#just saw a guy on the bus wearing hoodie with the lightening print and i was like YEAH I NEED MODERN VICTOR TO WEAR THIS ONE
suddenly-frankenstein · 4 months
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so uh i just drew some random modern!AU (university AU maybe) Clerval and Frankenstein design???
(i hate myself so i did it in acrylic yeah, better click on pic for slightly better quality)
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jimlingss · 3 years
i have a request for something Taehyung! maybe taehyung christmas/holiday??? OR taehyung and the prompt "Give me attention"??? honestly i will take anything taehyung 🤩
↳ The Best Friend’s Older Brother Cliché
2.3k || 99% Fluff, 1% Angst || Kim Taehyung || Best Friend’s Older Brother!AU
Taehyung is your best friend’s older brother. 
It’s so entirely cliché that you cringe whenever you think about it, but it’s true and it happened…..you had the tiniest crush on him in high school. Okay— it was a big, fat crush. But you weren’t willing to admit it, not then and certainly not now. Mostly because it’s weird. Plus there’s the fact that it would be breaking the code of honour between besties. Sisters before misters.
The last thing you would want is to make Joy upset. 
But when you came home from college in the summer and Taehyung returned from his own studies abroad...you didn’t expect him to look like that.
“Hey, Y/N.”
Taller. Leaner. Better dressed.
Maybe it had just been a long time since you’ve seen Taehyung. Maybe you had gotten desensitized but the long period away from him made you hyper aware of his existence again. Either way, seeing him made you realize that he had very much become a man.
He was no longer just the unattainable, cool teenage boy that you swooned over but left behind nonetheless in your coming of age years. And that fact slapped you across the face.
You didn’t expect for him to be like that either.
To smile at you like that. To strike up conversations. To be interested in what you were doing, where you were going.
“What are you majoring in again?”
“Really? That’s super cool. I took one anthropology class when I was a freshman. Do you like it?”
“It’s not too bad. I think it’s interesting.”
Taehyung smiles faintly. “I always knew you were smart.” 
It was one date. 
You came over. Joy was abruptly called in to fill a shift at her summer job at the ice cream parlor.
“Oh my god. I’m so sorry. I swear I’m going to choke Jimin.”
“And then who’s gonna have to bail you out? Get going before you’re late.”
“Promise we’ll hang out more tomorrow.”
“Have fun at work!”
Taehyung happened to be there, hanging around the house, and he offered to drive you home.
“You really don’t have to.”
“I’m not going to make you take the bus in this hot weather, you know that right?” The corner of his mouth tugs easily. “Just get in the car.”
Except you both stopped to grab a small bite. A burger and fries. While sitting out at the park.
You’re not sure if that even constitutes as a date — there was nothing said about it, no mention made, all entirely too casual to be considered one. But it was the first time you and Taehyung were alone together.
Okay, if that counts...then technically it was two dates.
You and Joy went out to Jungkook’s party. She had a little too much to drink and the pair of you needed a ride home afterwards. Naturally, Taehyung was the one who picked you up in his car, begrudgingly, as Joy fought him before she laid down in the backseat, but he still flashed you that smile.
“Had fun tonight?”
“It was alright.”
“I’m surprised you didn’t end up going home with him.”
“You know. That guy with the glasses you were talking to on the lawn.”
“Namjoon? Oh no, we’re just friends.”
“Hmm. Is that so.”
After Joy was put to bed and tucked in, Taehyung asked if you wanted to stick around to watch a movie. You might or might not have cuddled into him during those three hours, but really was it cuddling? He just slung his arm over the couch where you were sitting and you leaned into his chest.
The two of you were just getting comfortable.
Alright, if that counts, then it was three dates but just three!
Taehyung asked you out personally, but it was to help him pick a gift for Joy’s birthday. He drove you downtown and you walked together in the streets, checking out boutiques before parading around the mall.
“What do you think?”
“Joy hates camo print and she doesn’t need another backpack, Taehyung.”
“Perfect! So she’ll love this then.”
He ended up getting a sweater she’d been eyeing for months.
When it became dark and you got hungry, instead of being dropped off at home, you went to the night market together on a whim. You snacked, had conversations and exchanged numerous stories. You still remember the laughter and how much your cheeks ached when you finally jumped into bed that night.
