”
“Walking to my van.” She points to the van across the street. “Where’s the cat?”
“What?” you ask. She raises an eyebrow at you. “You said you were rescuing a cat, but I don’t see any.”
“Very observant of you,” you point out, not answering her question. She narrows her eyes at you. “You’re not like some weirdo trying to peek into someone’s bedroom are you?”
You scoff. “What?! No! I’m one for one on rescuing cats, actually. It went back inside to its house.” You defend yourself. “Besides, you’re the one with the creepy ‘I’ve got candy inside my van’ van, so.”
Now this stranger looks embarrassed. “It’s for work.”
“Who do you work for? The CIA?” you joke, making the woman laugh. “They’d wish.”
It’s your turn to give her a questioning look at the odd response. She ignores it and loops back to you. “So if this great animal rescue went just like you said, why are you still up there?”
“To, uh-get better reception,” you lie. She looks at you unimpressed and you see why when she bends down to pick up the phone you dropped. “You mean for the phone that’s down here on the ground?”
You laugh nervously. She catches on when she notices how tight your hold on the tree is. “Are you sure you’re not just stuck up there?”
“What? Stuck? Me?” you laugh as if what she is saying is just offensive. “No, I just liked the peacefulness the tree provided. I dropped my phone on purpose. Yeah, I didn’t want it to distract me from really appreciating the beauty of the world around us.”
“Yeah, the McDonalds down the road really does look beautiful in the daylight,” she quips.
“It’s the wonder of the golden arches,” you retort, pulling a genuine laugh from the woman. 
“Well, then I’ll leave you to it,” she says. You dryly swallow, afraid that your chance at getting down from the tree will leave with her. She speaks up again. “But before I go, would you like me to send the message to Ola that somewhat reads ‘Stuck in a tree two blocks away help’?”
She smirks and you sigh at being caught. “Okay, truth is I’m deathly afraid of heights. I didn’t realize how high I actually was until I tried coming down.”
“Well, that’s okay. It is one of the most common fears,” she reasons.
“It’s embarrassing. I can’t even look at a plane without feeling nauseous.”
“Well, I think you’ve been doing well so far. Look how long you lasted up there while looking down towards me.” She points.
“That’s only because you’re a good distraction,” you confess. 
She begins to climb up towards you. “Aww, are you trying to call me beautiful?”
You blush and don’t say anything though the silence speaks for you. She finally gets to you. “I’ll take that as a yes. Now, let’s get you down this tree, Robin Hood.” 
“Robin Hood?” you question the nickname. “Is it because of the tree?”
“That. Also, the tights and green top pull it all together. We just need to get you a bow and some arrows and you’ll be set.” The irony at the fact that there are plenty of arrows and bows at your cousin’s house due to her husband’s profession isn’t lost on you. Unfortunately, any joke you could make about it would get you in trouble, so you just smile at the beauty trying to help you down. 
She offers you her hand and helps you get down the tree branch to branch with all the patience in the world. Not once does she complain about the death grip you have on her hand. When your feet feel the ground beneath them, you feel like crying. Instead you just let go of the stranger’s hand and try to get your heartbeat to settle down to it’s regular pace.
“Not too bad, see? Soon you’ll be bungee jumping,” she jokes.
“That’s a big leap from getting down from a tree.”
“Well, yeah. It’s bungee jumping. Leaping is the first half of the process,” she says sarcastically. You roll your eyes at her playfully. Then she smiles at you with a gleam in her eye as if she just had the best idea in the world. “How about we start with something smaller then? What are you doing on Friday?”
“Um, I don’t have any plans yet.”
“Now you do. Friday night, you will be taking the next step to conquering your fear of heights!”
“It’s not bungee jumping, is it?” you ask, petrified. As beautiful as this girl may be, risking your life for the chance to see this girl one more time doesn’t seem like a well thought out trade. 
“Calm down, Robin Hood. I was thinking more along the lines of getting you to ride the ferris wheel at the fair,” she reassures you, making you blush.
“Like on a date?” you shyly ask. God, you hope you didn’t just embarrass yourself.
“Like on a date.” She smiles at you and your heart feels like it’s skipping.
“Y/N.”  You throw out. She looks lost so you explain, “Every Robin Hood has a name for when they aren’t up in trees ready to rob rich people. Mine happens to be Y/N.”
“Skye.” She offers her name and you take it so willingly, letting it ruminate in your mind. “Here.” She pulls your phone out of the pocket she had put it in. She goes to your contacts and adds herself in before handing it back to you. You stare down at it in wonder. 
“Well, I think your friends might be waiting on you, so…” She begins walking backwards. “I’ll see you Friday, Y/N!”
She turns around looking both ways before jogging across the street towards her van. You see her pull into the street nodding at you before driving off. You wave back after the van, dumbstruck. “What the hell just happened?” You mumble to yourself.
“You know when you said I would be getting on the ferris wheel, I assumed you meant you would go on it with me,” you grumble, making your way over to Skye who was waiting for you by the exit gate of the ride. 
She reaches for your hand pulling you closer to her. “Some things, you have to learn to do alone. You just have to let the belief that something great will come out of pushing through your fear guide you through that fear.”
“I don’t think any funnel cake we get later was worth that experience,” you pout. 
“Okay, then how about this,” she says before pulling you in to kiss you. It doesn’t last long but you let it consume you for the seconds you have. You open your eyes when she continues, “and a second date?”
“Only if it ends just like that,” you counter. She kisses you again, the second kiss leaving you just as dazed as the first.
“Deal,” she agrees, pulling you towards the funnel cake truck. “Next date, Robin Hood takes on Six Flags!”
“Wait, what?!”
So, just a side little thing for some Reader and Daisy/Skye context before she eventually shows up in I Said No. It feels like I’m giving this reader a whole Universe. The world does in fact revolve around Y/N. 
Obviously (or maybe not) I dropped some references to the other fic but really you could read either without needing to read the other (if it truly breaks your heart to see reader with anyone else).
@madamevirgo @marvels-writings @gayarchnemissis @myperfectlovestory @purplemeetsblue @magicallymaximoff @b0mbdotc0m @helloalycia @ironscarletwidowsoilder @cantcontroltheirfear @trikruismybitch @your-my-mission @imagine-reblog @fayhar @idek-5 @causeitswhatjesuswouldfreakingdo @bemyvitamin @musicinourlips @paumxmff @wandamaximoffsrings @yeetus-thyself @lostandsearching @when-wolves-howl @euphoriaszn2 @gingerbreadcookieforlife 
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mywritingonlyfans · 3 years
i like the idea of thomas for the dad/christmas fic 🥺
heeey!!! thanks for comment on it again!!! once again, i'm sorry for not writing that one with the person 'we' mentioned first😅 hope u like it!
-> dad!thomas raggi x reader
prompt: in which, dad!thomas is bit late for xmas to see his little girl! bonus. he teaching his little girl how to play the guitar!
warnings: none, just the good stuff today!! oh, we actually talk more about the 'finals' holiday than xmas itself on here so i hope it doesnt be too awkward for people who don't celebrate it.
You closed the fairytale book, putting it in its place on the shelf, and then tidied the blanket to cover Alice better. One of her arms was on her new guitar, which Santa Claus had left for her at Thomas's mother’s house; and by Santa you meant Thomas. She was so happy at the moment that you couldn't wait to show him the video. 
 Despise this, the smile on her face hadn't lasted long, you didn't know if everyone could see that she looked sad or if it was something maternal that warned you about it. She was asleep, and even though you could tell she was heartbroken, her long eyelashes rested under the freckles of her chubby face; appearing to be all agitated - she had not cried, but you knew she had held back her tears while you put her to sleep. You didn't blame her, you missed him, too. 
 You hugged your torso, wanting to stay there with her, you didn't feel like going to sleep knowing that he wasn’t home for Christmas. When you looked at her again, with her sad little face, you suddenly felt bad for not thinking about letting her sleep with you; since she liked it when you let her stay in Thomas’s side of the bed when he wasn’t around.
“I love you, angel,” you whispered, brushing her hair away from her face and placing a kiss on the prominent freckles on her nose. She mumbled something you couldn't understand, and smiling silly at your girl, you took her purrs as your cue to make your way to the kicthen.
You hummed one of Thomas’s band songs to yourself after you checked that there was no messages or new call on it. He promised he would at least contact you, and as long as you are together he never was one to broke his promises; so what you could do was wait. 
 It was the first Christmas after you had Alice that he hadn't been able to come back home on time. And as much as you told him that you understood and that everything would be fine, which was true, you couldn't deny how much you missed him.
You kept the leftovers Alice had begged her grandmother to give her on the frigde, remembering how she had planned on eating it with Thomas when he got home. Glad pleased, you could imagine how happy he’d be that she thought about doing it for him. Just when your mind was ready to get lost in a scenario where Thomas would be home for the Holidays, the vibrations of your phone interrupted you.
“Hey, babe. Merry Christmas!” You said excitedly. It was him, he wouln’t forget of you. It was late at night and you had no idea what time it was for him, but still he called. 
“Merry Christmas, babe,” He said in a slurred, almost inaudible voice. He looked a bit sapped and busy.
“It's not a good time, right? I can call you later if you can’t speak right now or are feeling too tired,”
“Nah, it’s fine,” He assured, a bit breathless, getting clearer over the phone. “How was your day? How’s Alice? God, I missed you,”
“It was good,” you sighed, thinking about being cheeky and adding that it would have been better with him, yet you were afraid that it might make him feel worse. “Alice is fine too. She loved the guitar, you will love to see it. I filmed everything, she didn’t stop jumping with it in her arms, telling your parents how it was just like the one his dad have. She misses you so much, Thommy, and I think she’s learning how to deal with it.”
“She’s learning...” he repeated. “I wish she didn't need to learn to deal with me being away from her,”
“Don’t say that, I made a bad choice of words, you know she loves you and she loves even more the way you love her extra when you’re back. She understands, Thomas,”
“She’s 5 years old, Y/N,”
You let the silence fill the chasm between you. You felt how sad he was, he had been away for a long time because of the turns before, still he always managed to return for the special dates - just as he had promised when Alice was born - but this time, well, this time it wasn’t possible.
“I’m sorry,” he murmured and you visualized in your head his eyebrows furrowing as his hand ran agonizingly through his hair, just as he always do when he‘s feeling in low spirits. “You’re right. I should be focusing on the good things, soon I’ll be home, I’m gonna teach her to play the guitar, show her all my love and be the best dad in the world,”
You laughed at his abrupt change in mood mixed with a hint of himself. “I know you will, babe,”
“I’m gonna be the best boyfriend too,” he would give continuity to his words when a loud noise of something falling stopped him abruptly.
“What was it?” You asked. You made it clear that you were suspicious, and by his nervous laugh he knew that. After all, what would he say about the noise that seemed to have come from the room next to where you were? “Oh my god, Thomas, that can’t be you.”
He didn't even need to answer, the sound of your steps going on his way was enough for him to know that you knew he was there, making him curse himself for being so clumsy. And just like in a flash, you were in his arms. He dropped his bag on the floor, giving you al of his attention as he squeezed your shape to his body.
“You’re here,” you bured your face on his chest, letting the feeling of comfort fill your nostrils, and then soul. “You’re really here.” You added in a breathless sigh.
Relief taking over his body as you snuggled into his frame, he grinned, “I promised that I would try my best to be with you all the special dates, didn't I?” He asked, holding your face so he could look at you properly. “Are you crying?”
You nodded at his soft voice. “I’m sorry,”
He laughed, a nasal sound that you missed so much. “It’s ok, 5 months is a long time,” He said, tracing kisses across your face. “I promise I’m gonna love you extra now.”
It was already possible to see the sun rissing outside, yet you refused to close your eyes and lose any moment with Thomas.
You rested your head on the pillow, waiting for him and thinking of how lucky you were that he managed to catch a last minute flight to spend the New Year at home. He was scheduled to return only after the first day of the year, somehow things would have worked out better than expected and he managed to get back sooner.
“She looks like an angel sleeping so calmly.” He spoke, lying beside you under the covers.
“I thought you were going to wake her up, she'll go crazy when she sees you.”
“I know,” He smiled, proud of himself. He knew she was the definition of daddy’s little girl. “I will wait until she wakes up. I'm dying to fill her with kisses and hugs.”
Still with his charming teeth and cute dimples on display, he pulled you to his chest, trying to wrap you in the blanket next to him. “She loves you. She doesn't care about the time you spend away, as long as you come back to her.” You nuzzled into his neck, squeezing him tighter as you said that. It was likely that this would happen more often, letting Thomas blame himself for that wouldn’t do him any good.
He bobbed, kissing your forehead, enlacing you with the same intensity. “I know, babe,”
“How was turn?” You asked, looking at him, making sure that he was fine. He was thoughtful, but it wasn’t the end of the world.
He told you about his gigs around the globe and you were happy feeling his body soften on your arms. His voice almost lulled you to sleep, but you were sure you would never tire of hearing him talk about what he loves. You showed him the video of Alice receiving the guitar, seeing his eyes fill with water after she said that she‘d be just like her father made your chest almost explode with love. In the best possible way, of course.
“You can sleep if you want, babe.”
“No, I want to spend more time with you.”
“I’m here, I am not intending to go anywhere.” He patted your hair, rubbing his nose through your hairline, and the last thing you remembered was feeling his lips on your temple.
When you opened your eyes again, he was no longer there. You rubbed your eyes tight, trying to adjust to the light, wondering if there was any possibility that it might have been a dream, but then a sweet chuckle brought you back to reality.
Alice was standing in front of you, with the guitar resting awkwardly on her shoulders. Her eyes went from you to Thomas, as if asking him if everything was all right. You smirked lightly at her features that looked the same as Thomas's.
She started playing something, which looked incredibly bad, Thomas wrinkled his nose in an attempt not to laugh so as not to discourage her. He should have spent a lot of time helping her, and she looked like she was trying. Her lips was between her teeth as she concentrated to play her less than a minute of song was so cute that as much as you didn't understand a thing, you couldn’t help but feel proud of her.
“It’s Vent'anni,” Thomas mouthed, waving his hand in a way that would get your attention but not hers. “It’s Vent'anni.”
“Oh my god!” You opened your arms for her as she finished playing, watching you with her excited eyes. “It’s Vent'anni.”
She grinned from ear to ear, handing Thomas the guitar, and then jumping into your arms.
“Did you like this?” She asked happily, making ‘this’ sound like ‘dis’. “It’s not perfect but I’ll get better, right dad?”
“Yes, better than Damiano trying to play It!" Thomas confirmed, stroking her back as he approached you. “Good mornin’, love.” he kissed the top of your head.
“I love you,” you kissed his cheek, wishing he could feel how much you love him. “And I love you too, little one,” you mumbled, pinching Alice’s nose, which eyes was stuck on the two of you.
She laughed, her gaze still on you and Thomas. She looked like a completely different person from the night before.
“Dad said you look cute when you're tired.”
You knew that you looked tired, the day before wasn’t the best and you had barely slept. You bit the inside of your cheek, looking at Thomas who had a silly smile playing on his lips and felt your cheeks get hotter. The reason you still felt that way when he complimented you was a mystery, you liked it anyway.
“You are a gossip little thing,” Thomas joked, poking at her sides.
“No, I’m not.” She laughed, trying to run away from him flawlessly, letting him hug her as she recovered her breath.
“I love you too, both of you,” she pointed a finger at both of you. Thomas's smile was priceless, you could live in there forever. “but can we play more guitar now, please?”
You agreed and Thomas got up to sit upright, putting her between his legs. He looked at you, his face still radiant, you could easily imagine him talking about you with Alice - just like you did talk about him with her as well. He positioned her tiny hands on the guitar, guiding then with his own fingers. His gentle, patient voice teaching her things that both knew she would soon forget and he would have to repeat it all over again - and you knew Thomas would do it without a problem - was lovely to watch. Her head was resting on his chest and whenever she hit a note and heard Thomas praising her, she would turn to you and say "see mom, I did it.” And you swear that you couldn't be happier to have found the meaning of the word home in two of your favorite people in the world.
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wlwmarvelenthusiast · 3 years
Could you do carol x fem!reader but like so angsty that I can cry myself to sleep even tho I’m on antidepressants and can’t feel anything but plz let there b a happy ending thank u so much love u
I'm not sure if this qualifies as angst but here's a draft I had that I edited a little to fit the request. I hope it does the trick :)
It Wasn't For You
Summary: A mission gone horribly wrong drives a wedge between you and Carol. Is the bond fixable, or are the things you both said unforgivable?
