#hiromu takahashi prompt
ghoulsister1 · 11 months
🎃SpookTober 31 Days Prompts🎃:
Day 21: Tarot🎴
Hiromu Takahashi x GN!Reader. Fluff. Tarot reading. Tarot cards. Fluff. Some magic involved. SpookTober Prompt: Tarot🎴
☆●~The Cards Reveal All~●☆
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Hiromu and You try out some tarot cards, hoping to work up some magic and see what the cards say. Some funny lighthearted moments mixed with spooky vibes.
You loved tarot cards, especially collecting them. You loved their artwork and how each tarot card pack was different with different art and sometimes new cards for "yes" and "no". Hiromu shared in your love of these tarot cards and would happily help you look for new tarot cards to find.
You had wanted try your hand at tarot card reading and one October day, you and Hiromu decided to try it out. Hiromu enthusiastically helped you set up a table and picked a tarot card pack to use.
"Let's try this one" Hiromu Suggested, picking the cool Del Toro Tarot card pack and with that, you began shuffling.
You tried the 3 card method and you asked Hiromu to pick 3 cards from the deck after laying them all out.
The cards he choose you then lifted up to reveal them. You tried your best to interpet their meaning.
Flipping through the guidebook, you tried to make out the meaning behind what each card meant and hopefully give Hiromu an good interpretation of the cards.
"From how I see it, you will face some hardship but ultimately will conquer it before achieving your goal" You Explained though you were a little unsure if that's what it meant or not. Despite your doubt, Hiromu was looking at you with awe and fascination.
"Oooh! Like winning another championship? Maybe winning the super juniors?" Asked Hiromu excitedly. You chuckled at his excitement.
"Possibly yes" You Answered with a smile, seeing how Hiromu was bubbling with excitement.
"Oh! May I try?" Asked Hiromu excitedly. You smiled and handed the deck over to him. You watched as he shuffled and then lay out all the cards.
"You may pick three cards" Hiromu Announced, trying to sound mystical and mysterious. You giggled a little and moved your hand over the deck for a while before picking 3 cards.
Hiromu smiled and revealed the cards you picked. Hiromu flipped through the guidebook, hoping to also interpret the cards and what they could mean for you.
"From what I gathered, you are working towards your goal and will achieve and gain what you desire" Explained Hiromu. You smiled and felt a buzz of excitement at hearing that.
"You mean those tickets to my favourite band I've been saving and working up to get? I know I'm almost to my goal for the money to buy the tickets for us" You Replied.
"That could be it!" Smiled Hiromu and you both shared a chuckle together as the leaves fell outside your cosy little Tokyo home.
But what happened next was even more spooky and almost magical!
Hiromu did indeed, win a championship belt after a hard match. And at your work, you recently got promoted and earned a big fat raise that allowed you to buy the tickets to your favourite band's concert.
You and Hiromu decided to every now and then to try out some tarot card readings. 9 out of 10, the cards revealed themselves and the things the cards spoke of had come true strangely.
Maybe with more practice and more readings, you guys hoped that you'd both become tarot card reading experts!
Sorry again for the short story! Hope you liked the small little drabble to warm you up for the next story! Again I apologise for not posting this yesterday but as I explained, I was away.
Hopefully you like this story and the next! Thank you!
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acquired-stardust · 7 months
Daydream Generation: The Lasting Legacy of Akira Toriyama's Work
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Here on AcquiredStardust we don't talk about anime enough and we wish that beginning to rectify this could've come under better circumstances. Just what is the Daydream Generation anyway? Join Ash as she attempts the impossible task of summarizing the importance of the 'god of manga' Akira Toriyama after his passing earlier this month in this special tribute.
Late Thursday night news finally broke on social media that beloved manga author Akira Toriyama had passed away several days before, prompting an immediate outpouring of grief the world over. Many of us feel a deep sense of loss in a way unimaginable before his work achieved the level of cultural penetration and ubiquitous veneration that it has, and it is impossible to overstate the singular importance he had in shaping our modern culture.
Responsible for hit manga Dr. Slump and Dragon Ball which quickly found themselves at the forefront of the Japanese pop culture renaissance of the Showa period, Toriyama's work is possessed of a rare combination of an earnest childlike wonder and adventure that is perfectly serviced by an instantly recognizable art style that is something of a rite of passage to for budding artists to imitate. It is in that Showa boom period that the Daydream Generation, a term coined by Toriyama disciple Yoshihiro Togashi's Yu Yu Hakusho particularly as the title of its 5th ending theme, is forged.
It is no overstatement to refer to Akira Toriyama as "the god of manga", and in fact he is referred to as such by Masashi Kishimoto of Naruto fame. It is Kishimoto's generation, coming of age in the Showa era in which Toriyama produces his most significant works, that finds themselves first so captivated by it. Although anime is in the middle of a golden age by the time Toriyama's work is published (lead perhaps most by Leiji Matsumoto of Galaxy Express 999/Captain Harlock fame and Mobile Suit Gundam visionary Yoshiyuki Tomino), Toriyama's work forges a connection with Japanese readers in a way that other work hasn't quite in the same way.
Perhaps it is the clean linework, deceptively simplistic and stylish all at once. Perhaps it is the expressive characters often named with clever puns or food related names. Perhaps it is familiar cultural touchstones and elements of comedy and parody rolled seamlessly into each other. Perhaps it is the refinement in elements popularized by contemporary works like Ring ni Kakero such as the frequent use of tournaments as a framing for the plot Perhaps it is the rare ability for Toriyama to create characters that often appeal equally to male and female readers without either demographic rejecting them, feat only rivaled with any real frequency by authors Rumiko Takahashi and Hiromu Arakawa.
Regardless of the cause, the strong creative voice and earnestness that shines through Dr. Slump and Dragon Ball does something special for children of the Daydream Generation: it makes the job of creating manga seem more attainable than other works of the time do. It gives a generation of children the ability to dream, some for the first time, of their own works. It is in the immediate wake of these works that authors such as Masashi Kishimoto, Yoshihiro Togashi, Tite Kubo and Eiichiro Oda come of age and dream of their own works in direct inspiration from them.
The Daydream Generation, sat in their desks at class fantasizing about a world in which they too would be able to pursue creative dreams in a postwar Japan perhaps otherwise unattainable to them without first being armed with the sense of accessibility that Toriyama provided readers, affectionately refer to Toriyama as 'sensei' nearly universally. It is he who is the god of manga, revered and emulated - Toriyama, more so than any individual, is responsible for the explosion of Japanese pop culture in this era and many manga authors are frank in their admittance of such. It isn't just limited to the world of manga either, as Toriyama has a hand in multiple iconic video games such as Enix's Dragon Quest and Square's Chrono Trigger.
But then something equal parts special and unlikely happens: in the late 1990s Toriyama's work begins to be exported into the west with relatively minimal changes to the source material, and the whole process repeats itself. This time with a constant flow of follow up works by the Daydream Generation to help Japan's global pop culture takeover.
Anime's infiltration into the west played out on college campuses, and in those early days of fandom defined by import VHS and LaserDisc it was nearly unthinkable that it would end up mainstream enough to appear on television. While early ground is gained on anime in the mainstream (particularly Ronin Warriors hitting television in a largely unedited form in 1995 as well as multiple attempts to import Sailor Moon around the same timeframe, not to mention Pokemon's debut in late 1998), it is not until the revamping of Cartoon Network's Toonami block, spearheaded by Dragon Ball Z, that anime would truly arrive in the west.
The importance of Toonami in getting anime in front of the eyes of the generation following the Daydream Generation in America cannot be overstated. It was the first time many of us laid eyes on animation that wasn't an episodic comedy, with more mature themes. It was the first time we had encountered drastic cultural differences inherent in anime. For many of us, particularly in the case of Dragon Ball Z, it was even the first time we began to see animation and even creativity as being something that comes from someone rather than spontaneously generating itself for consumption. For the first time in my memory a mania kicked off with the addition of Dragon Ball Z to Toonami in 1999 that changed the way my generation thought about and consumed media.
Gathered around our own desks ten plus years later, American children male and female alike passionately discussed Dragon Ball Z. We debated power levels, questioned what other planets and races populated the universe of the series, and for the first time we discussed concepts that were unknown to us just a short time before: who was the creator of this series and where did it come from? Mirroring the effect that Toriyama's work had on the Daydream Generation many Milennials and Gen X people, especially those with no prior introduction to anime, found themselves absolutely captivated by Dragon Ball Z. Millions of young people put pencil to paper for the first time to imitate the art style of Toriyama brought to animated glory by the staff at Toei or to write fanfiction. We developed these skills and collaborated with each other now armed with the same sense of approachability that the Daydream Generation had years before us. And then the hits kept coming. Serving as a gateway into a world of animation previously largely unknown in the west, Toonami exploded in the following years.
Starting in 2000 Toonami added Tenchi Muyou, a series almost completely different to Dragon Ball Z which would go on to be an influence in Dana Terrace's recent Disney hit The Owl House, and Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. The Gundam franchise, originally popular in Japan contemporaneously with Akira Toriyama's work, had seen many followups and spinoffs in the years after the original series ended and had itself become a titan of Japanese pop culture. Finally hitting the west using Dragon Ball Z as a bridge, it was the first time many of us were introduced to animation as a medium for communicating complicated political ideas.
Perhaps most significantly, as is easily observed through diving into the wealth of old abandoned websites from the Geocities era, Gundam Wing served as a vehicle through which young people were introduced to male characters that all seemed to have romantic chemistry with each other. Having both lived through the era and examining it in retrospect I say with all sincerity that it was Gundam Wing that helped begin the yaoi craze in the west, by then a well established thing in Japan, and was therefore absolutely instrumental in beginning to soften the attitudes of young people towards queer people in the west.