But before the summer ended, before you both left for your respective colleges, he wanted to talk.
“I had a lot of fun this summer.”
You eye him. “What did you even do this summer?” 
“Hang out with you.” Taehyung grins, eyes sparkling with mischief. “And I liked it.”
“Good. I might be hurt if you thought this entire time was awful.”
“I like you too much to ever think that. But...hear me out. What would you think we made things offici—
“We’re going to be super busy,” you interrupt in a panic, having a sense of where he was going with this. “...going to different schools and all that.”
You search his expression while schooling your own. Taehyung stays silent for a second and tries to read you. You’re not sure how successful he is.
“I’ll contact you, Taehyung.”
He smiles at that and eases. “Okay. Yeah. Sounds good. You can call or text me anytime.”
“Anytime?” You try to lighten the mood by shooting him an incredulous look. “I wouldn’t want to bother you.”
“If it’s you, it wouldn’t be a bother. Trust me.”
Except when you got back, you didn’t call him. You didn’t text him either.
You only saw him briefly when Joy would occasionally facetime him in the same room as you, when you were merely a figure in the background and Taehyung would ask who it was.
“Y/N, of course, who else?”
And you would give a small wave.
There were no conversations, no small talk, no exchanges of laughter. But it was better that way. Otherwise, you wouldn't know what Joy would say, how she’d react. You don’t even know if he’s serious about you. And you’re too scared to find out the answers to any of these questions.
It didn’t matter anyway. Deep down, you know Taehyung should be kept at a distance. You know it would be better if these feelings could fade away as a sweet, brief summer romance.
What you didn’t anticipate is to come over to the Kim’s for the holidays a few months later.
“Where are you going?”
Taehyung’s following after you, trailing at your heels like a lovesick puppy. “And don’t tell me you’re showering because you already used that excuse to avoid me today.”
You spin around, masking your startlement at just how close he is, and you frown. “I’m not avoiding you.”
The corner of his mouth tugs. “We shouldn’t lie to each other, sweetheart, even if you have the tendency to do that.”
You feel hot in your face from the pet name. “I never lied to you.”
Taehyung raises his brows. The both of you know then and there it’s a lie.
“My empty phone says differently.”
You cross your arms defensively. “I never promised I’d remain in contact. I was just...busy with classes.”
“Oh. Another lie again.” Taehyung grins, and he exhales softly causing a hundred goosebumps to raise along your skin when you feel the warmth of his breath. “You should really stop your bad habit, Y/N.”
You take a step back and he steps forward.
Before you know it, he’s cornered you in the dark hallway, staring at you intently before his half-lidded eyes flicker to your lips.
You swallow hard. “Go annoy your sister instead.”
“Why should I?” His mouth slyly curls. “I like you way better.”
For the entire duration of the break so far, the both of you have been sneaking around the whole time. From Taehyung instigating a game of footsies under the dinner table to whispering in your ear when no one’s looking to winking at you from across the room so quickly that you’d miss it if you blinked. You feel his affectionate hand on the small of your back when he slides by you, feel his gaze when his shoulders graze yours, and you feel the tickle in your tummy when his voice lowers into that seductive, husky pitch. 
During the summer, he was kind and friendly Taehyung. Cautious when it came to you. Hesitant to look your way.
But this time, he’s intensified. Flirtatious. Bold. Pulling out all stops.
Maybe it’s because he’s pissed that you didn’t contact him like you said you would. Maybe because he doesn’t understand why you’re restraining yourself, and he feels the need to push to know. Maybe because he suspects you know he likes you, and you like him — he wouldn’t be wrong. 
But either way, his new brazen approach was making you weak in your knees.
“Your mom’s coming,” you mutter while pressing your hands to his chest. You don’t know how or why he feels so firm.
“She isn’t. But even if she was, she’d be more than happy to know we’re together.”
“W-We’re not together, Tae.”
“That could change right now.”
“I...I can’t.”
His thick brows furrow. “Why not? I like you, Y/N, a lot.”
