#just like i am incredibly abnormal about humanity as a horror for the inhuman and the active rejection of humanity by something
featherymainffins · 2 months
I hate to say it but I might have to admit that Redditors can be pretty based sometimes
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falsehopes · 7 years
Dream last night was so wild! Super long so its on this side not to bug people.
It starts off in New York City, I am walking on a crowded sidewalk with some people I guess I knew. We we taking about where to go next and someone mentions a few blocks down there is going to be an event for a large company’s opening of a new skyscraper. We decide to go and see what all is going to happen if nothing else it was a parade we were already close to and had nothing better to do.
The parade was very elaborate, marching bands, floats, dances, even including a plane with a large banner that was later dropped to the crowd. At the end everyone was offered to come into the new building.
We enter the building because its a skyscraper and we are told we can go anywhere we would like in the building. From this point I am split up from anyone I was with before. I dont know if they left or I just never saw them again. I am a few stories up in the tower there are few people on the floor I am on, I thought I would see what the street looked like after the parade and maybe see some of the clean up. I reach the window and the loudspeaker goes off, its the owner of the company/building.
He announces that we are all now trapped in the building and that we are free to watch the end of the world. Everyone begins to panic and I see something large falling from the sky. There is a bright flash and the ground shakes, it feels like the building could topple over at any time. There is screaming and crying, people running and people just trying not to be trampled. I am just standing there at the window everything happens so quickly. The world crashing around us.
The room I am in now has even less people, likely the people like me who are just to stunned to move, there are a few people on the ground as well. I feel lightheaded and then I faint. I am not sure if its a dream, hallucination, magic, or aliens but I will refer to it as a dream, I was in a small empty room with an insect like creature no larger than an orange but I felt absolute terror from it, It leaps onto me and I try to remove it in panicked flails, trying my hardest to shake it off my clothes. It gets close to my face and I let out a scream and the creature leaps into my mouth. I can no longer move, I fall to the floor as the insect makes its way inside of me. I start seeing colors and shapes it all feels weird and like my body is on fire and turned to jelly. Again everything fades to dark.
When I wake up I am in a dark room with a glowing pool. There are 3 others there as well as the owner who I guess caused the catastrophe. He seems happy and is sitting in the other side of the pool with a set of stairs behind him. He announces that we are the “Angels of the new world!” and we are to chose what humans are to live and who are to die. He tosses something large into the pool that releases a lot of steam into the air. When it has cleared enough to see he is gone. We decide to swim through the pool two people help one of the others who cant swim because the only way out is the staircase on the other side. The pool is cold and unplesent but seems to be nothing abnormal about it, it was likely just there to give the cowardly owner a chance to escape in case one of us discovered what had happened to us earlier.
I open the door to the first floor of the tower, there are still a few people inside tending to wounds and comforting others. The windows are covered in grime and dirt from the door I could see what was left of the city just rubble and the occasional leftover building leaning on anything it can to keep itself from collapsing. I head out from the building,wanting to see if I could see anything left, maybe help someone, maybe just wander in disbelief at what was left of the world I once knew. However, once I am outside I feel overwhelmingly sick and vomit. My body shudders and lurches and begins to change shape. I am unsure exactly what I looked like, I had claws, sharp teeth, my skin turned pale and I had a long thin tail. I must have looked like something that came out of a horror film.
I ran I did not know where I was going but fear told me I could not stay there looking like I did. I ran for quight some time an inhuman amount of time it seemed. I eventually found the shambles of an arcade, it had a roof and that was about all that could be said about it. Broken games and glass littered the floor the some of the prizes were still hung on the wall somehow surviving the blasts. I curl up under a counter to sleep, its cold and dark and unplesent and feels like an incredibly long night.
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