A strong hunger for more of this extremely different kind of animation had been created and the floodgates were about to open. Years immediately following saw the broadcast of memorable anime such as Outlaw Star and The Big O. 2003 saw Nobuhiro Watsuki's unavoidably Japanese historical fiction piece Rurouni Kenshin debut in America, Yoshihiro Togashi's Yu Yu Hakusho finally make the transition to the west followed by Eiichiro Oda's One Piece and Masashi Kishimoto's Naruto in 2005. Each of these works massively impacted my generation and empowered us in a different way: whereas the Daydream Generation saw the opportunity to create their own works my generation had the luxury of exploring these works, full of ideas and states of being unknown to us before then. We were armed with the ability not just to create our own works but to create ourselves and to decide who we would be far more liberally than we would have otherwise been comfortable doing in the past.
It is worth noting that Toonami did not have total dominion over the boom of anime in America: while there were others in later years, latenight programming [Adult Swim] pursued an older viewer who was hungry for even more of what the wide world of anime had to offer. Rumiko Takahashi's Inuyasha was an early favorite alongside the likes of such classics as Cowboy Bebop, Trigun and FLCL. Already massively influential in his own right, it was using Akira Toriyama's work as a foothold that quite literally proved to be the breakthrough moment for anime in the west and provide any of these incredible shows with an audience here.
As such there are few people you can point to as singularly responsible for shaping the way our culture (and that's culture at large - not just pop culture) works. Akira Toriyama's name is up there with the likes of Walt Disney and George Lucas in its weight. His works and the bridge they provided to other works helped to reshape the way we communicated with each other, the ways in which we saw ourselves, and the things we dared to dream. Millions and millions of people pursued writing or drawing, or the powerful physiques of Akira Toriyama's characters featured in Dragon Ball, and those who were inspired by him continue to share his work with their offspring ensuring his timeless classics remain in circulation perpetually.
He is, while not the origin point, the biggest guiding hand in so many aspects of our culture and the man most singularly responsible for the exporting of Japanese pop culture to the world. He has left behind an incredible legacy that few could ever hope to achieve and fewer yet will, and more importantly he inspired generations of people to be and do things they otherwise never would've thought possible. Both directly and indirectly his fingerprints are all over what you enjoy perhaps without even realizing it, and it's unlikely that will ever go away no matter how far we get from his life and work.
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nahmooste · 7 years
You’ve Got Me
prompt; #7: “But you’ve already got me”
requested by: @xiuhanforthewin pairing: Hiromu Takahashi / Female OC warnings: fluff a/n: it’s sooo super short but i struggled with this big time, only because i wanted to make sure i did heartbreakingly earnest Hiromu justice. props to @breadclubrising for letting me discuss my Hiromu thoughts lmao tags: @wrestlingismyfavourite @devittsbalor @fireangel1978 @laziestgirlintheworld @vipervenomisgoodforyou @onewingedgloria @littlebluespoon @narwhalneglect @princesstoniii
When she wakes with a scream, Hiromu is shocked into a state of awareness. He’s been drooling into the pillow, his mouth wet as the material he’s sleeping on, and Daryl is curled into his chest the way that Pipa was curled into his back.
It takes him a long second to comprehend what’s just happened, but then he’s flinging the sheets from his body and spinning and he gets so caught up in trying to turn around that he probably whacks Daryl in the face more times than he’d care to admit— but he’s half upright now and facing Pipa, his Pipa, who has tears streaming down her face and her hand pressed over her mouth.
“Pipa?” Hiromi asks, and he can feel the dread settling into his body because no, no, his Pipa will not feel like this even if it is from a stupid dream. “Pipa-chan, what’s wrong?”
“It’s okay, it’s fine, I just had a bad dream—“
Hiromu doesn’t believe that she’s fine. “But you’re crying!”
“Am I?”
He frowns and drags his thumb under her eye before thrusting the glistening tear in her face. “Tears. You’re not okay, Pipa-chan, tell me what’s wrong and let me help you.”
“Hiromu, please…” when Hiromu only frowns harder, Pipa rolls her eyes at him. “I had a bad dream, okay? I had a dream that I was all alone while my parents were in a car crash and I couldn’t get to them in time. It was a bad dream, Hiromu, that’s all… can we please go back to sleep?”
Hiromu shakes his head at her. “No.”
Instead of letting Pipa go back into her bad dream, Hiromu grabs Daryl from behind him and presses him firmly into Pipa’s chest, tries to ignore the look she gets on her face because he knows, he knows that even if she doesn’t understand how important Daryl is, Daryl understands how important Pipa-chan is to him.
“Daryl will make sure the dreams don’t come back,” he tells her confidently. “Your parents won’t die and you won’t be alone. You’ve got Daryl to make sure of it. But you’ve already got me, so I don’t know why you’d be alone.”
When Pipa just stares at him for a moment longer, Hiromu lets a wide grin spread across his face. He knows it’s infectious to her. And, soon enough, she’s grinning back at him. “I’ve already got you,” Pipa repeats him, nodding to herself.  She looks at him a little hopeful, bashful even. “Hold me?”
Hiromu’s smile almost splits his face.
(When the bad dream doesn’t come back, Pipa says that it was because of him. Hiromu thinks it’s because of Daryl, and promises to give his friend a proper thank you later.)
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storyranger · 2 years
Extreme Deadline 2022 Letter
Hello lovely! Thank you so much for writing me a story. I’m sure anything you write will be amazing. Here’s a basic rundown of my preferences! Please have fun with things, that’s the most important thing.
Hurt/Comfort. Angst. Sickfic. Kayfabe. Roughness (biting/scratching/slapping etc.). Enemies-to-friends/lovers. The Forbidden Door. Platonic friendships being valued the same as romantic relationships. Love. Caring. Blood. Tenderness. Introspection. Polyamory as the solution to love triangles. Drunkenness. Angst with a happy ending. The Shield. Hiromu/Ospreay. Any of The Elite with any of the other members. Ditto LIJ and the 205 Live boys. I’ll probably like any paring you put in front of me, let’s be real. I am constantly surprised by how quickly I can fall in love with new pairings I could never have dreamt up on my own. Queer and straight parings are both neat. I love love!
Real Person Fic. Infidelity. (Let’s all just assume this is a world in which any married wrestlers never got married in shippy fic!) AJ Styles. Non-consensual sex. Porn without plot. Pedophilia. AUs unless it’s something incredibly unexpected like everyone has magic powers or we’re on a space ship or hark, t’is medieval. A/B/O.
Suuuuper explicit anal. Butts just… butts and I aren’t on the friendliest terms. If they’re having intercourse, I’d prefer the focus to be on where the hand/mouths are. (Does that make sense?) Incest (specifically: I’m chill with two brothers sharing the same boyfriend. I’m even chill with those brothers sharing their boyfriend at the same time. Just not the brothers like, kissing and fucking each other in addition to their shared boyfriend.) Regular pregnancy fic (I’m fine with mPreg! It’s just the“normal” pregnancy that freaks me out. I think because I’m extremely phobic of becoming pregnant myself. Like, feel free to mention someone being pregnant, just don’t like, make it the focus. Does that make sense?) Terminology: calling a vagina a “pussy” makes me feel weird. (I much prefer “cunt”). Fluids: no piss or feces, please. Blood, spit, and vomit are all cool.
And yes, this list is is basically the same as my Extreme Deadline 2020 Letter with a few new things tacked on.
Vague Prompts I Gave In Sign-Ups As Jumping-Off Points    
Kevin Owens/Sami Zayn: Go crazy.
Ibushi Kota/Kenny Omega: How do these two make the distance work, and will they ever be together again?
Adam Page/Jon Moxley: This one could get kinky, if you wanted.
Hiromu Takahashi, Donovan Danhausen,  Malakai Black, and Finn Bálor: Just magical demon bois being magical demon bros. Keep it strictly platonic or throw in some kissing, whatever you like. The more confusion, chaos, and shenanigans, the better.
Hangman/Danhausen or Moxley/Danhausen: because that's the most absurd idea I can possibly think of and you, dear writer, are choosing this prompt because you like a challenge.
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gdwessel · 3 years
New Quasi-State-Of-Emergency In Tokyo, 12 Other Prefectures Starts Friday 1/21/2022; NJPW New Year’s Golden Series Night 1 - 1/20/2022: Kosei Fujita Out Injured; Dragon Gate 1/17/2022, TJPW 1/20/2022 Results
Starting tomorrow (possibly today in Japanese time by the time I post this), another quasi-state-of-emergency is due to begin in Tokyo and at least 12 other prefectures, following record-setting new cases in both Tokyo and Osaka. Omicron is doing the numbers once more, in a country that has 80% vaccination, but a mere 1.2% booster rate. This after quasi-emergency measures in Okinawa, after increasing Omicron cases from the US military bases had spilled into the greater population, prompting restrictions on activities outside the bases by military personnel posted there.
It's unknown how much wrestling will be affected by this; Dragon Gate has already said their show in Mie this Sunday 1/23/2022 may be postponed or cancelled due to this, but have not seen any other announcements so far. We will keep you posted.
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New Japan Pro Wrestling
The first NJPW tour of 2022 began in earnest today, and you can see it now on NJPWWorld. This is the first New Year Golden Series since 2005, but was a regular year-opening tour from 1974-1990. Kosei Fujita injured his shoulder in training, and has been pulled from events through the end of January. Hopefully he will be able to return later in the tour.
