#just realized how much I wrote aksmksmxkemx
salty-an-disco · 8 months
feel free to use this ask to talk about hero?? or contrarian or per chance both :? mayhaps about their hobbies?
*bounces excitedly*
(this is in the context of a general post-leaving the construct AU where the world is relatively modern)
I feel like Hero would get into carving. He really likes the movement of knife to wood, finds it relaxing, and likes getting to see a simple piece of wood slowly transform into a recognizable shape. Maybe not all that recognizable, at first, but he’s still getting the joy of creation! I think he’d especially enjoy carving all kinds of animals. He never saw any animals before, and now not only does he get to see them, he can try to replicate their shape! (I specifically made him take a carving knife in that crows cabin on my fic cuz of that; he took it for Hunted, at first, but Hunted will let him keep it after seeing how much he enjoys carving)
Contrarian would try out all kinds of things once outside, that’s for sure. They’d go bowling, try rollerblading, juggling, magic tricks, and just all kinds of stunts just to see what it’s like (Cold often tags along too, those two are a dynamic duo to me). As for what sticks, though, I think they’d really take to spray painting and performative dancing. I also hc them as really athletic and flexible, despite not having much in terms of physical strength, so I can also seem them taking gymnastics classes then dropping it once they get bored and trying something else.
As for both you say? OwO
Hero frequently goes along with whatever Contrarian’s into atm (it gives him a chance to try new things, and more time with Contrarian! win-win!), and even ends up taking to some of the things they try. I can see him really enjoying bowling too, actually. And everytime Contrarian sees some animal-themed object (mugs, toys, other wooden carvings, etc) he takes a photo to send it/show it to Hero. Hero has a whole collection of animal-themed mugs that are all a gift from Contra. Contra also keeps all of Hero’s carvings on a display shelf; Hero asked them to at least pu away his very first ones, but Contrarian insists it’s important for an artist to display all their stepping stones with pride (also, it kinda looks like a penis, and they find that hilarious).
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