#just round after round and its sloppy and messy and just so relaxed and ugh
fandxmslxt69 · 4 months
Alrighty! Lunch break time! Thots incoming!!!
*Ehem* Imagine, if you will, being tangled in the sheets with Loki. You’re both in Asgard, and the stars are just starting to twinkle in the night sky. There’s a soft breeze wafting in through the ornate palace windows, and the two of you are comfortable in each other’s embrace… making love, obviously~
I can’t stop thinking about the way the soft satin sheets would slip around us. So soft and delicate between your fingers amidst your throes of passion. There’s something inherently godly about it, I think. Like, Loki wants to worship you like the goddess he sees you as. The whole lounging while being hand fed grapes kind of vibe, if that makes sense.
Anyways, when you’re done, you’re not really done. You just keep rolling over for the next round until the sun peeks from the horizon…
So, those are my thots for today! 🤭
oh beloved...i am thinking thinking things....
a littleeee different but i loved the hazy 'drunk on love and pleasure' vibes and i just couldnt help it
more under the cut (warnings: silly cute fluffy SMUT.)
You hum sleepily, feeling the press of your lover's soft lips on your shoulder, trailing down your arm. You had settled into bed just a little ago after a few...exciting rounds with Loki in the shower.
The bed dipped as he settled into bed behind you, arms wrapped around your waist. You were immediately hyperaware of the fact that he had decided not to put on any clothing after stepping out of the shower. It didn't help that you wore nothing either.
You wiggle around, turning to face him with a happy smile. "Hi," You whisper, a stupid smile growing on your lips.
He smiled back, and oh it took your breath away. Something about today was very different; you couldn't get enough of each other. Loki ended up cancelling all his plans for the day, and you both stayed inside, tossing and turning and getting drunk on the feeling of one another. And yet after eternity, you remained constantly bewitched by Loki. You could never grow tired of him, of the feeling of him.
His ethereal beauty, especially his smile. The way his eyes twinkled with that telltale mischief, the ease and comfort that oozed off him, the trademark smirk that seemed reserved for you.
You snuggled closer to him and his hold on you tightened as he pressed a kiss to your forehead. "Hello darling wife,"
You ran a hand over his chest, enjoying the way his muscles contracted under your touch. You felt so safe, so full of joy in the comfort of your bed.
"Hi," You said again. Loki chuckled softly, his hand drawing circles on the dip of your hips. You leaned up, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
It was obviously the wrong move, because it wasn't for another thirty seconds before Loki was kissing you senseless; all tongue and lazy, messy kisses. It made you squirm as you rolled over on top of him and he sat up slightly, hands roaming your body slowly. Your hands raked through his messy curls, soft pants and groans escaping the two of you.
You could feel him growing hard, and you knew this was how it would go for the rest of the night. You'd wake up in pain tomorrow, and deliciously sore, but you also knew that meant Loki would stay with you for the day again.
You moan quietly, grinding yourself against Loki's length.
Tomorrow could wait. Outside, the night was still young, stars beginning to twinkle on Asgard's sky.
You could reconsider your choices when the sun returns to the sky. For now, you kissed Loki deeper as his hands planted themselves firmly on your hips, sure to leave marks to be added to ones already covering your body.
For now, you could just get lost in the feeling of your husband as he entered you slowly, a deep moan rumbling through him, and the pure look of pleasure on his face as you lifted yourself and slowly sank back down.
For tonight, you could just stay drunk on each other.
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survivordivergent · 8 years
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It's so interesting how a safe and secure position can come crashing down so quickly.
I have some very important questions about who was in on the idol flush. Did Eliza really feel in danger? Did Otto plant the seeds? And most importantly for me, why didn't Payton tell me the vote wasn't going to Eliza?
I'll start with the last point:I wouldn't have even doubted Payton for a SECOND were it not for what she said after tribal in the BH5 chat: "Anyway otto cussed me the fuck out because I told him I'd play my faux "idol" on him to assure that Jill would go home ;):"
To ensure that Jill would go home. Not Eliza, Jill. So why would Payton not tell her number one ally (allegedly) this vital bit of information to keep us safe, if it's obvious she knew that was the plan? Something about that doesn't sit well at all. I think I need to talk with her about that and find out what that was all about. Otherwise, I don't like my odds.
I think I'm in a good place with Eliza now. Not that I wasn't before, but an idol play isn't something most players can just brush off. Hopefully she's a rational player who realizes I want her around, and not short-sighted enough to knock me out of the game unnecessarily. I do think the paranoia was sincere last night, though I do find the timing curious as I only just told the gang about the idol yesterday, confirming their suspicions.
