#just to see Warren and Doc's backstories
kedreeva · 2 years
I have discovered that the worst thing about Z Nation is having the knowledge that it takes place in the same universe as Sharknado.
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cthulhubrain · 3 years
skimming/reading through x-men the hidden years, and i come across a nice warren story of grounded absolute tragedy...
so naturally i have to rant to my sister about it (spoilers under the readmore for issue 15. but like some information might have been retconned later, so... not really spoiling much i guess)
(i’m just gonna copy-paste what i wrote in discord to her, and then eventually put in images for the comic pages when i shout about them, rather than screenshotting the whole convo):
alyson — Today at 4:55 PM im GONNA HAVE TO WATCH THIS OH ALSO KAIT, I'M CRYING BECAUSE OF STUPID AWFUL BEAUTIFUL WARREN BACKSTORY TIDBITS FUCK0 i'm reading 'xmen the hidden years' which is just a bunch of more O5 adventures and shit before they went to krakoa for the first time and storm and wolverine had to be recruited to save them aNYWAYS waren's FUCKIN UNCLE AHEM HANG ON, I GOTTA BRACE FOR THIS. OKAY. HIS UNCLE IS A SUPERVILLAIN AND KILLED WARREN'S DAD. AND ALSO FOUND OUT ABOUT WARREN'S WINGS AND XMEN-ING. AND WARREN FOUND OUT ABOUT HIM so warren's been keeping this to himself and eventually he tells the o5 when he finds out his supervillain uncle (who he thought was dead as well) is suddenly alive and like, inviting them all to a wedding or something and the o5 are like 'the fuck warren, why didn't you tell us?' and warren's like 'LISTEN, THIS IS HARD FOR ME OKAY.' sooooooooo warren's fuckin evil uncle is marrying his mom warren's mom who also doesn't know about warren's wings in this continuity anyways SO this fuckin secretkeeping has all been the suggestion of the family butler doctor who has been with them since before warren was born and he's like 'nah don't tell your mom about your uncle being evil warren, he's making her happy and she was so devestated by your father's death like, this is the only thing keeping her from keeling over p much' and warren's like 'THANKS I HATE THIS' BUT THEN IT TURNS OUT DOC HAS ONLY BEEN DOING THIS BECAUSE HE'S BEEN PLOTTING WITH EVIL UNCLE BERTRAM TO KILL OFF WARREN'S MOM AFTER THE MARRIAGE TO I GUESS INHERIT BULLSHIT and warren's likE 'THE FUCK DOC? WHY??? YOU FUCKIN DELIVERED ME WHEN I WAS BORN!' AND THEN THE DOC REVEALS HOW FUCKIN EVIL HE IS:
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(comic page image and following images from xmen the hidden years issue 15 pages 21-24)
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ofstrikcrs · 4 years
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heyo what’s poppin ! it’s me, hannah !  i’m 20 n vibin in the est. my pronouns r we/them/boys but she/her work as well djskfsmd n i’m currently #unemployed BUT i am a full time student... majoring in dumb bitch theory n loving my gf n i’m at the top of my class baby...... :’) ANYWAY. i’m back again w a ( hopefully ) more condensed version of the infamous google doc(s) STRIKER KIM? MORE LIKE STRIKE ME IN THE HEART I LOVE U BITCH so that u dont all have to read the monstrosity that is my app ( but like, if u wanna... u can find it right HERE ) 
n without further ado... let’s kick it !
this is striker, he’s 28 ( soon to b 29 #ariesculture ) n he’s very complicated.. very complicated.... 
his mom cherry kim ( nee corallo ) is the daughter of lorenzo corallo, renowned filmmaker. daphne had a stint in acting in her youth as well but ending up withdrawing from the spotlight once she married his dad.
his dad is warren kim, business man
what kind of business you ask ? well..
let us rewind a little bit, shall we? now if you know anything about the ins and outs of organized crime in new york city, the name corallo might sound *eyes emoji* familiar to you. giovanni corallo was a boss of the lucchese crime family until his arrest and… you guessed it… that means our man lorenzo corallo is a man of the mafia !
