#just the whole blonde pretty boy has jokes about or is mistaken for a woman
themedievaldead · 1 month
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donutloverxo · 3 years
Mobster Steve always ready to shut anyone up by his excessive pda in front of anyone and everyone .. cries .. a dream
Thanks for the request and sorry it took so long. I'm combining this and another anon who asked for a reader standing up for herself hopefully thats okay. Warnings - daddy kink, mob!Steve, misogyny. Dividers by @whimsicalrogers.
The yelling out 'daddy!' In public but was inspired by @cruelfvkingsummer s sugar daddy!August Walker.
Please note that my stories are not to be stolen or reposted on any other site. Reblogs and welcome and much appreciated. This blog and this story is 18+. Do not read, follow or interact if you are not 18+. Please🙏🙏
*gif is not mine*
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"You're gonna have to make a decision someday, cap," Sam chimed in, reminding Steve of the time crunch.
He only hummed in return, having had about enough of working the whole damn week, what's worse was that he couldn't even spend the weekend with you.
His frown quickly softening and turning into a smile when he saw you come out of his car, "Daddy!" you squealed, jumping up and down in excitement as you ran to him and threw your arms around him.
He was taken aback a bit, stumbling back a few steps but he managed to catch you, burying his nose in your hair as you nuzzled your face in the crook of his neck.
"I missed you so so much!" you sighed, finally happy to be with him.
He tried to set you down to your feet, so he could get a good look at your face, but you refused to stop clinging to him,"How was your trip, princess?" he asked rubbing your back, which was exposed since you were wearing a flimsy backless dress, he didn't know how he felt about that.
"Oh my gosh!" you squealed again, standing ok your feet so you could look up at him, "We had so much fun! I bought so many new pretty things, hot some for you and your friends too," you blinked.
He hummed, pulling you into him and crashing his lips over yours, he had missed you, it had been less than a week and yet it felt like months. He was well aware of Sam, Bucky, Peter and his bodyguards eyes on you, some of them had the decency to avert their gaze while Sam and Bucky smiled and stared as if they were proud parents.
You giggled, your cheeks warm and head dizzy from the kiss as he let you go.
"Yeah, what'd you get us, princess?" Bucky teased.
Steve shot him a look, knowing that he was only joking but that pet name was reserved for him, only he got the privilege to call you that.
"Ooh! I got you some magnets to put on your fridge and a nice shirt."
"Alright, princess, let's get going or we'll be late," he urged you. Not ready to share your attention with his friends, not after having you back in his arms after so long, and dreading the party you were both going to.
"Did she give you any trouble?" he asked Peter. He had sent the boy with you and your friends to Milan to protect you and make sure that you stayed out of trouble.
"Uh... no, sir. But..." he hesitated, he thought of you as a big sister and would never want to rat you out or get you in trouble, but his loyalty lied with the mob boss, "She might've maxed out your platinum card..."
"Don't worry about that..." he chuckled and thanked him for taking care of you.
"Daddy," you whined, squirming against his side, you had been acting antsy ever since you got in the limo, pressing kisses to his neck and his collarbone, pulling at the collar of his dress shirt, "I missed you sooo much..."
"I missed you too, baby. But we need to talk," he propped your chin up so he could look into your beautiful eyes, "You'll need to be careful with the card from now on. You can't just blow money away just because we have a lot of it."
"Bu... but," your eyes tearing up and your bottom lip wobbling, "I thought what was yours was mine. You said so yourself..." you sniffled, trying to keep your tears at bay, he had told you that when he asked you to leave your shitty studio apartment and move into his brownstone in Brooklyn, he let you decorate the place however you liked and let you have access to his accounts so you let yourself think that what was his was truly yours. "My mom was right..."
"Right about what?"
"She told me never to move in with a guy until I'm engaged. I'm just like... a kept woman for you..."
"No...no...no, honey," he sighed, stroking your cheek, "It is yours. Everything that is mine is yours. Even my heart," he said putting your hand over his heart, "my soul, it's all yours. More than it is mine really."
"And... I'm just looking for a ring, baby. You know I'd be an idiot not to give you my name and make you my wife. But we need to be cautious, what if we spend all our money and don't have any in case of an emergency?"
"All right, that makes sense. I'm sorry, daddy, I promise I'll be careful."
"I know you will, baby. You're my good girl right?"
"Yes," you nodded, clenching your thighs together.
"Are you wet, honey?" he smiled.
"Yes," you giggled. "Will you fuck me right now, please?" pulling your doe eyes so he absolutely won't be able to resist you.
"Not in a moving car, honey," he said, pulling on your bottom lip with his thumb before pushing it in your warm mouth, "I want to take my time with you. I haven't had my most favorite meal in days, so I'll have to do that first, for at least an hour, and then you are good and show me that you deserve it, I'll let you ride my cock."
His words sent shivers up your spine, you gulped, you were bound to be sore tonight. But there was still the matter of your needy pussy, and you weren't patient like your daddy.
"Can I at least suck daddy's cock then?" you requested.
He chuckled, "You just never take no for an answer do you, baby," as you shook your head. He unzipped his pants, pulling his hardening cock out of his pants.
"I'll mess up your hair," he said as you got down to your knees, between his legs, "I don't mind. I want my cummies," you excitedly wrapped your hand around his length, wrapping your lips around his tip.