You swallow hard, feeling scrutinized under his heavy gaze. Taehyung’s beauty is lethal when he’s this close and you feel an urge to brush away the dark strand that’s fallen in front of his forehead from his neatly styled hair. It was a contrast to the casual hoodie and sweatpants he was wearing. He was handsome and cozy, ready to stop hearts or be hugged like a teddy bear.
It didn’t help that he was saying these kinds of things either. “I know.”
“I don’t think you do.” His voice drops a pitch. “For the past few months, I’ve been thinking about the summer and you. The entire time, I was waiting for you to call me, to text me. Do you know what that’s like?”
“We can make this work. I want to make it work, so don’t make me wait anymore.”
You gaze at him, breath hitched in your throat and your self-control meets its limit. You practically leap onto Taehyung, heart thundering against your rib cage, standing on the tips of your toes — all to kiss him.
It’s soft and unhurried. 
Taehyung is caught off guard, but then you feel his wide smile against you. Immediately, his strong arm reaches for your waist and he tugs you in. A yelp escapes your throat as your bodies become flush against one another. Taehyung’s other hand presses against the wall behind you and he tilts his head to deepen the kiss. His tongue licks into your mouth and you groan, wrapping your arms around his neck. He tastes like sugar cookies, smells like citrus, and absolutely makes your knees weak.
You’re not sure how long you and Taehyung make out for, swapping spit like horny teenagers without experience.
It’s not until you hear a— “what the hell!” — do you break apart.
Joy is standing at the end of the hall and you shove Taehyung away from you, wide-eyed. He stumbles back, equally surprised.
“I-I can explain!”
Joy’s jaw has gone slack and you realize she’s waiting for said explanation.
Taehyung looks at you and then at his sister, opening his mouth to rescue you from this mortifying experience. But his sibling beats him to the punch—
“Look.” She raises her hands and you brace yourself. She wouldn’t end your years of friendship over this, would she? Then again, you can’t blame her if she did. “You don’t have to make this weird. It isn’t weird unless you make it weird. So I’ll just pretend I didn’t see anything.”
“Wait.....what?” That was certainly not the reaction you were expecting. You think you’re more taken aback than she is. “You’re okay with this? You’re okay if we’re dating?”
Joy nonchalantly shrugs. “It’s not a big deal. You’re adults, so you can make your own decisions and I kind of had a feeling there was something going on anyway.” She smiles and looks at her older brother. “Taehyung, you’re way too obvious. The biggest gift under the tree is for her from you.”
He grins. “You caught me there.”
You’re shell-shocked at how unconcerned she is and seemingly supportive at that.
“You knew?”
“Of course I do. We’ve been friends for what, ten years? I knew you had a crush on my brother back then. So if anything, it’s about time.” Joy raises her fist at Taehyung. “You better not make Y/N cry or I’ll make you cry.”
He snorts. “Wow, thanks.”
“Anyway, continue.” Joy lazily gestures. “But we’re watching a movie in five so be quick.”
Your best friend leaves to the bathroom where she was heading to in the first place and you turn to Taehyung who has an amused grin. “Well?”
“I don’t know.” Your mind is reeling at everything that’s happening and how real this is becoming. “For some reason in my mind, I thought that would go way worse.”
“Is that why you were so worried? You didn’t need to be. Joy likes you way more than she likes me, so if anything I’d be the one getting the flack.” Taehyung smiles and leans in. “But does this mean we can finally make it official? Can I call you my girlfriend already?”
You sigh and lift your arms to loop around his neck again. He leans in for another kiss, but you stop short an inch— “Depends on what that gift under the tree is.”
Taehyung grins and before you can pull away, he tugs your waist into him once more. 
This time you kiss each other unabashedly. 
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remeny-writes · 7 years
Roses are red, Violets are Adored (Viadore/Katlaska/group fic)
A/N to whom it may concern,
I am utter trash and what little control I tenuously had on this story is gone. It has become it’s own creation. It’s weird not having any sort of plan and things just happen in it. It’s freaky. Feel free to abuse me and send me asks on my main @paperdollsandhyperbole.
Love n Glitter and my apologies,
Chapter 167
Fame’s POV
TW violence, both verbal and physical, slurs, pain meds by name
I woke up with a jolt and had to bite my lip to keep from crying out, the metallic tang of blood filling my mouth as pain seared up my side like fire. I shifted slightly and then stopped, my head was swimming and I wondered why until I remembered the Percocet compliments of Willam. I don’t want to know how much pain I’d be in without them.
