#hi to all the new ppl here because of black butler ;;
cocolacola · 1 year
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some grellerin fluff bridal style
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crystalcatgamer · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tag by @havenotwillnotreadthebooks, lo, Kefi!
How many works do you have on AO3?
122 🎵 I’ve orphaned and deleted a few along the years, though.
What fandoms do you write for?
Uhhhh. Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint (ORV), Boboiboy, Jujutsu Kaisen and more. Currently really, really fixated on One Piece though I haven’t written fic yet, but am cooking so much toxic doomed brothers food (Donquixote Bros)
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Vis la goddamn DSMP phase always going to be my biggest mark in the world. Excluding discontinued fics and stuff I’m not happy with anymore for now…
Run, run (Here comes the boy) 1415 kudos
May the odds (Be ever in your favour) 1203 kudos
There are days where I don’t know the person in the mirror (And there are days I don’t care) 1161 kudos
Hold you in my hands like hot tea 1155 kudos
Knowing I’m safe cause you want me 1052 kudos (A sequel to fourth place!)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I respond to every single comment I can, though sometimes I might miss some! I’ll catch them months later lmao. It’s always fun to chat with ppl about what’s in my fic
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I’ll call out your name, but you won’t call back. This is an ORV fic, doomed Doksoo (beloved) and since it’s canon compliant… yeah. ‘Twas full of angst that came from love.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
The deep blue of summer nights. This was a cute ORV fic born of me wanting to write Secretive Plotter’s birthday being celebrated by ABFD, SWK and Uriel! They’re my fav rare dynamic
Do you get hate on fics?
I think the closest I got was some discourse on my DSMP fic? To be expected, and it was cleared up soon enough!
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I did like years ago lmao, tucked into the depths of the internet. Definitely not on main, for this is a family friendly account sir. It was fun in a way but also I hated writing it most of the time??? More of a reader than a writer I would say. As for what kind… while, I wrote what I liked ☆
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I HAVE THREE (3) CROSSOVERS AND THEY’RE BOTH WITH JUJUTSU KAISEN. Maybe I’m more insane over JJK then I thought I was. In my defence they’re easy to cross. Okay so basically my craziest one is this ORV X JJK one (Something blue, something new) in which I wrote the ship Kim Dokja x Gojo Satoru because I was commissioned to
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope and I hope I never do!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have not, but as long as people ask first I’m always open to it.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
A FNAF fic I wrote with Kefi (the one who pinged me for this game): Many vegetables, one soup, and a work full of original poems with @thenamelesshaven: You are made of the sea and the stars (and one day you are going to find yourself again)
What’s your all time favourite ship?
[glances at my art gallery] Recently, LawLu from One Piece and… Sharron/Maric from Lord Of The Mysteries
What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
We Shouldn’t Be This Kind Of Tired At Our Age! An ORV fic featuring Yoo Mia witnessing Yoo Joonghyuk’s changes with every turn!
What are your writing strengths?
Uhhhh. Being able to churn out stuff at the speed of light. And writing angst (lol)
What are your writing weaknesses?
Actually having a proper outline, ehe. It’s why I usually write one-shots.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Uhhhh I? Might do it some day? I’m just a bilingual guy who barely passed Chinese. It’s cool when other people who know what they’re writing about do it in their fics tho.
First fandom you wrote for?
Ehe. VIS LA BOKU NO HERO ACADEMIA (MY HERO ACADEMIA) but the fic’s been orphaned to the void ✌🏻
Favourite fic you’ve written?
Woah. Tough question, scrambling for it… this one! when I look in his eyes, well, I just see the sky. It’s a Black Butler fic I wrote recently for Whumptober (2023), Elizabeth Midford centric! I love her a lot <3
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sugas-sweetheart · 4 years
Reincarnations || Sebastian Michaelis
A/N: IM SO SORRY I DELETED THE ASK BUT I HAD A SCREENSHOT BECAUSE I GET EXCITED WHEN PPL REQUEST BLACK BUTLER AND SHOW MY TWO FRIENDS - this is also a mix of both but I kinda tweaked it so that the reader doesn’t know Sebastian is their mate as it takes a little time for memories of their past lives to return once meeting him so that I could add a little more to it, I hope that’s okay! Enjoy! I’m also honoured to be the first person you sent an ask to 🥺 And I apologise for how long it took to write and it’s kind of shit oops ahdksnd I’m so so sorry
Request by: @samanthaambrosia
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As you mention ‘She’ in the request I’ve made this a Fem! Reader so that I was also able to make her a maid
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Upon your arrival at Phantomhive manner you could never have imagined how this would play out.