lorenzo, however, wasn’t a first-born son which also meant he wasn’t an heir in any way shape or form and was free to do his thing you know BUT when it came time to arrange marriage for his one and only daughter, cherry, it was Expected of him to keep it in the family 
enter the kim family, who had been loyal to the lucchese family for as long as they’d been in america and had built up quite a reputation for themselves in the family, so it was just a natural choice to marry off cherry to their son, warren
they had two kids! their first-born son, dagger, and their second-son…. STRIKER !
and, as in all mafia stories, there is no better prize than the benefits reaped from die-hard loyalty, so in addition to getting to marry a corallo girl… a series of unfortunate events ( i.e. some deaths and arrests ) led to the promotion from right-hand man to acting boss of none other than our very own warren kim
now being the child of an acting mob boss is stressful, but being the second-son of an acting mob boss is… slightly less stressful. see, cherry stepping Out of the spotlight was a strategic move on her own part but was entirely her own decision which meant that striker was free to choose the exact opposite
with no real mafia-related responsibilities or expectations ( other than keeping his mouth SHUT ) on his shoulders, he was more or less… free to roam however he wanted and as he’s always had a taste for the finer things in life, there’s no real surprise that he chose to follow his mother’s side of the family and became nothing short of a socialite in new york city 
which.. despite what the press says abt our #mans striker kim ( i.e. being a billionaire playboy, irresponsible, reckless, wild, etc. ) he’s smart n his main motivation for heading straight for the spotlight is bc every person who falls in love w him is part of a complex and expansive insurance policy that makes it that much harder for the mafia to make him Disappear, u know ?
this is one of the reasons why striker and dagger never Really not along, though striker’s always had this theory that dagger was built for nothing but the mafia anyway bc he’s straight up one of the meanest, cruelest,  most RUTHLESS people that striker has ever met. but, like, with a name like dagger… how could you not be?
things really start getting #Complicated for striker when he’s ABOUT to graduate from college and his dad yeets this mortal coil in a Shocking Tragic Unexpected death ! it doesn’t really affect striker all that much bc striker spent a lot of his life living with his grandfather in the city but… rather when his father dies it’s dagger that ascends into the role of acting boss and BOY OH BOY that’s nothing but trouble for striker 
dagger gets striker roped right back into the mafia that he worked his whole life to try n get out of.. just like that. sad.
and because striker is… como se dice…. a stubborn shithead with a penchant for the dramatics, he starts looking for a way to make his brothers life absolute hell because! yes! striker IS the person who fucks with the mafia! what a moron!
for a good few years it was just minor stuff, nothing really consequential, but that gets boring very quickly bc ... u know ... it is what it is 
ANYWAY. he really finds his in to what’s going to make dagger kim’s life HELL and that is getting himself involved in a little heist group. there are only so many events that striker can show his face that end with a robbery of some sort before it starts to become suspicious, and it doesn’t take a genius to connect the kim family to the corallo family to the lucchese family. it’s just enough to keep people talking but not enough to actively incriminate himself. and as long as he’s not publicly throwing the lucchese family under the bus, he’s still, by all accounts, insured by the mafia as the son of warren kim.
anyway! enough w the backstory! here’s some fun lil personality n headcanon stuff :’)
first and foremost.. he does have a face tatoo. ( and an eyebrow piercing and yes i have photos of both if u want to see them )  it’s of a crown on his left cheek and he   got it within a week of his father dying and dagger forcing him to come back into   the mafia to Assert His Dominance n show dagger he was still in charge of his own   goddamn decisions so fuck you dagger
dagger punched him in the face for getting the tattoo and he had a black eye for two weeks but you win some you lose some
on the surface? rich kid asshole!!! rich RICH kid asshole!!! you know the kind of guy you take one ( 1 ) look at him and you’re like yeAh u absolutely think that ur better than me ? that’s him 
does he rly think he’s better than u? unclear.. depends on who u are... i already have some thots abt who striker wld dislike hmu tho aha x
fluent in english ofc n also korean and italian, his primary language is lit rally a jumble of korean and italian tht nobody can understand but like.. him n dagger n his dad ( rip ) n he also knows a little spanish and japanese.
