#just some cutie patooties due to high demand
cocolacola · 1 year
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some grellerin fluff bridal style
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ffxvhoe · 7 years
Ok so I've been wondering about this for awhile but what would the bros do when they accidentally see their 4'11 smol s/o wearing their clothes, high and mighty, while impersonating them, but really flustered when they got caught, ex. Iggy heard his s/o say something like "I am the coolheaded Ignis, and all of you are grounded for, uhh, something" or Noct's s/o "bow down before your prince, ohh, and as the future king, I hereby declare that carrots are banned" thank you :3
Gladdy had come home early from a job and wanted to surprise you
it was late, probs a little past midnight
he did his best to unlock the door to the apartment as quietly as he could so as to not alert you and ruin the surprise
as he came further into the house, making his way to your shared bedroom, however, he heard you talking
it didn’t sound like there was anyone else in there with you and there was no weird pauses that indicated a phone call
so our dear gladio gently pushes the ajar door open some more so he can see wtf is goin on
there you are standing on the bed in nothing but an oversized shirt doin your best impersonation of gladio
you did your best to lower your voice to match gladio’s which damn was that a feat in and of itself
“I am the manliest man to ever man”
“I eat nails for breakfast”
“do you even lift bro?”
“I can bench press a behemoth”
there’s this stupid smile on gladio’s face as he watches you and finally he gives himself away when he begins to laugh
you nearly fall of the bed
ignis stopped by your place to pay you a long over due visit
work once again took up a large portion of his life sigh what a shame smh
he still had the spare key you’d given to him on his keychain so he figured he’d just let himself in
well this mans got another thing comin if he thinks that he’s just gonna find you doin something completely normal
nope your bored af ass is jumpin on the bed ((iggy is internally screaming bc bE CAREFUL PLS))
but not only are you jumpin on the bed
you’re also doin you best worst impression of ignis
“this soup is saltier than noct when i wake him up too early”
*pushes up imaginary glasses on nose*
“don’t test me, i make your food”
“sometimes my hair looks like a cockatoo”
“___ what are you doing?”
“IGNIS !!!” cue awkward cough “what are you doin here?”
he just raises an eyebrow in question
“i was bored?”
he just gonna shake his head with a smile before wrapping you in a hug
he’ll never let you live this down
but any way
prom will come home after doin whatever it is promptos do during the day
spreading love
making people happy
just being a cutie patootie 
he’ll come home wanting to tell you about his day like always except….instead of coming home to you watching tv or reading or whatever it is you do on a normal day
he comes home to you laying upside down on the couch so you legs are thrown over the back of the furniture and your head is hanging off the cushions
ya know as one does
anyway, you’ll have headphones on or something hence why you don’t here him enter the apartment
and you’re just…impersonating him….very badly
“i am prompto and i have chronic bedroom eyes”
*finger guns* “bang bang mothafucka the sunshine boy is here”
*pretending to flex* “the gun shows in town folks”
thank goodness prom has enough self control not to post that online as soon as he’s done filmin
okay so like this whole thing happens bc you think noct isn’t home
in reality he’s actually just napping and you think that the bundle of covers is just fabric but really it’s noct buried under them
so you’re like idk goin around the house doin some minor cleanin
you can’t be that lazy can’t be living in a pig sty my d00d
anyway to keep yourself amused as you go about dusting things and whatnot you begin to impersonate noctis
“hey ramuh fry this chicken for me”
“as your king i demand no more work before twelve pm”
“I will have you beheaded for trying to feed me such poison [talkin about veggies]”
“i have more attitude in my pinky than people have in their entire bodies”
noct comes in at some point in the middle of this and just…leans against the door frame watchin you be a goof
the vaccum cleaner woke him up
you nearly jump outta your damn skin when you see him bc thIS BOY WAS NOT SUPPOSE TO BE HERE WHAT
anyway noct just replies with “ramuh doesn’t make house calls”
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