New Years Golden Series - 1/20/2022, Tokyo Korakuen Hall (NJPWWorld, ABEMA)
Great O-Khan [United Empire] d. Yuto Nakashima (5:35)
Hiromu Takahashi [Los Ingobernables] d. Ryohei Oiwa (Boston Crab, 7:24) 
Tiger Mask IV & Togi Makabe d. Taiji Ishimori & Jado [Bullet Club] (Tiger > Jado, Reverse Double Armbar, 8:59)
Toru Yano [CHAOS], Satoshi Kojima & Tomoaki Honma d. Minoru Suzuki, Taichi & TAKA Michinoku [SZKG] (Kojima > TAKA, lariat, 9:12)
Master Wato, Ryusuke Taguchi & Hiroyoshi Tenzan d. El Desperado, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & DOUKI [SZKG] (Wato > DOUKI, Bendabar, 10:51)
Tomohiro Ishii, Hirooki Goto, YOSHI-HASHI & YOH [CHAOS] d. EVIL, Yujiro Takahashi, Dick Togo & SHO [Bullet Club] (Ishii > Togo, Vertical Drop Brainbuster, 11:41)
Tetsuya Naito, SANADA & Shingo Takagi [Los Ingobernables] d. Kazuchika Okada [CHAOS], Hiroshi Tanahashi & Yuji Nagata (Naito > Nagata, Destino, 20:16)
Naito gets the win, and declares not only does he want to beat “the strongest man in NJPW,” but also declared he wants to return to the main event of the Tokyo Dome on January 4, 2023. Ishii tortured Dick Togo a bit post-match. Hiromu challenged Oiwa to Y10,000 of pocket money if he was able to remove the pseudo-Kamaitachi mask that HIromu was wearing. Oiwa did so, but Hiromu had ANOTHER mask on underneath. Hiromu tapped Oiwa out anyway.
If you have a premium subscription to NJPW’s website you can now see a digitized version of the 1978 New Year Golden Series program, which advertised among other things, a board-of-nails match between Antonio Inoki v. Umanosuke Ueda on 2/8/1978 at Tokyo Nippon Budokan. I bet THAT was a thing.
The tour continues tomorrow, but the show will be on tape-delay on NJPWWorld, not a live stream.
- 1/21/2022, Tokyo Korakuen Hall (Tape delay on NJPWWorld)
Ryohei Oiwa v. Great O-Khan [United Empire]
Yuto Nakashima v. BUSHI [Los Ingobernables]
Tiger Mask IV & Yuji Nagata v. Taiji Ishimori & Gedo [Bullet Club]
Toru Yano [CHAOS], Togi Makabe & Tomoaki Honma v. Minoru Suzuki, Taichi & DOUKI [SZKG]
Master Wato, Ryusuke Taguchi & Hiroyoshi Tenzan v. El Desperado, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & TAKA Michinoku [SZKG]
Tomohiro Ishii, Hirooki Goto, YOSHI-HASHI & YOH [CHAOS] v. EVIL, Yujiro Takahashi, Dick Togo & SHO [Bullet Club]
Kazuchika Okada [CHAOS], Hiroshi Tanahashi & Satoshi Kojima v. Tetsuya Naito, SANADA & Shingo Takagi [Los Ingobernables]
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Dragon Gate
Dragon Gate was in Nagoya this past Monday.
Open The New Year Gate 2022 – Final Burst Out! K-Ness Forever Night 8
- 1/17/2022, Aichi Nagoya Tsuyuhashi Sports Center
Takashi Yoshida, Kota Minoura & Jason Lee d. Dragon Kid [HIGH-END], Riki Iihashi & Ishin Iihashi (Yoshida > Ishin, CC2019, 11:08)
Keisuke Okuda [HIGH-END] d. Ryu Fuda (Buzzsaw Kick, 4:42)
Strong Machine J, Strong Machine F (Don Fujii) & Strong Machine G (Gamma) d. Mondai Ryu, Shachihoko Machine (Shachihoko Boy) & Konomama Ichikawa (J > Ichikawa, Kneel Kick, 0:10)
Strong Machine J, Strong Machine F (Don Fujii) & Strong Machine G (Gamma) d. Mondai Ryu, Shachihoko Machine (Shachihoko Boy) & Konomama Ichikawa (G > Ryu, lariat, 0:12)
Strong Machine J, Strong Machine F (Don Fujii) & Strong Machine G (Gamma) d. Mondai Ryu, Shachihoko Machine (Shachihoko Boy) & Konomama Ichikawa (Triple Pinfall, 3:53)
Big Boss Shimizu [Natural Vibes] & Takuma Fujiwara d. Ultimo Dragon & Takumi Hayakawa (Shimizu > Hayakawa, Big Boss Press, 9:19)
Dragon Dia & Yuki Yoshioka d. Ben-K & Kagetora [HIGH-END] (Dia > Kagetora, Reptilian, 12:51)
Kzy, U-T & Susumu Yokosuka [Natural Vibes] d. KAI, Shun Skywalker & HYO (U-T > KAI, Passion, 15:42)
Not a good couple of weeks to be KAI, as now U-T has a challenge back pocketed if KAI succeeds against Cyber Kong on 2/4/2022. I bet that comedy triple shot was a hoot. Okuda v. Fuda is threatening to be quite a rivalry.
The next show is on Saturday 1/22/2022, from Kobe, and will be streamed live on Dragon Gate Network.
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  DDT / Tokyo Joshi / GANBARE Pro
Tokyo Joshi ran today, continuing the Futari No Princess Max Heart Tournament 2022.
TJPW Tokyo Joshi 2022 Winter - 1/20/2022, Tokyo Shinjuku FACE (Wrestle Universe)
Yuka Sakazaki, Mizuki, Haruna Neko & Kaya Toribami d. Mahiro Kiryu, Marika Kobashi, Pom Harajuku & Raku (Mizuki > Kiryu, Diving Foot Stomp, 11:44)
Futari No Princess Max Heart Tournament 2022 Second Round: Yuki Arai & Moka Miyamoto d. Arisu Endo & Suzume (Miyamoto > Endo, Rashomon, 11:41)
Futari No Princess Max Heart Tournament 2022 Second Round: Nodoka Tenma & Yuki Aino d. Hikari Noa & Nao Kakuta (Aino > Kakuta, Venus DDT, 13:16)
Futari No Princess Max Heart Tournament 2022 Second Round: ASUKA & Yuki Kamifuku d. Miyu Yamashita & Maki Itoh (Kamifuku > Itoh, Famouser, 15:57)
Futari No Princess Max Heart Tournament 2022 Second Round: Miu Watanabe & Rika Tatsumi d. Hyper Misao & Shoko Nakajima (Tatsumi > Misao, Missile Hips, 14:57)
The semi-finals will come soon. Maki Itoh may have a challenge to her title coming from Yuki Kamifuku now.
That’s it for me today. Kind of a slow week thankfully. NOAH, AJPW, STARDOM, DG, NJPW, a whole bunch of shows this weekend to keep oneself busy. NJPW Strong on Saturday night, and even GCW on PPV on Sunday night. See you Sunday.
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Edit 03/31/21
REQUESTS: I don’t do detailed requests (i.e., where the character, plot, and tone are all set in your mind), however, please feel free to send me suggestions for people I could write for and/ or prompts, premises, or just whether you want something fluffy/ smutty, etc. I’m pretty open about who I write for, although my familiarity level varies and some people speak to me more than others. I prefer to focus on people who don’t get as much love and attention from other writers because there’s already SO MUCH GOOD FANFIC OUT THERE and I’m still pretty new to this.
Edit 01/22/21
I’ve added short descriptions to serve as a guide.
I figured it was time I started one of these so that my fiction posts are a little easier to find in the mess. I’ll try my best to make sure it’s up to date. These stories are intended solely for an adult audience (18+) and contain strong language, violence, explicit sexual content, and mature themes. There are specific content advisories given on the individual posts. 
WWE (Raw & Smackdown)
Mustafi Ali
In A Parallel Universe
You and Mustafa have been friends through some tough times. But was it ever something more than friendship?
Aleister Black (see AEW: Malakai Black)
Drew McIntyre
All Kinds of Love
You and Drew have loved each other for years, through good times and bad. There’s just one problem...
Kevin Owens
Better Late Than Never?
You were slow to realize your feelings for Kevin and now you don’t know if your moment has passed. 
Damian Priest
Fall and Prey
Are you traumatized by your ex or obsessed with him? Or both?
Fortune’s Rule
Even when you’re gifted the opportunity to escape from your past, fate might have other ideas. 
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four
Sami Zayn
A Fine Line
You're supposed to be checking up on Sami to make sure his paranoia isn't impacting his work. But you're not convinced he's as deluded as some people think.
Finn Balor
The Guardian’s Oath: 
19th century. Helen was raised by the church and assigned as a governess to the home of Feargal Devitt. However, she is caught up in a dark mystery involving her employer and the mythical demon Finn Balor.
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight Part Nine Part Ten Part Eleven Part Twelve Part Thirteen Part Fourteen Part Fifteen Part Sixteen
Shotzi Blackheart
The Call of the Wild Woman
Sometimes you meet a person who makes you question everything about yourself.
Adam Cole
Life of the Party
Desperate to get you back in the dating scene, some friends bring you to a swingers’ party. 
Cameron Grimes
Animal Magnetism
You’re a city girl who feels more at home in the country, occasionally admiring the wildlife. 
Karrion Kross/ Scarlett Bordeaux
You’re Invited
You’re a simple lab rat but somehow you’ve captured the attention of NXT sensations Scarlet Bordeaux and Karrion Kross. 
Fall and Prey
Are you traumatized by your ex or obsessed with him? Or both?
Candice Le Rae
Girl Time
It’s simple: You’re a lesbian and Candice isn’t. Except when she is. 
Dexter Lumis
Unsavory Dealings
No one knows about you and Roderick Strong, or at least that’s what you thought.
Ember Moon
Babes in Toyland
Sometimes unconventional couples have the most fun. (F/F)
Samoa Joe
The Wages of Sin
Being a computer tech is pretty ordinary until you find a client with a lot of kinky secrets.
Roderick Strong
Unsavory Dealings
No one knows about you and Roderick Strong, or at least that’s what you thought.
Darby Allin
The Camera Doesn’t Lie
In the midst of a wild party, you meet someone who likes to capture intimate moments.
Trust Fall
Darby is that one friend who can persuade you to do things normal people wouldn't.
Lance Archer
One More Temptation
Being a sex worker is fine until fate connects you with the kind of man you’ve sworn to avoid.