I'm working this reward comp hard. I would've liked to sit back and relax, maybe get myself a little off the radar, but that's not a good idea right now. There's a possibility that an idol was re-hidden, and an ally who may be thinking I wouldn't have done the same for her RE: playing the idol. I need to make sure Melissa knows we're still good, so if I can pull off another win here, the idol clue is going her way. We'll have two new clues to the Candor idol (unless she wants to see if a new idol was hidden at Erudite, in which case.... more for me.)
Partial kudos to Otto for going down swinging... in theory. But also partial WTF points to Otto for not coming to me at all during the day. He probably wouldn't have been able to swing me, but you never know unless you try. The more this game goes on, the more I appreciate Lucy and Geo. Communication is important in here. And it's a two-way street, which I acknowledge... but when it's Otto's ass on the line and not mine, I don't think it's too far out there to expect some motivation from him.
Ugh ugh ugh. Last night got so messy and unnecessarily so. I wish Melissa had told me about the vote doubler. When it came out suddenly and unexpectedly, I was sure she had flipped which is why I did what I did. Otherwise, why keep that secret and hide it from the people voting with you? Why induce the paranoia and stoke its flames?
Mostly, I'm just bummed at how wasted it was. With the time I put into that idol hunt... fuck. Given context though, it was something I had to do. I'd have felt like total garbage if it went the way I was expecting it to go and Eliza left on my watch. That said, I'd have felt even worse if Jill had somehow gone home. This tribal went well, considering our main target left. But if I had wasted my idol AND we lost a BH5er, I don't think I could have forgiven myself. That was such a sloppy read on the situation.
(EDIT: I've since spoken to Payton and she reminded me that she did, in fact, tell me the votes were going on Jill before the vote. D'oh. My paranoia is flaring up unnecessarily again. Still pissed at the flush.)
((Oh, and I'm thoroughly killing this comp. If I don't win it'll be because my Word doc got corrupted. Only way.))
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HOW. HOW DID I LOSE THAT REWARD. i literally.... did it for like 3 hours... i did it during my classes... i blatantly looked up survivor facts in the middle of a class room where everyone could see my laptop and ed still beats me...i wanted to find an idol literally to blindside him but now thats impossible and he's won like every reward. he clearly has idols because he just threw one at eliza last week but my only real allies in this game payton and geo are too far up ed's ass for me to even attempt to tell them we should blindside ed. I'm ed giving me credit for doing well in the main chat like bitch! if you think i did so well u should give me a chance to look for the idol hMM!! but you won't because you don't actually trust me at all hMMM. anyways. lets hope we can get rid of melissa or jill this week or even lake because he's incredibly untrustworthy and always accuses me of being someone named "Nic" who i don't even know so zzz he can go. maybe if one of those girls go i can convince payton and eliza to do some sort of all girls thing and blindside ed... though payton literally called ed her final 2 when he got voted out the first time and ed literally used an idol on eliza even if it was worthless ahhh. i need to win immunity but like i don't even know if ill have the energy for whatever it is because like i spent so long trying for reward... maybe if i win immunity i can talk people into blindsiding ed when he's clearly running this game we'll see.
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I'm living for everyone saying "Ed again, big surprise" and "of course Ed is in the top three" and "Ed again? Snooze." Don't want me to win? Get better.
Of course I shared the idol clue with Melissa as I outlined in my last confessional. Payton made an appeal to give it to Jill so she feels safe, but the downside to that is the very realistic possibility that she'd find a second idol. We don't need someone as well-liked as Jill to have two safety nets. So I reverted back to the initial plan of going with Melissa. I'm fairly confident that she would turn on others in the five before she'd turn on me.
She told me she looked for Candor, and the list of possibilities dwindled by a very wide margin. That's awesome news. Better yet, she narrowed it down to Matt Elrod and... someone. Even better news, after her guesses, there are only three possibilities. Even betterer news, I'll be getting another clue to narrow it down a little more. And the best news? She didn't get the idol, but she did most of the legwork. I take no pleasure in 'stealing' the idol from Melissa, but I'd be lying if I said having control over the idol didn't make me just a bit more confident. Not counting my idols before they hatch, though. First I gotta find the sucker. And there's the possibility that it may not even be there anymore.
I fear this round will be the culmination of weeks of posturing. Payton seems prepared to make a move against the girls. And I do appreciate the irony of a big move being planned only after Otto's gone. There's some poetic justice to that. On the other hand though, I don't doubt that Payton's best shot at the finals is to do this. I feel like I might have a bit more support in BH5 than she does. And as far as the 'stragglers' go, there's no doubt she's got more sway with Geo (who helped her look for the Amity idol,) Lake (who talks to her, I guess???) and Lucy (who's super chill and is on good terms with me, too.)
