#just not having the community funds. i am exceedingly exceedingly lucky bcus otherwise i. well. lads.
narutomaki ยท 11 months
It's not that I'm overly concerned about doing things to prevent my own and others illnesses that drives my health anxiety.
I know I am doing all I can feasibly expect of myself, I mask, sanitize donning and doffing, and flush with the lid down where it allows, wish with soap and water once or two times if the water wasn't warm, I let people in my social circle know when I experience symptoms of something potentially contagious. and I get vaccines when I become aware they are available and that I should. and i do the same for my indoor/leashed only pets.
the anxiety comes not from doing those things or keeping them up, they have all become second nature and I will likely not be giving them up
but they're also not exceedingly comforting.
despite doing all of this. I know I can still get sick. like alteringly, life ENDINGLY, sick.
it takes one slip up, one mistake, one error or oversight, one thing im uneducated on; and in things that are sometime not even under my control!
I can wash my greens, my fruits, and my vegtables; but if I get a pre-packaged fruit cup and the assembly line failed and that batch wasn't caught?
I check my meats for obvious signs of it going bad, I drop my eggs in cool water to ensure they sink. but I can't see prion disease, I can't ensure the meat I am cooking or injesting is parasite free.
and like. I KNOW I can do nothing about this. I KNOW the bone calling, nauseating fear of this is often times unfounded; I live in a country where things do have to pass testing and inspection and labeling and and and -
one bad piece of meat and I'm dead.
one slip of procedure and I'm sick. potentially increasing my energy output and/or care needs. potentially dying.
what do I do about that? how do I deal with this other than accepting that death is inevitable and if I die in excruciating pain from something preventable it is likely nothing will be done about it? how do you cope with that?
there is nothing I can do about this except general kitchen and health personal protection quidlines. so I don't.
any way.
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