#just trying to remind myself that the sketches don't have to be perfect or super detailed
whenthegoldrays · 10 months
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kate-m-art · 3 years
Any tips on motivating yourself to draw?
Oh hm! I'm definitely not an expert on this, there's so many nights I just sit staring at a blank canvas with no motivation or ideas 😅
There are some things that help me at times though!
Let's see, the thing that's motivated me most lately is talking to friends! Getting fresh ideas, perspectives and hype from other people about what I'm doing or planning often gets me super excited to get back to drawing!
Another thing that helps me is getting motivation by looking at others art! If I'm feeling stuck, then looking at art by people I admire helps me feel excited about drawing again. It's fun sometimes to break down the things you like in others work (to kinda try to figure out *why* it's some of your favorite stuff) and then make a plan for how you can start to incorporate those findings into your own work! One example I can think of off the top of my head is how much I adore Loish's line and rhythm, that's something I really want to get better at adding in my sketches and rendered pieces.
Then I would say for me (and this is still something I struggle with) it makes it easier to find motivation to draw if I remind myself it doesnt have to be perfect. Even though I want to continue to push myself, not every piece has to be my best work. It's okay to just sketch, or only do flat colors, or whatever else you can handle at the moment. I know for me right now I dont have time to work in something fully rendered every day, but working on a sketch or doodle of a face feels a lot nicer than doing nothing 😅 Sometimes, just doing is better than doing "perfect" or "complete"
Then last, remember it's okay to take breaks too! I don't think I know anyone who has the energy to draw every day without fail lol some days you wont be able to create stuff and that's okay, you're still wonderful and valid! If I can get sappy quick and borrow from some of LU Times thoughts: your accomplishments dont define you as a person. Just like being a "hero" doesnt define Link, being able to draw or create doesnt define you. You're still a worthy and wonderful person whether is a high productivity day or a low one ♡♡♡
Sorry this is rambly and more than I thought, but I hope it helps a bit ♡♡♡
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willowthewispp · 5 years
how unfair is it really that you don't get daily asks complimenting you on your art?! :O It looks super effortless, and it looks great. it is very, very neat and makes me feel stuff. i love it. (have I said already how unfair it is that you don't get ask after ask full of praise ? :') )
Thank YOUUUUUUU I honestly appreciate this so much! I cannot express in words my facial expression when I read this (but i promise it was a very very happy face).
It intrigues me that you mention that my art seems effortless- I often find myself looking at other people’s art wishing I could have their apparent ease and clear lines and detailed colouring or whatnot (before of course reminding myself that my art doesn’t have to have the same qualities as that of artists I admire for it to be worth making!) Recently though, I’ve been working on being less worried about spending forever trying to be perfect, especially if I haven’t yet developed all the skills I need would need to expect perfection- and instead allowing myself to freely create whatever comes to my mind, no holding back. Maybe it doesn’t feel entirely effortless, but at least it’s spontaneous and unrestricted! I feel like I’ve finally deeply accepted that we are all just doing our own thing, and that thing doesn’t have to be perfect to be worth doing. I love telling little stories with my doodles, and the fact that it might be enjoyed by people like you makes it all the more worth it:)
ANYWAYS, that was a whole monologue that I didn’t mean to go on, but thank you so so much for appreciating my art and sparking this self-reflection! I am going to go finish a sketch that I started when I definitely should have been studying farm animal physiology. Here is a cheeky little sneak peek if you are so intrigued:
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