Malakai Black
The Escape Route
18th-19th century. Ursula is running to escape from charges of witchcraft and murder, but when she seeks shelter in an apparently abandoned church, she finds more than she bargained for. 
Whisky Secrets (sequel)
You're desperately in love with Aleister but he sees you as just the friend to run to when he's broken. This is a sequel to Whisky Secrets by Ghost of Viper Writes.
Down by the River
Grace Johnson lives in the shadow of her church minister brother in a Depression-era town threatened by the presence of Malakai Black and his "family", a group of outcasts who have built a camp on the shores of the river.
Part one Part two Part three Part Four Part five Part Six
Eddie Kingston
Water Seeks Its Own Level
You and Eddie have a history and you’re not eager to think about it. 
The Green-Eyed Monster
Sequel to Water Seeks Its Own Level. You’ve somehow found yourself caught up in the ropes of your no-strings-attached relationship. 
Kenny Omega
The Sensitivity of Horses
As Hangman’s wife, it breaks your heart to see him suffering. 
F**k and Run
It didn’t feel like a fleeting thing...
Hangman Adam Page
The Sensitivity of Horses
As Hangman’s wife, it breaks your heart to see him suffering. 
Anxious Millennial Love
Your job is to make sure AEW talent isn’t doing anything reckless. But it’s possible that you are. 
David Finlay
Place Your Bets
You were absolutely certain Jay could beat his old rival David Finlay and now you’re in a bit of a bind.
Raise the Stakes
A sequel to Place Your Bets. You know you should keep your work and personal life separate but that ship has sailed and your lifeboat is leaking.
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight Part nine Part Ten Part Eleven Part Twelve Part Thirteen Part fourteen Part fourteen (alternate)
El Phantasmo
Boiling Over
You didn't like him when he was dating your best friend and he didn't like you.
Waking Up Alone
Breaking up just sucks, especially when you're not sure you wanted to.
Words Better Left Unsaid
There are some things that Kenta just doesn’t want to hear you say.
Will Ospreay
Bad Guy
Lauren is 100% sure what she wants until she changes her mind. And she always changes her mind.
Zack Sabre Jr. 
Bad Guy
Lauren is 100% sure what she wants until she changes her mind. And she always changes her mind.
Hiromu Takahashi
Takes the Cake
You’re 40, recently divorced, and working yourself to death. So is Hiromu trying to make everything better or worse?
Shingo Takagi
His Consolation
Being a gay man in New Japan is already risky, and then you feel compelled to comfort Shingo over his bad G1 start. (M/M)
Tama Tonga
Bad Bromance
You’d love to kill Tama for destroying your relationship with his brother. 
Jay White
Late Medieval period. Is it a family emergency or political intrigue that’s led you to the home of Jay White, the young man who first stirred romantic feelings in you?
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five
Working in a strip club exposes you to a lot of men, but Jay seems to need something more than usual. 
Place Your Bets
You were absolutely certain Jay could beat his old rival David Finlay and now you’re in a bit of a bind.
Raise the Stakes
A sequel to Place Your Bets. You know you should keep your work and personal life separate but that ship has sailed and your lifeboat is leaking.
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight Part Nine Part Ten Part Eleven Part Twelve Part Thirteen Part Fourteen Part Fourteen (alternate)
Other Promotions
Bea Priestley
Bad Guy
Lauren is 100% sure what she wants until she changes her mind. And she always changes her mind.
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ghostofviperwrites · 5 years
Suite Surrender
Requested by  @keltic-goddess; @paganbabe and anonymous
Again, pairing a couple of requests that had the same prompt
Pairing:  Hiromu Takahashi/FC
Category:   Smut
Word Count: 1112
Warnings: Sexual content
33.          “Are you trying to turn me on right now? Because it’s working.”
35.          “It seems you forgot to wear any underwear tonight.”
31.          “Can you help me with this zipper?”
61.          “If you don’t like my teasing then why are you moaning?”
72.          “The things that I want to do to you, baby.”
Despite being in the middle of a crowded dance floor, it felt like only you and your boyfriend Hiromu Takahashi were in the room.  Music pulsed and lights flashed as your bodies writhed together.  It didn’t matter that neither of you were masters of the dance floor.  Your bodies knew each other and that was all they needed.  Your hands over your head threading through Hiromu’s mane, pulling his lips down to your neck; your ass grinding against his groin, grinning as he hardened under your movements.
“Are you trying to turn me on right now? Because it’s working.”  He mumbled, his hands grasping your hips and pulling you impossibly closer.   You sighed as his thumbs rubbed circles on your pelvic bone then skimmed up your ribcage to rest under your breasts.  You could feel his smile against your neck as Hiromu ran his thumbs across your nipples making them tighten under your dress.  You moaned when his fingers pinched at the taut peaks grinding back into his hips.
“Stop teasing me Hiromu.” You whined, moaning again when he pinched your nipples.
“If you don’t like my teasing then why are you moaning?” Hiromu asked with a short laugh as he sucked on your neck making you writhe against him.  If he hadn’t been holding you so tightly you would’ve turned around just to roll your eyes at that nonsense.  He knew exactly what he was doing, and it felt so damn good you weren’t about to make him stop.  
The thought of eyes on you, watching as Hiromu molested you on the floor had you heated and your fingers tightened in hair giving it a sharp tug that had him groaning against your neck and making you grin. Two could play this game.  You shimmied against him again with another tug to his hair before letting go and dropping your ass to the floor and shuffling around to rise your mouth ghosting over his straining zipper as you cast devilish eyes up at him.  
“Such a bad girl,”  Hiromu murmured as he pulled you to his lips, his tongue darting out to lick along yours before his teeth caught your full bottom lip and nipped it hard, making it pulse in pain.   “The things that I want to do to you, baby.”  
“So let’s stop talking and go do,” You prompted him. “I’m dying to feel you inside me.”
No further prodding was required, Hiromu pulling you through the crowd to the VIP suite upstairs.   Pushing into your private room, Hiromu shut the door and leaned against it, watching as you ran your hands down your body, cupping your breasts and squeezing them as you turned your back to him.  
“Can you help me with this zipper?”  You asked coyly, watching over your shoulder as Hiromu stripped off his shirt before approaching you.  You shivered as his hands grasped the zipper of your white mini dress and slowly lowered it kissing your back as each inch was revealed, slowly dropping to his knees as the zipper came to an end at the curve of your ass.  Hiromu bit the top of the rounded globe making you moan.
“It seems you forgot to wear any underwear tonight.”  Hiromu teased as he slid your dress down your hips to pool at your feet.  
“I didn’t forget.”  You retorted flashing him a naughty smile but found yourself yelping as Hiromu pushed you over at the waist making you bend in front of him with palms on the velvet couch.   Hiromu’s hands slapped on your buttocks, gripping them hard and spreading you for his view.  
Your hair fell over your face as your head dropped when Hiromu’s tongue liked a long slow streak over your slit stopping to tease your clit with some quick flicks before swiping back down to your hole.  You scratched at the velvet as Hiromu stuck his tongue deep into your pussy, his hands gripping your hips you couldn’t squirm away as he ate you with the same passion he used in the ring.  Your legs shook as Hiromu’s tongue darted in and out of you, swiping along your folds and onto your clit before darting back inside.   When he lowered himself to suck your clit between his teeth you came, screaming loudly as he sucked your bundle of nerves into his mouth and teased it with his tongue.  Releasing your clit he licked back along your folds to stick his tongue inside, curling it inside you to collect your juices.  
Rising to his feet Hiromu pulled you upright, spinning you around to kiss you, his tongue diving into your mouth as your hands worked at his belt quickly getting his pants down around his ankles followed by his boxers as your tongues swirled around each other.   Giving him a push on the couch you hurriedly straddled him, sinking yourself on his waiting cock with a content sigh.   Looking into his eyes you pressed your lips to his and brought your hands to his hair, tangling them and giving it a sharp tongue that had him bucking into you.   Moving your hips you began rocking on Hiromu’s cock, your knees digging into Hiromu’s sides as you rode him, your mouth peppering kisses on his lips, nose, cheeks and neck as you used his hair as leverage to help you ride him faster.  
Bouncing on his cock with Hiromu’s hands reaching for your tits your gasps filled the air as Hiromu grunted below you, his fingers pinching your nipples and twisting them painfully as you took him deep inside your pussy.   Your hips ground down on Hiromu as he bucked up to meet your movements, burying your face in the crook of his neck as you felt another orgasm approaching one of Hiromu’s hands reaching down to rub at your sensitive nub as you came with a muffled groan into his neck, Hiromu’s own loud grunts filling the air as he exploded inside you.  
Your grip on his hair loosened and his hands fell to your hips, resting gently as the two of you caught your breath, content to lay in each other’s arms until you got the energy to straighten yourselves out.  
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lunaneko14 · 6 years
Togashi is an amazing mangaka and his female characters are done much more justice than in most shonen. Must be because of the wife lol
Well some men can do female characters well too and its because they were raised right and respect them as characters as much as the males, sometimes they can even be better than most female writers I mean look at Hayao Miyazaki, 99% of his films have some of the best female lead characters ever with the only exception being Lupin the 3rd. Another great example is Mamoru Hosoda (”Summer Wars”, “Wolf Chlidren”)
So men writing good female characters doesn’t have to mean he was prompted to by strong women, he just has to love, and nurture his female characters as much as their male counterparts. Its that simple. 
No one ever says “Rumiko Takahashi (”Inuyasha”) orHiromu Arakawa (”Fullmetal Alchemist”) can write good male characters so they must have good/strong men in their life” or “Naoko Takeuchi writes great trans/lesbian characters! She must have some good trans/lesbians in her life!” so why does a man have to be prompted by a “strong woman” irl to write good female characters? 
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jay-fabe7712 · 6 years
Lucha Underground
King Cuerno
souvenirs - King Cuerno has grown tired of limiting his hunt to inside the ring. Recently, he’s decided to take up some extracurricular hunting practices…
New Japan Pro Wrestling
running interference - drabble prompt; “can you just leave me alone?”