I reached up in the small space and felt my nose gingerly, it was swollen and sore and felt bruised. Bruised I could cover up, swelling I could not.
I closed my eyes and flashes of the night went through my brain like a broken slideshow where half the photos were missing and out of order.
Suddenly I could feel hands on my back, pushing me. Feel the bite of the gravel as it stung my palms and connected with my nose. The taunts of “hey faggot!” and “look we got ourselves a homo!” and “nice purse! You borrow it from your Mama?” were flying out of two grown men along with the spittle of the fervor with which they barked. Then the crushing blow to my ribs by a big steel-toed boot. I remembered them looming above me, waiting for the next strike. I couldn’t catch my breath and the world faded out until I woke up on the ground confused and cowering from my friend’s touch and then telling them a bold faced lie. I think they bought it though, so that was something.
I snapped my eyes open again and tried to take a deep breath. I couldn’t turn over and I felt like I was suffocating. The hoodie around my ribs had shifted and the blankets tangled around my legs. I was trying to stay calm, keep my grunts of effort and pain to a minimum.
I jumped as the curtain was flung open. The cool air felt good on my flushed and sweaty face.
“Fame?” Pearl whispered, “You ok?”
“No, can’t...breathe.” I struggled to get out between pants as the already coffin like bunk seemed to close in on me more.
Pearl started pulling out pillows and unwrapping blankets with the speed of someone digging a person out of an avalanche. Then he surprised me by just picking me up bridal style and setting my feet down on the floor ever so gently. I looked down and saw I was still wearing a shirt that was covered in blood.
“Ugh I need to change. This is disgusting.” I walked the few steps over to my drawer with the hunched posture of a 90 year old man. Pearl kept a steadying grip on my elbow as I pulled out some pajama pants and an old T-shirt.
Pearl walked with me out to the living room, keeping an arm around my waist the whole way even though the hall was barely big enough for us both. When we got to the bathroom door, I looked around the lounge to find it deserted except for Phi Phi who was looking at her phone. I didn’t know how long I’d been asleep but I had been oblivious to the noise of the queens around me when they had gone to bed. I held onto the door jam to the bathroom and did my best to take in a deep breath to steel myself to look in the mirror.
“Do you need help?” Pearl whispered near my ear, making me jump and curse. “Sorry, sorry, sorry!”
“I think I’m ok, I’ll be safe. If I need help, I’ll call you.”
“Are you sure?” I nodded and Pearl looked like he was going against his better judgement. “Ok, I’ll be right out here though, just call if you need me.”
“I will, I promise.” I shuffled in with my head down. I put a hand on either side of the sink and held on as I finally looked at my reflection. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. My nose had a long scratch down the side and it was slightly swollen, my right eye was already shades of purple and back but thankfully it wasn’t swollen shut.
I yanked down my pants and sat down on the toilet, harder than I intended to, letting out a little “oof” sound. I managed to get the left leg of my pants off and my bottoms on. By the time I got the other side done, I was panting with the effort. I stopped to gulp in some air.
In the end, I decided to leave my shirt on for a bit. I just couldn’t do both right now. I stumbled out of the washroom to find Pearl standing right outside the door. Making me jump yet again.
“Hey,” he said softly, grabbing my elbow and steering me into the lounge where he had grabbed some pillows and made me a nest in the sole recliner in the room. He eased me down into it, handed me a fresh ice pack for my ribs and started to unfold a blanket when he must have realized I hadn’t changed my shirt.
He put a hand on his cocked hip, “you’ll call me for help eh?”
I looked away from him and felt my face get hot as I mumbled towards my knees, “I’m sorry, I just got tired is all.”
Pearl leaned down and chuckled, “that’s when you ask for help silly! Come on! Let’s do it fast before you get in a more comfortable position.” He stood up and didn’t even wait for an answer but started by slipping the bloodied T off of my good side in lightening fast speed so he had pulled it over my head before I even really registered what was happening.