he’s afraid of horses but will never admit it
he loves to bet!!! he loves it!!! it’s probably from growing up in a family where making bets on things was a major source of income but he will 100000% place bets on anything there is to place bets on and will rope as many people into his betting pools as possible
he hasn’t had his gay awakening yet isn’t that tragic??  turns out the mafia ISN’T a very lgbt friendly place, who would have thought?? so that’s absolutely something that’s going to happen bc we know that i love to make my characters suffer esp when it’s related to their attraction to someone whew…
he’s somehow both the biggest gossip and the most secretive person that you’ll ever meet??? like he’s an instigator n will make offhanded comments abt what he’s observed other ppl doing recently that he thinks are… inch resting… and you’ll have this long ass conversation w him and not realize until like 2 hours later that he didn’t say one ( 1 ) thing abt himself the entire time
you know how finnick from the hunger games used to get paid for things w secrets??? that’s so striker to the core… like you can’t buy him or bribe him bc baby has $$$ and is so disinterested in the glitz and glamor of fast cars and expensive drinks and whatnot, so if you really want him to do something for him… you’re going to have to trade him some secrets… n that’s that on that!
he doesn’t like to take his shirt off around ppl bc #scars ( predominantly the large letter L that’s branded on his chest but there are some others that i haven’t decided on yet ) anyway he does not partake in the pool parties n as explanation has just always  told everyone that he doesn’t know how to swim… n he’ll die w that lie, thank u !
very paranoid... has 2 different phones w his contacts n codes.. folds his clothes a certain way so he can know if someone touched his stuff... has a fun in a safe under his bed that he changes the passcode to regularly.... he also has some ocd but a lot of it is #trauma
im sry there r so many points here i .. rly tried to trim them down n there are like 300% more in my app but.. whew... ok
i’m going to stop now but pls.. pls plot w me i beg ok thank u bye
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ajoblotofjunk · 6 years
Z Nation re-watch: 3x07 The One With a Bunch of Brain Eating
This episode starts off with The Man killing a guy to take his arm and then goes to one of the disciples chasing a guy with four leashed zombies in order to bring him to Murphytown. Seems totally consensual.
Random guy: "Are there any side effects?" Murphytown guy: "Yes, but they're worth it."
I mean...Idk, dude, maybe let everybody else decide that? Heh.
Murphy says that if his terms are not acceptable, they can move on, except for how you've been chasing people down? This whole thing has a real veneer of "we're good! we'll help you!" but when you think about it more than a minute it gets sketchy.
lmao they put the investment banker on latrine duty. GOOD.
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Seriously, Murphy looks so good this season.
Murphy: "I don't bite, at least not anymore." *everyone around him laughs uproariously* Murphy: :\
It's absurd how often the group randomly reunites time and again but I love it so I don't need a good reason for it.
Warren: "Steven Beck what the hell happened to you! We were looking all over for you!"  D'AWWWWWWW
Addy: "You didn't see the horde of spider zombies?" Hector: "There were black widows all over them." aaayyyuuugghhhh, glad we didn't have to see that.
Murphy looks so honestly pleased when the lady suggests they put together a baby shower for him. <3
And then very nervous when she follows with "we would do anything for you." (Is she suggesting a threesome? Because I bet Murphy would be down for that.)
Oh, flashbacks to the collector episode!
Ahaha oh right, 10k didn't know Hector was on their side now.
Warren: "Look at you, you got chest hairs" O.M.G I LOVE MAMA WARREN.
And 10k doesn't know Dr. Merch is dead, either.
Doc: "Looks like the Red Hands all right. They're taking all the fun out of the apocalypse." Warren: "Just when you think it couldn't get any worse." Sun Mei: "I didn't think it was possible to terrorize people in this environment."
Citizen Z left because the last of his batteries ran out and he didn't want to die alone.
lmao I love Uncle telling his joke against Kaya's "don't you do it" (I'm assuming) in their native language.
10k, don't lie to your apocalypse mama.
I want fic for all the blend stories in Murphytown. What was life like? What is the backstory and interest of all of these people? The fandom has a hole, surely some writer will fill it!
The Man was THOROUGH in his fake inoculation.
The Man is intense.
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So is this image.
Kaya is cute with her little gun noises.
Get it, Kaya.
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The Red Hand has messed up the audio, too, so it's just saying "fear fear fear fear fear" over and over.
Lucy is in Springfield, Illinois.