Hiromu Takahashi
falling - a new photographer looking for a fresh start catches the eye of the Ticking Time Bomb.
the loss - Hiromu takes a recent loss harder that expected.
Hiroshi Tanahashi
a solemn swear - drabble prompt; “i bet you can’t go 24 hours without cussing.”
Kazuchika Okada
pretty piece of gold - drabble prompt; “i don’t know why i married you.”
the invisible woman - 31 little wrestling fics challenge; location - weirdly dark club + supernatural element - demonic gathering + situation - making a deal with someone you shouldn’t have + quote - “i wonder if you taste as good as your fear smells.”
Taichi Ishikari
one for the memories - drabble prompt; Taichi’s encounter with an ex leaves both parties reeling.
Tetsuya Naito
tripping - a woman has a run-in with the lackadaisical IWGP Intercontinental champion.
Tonga Loa
the key of awesome - drabble prompt; “you hear that? that’s the sound of my awesomeness.”
World Wrestling Entertainment
Alicia Fox
the cat’s cradle - LIJ crossover; drabble; lovely, self-indulgent farce.
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moonsault-fics · 6 years
Dear Extreme Deadlines Author
First off, thank you so much for being willing to write any of these!  I hope you have fun writing, that’s the most important thing!
Do Not Wants:
--Noncon and rape
--explicit underage
--permanent character death
General Likes:
--Snarky banter
--angst and fluff (separate or together)
--brothers in arms
--characters being willing to die for each other
--Super-intense, functionally dysfunctional relationships
--I love just about every romantic trope in the book! Amnesia, sex pollen, bodyswap, arranged marriage, pretending to be a couple, handcuffed together, trapped in an elevator, huddling for warmth, truth serums--if any of these spark you, feel free to apply them to the pairings below!
--Sex-wise I like gen, fade-to-black, and explicit sex, though really raunchy descriptions can be hit-or-miss--write it if you love it but don't force yourself to, basically.  Any of these “pairings” I would love just as much written as friends having adventures and moments together, and I think most of my prompts would work just as well as gen fic, so go for it!  I’m here for the emotions, not the sex.
--I love having people get hot and bothered talking/thinking about sex, maybe more than the actual sex, so feel free to draw out the lead-up pretty much interminably if you write a sex scene, I will eat it up with a spoon.
General dislikes:
--I don't need clear and enthusiastic consent at all (I love dubcon) but I want to know all characters involved are enjoying themselves by the end of a sex scene.
--Moodwise I can enjoy the warmest schmoopiest fluff and I also love bittersweet and conflicted--but I like there to be some hope at the end, unrelentingly bleak is not what I want.
Prompts for Sami/Kevin, Kota/Kenny, and Naito/Hiromu below the cut!
Lately I’m really in the mood for some very comforting fic with these two.  I love the idea of the two of them against the world no matter what and I’m craving some hurt/comfort! Anything above is great, but for specific ideas:
--I have an iddy desire for fic about Sami getting through Ramadan--we know he’s fasting through the day and can’t have food or even water.  How does Kevin deal with that?  He’d respect Sami enough to not try to get him to eat (please don’t have him not respect Sami’s religion!), but I feel like it would really bother him to see Sami suffering through it and would want to treat him once the sun went down and Sami could eat again.
--What if Sami’s complaints about vertigo weren’t just an excuse?  What if Kevin thinks they are until he finds out that Sami really is having issues?
--Any of their many losses and setbacks recently would be a good setting.  The two of them panicking after losing their jobs at WrestleMania, the aftermath of their draw to get a job, any of that would be great.
I especially enjoy ridiculous pining and fics about realizing they’re actually into each other with these two.  Anything with them as friends is also very, very welcome.
As implausible as it is, I particularly love the idea that for all their play-kissing in DDT Pro, these two have never actually hooked up, even though they both want to.  Some specific scenarios with them right now:
--Aftermath of whatever happens at Dominion, whether it’s Kenny’s victory or defeat!  He’s bound to be totally at the end of his rope, exhausted and vulnerable and perhaps prone to blurting out anything he’s felt for a long time.
--I’m really into the way that Cody keeps goading Kota and Kenny about their relationship, in a weird way.  A fic where they aren’t a couple yet, but in dealing with Cody’s furious insistence that they are, they discover they’d like to be, would be great!
--I really enjoy the tension between them and the Bucks and would like very much to see it resolved positively!  Obviously canon is evolving here, but anything where they and the Bucks are reconciled would be really satisfying.
Tetsuya Naito/Hiromu Takahashi
I have fallen hard for these two recently.  I love their mentoring dynamic, their bickering that hides real affection and some amount of hero-worship on Hiromu’s part, the whole LIJ found-family aspect.  I like to imagine them both pining after each other since Hiromu’s Young Lion days, both of them more hesitant than you might expect, and one of them finally takes the leap.  I like established relationship a fair amount with these two as well!
--I would adore some praise kink as an established couple where Naito in private indulges in lavishing attention and praise on a squirmingly delighted Hiromu.  I can absolutely see Naito getting Hiromu to come untouched, just from praising him--his looks, his style, every minute of all the wonderful skillful things he did in a match.
--Any kind of hurt/comfort.  Feel free to pull in from canon depending on how Best of Super Juniors and Naito’s match with Jericho goes.  Or how did Hiromu feel/respond to Jericho’s attack on Naito at Dontaku?  NJPW wrestlers rarely get that level of blood-soaked, and I can imagine Hiromu finding it upsetting, arousing, or both.
--If you’re comfortable writing the larger LIJ group, I adore their weirdo dynamics and would love to see them interacting together--the more mundane the setting the better, I love the contrast of them all being The Most Extra while hanging out at a convenience store, for example.  Do they go somewhere for Tanabata, where Hiromu can sigh exaggeratedly about the bridge of stars while everyone gives each other knowing looks?  Do they do karaoke?  Feel free to have them travel to the US for an unspecified show and experience a city you know, if you’re not confident with Japan as a setting!
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ghoulsister1 · 11 months
🎃SpookTober 31 Days Prompts🎃:
Day 25: Cryptid👽
Elton Pope x GN!Reader x Hiromu Takahashi. Poly!Relationship. Both boys are big fans of aliens and cryptids. Fluff. SpookTober Prompt: Cryptid👽
☆●~Cryptid Theories~●☆
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Your two boyfriends are literally the biggest cryptid believers ever!
You've been in a poly relationship with Elton Pope and Hiromu Takahashi for 3 years now. October was a favourite month of the three of you. It was a time for spooks and scares and superstitions. And when it came to such superstitions or beliefs, you had the biggest believers in cryptids as boyfriends!
Oh yeah, anything they hear about a mysterious monster in Loch Ness or strange sightings of a large hairy creature in America or strange lights in the skies at night, Elton and Hiromu are instantly hooked. Though they listen to the logical side of things explained by experts in TV shows, the two of them still hold fast to the belief that such creatures exist.
"We don't know how deep Loch Ness could be! There could be underwater caverns that we haven't explored in those waters!" Elton would protest.
"How do we know the strange lights in the sky are just stars? They could extraterrestrial saucers! Stars don't move in that pattern!" Hiromu would declare.
You would smile and shake your head, chuckling as you watched your two dorky but adorable boyfriends get into a heated debate with an expert on the TV, who couldn't actually hear them.
"How does he think he knows it better? There are some things in this world that can't be easily explained" Remarked Hiromu, crossing his arms with a huff.
"Yeah, like ghosts and uh what's that underground place called? You said it one time, something about giants in the center of the Earth or something?" Asked Elton.
"Argatha" Replied Hiromu.
"Yeah that's it!" Smiled Elton.
"I read it in the Monthly Mu. And I believe so, there's giants living under our feet. They used to live above like us but eventually moved underground" Hiromu Explained as Elton listened intently.
You smiled from your comfy spot, wondering how long the two would continue their debate though it was pretty entertaining at times, you could see both Hiromu and Elton were just passionate about their shared interest in cryptids and would happily discuss the topic for hours if they must to get their point across to someone.
You watched as the expert guy came back on and your two boyfriends turned to the TV screen as he appeared.
"Oh, what those smarty pants have to say this time?" Asked Elton, making all of you chuckle. You listened as the expert explained how such sightings of big foot could be easily explained.
"It's a bear obviously" Concluded the expert and that sparked an outrage from the two boys who immediately launched into their rambles.
"How can a bear walk on two feet like that in the video! Bears don't have arms like that and the face doesn't look like a bear!" Cried Hiromu angrily.
"It looks more ape like, nothing like a bear! And how do you explain the big footprint? That's definitely not from a bear!" Protested Elton livid.
"Well Mr. Expert, I conclude that to me, it's Bigfoot. Obviously!" Huffed Hiromu, irradiation in his voice and body language.
"Yeah!" Agreed Elton.
"Y/N, you've seen the video of Bigfoot. Does that look like a bear to you?" Asked Hiromu. You looked up from your book to see Hiromu and Elton staring at you intensely, awaiting your answer.
"No. Definitely not a bear. Like Elton said, it's more like an ape" You Replied.
"So what do you think Bigfoot really is?" Asked Elton.
"Well it's not a bear for sure. To me, I think Bigfoot could be some sort of ape species closely related to us in some way. Or just some new species of animal we haven't discovered, maybe Bigfoot could America's first primate like creature" You Explained, hoping your theory didn't upset them.
Instead, Hiromu and Elton looked at you with awe. They were impressed it seems.
"That is honestly the best and good theory I've heard" Remarked Hiromu smiling.
"Yeah, that's a really good theory Y/N" Smiled Elton. You smiled back at your boys in return, glad they seemed amazed by your theory.
"Do you have more theories of your own that you'd like to share with us?" Asked Hiromu hopefully.
You chuckled and closed your book, happy to join in and oblige their hungry minds.
"Sure if you guys are up to it" You Replied smiling. The boys gathered around together with you excitedly.