Pairing: Carol Danvers x Reader
Warnings: Language
Word Count: 2,998
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You weren't sure what that emotion was that was boiling in your blood as you stormed back to your apartment. Was it worry? Were you just upset? You let it sit with you a moment as you unlocked the door. It wasn't either one of those things. It was rage. It was hot, unbridled rage. The cause of it was a certain Avenger who you had thought loved you enough to not do what she'd done. Clearly, she hadn't.
She was right behind you, stepping through the doorway before you could slam it behind you. You growled under your breath as she invited herself into your home, closing the door only once she was in. You didn't even bother turning to face her. You went straight to the bar and poured yourself a drink, not offering her one and not planning to let her touch a single drop of your alcohol. You took a sip of the hard liquor.
"Would you listen to me for one goddamn second?" She huffed out.
"I listened to you for multiple seconds, Carol. It doesn't change any facts."
"I did it for you!"
"I don't give a fuck."
Truly and honestly, you didn't. What she'd done was immoral, infuriating, and wholly unforgivable. She could get down on her knees right there in front of the bar and you wouldn't have batted an eyelash. It wouldn't be enough. In fact, you were convinced that nothing would be enough for you to forgive her. It didn't matter how much you had loved her yesterday or the day before. It didn't how much you loved her today.
"I'd do it again," she assured.
"Then I would do this again," you turned to finally face her, eyes locking with the brown ones that could usually instill a sense of peace in your chest, but today seemed to have no effect. "We're done, Carol. I think it'd be best if you left, please."
You could practically hear her heart dropping into her stomach. There was a part of you that ached to bring her into your arms and soothe that hurt look off her face. You knew better. That piece of you would fade eventually. You'd learn not to love her anymore. In fact, you could probably learn how to hate her. The boiling rage that was flowing through your very veins could assist you with learning that.
"I'm asking you to go," you said, firmer this time. "Please, get out."
If she'd had a tail to tuck between her legs, she absolutely would have. She didn't even bother to protest again. The expression you'd plastered on your face made it clear it wouldn't have done anything anyway. She slowly made toward the door. Her hand touched the doorknob and she cast her gaze back to you once more. You didn't dare let your features soften. You could've sworn there were tears in her eyes as she turned the doorknob and left.
You breathed out as the door closed behind her, finally daring to let tears streak down your cheeks.
You stared down the super soldier, neither of you wanting to speak first. He was the team leader though, and basically your boss. You knew even if he was the first one to speak, you were going to be the one spilling everything. You didn't want to, not one bit, but you knew you were going to have to anyway. You wondered if you had the strength to talk about it. You wondered if he had the strength to listen to your recollection of events.
"I just need to know what happened so when they ask-"
"Fuck, Steve! Natasha fucking died and we're sitting here having this stupid conversation," you shouted, rising to your feet, tossing the papers in front of you off the table, and moving to the window. "I have a goddamn funeral to plan!"
"Look, neither of us wants to talk about this, but we have to!"
You sighed, clasping your hands behind your back as you looked out at the compound grounds. There were agents training, running laps around the building. Sam was the one guiding them, seeming to enjoy barking orders at them. You tore your gaze away from a sight that seemed to have lost its beauty now that Natasha wasn't there alongside the Falcon, chuckling with him as they watched the new recruits huff and puff.
"It was me or her and Carol chose me," you finally gave. "I was what would have been fatally outnumbered and Natasha was down. She was in the jet. Carol could have either gone and stopped the jet from crashing, or she could pull me out and neutralize the enemy. She chose the latter. That's what happened. Happy?"
"I need your report."
"I need to plan Natasha's funeral!"
You stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind you. You let out the breath that had been stuck in your chest, leaning your head against the wall and shutting your eyes. It hadn't been an easy couple of days. You'd have been surprised if you'd gotten more than three hours of sleep in the last three nights combined. Somehow, though, you still didn't feel tired. You felt a lot of things, but that wasn't one of them.
As if losing Natasha wasn't hard enough, you were also grappling with crippling amounts of anger and guilt. Natasha should have been the one that was saved. She was the obvious choice, and yet here you stood, and Natasha was gone. The anger, though? That was all for Carol. She had promised you that her relationship with you wouldn't have affected her at work, but it had. She'd saved you when she should have saved Natasha and all of those people in the impact zone.
"Can we talk?"
Speak of the devil.
You opened your eyes, using your shoulder blades to push yourself away from the wall. Immediately your entire stance got defensive. You crossed your arms over your chest. You watched as she searched your eyes in hopes of being able to read them like she usually did, but knew it would be to no avail. You didn't want her to know anything about what you were feeling. She didn't deserve to know what you were feeling. All she deserved was to be on the receiving end of your rage.
"No. I told you we're done, Danvers. We don't need to talk anymore."
"I'm not letting you go that easy."
"You don't have a damn choice!" You laughed humourlessly. "You can't stop me. You don't own me, and you definitely don't own my heart."
With that, you stepped around her, walking toward the doors of the compound. You could hear her footsteps trailing behind you. You didn't bother to turn around and glance at her, or even open your mouth to tell her to go away. You just let her follow you as if she were going to get something out of you. She wasn't going to. The last thing you wanted to do was hear some sort of failed explanation as to why she'd decided to save you. You knew why. It was because she couldn't separate home and work. You never should have trusted her to be able to.
You stepped out into the sunlight, cursing the sky for being so bright and sunny when it felt like it should be dark and gloomy. A storm cloud and roaring thunder might appropriately match the way you felt inside. Instead, you were forced to pull your sunglasses down over your eyes as you headed back toward your car, feeling you could use the walk toward it instead of making it come to you- a feature Tony has insisted you needed. As you arrived though, Carol finally reacted.
"Jesus Christ, would you hear me out?" She said, anger in her voice as she grabbed your wrist.
"Let go of me."
"Talk to me."
"I already said no. Let go of me," you demanded.
You ripped your arm out of her grasp, glaring at her as she retracted her arm. You unlocked your car, getting into the front seat. You didn't even glance at Carol as you started the engine, put the car into drive, and pulled out of your spot, leaving her behind.
It was early when you woke up the next morning, and immediately your day went different than normal. Your eyebrows furrowed when you stepped out of your bedroom and found an envelope slipped under your apartment door. It was completely unmarked. You knew the danger of anything unmarked. You were an Avenger. You couldn't find it in you to care, though. Without Carol's arms around you, you tossed and turned. Losing Natasha hurt so much more without Carol there to hold you through it. But it was her fault.
You reached down and picked up the envelope. You sliced it open with the knife that was resting on the table beside the front door. What you pulled out was a single piece of lined paper. It had clearly been ripped out of someone's notebook, the torn rings hanging off the left side. You unfolded the paper and immediately recognized Carol's handwriting inside. You crumpled it up and prepared to throw it, but then you hesitated.
She wasn't there. You didn't have to talk to her. You didn't want to talk to her one bit, but you were dying to hear her side of the story. This way, you didn't have to risk breaking and losing yourself to emotion in front of her. You uncrumpled the paper and held it out in front of you. You took a deep breath and let your gaze drift over Carol's familiar handwriting once before you moved your eyes to the top of the page.
I really hope you didn't throw this out. I suppose if you're reading this, you didn't.
I know you don't want to talk to me. If I were you, I might not want to talk to me either. Your best friend died and it is entirely and completely my fault. I know that. It is my fault. I could have saved her, and I didn't. I just need you to know why.
I know you think that I broke my promise. I promised you, Steve, and every Avenger, including Natasha, that I would never let our relationship affect our work. It must seem like I failed to do that. I didn't break that promise. I love you. I do. But I wouldn't do that.
I knew that saving Natasha was more likely to be successful than saving you. Saving her would have meant saving those three civilians too. Not saving you, though, meant that they would have gotten away, and it meant they would have killed dozens of our agents on their way out. There were so many of them. They outgunned our men by too much. I didn't do it for you. I did it for them.
It breaks my heart that I couldn't save her. If I could have given my life for hers, I'd have done it in a heartbeat. If choosing her over you had been the right choice, I'd have done it. I promise you that.
I love you, even if you can't love me back.
- C
Tears spilled from your eyes as the empty casket was lowered into the ground. When a hand brushed ever so lightly against yours, you stiffened. You glanced for a moment over at the woman beside you. Those brown eyes were locked on you as well, for a moment, before turning back to the burial. You took a deep breath before moving, threading your fingers between hers. You pulled a little closer to her.
Maybe you should have listened to her. That letter you'd received yesterday had been a lot to think about. You'd been so angry with Carol because she'd closed you over Natasha and you'd been selfish enough to think it was because she couldn't separate her feelings for you from work. When you'd found out that wasn't the case, it had taken away all your reason to be angry at her. What happened to Natasha wasn't her fault.
Once the red had faded, you'd realized how stupid you'd been being. Carol had obviously been hurting and you'd been gatekeeping pain because you'd been blaming yours on her. The guilt stewing in her gut was probably millions of times worse than yours. She'd had to make that choice out in the field. It was the right choice, you saw now, but that would never matter. You knew how that felt, and you'd pushed her away and left her to deal with it alone. You wouldn't blame her if she couldn't forgive you for that.
When the funeral ended and people started heading toward the reception, you stayed glued to the spot. You could tell Carol wasn't sure what to do. Her hand had tried to pull away to give you space, but this time it was you that didn't let her leave you. The hand that was in hers tightened enough that she got the message. You had to wonder if she'd stay to hear it. As always, though, she was better than you. Her efforts to move away stopped.
You stayed silent for a moment, standing in that position and wondering what to say. There might not have been words enough to express just how sorry you were. There might not have been anything you could say that would make her forgive you. You deserved that, though. You broke up with her. There was no obligation for her to take you back and you hadn't given her any reason to want to. You were the one who had pushed.
"I'm sorry, Carol," you muttered, knowing full well that wasn't enough. "I'm sorry for everything. I was selfish."
"I get it," she admitted. "It's okay."
She was better than you.
But it wasn't okay. What you'd done to her was far from okay. You'd taken one look at the guilty relief in her eyes after that mission and decided that she'd sacrificed Natasha for you. She was allowed to be relieved. You would have been, if the roles had been reversed. Just because you lost Natasha, didn't mean Carol wasn't allowed to be a little relieved that the love of her life survived. Now, you didn't get to be that.
"Baby... Carol, I just wanted you to know that I read what you wrote and I'm sorry for how I'd reacted. I'm sorry I didn't stop to hear you out before that and I'm sorry I pushed you away when you were obviously hurting."
She dared to pull you a little closer. "You can still call me Baby."
You had to let out a light chuckle at that, despite the tears on your face. You wondered if you were mourning Natasha or your relationship with Carol. Whatever the case, she reached out and brushed the pad of her thumb across your cheek. You couldn't resist leaning a little harder into her hand. She got the message, opening her hand and cupping your cheek, her palm pressing delicately against your skin and her thumb continued to trace your cheekbone.
"You were hurting too," she assured quietly. "You reacted that way because you were grieving. You needed someone to blame."
"It shouldn't have been you."
"I was easy," she said, hands sliding down so they were both in yours. "I could have saved her and I didn't. Whatever reasoning I might have had, that was the truth."
"I'm supposed to love you."
"You don't love me?" She questioned.
"I do! Of course I love you, Carol. But I haven't been great at doing that recently. I should have-"
"You love me and you were grieving your friend. That's it. And I love you too," she said, squeezing your hands. "Can we stop being broken up now?"
She was standing in front of you, a tiny smile on her lips, and forgiving you. She was asking you to take her back, like it wasn't supposed to be you on your knees begging for her forgiveness. You stepped forward, taking your hands out of hers so you could instead put them on her cheeks, and pulled her toward you until your lips had met. She kissed you back immediately, her hands finding your hips. She pulled away from you.
"So yes?" She said, a hint of teasing in her voice. "Because Natasha got us together and breaking up for good over her casket would not be honouring her memory very well."
"No, it wouldn't," you said, leaning your head onto her shoulder. You looked down at the wooden casket. "I miss her so much already, Carol."
"I know. Me too, Honey."
Your heart felt the slightest bit lighter now. You would've given anything for Natasha to be okay. The fact that she was gone still felt like a knife through the chest. At least now, though, you had Carol to hold you at night and kiss the tears off your cheeks. She had you to do the same for her. That was all either of you could do. Now, only time could lessen the pain. Carol put her arms around you and held you closer.
Just as you went to tell her once again that you loved her, her phone rang. She pulled it from her pocket, frowning at the number that was coming from outside the country. She showed it to you and you took the phone from her.
"Did it work? Do they think I'm dead?" Said the so familiar voice.
You glanced up at Carol, sure the shock on her face matched yours.
"Natasha, what the hell-"
"We've got a new mission. Are you and your lovebird up for it?"
Carol kissed your cheek and then spoke to the woman on the phone. "Absolutely."
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peepeepotter · 4 years
Idea: enemies to lovers w Fred or George, with smut???
oh HELL yeah that’s what i’m talking ab!!! i’ll be writing that soon thank u <33
UPDATE: I wrote it. Here!!
Pride and Prejudice
Pairing: Fred Weasley x fem!Reader
Warnings: cursing, NSFW 18+ ONLY, smut (I’ll add a warning so you can skip it if you don’t want to read it): face fucking, oral (male and female receiving), grinding, unprotected sex (it’s not worth it irl pls use a condom <3)
Word Count: 4.2k
One could definitely say Y/N and Fred didn’t get along. It was always strange to both of them, considering that they were so similar, they got along with each other’s friends, but when it came to each other something just didn’t click. George figured they were too similar, Angelina thought they were just too competitive with each other, but neither Fred nor Y/N could really place why. They just didn’t like each other and did about anything they could to piss the other off.
It was always silly pranks, minor jokes, and constant bickering. The first time Fred had ever pranked Y/N was their first year at Hogwarts. Right as she was pulling a mandrake out of its pot, he slipped her earmuffs off, causing her to faint. Or, at least, this is how she remembered it. Little did he know, Y/N was just as fierce as he was and more than willing to get him back. He had successfully started a prank war. About a week after she had been embarrassed in front of her entire class, she decided revenge was a dish best served by house elves. She sweet-talked some of the house elves in the kitchens into charming his plate, so every time he tried to put food on it the food would disappear. The pranks went on, ranging from changing each other’s hair color, charming broomsticks to constantly knock them off, and stealing the other’s homework.
Although, it seemed to be getting a lot worse in their sixth year. The pranks were getting to be a lot, the lack of teamwork during quidditch, the bickering. All of it was starting to get old to their friends. Finally, one day, everything exploded.
Fred had a great idea that morning for how he was going to fuck with Y/N that day. He had gotten his hands on some veritaserum the year before, and although their friends typically used it during truth or dare, he had decided it might be fun to give it to Y/N right before potions. So, as she turned to talk to Angelina, Fred slipped some into her juice. About fifteen minutes later, Y/N answered every question asked to her truthfully, and she knew there was a problem.
“Hey, Y/N, what time did you go to sleep last night?” Fred asked, testing to see if it had kicked in yet. Y/N furrowed her eyebrows.
“I couldn’t fall asleep until like four because of Angelina’s snoring.” She quickly put a hand over her mouth, eyes wide.
“Y/N! That’s kind of rude.” Angelina lightly slapped Y/N’s arm.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to say that.” Y/N’s cheeks were flushed red. When they all sat down in potions, trouble started.
“Miss Y/L/N, what is the last ingredient meant to be added to liquid luck?”
“I’m sorry, professor, I don’t know the answer because I’m busy having a life.” The class, Snape included, fell entirely silent, Fred trying to hold back his laughter as to not give himself away.
“Twenty points from Gryffindor, Miss Y/L/N see me after class.”
“What, so you can mentally abuse me like you do your other students?”
“Fifty points, want to make it more?” Snape threatened, turning around. His cape flung across the front of the classroom, and before Y/N could make another comment about Snape, Angelina spoke.
“Y/N, what’s gotten into you today? That’s not funny.” Angelina whispered to Y/N.