He pushed your head down, making you gag, "We have to hurry, baby, we'll be there soon..." he moaned as he threw his head back.
He kept fucking his cock into your face, trying not to mess with your pretty hair which was your done up, your makeup was already ruined though, "Here it comes, baby," he warned you before releasing in your mouth.
You swallowed all of out, so that you could impress him and show him that you were his good girl, and because you were looking forward to the, hopefully huge, diamond he was going to buy you.
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You were never a huge fan of parties like these, bored out of your mind, you couldn't even talk to anyone, Sam and Bucky seem to have wandered off somewhere while Steve was too busy making small talk that would literally put you to sleep.
"I'm bored," you told him for the tenth time, you would've even stomped your feet and thrown a full blown tantrum if you weren't aware of everyone's eyes on you, "And my feet hurt from these heels."
"I told you to wear something sensible, doll," he sighed. "Just an hour or so more and then I'll give you a foot massage, okay?"
You only huffed, four inches were more than sensible, you were going to wear the killer eight inch stilletos you bought in Italy with your friends but didn't knowing he'll scold you for it.
"Whatever," you mumbled.
Walking towards a group of women, who looked like they were mob wives and mob mistresses, you could talk to them to kill time.
'She's such a gold digger, I've heard Rogers has a lot of money.' You stopped in your tracks as you heard one of them say.
'You have to be hot to be a gold digger,' another voice snickered.
"Oh shit, I think she heard us..." she whispered as they both looked at you.
"Hello," you gave them a sweet smile, "were you both talking about me?"
"Yeah..." the blonde girl, Stacey you recalled her name was, "It's only the truth," she shrugged. "Nothing wrong with it, go get that money, girl!" She tried to salvage it but the damage was done.
"I think you're mistaken," you said as you propped your hand on your hip, "I'm not a gold digger. I love Steve and I do like how rich he is, but I'd love him even if he didn't have the money. Is it possible that you were projecting your own Insecurities on me? You're the one who wishes your man would leave his wife for you, not me. I'm going to be Mrs Steve Rogers. So you should watch how you speak about me if you know what's good for you."
She was about to quip back but then you felt his arm around you, "Good evening, ladies," he said to the small group of women, "Mind if I steal my fiance for a second?" he asked.
They all stared dumbfounded as he whisked you away.
"Not gonna lie, I would've loved to rescue you and be your knight," he told you as you both walked towards your limo, ready to end the night. "But I'm still so proud of you. You're my sweet strong girl."
"You'll always be my hero, daddy. No matter what."
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kirishoshego · 3 years
!!!MINORS DNI!!! 18+ ONLY!!!
Summary: Sadly your husband isn't meeting the end of his deal with the mob boss Shota Aizawa. After Aizawa's right-hand woman told him about the lowlife's pretty little housewife he decided to take the matter into his own hands. Words: 3.2k+
NOTE: Big big thank you again to @misterhoneyyandere for letting me use their ideas to inspire this and my recent KiriBaku fic! I changed the boyfriend into husband to make the situation a bit more incriminating for him :) TW: nsfw: mention of alcohol and gambling, Voyeurism, non con, mention of blood, being tied up, slight degrading, praise, oral (male receiving), anal fingering, (kind of cheating? I definitely wouldn’t say you’re cheating but some see this as cheating), mention of death threats and a gun, hair pulling, choking, spitting, slapping
Your husband always has been the sweet guy next door. Holding the doors open for you, paying attention to the small things, always remembering your favorites. Haruto supported all your dreams, all your goals. Sure people looked at you a bit weirdly because of your age difference, but you never minded that. It was always the two of you against the world. At least for the first year of your marriage. You were still somewhat in your honeymoon phase but Haruto became more and more stressed because of work. He took a job offer that would pay him a lot of money, but the down side of it was the huge responsibility he was suddenly holding. For the first few month things went great but then his bosses demanded more results. Faster, better.  Of course you understood the situation he was in and you didn’t mind his outbursts. Tried to satisfy him the best way you could. He had to take trips more and more often and at first you didn’t question it. Your husband never lied to you, he knew he could always be open and honest to you about anything. But then you noticed a change of behavior, hiding his phone screen whenever he was around you, leaving the room when someone called. You asked him about it but he denied hiding anything, saying you’re just a bit paranoid and apologized for it. Yet, nothing changed.  So when he was out again for the weekend you couldn’t take it any longer. Now you sat in the kitchen, looking at the red numbers of your husband’s bank account. They must have made a mistake right? Your husband isn’t into gambling, he never had any addictions before, never smoked, never drunk, nothing. The dates all aligned with his “business trips”. One one side you were happy that he wasn’t seeing someone else, but when you noticed the name of the casino you turned pale.  PEONY CASINO Owner: Aizawa, Shota Accused (but never sentenced): Money Laundry, Murder, Drug Cultivation and Manufacturing, Assault, Kidnapping, Robbery, Bribery, you name it. Everyone knew he was one of the biggest mob bosses, but no matter who worked on these cases, they all failed. People and evidence disappeared or were never even found. Sometimes those who pressed charges then would drop them because “It was all a misunderstanding”.  Why would your husband willingly be associated with someone like him? There were plenty of casinos out there, why did it had to be Peony?  You changed into one of your dresses, there was no chance you would get into the casino without the right look. After getting done you jumped into your car, the moon already shining brightly upon you. The closer you got the angrier you turned. How could Haruto lie straight to your face? How could he hide this from you? How could your husband be so stupid to gamble with the devil?