So wait, did they make the cows blends, too? So they could eat actual meat? Or is it because they're blends now they don't have to worry about it? Hm.
Murphy's all about those brains, 'bout those brains, not corncobs
Sun Mei: "You know crickets are 120 calories, all protein." lol
I love this little meal, it's nice to see them relaxing and having fun. Warren called it "cricket de gallo." Cuties.
Hector: "What are we gonna do when we get to Spokane?" Warren: "We're gonna give him a good old-fashioned spanking."
AWWW Warren says "see you soon, sister" to Addy when they hug goodbye.
That lady definitely wants to have a threesome with her and her husband and Murphy. Murphy seems extremely uninterested in it, which is not very Murphy-like.
God whatever they made those brains out of they look very realistic. Yuck.
I wish I could better make out what those whispers we keep hearing in this episode are, but I did hear Murphy's voice saying "obey me" when 10k heard them.
Aw, Warren just wants to help 10k but he's too freaked out and runs away.
I love Kaya's rap here. omg Jodi Binstock wrote it!
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Happy Addy. <3
So here's the problem now with Murphy having control: he does not like to NOT have it. And he needs it now as much as brains.
It's EXTREMELY impressive that they get power up again. Imagine how that would feel after years in the dark apocalypse.
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I also really dig the last song over the credits, which the credits tell me is 'Weeping Willow' by Leroy Justice.
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aion-rsa · 8 years
Dark Horse Comics’ May 2017 Solicitations
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Ether Volume 1: Death of the Last Golden Blaze TP
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A science-minded adventurer gets mixed up in the mysteries of a fantasy world in this charming new adventure from an award-winning creative team. Boone Dias is an interdimensional explorer, a scientist from Earth who has stumbled into great responsibility. He’s got an explanation for everything, so of course the Ether’s magical residents turn to him to solve their toughest crimes. But maybe keeping the Real and the Abstract separate is too big a job for just one man. Collects issues #1–#5.
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Gary Gianni’s MonsterMen and Other Scary Stories TP
Gary Gianni (W/A/Cover)
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Gary Gianni created one of the strangest occult detective teams in comics history: millionaire filmmaker Lawrence St. George and his associate, Benedict, of the venerable guild of Corpus Monstrum. They navigate a peculiar and deadly world plagued by squid pirates, zombie cowboys, abominable snowmen, mustachioed skulls, and fat, flying demons.
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Glister TP
Andi Watson (W/A/Cover)
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Strange things happen around Glister Butterworth. A young girl living on her family’s English estate, Glister has unusual adventures every day, like the arrival of a teapot haunted by a demanding ghost, a crop of new relatives blooming on the family tree, a stubborn house that walks off its land in a huff, and a trip to Faerieland to find her missing mother.
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The Guild Library Edition Volume 1 HC
Various (W/A)
On sale July 12 • FC, 288 pages • $49.99 • HC, 8” x 12”
Set before the web series begins, these stories follow lonely violinist Cyd Sherman trying to navigate a frustrating personal life as she stumbles on an online MMO called The Game. As she gathers friends in-game, she gains confidence to confront all the problems in her real life. With, ahem, varying results.
The Guild is a pioneer among web series, referred to by Rolling Stone as one of “the net’s best serial shows.” Heartwarming and hilarious, this is a comic origin story that brings an award-winning world to life in a unique way that will delight geeks of all ages. Especially gamers. Collects The Guild #1–#3, The Guild: Vork, The Guild: Tink, The Guild: Bladezz, The Guild: Clara, and The Guild: Zaboo.
Harrow County #23
Cullen Bunn (W) and Tyler Crook (A/Cover)
On sale May 10 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Ongoing
The death of one of Harrow County’s most powerful magical forces leaves a void in Mason Hollow. Bernice is forced to choose between her oldest friend and her own future when she’s offered powers beyond her wildest dreams . . . and the chance to save her home from destruction!
Featuring special backup stories exclusive to the single issues!
