#just so you know i'm still doing 10hr plus days at work
emhm · 2 months
How are you doing? I feel kinda weird asking for a life update but I'm curious how you've been. I love all the dolls you're make. I think KC is currently my favorite. And are you gonna do anything special for your 100th chapter?
I didn't want to answer this until I was back home and on my PC, [I REALLY hate typing long messages on my phone.] As far as the chapter- I don't hold things back for certain numbers. Or I would have teased Sun and Eclipse's first actual sex together until the 100th chapter. Thank you for that. I'm already planning four more dolls. They're really fun to make. Everything else... it's complicated. I've already dosed the cats for fleas twice in the last 30 days and it's supposed to last a month. The Frontline Gold is barely keeping them flea free for two weeks and it's insanely frustrating. The only way to get them better meds entails a vet visit for the 3/4 cats that aren't current anywhere. I still have a lot of cleaning to do because I'm only home/awake two days of the week and I still have to cook for the rest of the weeks lunches on those days. This is my problem and I am working on it. My partner basically does the same job as me but for a different client because our work is contracted out by a parent company. Her previous contract ended and took her from 40hrs a week down to 24. And that's the biggest reason that I've been having to beg via Ko-fi just to pay the normal household bills. I already work 40hrs a week and they won't give me any more. We also share a car so that limits what she can do. I heard offhand that the client I work for wanted 10hr shifts for my position instead of 8 but didn't get it for some reason. And I'm the only one on the site, so it was likely to avoid paying me overtime. So what I've done is arrange for my partner to take one of my weekday shifts. This doesn't make us any less fucked on the bills, but it means that if the client pushes for longer hours then I can bump back up to 40 and she'll have the extra day they wouldn't give me. Plus it means I get three days off to do shit at home instead of just two. We have the money to get Lucky fixed [thanks guys!] but we can't seem to score an appointment to get it done. It's a low cost thing and it's first come first serve. We'll keep calling. The dealership offered us a better deal on getting the breaks repaired then the tire place we were going to use. But it was sight unseen. They owe us a free oil change anyway. The appointment to have that done is tomorrow. I also have money set aside for that. [You guys are freaking amazing.] I won't touch any of it until the breaks are done and then I'll know if there's anything left to put towards bills or buy some wood for winter. Because we're already not getting what we need for hours I have to assume the worst [that there will be nothing left] and the every other month electric bill is this month. Fortunately we're only had the AC running maybe four days since it got hot. Point is that I was short several thousand dollars last month. This month will probably be more like $600 short at the worst. Personally. I'm just... here. Doing my thing. I'm really hoping to see some people attempt to follow the patterns I put up. I actually love teaching people to make things and I'm happy to answer questions. Thank you for asking. :) https://ko-fi.com/followmeontumblr
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lericekrispie · 2 years
Hello Hi, today I'm going to sell to you plus size Peter Sqloint
I've always drawn and envisioned Peter Sqloint as plus sized. For some reason, that's just how he appeared in my head. If you want to see how exactly how I envision him you can check out my art, OR, I have the fun little body visualizer I can show you.
Tumblr media
I have the measurements in for 5' 4", 200 lbs, and quite a bit (10hr) of exercise, because you know they do be walking around a bunch.
This looks average! This looks like an average person you could just go out and see, and that's how I've been drawing him! And Peter's entire bit is being average or slightly below.
But I ran the BMI for this (BMI is a scam but people know the metric so I did it anyways), and this is OBESE? This looks like a normal person to me, and I know for a fact that you can be healthy, working a 9-5 service job on your feet all day sweating and breaking your back getting 15,000 steps a day and still look like this. I know because I work in the food industry (in the US) and a lot of my co-workers have bodies that are very similar to this, at least in weight.
Yet I find it hard to find media with people who look like this.
As a curvy man/woman myself, more than 200lbs, it's hard for me to find cute clothes that fit me. I'm so self conscious of my breathing, I've always been self conscious of my jawline, my arms, my thighs. It took me a long time to become happy with my body, but I think with the boom of body positivity on social media and the appreciation of bigger bodies and my own mental work, I was able to overcome my insecurities and see myself for the bad bitch I am.
Yet there is a lot of work to be done as a community.
I especially think that right now is the right time to be talking about these things, and to bring it to light, because there are so many more people who are speaking out about things, and so many more people who actually care.