The casino looked absolutely luxurious, you couldn’t deny that. Yet every little hair on your body stood up straight when your eyes landed on the huge building. There was a buff, blond security guard at the front door. His name tag read Bakugou. The couple in front of you tried their luck but were kicked out of the line for violating the dress code. A slight bit of sweat started to form on your forehead and arm pits. What if you failed here already?
“ID?” he barked, holding out his thick hand in front of you. You pulled it out of your purse and handed it to him. When he looked you up and down you fluttered your eyelashes, hoping to work your charm on him. Bakugou licked his plump lips before giving it back to you and letting you pass, his attention already on the person behind you.  The blue and gold color scheme surrounded you everywhere you went. Every table, every worker’s uniform, every card, every dice. It was hard to find your husband in between among thousand of other people but it wasn’t impossible. You spend round about half an hour in the huge hall before your eyes fell upon your cheering husband’s from. As you made your way over to him, a waitress suddenly appeared in front of you, offering something to drink. You debated shortly, but maybe some alcohol in your system would do you well before confronting Haruto. After grabbing a glass filled with expensive liquor you thanked her. Once she walked away you looked at the sport he occupied just seconds ago only to see his seat now empty. You looked for him frankly and spotted a tall red haired man carrying your struggling husband away. Panic bubbled up inside of your body. Fear of what is going to happen. You picked up your speed, almost bumping into another waitress when a guy with purple hair and prominent dark eye-bags cut you off. “May I help you Madame?” he asked you, making sure to block your view from the long hallway. “I want to talk to my husband,” you demanded, eyes squinted together. “I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he tried to make himself seem taller so you would feel more intimidated and crossed his arms.  “I saw him getting carried away by that red haired man, right into this hallway, so stop acting stupid and let me through,” you argued with him and he sighed, talking into his walkie talkie device.  It was impossible for you to hear what the guy on the other line said but Shinso’s demeanor changed. He let you pass, following you at every turn and making you stop in front of a black door. “Mister Aizawa will meet you shortly,” he explained and as you turned around in shock at the mention of his name you were knocked out cold.  You don’t know how long you were out, it could have been hours or days. Your head felt awful, dizzy and confused. “I’m glad you decided to join the party, I don’t think your husband could wait much longer,” a deep voice in front of you spoke. His long black hair was slicked back, his scar on full display. He was wearing a completely black tuxedo, a few golden rings adoring his fingers and you noticed that his knuckles had some bruises. Aizawa was crotched down in front of you as he inspected your face, his eyes wandering up and down your body.  “It’s a real pity that we had to meet under these circumstances,” he seemed genuinely upset when he stroked your cheek.  “My name is Shota Aizawa. According to your ID your name is Y/N Tanaka if I’m not mistaken? And I am pretty sure you know him as well,” a sinister smile was plastered on his face when he stepped out of your view, thus your eyes now falling onto your beat up husband. “Haruto” you whispered. He had a deep cut over his left brow, eye black, his lip was busted, blood was all over his ripped white shirt. A few of his fingers seem broken too. “What have you done to him?” you struggled against your restrains, tears welling up in your eyes.  “The question is what has he done to himself? Has he told you about his debt?” you looked at the man in front of you and he could see you didn’t. “Oh no, hiding something from your wife Haruto?” he clicked his tongue as his eyes fell unto the almost unconscious business man. He looked at you the best he could and you could see his eyeballs had turned red. In that moment you didn’t see your happy, carefree husband, no, you saw a scared little boy who just got caught. “I-I’m so, so sorry. I thought I had it under control-” he was caught off by his coughs, blood dripping down from his mouth. “Turns out he didn’t. Gambling is a real bad addiction, wouldn’t you agree?” he asked you.  “I don’t think it’s the gambler’s fault but the game master’s,” you answered him with a nasty look. He laughed at your comment, nodding his head in agreement.  “The reason why you’re here is because you’re going to help your husband with his debt. We made a deal. I get to play with his wife and therefor he only owns me 50.000 instead of the original 100.000. Sounds fair doesn’t it? I got that idea when you arrived here,” he sounded so nonchalant, as if he told you what he had for dinner today.  You looked at your husband, hoping to see him in as much shock as you were right now but he only looked down in shame. “He wouldn’t-” “Oh but he did. All it took was a knife to his throat,” he cut open your restrains, massaging your wrists and pulled you up to him. He brushed your hair from your shoulder, kissing it gently. 
The moment his lips met your skin your fight or flight instinct kicked in and you slapped him across the face, turning the whole room quiet. Once you realized what you have done, who you just raised your hand again, your face twisted up in pure shock and you stumbled back, apologies tumbling from your lips. 
The mob boss took targeted, heavy steps towards you, his eyes the one of a predator ready to pound on his prey. He crotches down to pick you up by your neck, his grip tight when he walked you back to your original place.  “If you try to pull shit like this again, I will gut your husband in front of you, understood?” his voice was low, dangerous and you knew he wasn’t one to joke around.  You could only nod, apologizing again, your hands flying up to his wrists when his grip got worse, silently pleading for him to release you with your teary eyes. “Now you will go down on your knees and show me what that mouth can do other than whine.”
