#just rude and mean over a children's pet site for very little reason
neobastard · 4 months
side note, but i'm honestly appalled at the way people ask questions for the AMA. rude language, aggressive tones, and general impatience with the team are all super common and it genuinely makes me feel bad for TNT despite my issues with the way the site is run and updated.
people don't know how to speak to others and have no manners and respect istg. would y'all behave this way if it was a face to face AMA and you didn't have the veil of anonymity?
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yourdeepestfathoms · 9 months
a Pathologic tier list based on how good of an adult the characters are to Clara, a child
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this is based on P1, but the tier list site i was using only had the P2 models!
i was meant to have longer, more in-depth explanations, but then i got lazy 😅 so i just have some basic reasoning!
also i haven’t replayed the Changeling route in a few months, so i’m going off of memory!
Actually A Kind, Considerate Adult To A Stressed and Traumatized Child
Lara- Lara is hands down the best adult in this entire game. She’s kind, understanding, and patient with Clara. She never insults her, and even when Clara is being a bit snooty, she still treats her gently. She also literally has a line where she points out that Clara is a child struggling with an immense burden. She calls attention to the fact that she’s just a kid, which NOBODY ELSE DOES.
“Poor thing, I’m so sorry for you. I wouldn’t want to carry your burden.”
It can kinda be read as pity, but pity is better than the cruelty and ignorance to her situation most of the others give her.
Also she has the one voice like where she’s like, “Poor child, she’s so tired” in reference to Clara.
Lara stays winning fr fr
The Tragedians and Executors- Idk if these guys can count, but they’re here anyway. They’re always so nice to Clara, calling her little pet names and explaining stuff to her in a kind way. They talk to her like how adults talk to young children, which she is. And it’s wild how these bitches beat THE ENTIRETY OF THE WHOLE CAST, minus Lara.
A Good Adult
Oyun- I actually cannot believe this guy is this high.
Surprisingly, he’s actually pretty nice to Clara. If not nice, then very respectful. He treats her like a queen.
Rubin- He’s chill with her 👍 (if i remember correctly)
Yulia- Similar to Rubin, she’s chill toward Clara, minus, I think, one little offhand comment that’s kind of rude. But compared to what some of the bitches below say to her, it may as well be a compliment.
Decent But Has Their Moments
Artemy- So, I feel like Artemy is very neutral toward Clara. There is that part in the Changeling route where he sends her a letter where he threatens to kill her, BUT that only happens if you rat out his location to Daniil, so it’s not a set event that always happens.
He speaks to her very curtly, and you can get the sense that he’s probably annoyed by her presence, but he’s not outwardly verbally abusing her unlike others.
If this were a ranking based on P2 interactions, however, he would be WAY LOWER because jfc, he is SO MEAN to Clara.
Daniil- So, he was actually lower at first, but then I saw some really good posts talking about how he cares for Clara in his own way (giving her money, keeping her in the Stillwater, worrying over her)—even if they are a little unconventional.
However, that doesn’t erase the fact that he is still pretty awful to her at times. I mean, he literally threatens to kill her twice, one of which happened when he first met her.
I love the “Daniil is a reluctant father figure to Clara” so much, but I also don’t think he would be any higher than this.
Also, like Artemy, if this were for interactions in P2, he would absolutely be lower.
Olgimsky- I think he and Clara talk exactly two (2) times, and both interactions are short and don’t really do anything for the story (if i remember correctly). Also I don’t think they give af about each other at all.
Bad Grief- Neutral. I could have put him higher, actually. He seemed actually kind of nice.
Eva- Same with Bad Grief. Her interaction with Clara wasn’t hostile at all.
Victor- I’ll be real with y’all- I don’t remember them talking 😭
Not A Good Adult
Maria- She’s my second favorite character in the whole game (just behind Clara ofc), but even I can’t deny how cruel she is to Clara. She is SO MEAN.
Aspity- I actually had no idea where to put her. At first, she was in the “decent” section, but that didn’t seem right. Then she was in “Neutral,” but that didn’t seem right, either. Finally, I just decided to put her here. Because, looking back on their interactions, they were pretty hostile.