"Of course! Let's hear it!" Cheered Elton.
You smiled and happily joined them in their discussion of cryptids, inputting some theories of your own and they doing the same. It was a healthy and fun discussion and you honestly couldn't wait to discuss more with your nerdy boyfriends again!
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nahmooste · 7 years
2 + Hiromu Takahashi for the prompt requests?
Her fingers are sunk between her thighs and she’s rubbing softly, eyes closed as she holds the phone to her ear. She can hear the pants from the other end, loves the way his voice hitches and how he tries to stay quiet even when she knows that’s impossible for him. 
And then, suddenly, he stops. “Mia—“ 
“Mia!” He hisses louder.
Her fingers stop now. She lets out a groan, almost yells, “What?!” 
“Darryl’s staring at me weirdly…” 
Mia’s jaw falls open for a second in disbelief. He can’t be serious… “Turn him around?” 
“He knows.” 
“Hiromu, please.”
He actually listens to her; she can hear the breath leave his mouth and then she follows suit, adds more pressure until-
“Darryl, STOP IT! Stop saying rude things about my girlfriend!”
She hangs up on him.
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pwrestlingxpress · 7 years
Remaining Pro Wrestling Express Award Categories with my Nominees
Down below are the remaining categories that I’ve chosen for what was to be my first annual Pro Wrestling Express Awards but lack of responses have prompt me to cancel them with the hopes to try again next year.  Once more, I’m sorry but as they always say the show must go on.  Here are the final categories. 
Breakout Star of The Year
Cameron Cole - Reality of Wrestling
Velveteen Dream - WWE NXT
Flip Gordon - Ring of Honor
Hirai Kawato - NJPW
Katsuya Kitamura - NJPW
OMG Moment of The Year (Click on the date to see the video of that moment. Give credit to the uploader of the video for I take no credit in this) 
January 5th:  The return of Suzuki-gun at New Japan’s New Year DASH
June 4th:  Seth Rollins’ Frog Splash and Roman Reigns’ Spear at WWE Extreme Rules. Click here for Roman Reigns’ Spear.
August 13th:  Katsuyori Shibata returns
August 13th:  Tetsuya Naito’s suicide dive to Kenny Omega.  Start the video at 1:06 into it. 
October 22nd:  Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose spear Kane through the Barricade as a homage to Roman Reigns
Funniest Moment of The Year (Click on the date to see the video of that moment.  Give credit to the uploader for I take no credit in this)
March 28th:  Dean Ambrose uses the remote to “cut” off Baron Corbin during their face-to-face talk on Talking Smack.
June 5th:  The Miz’s paranoia causes his Intercontinental Championship celebration to be ruined
July 2nd:  Hiroshi Tanahashi is mooned by Billy Gunn during his Intercontinental Championship match at G1 Special in the USA Night Two.  Start the video at 10:45 into it. 
August 20th:  Cesaro rips a Beach Ball during the RAW Tag Team Championship Match at SummerSlam
November 5th:  Hiromu Takahashi arrives after the IWGP Junior Championship match between Will Ospreay and Marty Scurll at Power Struggle 2017 with protective gear for both his head and his hands 
Best Moment of 2017 (Click on the date to see the video of that moment if available which I take no credit for at all. Give all the credit to the uploaders)
January 4th:  Kenny Omega and Kazuchika Okada receive a standing ovation after delivering a possible match of the year winner at Wrestle Kingdom 11 in Tokyo Dome. Video clip NOT avaliable
January 28th:  Seth Rollins invades NXT Takeover:  San Antonio and calls out Triple H 
April 1st:  Matt and Jeff Hardy pass the torch to Matt and Nick Jackson to end Ring of Honor’s Supercard of Honor XI.  Video clip NOT available
April 3rd:  Finn Balor returns in the main event on Monday Night RAW
May 3rd:  Kazuchika Okada challenges Kenny Omega to a rematch for the IWGP Heavyweight Championship at Dominion 6.11 in Osaka-Jo Hall Video clip NOT available
June 11th:  Kenny Omega and Kazuchika Okada received another standing ovation after going the distance in the main event at Dominion 6.11 in Osaka-Jo Hall. Video clip NOT avaliable 
August 14th:  Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose reunite to a standing ovation in Boston
October 9th:  Sho Tanaka and Yohei Komatsu shock the world by returning to New Japan as Roppongi 3K and winning the IWGP Junior Tag Team Championship in their first match back from excursion at King of Pro Wrestling 2017 in Ryogoku
October 9th:  Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, and Dean Ambrose reform The Shield in Indianapolis
November 5th:  Switchblade is revealed at Power Struggle 2017 to be Jay White who returned from a excursion in Ring of Honor 
Most Improved Wrestler of The Year
Dalton Castle - Ring of Honor
Juice Robinson - NJPW
Naomi - WWE SmackDown
Marty Scurll - Ring of Honor/NJPW
Braun Strowman - WWE Raw
Comeback of The Year 
Finn Balor - WWE Raw
La Sombra aka Andrade “Cien” Almas - WWE NXT
Cody Rhodes - Ring of Honor/NJPW
The Shield (Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose) - WWE Raw
Hiroshi Tanahashi - NJPW
Most Popular Wrestler of The Year 
Finn Balor - WWE Raw
Kenny Omega - NJPW
The New Day (Kofi Kingston, Xavier Woods, Big E.) - WWE SmackDown
The Shield (Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose) - WWE Raw
The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson, Nick Jackson) - Ring of Honor/NJPW
Most Hated Wrestler of The Year
Alexa Bliss 
Baron Corbin - WWE SmackDown
The Miz
Minoru Suzuki - NJPW
Silas Young - Ring of Honor
Feud of The Year
Cesaro/Sheamus vs. The Shield (Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose) - WWE RAW 
Jay Lethal vs. Silas Young - Ring of Honor
Tetsuya Naito vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi - Ring of Honor
Roman Reigns vs. Braun Strowman - WWE Raw
“The WWE Stooge” vs. The Elite (Matt Jackson, Nick Jackson, Adam Page, Cody Rhodes, Marty Scurll) - Ring of Honor/NJPW/Other Independent Wrestling Organizations 
Match of The Year (Click on the Title Match/Event Title to watch the match in its full Presentation)
IWGP Heavyweight Championship:  [Challenger] Kenny Omega vs. [Champion] Kazuchika Okada - Wrestle Kingdom 11 in Tokyo Dome
Ladder Match for the ROH Tag-Team Championship:  [Challenger Team] Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson vs. [Champion Team] Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy - Supercard of Honor XI
IWGP Heavyweight Championship:  [Challenger] Kenny Omega vs. [Champion] Kazuchika Okada - Dominion 6.11 in Osaka-Jo Hall
A Block Finals:  Tetsuya Naito vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi - G1 Climax 27
Raw Tag-Team Championship:  [Challenger Team] Cesaro and Sheamus vs. [Champion Team] Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose - WWE No Mercy 2017
Tag Team of The Year 
The Shield (Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins) - WWE Raw
The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson) - ROH/NJPW
War Machine (Raymond Rowe and Hanson) - Ring of Honor/NJPW 
Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley) - Ring of Honor
The Usos (Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso) - WWE SmackDown
WWE’s Best Wrestler (Top Five according to an article from Bleacher Report that was posted back on December 8, 2017)
Dean Ambrose
Randy Orton - SmackDown! 
Seth Rollins - RAW
Roman Reigns - RAW
AJ Styles - SmackDown!
Best Independent Wrestler
Rex Andrews - Reality of Wrestling
Cameron Cole - Reality of Wrestling
Kazuchika Okada - New Japan Pro Wrestling
Kenny Omega - New Japan Pro Wrestling
Cody Rhodes - Ring of Honor/New Japan Pro Wrestling
Best Overall Wrestler 
Tetsuya Naito - New Japan Pro Wrestling
Kazuchika Okada - New Japan Pro Wrestling
Kenny Omega - New Japan Pro Wrestling
Marty Scurll - Ring of Honor/New Japan Pro Wrestling
Braun Strowman - WWE Raw 
Now if you want to, you can voice your own opinion on any of these categories even the nominees I selected.  But like I said earlier, due to the lack of responses, I’m cancelling this with the hope of trying again next year but that’ll all depend on my schedule for next year.  Again, give me your opinion on these remaining categories and stay tuned to see other pro wrestling award winners being announced sometime in the near future. 
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gdwessel · 3 years
New Japan Cup 2022 Night 1 - 3/2/2022; STARDOM World Climax Full Cards Announced; Dragon Gate Glorious Gate 2022 Night 1: Two Units Names Revealed, Jimmys Reunion, Other News; DDT 3/2/2022 Results
Today marks the 6th anniversary of the passing of Hayabusa, Eiji Ezaki. His loss is still felt throughout wrestling and wrestling fandom.  
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New Japan Pro Wrestling
The opening matches of the New Japan Cup 2022 have now taken place. You can see it now on NJPWWorld.