His black eyes didn’t leave yours, watching with a hint of a smirk as you compeled to his orders. You unbuckled his black pants, the metal clanking as it fell to the floor. You were seemingly impressed by his dick print through his tight boxers. He wasn’t pleased when you turned your eyes away from him and to your husband so one of his hands gripped your hair and pulled your attention to him. His other hand slapped you, not hard but enough to send pain through your body, straight to your cunt. As you pulled down his boxers, his dick sprung free and hit his happy trail right under his navel.  “Be a good girl and open wide for me,” he squished your cheeks so you opened your mouth, not expecting him to spit into it. He patted your head as if he was praising you before shoving his dick down your throat. His hands held you in place so you wouldn’t move, loving the way you choked around him, your attempts to swallow causing his thick cock to twitch. There was no mercy in his thrusts, hard and deep, lost in pleasure. Once your tears mixed with your drool he had enough and pulled you off almost completely. He still had his slick fingers in your hair but wasn’t as rough with you anymore. You started bobbing your head on his meat, one of your hands on his balls to massage them. Maybe if you try hard enough he would cum quick and this all would be over soon enough.  Grunts and moans left his lips, his eyes never leaving your frame, the sight in front of him throwing him into full bliss. You definitely knew what you were doing, swirling your tongue around his tip, licking his shaft up and down whenever your jaw needed a small break, joined by your other hand. The way you looked up at him from time to time made him almost go feral. How could someone look so innocent and yet so full of sins at the same time? Where have you been all his life? Maybe he should kill your husband afterwards, keep you to himself. But where would he get his money from then? Not that he needed it, but still, debt was debt. He could still always kidnap you when he felt like it. He really should. Your mouth now concentrated on his tip, tongue licking all around it, hand going up and down, the grip just right and damn, your hand really worshipped his balls. He couldn’t keep himself from fucking your face, hearing those choke noises send him over the edge. Of course he pulled out first, shooting his load all over your face. 
“You’re such a good little whore for me, you did such a great job,” he praised you, his grey scarf cleaning your eyes so you could open them again. He wanted you to look at him, wanted to see your eyes roll back when he fucks you in front of your spouse and his men.  “Something like this deserves a reward, what do you think Kirishima, should I fuck her, take care of that sloppy wet hole?” he asked the man in the shadows, looking at the doors. You couldn’t see his reaction but fear spread through your body. 
“But... I thought-” you stammered, the man in front of you put his pointer finger under your chin so you’d look up to him. “What? That I would be satisfied by one orgasm? Oh darling, I’m so sorry you’re so used to awful sex. But no, I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night if I leave you so needy,” he pointed down on the floor and you noticed your wetness dripped down onto the hard floor.  “Your body betrayed you,” he whispered into your ear as he crawled on top of your smaller frame. 
“No, please,” your husband gasped, a painful groan followed suit after. Aizawa only had to look at one of his man, your husband gagged within seconds. “Sir please stop,” you pleaded with him, your hand pushing against his chest in an attempt to stop him from going further.  “I like it when you call me sir,” he told you, kissing and nibbling on your soft skin. With one swift motion he cut open your dress, your body fully exposed. “Naughty girl, you’re not even wearing a bra and now-” he cut open your slip, the cold blade against your hot core sending shock waves through your body, your nipples turning hard, “not even underwear,” he groaned into your ear. His attention immediately went to your in goose bumps covered tits, licking the sensitive nubs alternately. When his fingers went to play with your pussy you pushed it away, shaking your head no. “Stop it, I don’t want this,” you told him when he looked at you angrily. Tears welled up in your eyes again as you saw his dark smile.
“Your mind maybe doesn’t, but your body is craving this,” he told you, holding your hands up with one hand, the other one aligning his still wet dick with your glistering folds. “Please, you’re big,” you whimpered when his tip was now at your entrance. “Oh don’t worry,” he assured you, pushing his full length into you at once. He covered your mouth with his hand to quiet down your scream that left your lips as he filled you up so suddenly. “It will only hurt for a little bit,” his waist snapped back and forth, in and out of you, the room soon filled with the sound of your wet cunt being abused by the one and only Aizawa.  “Stop suppressing your moans darling, let me hear them. Don’t be shy, I feel you clenching your needy hole around me.”  His other hand played with your clit now, drawing slow circles around it, tapping it from time to time to feel your body jolting. He had enough of your quietness, so he bit down on your neck hard, making you yell, which turned into a moan. “There we go,” he grunted. 
The black haired man grabbed his grey scarf, wrapping it around your throat and pulling it shut tightly. Your hands hit him and your nails scratched his arms and chest, making him moan in pleasure. Before you could pass out completely he stopped. He wanted you to remember every single second. Aizawa wanted you on top of him, watch your tits bounce up and down with his thrusts, so he turned you around, holding you up so he could pound into you. The new angle made your eyes roll into the back of your neck and you could’t help it now. Moans slipped past your lips as the shame and refusal slowly turned into pleasure. He hit all the right spots, his finger playing with your clit skillfully. Whenever he felt like it he would tuck on the scarf around your neck, choking you until he saw tiny veins pop under your eyes. At a certain point he pulled your body close to his, one hand in your hair, the other one trailing down your back. Before you could objectify against it, he had his finger inside of your puckering, empty hole. You bit his shoulder because it burned, never experiencing something like this before. “Fuck, you really like this darling don’t you? You’re such a good slut for me, letting me abuse all your holes like that,” he moaned and pulled you back by your hair, feeling you clenching around him more frequently.  He picked up the speed, pushing another finger into you in scissoring motions, watching your eyes roll back into your head as you came undone.  Aizawa made sure your husband’s eyes were looking at you. He had to know that Aizawa ruined you for him, that it was him, not Haruto, who gave you the best fuck in your life. 
