#just today I was able to buy the new Jinny comic bc I REALLY wanna see her get a solo series!! ya gotta be willing to put ur money
duketectivecomics · 3 years
Where are yall getting your comics from? My aunt is the one who got me the comics (cause apparently they're the work of the devil) but i cant exactly keep mooching off her lol
PSA for ppl in general bc ur situation sounds different anon BUT: If/when you can spare the cash, absolutely try to buy locally! I’m lucky bc I live btwn two pretty big cities and there’s actually more than a few small comics & games stores where I live that I like to support and order trades through! Support local comic shops!
Barring that, if you have a library card, try giving them a call and see if they have some trades! Usually public libraries will either have some more popular stories or can borrow ones from other libraries in neighboring towns/cities! If reading digitally is more your thing, many libraries are partnered with Hoopla/OverDrive/Libby! Support your libraries and they’ll support you!!! :D
Currently, I’ve been using the DCUniverse app for 90% of my comics reading. (Altho it’s going to be switching from a multimedia app to a comics only app in the coming months?) the stipulation is ofc, the subscription that you have to pay for access to the service, but given how many comics I’ve been able to read and shows and movies I’ve been able to watch, it’s been Well Worth It in my book. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea, though, I know that. Which brings us to~
When all else fails, there ARE websites that provide comics for free. The caveat ofc is that you’ll need a good adblocker/beware of pop-ups, and that if you want to ensure an on-going run’s continuation, then you’ll want to eventually buy the issues/trades as they come out to show DC that it has financial backing.
The one I use personally (usually that other 10% of the time when I want to read a brand new issue of something) is readcomiconline, altho there are others!
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