I don’t think Aspity liked Clara. A lot of the things she said to Clara were either vaguely threatening or directly threatening.
Anna Angel- She was so rude to Clara in the Haruspex route when Clara came running to her house, crying, on Day 6. Also I remember her making shots at Clara often.
Georgiy- Literally threatened to kill Clara the moment he met her. Enough said.
Mark- I remember this bitch ass being snappy with her. Which is good enough for me.
Vlad Jr.- This dude isn’t necessarily mean, but I do remember him being weirdly fanatical toward Clara. He spoke to her like she wasn’t a child but rather someone to be idolized.
Peter- He also wasn’t rude, but I just felt very uncomfortable every time he talked to her. He didn’t speak to her like a child but rather an adult. And yeah, a lot of people did that, but he was just so creepy to me. He acted like she was a goddess or something. It really rubbed me the wrong way.
Block- This may be a bit of an unpopular opinion, but I just can’t put this guy anywhere but here.
Yes, he was kind to her, but he also idolized her, which is just…Not Very Good. Also he fully tries to bring her to war?? If you say no when he first makes the offer, he literally ignores her and keeps going on about it which is a huge red flag.
Horrible Fucking Person
Andrey- I can’t stand this guy. Y’all don’t understand how deep my hatred for him goes. But this spot isn’t even a biased decision he is, SO CRUEL. The way he screams in Clara’s face when she went to his bar?? And yeah, he’s kinda right in some sense, she isn’t old enough to fully understand what she’s doing, but that is not her fault in any way. The blame should fall upon Katerina for making her run around indoctrinating people, not her. And he shouldn’t have yelled at a little girl, spewing insults at her, because at that point, his argument is meaningless when it directly attacks her.
He’s terrible. I hate him.
What The Fuck Is Wrong With You
Aglaya- Basically every word she spoke to Clara felt like a shotgun blast to the chest and had my jaw on the FLOOR. I was not expecting the sheer disgust and hatred she had toward this child.
As such, I have compiled a short list of some of the things she said to Clara:
1. Calls her a “dim, pathetic creature”
2. Calls her insane and deranged
3. Accuses her of having a split personality disorder and being schizophrenic
4. “Prohibits her from existing”
5. Says she has to leave the town or else she’ll have her executed
Among other stuff.
Obligatory “Awful Parents” Spot
The Saburovs- I could go on about how horrible these guys are. Not even just as people, but as parents, too.
The neglect, the exploitation, the abuse, the total disregard for Clara’s feelings when she comes back traumatized while carrying a severed head, the way she’s used to inaugurate people into a religion…
They are truly awful people, and they do not deserve Clara.
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vampsiltonpitch · 3 years
Get to know me tag
Thanks for tagging me, @iminthisstanshit 💛
Gonna put a cut here, bc it’s longgg...
When is your birthday: October 23rd
What is your favourite colour: Blueeeee
What is your lucky number: I don't have one and I've always wondered how people choose theirs 👀
Do you have any pets: Not rn, but I used to have a fish
How tall are you: 1.65 m
How many pairs of shoes do you have: I have... a lot. I’m pretty sure I’m over 20. Ik I don’t need so many of them, but. Yes.
Favourite song: I can’t choose just one! I’m just gonna go with some kind of top 3 favorites I’d never get tired of, which would be, “Baby I’m Yours” by Arctic Monkeys, “Read My Mind” by The Killers, and “Ode To The Mets” by The Strokes.
Favourite movie: Again, top 3, “How to lose a guy in 10 days”, “Interestellar”, and “Hercules” (the Disney one!)
What would be your ideal partner: There’s no ideal for me, tbh. Like, I don’t have a list of specific things I’d like that person to have. But if they have a pretty smile, like to read, and smell good, that’d be cool hahah
Do you want children: Not something I’ve reeeeeally been dreaming about since kid, but I’m not opposed to it. It’s like, if it happens, it happens, and if it doesn’t, then it doesn’t. I’d be okay with both, I think (or at least think as of now). :)
Have you ever gotten in trouble with law: Nope, I’m quite the pacifist lmao
What colour socks are you wearing: They’re neon green omg
Bath or shower: Shower, always. I don’t really get the point of having baths asjkjs
Favourite type of music: I’m not sure if I’ve got one, bc my all playlists go super random. I’d classified it as varied.
