#just make the main character act like the doctor and bam. job done. show lives on
rystiel · 6 months
usually i’d say all shows should come to an end eventually. but doctor who? this shit’s lasted 60 years, it better fucking last 60 more
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teamendgame-blog · 7 years
Back at it again with the long post and theories...
Oh hey Rosewood residents,
Kate here <3 And I'm back at it again with the long post and theories! First things first, I was out of commission for 2 weeks with the worst flu and ear infection of my life.. coincidentally the same week PLL was NOT on. I BLAME YOU FOR THIS, MARLENE!! I also ended my Memorial Day weekend with a trip to the ER, so it’s been less than fun over here...
But while I've been too sick and weak to type, I’m never too sick to think so grab a little snack (and a PLL-mom approved glass of wine) and buckle in to hear my crazy take on this ride that is Pretty Little Liars EndgAme! I'm going to break my thoughts down into sections so y'all can easily skip around if you would like!
First things first (I'm the realest)... (I am also old and found that funny - don't judge me!) Let's travel back to what feels like forever ago... and the reveal that Ali is, indeed, carrying Emily's baby. I wanted to make the following point but then was bedridden, so the original thought comes before we viewed 7x15... *WHO'S YOUR DADDY -- THE ALI/EMILY BABY REVEAL*
Yup. They went there. We finally have confirmation (btw, BRILLIANT acting by Sasha in the reveal scene at the baby store!) that Ali is carrying Emily's stolen-egg baby. I saw a lot of reaction to this in the fandom, a lot of "I knew this would happen" (the best one being my amazing brother's live blog response!) and a lot of "I was afraid they would do this".. I saw a lot of comments bashing the storyline and a lot praising it for reiterating just how well-and-truly-evil AD actually is. But I didn't see ANY reaction that mirrored my own... IN A SHOW WHERE SO LITTLE IS ABLE TO BE FIGURED OUT (by a fandom who spends hours and hours rewatching, blogging, theorizing, screen-capturing), WHY DID THEY MAKE THIS SO OBVIOUS?! Yes, I realize I could be giving the showrunners too much credit here, but as an adult in her mid-thirties who has spent an abnormal amount of time trying to figure out answers and outcomes for this show and constantly figuring out NOTHING, WHY WAS THIS SO EASY TO DEDUCE. Well, to answer that I'm going to reference a movie many of you are probably to young to have seen... Years ago, a brilliant suspense/mystery movie called The Others came out (it starred Nicole Kidman - remember her!?) Anyway, the movie was awesome and mysterious and about halfway through anyone who is paying attention starts to put together the clues and its SO exciting but then you almost get annoyed that the characters in the movie aren't putting 2 and 2 together, but you're all proud of yourself for figuring it out, and BAM! Seriously out of left field the twist comes and you realize you were COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY WRONG and just lead to believe you'd figured it out... [side note: I watched this movie multiple times after my first viewing with friends who were seeing it for the first time and let me tell you, at the same point that I originally "figured out the mystery" they did too and were SO DAMN SMUG about it, one going as far to say "You know, I actually find it sooo hard to enjoy movies like this because I'm too smart and always figure it out and get bored waiting for the ending"... yeah, she shut up really fucking quick when she saw she was wrong). ANYWAYS (sorry, I ramble)... I'm kind of wondering if this whole Ali/Emily baby thing was made obvious to throw us off in a way. So many of us saw it coming and because we had "figured it out", we didn't think to look beyond waiting for the confirmation that we were right.. MARK MY WORDS, THERE IS MORE TO THIS THAN WE ARE SEEING because we've all been so stuck on having figured it out or being mad about it... What I keep coming back to is who the father is and who did the insemination... Ali tells Emily she remembers the procedure when she was locked up in Welby. THIS IS A HUGE CLUE OR POINT TO CONSIDER. I mean, clearly all official places in Rosewood are run by a bunch of dumbfucks (Rosewood Police, I'm looking at you.... until the delicious Furey showed up that is) and yes, clearly "Rollins" was lying about his identity in order to be a practicing doctor there... but they ARE NOT going to let some rando in a black hoodie and gloves come in with a turkey baster and shove it up some patient's hoo-ha. THIS HAD TO BE AN INSIDE JOB! Maybe Rollins was playing the AD game and was forced to do it? That I don't know. We DO know that AD stole Emily's eggs... so somehow, Emily's eggs were fertilized and inseminated into Ali... I'm still thinking on this one... I would love if someone would think about it too and tell me their thoughts because seriously, I think they duped us here (brilliantly!) by making the baby storyline obvious and having us focus on THAT rather than the real clues being shared...