They both gasped, “what?” I said, trying to look around at what they were looking at but they were both looking at ME! Well more accurately, at my chest. Pearl sunk down onto his knees like his legs wouldn’t hold him up anymore. Phi Phi was paler than I’d ever seen a person go, her hand resting on her mouth as tears sprang free from her eyes.
I tried to cover myself with the T-shirt in my hand but Pearl pried it from my hands and pulled off the rest of the bloody shirt so I was totally exposed.
She brought her face really close to my chest, pulling back with a tight lipped expression, crossing her arms. “You fell eh?”
Phi Phi let out a little, choked sob and her and Pearl shared a dark look.
“Can I have my T-shirt back? I’m cold.” I could feel my whole body shaking as I tried to splay my hands to cover as much of myself as possible.
Pearl’s hard look softened, “of course, let me help you.”
Pearl gently pulled the shirt onto my injured side and over my head, holding the other sleeve out so I could lift my good side into it. Her face stiffened again as she put the ice on my ribs. I still felt like I wasn’t getting enough air, like I couldn’t take a deep enough breath.
“Ok I’m gonna put your feet up, you’ll be more comfortable in a second, lay back.” Pearl slowly reclined the chair and then tucked pillows under my knees so I was slightly curled in.
My panting lessened as Pearl and Phi Phi continued to look at me with worried eyes. Pearl unfurled a blanket and covered my legs up.
“Thank you. It’s a bit easier to breathe in this position than lying down, I might just sleep out here tonight.”
“Yeah I am well versed in how to sleep with broken ribs after someone kicks the shit outta me. Gold fucking star for me.” Pearl quipped bitterly and flopped beside Phi Phi on the sofa.
“What? I...I f...fell.” I stammered, I tried to keep eye contact but Phi Phi’s expression was breaking my heart. She was weeping like someone ran over her dog, trying to wipe away the tears and snot with the back of her hand but the tears were coming down too thick. I felt a pang in my chest that had nothing to do with my ribs.
“Cut the crap Kurtis!” Pearl snapped, Phi Phi put her hand on Pearl’s arm as she was about to stand up. Pearl seemed to deflate in front of me.
Phi Phi cleared her throat and composed herself, her voice soft and patient compared to the sting of Pearl’s. “Fame...uh...Kurtis we aren’t stupid, Pearl and I have both dealt with injuries like this. You might not be able to see it but you have the print of someone’s boot on your rib cage, you don’t get that kind of shape from just falling. What happened? Who did this to you?”
“I don’t know, I mean part of what I said was true, I felt like the walls of the restaurant were closing in on me. I needed to get out. I got to the bus and realized I couldn’t remember how to open the door without the key so I was on my way back to the restaurant when these two guys came up in a pickup truck. I was trying to run into the restaurant but they blocked me so I...I started to run to the gas station, I thought maybe if I could get to where there’s light but I never made it. They jumped out of their truck and one of them pushed me onto the ground and they were...they were…” I stopped talking then as I felt light headed, I closed my eyes as the bus seemed to spin around me. I was wheezing and could see my chest rising and falling but it was like there was a block in my throat the size of a baseball. I could hear a high pitched whine when I inhaled. I felt my eyes go round and I clawed at the arms of the chair.
Pearl was up and coming towards me. She kneeled and whispered in my ear. “Come on Kurtis. Take some slow breaths with me.” I grabbed a hold of Pearl’s arm and tried to match her breathing.
I couldn’t do it. I was dying. I cried out a barely audible “help me” and then I lost the war with consciousness.
“Kurtis? Kurtis?” I heard Pearl’s voice like she was calling to me from the bottom of a very deep well. My face was suddenly cold and wet. “C’mon back hun.”
I cracked open my eyes to see Phi Phi’s face inches from my own. I jumped.
“Sorry, sorry for startling you. How are you feeling?” Phi Phi said, she was holding my hand and petting my arm absentmindedly.
My vision swam for a minute so there were 2 of each of them and then coalesced again. I blinked a few times, trying to get my bearings, the recliner was all the way back so I was almost lying straight but Pearl was holding up my legs.
“What? What are you doing?”
“Holding your legs up. You fainted.”
“Oh. Oh dear.”
“You’re ok now, I’m gonna put your legs down now.” She scooped under my knees and slowly lowered them, wincing in anticipation of how much it would hurt, and it did.