- 3/2/2022, Tokyo Nippon Budokan
New Japan Cup 2022 1st Round: CIMA [#STRONGHEARTS] d. TAKA Michinoku [SZKG] (Meteora, 9:48)
New Japan Cup 2022 1st Round: YOSHI-HASHI [CHAOS] d. Tomoaki Honma (Karma, 9:45)
New Japan Cup 2022 1st Round: Hirooki Goto [CHAOS] d. Yuji Nagata (Gotoshiki, 12:37)
New Japan Cup 2022 1st Round: Jeff Cobb [United Empire] d. Togi Makabe (Tour Of The Islands, 8:10)
New Japan Cup 2022 1st Round: Taichi [SZKG] d. Toru Yano [CHAOS] (Yokozuna Elbow, 6:25)
New Japan Cup 2022 1st Round: Hiroshi Tanahashi d. YOH [CHAOS] (Dragon Suplex, 16:50)
New Japan Cup 2022 1st Round: Tetsuya Naito [Los Ingobernables] d. Yujiro Takahashi [Bullet Club] (Jackknife Hold, 18:11)
New Japan Cup 2022 1st Round: Kazuchika Okada [CHAOS] d. El Desperado [SZKG] (Rainmaker, 26:21)
Okada beats Despy in the unofficial Heavy v. Junior anniversary match (the official one was on Tuesday), and advances to face Master Wato in the 2nd round. Tetsuya Naito overcomes his former NO LIMIT partner Yujiro, then has a very funny bit post-match where he demands Jushin Thunder Liger come in the ring and raise his hand, then leaves Liger hanging at the critical moment, prompting Liger to go at Naito with a chair. It was pretty great. As was Yano v. Taichi; Taichi now gets a bye into the 3rd round because of the withdrawal of Hiroyoshi Tenzan. So this is how the 2nd round looks for now:
- 3/9/2022, Tokyo Korakuen Hall
New Japan Cup 2022 2nd Round: Yoshinobu Kanemaru [SZKG] v. CIMA [#STRONGHEARTS]
New Japan Cup 2022 2nd Round: Dick Togo [Bullet Club] v. Hirooki Goto [CHAOS]
New Japan Cup 2022 2nd Round: Master Wato v. Kazuchika Okada [CHAOS]
More TBA
- 3/10/2022, Yamanashi Aimesse
New Japan Cup 2022 2nd Round: Kosei Fujita v. YOSHI-HASHI [CHAOS]
New Japan Cup 2022 2nd Round: Satoshi Kojima v. Jeff Cobb [United Empire]
New Japan Cup 2022 2nd Round: Gedo [Bullet Club] v. Tetsuya Naito [Los Ingobernables]
New Japan Cup 2022 2nd Round: Bad Luck Fale [Bullet Club] v. Hiroshi Tanahashi
More TBA
There are questions about NJPW and Ring of Honor and AEW in the wake of Tony Khan’s announcement last night that he’s purchased ROH. The only answers I have are “I don’t know” and “There was an agreement with ROH, there is an agreement with AEW, I’m sure there is still an agreement somewhere.”
The next show is on Sunday. Changes have been made to account for Kota Ibushi’s absence, as Great O-Khan gets a bye into the next round.
- 3/6/2022, Fukushima Big Palette
Yuji Nagata v. Kosei Fujita
Togi Makabe, Tomoaki Honma & Tiger Mask IV v. Chase Owens, El Phantasmo & Gedo [Bullet Club]
Ryusuke Taguchi, Hiroshi Tanahashi & Master Wato v. EVIL, SHO & Yujiro Takahashi [Bullet Club]
Tomohiro Ishii, Kazuchika Okada, Toru Yano & YOH [CHAOS] v. Shingo Takagi, SANADA, Tetsuya Naito & Hiromu Takahashi [Los Ingobernables]
Jeff Cobb & Great O-Khan [United Empire] v. Bad Luck Fale & Taiji Ishimori [Bullet Club]
New Japan Cup 2022 1st Round: Yuto Nakashima v. Aaron Henare [United Empire]
New Japan Cup 2022 1st Round: Ryohei Oiwa v. Zack Sabre Jr. [SZKG]
New Japan Cup 2022 1st Round: BUSHI [Los Ingobernables] v. Will Ospreay [United Empire]
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STARDOM held a press conference announcing the full cards for STARDOM World Climax at Tokyo Ryogoku Kokugikan on 3/26 and 3/27/2022. You can watch the full announcement on YouTube here.  The biggest takeaways are multiple title defenses on each card, with some likely to be having to defend twice in one weekend. This will also see the return of KAIRI to the STARDOM ring in matches both nights. We also see Prominence invade STARDOM again, with a tag match against Donna del Mondo.
Full cards:
STARDOM World Climax 2022 The Best - 3/26/2022, Tokyo Ryogoku Kokugikan
Future of Stardom Championship: Hanan [STARS] © v. Rina [Oedo Tai]
Saya Iida [STARS] v. MIRAI [Donna del Mondo]
6-Woman Tag Gauntlet Match: Himeka, Natsupoi & Mai Sakurai [Donna del Mondo] v. Mina Shirakawa, Waka Tsuiyama & Momo Kohgo [Cosmic Angels] v. Saki Kashima, Fukigen Death & Ruaka [Oedo Tai] v. AZM, Lady C & X [Queen’s Quest]
Maika & Thekla [Donna del Mondo] v. Risa Sera & Suzu Suzuki [Prominence]
Goddesses of Stardom Championship: Hazuki & Koguma [STARS] © v. Starlight Kid & Momo Watanabe [Oedo Tai]
Pirate Princess STARDOM Revival: Mayu Iwatani [STARS] & KAIRI v. Tam Nakano & Unagi Sayaka [Cosmic Angels]
Wonder of Stardom Championship: Saya Kamitani [Queen’s Quest] © v. Utami Hayashishita [Queen’s Quest]
World of Stardom Championship: Syuri [Donna del Mondo] © v. Giulia [Donna del Mondo]
STARDOM World Climax 2022 The Top - 3/27/2022, Tokyo Ryogoku Kokugikan
Future of Stardom Championship: WINNER Hanan/Rina © v. Mai Sakurai [Donna del Mondo]
Cinderella Rumble: 20+ wrestlers
LOSER Kamitani/Hayashishita v. MIRAI [Donna del Mondo]
Hazuki [STARS] v. Momo Watanabe [Oedo Tai]
High Speed Championship 3-Way Match: AZM [Queen’s Quest] © v. Koguma [STARS] v. Natsupoi [Donna del Mondo]
Pirate Princess STARDOM Revival: KAIRI v. Starlight Kid [Oedo Tai]
LOSER Syuri/Giulia, Maika, Himeka & Thekla [Donna del Mondo] v. Risa Sera, Suzu Suzuki, Akane Fujita & Mochi Miyagi [Prominence]
Wonder of Stardom Championship: WINNER Kamitani/Hayashishita © v. Tam Nakano [Cosmic Angels]
World of Stardom Championship: WINNER Syuri/Giulia © v. Mayu Iwatani [STARS]
STARDOM are in Osaka and Shizuoka this weekend.
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Dragon Gate
The Glorious Gate tour has now begun, with a show you can see now on Dragon Gate Network. Not one but two unit names were revealed on this one, as well as a one-night reunion of a beloved unit of days gone by as the final K-Ness tribute match.
Glorious Gate 2022 – Final Burst Out! K-Ness Forever Night 1 - 3/3/2022, Tokyo Korakuen Hall (Dragon Gate Network)
KAI, BxB Hulk & Diamante [Z-Brats] d. Kzy, Big Boss Shimizu & Jacky “Funky” Kamei [Natural Vibes] (KAI > Shimizu, DQ, 10:05)
Gurukun Mask [Ryukyu Dragon], Takashi Yoshida, Strong Machine J & Ryu Fuda d. Shuji Kondo, U-T [Natural Vibes], Riki Iihashi & Ishin Iihashi (Gurukun > Riki, Gurukun Driver, 8:38)
Dragon Dia & Yuki Yoshioka [D’Courage] d. La Estrella & Takuma Fujiwara (Yoshioka > Estrella, Inferno, 8:50)
Shun Skywalker [Z-Brats] d. Jason Lee (SSW, 10:21)
Final Burst Out! K-Ness Forever Jimmys One-Night Reunion: Jimmy Susumu, Jimmy Kagetora, Genki Horiguchi H.A.Gee.Mee!!, Jimmy Kanda & Ryo “Jimmy” Saito w/ Jimmy K-Ness JKS d. Masaaki Mochizuki, Don Fujii, Dragon Kid [HIGH-END], Kenichiro Arai & Konomama Ichikawa (Saito > Ichikawa, SaiRyo Rocket, 15:23)
Eita & Yosuke Santa Maria d. HYO & SB KENTo [Z-Brats] (Yosuke > KENTo, Eita weapon attack, 5:46)
Naruki Doi, Kota Minoura & Kaito Ishida [GOLD CLASS] d. YAMATO, Ben-K & Keisuke Okuda [HIGH-END] (Minoura > Okuda, R-301, 12:33)
The unit of Naruki Doi, Kota Minoura and Kaito Ishida are now known as GOLD CLASS. They say they are here for the girls, not the men in the audience. Their color scheme, oddly enough, is mostly gold with some white as well. I dunno, seems a little too close to HIGH-END’s own scheme. Someone is going to maybe need to change their unit color scheme, with HIGH-END having red and white as backups I guess. But what do I know. They move on, undefeated as a unit, to face Kzy/U-T/JFK on Saturday for the Open The Triangle Gate titles in Osaka. Doi promised a gift to Kota Minoura, revealed to be rookie Takumi Hayakawa as “Minorita,” sort of a Mini-Me, who, um, well, there is a resemblance? To add to the weirdness, Hayakawa made his way out to the old MASQUERADE theme, and in a MASQUERADE costume.
They were not the only new unit name, however, as the two-man crew of Dragon Dia & Yuki Yoshioka are now collectively known as D’Courage, as one reading of “Yuki” is “courage.” They are going pink and blue for their colors, which, OK, Dia has already been pink since before his term in MASQUERADE and since his return unmasked. I might have thought GOLD CLASS might recruit them, but maybe it’s better this way, as GOLD CLASS seem a little rudoish compared to DiaYoshi. Dia will face rookie Takuma Fujiwara for his Open The Brave Gate title on Saturday, today’s match a prelude to that.
Big Boss Shimizu goes apeshit with a chair to get a DQ in the final prelude match to the Open The Dream Gate title match on Sunday. KAI reminded him that a DQ on Sunday means he retains, but Shimizu said Sunday is a different match.
Jimmys reunited for one night, as the final K-Ness testimonial match took place. They were pretty popular when together from 2012-17, and today was actually the 10th anniversary of their formation at Champion Gate 2012. Little over a month before K-Ness’s formal retirement on 4/7/2022 at Korakuen, which has been set to be K-Ness & Susumu Yokosuka v. Dragon Kid & Kzy.