“One of the books I forward to every month, Harrow County delivers another quality issue.”—Comics The Gathering
H. P. Lovecraft’s The Hound and Other Stories TP
Gou Tanabe (W/A/Cover)
On sale July 12 • b&w, 184 pages • $12.99 • TP, 5” x 7 1/8”
A pair of decadent young men pursue the abhorrent thrill of grave robbing . . . A German submarine’s crew is driven mad by the call of an underwater temple . . . An explorer in the Arabian Desert discovers a hideous city older than mankind. This moody and evocative manga gets back to the dark foundations of the Cthulhu mythos, adapting three of H. P. Lovecraft’s original stories that first shaped the outlines of cosmic horror!
Artist Gou Tanabe’s first publication in English!
Gou Tanabe is a favorite creator of Taiyo Matsumoto (Sunny, Tekkonkinkreet).
From Japan’s magazine Comic Beam, acclaimed home of the manga Thermae Romae, Emma, and Wandering Son.
I Am a Hero Omnibus Volume 4 TP
Kengo Hanazawa (W/A/Cover)
On sale July 26 • FC, 480 pages • $19.99 • TP, 5 1/8” x 7 1/4″
Now subservient to a band of strange men with odd postapocalyptic survival rules, will Hideo find a way to escape this desperate group at an outlet mall and rescue the sick, partially mutated Hiromi? This hit manga series is presented in a deluxe omnibus format, collecting two of the original Japanese volumes into each Dark Horse edition.
A worldwide best-selling series—finally in English!
Winner of the esteemed Shogakukan Manga Award and now a feature film!
Joe Golem: Occult Detective—The Outer Dark #1 (of 3)
Mike Mignola (W), Christopher Golden (W), Patric Reynolds (A), Dave Stewart (C), and Dave Palumbo (Cover)
On sale May 31 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
Two years after he killed a child-snatching monster and stopped an undead takeover in the Drowning City, occult detective Joe Golem searches for a man with superhuman strength who is attacking citizens under orders from the otherworldly voices in his head. But Joe has his own demons to wrestle with . . .
“Joe Golem continues to be everything you could possibly want it to be. Mike Mignola and Christopher Golden are a heck of a team, and Patric Reynolds continues to complement them perfectly by bringing unique worlds to life stunningly with his art.”—Big Comic Page
Kill All Monsters! Omnibus Volume 1 HC
Robots! Monsters! Destruction!
Michael May (W) and Jason Copland (A/Cover)
On sale July 19 • b&w, 368 pages • $24.99 • HC, 9” x 6”
Monsters rule the world. Humanity’s last hope is a squad of giant robots and their skilled pilots, all from different backgrounds, each with a unique reason to fight. Can we survive the conflict? Are we worth saving? A familiar but wholly original story about war, survival, and the human spirit, told through gigantic-scale battles fought by memorable characters! Contains nearly 200 pages of new story, in addition to collecting the entire hit web comic!
A complete and original adventure inspired by giant-monster movies!
The first half of the story was funded through a successful Kickstarter earning five times the initial pledge goal!
Lead Poisoning: The Pencil Art of Geof Darrow HC
Geof Darrow (W/A/Cover)
On sale July 5 • FC, 128 pages • $34.99 • HC, 9” x 12”
Geof Darrow’s slick, precise inks and stunning detail have amazed comics fans for decades, from his early work with Moebius to Hard Boiled, his first collaboration with Frank Miller, to the overwhelming success of his current series, The Shaolin Cowboy.
Now Darrow provides incredible insight into his process by sharing the pencil drawings behind his meticulous inks in a huge hardcover collection. Featuring well-known covers and never-before-seen drawings alike, Lead Poisoning is a behind-the-scenes look that reveals perfectionism at its best, showing how clean and perfect the initial drawings can be as well as the bizarre alterations that appear to happen on the fly.
Featuring commentary by Darrow and his notable peers, Lead Poisoning: The Pencil Art of Geof Darrow is a hardcover that brings you right to Darrow’s drawing board.
“Geof Darrow is a master . . . His combination of technical ability and a genuinely individual voice is an inspiration for me and for generations of other artists across the world.”—Frank Quitely
The Legend of Korra Coloring Book TP
Jed Henry (A/Cover)
On sale July 12 • b&w, 96 pages • $14.99 • TP, 10” x 10”
Avatar Korra meets the adult coloring book craze! This beautiful book comes packed with forty-five highly detailed, black-and-white images to color however you choose! With illustrations by artist Jed Henry, and produced in close collaboration with creators Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko, this book is a must-have for all Korra fans!