Entering the large mansion for the first time, you were greeted by the four other working staff; they welcomed you with open arms explaining that the young master and his butler were off on a business trip for the next few days. When the Queen sent you, one of her personal maids, to start working in Phantomhive manner, it confused you. You didn’t know what had prompted this, nor were you really in a position to question it. You thought that as her half angel, half demon maid, she wouldn’t let you stray very far away from her, but alas, here you were.
They gave you a tour of the grand mansion and stopped by your small living quarters to let you settle. Due to your supernatural nature, that they were unaware of, it wasn’t too hard to settle in, especially, after they had tested your reflexes to aid in “the Phantomhive welcome”.
You had been at the mansion for a couple of days now, the Lord himself and his butler were due to arrive anytime from last night. While you knew the Lord could be the tiniest bit caring, you still thought you ought to make a good impression sicne the Queen didn’t care to mention how long you would be here.
The sound of brisk knocking brought you out of your thoughtful daze as you finished buttoning up your shirt’s cuffs. The noise startled you as in your few days at the manor, you were the one to be awake and working before the others.
“Excuse me, may I come in?” A deep voice followed the knocking, which prompted you to step towards the door and open it for the individual outside.
A small gasp left the dark haired males lips as his eyes locked with yours and a sense of familiarity washed over you.
“Oh! Goodmorning, you must be Sebastian, the head butler. I’m Y/N, the maid sent by the Queen to serve the young Lord. It’s lovely to finally meet you, I’ll introduce myself to the Lord when he leaves his quarters.” A smile graced your face as you rambled on, not taking notice of his initial look of shock, and his alluring features studied you.
The familiarity and comfort his face brought you was confusing. Being fairly young compared to other angels and demons, surely you’d remember everyone you’ve met? He had a strange aura, almost definitely supernatural. You couldn’t quite place where you had seen him before and that was going to be on your mind the whole day.
“You are correct, I am Sebastian. Please come to me if you have any concerns or require help. You can continue with your daily duties then and I shall be seeing to the young master now” with a quick bow, he briskly started walking away.
There was a constant elegance to him; it kept your eyes trained on him until he rounded the corner. That feeling of familiarity still lingering within your heart.
Sebastian paused after he had turned the corner to make sure he was out of your view. You had always owned his heart, and you would forever more. The reincarnations of you kept him going through his endless demon life. In this life and the next you two were promised to each other, a constant that you both needed in lives that lasted as long as yours would.
It was just a shame that you were cursed to forget him until you crossed paths, and even then, it took time for you to recollect and gain all your previous memories. He had one item that he had gifted to you in your last existence together, he had to try jogging your memory, right?
As the day continued on, quick introductions were exchanged between you and the young Lord before you were due to get back to your usual tasks. Sebastian by his side sparing glances at you any moment he could get when he thought no one was looking. Unbeknownst to him, a certain Phantomhive was very observant of it all. So he did what anyone would do and asked him about you.
“Sebastian, what is your connection to the new maid?” Ciel questioned, pausing his musical studies briefly to peek up at his butler.
“I don’t seem to understand what you mean, my Lord” the raven haired male sent a quick glance back at the boy before continuing.
“You seemed very distracted by her this morning” the younger male mused before too continuing with his music.
Although Sebastian wouldn’t say it, Ciel was right. You had invaded his head space since his eyes gazed over you this morning and he only wished that you remembered him quicker.
Reaching into his tail coat pocket, he checked that he still had the pendent. He knew it was there, it was just a force of habit that he checked and now it mattered most. He had carried the crimson pendant since your last passing, almost fifty years ago now.
“She’s my mate, my lover. She loves me, and I her, for eternity…” it was only quiet, but Ciel heard it.