“Angelina, it’s not meant to be funny, but even if it were, it would go over your head.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Aren’t you failing all of your classes right now? You spend so much time practicing quidditch, like sure we get it. You’re good, but maybe you’d be a little smarter if you paid attention in classes.” Once again, Y/N slammed her hand over her mouth. Fred started cackling, although neither Angelina nor George found it funny.
“What are you laughing about?” George asked, eyebrows furrowed.
“Hey, Y/N, are you sure that’s why she’s failing?” Fred snickered, ignoring George.
“Actually, Angelina, maybe if you spent less time ogling George you’d do better in this course. Or maybe it’s just because Snape actually is a terrible teacher, right professor? I mean, he doesn’t actually teach anything, all we do is read from the stupid text that’s older than Professor-I-don’t-wash-my-hair up there.” This time, Fred was laughing so hard that other people in the classroom started quietly laughing. Y/N and Angelina were both crying at this point. “I can’t stop, what’s wrong with me?” Snape, immediately understanding what was going on, sent both Fred and Y/N to their head of house.
“Mr. Weasley, do you understand that you drugged a student? This is a serious offense. We have a girl in tears in potions.” McGonagall lectured. Fred held back a smirk, trying to keep himself from laughing.
“It’s just veritaserum, she’s the one who said all of that mean stuff.”
“Yes, Mr. Weasley, but it’s also your fault. Frankly, the professors and I are quite tired of the pranking and joking between you two. We understand there’s some kind of rivalry here, but it’s gone too far this time. You humiliated a student and a professor during class. Both of you.” Y/N had tear tracks on her cheeks and almost started crying while being lectured.
“I think it’s time you two learn to get together. One month of detention. Immediately after classes, I want you both in my office. Every afternoon, weekends too. No more Hogsmeade trips this year.”
“I don’t want to hear it. We’ll see if you can attend the yule ball in December when we get there.” Now Y/N was crying, upset that she might miss out on something everyone else would be able to go to.
“I can’t believe you drugged me.”
“Shut up, it’s literally just veritaserum.”
“Whatever, you prick, no one will talk to me anymore. Angelina’s my best friend, and she won’t even look at me.”
“Well, George won’t talk to me, either. So, whatever. We’re in it together.”
“Because of you, do you ever even think before you act?”
“I’m sorry, you’re speaking to me about thinking before I act? Couldn’t you have just not spoken?”
“Do you even know how veritaserum works? You dipshit.”
The two argued on opposite sides of McGonagall’s classroom, having been ordered to literally just sit there, eat dinner, and go to bed when they’re done. 
“What kind of detention is this anyway? No lines, no trophy polishing.”
“They’re just trying to get us to deal with each other. And stop pranking each other, probably.” Y/N glared at Fred, narrowing her eyes. He rolled his.
The next day at their second detention, they sat in silence for the majority of their time together. Y/N was just glad they weren’t arguing this time.
“Has Angelina spoken to you, yet?” Fred broke the silence about a half-hour before detention was over, and they could return to their common room to do homework before bed.
“No, has George spoken to you?” Y/N asked politely.
“No.” Fred deadpanned.
“Do you feel bad yet?” She smirked, staring at her hands.
“Yes, but not for you.” Y/N rolled her eyes at his response.
“Whatever, prick.”
“Look, we wouldn’t be in this boat if you hadn’t dyed my hair green last year.”
“Actually, we wouldn’t be in this boat if you hadn’t made my broom knock me off in the middle of the quidditch pitch. I had a concussion, you fucker.”
“Oh my god, actually, I don’t care. Okay? Shut up.” Y/N snapped, finally turning to look at him. He looked over at her. Their eye contact was uncomfortable, challenging.
Finally, a week after their detentions started, Y/N decided to try civility.
“So...how was your day?” Y/N asked, picking at her nails.
“So we’re not arguing today? Are you playing a trick on me?”
“If you’re going to catch an attitude with me then forget it. I just haven’t spoken to anyone other than you for the past week. I figured we should at least have one positive conversation.” She rolled her eyes, turning in her chair to look over at him.
“My day was uneventful, thanks,” Fred answered, turning in his chair to look over at her. “...how was yours?”
“The same.”
“I mean, yeah, obviously.”
“What homework do you have?”
“Potions still. I suppose Professor Oily wasn’t too happy with the truth on my mind.” Fred smirked at this answer.
“You have to admit, what you said to him was hilarious.”
“Oh yeah, I don’t give a shit about bullying him, I’m just upset Angelina’s still upset.”
“That’s fair, I didn’t mean to cause that. I’m sorry. I guess.” Fred apologized. “Don’t let that go to your head.” He added quickly, seeing a smile form on Y/N’s face.
“Have you ever apologized in your life before now.”
“Countless times, I just didn’t ever care enough to apologize to you.” He chided.
“Oh, so we are arguing today, then?”
“No, sorry. I just,” He paused, looking for the right words.
“Don’t like me?” Y/N assumed.
“That’s not even it, I guess. I don’t have a reason to dislike you.” Fred shrugged. It was weird because he only disliked her because she disliked him. 
“I know!! I only dislike you because you started the pranks when we were eleven.” Y/N spoke up excitedly.
“Did I?” Fred scrunched his face, trying to remember.
“Yeah, you took my earmuffs off when we were pulling mandrakes in herbology first year.” Y/N shrugged, now seeing that it wasn’t worth being so upset about.
“Oh, no, that was an accident. I was trying to make it cover your ears better, but I accidentally pulled it off.” Y/N froze, her eyes closing.
“Oh, Godric.” She facepalmed.
“What?” Fred asked, eyebrows furrowed.
“You idiot!! If you had just told me that we wouldn’t be here.” She stood, stomping her foot.
“What does that mean?” Fred stood.
“I pranked you a week after that happened. I made all the food on your plate disappear.” Her hands were balled into fists at her side.
“See! I knew you started it.” He pointed accusingly at her.
“Only because you’re awful at communicating!” She pointed back.
“...So…this all started from a miscommunication?” He stared at the ground, realizing he had an enemy after all this time that could’ve been a friend.
“Okay, go home.” McGonagall flung the door open, excusing the two. The two grabbed their bags and left the classroom. On the walk back to the Gryffindor dorms, they spoke about how stupid they felt after all this time of hating each other for no reason. They worked on their homework together, having no one else to help them, and went to bed.
Saturday arrived, and the two arrived at the classroom together. After McGonagall left, they spoke of previous pranks that had actually been great ideas. They spoke about quidditch, classes, the Triwizard tournament. Eventually, they got back to talking about their lack of friends.
“I guess it’s probably worse for you, though, since George is your twin.” Y/N offered, a frown on her face.
“He’ll get over it. He always does, and I’ve tried apologizing a ton already. At this point, I think maybe they’re being a bit dramatic.”
“Or they’re planning something.”
“Like, revenge?”
“Maybe.” Y/N’s face scrunched in thought.
“Well, anyway, did you see McGonagall use Ron when she was teaching us how to dance.”
“Oh Godric, yeah I did. I was laughing so hard. Did you get to practice?”
“No, she told me to wait it out. You?”
“Same.” Y/N frowned, looking at her feet.
“Wanna practice together? In case we do get to go?”
“Who will even go with us? Even Slytherins won’t talk to me.”
“That’s a problem we’ll fix when we get there.” Fred stood up, getting closer to the sitting girl. She blushed when he held a hand out for her to grab. She grabbed it, standing up. She was able to fully realize how tall the twins were, never getting that close to either of them. Fred towered over her, making the dance a little awkward. They kept accidentally making eye contact, both just trying to peek at the other.
“Wait, no, I think you messed up that part.” Y/N stopped, staring at their feet.
“I thought it was right left left right?” He asked, looking at the top of her head until she looked up and made eye contact.
“I thought you’re supposed to switch off?” She furrowed her brow.
“Honestly, you probably paid more attention than I did.” He shrugged, his hands still holding hers.
“You’re right, I definitely pay more attention than you.” 
“Oh, shut up.” Fred laughed, gently pushing Y/N away.
“Aw, a little sensitive?” She asked, grabbing his hands and looking at the floor again.
“Never sensitive from you, darling.” He also stared at their feet, making sure the steps were right.
“Except for when I turned your hair green.” She looked up at him, he shook his head.
“Oh Merlin, okay, yeah. That one time, I cried, yeah.” She squeezed his hand to make sure he knew she was joking, and he squeezed back.
The two practiced dancing every day for a week. The following Saturday, Y/N brought a muggle music player (“What’s that?” “It’s called a walkman.” “Oh, weird.”) so they had something to listen to while they practiced, but they pretty much knew the steps by heart by then. They swayed, dancing to the music much closer than they had been the previous Saturday. Y/N rested her head against Fred’s lower chest.
“What’s your family like?” She asked, bored.
“Big.” He laughed.
“Well, duh.” She laughed, trying to take her hand out of his to hit his chest, but he held it tighter. She looked up at him, chin against his chest. “I mean, like, what are they like? What do they do, what do they enjoy, what are they passionate about?” She bombarded. He looked down at her, his heart fluttering.
“Ginny is a killer quidditch player, and she’s just so kind. She befriended this girl who doesn’t have any other friends just so she can stick up for her when she gets bullied. Ron doesn’t have any common sense, but he’s pretty smart. He’s really good at Wizard’s chess, and quidditch, too. I think he feels like he’s second-best a lot because of Harry, but neither of them can really help it. George is just me,”
“That’s not true. You guys are very different.”
“Mum can’t always tell us apart.”
“His nose is more hooked than yours, and your voices are different. Besides, he’s more soft-spoken, and he probably feels like Ron does with Harry.”
“What do you mean?”
“Second best to you. You have this ability to make a spotlight on yourself in any room you walk into. But that’s not something either of you can control. I think you’re just more extroverted.” Y/N shrugged, placing her cheek against his chest again. Fred stopped moving his feet suddenly. Y/N looked up, pressing her chin against his chest again. “I’m sorry, did I overstep?”
“No, you just...nailed it. No one’s ever done that before. George and I used to get into little spats because of it. Also, I don’t think anyone’s ever noticed our differences before.” He once again felt a flutter in his heart.
“I think Angelina has noticed too.” Y/N shrugged, trying to make a lesser deal of the issue.
“Maybe.” He smiled down at her, she smiled back softly.
“You know, we only have like a week and a half left together. What should we do? I feel like we’re experts on this dance.” Despite her words, they continued swaying softly.
“I don’t know. What do you like to do other than pranks and quidditch?” He asked, leaning down to rest his chin on top of her head.
“Read.” She shrugged.
“Bring a book tomorrow, read to me.” This time her heart jumped into her throat. Something about reading aloud to someone seemed intimate.
“Okay.” She smiled. 
So Y/N brought a book the next day. Her favorite muggle book, pride and prejudice. It didn’t take long for them to finish, Fred’s head in her lap, sprawled across the floor together.
“Why’s it so...old-timey?”
“It was written in the late 1700s.”
“They kind of remind me of us.”
“Why? Because they used to hate each other?”
“I guess.” He shrugged. He was hoping for a love story like Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy.
“What do we do now?” Y/N raked her fingers through his hair, his eyes closed at the feeling.
“Wanna make out?” He grinned without opening his eyes. She laughed.
“Stop it!” Y/N stopped her movements, still smiling. He opened his eyes and sat up, smiling.
“Stop what?” He asked, starting to tickle her sides. She laughed loudly, throwing her head back. He continued until she was lying on the floor. He was on top of her, straddling her. Finally, he stopped, and she opened her eyes, still smiling.
“Do you...would you want to go to the Yule ball with me? If we can go.” He asked, not moving from the position. She sat up on her forearms.
“I don’t see why not. We already know how to dance together.” She shrugged, trying to play nonchalant by looking at her nails.
“Y/N?” She looked up. “Can I kiss you?” Fred asked, looking somewhat sheepish for the first time ever. She offered a soft smile, grabbing his cheek and pulling him down to her face.
(warning: smut starts here)
The kiss started soft, sweet. Y/N’s heart was beating out of her chest. Fred’s heart was in his throat. Eventually, she pulled on his bottom lip with her teeth softly, causing Fred to moan. At the sound, she felt wetness pool in her panties. “Y/N, I think I’m falling in love with you.” He whispered against her lips.
“Maybe I’m falling for you, too, Freddie.” She whispered, pushing their lips back together. She pulled his hair softly, causing the noise again. Smiling slightly into the kiss, she grabbed his arm, flipping them over so she was straddling his waist.
“Woah,” He paused, lips swollen. “That was kinda hot.” She laughed, leaning down to kiss him again. She felt his hard member against her clothed heat. She ground her hips down onto his, causing a much deeper moan to arise from Fred’s throat. He brought one hand to her waist, the other holding the side of her face. His hand on her waist traveled down to squeeze her ass underneath her skirt. This time, she moaned, making him harder. His hands traveled to the bottom of her t-shirt, tugging on it. She pulled away.
“Can I take this off?” He asked, his face slightly pink. She nodded wordlessly, helping him pull it off of her. He took his own shirt off, sitting up to kiss her. He grabbed one side of her face, kissing her hard once again. He slowly moved, leaving pecks from her face to her neck, where he latched and started sucking, causing soft moans to come out of her mouth.
“Freddie,” She panted, eyes closed. He moaned at the sound of her voice, his rough hand on her wait moving to grab her breast above her bra. She reached behind her and took it off, pulling his hand back to her bare breast. He kneaded it, paying extra attention to her nipple. He latched his mouth onto her other nipple, rolling his tongue over it. She moaned softly.
“Don’t hold back, darling, we’re here for a while.” He encouraged, whispering against her breast. She softly pushed his chest encouraging him to lay down. She kissed down his chest to where his pants started, looking up through hooded eyelids to ask if she could take off his pants.
“I want you to face fuck me.” She whispered, he moaned at the thought alone. He helped her take his jeans off, pulling her face quickly towards his to kiss her once more. “You don’t have to, you know. I didn’t say that because I wanted to fuck you.”
“I know, Freddie. I want to do this.” She smiled, sitting up on her knees. “Now stand up.” She encouraged. When he stood in front of her, she grabbed his cock, licking a stripe down the bottom of it. She wrapped her lips around his tip, causing a guttural groan to arise from Fred’s throat. He collected her hair into his hand, and she grabbed onto his thigh to steady herself. He was gentle, pulling her head towards him slowly. Each time she made it back to his tip, she circled her tongue around the head, causing a deep groan. She started pushing her head faster, encouraging him to take control of her. He did, pulling her far deeper onto his cock, until she could feel him on her throat. He set the pace faster, pulling her head quickly back and forth on him. When she could feel his cock twitched she pulled away gently.
“I don’t want you to cum yet. I want you inside of me.”
“Are you trying to commit a murder today? You’re killing me with the way you speak.” He moaned, pulling her up by her cheek to kiss her once again. He sat her on a desk without pulling away, unzipping her skirt. He kissed her neck and down her chest as he pulled her skirt off. He pulled her closer to the edge of the desk, his face inches away from her cunt. As he kissed the inside of her knee and thigh he asked if what he was doing was okay, and she nodded, moaning. He pulled her panties off, latching his lips onto her clit quickly. He flicked his tongue quickly against the small bundle of nerves.
“Finger me.” She moaned out, her hands tangled in his hair. Her eyes were closed, head thrown back. He started with one finger, curved up, keeping a steady pace. She whispered, asking for more, causing him to use two fingers to fuck her. Between his tongue and his fingers, she was unwinding quickly. He quickened his pace with both, causing her to moan his name. It wasn’t long before she had unwound completely, pulling his hair as she let out a string of curses. When she was finished, she pulled him up by his hair to her lips.
“Do you still want me to fuck you, baby?” She nodded in response, wrapping her legs around his hips. He teased her entrance, rubbing the head of his cock up and down her pussy lips. When she started whining, he pushed into her cunt slowly. They both breathed a sigh of relief after the build-up. Their foreheads rested together as he slowly fucked her. He moved his lips to her ear.
“You’re so beautiful when you cum for me, you know that?” He whispered, licking the shell of her ear, causing her to take a deep inhale. She grabbed the back of his neck pulling his lips back to her own.
“Freddie, I’m gonna need you to fuck me faster.” She said against his lips. He grinned into her kiss, fucking her faster. He reached down, using his thumb to rub her clit. She moaned, despite still being sensitive from the previous orgasm. The faster he rubbed her clit the faster she felt the build-up in her stomach. He was already well on his way to finishing, but at the rate he was going she would cum first. He latched onto her neck, gently sucking, pushing her over the edge quickly. “Freddie,” She moaned, throwing her head back, toes curling. He came soon after hearing her moan his name. He rested his head in the crook of her neck, both of their breathing starting to match again.
