#just to get a silly photo by a road sign with the dumbapple I painted eons ago
featherlumina · 5 months
hmmm 1 and 22?
Heck yea thank you so much for the ask @banorawhite! :D
1. The character everyone gets wrong.
You know 'im, you love 'im, it's the one and only Genesis Rhapsodos, babey~! Honestly, I've seen people treat him like he's some special kind of terrible for an antagonist whilst not holding the same measure to other characters who have behaved just as bad. Do I condone any of the terrible actions he took? Of course not! Do I also find him infinitely fascinating and nuanced and not just a one-dimensional poetry-quoting asshole? Yes! I get Mr. Rhapsodos drove quite a people mad with his LOVELESS-quoting tendencies, and I will say that Crisis Core suffered for being limited to the PSP and from some poor writing choices. But I'll also say that if Square had properly contrasted his pre-and-post degradation mental state and built a sturdy foundation of his friendship with Angeal and Sephiroth, the impact of his desertion and the betrayal he felt would've hit much harder. that's what fanart and fanfic are for and Genesis is so much richer for it
22. Your favourite part of canon that everyone else ignores.
I bet there's a bunch, but my brain is malfunctioning and all I can think of right now is not quite something that's ignored per-se but I haven't seen much on yet. Gillian Hewley's house in Banora is covered in lovely nature photos that I am certain were taken by Angeal and gifted to her by him to brighten things up.
Also, another obscure thing that I noticed that when Zack goes to Banora in Crisis Core, there are wreaths on all the doors of the houses. The timeline notes that this happens in December, which would imply these are festive decorations. And that just kind of breaks my heart for whatever reason cause it means the village was taken over not long after people put out decorations. Ouch.
Also I need to mention my headcanon that Mideel appears to be in the southern hemisphere, which means Banora has a summer Christmas. And cause I'm Australian, for years I've had the mental image of Genesis, Sephiroth and Angeal (and screw timelines, Zack and Cloud too) having a typical Aussie barbeque/Christmas celebration in Banora. Think Angeal on the barbie, cooking up a storm and chugging a beer, Zack and Cloud playing backyard cricket, Genesis and Sephiroth sitting in those dingy white lawn chairs in shorts and silly Christmas shirts with sunnies on, Gillian putting together a pavlova, etc.
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