“Shouldn’t she be running into your arms then? That’s what most novels say isn’t it?” This situation had peaked Ciel’s interest more so than before, you had only given the butler a few glances when focusing on your formal introduction to the Lord. He would have expected more longing looks for what sounded like such a profound love.
“Not all love stories are that of novels, my lord. There was once a curse placed upon us, she may only regain her previous memories after meeting me again, and even then it must be prompted by something”
“Well? What are you going to do?”
“Ah, always a curious one aren’t you, my Lord? I shall deal with it later, for now you need to get back to your studies” And so he did. Sebastian decided he would confront you later, but now he just needed to figure out how. It’s not a very simple thing to spring upon someone you’ve just met. If you didn’t regain your memories then you’d probably think he was a lunatic, or just a very big flirt.
The day had passed and night was closing in. The raven haired demon had prepared himself for this moment; he had waited patiently for so many years. With his gloved hands tightly clutched around the vermillion pendent, he took cautious strides towards your figure. Your back was turned away from the rest of the room as you dusted a tall cabinet in the corner.
A light tap was detected on your left shoulder causing you to whip your head round and meet the striking blood coloured eyes of the man behind you.
“Excuse me, but I think this belongs to you” he uncurled his fingers as he spoke to reveal a ruby pendant necklace and a tight lipped smile grew on his face.
“I’m sorry, you must be wrong. But as a maid I could never own such a high value item” the very prominent apologetic tone was laced with disappointment, he could tell you were just as infatuated with the ruby as you were when he first gifted it to you those many years ago.
“Oh on the contrary, my love” he reached forward to lightly pull your hand closer to his, placing the chain into your palm.
The look of bewilderment was obvious in your face, he had just addressed you as “my love” whilst giving you a piece of jewellery no maid would own. As he closed your palm around the accessorie it was like a warm familiar feeling filled you. Short memories were unveiled and unlocked in your mind, memories of him.
You began to hesitantly move your free hand to his face to cup his cheek, you had spent decades apart and were finally reunited and it all felt too good to be true.
“Going by Sebastian I see? I could get used to that” a teasing smile broke out on you face and Sebastian’s smile widened as he saw your old self shining through.
He couldn’t wait a moment longer and pulled your face forwards to meet his lips.
You made a mental note to thank the Queen for sending you here, and hoped that you’d be by his side for eternity once more.
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doffies · 7 years
title: for want of a storm
summary: For want of a storm, a ship was sunk. For want of a ship, a sacrifice was made. For want of a sacrifice, a different story was told.
warnings: cursing, death, and mentions of food.
author’s notes: another ‘for want of a nail’ fanfic, ive had this idea rolling around my head for a couple of years now, and its only recently that ive finally made a decent prologue for it. i’ll be posting this on both ao3/ff.net later maybe
if u wanna review or leave a comment i love rbs or replies!!! i love ppl talking to me basically
Alvida had completely obliterated the precious dinghy Coby had painstakingly built from scratch in a fit of rage, and he, a simple cabin boy who wanted nothing more than to avoid getting maced, just couldn’t help but make it a thousand times worse.
“A-Alvida is… Alvida… She’s…”
And to think, he had been so careful before.
Apologizing if Alvida so much as stared in his direction, bowing his head whenever the pirate passed by, even taking the initiative to swab the boat front to back five times in the row until the mace-wielding captain was satisfied. He would’ve humiliated himself a thousand times over if it meant keeping himself alive.
Yet here he was, throwing his life away on a stupid, momentary whim.  
I don’t mind dying for my dreams.
…well, he supposed it wasn’t all that stupid.
What was the point of having a dream if you weren’t willing to give everything up for it?
That was what a certain straw-hatted pirate had told him as he shoved the doomed cabin boy away from the descending iron mace, flashing the same fearless grin Coby envied as he faced the massive weapon head-on.
He expected the familiar sound of bones breaking under Alvida’s deadly swing, but a far more different noise rung out as the mace made contact with the man’s head.
Coby blinked once. Alvida blinked twice. Her cronies didn’t blink at all.
“It’s useless against me,” the supposed victim breathed, head steadily stretching downwards as the mace pressed against the unhuman-like skin,
And just like that, the mace sprung back. Alvida gawked, stepping back in utter shock as her target suddenly launched his arms backwards, reaching an impressive length as he stared back at his mystified attacker.