The black haired man will never forget how your nails dig into his skin when you fucked yourself through your high on his dick, will never forget the way you moaned out his name, forgetting everything around you but the feeling of your best orgasm.  When you looked down at the man underneath you he couldn’t see a hint of fear in them and for a moment he just wanted to pull you in and kiss your cum covered face, you fitted perfectly around him and he had so much to show you. He wanted to ruin you, destroy you and build you up again, form you into his perfect little wife. Just the thought of having you anywhere possible: his car, his office, his yacht, his suit, his balcony, in his pool, his jacuzzi, so many places, so many kinks, so many positions. His thrusts became sloppier and he followed you quickly, painting your insides white. Aizawa held you close, taking in your mixed smell and enjoying your little spasms that went through your body every now and then. When he pulled out he made sure nothing would spill and took of his scarf from around you, wrapping you inside of it.  “I’m gonna take better care of you than he did, darling. You take care of him,” he told his men, ordering Bakugou to stop the camera and put the DVD in his safe for later.
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littlegiantslight · 3 years
Little Giants
After the success from the boys of the volleyball team, it’s time for the girls’ soccer team to take the spotlight and march their way to victory.
Under the command of Aiya Takahashi, this team will go through challenges, adventures, struggles and joy together. After all, the union leads to strength.
Part1 & Part2
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The next morning, outside Takahashi’s door, was a motorbike ridden by a girl about her age. Taking of the helmet, a bob of bright blonde hair balanced a bit and shone under the multiple rays of sun. She pulled the rest from her bike and walked to Takahashi’s door, knocking multiple times, calling her name as well.
“Aiya Takahashi, you better come outside before I break in!” The girl threatened as a joke. “Come on! Come on!” She repeated and knocked on the door again.
Takahashi was left without an option. It was obvious that by the voice it was her old classmate and great friend Saeko Tanaka. That girl would make everyone’s spirits lift whether they wanted or not. There was something about her that made that happen, but Takahashi never really found out what it was.
The coach opened the door and allowed her to come in, but Saeko’s arm went around her neck right in that moment, pulling the old friend back in the house. With a kick from the blonde girl, the door was closed shut and the two headed to the small kitchen.
“I heard you had a break today! And I also heard Tenma is in town and Akiteru is free as well. That being said you’re joining us! I don’t wanna hear excuses…” She spoke with her normal assertive tone. Saeko held the coach’s hands, waiting for an answer.
“Can I get ready at least?” Aiya asked, her voice still tired from being barely awake. Saeko nodded after feeling the scent of Aiya’s morning breath, giving her the disgusted look. “Don’t make that face, you’re the one who made me leave the bed this early in my day-off…” Aiya complained to her, making the blonde girl chuckle softly.
Takahashi returned to her room and looked at the old yukata from Ukai’s grandmother. She had to return it, before she would forget it. Putting the old cargo pants and brown turtleneck shirt, Takahashi left the room to the bathroom where she found Saeko checking her looks. “I swear, I don’t understand why you care about the way you look so much. Get out, let me brush my teeth!”
Saeko simply sat on the toilet watching Aiya brush the teeth and finishing her hygiene routine by tying her hair in a ponytail. The blonde girl softly pushed the dark-haired girl out of her house, only allowing her to close the door. Outside was waiting a figure that was about as tall as Aiya and slightly taller than Saeko.
“I hope you missed your old kouhai!” Saeko said motioning towards Tenma that an annoyed expression on his face. “Oi! Lighten up!” Tanaka nudged his side pointing towards the old manager.
“Honestly, I’m still half asleep, I can’t believe you forced me to leave the bed so early…” he sighed completely tired and half asleep. Aiya chuckled how he was still the absolute same, just a little more grownup. “However, it’s nice to see you again Hashi-San!” He spoke in a slightly happier mood, his hands awkwardly going to his pockets.
“Same goes for you! Wait! I know what you’re doing here…” Aiya spoke looking at Saeko with a soft glare, filled with happiness way deep inside. “Now we only need Aki-kun!” She said and got a sigh from Tenma again.
Not far from their location was arriving a car, driven by a tall blonde man, well dressed and looking quite happy. It was like he heard them calling. The older Tsukishima brother was there as well. The old group was back together.
It was visible in Aiya’s face the happiness that reunion brought her. She would often hang out with Saeko, but the other two boys were pretty rare. Only in situations like the one she was in that moment. She missed Tsukishima’s warm hugs and conversations and Udai’s wise jokes and memories from their old days. Somehow everything was coming back to her and it never felt so warm.
