#just watch british or australian or asian or south american or canadian tv
homunculiii · 1 year
i do find people freaking out about the american writers strike weird because like. you can just watch tv from other countries
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surveysonfleek · 6 years
In 2000… We hit a new millennium! How old were you on January 1st, 2000? i was 9. People were afraid that “Y2K” would wipe out the world’s computers. Did you or your family believe in Y2K? If so, what did you do to prepare? we were aware but didn’t really do anything about it.
The ILOVEYOU virus scared Internet users. Has your computer ever had a weird virus? What happened? only ever on my windows computer. it was just pop up after pop up. the amount of times we had to reformat that computer was annoying. Survivor debuted and became hugely popular.Would you ever want to be a contestant on Survivor? i still love survivor to this day but i’d never be a contestant on it. i’m nowhere fit enough.
In 2001… Where were you when you found out about 9/11? i was getting ready for school and saw it on the news. Apple released the first iPod. Do you have one? When did you get your first iPod or mp3 player? i did have one but definitely not in 2001. maybe a couple years later. Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh was executed. Do you believe in the death penalty? If so, what crimes do you think it is acceptable for? i’m not sure... we don’t have the death penalty here so i can’t really comment on it. The first movies in both the Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings series came out. Which is better: Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? harry potter forever. i never watched lotr. In 2002… The European Union started using the Euro. Which currencies, other than your own, have you used? i’ve used the euro, british pound, us dollar, singapore dollar, philippine peso, canadian dollar, mauritian rupees. that’s all i can think of. The Iraq War was all over the news. What were your thoughts when the Iraq War began? i was still pretty young back then, i don’t remember feeling a certain way. Artists like Avril Lavigne and Good Charlotte became popular. What is your favourite pop-punk band? i never had a favourite band but i did like music from gc, sum 41, yellowcard, linkin park etc. The Olympics were held in Salt Lake City, USA. Have the Olympics been held in your country in your lifetime? How did you feel about it? yes! in 2000 it was held in sydney, where i live. everyone made such a big deal about it. it was definitely a fun year. In 2003… American Idol became the most popular show on TV. Do you or did you ever watch any of the Idol series? If you did, were you on team Ruben or Clay? i did watch the first couple seasons of australian idol. also maybe the first three seasons of american idol since they aired it here too. Arnold Schwarzenegger became governor of California. If you had to pick, which celebrity would you like to see go into politics? i honestly have no idea. A massive blackout of the Eastern Seaboard happened. What is the longest amount of time your electricity has ever been out for? maybe overnight? it hasn’t happened in years. Peer-to-peer networks like Kazaa were controversial. Did you use peer-to-peer networks? Where do you get your music from now? yep! i definitely used it all throughout the 2000s. now i just use apple music.
In 2004… George W. Bush was re-elected as American president. How did you feel about him? didn’t know too much about us politics so i was indifferent. The South Asian tsunami took place. Have you been through a natural disaster? If not, what is the worst storm you’ve been through? no, i haven’t. the worst was this crazy storm a couple years ago that was so strong it knocked the bucket sign off our kfc. Facebook was launched. When did you start using Facebook? What social networks or blogs did you use back in 2004? in 2004 i was probably on myspace, bebo and friendster. i started using facebook maybe 2008. Janet Jackson had a “wardrobe malfunction” at the Super Bowl. What did you think about it? How far is too far on network TV? i didn’t see it love, just saw it all over tv and magazines. didn’t think much of it. In 2005… Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans. How did you feel about the way it was handled? i didn’t know much about how it was handled. i just remember seeing footage of it everyday for ages.
Britain legalized “civil partnership”, but not same-sex marriage. What do you think about gay marriage? i’m all for gay marriage. Pope John Paul II died. Are you Catholic? If not, what religion do you identify as? i was raised catholic but don’t practice it. The Live 8 festivals took place. If you could set up your own music festival, who would you want to play? i’d do old school rnb acts on the first day and new age rnb acts on the second day :)
In 2006… The Crocodile Hunter unexpectedly died. What celebrity death, if any, has affected you the most? i was pretty shocked when michael jackson died. i feel like that came out of nowhere. Saddam Hussein was executed. Do threats overseas worry you? of course. you just never know. YouTube blew up, and Google bought it. Who are some of your favourite YouTubers? i only really watch itsjudyslife and jkparty regularly. the rest i sorta stumble upon. The Wii and PlayStation 3 were released. What is your favourite video game platform? playstation even though i own an xbox one right now. In 2007… The last Harry Potter book was released. How did you feel about the series ending? i was soooo sad. i remember begging my parents to take me to the store so i could buy it before it sold out. Britney Spears had an extreme meltdown. Are you a Britney fan? What is your favourite song by her? i’ll always like britney, she was probably the first pop star i really idolised and followed. favourite song would be sometimes. A school shooting occurred at Virginia Tech. Was/is violence a problem at your high school or university? nope. The iPhone was released. What type of cell phone do you have? i have an iphone 7. In 2008… A worldwide recession began. Has it affected you, ie. difficulty finding a job? it didn’t affect me that much. i already had an after school job. Barack Obama was elected as American president. Were you a fan of his before his election? Are you now? i didn’t know him beforehand but i did like him as usa’s president. Michael Phelps won big at the Olympics, and was later caught smoking pot. Has a celebrity you like ever done something that disappointed you? not really. it’s their life. The pregnant man was all over the news. Do you know anyone who has undergone a sex change? yes. In 2009… The H1N1 virus (swine flu) was an epidemic. Do you know anyone who got it? If not, what’s the worst illness you’ve ever had? nope. worst illness i had was some weird virus/migraine. i was sick for about two weeks. Michael Jackson died. Do you remember where you were when you found out? i forgot tbh. Do you think the world has gotten better or worse since 2000? i can’t really say... things were just a lot easier back then. How did you celebrate the new year at the end of 2009? at a family friend’s house.
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