How many pillows do you sleep with: I only use one, but I’ve three
Which position do you sleep in: If it’s not face-down, then it’s sideways, mainly to the left bc I’ve got reflux since I was a baby, sAD
What don't you like when you are sleeping: When I wake up in the middle of the night bc my bladder doesn’t know how to wait until the morninG, C’MON!
What do you have for breakfast: It depends on the day and how many time I’ve got for it, but I never go without coffee or tea.
Have you ever tried archery: Never, but that’d be cool
Favourite fruit: Strawberries<3.
Favourite swear word: I don’t swear that often, if ever hahah so I don’t have one, sorry kajsksj
Do you have any scars: Who doesn’t? I don’t have many that really stand out, but one of the biggest ones is on my hand from when I got burned with the clothes iron as a kid. 🤪
Are you a good liar: I’ve got away with so many of them in my life, I’m actually ashamed of saying yes...
What is your personality type: I’m always bad at describing it, but I guess I’d go with... easy going, super talkative, a good listener, random at times... Is it okay if label myself as kind and nice, too? Idk hahah
What is your favourite type of girl: Is this romatic-related? Friendship-related? Fiction-related? Too vague, guys. Too vague...
Left or right handed: Rightttt
Are you clean or messy: If you pay enough attention, you’ll notice there’s a cleanliness to my mess lmao
Favourite foreign food: I loooove pizza, sushi, and there are these two Korean meals called jjajangmyeon and tteokbokki that I just 🥰
How long does take for you to get ready: Tbh, it depends on the day. Sometimes I can get ready in half an hour, other’s it’ll take me two. What’s time, anyway?
Most used phrase: I tend to use the “STOP” and “PLEASE” a lot, but without context they’ve got no real meaning. Not that they’re a phrase, but..............
Are you a good singer: I can only wish
Do you sing to yourself: Yes! Not always, but it does happen.
Biggest fear: Not knowing what’s gonna happen to my loved ones once I pass away... Wait. Was it too dark? It was, wasn’t it? I guess I’d say fire, then. Prefer not to be close to it, thanks.
Do you like long or short hair: For myself, long. Tried to deal with short hair once and, nO. A BIG MESS. For the rest of the world, suit yourselves, guys!
Are you into gossip: I mean, aren’t you?
Extrovert or introvert: Actually I’m neither! I’m an ambivert, which is... interesting, I guess. Story time! Since I was a kid, I was always stuck in the middle, bc I fit in both depending on the situation, the people, the context, conditions, etc. I got my confirmation in high school. We were having this personality test kind of class in vocal orientation to see whether we were introverts or extroverts, and in what kind of profession we'd fit more. I came 50/50. The professor, who was also a psychiatrist, made me take a lot of tests, even those in online-completely-not-professional sites, and the results were always the same. So the conclusion was, "Hey, Nic, you're an ambivert. Congrats!" And that was that! 😂
Favourite school subject: Anything that was language-related. I love languages! 
What makes you nervous: Er... many things. One of those could be when I was in school and the teachers started asking questions at random, bc what if they ask me and I don’t know the answer? A nightmare.
Who was your first real crush: There was this boy that went to kindergarten with me who was my very first little boyfriend lmaooo and technically, we never broke up! I just remember that we were A Thing, then summer came, and when we went back, he was gone. I just find it sad that his parents changed him schools and I never got to say goodbye. Anyway, shout out to Paulo Cesar! Hope you’re okay, wherever you are! 🤪
How many piercings do you have: Three!
How fast can you run: I avoid ruining. At all costs.
What makes you angry: Whenever people are rude for no reason. Like, it doesn’t cost a cent to be polite??? I’m sorry if you’re having a bad day, but it’s not my fault, you know?
Do you like your own name: I didn’t at first, and I used to change it. Now I’m okay with it.
