#just the other day my friend told me i have to “찌개 that bitch up”
haneulislearning · 1 year
Little Habits I Have Picked Up While Learning Korean
Some of these are strange and slightly unhinged, and more inside jokes between my friends and I since we are all in the same Korean program, but I just wanted to know if anyone else does the same:
Sometimes when writing I will start writing in Korean obviously, but I will randomly switch to English in the middle. Not even like the translation of the word, it will be like "언제n-" and I will write one letter in English and immediately catch myself. Idk why I do this, but it happens like every other day, and I've never used romanization before so idk where or why this started????
I will say something in English and then pause for a really long time and go "하지만-" and continue whatever I was saying in English.
When we learn loan words we often come up with our own "Korean equivalent" to them, because we think "elevator" just being "엘레베이터" is boring, so we call it "위아래방"
We are never silent. Everything needs a reaction. If someone doesn't go "아이고," "아~~~~," "그-," or make a hissing sound, they're not having a good day.
Word association of when someone is speaking in English, one of us immediately translates a word we know into Korean. "I went to the cafeteria-" "ahhh the 학교 식당"
Speaking Korean in a horrible American accent. Or any accent for that matter. Typing it out doesn't do it justice.
Integrate a single Korean word into our sentences or adding English conjugation to verbs. Some fave quotes of mine: "WE ARE AT 회사. WE DO 회사 THINGS." or "I was 춤 춰ing it up man." or the classic "We are gonna need a 쓰레기장 for all these 인간 쓰레기."
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