#just liam feeding theo's healed paranoia
mikhardwheat · 1 year
Thiam, Teen Wolf Movie
The funniest thing would've been if during the movie Theo was actually on a work trip or just hanging out with his friends in France (with Isaac, maybe) and Liam just didn't tell him what's going on, because he deserves a break once in a while.
Theo, calling Liam from the café they went with Isaac to, while Isaac flirts with a barista or something: hey
Liam, hiding behind the car in the middle of the fight: hi! how's your day going?
Theo: Isaac won't stop whining about how boring the museums are
Theo: he still goes, though
Liam: you have any pictures?
Theo: you bet I do
Theo: the paintings were cool, but I would've liked to know what they mean before I saw them for the first time
Theo: I wish you were here
Liam: aww, you miss me?
Theo: of course I do
Liam: me too
There's an explosion.
Theo: Liam, what was that?
Liam: what was what?
Theo: the sound of something exploding?
Liam: oh, that
Liam: I'm watching a movie
Theo: shouldn't you be in the middle of your shift at the shop?
Liam, watching Hikari running towards the enemy: nah, it's all good
Liam: I took a break, Hikari got me covered
Theo: you feeling well?
Liam: yes, why?
Theo: nothing, it's just…
Isaac: hey, Liam!
Liam: bonjour!
Isaac: now, that sounds good enough
Isaac: did you practice your French?
Liam: on occasion, yeah
Liam: in case you ditch Theo somewhere and I need to help him out
Isaac: I would never
Theo, in the distance: give me that back
Theo: so, we were talking…
Liam: I'm doing just fine, don't worry
Liam: miss you ages, though
Theo: ah, pup, that makes me wanna buy an early ticket-
Liam: NO! don't do that!
Theo: what?
Theo: I wasn't planning to, but
Liam: good. don't.
Theo: you act… weird
Another explosion.
Theo: what are you hiding?
Liam: nothing!
Liam: I have to go
Theo: Liam…
Liam: love you, bye!
He hangs up.
Isaac: what's wrong?
Theo: I'm not sure...
A second later he gets text from Liam:
Liam, 17:23
shops on fire
Theo, 17:23
Shop's on what now??
Theo, 17:27
If you don't answer right now, I'm driving to the airport
You hear me?
[Missed call]
[Missed call]
[Missed call]
[Missed call]
I'm on my way.
Liam, 17:32
theo stop
errythin s fine
we have it under control
Theo, 17:32
You sure?
Liam, 17:33
i am
just go back to w/e u were doin
i'll call u later ❤️
Theo, 17:34
If you say so… ttyl then
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