What are your weaknesses: Why does this feel like a job interview? Akajskjas anyway, I tend to procrastinate a lot. Also, I’m a perfectionist to a point where I get frustrated pretty often if things don’t go as I would’ve liked to. Not my best moments, I’d dare say. 🙃
What are your strengths: Saw last point? Well. I do procrastinate, but once I get to work, I don’t stop until I finish. We could say I’m quite dedicated. And I learn fast, too! (Really, is this a job interiew?)
What is the colour of your bedspreads: Gray
What is the colour of your rooms walls: Lilac
DONE!! If you actually read all this, you’ve got my entire respect and you own my heart. Thank you so much for dealing with my stuff hahaha 🥺
I’m gonna tag @larrysballetslippers, @holyshit, @skyfulloflarry, @riddleandpottersittinginatree, @chaleshezza, @jostens-pitchtwo, and whoever else wants to do this. BYE. 💛
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Over the last couple of years, I’ve spent a little too much time on a site called Chat Hour. It’s an obscure chat room with a fairly small userbase--you might only expect to see a few hundred people online there at any given point. 
I think part of that is just because you have to sign up for an account to use the site and nobody really wants to do that when they can just use Omegle straight away and have greater anonymity there. After all, how many people really want to be regular users of a chat room? Do you want to be the person who uses a chat room every night or do you want to be there every once in a while when you’re bored?
The other part is because of the site’s reputation. For every one or two good people on the site, there’s at least a dozen people who are just utter trash. Very occasionally you’ll get someone who isn’t necessarily bad but is just so socially awkward that it’s difficult to talk to them, but even they tend to be grotesquely outnumbered by the garbage.
When I talk about these people who are so socially awkward it’s difficult to talk to them, I’m thinking of very specific people. I mean the guy who gets a little too familiar with you before you’ve spoken to him and calls you by pet names. Word to the wise: don’t use pet names for strangers; you have no idea how bad it makes you look.
I’m talking about the pervert who says he’s accepting of LGBT+ people when he really just means he’s okay with it as long as it’s the kind of LGBT+ that gets his dick hard. Come to think of it, this guy might just be trash; he’s not particularly good at disguising his lesbian fetish.
I’m also talking about every pseudointellectual wannabe who thinks they’re entitled to a debate on politics or religion. The world would be a better place if people like that would realise how annoying they are. It’d probably also be a better place if they read up a little bit on the topics they want to discuss, but I suppose that’d dig into the time they spend watching shit-tier political commentators on YouTube.
It’s people like these who are the socially awkward people on the site. They rub you the wrong way and you don’t want to deal with them for long, or at all. While they might not be the best people ever, you can just block them and never hear from them again. They’re best in small doses if you do talk to them.
When I talk about the trash, they’re on a different level. They’re the people who are obviously catfishing. A few years ago, there were a lot more obvious catfish on the site because a lot of them would use pictures of the emo scene queens who were popular ten or fifteen years ago. You’d run their pictures through Google Images and it’d light up like a Christmas tree.
Now we’re talking about a smarter, albeit sometimes only marginally smarter, breed of trash. Most of the catfish on the site now know to run their current set of pictures through Google Images before they use them, or they’ll be using a set of furry pics. Very occasionally there’ll be the person who’s using a mostly clean set of pictures but has one or two that links back to someone else’s Instagram, but for the most part these are people who’ve learned to run a cleaner ship.
I will grant you that some of this is because of police sting operations. There’s always rumours that there’s a police sting operation going on or had just recently happened. To some extent, these aren’t unfounded; a few times arrests related to the site have made it to the news. There’s still a lot of unsavoury things happening on the site though; you just have to poke it with a stick for a bit to see it.
Even when the trashier people on the site aren’t looking to abuse children, they still seek to harm other people. Most of this is through cyber harassment of some description or another. They go find someone they don’t like the look of, send them all sorts of rude messages, and actively encourage other people to do the same. While this might not be a big deal to some people, they only need to do this to people until they find the one person who can’t handle it for whatever reason.
Really the only time I’ve ever seen one of these users who get off on harassing people do any good is when they got one of those pseudointellectual wannabes off the site. But that’s the exception rather than the rule. For the most part, these people are just looking to cause trouble.
I’m not entirely sure what the appeal of it is for these people. But between them and the people who are out and out perverts on the site, it’s a wonder anyone still uses the shit hole.
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