Includes 45 pieces of beautifully detailed, original black-and-white artwork!
Artwork by Jed Henry (Avatar: The Last Airbender Coloring Book)!
Lobster Johnson: The Pirate’s Ghost #3 (of 3)
Mike Mignola (W), John Arcudi (W), and Tonci Zonjic (A/Cover)
On sale May 24 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
The Lobster’s search for a missing reporter comes to an explosive end aboard a pirate ship.
Manara Library Volume 2: El Gaucho and Other Stories TP
Hugo Pratt (W) and Milo Manara (A/Cover)
On sale July 12 • FC, 280 pages • $29.99 • TP, 8” x 10”
The second volume of Manara Library, in a paperback edition at last!
This volume features the enthralling historical epic El Gaucho, the second of Manara’s storied collaborations with his mentor, Hugo Pratt, as well as Trial by Jury, a series of captivating shorts in which some of history’s most notorious figures undergo mock trials.
The only comprehensive English collection of Manara’s work.
Mass Effect: Discovery #1 (of 4)
Jeremy Barlow (W), John Dombrow (W), Gabriel Guzmán (A/Cover), Michael Atiyeh (C), and Kate Niemczyk (Variant cover)
On sale May 24 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
A young Turian military recruit goes undercover in order to infiltrate the mysterious Andromeda Initiative—and ultimately retrieve a scientist who’s made a potentially devastating discovery. Tying in to the highly anticipated release of Mass Effect: Andromeda, writers Jeremy Barlow and John Dombrow and artist Gabriel Guzmán team up to create the next exciting chapter of the Mass Effect comics series!
From Eisner Award–nominated writer Jeremy Barlow!
Direct tie-in with Mass Effect: Andromeda for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One!
Top secret variant cover by Kate Niemczyk!
The Once and Future Queen #3 (of 5)
Adam P. Knave (W), D.J. Kirkbride (W), and Nickolas Brokenshire (A/Cover)
On sale May 10 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
Rani, Gwen, and Lance stumble across an important discovery that changes the rules of the game. The choices they make send them headlong into mortal danger as their relationships expand and deepen—will the old Arthurian tales be repeated?
Predator: Hunters #1 (of 5)
The hunters become the hunted!
Chris Warner (W), Francisco Ruiz Velasco (A/Variant cover), and Doug Wheatley (Cover)
On sale May 3 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
Space aliens have been coming to Earth for centuries—but not with any message of brotherhood or peace. They’re here to hunt the toughest, most dangerous humans they can find. Only now their former prey have teamed up against them. Predators, watch your backs!
Written by Predator comic series veteran Chris Warner!
Art by Francisco Ruiz Velasco.
Covers feature special metallic ink!
Rebels: These Free and Independent States #3 (of 8)
Brian Wood (W), Andrea Mutti (A), Lauren Affe (C), and Matthew Taylor (Cover)
On sale May 24 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
John Abbott, considerably wiser and more guarded after recent events, is faced with the prospect of relocating to the Caribbean to help outfit the merchant navy with arms. With the completion of the USS Constitution on the horizon, he has little leverage to escape the assignment. Next stop: Nassau—and the Quasi-War with France!
“Absolutely entertaining, and thought-provoking. In today’s world where we’re still debating liberty and tyranny, Rebels is yet another timely relevant comic.”—Graphic Policy
Serenity: No Power in the ’Verse HC
Chris Roberson (W), Georges Jeanty (A), Stephen Byrne (A), Karl Story (I), Wes Dzioba (C), and Dan Dos Santos (Cover)
On sale July 26 • FC, 152 pages • $19.99 • HC, 7” x 10”
When a call for help to find a missing friend takes them to an Alliance post on the Outer Rim, they encounter a new force building strength to fight the battle of the Browncoats. Discovering that their friend is in Alliance custody and that an Alliance Operative is on the way, Mal strikes an uneasy partnership for a daring rescue. Collects issues #1–#6 of the series and the 2016 Free Comic Book Day story “Serenity: The Warrior and the Wind.”
Georges Jeanty (Buffy Seasons 8–9, Serenity) returns to the ’verse!
iZombie creator Chris Roberson writes the continuing adventures of Mal and the crew.