So – what's my easiest path to the end? In a perfect world, Lucy and Payton would use their Amity idol halves to idol whoever the target is and blindside one of the girls. But that poses a problem – namely, how do I get them to play the idol when they'd likely have numbers if I swung with them? I'd feel much more confident voting out Lake than anyone else. Literally everyone remaining in the game talks with me. So if Lake could be idoled and and, say, Jill were blindsided... I'd be sad to see her go, but MAN that would be good for my game. I'd still have a steadfast ally, I'd have a group of ladies hell-bent on revenge, and I'd have at least one vote on jury if I made it to the end and could explain it well.
But that's so far off in the distance, it's a speck. First you get the idol. Then you get the immunity. THEN you get the win.
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Whew I almost killed myself yesterday, but I'm alive-at the cost of reward. Whatever. I'm curious to know what the god forsaken immunity is going to be though... another live challenge? K i l l m e
Anyway, Lucy  and I are almost definitely going to use our idol to take down Jill this round or next, hopefully taking down Lake if we don't go her. If I can keep up with Lucy/Ed/Geo/me to the end, and then pick off one of them at the last minute (Geo/Lucy), I'm going to the end. Given that Ed doesn't flip on my ass, but I actually trust him. I might lose to Ed if we go to the end, but I'll get second, and that will be amazing. Apparently I'm destined for second anyway.
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Oh Kay! At this point in the game there is a lot that I am thinking about right now. We have the alliance of 5 that is steamrolling merge right now. It is ugly and boring, but when you are a part of it, it is hard to be mad about it.
After the last vote, Lake straight up told me that he voted for me. Which I was fine with. He then says that I need to stop confronting people when I get tea. I did it with Dani when Lake mentioned to me that Dani lightly mentioned trying to blindside me for first merge boot and then also for this most recent tribal I confronted Otto when I heard he wanted to try and split the vote between Eliza and myself. Lake was pissed that I do this because in both instances Lake gets in trouble! Dani only told Lake about maybe blindsiding me, and Otto only mentioned to Lake about splitting the votes between me and Eliza. What happened there is I heard from Payton who was told by Lake. I did not fully pay attention to that succession of information and was not privy to what exactly went down and I didn't really care. I went to Otto and heard of a plan to split the votes, but that I didn't think it was a real plan and just tried to brush it off like it wasn't anything. After tribal Lake tells me that only he was told and Otto was mad at Lake for it. Lake then says "I just didn't see the point of confronting him about it. What good did it do." and what I REALLY wanted to respond was that the point was it made Otto not happy with Lake, put less of a target on me, and Otto went home. Eliza telling Otto that Geo was the plan for that vote helped because I talked to Otto about that plan, then went over to Geo to show him that Otto was the one talking about voting out Geo. It seemed with Otto really trying to do something for that most recent vote he was very all over the place and it made everyone wary of him. Lake is mad at me, but I don't really care because he is outside of my alliance and when i spill tea that I hear he ends up in a worse position than myself so I am not too mad about it.
Now we move on to Big Hero 5 and what is going to happen at final five. I am really hoping that we actually stick together until then. At this point in the game this is the last tribal where it would be easy to flip. Only 2 out of the five need to go to Geo, Lucy, and Lake and spill the tea about our alliance and make a move against us. I think Melissa, Eliza, and I are a solid three like we have been since Four Tribe and I really don't see Payton flipping on us. The only possible worrisome person here is Ed. But what is good is that I think me and ed are in a good position. He gave me 2 idol searches and I gave him the most recent immunity. I like to think we have had each other's back and I hope that if shady things happen, they at least don't happen to me. If they happen to someone in Big Hero Five I would be upset, but if it isn't me I won't be wholly upset because it makes Final Five Tribal Council easier and maybe making it to the end that much easier as well. Also, everyone knows I have an idol and it doesn't seem like anyone is trying to get me to flush it so if i can hold onto it for 3 rounds and then have it for Final 5 that would be great and I would be much less stressed out about that vote. The only issue is that I have to make it through three rounds and with this game waking up that could potentially be difficult.
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So Lake is like my secret weapon in this game, and he is putting an ENORMOUS target on his back, fighting with Payton in the tribe chat. He's asking me to vote him out, but Melissa and I need Him to help us blind side Ed at F7 like we are planning and I'm at work and my head is spinning bc my game is spiraling out of control bc Lake can't just calm down and stay quiet...... Ugh these CATFISH who CLEARLY know who each other is... Just follow the damn rules!!!
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Who has the Candor idol? Ed.