The Alvida pirates all but screamed while their former cabin boy looked on in awe. He realized right then and then he no longer needed to fear Alvida’s unpredictable bouts of rage, the constant harassment of the other pirates, the endless bathroom cleaning…
Coby was truly free.
Even as the unmistakable sound of a jaw breaking echoed throughout the forest, the spectacled boy grinned, blobs of happy tears beginning to roll down his cheeks. His newfound friend huffed, watching the defeated woman fall hard onto the forest floor as his own arms slapped back into place. He gestured at the pirates watching on in horror.
“Prepare a boat for Coby! He wants to join the Marines, so stay outta his way!”
It was then that Coby began to cry, despite himself. The man in front of him was everything he aspired to be – everything he could be if he truly wanted to. Becoming the Marine of his dreams was no longer an unattainable pipe dream.
He smiled, knowing right then and there that the rubber man was going to achieve everything he wanted, and then some.
“Thank you.”
“It seems as though the pieces have finally been set in motion.”
Face impassive as he observed the arrangement of tarot cards scattered across the table’s wooden surface, the blonde let out a despondent sigh of annoyance.
He supposed it could be considered a blessing that things would finally start to move along in accordance to fate, but with the sense of complacency that fell upon him during his last reading, he found it hard to care.
There was no use fighting destiny.
The cards had already been set long ago, and all he could do was read them.
“Sweetheart, you still in there?”
Glancing towards the counter, the man acknowledged the woman frowning back at him with a small nod. She smiled a little at the wordless response.
“It’s about time for Helmeppo’s usual parading, and I don’t want him coming in here and executing one of my best waiters.”
Despite the joking tone, her expression held a hint of anxiousness. She wasn’t really kidding, after all.
Not wanting to overcomplicate things, the blonde dipped his head in understanding. Gathering the cards as he stood up, the woman watched with a small sense of fondness as her employee carefully wiped off the table he had just been using.
As she hurried the blonde outside, eyeing the familiar marine entourage approaching from a distance, she muttered, “With that way that Helmeppo carries himself, you’d be hard-pressed not to mistake him as a noble.”
The blonde twitched, hand instinctively reaching out to scratch at his back.
“Captain Buggy’s gonna have a field day when he takes a gander at our haul!”
Cackling as he ran his fingers through the gold coins piled inside the treasure, the toque-wearing pirate held up a particularly sparkly-looking set of pearl necklaces to the morning sun. “Who would have thought that such a small ship could carry so much loot?”
Balancing a gold crown on his oversized hair, the man with disproportionally large earrings rubbed his hands together in gleeful anticipation. “Maybe Captain Buggy’ll reward us! Move over Mohji and Cabaji, us three will be in the boss’s favor now!”
The trio laughed boisterously, stopping only when the bearded of the three point out the small ship bobbing only a small distance away. Encouraged by the thought of even more treasure, the pirates hungrily paddled over without a care in the world.
Upon reaching the boat, the men quickly realized it was abandoned with nothing but a large treasure chest, practically begging to be opened and stolen from. Seeing no reason to resist the allure of riches, all three men climbed aboard the small dinghy.
As the boat shifted under their weight, a steady stream of bubbles rose from the waves behind them.
In just thirty seconds, the three men were gone from the dinghy, replaced by a masked man lazily wiping the bloodied blades connected to his wrist with a whistle. A new treasure chest brimming with bright jewelry and gold coins sat beside him.
Humming, he brought up the reflective metal to his face, taking in the striped cyan mask staring back at him.
 “Damn it, where the hell’s the waitress?!”
Slamming down a loaded wok in frustration, the chef all but lost it as he threw down his hat. “This is the third time a damn customer followed up on an order! Where the hell are all the meals going?! I can’t prepare the same goddamn fillet mignon five times in a row!”
“You think you have problems, pal?!” Another chef dumped a stack of plates into the washer, unaffected by the shattering that promptly followed. “I finish cooking up a five-course meal, but the second my back’s turned, poof! It disappears!”
“Yeah? Try losing all your ingredients before you even start trying to make the damn dish!”