(smut ends)
“Well,” He spoke after a few minutes, leaving her body. “I can’t say this is what I expected out of detention.” He smirked, looking up at her. She smirked back, getting up to get dressed.
“I think detention just got a lot more fun, Darcy.” She referenced. He grinned.
“I like the way you think, Miss Bennett.”
About two weeks later, they arrived at the Yule ball together. When they showed up hand in hand, many were surprised, but George and Angelina smirked at each other.
“I told you if we just left them alone long enough they’d end up together,” George stated.
“Well, you were right,” McGonagall stated, approaching the two youngsters. “And now my classroom has a smell to it.” Causing Angelina and George to break down with laughter.
permanent taglist: @amourtentiaa
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bigbrainblue · 3 years
19th birthday
It was late.
you don’t know how late, but late enough that you hadn’t heard a car pass in well over 20 minutes, the only light around was from the distance street lamps and the reflection of the moon on the ocean that stood before you. the only sound coming from the crickets in the hills, occasional wave crashing, and your own shallow breath. 
currently you were sat on a beach. alone.
it was your birthday, you had come to the beach from your birthday party. a party to celebrate the day you were born 19 years ago. 
the party was fine, but there sure as hell were a lot of people, way more than you would have liked
you knew people there, sure, but a good portion of the party was people you've never even heard of, just coming for a party and the booze. 
you had arrived with your friends, a lot of them actually, you had just managed to lose them all one by one slowly as the night grew longer and as your vison started to blur.
the people you came with were your friends, Niki, will, toby, tom, clay, George, nick, and Alex. 
you were having fun, drinking, walking around, socializing. but soon it became too much.
the drinking had made you obsess over every thought that came into your head.
you decided to take a break, have some fresh air, and now here you are. on a beach. alone. at night.
one of the thoughts your brain wouldn’t let go was about Alex, the boy you’ve known since junior year of Highschool. you two met when you decided to do a foreign exchange year in Mexico. it just so happened to be that the parents that decided to host you for a school year also were the parents of a teenage boy the same age as you, with straight black hair that stuck to the back of his neck and with freckles scattered around his face. over the next 9 months you guys became best friends, never leaving each others sides.
you didn't know it then, but you had fallen in love with this boy, this amazing beautiful smart caring boy. 
but eventually you had to go home, but you guys never stopped talking.
Alex eventually started posting videos on YouTube, and not long after, streaming on twitch as well.
you watched him gain fame as you supported him at the sidelines, cheering him along the way.
at some point he convinced you to do it too. you spent long nights on calls with him, helping you set up your streams and giving you ideas for new YouTube videos. 
with the help of Alex, you started to gain fame too, even passing him at one point.
through streaming and YouTube, you made so many friends, and yet none of them compared to Alex. 
speaking of Alex, you wondered what he was doing, probably having the time of his life, drinking an hooking up with girls a bajillion times hotter than you
you laughed quietly at yourself thinking about how stupid it was to think that you could pull a guy like Alex.
just then you heard it.
a familiar voice from behind you, “what’s so funny?”
you looked back startled and confused
‘Alex? what are you doing out here?”
“well y/n I could ask the same thing to you, its your party, i noticed you were gone, so I went looking for you. as simple as that”
“i got overwhelmed in there, I'm sorry. i just needed some fresh air”
“ its ok, don't apologize for something you cant control. can I sit?”
“nope” you said sarcastically, hoping he would get the joke
“too bad!” he said, plopping himself right next to you in the sand
you giggled at his humor
neither of you said anything, it wasn't awkward silence, you two had known each other long enough that sometimes, it was nice to just enjoy the company of the other person beside you in silence. 
and yet, suddenly Alex said something.
“have you been crying? there's dried tear streaks along the sides of your face”
you turned your head towards his and whipped the sides of you face, seeing that he was already looking at you, studying you and your facial expression. 
“i guess. if I did, I didn't notice.”
“how did you not notice yourself crying? that sounds like something very noticeable” he said, putting an emphasis on the very,
you laughed, probably harder than you should have.
he smiled, happy to see you happy
“do you wanna talk about it? why you were crying?”
“no, well, not here at least-” you said gesturing your hands at the ocean 
“plus, there's sand getting in my ass” you added on to your previous sentence
Alex laughed and agreed, standing up and brushing off hi pants, and then handing out a hand for you to grab as he pulled you up.
you also brushed yourself off, and you weren't lying, cause man was there a lot of sand in your ass.
he started walking away from you and as you caught up with him you asked,
“where are we going?”
“you’ll see, its a great place, I promise you will love it” 
you followed Alex to his car as he opened the passenger side door for you.
“how romantic” you commented as you climbed into his car. poking fun at him
as he got into the car he plugged his phone into the aux cord, playing a song you had heard a couple times, but would have never expected for Alex to listen to it, it just didn't seem like the type of music he would like.
he set his phone down face up as the screen flashed up at you as he put the car into gear and pulled out into the street
you saw the title of the song he was playing, “Falling For U” by Peachy ft Mxmtoon, and his wallpaper, a photo of you two from junior year. both standing next to each other awkwardly as his mom made you guys take a photo together on the first day you got there. you wondered how long it had been his wallpaper for. 
you laughed and asked him about his wallpaper
“i mean you gotta admit, we look extremely sexy in that photo. especially me”
this comment from Alex made you break out laughing, even harder than before, as he started to hum along with the lyrics of the song. joined with him actually saying a line out loud every once in a while
it was a peaceful drive, Alex played more lofi songs as you stared out the widow.
eventually he pulled the car into an empty parking lot of a small gas station 
“is this the place?” you questioned 
“nope, just a pit stop.” he said
you both went inside, grabbing snacks and drinks and piling them into the back of the car. Alex making you wait to open them until you two got to your final destination
 eventually, the car rolled into a another small empty parking lot, except this one was made of dirt and was a lot higher up.
Alex had pulled the car to the edge of the parking lot, as you finally got to see why he brought you here,
you looked through the windshield to find a view of the entire city. 
you gasped in awe as you looked towards Alex, who, again, was already looking at you.
this time he wasn't studying you, he was admiring you.
you blushed, but pushed it off.
you and him both got out of the car so you guys could grab the snacks and the blankets he had in the back of his car.
he hopped onto the hood of his car and you joined him.
you starred into the sky full of stars above you. 
you gasped as you pointed out a shooting star passing over head 
“what did you wish for, Alex?”
“i cant tell you or else it wont come true”
“well then couldn't you wish the opposite of what you want to come true and then tell someone so the opposite comes true?”
“you're so stupid-” he said jokingly as he laughed.
“so, do you want to talk about why you were crying earlier, or is this still not the right spot” Alex chuckled at his own joke
“yes but, I have a question first”
Alex hummed in response, curious of what the question could be
“do you believe in love at first sight?”
you could feel his gaze on you, but you didn't divert your eyes from the stars above.
“do you remember the first time that we met? at the airport when my mom forced us to hug and take that god awful photo together, and when we ended up playing tictactoe in the car for an hour while we drove to my house?”
“yes? of course i do, that was simultaneously the worst and best day of my life. but that doesn't answer my question dumbass” you said, still not giving into his gaze onto side of your head.
“I think I just did, did I not?” 
it finally clicked, him looking for you at the party, the song in the car, the story
you turned your head to meet his gaze, finally giving in
he sat up and dramatically grabbed his chest, pretending to have been stabbed in the heart, enacting a theatrical performance
“y/n m/n l/m, i am dying, and you must know, that I am in LOVE with you!” he dramatically gasped and fall back down., pretending to be dead. 
you played along as you gasped and put the pack of your hand on your forehead as you spoke
“oh my dear Alex, I love you too, and now you will never get to know how much i loved you” you faked sobbed onto his chest
“maybe a true loves kiss will help save him” he whispered, making the scene even funnier and causing both of you to bust out laughing
“ah yes, the only way to save my prince, a true loves KISS!” you said before coming down and kissing Alex on the lips. 
he sat up with a loud gasp
“I am alive! a kiss of true love saved me!” you giggled beside him as you watched him play out his Oscar-winning performance
“may I kiss you again m’lady? for saving my life of course.” he questioned
“of course, you can kiss me anytime m’lady” you said back, pulling him into a deeper kiss
he pulled way first before speaking
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Hcs: having Karube and Arisu as your Bfs!
Polyrelationahip - nsfw (MalexFemxMale) - long hcs cause i got carried away -
Lets start with this. The 3 of you met during highschool.
You first meet Arisu since he was talking about a game that you were currently playing so you end aproaching him.
You are so cute
You like games
You keep smiling at him when he gets passionated over a centrain fact of the game.
So, the 2 of you start a friendship.
Arisu ends presenting you his other 2 friends Chota and Karube
"Time you presented us your girlfriend" by Chota
"Shut up Chota" by Arisu
Being intimidated by Karube at first and he notices right away so he makes a mental note to be soft when you are around.
Time passes and the 4 of you are inseparable.
Skipping school somdays
Going out at night around the city
Playing games with Arisu
Chota and you being silly together.
During all of that Karube ends getting romantic feelings towards you.
So he is hella nervous cause you are his friend and he knows that Arisu likes you too (this boy cant hide his feelings but you never noticed them).
He tries to distance himself from you
Bad idea
You are there asking him whats wrong
"Did i do something wrong?"
"No, well yes, well no! I mean..., i just want you to be happy"
"Im happy, im happier when you are with me and with Arisu and Chota.
Karube heart as exploted.
From that day on he does his best to make you happy.
Once out of highschool the 4 of you keeps in touch.
Meeting at the bar where Karube works.
Talking about the future.
"Do you think i can have a koala?"
"Here? No. Maybe in australia?"
You get this man a Koala plush and he ends sleeping with it.
Now, all this time arisu and karube had have feelings for you. And you have feelings for both of them. That caused you to be in a conflict cause you dont want to ruin your friendship with them so you never said a thing.
Who is the poor soul that knows all of this and has hear all of the problems?
Chota knows how much the 3 of you like each other and its painfull to see the 3 of you not acting on it.
Yes, at one point Arisu started to like Karube too!! He loved his friend but realized that he loved him just as he loves you!
Chota its so done with the 3 of you.
When ending in borderland the 4 of you end being scared as hell.
No ones wants do die.
After first game, the 4 of you ended in a place for the night trying to proccess all.
Now that your lifes its in danger Karube, Arisu and You want to confess but also want to focus on live.
But after another game the pressure its too much so BOOM you guys confess.
"Look (y/n) i have like you for a long time, since highschool and now we are in this hell. I know its not the best time but i needed to tell you this".
Arisu its the next saying that just like Karube he likes you a lot but he also likes Karube (god karube never blushed so hard) and that he understands if his feelings are not reciprocated from either of you 2 but he just like Karube needed to tell both of you how he feels
With you? You are blushing and trying to get a good answer for them. The 2 guys you loved, loves you back and also like each other?
Its there light in this hell?
So you end confessing that you have liked both of them just as long as them but never wanted to say a thing cause you were afraid of breaking the Friendship.
"Now what?"
"Now...i guess we date?" By you
Chota its so done.
Now that you guys are together, games are more stresfull.
Arisu and Karube feel like they need to protect you but you will probably say that you can take care of yourself.
Horse Game.
You ended stabing the horse guy.
Karube: when did you get a knife?
You: when you were not looking
Karube: but im alwyas looking at you
Lowkey sweet
Ending at the beach and Karube not taking a shit about Niragi.
"You touch my girlfriend you are dead in the next game"
Arisu its just nodding
During the 10 hearts game you guys are scared of losing each other.
Hiding but going with Karube to find Arisu.
Finding Arisu and having the big hug and hot make over
"Guys we need to win..." Chota
Ah yes, Chota has been around all this time. He is hella scared of Niragi. BUT this dude got lay (gooo Chota).
Actually, the 4 of you went to the bar just once and Karube just scoffed.
"The bar from the real world its better"
Arisu, Chota and you agrees.
- NSFW -
Sex in the beach? YES.
The 3 of you just give into your desires for each other.
Partly because being still scared of dying and cause facing it, the 3 of you just wanted each other.
Karube its soft at the start with both of you but gets rought after a while. This man, this man mission its to get Arisu and You wet. Expect full oral from him.
While he gives oral to you, he will be trying to jack off Arisu.
Arisu and you are a moaning mess.
Arisu getting insecure seeing Karubes size but being reassured from both and you that his own dick its extremely hot.
Give oral to them.
Arisu would moan a lot, its very vocal when you go down on him. Will take your hair without noticing.
Karube will praise you while you give oral to Arisu.
Actually, he encourage each of you when you too are doing it and he is watching (its live porn for him and he loves it).
"Look how erected her nipples are Arisu, you are doing such a good work"
Being between them, one in the back kissing your neck while the other goes into you.
Karube kissing Arisu marking him and rubbing his dick against Arisu's one. Soft anal sex.
Yes the day after its no secret that the 3 of you fucked.
"You 3 look like shit"
"Shut up Chota"
- Continue - Real World
Getting back home all of you are in the hospital and make a mess cause WHERE ARE YOU ? THE 4 OF YOU NEED TO SEE IF EACH OTHER ARE OK!!
Nurses going after Chota and You.
You out end raning them and leaving them behind.
"Catch me if you can bitches!"
Chota basically sweet talking his way to get to know the number of the room of Karube and Arisu.
Finding Karube, hugging him and crying while saying (without noticing) how much you love him.
"I love you too"
But he feels like he already said it.
"Finally" by Chota.
Karube and you talking about your feelings, you telling him that you also love Arisu and Karube telling you that he loves him too.
Meanwhile Chota its going to Arisu's room to have a talk with him about being happy to be alive and well. Arisu crying when Chota tells him that you and Karube are alive and will come eventually (Chota did hear a bit of your conversation about your feelings while he was going out from the room).
When Karube and You go to Arisu's room he almost falls cause he just wants to hug both of you. Also, there is an inmense feeling of love coming from him.
The 3 of you talking and basically confessing again (and feeling like you already did it...).
Now you guys can start a normal life.
Getting your life in order. Living together, Arisu keeps playing but now he is also studying. Being encourage by you and Karube when its too much.
Karube working in the bar to non stop sometimes so he can buy that cabin in Australia.
You doing your own major.
Savage sex.
Chota ending with a girlfriend and the 3 of you finally getting to teast him back.
"Got the money for Australia"
Going to Australia, getting the cabin AND FINALLY MEETING KOALAS.
Karube its almost crying when he sees them.
"We should steal one"
Staying there for sometime relaxing and just enjoying your life together.
The 3 of you are never afraid of showing your love in public.
Karube getting Arisu or You on his shoulders.
Arisu softy putting his head onto yours of Karubes shoulder.
Playing with Arisus hair.
Overall, a sweet relationship!!
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cats and babies
This is the first piece I’ve ever written so if anyone sees this be nice pls and thank u
There could be typos/ weird formatting, this was typed entirely on my phone
I also feel the need to say all of my medical knowledge is from Grey’s anatomy and googling things I saw on grey’s anatomy so this is probably not that accurate ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  
Word count: 6,160
Warnings: Car accidents, blood, angst (but with a v happy ending ofc bc sad endings are Not For Me), hospitals/medical stuff, again a very happy ending, I would like to emphasize the happy ending so no one gets scared away from reading this, did I mention there’s a happy ending?
"So, what'd'ya say? Chinese?"
They were deciding where to go for dinner after a long day of touring their favorite art museums. Harry and Y/N had been dating about two years now, and (cheesy as it sounds) they loved each other more and more every day. 
"Chinese sounds great," Y/N smiled, glancing over at Harry. The golden sun reflected off his curls, making him look absolutely angelic. 
He smiled, which turned into a chuckle, which turned into full blown laughter. She was confused. "What is it?" What's so hilariou- eyes on the road!!" 
"Sorry, sorry," he laughed. "Nothing, just- do you-" he breathed slowly, calming down a bit. "Do you remember the first time we had Chinese food? She blushed, laughing with him at the memory. 
Their first date had been... disastrous, to say the least. They had both been nervous, but both trying to act confident. They had decided on a nice, fancy, black tie restaurant, and Y/N was excited. When he picked her up in a limousine, she was hardly unable to contain herself.