After pulling over, Tsukishima left the car and walked to the group and greeted everyone with his warm smile. One could say he was the perfect gentleman. He greeted both girls with a polite bow that was followed by the warmest of hugs and Tenma was greeted with an old signature handshake from their old days. Tenma was still hurt about Akiteru abandoning the team, but it was something they didn’t bother him as much as it used to. Akiteru could always count on his support as long as he was happy.
After talking for a bit, the group decided to go to the old park where they used to study and help each other in times of need. But, before heading there, Aiya asked Saeko to stop at Ukai’s store to return something. It was obvious that Tanaka would make the joke of returning his heart since she stole it from him and Aiya almost was the cause of an accident for shoving her so harshly. The girl was used to teasing her friend since they were young, so that was nothing different. However, they did stop at his store and warned the boys to keep going to the park and get the stuff ready.
Aiya asked for Tanaka to wait for her so she could give back the old yukata to Ukai, but Saeko just forgot her manner and followed her in, mostly to see what she was handing to the blonde man. Takahashi walked to Ukai who almost immediately stood up to greet her, hoping he would have some work to do that early in the morning, but was kind of disappointed when he saw the yukata in her hands. She thanked him and his grandfather for allowing her to keep the yukata for the night and asked to get her some meat buns for the way. But right when she was about to pay the food, he stopped her. Takahashi just looked up confused.
“It’s on the house and take the yukata. My grandma doesn’t use it anyway…” He said with his calm expression, putting the meat buns in the box and inside a bag so she could take them. “Thank you for the care though…”
She simply nodded with a warm smile, but Saeko quickly jumped on her and tried to make her change into the yukata, giving her the excuse that it was warm and sunny, so it would be perfect. Yet, Aiya said that she couldn’t, not only because she had no place to change, but also because it was an old piece of clothing. She didn’t want to ruin it.
“Come on, don’t be a party pooper! You are going to be mistaken with Tenma someday because you always wear those clothes. Just this once, also,” she stopped as she walked to the other side of the store, bringing back a pair of traditional sandals and hair decorations. “look at what Coach has in the store!” She handed to Aiya with a teasing smile, seeing how flustered Ukai was getting. “I bet Ukai wouldn’t mind letting you borrow these for a day…”
“Saeko, please stop. I’ll pay for the buns and the sandals and whatever that is.” Aiya said in annoyance. “Just please stop acting like that…”
“If you want, there’s a changing room in the back for the employees, if you’d like…” Ukai started before being rudely interrupted by Saeko.
“She would love that!”
Aiya wanted to curse her existence as she headed to the old employee room to change. The pearl-colored yukata covered her body perfectly, just like the night before. The reddish piece of fabric that tightened around her waist and completed the look made her look fancier than the usual tom boy clothes. Her soft hair covered in dark blue highlights seemed to shine brighter than before, tied in a perfect ponytail and careful decorated with some hairpins with flowers. The whole looked was completed with a pair of traditional wooden sandals that were just perfect for her feet. She sighed once all was ready.
In the store, Saeko was trying her best to make Ukai crack admitting his old crush over Aiya. Still, Ukai was smarter than that. He was used to those tricks coming from the young blonde girl. She could ask him if he were looking for someone or if he liked someone with every single word in the dictionary, he would know the perfect way to not answer every time. He was a high school coach after all, he knew how to deal with that. Suddenly, Saeko stopped the questionnaire and looked at Aiya’s figure leaving the changing room. Ukai found weird that the blonde stopped questioning him and looked the same way to see what was so fascinating that made her be quiet, but he couldn’t blame her.
Both blondes were starstruck by how radiant the traditional wear made Aiya look. She looked like true nobility or even like an actual princess in their eyes. It wasn’t usual to see her dressed like that. Her old bangs, already overgrown, covered her left eye partially, her hair shinning like she was under the bright daylight. Truly fascinating.
“Tanaka can you please hold my clothes or put them in the bike, please? I’ll be right there.” She asked innocently, handing her clothes to Saeko. The girl simply nodded and headed to the bike, still not believing her eyes. Aiya was actually wearing something girly and she looked beautiful. “Ukai, please, I can’t let you offer so much, so here. This is all I have with me. Please, accept it.” The young coach put on the counter, looking down in gratitude to his previous offer.
“Next meal is on me. You can’t say no…” He suggested, accepting her money to pay the stuff. “And thank you for keeping the yukata. I can’t wait for my grandma to see you like this one day.” He smiled proudly. His grandma worked in a farm and would often bring food to sell in the store really early in the morning, so it was almost impossible to catch her on time. Just like Ukai Sr, his wife was a hard-working woman and a great commander. Ukai was really proud of his old farts.
Aiya smiled and waved, thanking him again before leaving, just to see Saeko waiting by the bike for the young coach to get back. Takahashi clumsily climbed onto the bike adjusting the yukata so she could be comfortable. As soon as Saeko sat as well, Aiya held her closely, feeling her body jump with the sudden embrace, making her laugh softly. The bike was on and ready to roll.
Holding Saeko slightly closer so the wind wouldn’t ruin her looks that she took so long to put together, Aiya started to drift off to dreamland. The soft side from the young coach made Saeko blush slightly and smile like a little kid. As soon as they arrived at the park, the blonde girl smacked Aiya’s leg softly to warn her of their arrival.