“How about finding out you’ve been cooking the wrong slop because of crap handwriting?!”
“Losing half the broth of my goddamn soup every time I turn around?!”
“Finding half-eaten chicken legs where our damn daily special’s supposed to be?!”
“Oh, those?”
All conversation stopped as the chefs instantly turned their attention to the revolving doors leading to the dining hall. Noisily chewing on what used to be glazed ribs, the pink-haired waitress in question shrugged at the dark looks being sent her way.
“I ate them. Sorry ‘bout that.”
The customers inside the dining hall quietly snickered in amusement as the kitchen exploded into a chorus of angry screams and hollers.
Just another day in the Baratie.
He wasn’t lost, he was just searching for a worthy opponent.
That was what a certain green-haired swordsman told himself as he strolled along the foggy streets of a certain town, free hand clasped around a sword’s hilt as he eyed the townspeople happily going about their day around him.
It had been a boring week so far. He wandered around aimlessly from his village (not lost, of course) and ended up on a boat to a small island village, (which he inadvertently ended up saving after cutting down a certain black-haired butler in a spontaneous fit of bloodlust) then got on another boat that wrecked itself on another island full of strange creatures, (he helped one in particular reach the treasure it had apparently been protecting for years, only to find the chests empty in a scene that still made the swordsman wince) before finally making it to the town he currently found himself.
He was originally planning on staying for just a day or so, but after he heard of a shop offering a cursed sword, he promptly made up his mind to spend the last of the money he made during his bout as a bounty hunter to purchase this apparently deadly sword.
Unfortunately however, he had very little luck finding said shop, despite his lengthy stay of a month in the town.
Not that it mattered. He was going to find this elusive shop soon. He could just feel it.
Nodding to himself as he passed by a red-nosed man polishing a sword just outside his shop with a massive red sign reading “SWORDS FOR SALE”, the (not lost) swordsman grinned to himself.
He was definitely on the right track.
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mitchbeck · 4 years
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BY: Gerry Cantlon, Howlings HARTFORD, CT - The Hartford Wolf Pack scored two early goals and utilized a stingy defense along with solid goaltending from Tom McCollum and upended the visiting Laval Rocket, 3-1, before 4,089 on Friday night at the XL Center. The Wolf Pack improved their record to 28-13-5-5 (66 points). Their home record elevates to 21-2-0-2 while their record when leading after two periods remains perfect at 20-0-1-2. The Pack now trails the Hershey Bears by two points who lost in overtime to the Binghamton Devils, 4-3. The Wolf Pack takes on the Lehigh Valley Phantoms Saturday at the PPL Center and seeks to improve their woeful play and record on the road. Laval's record falls to 23-22-5-2 (53 points). They are in sixth place in the North Division and play in Providence against the Bruins on Sunday. Laval made the game close forcing the Wolf Pack to sweat it out in the third period as two-thirds of the scoring came from players who have hurt the Wolf Pack in the past. Phil Varone got a pass from defenseman, Gustav Olofsson, in the left-wing circle. His shot was perfectly kicked out by McCollum’s right pad. Unfortunately for the Pack, the rebound went right to Riley Barber who had position on Mason Geersten and was easily able to pot his 13th of the season into the net. The Wolf Pack’s Tim Gettinger scored his 12th goal of the season depositing the puck into an empty net with 14.6 seconds remaining sealing the Hartford victory. Laval came out with a bit more fire in the second frame and started taking the body. McCollum played a well-structured first period but had to do some diving and acrobatics to keep the Rocket off the scoreboard. He stopped Quinnipiac graduate, Matt Peca, at 6:18. Barber was denied from off the left-wing and leading Laval’s leading scorer, Philippe Hudon, from in the right-wing circle all-alone and Olofsson who was pinching off the left-point with just about 7:50 to go in the second period. “I felt really good tonight," remarked McCollum. "I think a lot of it really boils down to a total team effort. The guys in front