However, their plan fell apart almost from the beginning. When they got to the place, a big red sign read "CLOSED FOR REPAIRS"
"Ooook... that's... weird," Y/N had grimaced. "What should we do now?" 
"Uh... we could... try the one a few blocks over? Yeah, that's a good place too, I know the owner. He always has a table for me. That'll work!"
Y/N hasn't quite cared about the wrench thrown into their plans. She really liked Harry so far, and she though he liked her too. So she chirped "Sure! Sounds great."
She hadn't noticed how embarrassed he looked when he opened the car door for her. He couldn't believe his luck! He was finally on a date with a girl he really liked, really wanted to impress, and the best restaurant in town closed with no notice? How could this happen? But he shook it off, climbing in after her and alerting the driver of their change of plans. 
When they got to the next place, Harry immediately got worried. It looked very crowded, and while the owner usually held a table for Harry, it didn't seem so tonight. 
He pulled out his phone.
"Hey, Luke! Yeah, I'm great! Listen, do you by any chance have a table-" He paused, and then his face fell. His voice kept its happy tone, though. "No, no problem at all, I understand. Yeah, for sure, a different night. Thank you!" He hung up, looking more than a little dejected. 
Y/N put a hand on his arm. "It's ok, I promise. I swear I didn't just agree to go out with you for the fancy food. We can go anywhere, 'Im really not upset!" 
"Agh, thank you. You're very sweet. But really, you deserve a fancy place. Only it seems everyone in the world is determined to make sure we don't get to do that," He huffed. "Maybe..." And he pulled out his phone again. He glanced at her curious face. "How do you feel about Chinese?" He asked sheepishly.
  Y/N beamed. "I love it," and there was no trace of insincerity on her face. 
"Right then, Chinese it is!" he found the closest place on his phone, telling the driver the address.
After a few minutes of eating, Y/N looked around the table for a fork. She could handle big foods, like the chicken, with the chopsticks, but definitely not the rice. 
Harry asked what she needed. She was a bit embarrassed to tell him she wasn't good enough with chopsticks to eat her rice, but he was kind about it. He helped show her how to use them without making too big of a mess. Still, she dropped half her plate on a napkin in her lap. 
At the end of their meal, Y/N burst out laughing when she picked up her napkin. Harry looked at her, confused, until she placed what was basically a full serving of rice on the table. He was also unable to contain his laughter, to which Y/N responded by throwing a few grains of rice at him. 
He threw a balled up napkin at her, and she blew a straw wrapper in his face. This escalated until she splashed what was left of her water glass on him. There was stunned silence for a moment, and Y/N thought she went too far. Then he looked at her and burst into laughter. She sighed in relief, laughing with him. "I'm sorry, that was too much," but she couldn't keep the smile off her face at the sight of the water dripping down his face.
"A little water never hurt anyone," he said, his eyes twinkling as he splashed her with his own water. 
Y/N was pulled from the happy memory of their first date when the car skidded on the ice. 
"Careful... if I'd known it was this slippery we'd have found a closer place," she said nervously.
"Nah, we've talked about this, the only good place is the one two towns over. I understand you love Minnesota and all but it is NOT the best place to find good Chinese food," he smirked.
"I will not have this Minnesota slander, not in this house. Maybe you're the issue, with your sophisticated taste and all," Y/N said, laughing at his disgruntled look. "Sophisticated? I took you for Chinese food on our first date. Nothing about that screams "sophisticated" to me." 
"Yeah, but we were dressed VERY fancy. That counts," Y/N laughed. 
"Oh really? that's what makes me sophisticated? alright then, you're right, I'm, extremely-" 
The car slid just a little too far for Y/N's liking. 
"Harry, are you sure it's safe to be driving on this? I think it's getting worse, and- look, it's starting to rain." She checked the weather on her phone. "Yeah, it's at that weird temperature where it's halfway freezing. The road will be worse on the way back." 
"I think we're ok," He reassured her. "The car has 4 wheel drive, and I'll go slow. I think the biggest danger is us not getting our Chinese food," he smiled at her. "Uh, no," Y/N said, rolling her eyes. "I'd say the biggest danger is crashing and dying in a firey car wreck." 
"Always so negative, Y/N," Harry laughed. "We're perfectly fine-" he spoke too soon, because right then the car slid again. A lot, this time. They almost slid right through a stop sign. 
Y/N clutched the armrest. 
"We're almost there, you better not kill me before I get my Chinese food, Styles. I finally know how to eat rice with chopsticks without..." She stopped halfway through her sentence because she was laughing so hard. "Without... dropping all of it on my lap." 
They dissolved into giggles, especially when Harry said, "got any more water to throw at me?" 
The car slid once more, and Y/N felt her pocket nervously. She had bought a ring for Harry. It was nothing too special, but it was the one year anniversary of the first time they had gone to an art museum together. She wanted to commemorate that with something special, so she had gone to the museum gift shop and found the perfect ring. It had a silver band, a little thinner than the rest of his, and a labradorite stone set into it. She thought it would complement his other jewelry nicely. 
She kept her hand on the little box in her pocket, careful not to make Harry suspicious. 
He wasn't looking at her, though; he was completely focused on the road. His hands gripped the wheel hard enough to turn his knuckles white. Y/N felt a little more nervous seeing this. Harry was an excellent driver, and he usually had one hand on the wheel and the other holding hers. He only gripped the wheel this tightly when he felt unsafe driving. 
Y/N looked out at the darkening sky. She was not a fan of storms, especially ones that make the roads icy. Like a true Minnesotan, she knew that under the right circumstances, a bit of rain could make it nearly impossible to drive.
A car sped past them, almost veering into their lane when it went over a particularly icy patch. 
"Harry, really, I don't know if we should keep going," Y/N said nervously.
"I know, but I'm not sure what we should do. I think it's safer to just keep going and hope the rain stops. We're about 10 minutes away, but if we turn around it's almost a 2 hour drive." 
"Yeah... you're right. It's better to just keep going. Just... go slow," Y/N said, biting the inside of her cheek. 
"Stop doing that," Harry chided in a singsong voice. 
"How can you even tell? you weren't even looking at me," Y/N laughed. 
"I know how you are when you're nervous, Y/N. Biting your cheek won't do anything but hurt." 
Y/N smiled. She had never had someone care this much about her. Someone who knew her this well, almost better than she knew herself. She was so hopelessly in love... 
She was so busy thinking about what she would say when she gave him the ring that she didn't hear the horn blaring. She looked up just in time to see the truck driving straight down the middle of the road towards them. 
She could tell instantly the driver of the truck couldn't do anything. He was sliding on the ice like they had before. Harry jerked the wheel to the right, moving the car out of the way. 
It wasn't enough.
Y/N heard a horribly loud crashing noise, and then there was nothing. 
Y/N shot straight up out of the bed she was in, gasping. Someone put their hands on her shoulders, trying to soothe her and get her to lay back down. She pushed the hands away as her vision came into focus. She was in a room filled with people and noise and 𝘱𝘦𝘰𝘱𝘭𝘦.
She panicked for a minute before she realized where she was. Clearly an Emergency Room. There were 4 doctors and nurses around her, checking her eyes, ears, reflexes, pulse, breathing. She threw her arms out to try and get some space. One of the nurses caught her hand, holding it in both of hers. 
"Y/N, you're alright. You're in the hospital. You were in a car accident. Do you have any pain? Whe-"
"Harry! Where's Harry?? I need to see him, I have to, I have to go-" She stuttered as she pushed the doctors away from her, trying to get up again.
  The same nurse held her back.
"Y/N, we need to make sure you're ok before you can get up. If you let us help, you'll be able to see Harry sooner. Can you lay back? Do you have any pain?"
  "No, no I'm fine, I'm ok! I need to see Harry, I need to know if he's ok! Please!" Y/N looked frantically around at the doctors, hoping one of them knew something. 
The doctor who appeared to be in charge ordered, "Someone go get an update on the guy they brought in with her. See how he's doing." 
"Thank you, thank you so much," Y/N breathed, finally laying back. 
"There we go. Do you have any pain Y/N?" The nurse asked again. 
"No, I'm totally fine. I'm- " Y/N brushed her hair out of her face. When are brought her arm down, she saw that her hand was covered in blood. "I'm bleeding!" She cried, panicking. 
"It's ok, it's not too bad," one of the doctors said, examining her head. "It looks like it'll need maybe 5 or 6 stitches. We can fix that up right away." 
Y/N closed her eyes. How had this happened? Harry moved the wheel, she knew he did. How had they crashed this badly? 
The doctor who had been sent to check on Harry came back into the room. Y/N snapped her eyes open, looking at her expectantly.
"He is stable. That's the important thing right now. However, he's been pretty badly injured. He broke his femur and clavicle. He has a small brain bleed, and he is covered in cuts from the glass. He's also pretty bruised from the airbag and seatbelt. He is intubated, because he was having some trouble breathing. He might need surgery to repair the brain bleed, but right now they're waiting and hoping it will get better on it's own." 
Y/N exhaled. "But... he's ok? I mean... he's alive?" 
The doctor smiled. "Yes. He's doing ok." 
Y/N finally allowed herself to breathe. She noticed she was crying but she didn't do anything to wipe her tears away. 
"Ok, Y/N," said the doctor stitching up her face. "I'm finished here. You need to stay here for a little while longer so we can monitor you. There is an IV in your arm to keep you hydrated. If you need anything, call for a nurse. Also, and this is important, don't get out of this bed without someone helping you. You've been through a lot today, but the adrenaline is wearing off, which might make you feel shaky. Do you need anything right now?" 
"No, I'm... I'm fine. Thank you," Y/N said, wiping her eyes. 
After he left her bed, she felt her pocket. She breathed a sigh of relief when she felt the ring still there. Then she mentally kicked herself for being worried about a silly ring when Harry was... no. She wouldn't let herself think that. Harry was 𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦. They were both alive, and they were both ok.
About an hour later, a nurse came in. After confirming that she felt totally fine, Y/N anxiously asked when she could see Harry. 
"I'm sorry, the ICU is family only," The nurse said. She really did look sorry, but this did nothing to make Y/N feel better. 
"I- I'm his wife!" Y/N said quickly, not even thinking. She most definitely was 𝘯𝘰𝘵 his wife. She wasn't even his fiancee. She slipped the ring from her pocket onto her finger, then held up her hand to the nurse. 
The nurse pretended not to notice the fact that the ring hadn't been there before, and that the ring was easily a size too big. "Oh! Then of course you can see him," She said, helping Y/N off the bed slowly. "I'll take you to his room." 
"Thank you so much," Y/N said, taking her first few steps slowly. 
"Careful- you're still attached to this IV pole," The nurse said, adjusting the tubing so it wasn't in her way. "You can hold onto it for support- yes, just like that." 
Y/N got more nervous with every step towards Harry's room. What would he look like? Would he be in pain? Would he know who she was? Would he... be mad at her? 
When she walked into his room, she almost started crying all over again. He looked, well, awful. He was covered in cuts and bruises. He had several tubes and wires connected to him, as well as a large tube taped in his mouth. He had a cast on his leg and a sling on his arm.
Y/N looked at the nurse who was taking his vitals. 
"How is he?" She asked in a small voice. 
"He's ok for now. He is stable, which is very good. He's unconscious, but we hope to see him wake up soon. You can sit with him, hold his hand, talk to him. If you need anything, just press the call button." 
She left, leaving Y/N and Harry alone. This time, she really did start crying. This was awful, and it was all her fault. She was the one who wanted to go for Chinese food. She was the one who picked today, the first wintery stormy day of the year to go for a long drive. And now.. 
"Harry... Harry I'm so sorry," Y/N said, sniffling. She held onto his hand, the one that wasn't attached to a broken collarbone.  "This is all my fault, and now you're... and I got off with nothing but a cut on my forehead, and it's not fair and I'm so sorry," She let out a sob. 
She continued on like this, crying and talking and crying some more, for a few hours, before she fell asleep in the chair next to him. She woke up around 9 the next morning with a stiff next and puffy eyes. She looked at his face, still covered in bruises, and kissed his hand. The nurse came in to check on him and told Y/N to go get some breakfast, reminding her that she couldn't care for Harry if she didn't care for herself. Y/N reluctantly agreed, going as fast as she could. The nurse had disconnected her IV sometime in the night, and she could move much faster without it. 
She got back to the room with her bagel and resumed her position in the chair right next to Harry. She talked to him as if he was awake, imagining she heard his beautiful voice responding to her. 
She had managed to keep the crying to a minimum today. She kept telling herself that if- no, 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 Harry woke up, she didn't want to look like a monster with red eyes. 
Her phone had been found by some paramedics, so she found Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone online and began to read to him. It was a little weird, but Harry loved these books, especially when he was sick.
Y/N was used to just imagining she heard his voice with her in the room, but suddenly she heard something that wasn't her. She gasped. 
"He's choking!! Nurse!!" She yelled for help, frantically pushing the call button. "Help!" 
Several nurses rushed in. One ushered Y/N back and out of the room, telling her to give them space to work. 
"What's- What's happening? What are they doing??" Y/N tried to go back in, but the nurse held her shoulders. 
"He's trying to breathe over the tube, Y/N. That's a very good sign. It means he's breathing on his own," The nurse said, trying to keep Y/N calm. 
"Does- does that mean he's waking up?" Y/N asked, not wanting to get her hopes up. 
"Not for sure, but it's a very good sign."
After a few minutes, the nurses came out of Harry's room, looking excited. "Y/N, he's awake! He's very groggy and can't speak yet, but he is definitely awake. You can go in and sit with him again if you'd like. We gave him some more medicine for the pain, so you have about 15 minutes to talk before he starts going a little..." She made a swirling motion next to her head. 
Y/N didn't care if he was high on morphine. She just cared that he was alive and awake and didn't... hate her. 
Harry was laying in the bed, looking at her with great concern in his tired eyes. He opened his mouth to speak, but no noise came out. Y/N rushed over to take his hand. 
"It's ok, they said you might not be able to talk for a little while yet. It's ok, I'm here, it's ok," Y/N said, smoothing his hair. 
Harry cleared his throat, coughing. He gestured toward the water cup on his side table. 
"Oh, of course." Y/N picked up the pitcher and poured him a glass, setting it in his good hand. 
He raised the straw shakily to his lips as   Y/N watched carefully to make sure he didn't spill. She gently lifted the cup out of his hands when he held it up to her.
His small smile was enough to make Y/N cry all over again.
"Oh, Harry," She cried, holding her head in her hands. "It's all my fault. I'm so sorry this happened, I did this to you- you almost died!" 
Y/N whipped her head up. "You can talk?" She said, overjoyed.
Harry coughed and spoke again. "Of course I can talk." 
His voice was rough and it sounded like it hurt everytime he spoke, but it was the most beautiful thing Y/N had ever heard. 
"What are you talking about, it's all your fault?" He rasped, looking utterly confused. "What even happened?" 
With tears leaking from her eyes, Y/N explained all she knew, which still wasn't much. Harry remembered everything as she told him, both their eyes watering as her voice shook.
"Why... why're you crying? Does your forehead hurt? I can call the nurse..." He reached for the call button.
"No, no, I'm ok," She took his hand in hers. "I'm just so sorry, because it honestly is my fault, I'm the one who wanted Chinese food and picked 𝘵𝘰𝘥𝘢𝘺 of all days to drive 2 hours away and-" 
He cut her off by raising his finger to her lips. 
"It's not your fault... it's mine. I'm the one who convinced you the only good Chinese food is so far away and I'm the one who was driving. I couldn't keep you safe..." 
Harry had never looked so sad. 
"No!" Y/N exclaimed. "Do you not see me right now? I'm absolutely fine, you did keep me safe. You swerved out of the way... wait a minute," She paused, realization hitting her. "You didn't think we could avoid the truck at all, did you? You knew it would hit us either way, but you made sure it would hit as far from me as possible." 
Harry looked down. "I figured you're more important than me, I had to do what I could."
"Harry Styles!" Y/N whisper-yelled. "If you weren't so 𝘪𝘯𝘫𝘶𝘳𝘦𝘥 I would 𝘴𝘮𝘢𝘤𝘬 you right now! How could you do that? How could you put yourself in 𝘥𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳 like that?" 
"Oh, that's actually why I got so injured, because I knew you'd try to hit me for this," He smiled charmingly at Y/N. She just scowled. 