The two walked side by side, getting weird looks from older ladies and drool from some boys that skated nearby. Saeko looked like she was about to bark at every person in the area around them, while Aiya just didn’t mind and held her own hands in front of her stomach, like she had her hoodie on. Not far from them, their dear boys waved so they could see where they set everything, which made Takahashi pull Saeko by her wrist to speed themselves to the little camping spot the boys created.
“What happened to your clothes, Takahashi?” Akiteru asked noticing the complete change in the coach’s outfit. “Not complaining or anything, it’s just been a while since I saw you in something girly or well…” he stopped to think a good word to describe that look, “traditional?” He wondered, chuckling softly.
“Saeko forced me to keep it and make a scene with it, now she’ll be our guard dog to keep weirdos away. Isn’t that right, Tanaka?” Aiya asked looking down at Saeko with a fake smile like she didn’t just say something that would be considered insulting. The fact that Tanaka actually said that it was exactly her job to grant Aiya some peace, even if it meant barking at people, didn’t surprise anyone present.
Both boys laughed with the whole situation, which made Aiya’s annoying grew bigger deep inside her. But she was there to have some fun and relaxation.
The day was either spent talking or buying stuff to eat. The talks would go from old memories to stories about their works and things that would happen in their lives at home. While Saeko and Akiteru had the chance of talking about their brothers, Aiya would talk about her girls and how they were getting better every time and Tenma would spend his time talking about the stuff he would write to publish at his work.
Later that day, back in Karasuno High, Yoko and Hana were about to leave and go to home when both Noya and Ennoshita stopped them. They almost felt when the two boys pulled their backpacks. The girls looked at them dead in the eyes, with clear annoyance.
“Come with us!” Nishinoya ordered, looking all high and mighty. Typical, thought the girls, but trusted them and followed them to the gym.
The gym was completely empty besides the figure of three people that sat in the center of the court. You could hear a strong male voice explaining the old note he held. By his side, the girls’ captain completed what he said, and gave examples to the other boy, this one with a pretty recognizable buzz cut. The four students sat by their side and joined the study section.
“You girls remember Tanaka-san? Tanaka, in case you forgot, these are Yoko and Hana.” Kiko introduced them again. “Also, Azumane-san, these are my girls.” The captain said putting a hand on his shoulder to call his attention to them.
Both Tanaka and Asahi greeted the girls and welcomed both Ennoshita and Nishinoya back to the circle. Yoko noticed that Narita and Kinnoshita weren’t there, but Enno simply said they preferred to study alone.
The whole group of second years heard their senpais explanations and examples for their tests and eventually made a questionnaire, specially prepared for each one of them. Kiko made for her girls and Asahi for the boys, but they would both correct it together once they were done. If one of the questions was wrong, that question would be asked to the whole group, so the third years would try to gather common doubts for another study session.
Despite being on different classes, Kiko and Asahi would get together quite often to study or to spend some time relaxing before a game or exam. Asahi, being the anxious boy he is, really appreciated her company. Her talks sometimes reminded him of Daichi’s, but ten times calmer and without so much teasing behind her voice. On the other hand, Asahi wasn’t exactly the best and he was well aware of that. So, his support would be little art dates, where Kiko could learn how to paint or sketch and Asahi would keep trying to make some new designs for his ideas. Kiko really liked that time they spent together.
Back in the Satoshi household, everything was really calm. Jin and Kenta would help each other during homework and studied quietly next to each other. Kenta would often show a picture of a weird looking animal from his science textbook to Jin and joke around to make her smile, always with success. Jin would do the same, but instead of making jokes about the animal, she would say it looked like her brother, leading to a very joyful pillow fight.
After the fight, the two of them were clearly tired and their jet-black hairs were a complete mess. But that didn’t stop them from having a good laugh. Like every night before, Kenta hugged his sister and thanked her for the help she has been giving her. Jin would thank back, knowing that the reason he was thanking her was completely different. Keeping a secret like that was hard, but she wouldn’t let a single bit of it slip out of her mouth.
Aiya returned home with Akiteru and thanked the older Tsukishima for the ride home. She carried a bag with her clothes and some food that was left and walked calmly to her door. Once she was actually indoors, she set down the bag and walked to the bathroom to see how tired she looked. Her hair was still untouched, and the outfit was practically immaculate. It was almost like magic.
The coach freed her hair and got out of the yukata, putting it aside to wash it as soon as she could. She didn’t even dare to have a shower so late at night, so she simply went under the warm sheets in underwear. A choice she would truly regret in the next morning. Just before falling asleep, she checked her texts and saw this picture of Ukai Sr.’s wife when she was younger, wearing the yukata.
“You two are identical. Thought you should know…”
Aiya simply smiled and settled the phone down, before falling peacefully asleep after that day.
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hotcocosharing · 6 years
No Means No (Disclaimer: Rape Culture)
Fandom: Kissed By The Baddest Bidders Category: Character: Baba / Ota / Mamoru Notes: NO, I don’t think any Voltage canons are rapists but rape culture is literally everywhere.
Even my fav boys- Jensen and Jared from SPN made a freaking rape joke last month! They meant to mock Bill Cosby but that kind of joke was still contributing to rape culture.
Also it’s the ATTITUDE towards women, a general underlying belief about our place / value in society. Same scenario plays out in sex, like in many others things, except in the case of sex its rape / assault / abuse.