of me did a really good job. They were blocking a lot of shots and giving me clean lanes to see pucks. Our forwards were doing a good job to create backpressure, which helped our defense." His secondary skillset as a good puck handler made a tremendous difference in the game’s outcome for head coach Kris Knoblauch. “He did well for us. His passing skills alleviate a lot of pressure. Making saves is really important, but not letting them establish a forecheck (equally important). I know our defense appreciate that.” The Wolf Pack grabbed a quick 2-0 lead early in the first period. The breakout was made possible by Mason Geersten who won a one-on-one battle along the right-wing boards getting the shot/pass to Kravtsov and the scoring sequence began. At 5:28, Vincent Loverde came across the Laval blueline and sent a short pass to Vitali Kravtsov, who did the same for Danny O’Regan in front of the net. O'Regan was all-alone and went backhand-to-forehand, slipping the puck past Cayden Primeau, the son of former Hartford Whaler, Keith Primeau, for his tenth of the season. “Our D played awesome tonight. Those small places like that made a difference whether up along the wall or from behind the net makes a big difference,” said O’Regan. The move in front of the net on the 6’4 Primeau came about as a result of a veteran's patience with the pay off being a goal. “Instinct just took over there. I was able to pull it around him and get in the harder work was done by everyone else,” remarked O’Regan while complimenting his teammates. O’Regan has quietly gone about being a stabilizing force down the middle. “Danny has been very important to us throughout the year, and that was maybe his best game," Knoblauch. stated. "I thought he won a lot of key faceoffs. The majority of his shifts were against their top line, which is pretty dangerous. So, not only was he providing offense, but he did a lot of defensive responsibilities. I thought his game was really good.” Then at 8:55, Nick Ebert skated backward to the blue line and took a pass from Matt Beleskey, who let a hard wrist shot that was blocked and the puck went right to Vinni Lettieri. Lettieri took a shot that was blocked by Laval defenseman, Josh Brook, and the came right back to him. Lettieri skated back to the blue line and sent a low wrist-shot through a Beleskey/Brook screen. Primeau never saw Lettieri’s shot, which would become his 22nd goal, go past him, “I don’t think we could have played any better in the first period. Laval got better as the game went along. We had to defend a lot more. It was a pretty good overall effort from everybody,” Knoblauch stated. Across the ice, a deeply frustrated Laval head coach, Joel Bouchard, whose Rocket squad is 0-3-1-0 in their last four, and 2-6-2-0 in their last 11, has had some tough times with recalls because of injuries in Montreal. The Laval lineup that has undergone major changes in the past two months. Bouchard and his staff are working to keep their players as upbeat as possible. “Every goal seems to weigh on us. We just sag down. We worked hard tonight, but right now we have no chemistry. We have three-or-four guys who were in the NHL most of the year and are adjusting here. Some of our veterans are not playing well. They're good guys. We just don’t have it right now. They're a good team (Hartford) and they got out quickly on us." LINES: O’Regan-Kravtsov-Fogarty Jones-Lettieri-Gettinger Newell-Beleskey-Elmer McBride-Dmowski-Ronning Hajek-Raddysh LoVerde-Geersten Crawley-Ebert SCRATCHES: Boo Nieves - (Upper-Body, Out Indefinitely) Nieves skated in practice the last few days for the first time in more than a week. Yegor Rykov - (Upper-Body) For the fourth time in the last five games is just about ready to return to action. Ryan Gropp - (Healthy) Gabriel Fontaine - (Shoulder-Surgery, Season-ending) NOTES: Pack defenseman Joey Keane was recalled to New York because Rangers rearguard, Tony DeAngelo, suffered an upper-body injury late in the Rangers 5-4 come from behind shootout victory. Keane did not make his NHL debut in Columbus as Marc Staal played despite having had the flu. Sadly, it was the last game for Minnesota head coach, Bruce “Gabby” Boudreau. He was relieved by the Minnesota Wild early Friday. The interim head coach is former Whaler, Dean Evason. Bouchard is an ex-Pack and Sound Tiger. Rocket, Hayden Verbeek, is the nephew of former Whaler great and Detroit assistant GM, Pat Verbeek, who was scratched. The AHL in a late