"Did you really expect me to just say, "oh well, guess she's a goner! bye Y/N! nice knowin' ya!" No, of course not. Of course I'd put myself in danger for you. Always." 
Y/N's lip trembled. "Why do you have to be so romantic after you do such stupid things? it makes it really hard to stay mad at you," She said, wiping her eyes. 
"Yeah, that was the goal there," He laughed. 
Then he caught sight of the ring on her finger.
"That's pretty, when did you get that?" He mock gasped. "Did you get engaged while I was in a coma?" 
“No," Y/N laughed. "It's funny actually. I bought it from the museum gift shop. I wanted to give it to you as a present, for the anniversary of the first time we went there together. I was going to give it to you over Chinese food, and it was going to be 𝘢𝘸𝘦𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 and 𝘯𝘰𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘨𝘪𝘤 and 𝘣𝘦𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘪𝘧𝘶𝘭." 
Harry smiled. "That's lovely of you, darling. Why... why's it on your finger though?" 
"Oh! right." Y/N sheepishly pulled the ring off her finger. "They wouldn't let me see you because I'm not family, so I threw it on and said we were married," She said, blushing furiously. "Sorry about that." 
Harry smiled. "Why are you sorry?" 
"Um... we're 𝘯𝘰𝘵 married... so... I don't know, I just thought you might think it's weird, or, something..."  Y/N finished lamely. She held the ring out to him. 
"Happy anniversary." 
"Why don't you keep it?" 
"Right, of course, you don't need a reminder of this day," Y/N slipped the ring back into her pocket, on the verge of tears because she messed up 𝘢𝘨𝘢𝘪𝘯.
"No, that's not... I meant, why don't you keep it... on your finger?" 
She pulled the ring out of her pocket again, looking confused. "Why?" 
Harry plucked it out of her hand, holding it up to her. "Because I want you to marry me," He said, slipping it onto her finger with the sweetest smile she had ever seen. 
Y/N smiled at him. "It's ok, Harry, you're very high on all the painkillers right now. I won't hold you to anything you say," She laughed a little. 
"I'm not... why would I be on painkiller... oh yeah," Harry grinned, looking around. "I remember why I'm high right now." 
"I might be high, but I still want to marry you," he said is a singsong voice. 
Y/N laughed. "Harry, why don't we talk about this when you're sober, ok?"
Harry pouted. "Please? Please marry me? I love you, and you're so pretty, and you're so nice to animals..." He started crying, apparently at how nice Y/N was to animals. "And... a cat! We can get a cat together!" 
"Harry, baby, don't cry, of course we can get a cat," She gently wiped the tears from his bruised face. 
"I won't stop crying until you say you'll marry me," Harry said defiantly, gripping    Y/N's arm. "Pleeeaaase?" 
"Ok, Harry, yes, I will marry you. Sure. You can stop crying now, ok?" 
"That's good, I'm glad, because you're my favorite person, and I looooove you, and you're my baaaaby..." 
At this point Harry was just singing random words, usually circling back to "baaaaby" and "looooove youuuu". 
Y/N felt happy for the first time in what felt like years, while really it had been less than 24 hours. 
Eventually, he wanted to see the ring again. Y/N held up her hand and he gasped. 
"It's so beautiful! I'll buy you a real one though, a real ring for our real wedding. Then we'll get a real house and have real babies, and a real cat," He said, with the dopiest grin Y/N had ever seen. 
"Oh? We'll have babies, huh? How many babies will we have?" 
"3," He answered quickly. "Two girls and a boy. No... 4. Two of each. That way they won't team up one of them." 
"Oh, sounds like you've thought about this a lot," Y/N laughed.
  "Every single day since we started dating, you know why?" 
He motioned for her to lean closer.
  "Because I looooove you," He sang in her ear.
She pulled back, kissing his swollen cheek. 
"You're a sweetheart," She said affectionately. 
"So're you," He smiled. 
"I kind of like drugged Harry," Y/N laughed. "He's very cute." 
"Drugged Harry also likes drugged Harry, he feels like he's floating." 
"Oh, so drugged Harry talks about himself in the third person?" 
"He does now!" Harry smiled at her again. "Drugged Harry is tired... he's just going to..." 
Then the monitors started beeping rapidly. Several nurses ran in, bustling around and shouting various medical terminology. Another nurse ushered Y/N out of Harry's room for the second time that day. 
"No! No, I need to stay with him! I can't-"
"Shh... it's alright. They're going to do everything they can to help him. You have to let them help him. Why don't we go to the waiting room?"
Y/N exhaled shakily. If she couldn't stay with Harry, she might as well sit instead of hovering around the corner. 
"Yes, let's go to the waiting room," She said, after a few deep breaths. 
Y/N had been sitting on the waiting room for what felt like an eternity, but a glance at her phone told her it had only been 45 minutes. 
A woman in a surgical gown approached her, and Y/N stood up quickly. "What happened?" She asked immediately.
"Unfortunately, your husband's brain bleed did not resolve itself like we had hoped. He is in surgery, and for right now he's doing well," the surgeon said, looking sympathetic. 
"Ok... why did the monitors freak out? Did his heart stop? Is he going to wake up from surgery?" 
"The monitors went off because his heart was having trouble, but they were able to resuscitate him through CPR and defibrillation. It's too soon to know if he will wake up, but the surgeon is hopeful. I will come back to update you as soon as I can."
"Ok, thank you," Y/N said, sinking back into her chair.
  She felt a pain in her chest, like real, actual pain. What would she do without Harry? How would she live with herself, knowing he died trying to save her? 
She caught a glimpse of the ring on her finger and choked back a sob. Would she tell people she was engaged? No, of course not. Harry had been completely out of his mind when he'd asked her. 
She slumped down in her chair, wanting to curl up and cry. Instead, she called her mom. Through her tears, she explained everything that happened. 
"Oh, honey," Her mom sighed. "I'm so sorry. I'm on my way. I'll be there in about 7 hours, I'm sorry it'll take so long. Do you want to stay on the phone with me?"
  "No, I can't," Y/N sniffled. "I have to call Harry's family."
  "Do you want me to do that? I wouldn't mind, they're-"
"No, mom, thank you, but I should. I- I'm going to go. Love you," Y/N said, hanging up the phone. 
Checking her phone, Y/N realized it was the middle of the night in London where Harry's family lived. She didn't think she should wait, so she called Anne without another thought. 
"Oh, Y/N, I'm so sorry. We're getting the soonest flight. We won't be there until tomorrow morning. Will you be alright alone? Is your mother coming?" 
"Yes, my mom's on her way. I'm ok, thank you," Y/N said, rubbing her eyes. 
After she hung up the phone, it set in just how exhausted she was. She had slept poorly the night before, because of the awkwardness of sleeping in a chair and because she was so, so, worried for Harry.
She drifted into a fitful sleep where she dreamed of cars crashing, rings flying around, and Harry standing just out of her reach. He was like a rainbow, the closer she got to him, the more he faded. 
She startled awake and realized there were tears on her face. She checked her phone, seeing that it had only been 3 hours.  
She saw the same woman from before approaching her, this time wearing just scrubs. 
Y/ N stood to meet her. 
"Harry is out of surgery and doing well. We were able to repair the brain bleed. His heart stopped on the table," Y/N gasped at this, "But we were able to get him back. His ribs will be very sore and possibly even broken. All that aside, he is doing well, Mrs. Styles, and you can see him now," She said, Leading Y/N to the elevator. 
Her breath trembled as they walked towards his room. 
Harry was laying in his bed, looking like a fragile child. Even though he was so much bigger than her, right now he seemed so... small. 
Y/N looked at the nurse, asking to sit with him. She nodded and explained that two of his ribs were fractured and his collarbone would hurt him a lot when he woke up. 
Y/N held his hand with a featherlight touch, unwilling to jostle him even the smallest bit. 
After about an hour of her reading to him, she felt a small movement, barely even noticeable. Was it...?
She felt another movement. This time she was sure of it. He was squeezing her hand.
"I'm here Harry, I'm right here," She soothed,  moving her chair closer to him.
  He groaned sleepily before opening his emerald eyes and looking at her.
  "Hi," he smiled, squeezing her hand again. 
"Hi," Y/N said, crying more than a little bit. 
"What... did... are you ok?" Harry's brow furrowed. He seemed to have a hundred questions, but he settled on asking how she was. 
"Yes, Harry, I'm ok. How do you feel?" 
"Hurts," he said, closing his eyes. "But if you're ok, so am I." 
Y/N kissed his hand. "I see drugged Harry is still here? The one that is 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 cute and sweet?" 
"No, he's not. This is just regular Harry. I can tell because everything 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 hurts," He said with a small grimace.
"Oh, I'll get the nurse. They'll give you something," Y/N started to get up, but Harry's grip on her hand tightened. 
"Wait," he said pulling her back to him. "Before they make me go all loopy, I just want to say-" He paused, looking at the ring on her finger. "I love you, to my fiancee. I think it counts more when I'm not high." 
"Your- your fiancee? Harry, I told you I wouldn't hold you to anything you said before. You weren't in your right mind at all, I didn't even think you'd remember saying all that." 
"Yeah, but I remember asking you to marry me and you said yes. You might not be holding me to anything I said, but I'm holding you to that," He grinned. "You really want to deny a dying man his last... dying... wish?" 
Harry flopped his good arm dramatically over his forehead, wincing at the motion. Y/N helped him slowly lower it again. 
"First of all, you're not dying. Secondly, I don't want you to go through with this because you feel obligated, or because you think I'll be upset if you aren't ready to propose. It's totally fine, I promise, but why don't we talk about this when you're feeling better?" 
"No, I feel fine," He insisted.
Y/N gave him a look. "Really? You do? Aren’t you the one who just needed help moving your arm?" 
"Irrelevant. I feel fine, like, mentally. If you don't think you're ready to be engaged to me, that's ok. But don't say no because you think I didn't mean it. I did, with every part of me. I love you, and I want you to be my wife." 
"...Really?" Y/N asked, cheeks heating up.
"Really," Harry smiled. 
"And according to drugged Harry, you want to have a cat and 4 children." 
Harry laughed, wincing immediately.
"Don't make me laugh, my chest really hurts," He said, still holding her hand. 
"Sorry, sorry, they said you have some broken ribs. Also your collarbone. Also your femur. Geez, Styles, you're kind of a mess," You laughed. 
"Yeah, really," He smiled. "But seriously, will you? Will you be my wife?" 
"Of course I will, Harry. I love you so much, of course I will," Y/N said, gently kissing his cheek. 
"Great," Harry beamed at her. "Now that we've worked that out, can you get the nurse? Drugged Harry is ready to make a comeback." 
"Oh, right, sorry," Y/N said, reaching over for the call button. 
The nurse came in, giving Harry more medicine. 
"You'll start to have some relief within a few minutes," She said, leaving them alone again.  
"One more thing Y/N," Harry said. She could already tell he was a little more relaxed. "I have to get you a ring!" 
Y/N smiled, holding up her hand. "I already have one, remember?" 
Harry waved her hand away. "No, no, a bride can't buy her own ring! What kind of... chivalrous... gentleman... would I be if I didn't buy you a beautiful ring?" 
"Ok, Harry, as soon as you get out of here, we'll go ring shopping," Y/N promised. 
"And... to the cat shelter? You said we could get a cat... a kitty, a cat, a little kitty cat..." 
Harry had started singing mumbled words about cats and love and babies. Y/N knew it was going to be a long night. Still, she had never been happier.
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iwadori · 3 years
Hiiii can i request prompt 53 with tsukki? My annoying cousin u may know @chibiiichan(i cant tag her its a surprise) recommend ur account and well she never been right more than now I LIKE UR ACC TOO URM JUST TAG HER IN THE POST (bcs its actually her birthday next week monday so....the least i could do this bcs she likes tsukki and shes recently talk abt the iwazumi story of yours....lmao shes cringe but in the same time got mad n i was besides her hearing her whining like bruh 'its 1 am'...i know i should buy something for her but she got spoiled enough 💅...that mf-) thank you ✨
You were dying. You knew it. Your husband, Kei, knew it. Even friends you haven’t spoken too since high school knew it.
So why did you all pretend that everything was okay?
5 year old Y/N:
You were running around your neighbourhood park chasing after butterflies, without a care in the world. As you were frollicing in the grass, you manage to trip over a rock tumbling to the ground scraping your knee making it bleed. Looking down at your slightly injured knee, your lip begins to quiver which eventually leads to wails of tears streaming down your face.
“you don’t have to cry you know?” said a slightly quiet voice towering over you. Above you was a boy, quite tall with a fat pair of glasses, golden eyes and a head full of blonde locks.
“Well when I get hurt, I cry” you say matter oh factly (is that the phrase?) rubbing your nose as you sniffle. He held out a hand to you, which you immediately took shooting upwards and brushing yourself off.  
The boy, after looking at you wildly, turns around and walks back to the actual park. “Oi wait,” you call at the boy swiftly following him “aren’t you going to ask my name?”
“no.” he says simply, proceeding to walk ahead.
“well my names Y/N L/N pleasure to meet you,” you say jumping in front of him so he doesn’t move, waiting for him to tell you his name...which he doesn’t. “you don’t have to be so rude you know”  
“I’m not being rude” he says stiffly “ it’s just my brother says not to speak to strangers” a smirk appears on his face to say ‘you can leave me alone now.’  
As if on cue, his brother approaches the both of you given the boy a slap on the back making him cringe “Hey Kei, who’s the friend you’ve made here?”  
“My name is Y/N L/N and I'm here to be KEI’s best friend!” you said putting the emphasis on the word Kei after just learning that was the blondes name.  
Kei rolled his eyes and sighed saying “nii-chan can we go home now” he folded his arms in annoyance.
“No Kei, you’ve got to get to know your new found friend Y/N-Chan right?” his brother said teasingly, knowing it was the last thing Kei wanted to do.
“Yes ofcourse!” you say with a toothy grin, dragging Kei along with you to his demise.
Until the sun went down, you spent the rest of your time with Kei getting to know eachother (well him getting to know you more, since you did all the speaking.) Regardless of his previous annoyance in getting to know you in the first place, Kei would be lying if he said he didn’t want to know you now.
As the sun was setting, Kei’s older brother (who’s name you learned was Akiteru) called him to tell him he had to go home because dinner was ready. Before he left, you grabbed his hand and wrapped your pinky finger around his saying “As long as we shall live, we will always look out for eachother as we are forever bestfriends, agreed?”
back to present -  
In some odd way, this was Kei’s way of looking out for you. He knew what you had was uncurable and would weaken you even more as the days go by, so pretending like nothing was wrong seemed to be best in his eyes.  
Everything you and Kei did was a game or some nostalgic act that you once did when you were children. It was sweet to say the least, seeing Kei all engrossed and determined to make you happy.  
Your alarm rings snapping you out of you daydream, ‘it was time for medicine’ you thought with your face scowling at the thought. Immediately on time, as always, Kei comes In the room with all your medicine thats needed.
“Aren’t you my perfect little nurse Kei” you say teasingly giving him a wink, laughing as you see his face turn red.
“Do you have to do this every time y/n?” he asks rolling his eyes at your childish behaviour.
“Oh I'm just showing love to my best and favourite nurse” you continue laughing at your own words
“Im your only ‘nurse’” he deadpans giving you your medicine as you talk.
“Well that is more reason to make you the best nurse.” you say smiling.
Silence falls between you, and you stare down at your arm watching as your husband gives you the medicine making you frown. “Do we have to keep doing this?” you ask which is probably the 1000th time you’ve asked.
“Of course we do Y/N as I’ve said yesterday and the day before that and the day before that it-”
“But do we really?” you interrupt “I can’t keep doing this. You can’t keep doing this.”
“Do you doubt me Y/N, I can do this forever” he says “ I can take care of you forever”
“But I don’t wan-”
“I’m finished, I’m going to start on dinner” he gets up and leaves the room yelling “I’ll call you when it’s done.”
Sometimes you and Kei have these conversations. And all the time it ends the same way. You complain, he ignores and then you go and have dinner.
You can understand why he doesn’t want to have this conversation. Who would want to hear about their partners complaints about practically being alive. Kei was torn, ever since he met you all he wanted to was to keep you happy. But could he compromise his own happiness for it.