“Serenity: No Power in the ’Verse is the start of something new, though still familiar territory in terms of obstacles this crew must overcome dealing with each other. There is a lot of potential in this new chapter as long as it feels as though we are moving forward in a ’verse that is on edge.”—Geeked Out Nation
Shadows on the Grave #4 (of 8)
Richard Corben (W/A/Cover)
On sale May 10 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
A bodybuilder desperate for victory will literally kill for a chance to win, but must pay the price that comes with it; a thief at a carnival is thwarted by a vengeful clown; and in the next installment of Denaeus, the hero leads an attack against the Cyclops Monoculus but finds even greater danger elsewhere.
32 pages of story, no ads!
New stories from the 2012 Eisner Hall of Fame inductee!
“Shadows on the Grave is as fun and clever as it is horrific. You’ll smile, even laugh at parts, while other moments will make you cringe and wince. That’s the point. This book is the product of a true master who knows exactly what he’s doing.”—All-Comic
The Shaolin Cowboy: Who’ll Stop the Reign? #2 (of 4)
Geof Darrow (W/A/Cover), Frank Cho (Variant cover), and Dave Stewart (C)
On sale May 24 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
The Shaolin Cowboy hits town, and it hits back. With King Crab in hot pursuit, he runs straight into the not-so-kosher menace of HOG KONG and his twisted tale of ham-fisted revenge. High-cholesterol-fueled action served up hot with plenty of chasers!
The Usagi Yojimbo Saga: Legends TP & Ltd. Ed. HC
Stan Sakai (W/A/Cover)
On sale July 26 • b&w, 560 pages • $24.99 • TP, 7” x 10”
On sale July 26 • b&w, 560 pages • $79.99 • Ltd. Ed. HC, 7” x 10”
Dark Horse presents the quintessential companion to the Usagi Yojimbo Saga series—Usagi Yojimbo Saga: Legends! In this volume, Usagi takes on a myriad of opponents, but never loses sight of the warrior’s code: truth, honor, loyalty, and sacrifice. Collects some of the rabbit ronin’s most exhilarating stories, including Senso, Yokai, and the long-out-of-print Space Usagi!
540 beautiful pages, including a breathtaking color section!
Usagi Yojimbo Volume 31: The Hell Screen Ltd. Ed. HC
Stan Sakai (W/A/Cover)
On sale July 12 • b&w, 208 pages • $59.99 • Ltd. Ed. HC, 6” x 9”
In this thrilling volume, the rabbit ronin teams up with—and faces off against—a multitude of unexpected characters: destitute bandits, a renegade kappa, and a komori ninja! Then, Inspector Ishida returns to investigate a ghastly painting known only as the Hell Screen! Collects Usagi Yojimbo issues #152–#158.
Foreword by Cullen Bunn (Harrow County, Conan)!
“Stan Sakai continues to show why this book is deserving of all the praise it receives.”—SciFiPulse
The Visitor: How and Why He Stayed #4 (of 5)
Mike Mignola (W), Chris Roberson (W), Paul Grist (A/Cover), and Bill Crabtree (C)
On sale May 31 • FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
The Visitor alerts the BPRD as increasing numbers of Ogdru Hem attack, and the challenges of being an alien on Earth take a toll.
Jack Staff creator Paul Grist presents the strangest Hellboy spinoff yet!
W. B. DuBay’s The Rook Archives Volume 2 HC
William B. DuBay (W), Luis Bermejo (A), Alex Niño (A), Abel Laxamana (A), Jose Ortiz (A), and Jordi Penalva (Cover)
On sale July 5 • b&w, 152 pages • $19.99 • HC, 8” x 10”
Time is no obstacle to Restin Dane, the Rook, who uses his chesspiece-shaped Time Castle to face danger millions of years in the past or eons into frightening futures. Joined by his gunfighter grandfather and a team of oddball robots, the Rook will go anywhere—any time—in search of adventure! Collects Rook stories from Eerie #89–#95, and #98.
Selected from the pages of Eerie magazine.
DuBay’s swashbuckling time traveler went from being Warren Publishing’s most popular feature to being published in seventeen languages.
The post Dark Horse Comics’ May 2017 Solicitations appeared first on CBR.com.
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