So NO MEANS NO- whether it’s men or women, we should all respect that. Trust me, no Mr. Nice Guy or Nice Girl would ever IGNORE your no and do something against your wishes. NOT EVER! PERIOD!
Again, these are just examples- I am not implying our voltage men as villains, the point here isn’t them if that’s not obvious. 
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The Mr. Nice kind of prince charming
Finger tapping on the glass table, you ask yourself again just why on earth have you agreed to a freaking blind date. You aren’t desperate and you are happy with where you’re at. Single, available and free. Going wherever and doing whatever without rules or reporting to a so called boyfriend.
Being single isn’t so bad, you never feel the negativity or down sides even after a list of breakdown from your girl friends. You are certain they mean well, society has somehow taught us that being single at the age of 29 is fearful. Soon getting too old to be married, to have kids, to build a life with a significant other because the man who supposedly spends the rest of his life with you isn’t going to lay eyes on you if you are over certain age?!
Letting out an exhausted sigh, a gentle chuckle comes from behind. “You’re not thinking of bailing, are you my lady?”
It takes every ounce of energy in your body not to roll your eyes at his words, the man in red takes his fedora off and lifts your hand up. “Mitsunari Baba, it’s lovely to meet you, princess.” Testing your limits, your date of the night plants a soft kiss on the back of your hand.
“Just call me _______ is fine. Let’s skip the princess thing.” You almost say through clenched teeth, praying for the night to be over soon.
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Small talks aren’t as bad as you imagine, he’s funny and easy going though you couldn’t shake the feeling of him not revealing his true self but then again who shows people that on the first date anyway. Dinner has gone well with all things considered till he pulls your chair and walks you home. He has toned down with the whole name callings but a huge question mark is hanging over the man’s head. You don’t feel like explaining though, a topic that could easily lead to a thesis.
After saying goodbye politely, Mr. Baba opens his arms and offers a goodbye hug. “It’s okay, I really don’t feel like a hug.” One look at him and you are internally screaming with endless nos, wishing that he wouldn’t ruin the good impressions.
But no, the man closes the gap between you. “Come on, it’s just a hug.”
“No, I don’t want a hug.”
His arms are wrapped around your back and you feel your blood boiling.
“See, you’re okay. It’s just a harmless little hug.”
For the sake of your friends and neighbors, you haven’t caused a scene. You rush upstairs and text your friends to leave your dating life alone.
“But why? He’s such a nice guy.”
You groan, banging your head on the wall. Typing furiously on the phone but never press the send button, a text your friends would never receive or frankly, comprehend.
“No, he is not a nice guy! I said no and he ignored me anyway! That’s fucking rape culture 101!!! I said no! And he had the gut to tell me it’s no big deal, it’s just a hug! I don’t care if it was a handshake, no means no! Any guy who fails to take no for an answer is not a nice guy!”
A joke is a joke
You’ve looked forward to this night, just beer and friends in a familiar bar. After months after months of stressful nights at work, you’d finally have your life back.
Everything’s fine until a guy who tags along starts joking about how “men pretend not to hear girl’s preferences in sex” and when you tell him that consent issue is no joking matter, the pretty blonde immediately gets defensive.
“Girls always say the opposite, their nos actually mean yes.”
“How is that not rape?” Some of the girls join the conversation.
“Because when I ask if they like being fucked like that they say yes!”
With your arms crossed and head shaking, you glare at the young man.
“According to your logic, then their yes actually mean no!”
The smirk on his face quickly disappears as he insists that it’s all a joke and everyone should chill.
“Well, Ota. None of us sitting at this table find any of it funny, disrespecting women isn’t funny. Sexual preference is one thing but ignoring it is another.”
Drowning your drinking in one go, you leave a 20 dollars note and head home. There’s no other place you would rather be in, home- where it’s safe and asshole free.
Are you sure?
It isn’t easy, you’ve thought about it for weeks. Pacing like a maniac every time you walk by but you’re sick and tired of feeling the shame. You are the victim, this shouldn’t be how you feel.
Once you set foot inside, few pairs of eyes are set on you and soon be seated in a private room.
“Are you sure?”
Your mind goes blank, unsure of what it truly means. Why wouldn’t you be sure? How does one ever mistaken something like that?
“What were you wearing?”
You chew your lips, hard. You shouldn’t have come, they must think you are a fool or pulling some sort of prank because the rest of the questions only get crazier.
“What time was it?”
“Did you drink?”
“But how was it possible?”
“Do you understand what you’re accusing of?”
Yes, yes, yes- the same word is on repeat but the tone of your voice escalates from your uncontrollable anger. The stinking room begins to suffocate you and the shock just keeps coming.
“Real men can’t get raped, Mr. Sato. She’s a woman, how’d she rape you?”
Eyes widen with your clenched fists banging on the desk, you snap. “It’s fucking possible, Detective Kishi! She drugged me, tied me up and did it against my will. I said no, she ignored it. How was that not rape? If a woman comes telling you the same thing, would you believe her?”
You’re on fire, yelling from the top of your lungs, taking it out on the cop. “It didn’t matter what we wear or what time it was or whether one drinks or not. No means no! Both men and women can be raped, people like you who blame and doubt the victims, making rape jokes like no big deal, you are just as guilty!”
No one EVER deserved it, no one EVER asked for it. Respect each other and let us remind ourselves that (men and) women are not sex object, we are human beings.
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