15 year old Y/N - flashback
“Kei Kei, aren’t you excited!” you yell smiling widley
“Excited for what?” he asks, amused by your enthusiasm “it’s just highschool.”
“Well it’s a new highschool! Karasuno high school, to be exact.”
“And that is still just a school.” he says
“Not just any! That’s the school nii-chan went too, and even tho he lie-”
“Let’s not talk about it Y/N” he murmurs “we should go now, don’t want to be late on our first date.”
Going to Karasuno was fun, at the start everyone was pleasant and nice. But after a week or two when you and Kei were still stuck to eachother like glue, people weren’t so pleasant. Kei was like a pop idol, being gorgeous and over 6ft at just the age of 15, caused alot of attention, especially when he was always around you.
At the start, the hate you got was bearable, it was the petty bitchy notes in your locker or just people blatanly talking badly about you infront of you. People didn’t do it when you weren’t around Kei, so when he had volleyball practice (which you were so excited that he joined the team) you were a big target for the bullies to come around.
Kei didn’t really know of the bullying that happened towards you, especially since he was mainly in practice or not around when it happened. But one day in practice he heard some of his teammates, kageyama and hinata who seemed to talking about a student in one of their classes that was always getting picked on by the other girls in the year.
“Yeah and I heard that Nana-san was planning on getting her and her friends to attack Y/N-san soon.”  said Hinata
“Shrimpy, who are they planning on attacking?” Kei asks to make sure he just heard the ginger correctly.
“Oh this lovely person in our class their name is Y/N-san” he says, looking at Kei’s reaction he also asks “Why? Do you know them?”  
Kei doesn’t respond, and immediately leaves the gym, ignoring Hinata’s and the other members of the teams yells of ‘Where are you going tsukishima.’ He didn’t care, he just had to get to you.  
He searched all the classes, asking every student if he knew where you were. Someone directs him to the toilets, where he burst through the door to see the other girls in your year surrounding you and beating you up.  
“What the fuck are you doing to them?” he yells startling the girls.
“T-T-Tsukishima-san" one girl says “It’s not what it looks like.”
“Oh fuck off” he says, with them still frozen in shock “I said go!”  
“And don’t think I don’t know your names either” he calls after them.
He rushes towards your bruised body on the ground and cradles you gently, confused on what to really do. “Oi Kei,” you say weakly catching his attention “I would’ve won if you didn’t come to stop the fight.” you joke making him scoff.
“Whatever you say Y/N.”
After you heal up, Kei already told on the girls that beat you up getting them suspended, and you explain how they were treating you because of their infatuation of him. And how they only did it when he wasn’t around.
Once he learns this information, he decides to quite the volleyball team, to your surprise. But you demands on making him not quit were ignored, as he excused it by saying “I have to make sure you’re always alright remember, and if that means quitting some volleyball team then so be it.”
That was one out of the many times that Kei put his happiness before yours.
Flashback over.
When you first got diagnosed, Kei was immediately researching on it as it was a very rare condition. But sadly, he only found what the doctor already told you both. It was uncurable and your immune system and your body will weaken as the days go by.
Which it did, you were a shell of your past self. It was always shocking for Kei to see, especially with you only being 25. ‘It wasn’t supposed to be this way,’ but he never let you see his sadness.
Whenever you knew Kei was sad you always reminded him “Kei, I may be dying but please don’t cry over me” every time you said, there was a slight undertone of humour in your voice which always worked in boosting Kei’s spirit.
The days passed and the years went by, and you and Kei were still alive and kicking it. Doing your daily routine of you making some joke, Kei giving you your medicine and then you eating dinner. You eventually stopped complaining, realizing and remembering your promise you gave to Kei at 5 years old in that park. “As long as we shall live, we will always look out for eachother as we are forever bestfriends, agreed?”
Of course you had your rough days, everybody did and it was even harder being sick with a terminal illness. But having Kei to guide you through the storm made It better for you.
However, Kei isnt a miracle worker. He couldn’t save you, noone could. And you both knew that. That didn’t mean it made it any easier when the medicine stopped working and your pain got too hard to bear. Kei couldn’t watch you do this anymore, “the choice is yours” he said with tears in his eyes.  
So you knew what you had to do, you got in your bed pulling Kei with you, and letting him envelope you in a big hug as you both cried.
“I love you,” you say “You know that right?”
“Of course I know that, idiot” he replies “And I love you.”
“Always and forever?”
“Always and forever.”
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harrywritingsbyme · 4 years
So I’m a dark skin girl and I always wonder is Harry gets involved with women that are not white skinny tall blonde model like all his exes. Can u write something about that? Maybe they are friends but reader is into him but keeps us to herself cause she is sure he only date the same type of girls.
A/N: I really needed and wanted to write this one. I feel like us chocolate girlies can be a bit left out some times, and it sucks. So I want to do/write more things that are specifically tailored to us black girls because we need to see and read more of it. Also, I don’t want this to be a thing where it’s putting anyone down or being melodramatic towards things that are at the end of the day out of our control. But this is just the way that some people (including myself at times) feel, and everyone should be aware of this. I did made sure that there is something in here that everyone can relate to in some way. So I hope you guys enjoy🙃 
4.5k Words
You rarely opened up. Most of your relationships were surface level, and you never fully expressed yourself the way that one would normally. For the longest time, even since you were a child, you never fully opened up to anyone. You would just go about your normal routine as if everything were fine, and bottle up everything you were feeling. Even when you were going through some of the worst times of your life, you still managed to keep face and put on a display of being okay, even though you were on the verge of dying inside. Still, you were able to get through most of your life like this and you were fine with things being the way they were. That is, until a certain someone fell into your life. 
When you first met Harry, it was like a breath of fresh air. Even though you still had your wall up and didn’t feel the urge to fully express yourself, you still felt like you could come to him with everything if you wanted to. He was just like the other people you’d met in the past who were nice and willing to get close to you. But at the same time, he still managed to be different than anyone you’d met in the past. You felt a sense of closeness to him that you couldn’t readily explain and that was unlike anyone you’d met before. He made you want to express yourself and release all of the emotions you had pent up inside of you for what felt like forever. It was like he was the person that you needed in your life who could draw out these things out of you. And after a period of time, he was in fact able to do this. 
At first, you were beyond anxious to be open and honest to someone about your feelings. But over time, the wall you’d built began to come down and you just allowed yourself to be vulnerable with Harry. And he was able to do the same. You both were able to lower your guards around each other and actually be free. The two of you were able to create a strong and solid friendship that would span across almost 3 years. Whenever something happened in each others lives, you both were each others first call. It was a friendship that neither of you wanted to take for granted. And you both, especially you, made sure to appreciate every moment and each other. 
Your appreciation for Harry went a bit deeper though.  
 You guys’ overall dynamic in the past year hadn’t changed at all. You two still did just about everything together and had a great time in each others company. It was your personal flow that had undergone a drastic change. You began to develop feelings that had gone far beyond the boundary of being platonic. They’d grown to be something beyond the scope of a simple camaraderie. You started to develop romantic feelings for your best friend. It wasn’t uncommon for this to happen, it was normal for someone to develop these feelings towards a person they spent a lot of time with and are close to. It was just that the success rate for transitioning out of a loving, close, and healthy friendship to a loving, romantic, and healthy relationship was slim to none. And for you and particular, you felt like your chances were in the negatives. 
It’s already a rough thing to deal with when you find out that the person you have feelings for doesn’t feel the same way towards you. But these pangs of rejection are on a completely different level when you realize that you’re not even their type. Now you didn’t know for a fact what Harry’s “type” was. You’d asked him on separate occasions and his answer was always the same. He’d simply tell you that “if somethings there, then it’s worth a shot”. And you’d always respond with a “that makes sense”, deciding to not go there all together. Even though he said that he didn’t have a type, you knew that in his subconscious, he did in fact have one. There were things about you that didn’t at all align with his exes as a whole. If you had to be blunt, you weren’t skinny, tall, blonde, and white. You were a thick, average in height, dark haired, dark skinned, black woman. The differences between the two were uncanny and that was perfectly fine. You welcomed and celebrated everyones differences. And so did Harry; when it wasn’t his love life.
He just didn’t venture out into other things when it came to his love and personal life. You could honestly say that this was true because you watched it all from the sidelines. You were a bystander and sounding board to Harry during his most recent relationship, and just in general. You recognized the pattern in the women he’d choose to pursue. You’ve even seen in the magazines and on the internet, the people he’d been involved with in the past. And they all were extremely similar. 
Seeing all of this made you think that something was wrong with you. What made them so special? You just wanted him to look at you the same way he looked at them. Developing all of these newfound feelings caused you to begin to slip back into your old ways. You began holding in and internalizing everything when it came to this. You’d put on a brave face and act as if everything was okay. You were putting all of your energy into making Harry believe that you were fine. And you successfully did that. He had no clue as to what and how you were feeling, and you wanted to keep it that way. The last thing you wanted to do was lose the person who not only you cared deeply about, but the person who cared deeply about you. You couldn’t lose your best friend.
This endless cycle went on for months. You kept these feelings to yourself and you just kept things going. You hated doing this, but it was what you thought was the best for you. You hated the thought of losing Harry over this. But at the end of the day, you could only take but so much. You could relate this entire thing to a sponge. It takes in all the water it possibly can and eventually, little drops will begin to spill out when it’s reached its maximum capacity for water. You were the sponge. You had been internalizing or harboring all of these feelings for such a long period of time that eventually you were going to reach your tipping point. It was going to get to a place where you’d have to release all of it and tell Harry how you truly felt. And you really wanted to do that. In the past, talking about your feelings was something that you tried, and eventually swore you’d never do. You even tried therapy, but it just wouldn’t work for you. But with Harry, you wanted to talk to him and tell him how you felt. So keeping this inside for so long after not holding it all in for a little over two years was a definite struggle. 
In all of this though, you had no idea that the struggle you faced in holding everything inside was nowhere near the level of struggle you faced when you finally let it all out. 
The end of the week had finally came which meant that it was you and Harry’s night to hang out and talk about you guys’ week…even though you two talked just about everyday. This just gave you two an excuse to hang out. After you two made and ate dinner, you two decided to head outside and sit by the pool to enjoy Harry’s view and watch the sunset. The conversation between the two of you seamlessly bounced from subject to subject, and it managed to bounce all the way to relationships. 
“Any hot dates comin’ up?” Harry asks beside you, taking another swig from his glass of wine.
  “No. None that I know of at least. You?” You reply, redirecting the question back to him. 
“Me neither, but I have been talking to someone for the past couple of days.” Harry replies. 
“And you haven’t told me this?! As your best friend, I feel offended.” You joke with him, sitting up from the chair to get a better look at him. 
“Don’t be offended, you’ll always be my number one.” Harry coos with a laugh. “It’s nothing major or serious I guess.” He continues. 
“Got a picture?” You ask. Asking him this was a big mistake. 
“I think so.” Harry replies, pulling his phone out of his pocket. After a few seconds, he hands the phone over to you and there it was. A girl who looked exactly like everyone else he’s dated.
“Oh, she looks just like everyone else you’ve dated.” You hum amusedly, handing the phone back to him. Under normal circumstances, you wouldn’t have said that. But you had a pretty good buzz going from the drinks Harry made, and the glass of wine you were currently working with. So your lips were a little bit looser than normal. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Harry asks with a very confused tone.
“No offense, but she looks like most of your exes.” You repeat, thinking back to the picture Harry just showed you.
“No she does not.” Harry says adamantly, brushing off your comment. 
“It’s okay Harry, we all know that you have a type.” You softly laugh. You were only teasing him...right?
“I do not have a type Y/n! Where is this coming from?” You could hear in his voice that he was genuinely confused. 
“This is coming from your best friend who’s seen you in a relationship with someone who not only looks like the girl you just showed me, but also girls before her.” You explain. 
“Well tell me these similarities because I’m still not following.” 
“Tall, skinny, blonde, and-“ You didn’t even think about the last and final one before saying it. “white.” You finish, listing off every last similarity. 
 “No they’re no-“ Harry couldn’t even finish his own sentence. He realized that it was in fact true. He didn’t know why he’d never seen the pattern before. He also couldn’t wrap his head around why you were so up and arms about it. When he looked at you, he could tell that you weren’t feeling the best about this conversation. He didn’t know if it was the alcohol or him just being really bad at comprehension. He just wanted to make sense of it all and where it was coming from. 
“Can you honestly say that I, or anyone that looks like me for that matter would have an equal shot at being with you?”
There it was. The crazy thing about it all was that the question you just asked him, wasn’t even the bulk of what you really wanted to tell him. You weren’t even expecting to talk to him about this at all. You thought that you’d have a little bit more time to collect your thoughts, but all of this came completely out of left field. 
Asking Harry that question, along with the entire conversation in general was like stabbing yourself in the heart. It wasn’t even a full conversation and you were already dying inside. Every second of silence from Harry that went by was like a twist to the knife that was already buried inside you. You wanted to blame Harry for the horrible way you were feeling, but you couldn’t. You wanted to blame yourself for even bringing it up, but you couldn’t do that either. All you could do was sit there and try your best to muster up the tiniest bit of strength to pick yourself up and leave. Your body felt extremely heavy and you just wanted to get out of there.
Without uttering a single word to Harry, you finally pick yourself up and you walk away from him and the entire situation. Harry was still trying to wrap his head around the idea that he did in fact have a type, but seeing you walk away from him like that crushed him. He felt like you were not only walking away from him, you were also walking out of his life. He felt absolutely crushed and completely helpless. He was all alone. He had so many thoughts and feelings running around in his head that he couldn’t even chase after you to help him figure them out. And by the time he would finally build up the strength and courage to go after you, you would’ve already been gone. 
When you walked back into the house, you didn’t waste any time gathering your belongings that you’d brought with you before leaving out the front door. Since you were drinking, you decided to just call an Uber and just come back to get your car in the morning. For the next 5 minuets, you just stood outside Harry’s home. Staring blankly at whatever was around, trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill from your eyes, and trying to take your mind off of everything. 
You were so glad that the driver wasn’t trying to engage in a conversation with you because you weren’t in the mood at all. You just wanted complete silence. If you were to talk, you were going to burst into tears. And the last thing you wanted to do was permanently scar your Uber driver, so you decided to just stay silent. 
When you finally got to your building, you rushed out a quick thank you to the driver and you sprinted through the building and up to your apartment. The moment you stepped foot inside was the first time you breathed in the past two hours. As soon as you shut your front door you just collapsed into a heaping pile of tears. You were pretty much sobbing against your front door. This was the worst you’d ever felt in a really long time. You felt a mixture of anger, sadness, and pain. This was one of the sole reasons why you hated letting people in. Bringing those walls down meant that you were exposed and vulnerable. You had no defense what so ever. You tore those walls down just to have someone tear you apart, and leave you to pick up the pieces. You were torn apart by the person you needed the most. 
While you were at home bawling your eyes out, Harry was still wrapping his mind around what you said and what he didn’t say. The buzz he once had going was now gone, and his mind was all over the place. He didn’t even move from where he was sitting. He just sat outside and thought about it all. Harry realized that he not only had a type, but you had feelings for him. He thought that you only considered him to be a close friend and nothing more. But when you said “I, or anyone who looks like me…” he was able to read in between the lines to understand that you were mainly talking about yourself. It crushed Harry even more when he thought about the possibility of you not thinking that you were good enough for him. Simply because of his “preferences”, that were unbeknownst to him from the past. The fact that he made you feel this way was beyond gut wrenching and he just wanted to go back in time and tell you that the only type he has is you. That was one of the reasons that he clung to you the way he did. He looked to you as the model of what he could ever want in a partner. He always looked to you for your opinions and guidance because you were one of the best people that had ever came into his life. But instead of saying all of this, what he truly felt deep down, he didn’t say anything at all. He let you slip out of his grasp, and he didn’t know how to get you back. He didn’t even know if he was going to get you back. In that moment, he realized that his love for you went way beyond the general scope of being best friends. It wasn’t until 2 am that Harry was able to pick himself up from the lounge chair outside and go upstairs to bed. And even then, he still felt horrible. He was numb. He didn’t know what to do. He didn’t end up going to bed until 5 am because he couldn’t stop crying and worrying. What made him completely break down was the fact that he couldn’t even call you. He couldn’t talk to the one person that always helped him through his dark times and picked him up. He knew what it was like to hit rock bottom, but this was an all-time low for Harry. 