Who had the Erudite idol? Ed.
Who's won pretty much all the reward comps? Ed, Edd, 'n' Eddy.
Who has the Amity idol? Payton, my closest ally, and Lucy.
Who has the Dauntless idol? Jill, who came to me this morning about working together even after we're down to five.
Who has the other idols? Who cares, they're out of the game.
Strong position re-established and it's thanks to Melissa's Candor patience, Jill's keeping her options open, and Payton's relentless Amity searching. Boo-yah.
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[8:25:31 PM] Melissa Fields: supernova [8:25:31 PM] Payton Rodriguez: Supernova? yall really did that but Melissa's comes up first on my skype
listen, jenns. I'm mad.
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Lake's alias name is very poorly chosen. He lacks the depth.
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My time is coming to end.
The Candor alliance along with Ed and Melissa control this game and they will be the Final 5.
The only person I'm loyal to at this point is Eliza. I still tell her everything but with how much I've been acting out I don't think she will be able to keep the others off my back at this point.
I've been trying to scare the others in to not voting for me.  I really want Payton to go because I have lost all respect for her and she does not deserve to be here. I think Eliza is starting to feel the same way.
The only people I would want to vote for in the end are Eliza and Melissa but I'm not really sure what Melissa is doing in this game.
I'm completely ignoring Geo at this point and have not talked to Ed and Payton in a while and I don't plan on it.  It's kind of unbearable watching all of them hit it off in the tribe chat.
Playing this game was unlike any other I've done. I've never been so uninvolved.  Really my time is up in this game. I'm ready to move to the jury and hopefully vote for a worthy person at the end. You can bet I'll have some hard hitting questions for these bafoons.
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Lake can go eat glass bye bitch. I don't care if it fucks with my plans for Jill, I'm idoling you the fuck out.
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It amazes me how much power I have in this game.
And also what a total asshole I am.
Melissa and Eliza both brought up the idea of voting out Lucy because of how competitive she is. On the surface, a great idea. But what they don't know: Lucy has the second half of the Amity idol.
So, armed with the knowledge that they intend to get Lucy out, and confirming with Eliza that she'd have been okay with leaving Payton out of the loop, I went to Payton and told her that the plan to get Lucy was gaining momentum. She started being a bit aggro in the BH5 chat, and Mel tried swaying her using logic. Those two speak different languages when it comes to the game, and it's important to talk to people in their language rather than make yours heard over theirs.
So, I went to Payton and told her she should agree with the plan. Then she should use the Amity idol on Lucy and blindside someone. Doesn't matter who, I don't want to know, that way I don't have to lie about knowing who was going. (If this plan works, sorry @Eliza @Melissa @Jill @whichever of you three got clocked. Love you all.) And the best part is that I'm legitimately not around tonight, so the Candor idol won't be in play at all. The girls will probably be freaking out, Jill may play hers, but mine won't be available.
I've also told Payton I'm voting with the girls so it looks like I'm blindsided, too. This lets me have all the info coming from BH5, and lets her have all the info from the Lucy/Geo/Lake cluster. And then we can alternate our votes, picking people off from each side until the end.
That's the best-case scenario. The worst-case scenario is that Payton idols Lucy, Jill idols whoever the votes are going on (in which case Payton can't blame me, 'cause I told her I didn't want to know.) And then it's a 0-0 and I have to decide where my better chance at the end lies. Unfortunately for Payton, my style of game is far more logical than emotional. If it were pure emotional, it would be a no-brainer. But in this unlikely scenario, I'd have to give it some serious thought.
Alternatively, someone could also throw a decoy vote on someone as a safeguard against an idol. A 1-1 vote forcing a revote could also make a difference. I just threw out a variation on this idea to Payton which would idol Lucy, Lucy votes a girl, Payton votes Lake. She'd still be in a rough spot, but there's no way the girls would vote against each other and then we could get out Lake just like she wanted.
Dominoes are falling!
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fuck lake
Lucy and Payton make an idol and play it on lucy. Blindside Melissa Simple and done I hope this works out
If not, i think it'll be me leaving cause i told jill to vote lucy, which will make her suspicious and think im shady so they plan to vote me instead cause they probably think im working with lucy and she has an idol, bye world
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So..... there has been zero talking since the results post.... My alliance chat has said nothing. I have zero things in pm's... I'm... Nervous??? This is very unusual, that at least Melissa and Jill aren't talking to me either??? I have no idea what's doing on...
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Lol sorry Melissa. This wasn't the plan, but it sure is now. Love ya hun. Have fun in Ponderosa.
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That worked, we did it, Melissa is out of the game!
I can't believe it actually worked!
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