“Holy fuck!” I said with a groan. I stifled a yawn and held onto my chest.
“Here, hug a pillow when you yawn or cough for the next few days. I don’t want to see you without it, got it?” Phi Phi said sternly with a yawn of her own. I just nodded briefly in response and hugged the pillow like it was my long lost teddy bear.
“Here take these, Willam gave them to me to give to you.” Pearl said, depositing two more round pills into my hand, when I gave them back Pearl just huffed. “Hun, you aren’t taking them to get high. You’ll need them if you want to get some sleep. Sleep will make you heal faster. We will talk more in the morning but I don’t want you to throw yourself into another panic and pass out on us again because it’s scary as shit.”
I hesitated, I never had a problem with pain meds and I really was in pain. So much pain. “I’ll take one of them. Not both. You can leave the other one beside me and if I need it after you go to bed, I’ll take it. I promise!”
Pearl let out a little scoff of incredulity, “like I’m going to leave you out here alone anyway! Fat chance buckeroo!”
“Buckeroo?” Phi Phi mouthed exaggeratedly from behind Pearl’s back, I let out a little giggle, quickly smooshing the pillow up to my chest and taking in a gulp of air.
“I’m not leaving you out here, I’ll sleep on the couch. You need some rest. Phi Phi go to bed hun.” Pearl stated matter of factly.
“Ok, well...uh...come get me if you need anything.” Phi Phi said, she looked a little annoyed that as an adult she had just been given a bedtime but she looked like she thought it better not to disagree with the very agitated Pearl that was pacing around, tidying things aggressively. “Sleep well hun.”
She came and kissed me on top of my head, I grabbed her arm, “please don’t tell anyone Phi Phi? Please?” I begged her.
“Of course not. I’m just glad you are in relatively one piece. I’m so sorry this has happened to you.” She gave me an air-light hug and then pulled Pearl into one. “Are you ok Pearlie? You are safe now, I know this has to be bringing back memories for you, just like it is for me, but we’re not there anymore. Understand?” Phi Phi said into her ear and then held her out at arm’s reach and rubbed her hands up and down Pearl’s arms bracingly.
“I understand, I know we are. I’m here right now and I’m safe. I’ll be fine. This isn’t like before ok? I promise.” Pearl said in a low voice, I pretended I couldn’t hear them.
What did she mean by I’m here right now? What happened before? My head swam with questions that I knew I couldn’t ask.
Phi Phi left to go to bed and Pearl stood over me with the pill and the water, she looked so far away, unreachable. After I took it, she put the water and pill bottle down with a slam. I flinched.
She looked instantly contrite, “I’m sorry, I guess I don’t know my own strength tonight.” She sat down with a sigh and leaned over so her head was resting in her hands, her elbows bracing her arms on her knees. She surreptitiously wiped her eyes on her hands.
“Hey, I’m sorry. Wanna talk about it?”
Pearl looked at me, but it was the old Pearl, the walled off one. The one doing everything in her power to stay in control Pearl. The angry and tired-of-life Pearl. “No, you need some rest now. Wake me up if you need anything, don’t try and get out of the chair by yourself. You’ll just hurt yourself.”
She leaned over and pulled the covers up to my chin and switched off the lights so the room was dimly lit with the glow of the emergency lights that ran along the floor. She twitched a blanket over herself and settled into the couch, turning away from me.
“I’m sorry.”
“What are you sorry for? You didn’t do anything wrong. Nothing at all. What those bastards did, it’s not your fault Kurtis! Got it?” Pearl’s voice was sharp as a razor blade and brittle as old china.
“I’m just sorry that this brought up bad memories for you and Phi Phi, that’s all.” I added lamely.
“Also not your fault. Go to sleep now. You need some rest.”
“Ok, goodnight Matt.”
“Goodnight Kurtis, don’t be afraid to wake me.”
“Ok.” I nodded even though she couldn’t see me. I shifted and lay still, waiting for sleep to take me. I looked towards Pearl to see her back was quaking from silent tears. Tears for a torment long ago that could be returned to unbidden in a second. I wanted to say something, I just didn’t want to make things worse. So I bit my lip and squished my eyes shut as I held my tongue.
For the time being anyway.
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