Before we continue, I would like to say that in case you were worried, this is not a dig at JRWI, this is just social commentary. I would like to point out that my experience with this community has been leaps and bounds ahead of any other community I have ever been apart of, with body diversity, poc characters (at least headcannons ._.), and appreciating beautiful non-white standards. (like the headcannon Jay hooked nose) (I'm going to throw my hat in the ring and say that anime fandoms and fandoms that have 'twinkification problems' have this weak spot, please don't take this personally)
Plus size Peter Sqloint is important to me because I feel media, especially media that is ran off of fanart, prefer white beauty standards, even if it is sub-conscious. It's getting better, and there are great artists who are poc and body positive and amazing, but they don't always get the same attention as others. It's important for people to see themselves, especially if their body is A NORMAL AND AVERAGE SIZE! THAT BODY TYPE IS NORMAL! YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO FIND THAT! And not finding it sometimes feels like your the outlier, that you are unattractive, you are the weirdo.
And it fits so well with his story. with Peter growing comfortable in his skin, from being average to extraordinary, but it was in him all along, and he doesn't have to drastically change (like loose weight) for him to realize that.
Also I would like to point out how important it is for media to show big people getting loved!!!! For being considered attractive! How powerful it would be for someone like Rumi, the literal embodiment of perfection, tall, sleek, elegant, what the general beauty world would consider to be a drop dead gorgeous runway model, to fall head over heels for someone like Peter! Because big people are gorgeous, big people are attractive, big people are lovable! And especially a queer story as well?! Where they are not just both 'skinny twinks'? (nothing wrong with that, but there are more relationships than just that). I think that is a powerful under-the-surface story that Apotheosis could tell about Peter Sqloint, and they wouldn't even have to retcon anything except canonize Peter's weight. You can't tell me that the story couldn't be read that way, with this context! This is my sell to you, my sell for you to start seeing Peter Sqloint as a plus sized man, and see his story how I've seen his story.
TLDR: Peter Sqloint is a plus sized man because he is gorgeous and beautiful and it fits amazingly with his story and he deserves it :)
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nahmooste · 7 years
You’ve Got Me
prompt; #7: “But you’ve already got me”
requested by: @xiuhanforthewin pairing: Hiromu Takahashi / Female OC warnings: fluff a/n: it’s sooo super short but i struggled with this big time, only because i wanted to make sure i did heartbreakingly earnest Hiromu justice. props to @breadclubrising for letting me discuss my Hiromu thoughts lmao tags: @wrestlingismyfavourite @devittsbalor @fireangel1978 @laziestgirlintheworld @vipervenomisgoodforyou @onewingedgloria @littlebluespoon @narwhalneglect @princesstoniii
When she wakes with a scream, Hiromu is shocked into a state of awareness. He’s been drooling into the pillow, his mouth wet as the material he’s sleeping on, and Daryl is curled into his chest the way that Pipa was curled into his back.
It takes him a long second to comprehend what’s just happened, but then he’s flinging the sheets from his body and spinning and he gets so caught up in trying to turn around that he probably whacks Daryl in the face more times than he’d care to admit— but he’s half upright now and facing Pipa, his Pipa, who has tears streaming down her face and her hand pressed over her mouth.
“Pipa?” Hiromi asks, and he can feel the dread settling into his body because no, no, his Pipa will not feel like this even if it is from a stupid dream. “Pipa-chan, what’s wrong?”
“It’s okay, it’s fine, I just had a bad dream—“
Hiromu doesn’t believe that she’s fine. “But you’re crying!”
“Am I?”
He frowns and drags his thumb under her eye before thrusting the glistening tear in her face. “Tears. You’re not okay, Pipa-chan, tell me what’s wrong and let me help you.”
“Hiromu, please…” when Hiromu only frowns harder, Pipa rolls her eyes at him. “I had a bad dream, okay? I had a dream that I was all alone while my parents were in a car crash and I couldn’t get to them in time. It was a bad dream, Hiromu, that’s all… can we please go back to sleep?”
Hiromu shakes his head at her. “No.”
Instead of letting Pipa go back into her bad dream, Hiromu grabs Daryl from behind him and presses him firmly into Pipa’s chest, tries to ignore the look she gets on her face because he knows, he knows that even if she doesn’t understand how important Daryl is, Daryl understands how important Pipa-chan is to him.
“Daryl will make sure the dreams don’t come back,” he tells her confidently. “Your parents won’t die and you won’t be alone. You’ve got Daryl to make sure of it. But you’ve already got me, so I don’t know why you’d be alone.”
When Pipa just stares at him for a moment longer, Hiromu lets a wide grin spread across his face. He knows it’s infectious to her. And, soon enough, she’s grinning back at him. “I’ve already got you,” Pipa repeats him, nodding to herself.  She looks at him a little hopeful, bashful even. “Hold me?”
Hiromu’s smile almost splits his face.
(When the bad dream doesn’t come back, Pipa says that it was because of him. Hiromu thinks it’s because of Daryl, and promises to give his friend a proper thank you later.)
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