Now that we've seen 7x15 and know that Ali is going through with the pregnancy and know that Emily wants the baby and know that they are trying to figure out who the father is, I feel like I am right in their being more to this.
Before I theorize, I just want to point out that I feel this was one of the best PLL episodes ever and don't think Troian's directing is a coincidence.... clearly this woman is talented, thoughtful and really GETS how this show should be done. Absolutely brilliant from start to stop and OH MAN the acting has been spot on from all of them..  And now onto the details.
Ohhhh Ostinato. You shady little bastard!! Gavin and I noticed at the same time that Ezra had a small, clear earpiece in his ear while he and Aria were arguing (as he was preparing to head to the airport). Now, let me start with this: I DO NOT BELIEVE FOR ONE SECOND THAT HE IS TROTTING OFF TO HELP NICOLE. I have been SOOOOO suspicious for a long while now about this... we only have his word that he's "helping Nicole". Yes yes, there was the article Aria saw in the magazine while she was with Holden, but those pictures were all clearly taken on the same day. Do I think *some* of the times he's gone he's been with Nicole? Yes... But the little hidden earpiece was a major point for me that he's hiding a shit ton!! Gavin and I saw it and he included a post with screenshots, so check it out! Ostinato is up to NO GOOD!!!
FURTHERMORE - let’s discuss this whole Wren & Ezra business... From the previous episode’s sneak-peek both Gavin and I were CONVINCED that he and Wren weren’t meeting for the first time... and after seeing the episode, I am even MORE convinced! There is NO WAY these two are being introduced for the first time (great acting, boys!) And beyond THAT... let’s look at the following facts -- Ezra was SO set on going to see “Nicole” that he had the fight with Aria (again, as I said above, I don’t believe for a hot second that he was flying off to Maine to see Nicole and her family...) We saw on the flight boards that there were a bunch of delays... then Spencer spots Ezra as she and Wren are clearly arguing... Ezra and Wren “meet”.... and then Ezra magically decides to skip out on going away!? NOT BUYING IT!! I think he stayed in Rosewood because of Wren... AND THEN when Ezra is telling Aria that his flight wasn’t delayed he just “didn’t get on it”... and then the camera pans over to his bag and we see a glow like from a phone ringing.. MY MONEY IS ON THAT CALL BEING FROM WREN!!!
So I hadn’t crossed Mona off my suspect list... until the last episode. Again with the brilliant acting! Her fan-girling over the board game while at the same time the devastation crossing her face that she didn’t create it... pure genius AND also really changed my mind on her possibly being involved... I think we all need to pay attention to the “clues” that Mona gave us about who could have made the game... WHO IS THIS MONSTER!! 
- Fuck, that comic book is cool... I gotta say, this whole Charles and Lucas friendship surprised the hell out of me and I LOVE IT! 
- As many have pointed out, did you see how the “A” in Lucas’s signature on the comic is the “A” a?! Lucas was TOP of my suspect list... but with a revel regarding him coming tonight I don’t think he’s the final AD... AGGH!
- WHAT IS THE DEAL WITH THE NUMBER 214!!!!?!?! Its shit like this that gives me hope that this storyline has been brewing all along....
- How long before Snapchat releases that creepy-ass Aria filter!? Honestly though, that was super amazingly creepy! I’ve seen a lot of people say the face looks like Paige, like Sydney, like Melissa (my first comparison was to Marlene actually...) but I feel like the clip at the end (YAY FOR AN A ENDING!) indicated that the face and voice are completely digitally generated and not someone talking live with some sort of filter on... Maybe cause AD has a British accent (WREN WREN WREN) or a recognizable voice to the PLL!? 
What did you all think!? Any comments, ideas or further pieces to examine!? I can’t wait to hear what you think and can’t wait to see tonight’s episode!!!!! 
Kisses, -K
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