Shun Skywalker continues to taunt his former stablemate Jason Lee. Ho Ho Lun tried to help Lee from a Z-Brats beatdown, until HIGH-END camea out for the save. Both HIGH-END and Natural Vibes en masse both offered membership and assistance to Jason Lee whilst Shun Skywalker insisted nobody was going to help Lee, completely oblivious. Shun is definitely going through it. Natural Vibes & HIGH-END will apparently be fighting to get Jason Lee’s allegiance. Pfew. Ryo Saito had to make a match for 4/25/2022 Korakuen Hall, 3-way of some kind, winner gets Jason Lee, I guess?
Eita rescued Yosuke Santa Maria post-match, mocking Z-Brats for having to attack her, but Eita still wants absolutely nothing to do with Yosuke, despite being constantly paired together. Despite this, Eita & Yosuke talked it out, and Yosuke wants to go after the Twin Gate championship with Eita. It looks like now this will be a 3-way match for Sunday.
Gurukun Mask made another appearance. As a reminder he and YAMATO take on Jun Kasai & Takashi Sasaki at Ryukyu Dragon’s show from Tokyo Shinjuku FACE which will be on Twitcast along with Kzy & U-T challenging for their tag belts against Churaumi Sabre & Minoru Fujita.
King Of Gate 2022 was announced, starting on 5/11/2022 at Korakuen Hall, with the Final at the June Korakuen show on 6/2/2022. Ryo Saito also announced a Toryumon reunion (!) at Korakuen Hall for 6/3/2022. It was also announced that through March, select matches from each house show will be posted to YouTube.
The next DG show is Saturday, the first night of Champion Gate 2022 in Osaka, which will feature two title matches, Dia v. Fujiwara for the Open The Brave Gate and Natural Vibes v. GOLD CLASS for the Triangle Gate belts. Sunday will be Night 2, with KAI v. Big Boss Shimizu for the Open The Dream Gate title, as well as the 3-way match for the Twin Gate titles between D’Courage v. HYO & SB KENTo  v. Eita & Yosuke Santa Maria.
DDT ran a prelude show to Judgement 2022 from Tokyo Shinjuku FACE yesterday, which was shown live on Wrestle Universe. The main event was a Captain’s Fall Elimination prelude match for Konosuke Takeshita v. Tetsuya Endo for the KO-D Openweight title on 3/20/2022.
DDT Judgement 2022 -Limited- - 3/2/2022, Tokyo Shinjuku FACE (Wrestle Universe)
Yuki Sakaguchi, Kazusada Higuchi & Saki Akai [Eruption] d. Maya Yukihi, Naomi Yoshimura & Yuya Koroku (Sakaguchi > Koroku, Triangle Choke, 9:58)
Akito & Yuki Ishida d. Danshoku Dino & Yuki Iino [Pheromones] (DQ, 9:27)
No DQ Match: Daisuke Sasaki & Minoru Fujita [DAMNATION TA] d. MAO [The 37KAMIINA] & Yuki Naya (Fujita > Naya, Modified Samson Clutch, 12:56)
Chris Brookes d. HARASHIMA [DISASTER BOX] (Praying Mantis Bomb, 13:33)
Captain’s Fall Elimination Tag Match: Tetsuya Endo ©, Jun Akiyama & Yusuke Okada [Burning] d. Konosuke Takeshita ©, Yuki Ueno & Shunma Katsumata [The 37KAMIINA] - Order of Eliminations: - Akiyama > Ueno, Cradle, 20:48 - Okada > Katsumata, Sudden Death, 26:20 - Takeshita > Okada, Zahi, 28:14 - Endo > Takeshita, The Best Burning Star Press In The Universe, 33:14
Endo gets a direct win over Takeshita, revenge win for Takeshita pinning Endo at the Ultimate Tag League 2022 Finals on Sunday. Pheromones called DDT hypocrites, wanting to ban them but then hyping their “exciting” content. Saki Akai and Maya Yukihi went at each other post-match, with Yukihi wanting their singles match there and then.
That’s it for me this week. Many shows this weekend. See you Sunday.
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chvcklefvck · 7 years
Writing Prompt Requests Open!
I hit 200 followers and wanted to celebrate by opening prompt requests! I know have some in my inbox I need to get writing, especially because of the like one month break I took, but I wanted to come back with a little bit of a bang, so this is what I’m doing (for now, might do something else too a little later!).
(Everything you need to know ((rules, the prompt list, wrestlers)) are under here so the post doesn’t get too long!)
Here is a list of wrestlers I am accepting prompt requests for at the moment!
WWE Wrestlers: Drew McIntyre (the current love of my life) | Shinsuke Nakamura | Asuka | Ember Moon | Nikki Cross
NJPW Wrestlers: Kazuchika Okada | Hiromu Takahashi | Tetsuya Naito | Kenny Omega
Please only send in requests for these wrestlers! That being said, I am still going to write the current requests I have that aren’t for these wrestlers. I just really want to write for these wrestlers at the moment!
I am only doing them from ( this list )
Only send a wrestler from the list stated above!
I only do wrestler x reader!
If you have two requests please send them in different asks! That way I can write and post these easier!
You are more than welcome to send 2-3 numbers with the wrestler of your choice, but please do not send more than that.
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ghostofviperwrites · 5 years
Requested by: @willalwaysprotectyou and @speirskitten
Featuring: Hiromu Takahashi and Jay White
Category:   Angst
Word Count: 932
Warnings:  cheating, language, implied smut
I combined two different requests for different characters with the same prompt
30.          “I love you, not him.”
I giggled as Jay pulled me back to his body, falling across the bed and landing on his chest.
“C’mon baby, I’ve got to go.” I murmured with a smile pressing a kiss to his lips. “I can’t be late.  They’ll fire me.”  
Reluctantly Jay released me after a final kiss watching as I pulled on my clothes and rushed out of the hotel room with a wave.   I had to get back to my house, shower and change in a hurry.   Hailing a taxi I slid in the backseat urging the driver to step on it.   I was going to have to hustle to make it on time.  Sinking back against the seat of the cab I closed my eyes, heaving a sigh of exhaustion.  Something was going to have to give soon. 
Thirty minutes later I was running to another hotel room, jamming the key card in the slot and rushing inside.
“I’m so sorry I’m late baby.”  I exclaimed launching myself into the arms of Hiromu Takahashi.   “The boss was on my ass and I couldn’t get free.”  
“You’re here now.  That’s all that matters.”  Hiromu said engulfing me in a hug.   “I missed you.” 
“I missed you too.”  I said with a smile, kissing him deeply and happily letting Hiromu lead me towards the bedroom. 
Three weeks later and I was no closer to making a decision.  Every time I thought I was going to break it off with one of them, they did something that made me realize I couldn’t walk away. I knew what I was doing was wrong.  Both Jay and Hiromu were under the impression our relationship was exclusive.  My idiocy apparently knew no bounds, as the two men I was dating both worked for the same company.  I had been exceptionally careful to avoid their coworkers and appearing anywhere near the arenas or shows they worked at.  I had avoided any introductions to their friends, masterfully evading all attempts with seduction.  It wasn’t difficult to convince two healthy virile men to spend an afternoon in bed with their girlfriend over a night out with the guys. 
In a weak moment though, Jay had managed to talk me into coming to the show tonight in Korakuen Hall.  I had agreed before I thought things through and was regretting it, but I couldn’t figure out an excuse to talk my way out of it.   The only reason I said yes, was because Hiromu wasn’t performing on this show, instead he was on his way to the United States to perform on some shows for Ring of Honor.  I knew after this that I would never be able to meet Hiromu’s friends. Even if I didn’t formally meet them through Jay, the chance that they could see me with Jay was too high.  
As the show got underway, my worries disappeared as I got caught up in the excitement of the live show.  When it was time for Jay’s match I wandered out of the Bullet Club locker room to watch from gorilla position watching the action through the curtains.  
“Y/N-chan? What are you doing here?” 
I froze at the familiar voice, slowly turning around in dread.  
“Hiromu?” I sputtered in shock as I saw him in the flesh, standing behind me with a look of confusion surrounding by his Ingobernables brethren.  None of whom looked too friendly.  “What are you doing here?”
“I work here.”  Hiromu said.  “What are you doing here?” 
I scrambled for a plausible answer, anything to get me out of this situation. 
“You’re supposed to be in the US,” I said accusingly. 
“I had a visa issue.”  Hiromu said shortly.  “Quit evading my question and tell me what you’re doing here. Backstage.  Watching Bullet Club’s match.”  
I could see the anger forming on Hiromu’s face, and was surprised as he reached out and grabbed me by the arm, yanking me forward to glare at me.
“Tell me!”  He demanded.
“What the hell is going on here?”  Jay appeared through the curtain rushing to my side and pulling me free from Hiromu’s grasp. “Get your hands off my girl.” 
“Your girl? She’s my girlfriend.”  Hiromu said fiercely. 
I shied away as the tensions rose, the Ingos and BC getting in each other’s faces. 
“Bullshit.”  Jay spat.  “He’s lying right, Y/N?” 
Again I found myself the center of attention as both groups stared at me. 
“I…I… I was kind of dating both of you.” I admitted wincing at the hurt that flash over both men’s faces. 
“How could you?”  Hiromu asked stepping away from me when I reached out for him.  Naito protectively stepped in front of him, separating me from Hiromu.  
“I knew I never should have agreed to come here.”  I muttered to myself.  This was even worse than I had imagined when I went over worst case scenarios.  I cried out when I saw Hiromu being shepherded away, as well as Jay as both men realized I had been playing them. 
“No! Please don’t go!  I love you, not him!”  I shouted desperately. 
My relief when Jay stopped and turned back to me was short lived as he sneered at me. 
“Who are you even talking to?” 
I couldn’t answer the question I didn’t have an answer to, watching everything fall apart as both men disappeared surrounded by their friends as I was left alone. 
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