That night was officially at top of the list for the worst nights of you and Harry’s lives. 
The next day was just as bad, if not worse than the last. You ended up falling asleep on the couch, and Harry couldn’t even get out of bed. The both of you were a mess and you didn’t know what to do. You avoided any type of communication with each other. The only time you and Harry interacted was to tell him that you were using the gate code to get your car from his driveway. After that, there was radio silence. The simple thought of each other could bring you both to tears. This entire ordeal didn’t last for just a day or two. It lasted for almost a week. The both of you were too emotional and broken to even function. You were using the time you saved up on your job to sulk around at home and stay inside your bubble sadness and heartbreak. And Harry was neglecting all of the things that he needed to do so that he could stay in bed and try to take his mind off of you. But after what was going on to be day 5, Harry couldn’t take anymore of this. It wasn’t because he was feeling horrible. It was because Harry knew that he broke your heart. He had the clearest picture of you at home, completely broken up because of him. He could almost feel your pain and he hated it. He needed to tell you his true feelings and beg you to forgive him. He couldn’t sit around anymore and not talk to you. You were not only his best friend, you were also the woman that he loved. In the days of him sitting at home and thinking, he realized that he didn’t give it a shot. He didn’t give you a shot. He was constantly chasing after something that was already his and right in front of him. 
After a long much needed shower, Harry got himself dressed and ready to go over to your place. On the way over, Harry made a stop to the florist that was in your direction and picked up the biggest bouquet of sunflowers he could possibly buy. Not only were they your favorite flower, but you always seemed to gravitate towards the yellows because “they make my skin tone pop.” And they certainly did. Even remembering those little things could make Harry want to just burst into tears. For the rest of the drive to your apartment, Harry practiced all of the points he wanted to make out loud. He made sure that he remembered every last thing he wanted to say…and there was a lot. He was also preparing for the moment where you’d tell him that you didn’t want to talk to him ever again. Even though it may have seemed a bit extreme, he could understand why. He hurt you, and that’s the consequence that he’d have to pay. As he got closer and closer to your building, Harry could feel the butterflies in his stomach intensify and his lunch slowly make it’s way back up. He wasn’t feeling good at all, but he couldn’t turn his back on you and not try at all to redeem himself.
Between the time Harry got out of his car to when he was finally standing at your door was rough. As he got closer, his body got weaker. He was feeling a combination of embarrassment, sadness, anger, and worry. These feelings were so strong that he had to take two minuets before knocking on your door to stop himself from either throwing up or crying. Eventually he was able to get himself somewhat together and finally knock on your door.
When you hear the knock, you were sitting on your couch with your fluffy bathrobe on (that just so happened to be the one Harry brought you during one of his trips to Italy) with a pint of ice cream in hand, watching whatever was on the tv at the moment. You wanted to ignore the knock all together and just focus on your ice cream and the tv but you didn’t want to leave the person at the door hanging. So you reluctantly sit the cup down and you drag yourself to the door. When you look out through the peephole, your anxiety in that moment skyrockets. What in the world was Harry doing at your front door?! Even though you looked like an absolute mess and you didn’t want to talk to him in that moment, you still open the door for him.
When the door swings open and he sees you the waterworks begin all over again. He could see how puffy your face was from crying and how disheveled you looked and he hated it. He could feel the warm tears bubbling up in his eyes, but he was trying to do his best to keep them back. The two of you just stand there before Harry decides to talk. 
“M’so sorry Y/n.” That’s all he could say. He wasn’t just apologizing for what he said or didn’t say. He was also trying to say that he was a sorry person. It took him losing you for what felt like an eternity to really see how amazing you are and how much you contributed to his life.
“Wanna come in?” You ask him, stepping to the side to let him into your apartment. In that moment Harry just wanted to scoop you up into his arms and never let you go. He wanted to feel your warm and happy disposition that was now being clouded because of him. He wanted his Y/n back. When he walks inside, he quickly kicks his shoes off at the door and follows you into the kitchen.
“I got these for you.” He whispers, sitting the large bouquet on the counter and sitting on the other side.
“Thanks.” You whisper back to him, sending a soft smile his way. You wanted to almost to reassure Harry that you weren’t mad at him anymore. You were just sad and heartbroken. You never had feelings like these in such a large magnitude before. And because of this, you weren’t expecting any of what happened.
You silently turn away from him to grab the two vases you had in the cabinet and you sit them down on the counter in front of Harry. 
“I’m sorry if I overreacted on Friday. I just…” you mumble, beginning to unwrap the pretty flowers that were laying on the counter. You were trying to get your thoughts together but it was so hard. 
“You don’t have anything to be sorry about. It was all my fault for not saying anything or acknowledging you.” When he says that, your breaths become shakier and a tear slips from your eye. You continue to keep your focus on the flowers as you try to compose your next sentence in your head. You’re so caught up in your thoughts that you don’t even notice Harry coming around to your side of the counter. He softly pulls your hands away from the flowers and he pulls you into his body.
 That was the moment you needed. You thought your release was over the past few days but they were only building up to this. Feeling his arms securely wrapped around you was the only thing you wanted or needed from him. Feeling and hearing your cries only made Harry cry too. The both of you just stood there in your kitchen holding each other as you both poured your hearts out to each other through your tears. This time, not saying anything was saying everything. The both of you could feel what the other was feeling and wanted to say. It was like a large weight was lifted off of you both. After a few more moments of crying and being in your arms, Harry needed to get one thing off of his chest. When he pulls away from you he cups both of your cheeks in his hands and he looks right into your eyes. He wanted to make sure that you knew that he meant every last word that was coming out of his mouth. 
“I can’t even explain how sorry I am Y/n. You mean the world to me and I can’t even fathom the idea of not having you in my life. Seeing you completely broken the other night haunts me everyday and I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to forgive myself for that. After not having your in my life, even if it was only a few days, I realized that I can’t live without you. I’ve spent so much time and energy looking for my match when I didn’t even bother to look right in front of me. The only type that I have is you. You’re absolutely stunning, inside and out. I feel like a proper dick for making you feel like you weren’t good enough for me. It’s me who’s not good enough. I let you down and I’ll never forget that. You’ve never left my side in the past 3 years and I couldn’t even give you a simple answer. I love you so much and I’ll never stop.” When Harry says this, the knife that was once burrowed in your heart was gone and the wound is patched up as if it never happened. Sure it’ll take time for it all to completely go away, but this was a hell of a good start. 
“I love you so much.” You whimper, feeling another heavy round of hot tears cascade down your face. Harry then pulls your head towards his and presses a long, warm kiss right onto your forehead. That, along with his previous words got rid of the clouds. You were happy again. Your once full sponge was now empty. This meant that you could fill it up again, only this time with feelings of love and happiness. You could finally retire from building walls around yourself and continue experiencing the good that came from being vulnerable. 
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wooahaes · 2 years
I would consider myself small and skinny and even I hate when writers describe readers as small 😭 it makes me so uncomfortable bc I know there are so many people reading who probably don't fit that and it's strange to me that they don't consider that when writing. it's why so try to be super conscious of how I describe reader (which I barely ever describe ANYTHING physical about them, I hate even when people describe putting hair in a ponytail or something) and even try to be conscious of actions that might not be inclusive (such as being lifted, wearing bfs shirt, etc).
I'm really sorry that you are finding so many fics that aren't inclusive :/ with smaus that use ulzzang pictures, i always try to imagine that it's just the aesthetic/pose writer is going for but it still breaks the 4th wall for me bc it sticks out like a sore thumb being like "that's not what i look like/most readers look like"
hi nonny ur cool and very nice i love u
also god... the ponytail thing gets me every time as someone who typically cuts her hair short lmao literally i kinda run my hand through my hair like how... how did i do that... magic.......
i think the thing that gets me is that it's like... really not that hard to write an inclusive reader fic imo? like why is it important for reader to be thin/tiny/petite/small/whatever word you wanna use to designate that they're small? is it really that important that you have to derail from your writing to include something like that? also, who thinks of themself like that? it's also annoying in first person (both fic and published works) when people do the "my blue eyes" shit because no one consciously thinks like that. there's a big difference between a new writer saying "i open my blue eyes and run a hand through my long blonde hair" and maybe using it to set something up. maybe your character has contacts or maybe their eye color mysteriously changed because ~magic~, or maybe they're on the run and dyed their hair and chopped it all off. but in reader fic? where the whole point is projecting onto a blank slate to imagine yourself in these situations? i don't need to tell you what you look like. you already know what you look like.
whats the point? it's fine if you want to write something for yourself and for other people like you. genuinely, it's okay to do that as long as you tag it so people know. i respect smaus with ulzzangs that outright say that the writer used pictures for reader. i'm personally not going to read them, but at least i actually get a warning. even if its easier to just not include the pictures, i respect works that tell me outright whether it'll actually be for me or not. i write chubby!reader fics sometimes where all that's specified is that reader is a bigger person. i don't think i've ever specified how big, but the sentiment is still there. people write fics for people of color and they tag them.
i think it's completely okay to write works for yourself and people like you, but it just kinda feels unfair that if you fit into this "other" category (not thin, not short, not white, etc.) you have to tag it. everyone should tag their stuff. it just makes it easier to navigate and for people to find works that they can potentially see themselves in.
anyway i don't really read smaus that aren't written by my mutuals, tbh. i think there's one i started but then went "oh i'll come back to it" and then failed to do that lmao (i'll get around to it sometime tho!! it actually seemed super cute and i don't think there were any ulzzangs Anywhere, bless).
but if you want inclusive smaus... u should check out my mutual, ursa @thepixelelf !!! she's very funny and cool and also she talks about inclusivity in fics and why its important <3 she's the one who made a lil text convo with the vernon idea i posted about he + reader saying they're expecting when they're literally just getting a cat together hehe <3 but shitty fanfiction + the entirety of been there, done that is very good!! for a completed work... u should check out first to fall (cheol x reader) <3
also you should just check out ursa in general tbh she's one of the best ppl i know and i'm very thankful to have a mutual like her? i think everyone i'm mutuals with is someone i care for a lot and people who i think are extremely kind, but ursa has the biggest heart and i truly appreciate everything she does.
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Wakasa Rumi Theory Series: Part 2 of 3
Hello lovelies! This is my second part of my Wakasa Rumi Theory that will go over my thoughts about Haneda Koji's murder and his dying message.
Just for reference, I already covered the first three points in Part 1 and the ones in bold are the ones I'm covering in this post:
Why I think she's Asaca.
Her probable relationship to Haneda Koji.
How she became Amanda's bodyguard.
What might have happened on the day of Haneda Koji's murder.
How Haneda Koji's dying message directly refers to RUM as his killer.
Why Wakasa went on a hiatus for 17 years since the murder.
Reason behind Haibara liking Wakasa.
With that out of the way, happy reading 😁💛.
4. What might have happened on the day of Haneda Koji's murder.
So based on the blog that uploaded, we know that two people were killed in each of their own hotel rooms; Haneda Koji and Amanda Hughes (an investor who holds powerful connections to the FBI and CIA). While Haneda Koji showed bruises and signs of struggle against his assailant, the actual cause of his death was unclear, as well as with Amanda Hughes. (In reality, the cause of his death is because of APTX-4869 and the same can be assumed for Amanda). Both rooms were left in a total mess with crockery and glass broken as well as taps left running in the bathroom. Amanda was a huge fan of Haneda Koji and happened to visit him in his room the day of the murder before they were killed. Also on the same day, her bodyguard whom she called 'Asaca' disappeared and she is the main suspect of the murders. Interestingly, something else went missing from the crime scene which was Haneda Koji's Watchtower Bishop (a shogi piece he deemed as his lucky charm). His family is convinced he would never parted without the shogi piece and whoever has it must be the murderer.
All these accusations point to Wakasa because not only has she disappeared for 17 years and her identity is shrouded in mystery, but she also has the exact shogi piece that went missing from the crime scene...So, what exactly happened?
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Based on the fact that only Haneda Koji's body was bruised, I'd say he put up a fight after witnessing Amanda's death. The likelihood that he used the taps in her bathroom to cut the mirror before fleeing to his room where he was then finished off is very possible. Why? The case similar to 17 years ago foreshadowed it.
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I'm guessing when Amanda was murdered, Wakasa was probably out for whatever reason and upon her return, she saw Amanda's state. She then walked in and saw Haneda's body. The reason why I'm convinced she discovered their bodies and did not happen to be there when they died was her reaction in Chapter 1032 to blood and her obvious knowledge about how bodies do not necessarily smell until days later after their death. This could very well imply she lived through this before, which is why she is so knowledgeable of the topic. And smelling blood, reminded her of when she found Haneda dead in his room.
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She then noticed the cut up mirror with one part of it looking like a shogi piece. As she picked it up, RUM returned to clean up and they ended up struggling in a fight before she managed to escape. The reason why I think Wakasa was in a physical fight with RUM was how triggered she seemed when she saw him leave the school after his delivery. The way she looked at him with such apprehension, it shows as if she were remembering their interaction before.
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She would turn out to be RUM's mistake. He couldn't finish her off and not only did he leave a loose end, but she also ran away with a crucial part of Haneda Koji's dying message, leaving RUM unable to fully destroy the crime scene. Also RUM is clearly aware of its significance to Haneda Koji's dying message. Especially after he not-so-subtly mentioned it to Conan in Chapter 1057.
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The final thing in relation to this part of the theory is Wakasa's flashback of Haneda Koji in the Collecting Edible Wild Plants Chapter. Why was she calling him a fool? It made a lot of sense when I found out the actual meaning of the proverb Haneda Koji said in her flashback.
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The proverb he said is 'with a watchtower bishop there must be a brilliant move'. This proverb translates to the Bishop should stay at a distance while aiming at the opponent's camp rather than approaching them directly. Now that we know the actual meaning of the proverb, Wakasa's words make more sense. She guessed that he probably underestimated RUM and approached him rather than escaping him. Hence why Wakasa refers to him as a foolish person because in the end he got himself killed. Not because she thinks he's a fool and she managed to kill him. Again, a classic on Gosho's part to frame innocent characters as threatening and dangerous when the truth is she is just extremely upset over his death. Her collapse to the ground shows just how much Haneda meant to her. If anything, she probably like Rei, feels guilty she couldn't save him in time, which is why the memory of him is so triggering to her.
Phew, finally done with the fourth point 😂 There really was so much to unpack there. Anyways, I hope it made sense...
5. How Haneda Koji's dying message directly refers to RUM as his killer.
Now that it has been confirmed that RUM is Wakita, I'll be showing how Haneda Koji's dying message refers to "RUM", aka Carasuma's number 2.
The key to solving the message lies in the broken mirror and linking it to the shogi piece. Akai and Yusaku already solved the true meaning behind the broken mirror. The remaining pieces on the mirror had the letter PTON. These letters are not needed and the letters that do matter are the scattered ones from the original 'PUT ON MASCARA'. If we remove PTON we are left with U MASCARA which was then rearranged to CARASUMA. However, one letter in particular was cut out in the form of a shogi piece. If we write 'CARASUMA' with the shogi piece border around the letter U, it will seem as if it is hinting to another message within CARASUMA. That would form a word: UMA. UMA translates to Dragon Horse and is the promoted version of the Watchtower Bishop (the shogi piece held by Haneda Koji). (Promoted in shogi means to simply flip the original shogi piece to use its 'levelled-up' power...It's the same piece not two separate shogi pieces). Therefore, if we flip Haneda Koji's shogi piece, it will show UMA which is the more powerful form of the Watchtower bishop.
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Anyways, what is the significance of UMA and how does it relate to anything? Well, Uma in shogi is the second strongest shogi piece. The strongest shogi piece is Dragon King (Ryū). Based on this we can assume this is the dying message. UMA of Carasuma (second strongest / number 2 aka RUM) of Carasuma killed me. This might seem too far-fetched but there was too much coincidence when I found out about Uma's strength as a shogi piece that it made sense to me to think that Haneda Koji's dying message points straight to RUM. However, I'm not sure how Haneda Koji figured out that RUM is Carasuma's number 2 in the first place. Maybe it was during his struggle against him before his death or maybe he overheard Amanda before her death talk about it, but so far this is what i came up with.
I hope you guys enjoyed this part of my theory. The final points will be addressed in Part 3 (linked here) so have fun 😁💛
(In cased you missed the first post, this is the link for Part 1)!
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