afternoon press release announced the successor to retiring AHL President and CEO Dave Andrews on July 1st. Scott Howson, the current VP Hockey Operations, and Player Development in Edmonton. He has a relationship from their Canadian Maritime days when Andrews was the GM and Director of Hockey Operations in Cape Breton. Howson was his assistant GM and took over the reins when Andrews succeeded Jack Butterfield in 1994-95 as AHL President and CEO. According to a hockey executive who went to apply, they were told the process was being handled by Andrews himself. The fact Andrews knows Howson, he is with a Western NHL team and the league shift and focus is now more a Central and Western US-based league with the recent announcement of Las Vegas purchasing San Antonio and moving them to Nevada, the Palm Springs, CA expansion team that will begin play by the fall of 2022. WOLF PACK FAN JERSEY OF THE NIGHT: #19 Chris Mueller, #22 Tomas Kloucek and a #22 Thomas Pock whose name is really spelled Poeck. Barrett Hayton, the son of former New Haven Nighthawk, Brian Hayton, was recalled from his conditioning stint in Tucson by the parent Arizona Coyotes. Anton Sundin, the son of ex-Pack, Ronnie Sundin, heads from Hanhals IF (Sweden Division-1) to Karlskrona HK (Sweden-SHL) for the rest of the year. UCONN defeated the University of Maine in the first of two critical weekend games 3-2 handing the Black Bears their first home loss of the season. Benjamin Freeman, the Maine native scored the game-winner at of the third period. Carter Turnbull returned to the lineup with three primary assists and Freeman three points and a goal and assists from Sasha Payusov they combined for all eight UCONN points on the night. The two team splay again tomorrow at 7:30 pm (NESN). The Walter Brown Award is awarded to the top New England Division I collegiate player the award started in 1953. Of the 23 players submitted for consideration a few CT connections. The group includes two from Sacred Heart University (AHA) in Mike Lee (Hamden/Gunnery Prep) and Pioneer teammate Jason Cotton. Cotton’s brother, David of Boston College was nominated as well making them just the third brother combo nominated since the award’s inception. Billy and Bob Cleary and former Whaler Scott Fusco and Whaler draft pick Mark Fusco were the others all four attended Harvard. Jack Drury, the son of ex-Whaler, Ted Drury, and the nephew to current Wolf Pack GM, Chris Drury, who both grew up in Trumbull. Uncle Chris won the award twice while at BU. Five other players have won it twice including Ranger and ex-Pack Mike Mottau former New England and Hartford Whaler, Tim Sheehy, and former Ranger, Jimmy Vesey. Boston College’s Spencer Knight (Darien/Avon Old Farms) and Tyce Thompson from Providence College son of ex-Pack and current Sound Tigers head coach, Brent Thompson are under consideration. The winner will be announced at the end of the regular season and before the NCAA tourney begins and the winner will be presented the award on May 3rd at a banquet in Saugus, MA. Several former Wolf Pack players besides Mottau have won it. Matt Gilroy, Dov-Grumet Morris, Bobby Butler, and Ty Conklin. Rangers who have won it include current Blueshirt Adam Fox, Mottau and Brian Leetch (Cheshire). Several others with CT connections were awarded the honor, the late New England and Hartford Whaler, John Cunniff, Scott Harlow (New Haven Nighthawks) and John Curry (Taft Prep-Watertown). Keeping up with Gernander’s wonderful piece on their son, Micah, and being a part of the tradition of Greenway H.S. hockey in Minnesota. Read it HERE. Another superb piece on Brady Tomlak, son of ex-Whaler Mike Tomlak and his play the Air Force Academy. Read that HERE. Dean Bachiero (Southington/Salisbury Prep) commits to Brown University (ECACHL) for 2021-22 and the 6’3 forward is NHL Draft eligible this year. Ex-Pack, Jarko Immonen, signs a one-year extension with JYP Jyvaskyla (Finland-FEL). Ex-Pack, Marek Hrivik, is rumored to be moved from Leksands IF (Sweden-SHL) to Malmo IF (Sweden-SHL) next season. Ex-Wolf Pack, Josh Gratton, continues his career in Canadian senior league hockey with the Hamilton Steelhawks (ACH) joining another ex-Pack, Kris Newbury. A pair of former Wolf Pack players and defense tandem Dale “Diesel” Purinton and Marvin Degon are the latest pro athletes that have entered into the CBD ag-health business like retired Patriots TE Rob Gronkowski. 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